
The Turk killed his Russian wife and children. Details of the murder of a Russian woman and her children in Turkey have become known. Maybe her husband was against it


In Antalya, in the Aksu region, 60-year-old Turkish citizen Muammer Gün (a number of Turkish media write his last name as Gül) killed his entire family and then committed suicide. His wife and two of his children were Russian citizens. According to Turkish journalists, the suspect first poisoned his children Victor and Leyla with confectionery products containing pesticides, and then shot his wife Anna with a gun.

“The local police informed us about the incident. The man poisoned two children and then shot his wife Anna. They were citizens of Russia. After committing this crime, he shot himself, but before shooting he called the police hotline and reported what had happened,” said the Russian Vice-Consul in Turkey.

Anna Gün was 37 years old and taught English at a local high school. Victor was 13 years old, his sister Leila was 15. It is reported that

Leila, who is entering eighth grade, recently won a free three-day stay at a five-star hotel for the whole family from the municipality. The trip was supposed to take place in a few days.

For a criminal who made money by growing and selling seedlings, this was his second marriage. The family lived in a one-story house in a poor area of ​​the city. Local media reported that Gün suffered from mental illness. In addition, they write that the family kept ten dogs. After the tragedy, the animals were sent to a dog shelter.

According to preliminary data, the incident occurred on a domestic basis. At 10 a.m. the day after the tragedy, Turkish citizen Muammer Gün called the police. “I killed my wife and children. Come and pick me up,” he told the police. After that, he gave the police his home address, hung up and committed suicide.

When the police arrived at the scene, they found a note on the front door with information about Gyun's wife's mother, father and uncle and their phone numbers. The killer wrote a note to them that this information should be used “if the investigation requires contacting Russia,” but he “doesn’t know how important these people are for the case.”

The ID numbers of Anna and the murdered children were also written on the doors.

During the inspection of the house, the police found sweets with which the man allegedly poisoned his children, as well as weapons. All found items were sent for examination. The bodies of the victims were sent to the morgue for forensic examination. The police are interviewing friends and neighbors of the family to find out the reasons for the conflict.

Let us note that, according to recent studies, single women with children are increasingly emigrating from Russia. From 1989 to 2015, about 4.5 million people left our country. However, researchers believe that the real figures are three to four times higher than those declared by the department.

Separately, researchers highlight the relatively recently emerged category of “brides and their children.” “This unscientific term to designate a specific category of emigrants was introduced by employees of the embassies of receiving countries to designate unmarried women of reproductive age with children and the goal is to marry foreign citizens to simplify the process of naturalization in a foreign country. This channel of leaving and acquiring a residence permit or citizenship has become widespread as family ties in the homeland weaken. This is also due to the high mortality rate of men of young working age and, accordingly, the level of widowhood, difficulties in remarrying and raising children in Russia,” note the authors of the report.

As a family psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences explained to Gazeta.Ru,

Turkish men are popular with Russian women primarily because they are good at caring for women.

At the same time, romances often arise between Russian women vacationing in Turkish resorts and local animators. When it comes to marriage, a girl who marries a Turk may be unpleasantly surprised by the fact that she is not the first wife of an Eastern man.

Details have emerged of the murder of a Russian woman with children in Turkey.

60-year-old Turkish citizen Muammer Gün killed his entire family, consisting of three Russian citizens, for domestic reasons and committed suicide. The tragedy occurred in the Aksu region in eastern Antalya.

According to Vatan, Gun, who was involved in the agricultural business, added pesticides to sweets and poisoned two children - 15-year-old Leyla and 11-year-old Victor. After that, the man shot their 37-year-old mother Anna with a gun.

Before he shot himself, he called the police hotline and reported what had happened.

On the front door, Gyun posted a note with information about the relatives of those killed in Russia, so that they could be quickly found and reported about what happened.

A neighbor of the murdered Russian woman told the Zvezda TV channel that she heard popping noises, but did not attach any importance to it.

“Everyone here has farms and animals, and we decided that something had just collapsed. We didn’t even think about the fact that these were shots. Later, my mother told me about what had happened, and I immediately started calling Anna, but she didn’t answer the phone. It came as a shock to all of us,” the woman admitted.

According to her, Anna was going to return to Russia, because due to financial problems the family had to move to a disadvantaged area in the suburbs of Antalya.

Turkish media report that the family moved into this house just 10 days ago, and Anna immediately got a job as an English teacher at a local school. The couple often quarreled. In particular, they scandalized over the impossibility of sending their eighth-grader daughter on a six-month vacation in a 5-star hotel, which she won in three school competitions.

They appeared on the Internet from the scene of the massacre of a Russian woman and children.

Law enforcement agencies are investigating the crime with the involvement of forensic experts. The circumstances of the crime are now being established.

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Antalya confirmed the death of Russian citizens.

“We confirm media reports about the murder of a Russian citizen and her two children, a boy and a girl. The criminal committed suicide,” the Consulate General said, adding that in order to obtain more detailed information, “the Consulate General sent an official request to the police.”

Published 02/15/17 13:05

In Antalya, a 60-year-old Turkish businessman killed a Russian woman and two minor children, and then committed suicide.

Turkish citizen Muammer Gün killed his entire family, consisting of three Russian citizens, for domestic reasons and committed suicide. The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Antalya confirmed the fact of this incident to TASS.

According to media reports, Turkish citizen Muammer Gün poisoned two children and then shot his wife Anna. They were citizens of Russia. After committing this crime, he shot himself, but before shooting he called the police hotline and reported what had happened. For intkbbee obtaining more detailed information, "the Consulate General sent an official request to the police."

The incident occurred in the Aksu district in eastern Antalya. So far, we see that the tragedy occurred on a domestic basis. It is preliminary reported that the Turk was about 60 years old, his wife was over 30.

According to some reports, Gyun posted a note on the front door of the house with information about his relatives so that they could be quickly found and reported about what had happened.

Anna Gün was 37 years old and taught English at a local high school. Victor was 13 years old, his sister Leila was 15, clarifies.

Leila, who is entering eighth grade, recently won a free three-day stay at a five-star hotel for the whole family from the municipality. The trip was supposed to take place in a few days.

For a criminal who made money by growing and selling seedlings, this was his second marriage. The family lived in a one-story house in a poor area of ​​the city. Local media reported that Gün suffered from mental illness. In addition, they write that the family kept ten dogs. After the tragedy, the animals were sent to a dog shelter.

During the inspection of the house, the police found halva sweets, which the man allegedly used to poison his children, as well as weapons. All found items were sent for examination. The bodies of the victims were sent to the morgue for forensic examination. The police are interviewing friends and neighbors of the family to find out the reasons for the conflict.


A terrible family tragedy occurred in Turkey - Turkish husband Muammer Gün shot his Russian wife Anna and poisoned the children by adding pesticides to halva. On social networks, Russians living in Turkey are not surprised by what happened. It turns out that the murders of our compatriots are not such a rare occurrence. And the reason for this, according to observers, is too much jealousy of local men and the self-confidence of Russian women.

The MK journalist talked to Turkish Russian women who are overwhelmed by emotions:

“Look through the Internet, this happens every winter in Turkey! Russian wives are killed out of jealousy, but the Turks are jealous as hell! And it’s a shame for him if his wife files for divorce. A few years ago, my Russian friend Vika wanted to get a divorce, so her husband immediately began to threaten her. She ran to her sister in another city, wanted to sit there, and then return to Russia and from there file for divorce. But her husband found her and shot her. Most Russian women are killed in Antalya and Trabzon, people there are kind of evil.”

“Yes, this is because, while waiting for citizenship, they sit quietly, they eat everything - both bruises and blows. And as soon as they receive citizenship, they immediately forget that they are in Turkey and begin to consider themselves full citizens - wherever they wanted, they went there and all that. But this doesn’t happen in Turkey.”

“And they threaten me with this too. I decided to get a divorce, but I can’t openly announce this to my husband - I’m afraid. I’ve gone home twice over the past year, and he’s become like a beast! He thinks that I’m going to Russia for a walk. Is he judging by himself?! But I have a plan, our consulate promised to help me.”

“Well, this doesn’t only concern Russian wives. I recently read in the newspaper that a husband killed his wife, both Turks, because she used up all the water she had just bought in a day, such a 19-liter bottle... She was kind of wasteful, so she got it...”

Muammar Gul shot his 37-year-old wife Anna with a pump-action shotgun in the afternoon in his own home. Then he poisoned his 13-year-old son and 15-year-old daughter.


Having committed atrocities, the man killed himself. Presumably, he was in a state of insanity.

Before committing suicide, Muammar called the police and reported the crime, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reports. The bodies of four people were sent to the morgue for forensic examination. The investigation into the incident continues.

Let us recall that in December last year a brutal murder occurred in the United States. A bloody drama took place in the city of Crowley (Texas). There, 17-year-old Carl Edward Brewer, under the influence of marijuana, killed his adoptive parents.

Police found the body of 60-year-old Troy Gene Brewer, an American Airlines pilot, in his bedroom. And the body of his 64-year-old wife, Mary Sheldon Brewer, is in the next room, in a bag where the killer hid it. The family in which the tragedy occurred was dysfunctional.

Another terrible murder happened recently in Ukraine. A resident of the city of Rovno stabbed to death her 37-year-old husband and flew to Egypt on vacation. She first hid the corpse in plastic garbage bags. The man was reported missing the next day by his friend. The Ukrainian citizen has been put on the international wanted list.