
Egregors of the world of people: thematic literature for those who want to know more about the global information community. Dmitry Sergeevich Verischagin, Kirill Valentinovich Titov Egregors of the human world. Logic and interaction skills Egregors and their anatomy


Egregors of the human world [Logic and interaction skills] Verischagin Dmitry Sergeevich

Non-Egregorial person, researcher

So, what are the egregorial disadvantages associated with?

We have considered this in sufficient detail. All of them are connected, directly or indirectly, with the fact that egregor has the ability to influence a person in addition to his consciousness. Thus, even if a person consciously performs one or another task that has an egregorial implication, the egregor seems to edit a person's thinking, impose a "filter" on perception.

This filter also leads to a waste of time, energy and effort in an egregorially determined direction. Some of a person's actions are directed not at his goals.

On the other hand, any egregor has potential advantages that any sane person would like to take advantage of - this is energy storage, and complexity that stores useful information, and a coordinating influence on social movements, and directed psycho-energetic support, and omnipresence ... yes just not to list.

Great aids for making any idea come true!

I would like, of course, to avoid the minuses and keep the pluses. Only now to do this, according to common reasoning, is rather difficult because of a simple paradox.

Until you enter into energy exchange with the egregor, you will not get any advantages.

As soon as you enter into an interchange with the egregor, you get all the disadvantages.

They, these very minuses, received over a short time, are not so terrible, with the exception of the egregorial coloring of the contact topic. But they last as long as a person will work with an egregorial idea.

Is there any way you can try to avoid this of your own free will? Difficult again.

Suppose we have colossal inner discipline and very clearly see what shades this particular egregor gives to our thoughts (well, about the same as we did in the experiment when we checked the egregorial influence on thoughts). And now we are trying to clearly filter, remove these shades from our reasoning.

This will not work for the simple reason that we cannot know what the influence of egregors will be on our next thought, logically connected with this one. The egregorial canal appears again.

Okay, let's try to isolate the egregorial influence and, to compensate, create an idea with the opposite shade of concepts. Firstly, it will not work, because what is the “opposite shade”, for example, in relation to the concept of “smoked”? Our brains don't work that way. Secondly, with luck, it will simply be another egregor. Thirdly, even if it is not another egregor, then we will not see a single egregorial plus as our ears.

Let's try another option, often recommended by mystically minded and therefore overly optimistic comrades: to drop everything and temporarily "stand" under some "higher" egregor. True, we already know that there can be no “higher” egregors that run everything - just at each of the levels and in every aspect of reality some egregor dominates. Moreover, the time of its dominance is decided situationally, and the energy composition is even more unpredictable ... We will simply take an egregor with some sufficiently high archetypal instrument or very powerful energetically - in comparison with the idea with which we intend to work.

Again, with such a temporary connection, nothing will come of it - just our idea and our thinking, except for the influence of one egregor, will be influenced by at least two. In addition to the fact that our thinking from the need to simultaneously observe two stereotypes at once will become completely florid, most likely, in the world around us, this action will manifest the coordination of a more powerful egregor. No targeted egregorial cooperation, no targeted support for our little one. Even sadder results are obtained when using the flow of all egregors, it is also the "flow of the universe", which immediately fixes the individual in the position of a person of egregorial mass.

Again, in any case, we will not get any of the coveted advantages for the implementation of our idea.

Maybe try to control your own thinking in the most precise way? It will not work, technically impossible, attention will not keep track of everything. And the egregorial influence is very weakly noticeable, thinking will not be able to weed out everything. Alas.

Learn to feel the egregorial impact, learn psychoenergetic techniques and block it every time you want to think? Learning to feel is possible, and quite simple. But block every time? Nonsense, because this can be done only if you remember the extraegregorial state. And since you decided to block the egregor for the sake of some thought, it means that you have already thought this thought and, accordingly, you already have egregorial contact ...

The task, as we can see, is difficult.

Egregorial pluses arise with egregorial contact, and with it, minuses arise.

However, minuses arise for thinking involuntarily, while the conditions for the emergence of pluses can be created consciously.

And here there is a way out. Yes, it will take training and a toughness of skill. Yes, for him you need to understand the nature of the egregorial world. But here you can use egregorial pluses without minuses.

To do this, you need to stand in initially extraegregorial position.

It is both simple and difficult at the same time. Of course, traces of egregorial presence - because, after all, we have been accumulating experience in the presence of egregorial influence all our lives - cannot be avoided.

But how to reach this position? This is a completely separate, albeit solvable, problem.

In principle, the fight against illusion is, to one degree or another, the subject of a fairly large number of practices. This is yoga, and Buddhism, and their many offshoots. Despite the really good results, the path offered by these internal disciplines is very long and includes many practices useful for adherents of these currents, which are completely redundant in the framework of solving the problem of non-egregoriality.

To a certain extent, non-egregoriality is achieved by people who have devoted their whole lives to any one idea. In this version, a person can really achieve an extra-egregorial position with respect to all ideas, except for one, which serves as his protection from the rest. But only on condition that the defensive idea itself does not have a specific egregorial instrument or is too rare to have a significant energy mass. Although, by and large, there can be a beneficial effect from such a position, the disadvantages are obvious. The first and most important of them is the need to subordinate to such an idea all your life, all your thoughts.

And finally, very rarely in the world there are people with such a heightened sensitivity that they have a natural reflex of defense against egregorial influence. But this will probably never become a common natural occurrence. And in order to achieve the maximum benefit from the non-egregorial position, it is not enough to simply “feel”. You also need to clearly feel your own interests, know their relationship to reality and understand what is happening at the psychoenergetic level.

And just for this there is another, fast and effective way, currently used by the DEIR skills school.

This is the creation of a psycho-energetic protective shell, available to every person. We will pay attention to the technique of its installation in the next chapter, while we will only touch on the essence of the technique. As we have already said, egregorial influence is based on the psychoenergetic influence of people on each other. Literally - in the process of communication between people, they involuntarily affect the state of each other, and this process carries a significant amount of information, in addition to being perceived by the interlocutor and involuntarily associated with the consciously received information.

Accordingly, when exposed to egregor, a change in the state of a person occurs, induced by the involuntarily perceived energy of the interlocutor.

It is worth becoming inaccessible to the energy influence of the environment - the impact of egregor is blocked.

The only subtlety is that such inaccessibility exists "by default". In other words, closing oneself from the impact “at will” is not good, technically it will not work. Vice versa, you need to make sure that there is an opportunity to open up to egregorial influence at will, the rest of the time being inaccessible to outside influence.

All this can be achieved by a protective shell - a simple and effective technique that changes the psychoenergetic configuration of a person so that any impact is made available to our psyche in the field of bodily sensations. At the level of the central streams and the etheric body.

As soon as the induced psychoenergetic sensations begin to be clearly perceived at the bodily level, a feedback is created, the desire to maintain the status quo - protection is provided.

This is for the simplest reason - the same reason we keep our balance while standing or riding a bicycle, without making the slightest conscious effort.

Our psyche seeks to maintain homeostasis, immutability, independence from the external environment. In other words, any extraneous influence registered in the area of ​​bodily projection and caused by a reason unresolved by consciousness is unpleasant for us and is automatically corrected. That's all.

However, with such simplicity, the protective shell is in its principle a unique device in its versatility - after installing this configuration, thanks to subconsciously accumulated experience, it is continuously improved, gets used to cut off more and more powerful and weaker influences, improving as a tool for maintaining the constancy of our internal mental environment ...

We will not go into detail on the many useful shell effects - they are outlined in the corresponding practical tutorials. We will only mention that the effect of its installation at first glance is really perceived as a miracle. This is a surprisingly greater amount of productive thinking, the absence of "smearing", an increase in the joy of life, a clearly tangible disappearance of extraneous psychological influence, including a sharp increase in the criticality of perceived information, which is especially clearly noted when watching ads, an increase in calmness, self-confidence, an increase in personally accessible energy, improvement of psychosomatic health, redistribution of contacts, the formation of leadership qualities ... But I got carried away.

In order to feel what it is like - when there is no egregorial influence - you need to create a protective shell and feel the return of the vital forces usually taken away by egregor. Words will not help much here - the world, seen by you as it is without the egregorial filter, will say everything for me. You will understand everything yourself.

Only an extra-egregorial position allows a person to see what a monstrous share of his knowledge of the world was devoted only to establishing relations with egregors and what a huge part of his life they demanded for themselves.

What are we trying to achieve by taking an extra-egregorial position?

First of all, the absence of egregorial disadvantages. This means that at any moment in time we can perceive the situation as it is in the world we really perceive, and as our free personality dictates.

It becomes possible to see the world not from the position of a piece on the chessboard, but from the position of one who sees the whole board. The benefits of this state of affairs are clear.

At the same time, egregorial pluses are also available!

Nothing prevents you from entering into temporary interaction with any egregor, directing its energy to solving the desired problem, using egregorial coordination of events.

The non-egregorial position allows us to use the egregorial manifestations of our world as the most useful adaptations, being with open eyes. Exactly what you need.

One of the very important effects of the extraegregorial position is that only from this position the egregor becomes a really useful tool - both for an individual extraegregorial person and for several such people solving a common problem.

Indeed, if several people cooperate to achieve a goal, then nothing prevents them from using psychoenergetic skills and forming a common network - a structure of egregorial nature.

This network can even become more complicated, develop, acquire an ever larger scale, unite significant masses of people and interact with people of the egregorial mass - in a word, behave like a real egregor.

Rice. 35. An extraegregorial researcher is independent of egregorial interference in thinking and is able to move freely in a chosen way, sometimes using some of the egregorial possibilities.

For one "but" - this egregor is not able to act on its creators and protected participants in addition to the sanction of their consciousness.

As soon as he begins to show his own, egoistic, interests - which is quite natural for the organism of his nature - this tendency is automatically blocked. Accordingly, its development occurs for non-egregorial participants purely within the framework of its usefulness.

He does not subordinate, but serves. As it should be.

The more such people, the less the influence of egregors and their puppets on society, the more honest and supportive it is to all its members.

The non-egregorial position allows you to objectively explore the world around you and interact with it, effectively using all the advantages of the egregorial mechanism, while maintaining the personal freedom of non-inducible thinking.

However, as it is easy to see, the position of an extraegregorial researcher does not yet fully realize all the advantages that can be derived from the current situation.

Yes, the researcher is independent of egregors. Yes, he interacts more freely with the world and accumulates experience and knowledge that are not distorted by egregors. Yes, he can use some of their natural benefits as tools. Yes, it is already in the hallway of a new ecological niche.

It is not difficult to imagine the circumstances when an extraegregorial person imitates the position of the egregorial mass, enjoying freedom and using the freed up time for himself and his loved ones. It is also easy to imagine the conditions when an extraegregorial researcher takes the place of an egregorial leader, and in this position he will be more effective than a leader subordinate to the egregor. It's easy.

But far more benefits can be derived from the non-egregorial position. Indeed, as soon as a person's mind has become inaccessible to the influence of egregors, he becomes able to effectively apply psychoenergetic skills in order to exploit the entire egregorial boundless potential. To rise above the hidden mechanisms of the human community.

And any person can achieve this - because he has a mind, but egregors do not.

Our guide is dedicated to achieving this position.

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HUMAN As we get closer and closer to the goal, we need to check the correctness of the achieved milestones. It would be a shame, not noticing a mistake in time, to climb into absolutely illusory heights. We have modestly omitted the features of the program in the previous section.

And for whom it is not a secret that people are much more productive and easier to achieve their goals when they act together. But there is one nuance, together we act only with those with whom we pursue similar goals and objectives, with whom we have the same values ​​and views. By uniting with others, a person not only gains confidence in his intentions and powers, but his very strength is multiplied exponentially. As it is easy to tear a book one page at a time or break a broom along a twig, it is just as easy to lead a person deprived of support off the intended path.

But at the same time, it is almost impossible to rip a whole book or break an entire broom at once, just as it is difficult to bring a person behind whom there is enormous strength. However, it is not always obvious that a person is not alone, even if he considers himself a loner, although in fact he has great resources. This is often due to the fact that he is connected to the egregor, which endows him with strength, knowledge, and leads him along a certain path. Today we will try to figure out what an egregor is, how to connect to it, whether it is possible to get out of it, what types of it are and how they work.

The meaning of the word "egregor"

The word "egregor" is absent in well-known Russian explanatory dictionaries. Different sources speak differently about its origin. It is believed that the word "egregor" comes from the ancient Greek "ἐγρήγορος" - ‘awake’. Others write that it means ‘guardian angel’ in Greek. ... Third sources reduce it to the Latin grex - ‘herd’, ‘crowd’, in a broad sense - ‘aggregate’. And also again the ancient Greek, only now "egeiro" - ‘watch’, ‘watch’. In any case, this concept stuck in the Russian language, after which it was endowed with a meaning, which we will talk about further.

It is believed that in Russian literature, Daniil Andreev was the first to use this term in his work "The Rose of the World" and gave it the following definition: "Egregor is an immaterial formation arising from some mental secretions of humanity over large collectives: tribes, states, some parties and religious societies. ... They are devoid of monads (that is, an indivisible primordial unit, we would call it a soul - the author of this article), but they have a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness. "

What is egregor

Egregor is a single energy-informational space, which is formed due to the energy of people united by some common idea (interest, passion). As an example, one can cite fans of one musical direction, a pop culture star, an author. It can also be religious egregors, their offshoots. Even non-believers belong to their egregor. A film, a thing, a clothing brand, a car, vegetarianism, yoga and much more are also egregors. In addition, clan, nationality, planet form egregors. There is also an egregor of place: a store, a cafe, a restaurant, a city, a country, etc. For example, entering a certain store or restaurant, a person may feel awkward, feel inappropriate, poorly dressed, needy. Given that, leaving such a place, he will not remember it. Moreover, he may have enough money and be dressed in the latest fashion for certain circles, but not for this egregor.

When a person connects to any egregor, he begins to meet like-minded people in the most unexpected places. I had such an example in my life. I began to take an interest in yoga, often visited Vedic cafes and shops. And then it was time to take the driver's license exams, it was very cold, and it took a long time to wait. And one couple offered to warm up in their car (the wife was taking the exam, and the husband was just present for the company). Imagine my surprise when, after talking, it turned out that they have their own Vedic store. Or, having moved to a small town, I met a woman who is taking Vedic online courses at the same school, which I also attended more than once, only in person. We could never cross, because she is the only one in the whole city, but a common interest or energy brought us together. If everyone begins to analyze his life, he will find a lot of similar examples.

How egregors work

Egregor collects the energy of the elements belonging to it and then redistributes it between them. The collection of energy occurs precisely due to the concentration on common ideas and objects that underlie the formation of this egregor, especially at moments of mass practices and rituals. Members of society can consciously gather and direct the energy of the egregor in the direction they need. If a person uses the energy allocated to him against the needs of egregor, then negative consequences for this person may arise. In fact, he will simply begin to fall out of him and not receive additional energy, feel tired, exhausted, despondent. In this case, a reconnection to another egregor can occur: either more blissful, or vice versa.

In addition, egregor can impose certain obligations on people in the form of observance of rituals, through which a significant part of the energy is directed into it. Often, in moments of non-compliance, a person feels internal pressure and doubts: to commit or not to commit a certain act. Here we are not talking about conscience, since an act can be absolutely harmless from the ethical side of the issue, but for a specific egregor it is not permissible. Suppose, according to the rituals of a certain society, a person cannot use his left hand when cooking, and if suddenly he does this, then, from the point of view of a person who does not belong to this society, nothing bad will happen, but from the point of view of a person belonging to this a terrible sin, for which punishment will undoubtedly follow. It must be said that there is an opinion that conscience is the measure of the conformity of an act to one or another egregor, however, in my opinion, it is better to consider conscience in the context of universal human moral norms.

Some places have such a strong egregor that people, entering their field, involuntarily observe the necessary rituals. For example, a person may fall out of his hands, and he will bow, picking it up, or something will attract the eye, and he will involuntarily go around the circle from right to left, as prescribed according to the custom of this place, etc.

In addition to energy, information emanates from the egregor, which is expressed in the appearance of similar ideas and thoughts among its members. You can often find cases when people belonging to the same movement, without saying a word, begin to perform the same rituals or practices, to be interested in something. That is, the egregor synchronizes the activity of its elements.

People belonging to a constructive egregor can consciously transfer themselves to his will, while feeling the state of the flow. While those who are connected with the destructive egregor do not understand at all that they are most of them under its influence. This is expressed in reflex behavior, loss of control over actions. Such people can find themselves in those places where they did not gather.

There is an opinion that belonging to an egregor may be due to a person's mission, and upon its passage, the connection with this egregor is minimized, and a person is disconnected from it: school, university, camp. There are some egregors from which it is necessary to disconnect at a certain moment in life or to weaken the connection, otherwise there will be no development. For example, maternal or family egregor. That is, the connection should be significantly weakened for an independent life, the accumulation of their own experience.

Each egregor has goals and objectives, upon reaching which he can either cease to exist, or unite with another egregor. Also, egregor can collapse if its goals and objectives are not fulfilled, that is, it ceases to be viable. For example, there is an egregor of the Earth - this is an egregor of the planetary order, it has its own tasks in the Universe. Everyone who lives here is nourishing it with their energy. Accordingly, if the energy is creative, then the Earth will continue to exist, and we together with it. If its inhabitants only take from the Earth and do not give anything, exhaust the egregor itself, then it will collapse, destroying those who are tied to it. This is to put it in very simple words. Of course, things are a little more complicated. Or the egregor of humanity, to which we belong. If we continue to destroy ourselves, then, as a result, we will destroy the human race as well - egregor will exhaust itself. But there is a suspicion that the decay does not occur instantly, but gradually, taking away the energy of its elements, that is, dying can be long and painful. At the same time, those who strive to preserve the egregor, which is nevertheless necessary for a good life, will have to make incredible efforts. It is appropriate to quote here Martin Buber: "Creation rules over me, and if I do not serve it as it should, it collapses or destroys me." The same can be attributed to egregor.

It may also be the case that, entering any egregor, a person (or a creature with a very large supply of energy) is able to change its vector of development. Moreover, the change can occur both positively and negatively. Here, in the understanding of this issue, contradictions may arise: on the one hand, a certain idea is connected with the egregor, on the other, this idea can be changed or replaced. It really is possible. Moreover, now this is happening due to a person's loss of awareness and attention, that is, a person thinks one thing, says another, and does the third. Such a person will not even notice how the substitution took place, since it may not diverge from his actions. It can be compared to the infusion of one company into another. For example, a private company has gone public, and the people who work and serve in that company just take it for granted. The strategy, goals, means of the company will change, and, as a result, people can stay, and more conscious people can leave or change. Highly spiritual people who understand themselves not as a separate being, but as a single whole with all that exist, are able to change the course of events in a more benign direction, eradicate or significantly reduce negative influences in the egregor.

It should be borne in mind that each of us is connected not to one, but to many egregors, and each of them influences our behavior, worldview, life. And with whom we maintain the strongest and most stable connection, he will have the greatest impact. The following situation can serve as an example of everyday life. A woman works in an office where all women have the same problem - no family. And until she resigns, this problem will not go away, since it is in the interests of the working egregor that a woman should invest as much effort and energy as possible in the company, and not in her family. It often happens that as soon as one woman becomes pregnant in a team, many others begin to become pregnant. Or someone in the family begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, and gradually other family members also change for the better. This means that the person managed to change the vector of development of the family egregor.

Types of egregors

Egregor can be both destructive and constructive, or, as we said above, destructive or constructive. A destructive egregor is characterized by the fact that, in addition to the surrounding space, it also destroys those who feed it. Creative - improves the lives of people connected to it, helps in difficult times. Any egregor has strength and keeps the person associated with it. The difference is that if it is a destructive egregor, then retention occurs due to fear, poor health, exhaustion of its member itself; if the egregor is creative, then retention is carried out through help and constant support.

Egregors differ in vibration frequency: there are high-frequency ones, there are low-frequency ones. Accordingly, it is not difficult to connect to low-frequency ones, but in order to reach more worthy ones, you need to have a high level of vibrations. That is why primitive egregors are often much stronger and have a greater coverage than their opposite ones. Look on video portals how many views and admiration a cat or a simple clip collects and how many is an educational lecture, and everything will become clear. And this is a vivid example of the collection of energy into an egregor, and what do you think, where will one egregor direct this energy and where the second one, respectively, what quality will the energy return to those who have watched this video? It's like giving money to an alcoholic and expecting him to spend it not on a drink, but on something blissful. So in the above example, it is quite obvious how and who will use the received resources.

There are egregors with so different vibrations that their intersection is almost impossible, to the extent that people can be close, but not see and not notice each other due to a different vibrational field. Those who are sufficiently conscious about their lives, carefully monitor who and what appears in his field of vision, and regard it as a bell and a landmark: whether he is moving in the wrong direction or something has gone wrong.

Egregor structure

How are egregors arranged? To answer this question, one must take into account that a person needs control, and if he does not take responsibility for himself, then someone else takes it. In other words, if a person does not realize and does not control where his energy is spent, then this energy is taken under control by some other entity and uses it in its own interests.

The structure of egregor primarily depends on how much a conscious or unconscious person is attached to it. In the first case, we can talk about the direct connection of human consciousness to the egregor; in the second, communication is carried out through an intermediary, that is, through an entity that controls a person.

Let's consider an unconscious connection in more detail. A person with a negative habit feeds it, and gradually it turns into an independent entity - a larva, which already controls the person itself. Think of a smoker or alcoholic: he does not even notice how he lights up or drinks - this is a clear sign of the presence of larva. And a person is connected to the egregor, as a rule, through it. That is, a person's consciousness is disabled. Surely you have come across a situation when a person says something to you, but he seems to be in a fog, as if someone speaks for him, as if he is hypnotized. And it is worth doing something out of place, as a person "wakes up", or falls into a stupor, or gets angry, because the program has gone astray and the person is lost. That is, he has to turn on his consciousness in order to continue the conversation, and in this case he is left without feeding and control through the larva.

If initially a person was at the head of the egregor, on which everyone concentrated, then over time it may lose its influence due to the excess of the energy of the fans over the energy of the leader. In this case, rather, the leader already obeys them, and not vice versa. Moreover, such an object of veneration may experience severe exhaustion, and a self-destruction program may start. A striking example is the stars of music and cinema, who, unable to cope with the energy received, begin to drink too much or even worse. The reason is a large amount of low quality energy, that is, the leader was unable to raise the level of the incoming energy. The most interesting thing is that egregor can continue to exist even after the object of worship has passed away. Therefore, people thirsting for fame must understand: how they want to get it, what level of consciousness people will concentrate on them, what quality of energy they will exchange, etc.

How to get out of egregor

It is not possible to get out of all egregors completely. However, this question is relevant when we are talking about those egregors that drain and destroy us. Sometimes, in order to get out of them, you just need to start dressing differently or eat different food, stop listening to a specific artist or visit some kind of institution. Since the egregor is created for the implementation of certain tasks and goals, one of the ways to disconnect from it is to change life orientations, rethink your tasks and goals, realize where the actions you take lead, stop performing alien rituals. In other words, the best way to get out of the influence of one or another egregor is to increase awareness and, as a result, change the algorithm of actions.

I wish you that your level of consciousness and positive energy was so high that you could redirect any egregor into a creative channel!

The egregors of the human world are a rather broad topic. There is a lot of literature about this, both practical and fiction, from which you can learn something new. Learn about the most popular sources and techniques for working with prison egregors, developed by various authors.

In the article:

"Egregors of the human world, logic and interaction skills", D.S. Verischagin and K.V. Titova

Egregors of the human world as seen by the authors D.S. Verischagin and K.V. Titova appear the most complex, with which nothing can compare in power. They affect a person if he does not try to protect himself from the influence of such structures. These energetic entities are able to suppress the natural, original personality of a person, turning him into his follower.

In the book "Egregors of the Human World, Logic and Interaction Skills", Egregors are called invisible rulers of the human masses. However, despite the danger of these energy-informational structures, an experienced person is able to work with them and use them for their own purposes. In the hands of a person who understands the principles, they will be a powerful tool.

The book offers to master the skill of working with egregors. The information contained in it is available to everyone. She is able to give valuable experience and the ability to influence egregors. This influence turns out to be much deeper than the influence of the structure itself on a person who knows about its essence. A person who possesses this sacred knowledge has many opportunities available that most people do not even know about. Judging by the reviews, the authors openly disclose the topic of the energy-informational nature of all phenomena:

Energy is used to create information, information is used to manage energy. At all levels - from the energy of nutrients and genetic information that creates the body, from the energy of desire and its implementation controlled by accumulated experience to atomic energy and knowledge of its use - this is the whole of human nature. We are energy-informational beings.

Almost everyone knows that the energy of egregor can be used to achieve a goal. For example, the Christian egregor is often used in black magic - damage and love spells in the church, energy vampirism during church services, and much more. Egregorial energy can be used for the benefit of people and even the whole world. To do good or evil is the choice of the person himself. D.S. Verischagin is sure that every reader gets a chance to change their lives for the better.

From such sources, an experienced and knowledgeable person is able to extract information about what he needs, to receive information on a wide variety of topics. Energy support is an important benefit for the practicing magician. He is able to attract egregors to achieve any goal. For example, working with the egregor of money helps you get rich. Also important is the release from destructive egregors, which can only harm a person. A good example is the egregors of poverty, loneliness and many others.

"Egregor of Darkness", Bodrova Anna

Dark directions of witchcraft have gained particular popularity in our time. People stopped thinking about such things as sin or karma, and fear of God became one of the rarest qualities. The egregor of darkness is a really existing phenomenon, like many other energy-informational structures. Everyone prefers to see him differently. The energy-informational space of Satanists, demonologists is often presented in the form of an egregor of darkness; there are many other interpretations of this phenomenon.

In the book "Egregor of Darkness" Bodrova Anna you can get acquainted with the author's presentation of this phenomenon, hidden under the cover of a fiction novel. The author presents the egregor of darkness as a kind of spirit of universal evil. He is a neutral observer who only occasionally intervenes in the course of business. It carries information created by many generations of dark science researchers. Anna Bodrova suggests that this spirit of evil is animated and sentient.

The book describes the consequences of the appearance in our world of vampires, werewolves and demons. The main character is a seventeen-year-old girl who is forced to wander around an abandoned city, fighting off feral dogs. Her goals are to survive and find relatives. The main character of the novel is trying to find the answer to the age-old question - where is good and where is evil? Love for the enemy and the game of rulers who do not think about ordinary people await her. In general, the book will be of interest not only to lovers of such fiction, but also to those who are looking for answers to rather philosophical questions.

Anatoly Nekrasov, "Egregors"

Book Anatoly Nekrasov"Egregors" has gained a reputation as a source available to every reader on a complex and extremely multifaceted topic. The author attributes the study to the methods of self-improvement, which is often considered the reason for success. According to him, knowledge about egregors is necessary for every person.

Each person is in close interaction with egregorial structures. Even a hermit cannot avoid it. Secretly or openly, but these energy-informational structures are present in the life of every person. Anatoly Nekrasov considers awareness and the ability to use them for his own purposes a step to a new level of spiritual development. He reveals the simple secrets of gaining freedom:

The question is in the person himself! How he relates to himself and the World, how he interacts with other people - this is where the answer lies. Love and respect for everything around and, first of all, for oneself - this is the way to transform a person and the World!

When reading the book, the author recommends using not only the mind, but also the emotions that live in the heart of every person. In addition, he offers to look at egregors from different angles, as well as to get acquainted with the life concept of the author of the work.

Technique for working with prison egregors from different authors

The technique of working with prison egregors can only interest people who are closely associated with the criminal world. And I mean people who are clearly not on the side of the law. We are talking about representatives of criminality, for whom the correct interaction with the egregors of the prison and the criminal world can provide ample opportunities in their illegal activities - good luck in a thief's business, the ability not to get caught by the authorities, unshakable authority among colleagues. In the CIS countries, every sixth person was a prisoner, if we take into account the statistics, so the influence of the corresponding egregor should not be overlooked.

Initiation in this case can take place during the drive to the police station or directly in the prison. Have you noticed how the mood changes in such places? This is the initial stage of the influence of this essence. The main principle of career advancement in the underworld is known - one is supposed to serve in prison for some time. All prisoners, both former and current, are under the influence of the egregor of the prison. Some manage to break with him and embark on the path of correction.

If you believe to Major General Boris Ratnikov, a tattoo is quite capable of tying a person to a source of "prison" energy. He explains this phenomenon by the fact that for a long time tattoos were applied exclusively by prisoners of correctional colonies. Even tattoos, the meaning of which has nothing to do with the insignia of crime bosses and other representatives of the underworld, they carry the energy of a prison egregor and can cross out your bright future.

Of course, tattoos appeared much earlier than the criminals who applied them. However, as Boris Ratnikov assures, we are talking about the traditions that have arisen on the territory of the CIS, and the significance of tattoos in this society. According to him, they cannot mean anything other than belonging to a prison egregor.

It is possible to fall under the influence of the egregor of the prison even unconsciously. This is often due to temptations, usually of a material nature. Human stupidity and gullibility are not the most desirable qualities if you are going to live a happy life and not get involved in major legal troubles. Violence, coercion and deception also often become the reasons for being attached to this energy-informational structure, in which a decent person does not belong.

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From time immemorial, people roam the planet in search of a better life, rich lands, "well-fed" countries. Ket would equip his own, God-given piece of land. On the other hand, the very decision to start everything was downloaded, to radically change the usual way of life is already an act, sociologists say. Because they know that not everyone is able to settle down on a foreign land. Even if a person only moves to another city.

Why is it easy to be a "stranger" among "friends"? What should be considered when choosing a “promised land”? Why is the saying so often true: "It's good where we are not"?

In esotericism there is a strange word - "egregor". Not very euphonious, but there is no exact synonym in Russian.

For a long time it was believed that egregor is a mystical concept. But discoveries in biology, genetics, physics, chemistry have shown: this is not so ...

Where desires dwell

How do you think: how does a bee immediately after birth know what, how and when to do it? And who is in charge of the life of the anthill? Who warns of the danger of fish by forcing a school of thousands of individuals to change direction?

The mystics of the past believed that every living creature is influenced by the "astral leader of souls", the collective mind - egregor. Perhaps the most vivid embodiment of the actions of egregor is manifested in the amazing abilities of a strange organism - a slime mold. This intelligent clot of mucus can become either a snail, or a mushroom, or even completely dematerializes, disintegrating into millions of amoeba cells. What form they will take is determined by the egregor.

There are egregors and people united by common interests and aspirations. It is believed that ideas "floating in the air" arise from the fact that similar subtle energies - thought forms are attracted to each other, forming a kind of information "clot", which in turn affects the subconscious of people.

And although the egregor is not a person, he has a completely individual appearance, habits, character and age: he is born, matures, dies ... At first he is weak and helpless, but gradually growing in thought forms, he gets stronger and begins to live independently, actively influencing not only those who created it, but also people with a similar mindset.

Take a picture of the memory

Scientific evidence supports these seemingly fantastic claims of the mystics. One of the first to become interested in the mysteries of the behavior of communities in the natural world and set up a series of sensational experiments was the English biochemist Rupert Sheldrake. He came to the conclusion that there are "morphogenetic fields" that determine the forms of all living and nonliving, for they store the "experience" of individuals of any kind, be it crystals, plants, animals or people. This is a kind of collective memory of nature. Scientists believe that if it were possible to understand the mechanism of the emergence and distribution of these hypothetical fields, then it is possible to unravel many secrets of nature: the motivation of animal behavior, and the mechanism of development of embryos, and the psychology of the crowd.

In particular, an answer would be found to the question: why are new chemical substances formed much easier with repeated attempts than the first time?

Physicists also came to the conclusion about the existence of certain "zones" of memory, which confirms one of the fundamental discoveries of the XX century - the detection of torsion fields. Their nature is fundamentally different from all known physical fields. For a long time, the fact of their existence was questioned. And only in the mid-80s of the XX century, Russian scientists managed to discover these carriers of information and create their generator, and in 1986 with its help to carry out the transfer of information.

Today, researchers have come to the conclusion that it is torsion fields that are the main carrier of information in the Universe. Consciousness, thoughts and feelings of a person also have a torsion nature. Our body constantly receives and emits torsion fields. Their speed of propagation is much higher than the speed of light. It is so great that a thought or emotion, born at any point in the Universe, almost instantly becomes the property of the entire cosmos. Another amazing property of these fields has been discovered: it is they that endow the space with "memory". How does this happen? Imagine a sheet of cardboard on which iron filings were poured, and a magnet was brought from below. The sawdust will line up in a certain way, and this pattern will remain on the cardboard even after the magnet is removed. Something similar happens with space. In it, under the influence of torsion fields (for example, emitted by some objects or arising as a result of human mental activity), an invisible pattern appears, which can persist for a very (infinitely?) Long time. In fact, this means that everything that has ever been emitted by people is preserved in space: their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fantasies ... Scientists have already learned how to photograph the so-called "vacuum phantoms" - invisible traces left in space from objects after their removed. In the course of the experiments, another interesting fact for us was discovered: information of the same type seems to be attracted to each other (“like stretches to like”) and form in space a kind of information bunches - clusters, or egregors.

Captured by freedom

Since egregor is the collective consciousness of a homogeneous community, every family, every clan, every nation has it. Esotericists believe that egregor can even block the consciousness of the one who conceived unkindness in relation to his wards. But the "astral benefactor" does not care about his own people disinterestedly. First of all, he thinks about himself, about his well-being. He will feed us "gingerbread" as long as we act in line with his interests. But as soon as we begin to move away from him, changing his attachments, aspirations, he immediately picks up the "whip". First, he warns: he will block, for example, his energy channels, and failures and troubles will pour on a person or a country. This is a hint that somewhere we were swinging to deviate "from the true path" ... Well, if we figure out what's what. And if not? In such cases, the “guardian” does not stand on ceremony for a long time - he simply pushes out the unwanted, draws new, close-minded people into his circle. By infusing "fresh blood", it becomes even stronger and more versatile.

You might think that egregors completely program the will and consciousness that we are their uncomplaining slaves. This is not true. People have free will and can choose not only the line of behavior, but also the heavenly patron with whom they want to deal. Here is the very case when cooperation is mutually beneficial. We to the egregor are our talents and achievements, he is our protection and help ...

But what do we give our egregor today, when families are disunited, and society is split, fragmented into poor and rich, when we are divided into urban and rural, according to party, social, professional, material, religious and God knows what other affiliation? We are now like that very slime mold, which "splits" into amoeba cells. And while we are in a state of uncertainty, "blur", our egregor weakens and withers. Here is a paradox, it is in the Slavic person at the genetic level that the need to merge with a kindred spirit is laid. One of the reasons for this "half-life" is the loss of traditions that cement the nation. It's time to realize this. Otherwise, we will face the fate of the slime mold, which his egregor forgot about.

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Egregors are energy-informational structures of incredible complexity and strength, capable of influencing an unprotected person, suppressing a natural personality. Invisible rulers of the human masses, and at the same time, a wonderful and powerful tool for an experienced person.

The skills offered to the reader's attention give the necessary experience and the opportunity to influence egregors - deeper and more efficiently than they are on us. An opportunity opens up to use them to achieve personal goals, for the benefit of people and the entire human community.

Skills of working with egregors allow:

- extract information from them, and receive energy support;

- to involve them in solving problems, and to ensure the future;

- to achieve health, success, and achievements;

- use them as an extension of yourself;

- to benefit yourself, your loved ones and your country.

Dmitry Sergeevich Verischagin, Kirill Valentinovich Titov

The world of mind and spirit

Dmitry Sergeevich Verischagin, Kirill Valentinovich Titov

Egregors of the human world. Logic and interaction skills

The world of mind and spirit

Whoever sees will read

Whoever reads will not miss

Whoever does not miss, he will discover the unknown for himself and in himself

These are the books of the series "The World of Mind and Spirit". They saturate the hungry intellect and quench the thirst of the soul, illuminate the hidden and overturn ideas about the banal. Each text is a code to a secret, each page is a journey full of unforgettable impressions. The place of man in the universe and the universe of man - haven't you ever tried to solve the riddles of life and fate? Our books contain keys to the doors of worldviews and maps of the universe. Read on. Fly on the wings of the spirit and find support in the practical arguments of reason.

This is how the truth comes to life

General parting words of D.S.Verishchagin

Opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. You will discover the true causes of health, illness, deeds and human destiny.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Don't waste your energy in pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in its own way. Use it for good. Help unselfishly.

Your soul will go through the process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will stop depending on karma and karmic diseases. Help others achieve the same.

You will own the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith do good not only for you.

You may need help to get all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Get to know each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be a part of a new energetic unity, the unity of free people. Support each other. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is great and sometimes it is beyond the power of one.

Remember us, who were the first to enter the new world. We are focusing a new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times and we will come to your aid. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we can come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will also respond from abroad.

Add your rays to the light of the new energetic unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.


Hello dear readers. Finally, after a long parting, we met again on the pages of a new practical guide. I am glad to meet you and I hope that you share my feelings. I am proud of you, following the path of further energy-informational development and achieving more and more impressive results.

Thank you for your letters and the most interesting communication on the Internet. I thank all those who share the results and observations, conduct research on our topics and analyze them in scientific publications, I thank the staff of the DEIR School for the invaluable accumulated experience, and the head of the School, K. Titov, for help in creating this detailed manual ..

It would seem that the nature and properties of the egregorial phenomenon have already been studied enough by us.

We, in general, know that egregors are energy-informational formations, involuntarily created by the coordinated thinking of groups of people and, over time, began to exert an increasing influence on the thinking of mankind as a whole, penetrating into all aspects of our life, controlling the entire human society. We know that these energy-informational structures, incredible in size and complexity, are capable of influencing an unprotected person, adjusting him according to himself, suppressing his natural personality and depriving him of the landmarks in life laid down from birth.

We know that no games with volitional "transformation" of reality have power over egregors, because they are a product of a colossal number of the same as ours, individual wills. We understand that, in comparison with a person, these are formations of the next informational level, using a person in the same way and with the same “gratitude” as consciousness uses individual cells of the body, which die in thousands for our needs and whims. But we, unlike cells, know how to defend ourselves. And for a long time we have been realizing the free plans of our life, created without the insinuating influence of egregors. It would seem, what is more?

More that's what. If we were able to use egregors, all their potential and ubiquity so that a person influences them more than they affect a person, we could use their capabilities to achieve personal goals, for the benefit of people and the human community.

After all, any phenomenon, the more so vast and powerful as egregors, has two sides. On the one hand, they are dangerous, dangerous in that they live by their own rules, have their own aspirations, are able to subdue the psyche and energy of people and can initiate processes of gigantic scale and complexity. But on the other hand, the more powerful the phenomenon, the more results it can bring if you learn to direct it. A person is surrounded by miracles that do not always need to be looked for on other planets or in myths.

With proper handling of egregors, you can extract information from them, receive energy support, involve them in solving the necessary problems and ensure your future, achieve health, success and achievements. You can even create your own egregors and modify the existing ones. And use them to expand yourself. And all this can be done only by remaining free from their influence. You can benefit yourself, your loved ones and your country by making it stronger and more independent.

Egregors are both a threat and an advantage. It is the invisible ruler of the human masses and a wonderful tool for an experienced person. These are the mighty levers of the machine of the human world to grasp.

I am grateful for your discovery of this guide and would like to congratulate you in advance on your future achievements.

D. S. Verischagin

Introduction Further energy-informational development of mankind and egregors

All practical approaches, which we will talk about, are based on the technologies of the skills system of Further Energy Information Development (DEIR), aimed at the practical mastery of evolutionarily significant methods of energy information orientation.

Therefore, despite the fact that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in one way or another have already met with our manuals and techniques, for those who are just getting acquainted with energy-informational development, it is absolutely not superfluous to dwell at least a little on this system of skills, its orientation and practices. I want to say right away that the question of egregors is very complex and deep, and therefore sometimes the text can become difficult, especially for an unprepared person. But, on the other hand, as far as I know, this is generally the world's first manual for practical work with egregors, and I am very pleased that it appears in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to give as much material as possible in it.

Methods, including fundamental ones, will be presented as necessary. At the same time, we will talk about egregors, exploring their place and role in human life.

To begin with, let's ask ourselves a trivial question: what is a person? Are we with you, together and separately? There are many different answers to this, almost as many as there are people on Earth. On the one hand, man is a biological creature that is not too different from other inhabitants of the biosphere of our planet. But it is obvious that this is not the main thing. Indeed, on the other hand, man is a social being, capable of cooperating with his own kind. But aren't ants capable of doing this too? We are resourceful, we can use tools. But do we appreciate it in ourselves?

Perhaps our essence is neither in the one, nor in the other, nor in the third. None of the definitions of a person from the outside will satisfy us.

For each of us, first of all, the personal ability to feel, think and experience is important - all this creates our inner world.

We absorb information from the surrounding world, feel its energy, we ourselves have energy. We transform the energy of the world into our own and give it back to the world, create new knowledge from the information of the world and transfer it to the world, comprehending it and ourselves in it.

We ourselves are fundamentally composed of energy and information, directing signals in our brain and the movement of matter in our body.

We are, first of all, energy-informational beings.

However, does not the world around us itself have the same nature? It consists of matter, matter and fields. But what gives him movement? Energy, the reason for movement. Isn't this energy unevenly distributed in the world, creating an information pattern in its movement? Yes it is. All movement of the world, regardless of the elements of this movement, in its very foundation is energy and information. The world lives according to energy-informational laws.

Rice. 1. Energy is used to create information, information is used to manage energy. At all levels - from the energy of nutrients and genetic information that creates the body, from the energy of desire and its implementation controlled by accumulated experience to atomic energy and knowledge of its use - this is the whole of human nature. We are energy-informational beings.

Man is an energy-informational being in the energy-informational world.

Although we interact with the world at different levels - physical, chemical, biological, social - all this interaction, regardless of the elements participating in it, is primarily energy-informational in nature.

A person, as an energy-informational being, has the ability to continuously perceive the world around him precisely at its energy-informational level. We feel not so much the world itself - after all, it contains many things that are imperceptible to us, such as radio waves, radiation, neutrinos - but we value, first of all, its final energy-informational imprint on our consciousness (and this imprint still needs to be obtained).

We, like fish in the ocean, are constantly surrounded by one energy information field Of the Universe and we are with him in a state of continuous energy exchange.

And so it is and has been since the beginning of time.

The continuous process of evolution of the living in general, and of man in particular, is the process of complication and deepening of the interaction of the energy-informational essence of the living and the energy-informational essence of our world. The very logic of this position is such that with appropriate, correct interaction, the living reaches its goals and successfully realizes itself.

Our world is evenly filled with a living energy-informational field.

A person in the field of the Universe is like a particle of water in a boundless ocean. Rice. 2.

If the interaction is wrong, disproportionate, then there can be no result. Judge for yourself, is it possible, for example, to boil tea for yourself, using electricity from the outlet? Of course you can. And without a kettle? Harder. And without any warming device? Yes, nothing at all will work. Unless it will shock. It turns out that only a few of the fundamentally correct (after all, we tried to use both energy and water) methods to achieve the planned result are suitable for achieving the goal.

Likewise, with the energy-informational side of the world around us - the result that brings joy and satisfaction can be achieved only if we act in accordance with its laws and conditions.

And just with this, with energy-informational harmonious interaction with the world, a person, as a thinking being, has two huge problems.

Thanks to the mind, man has learned to ignore the energy-informational side of the world already at the stage of perception. We are not guided here in the same way as among material objects.

Rice. 3. Only by interacting with the elements of the world in accordance with their energy-informational circumstances, a person achieves an acceptable result for himself. Otherwise, it turns out only a waste of energy, devoid of the most important thing for a person - meaning.

In one of the textbooks, I have already given an example of how learning (or rather, non-learning) can affect the very perception of the world around us - this was shown in a famous experiment. Very young kittens were placed in conditions where one had only vertical objects in front of their eyes, and the other had only horizontal ones. The heads were fixed so that they could not tilt to the sides. When the kittens grew up, it turned out that not one of them perceives objects oriented in an unfamiliar direction. The first stumbled over horizontal objects, the second bumped into vertical ones.

Isn't man so limited too?

Animals perfectly feel the mood of a person, the state of each other. They are able to sense an impending earthquake. If you have already studied DEIR or similar technologies and tried to apply energy-informational techniques, for example, broadcasting or reading intentions, on animals, you also know very well that they feel the field just fine.

However, we - humanity as a whole - have deviated from our own natural axis, headlong into the world of material culture, technology, scientific knowledge, and virtual reality illusions. This, of course, is not at all bad, and in no case am I calling for abandoning all the achievements of civilization, moving to caves and doing meditation there on an empty stomach. But our developed mind, which allows us to create an incredible volume and complexity of the inner world, played a cruel joke with us.

We have moved away from nature and have lost our natural sensitivity, which allows us to feel the energy-informational world in its entirety, as it is.

We can say that thanks to the power of our imagination, its product (representation, illusion, fantasy, thought) turns out to be stronger than the weak sensations of the energy-informational side of the world. And we are like a tourist with a screaming tape recorder in his hand, who, of course, does not hear all the richness of the sounds of wildlife - and, as a result, can die of thirst a stone's throw from a quietly murmuring stream.

In everyone's life, there are dozens of examples when we anticipated an unpleasant development of the situation in advance, but still ended up in history. Why? Simply, having caught an unmistakable signal, we began to check it - and now, a model of the situation has already been created in our minds, which completely filled with its intensity a useful premonition.

Felt: "It is not worth doing this", checked: "There are no logical grounds, so we think that everything is fine." And this very “all is good”, indiscriminately created by our brain in the absence of new information, turned out to be much brighter and clearer than “not worth it”, dictated by real signals from the external environment. And then we tear the hair on our heads. Of course, among people there are unique people who, without any training, are able to sense the field - the simplest side of the energy-informational world - and even, say, heal, diagnose, receive information using this channel of sensations, but this is just a drop in a sea of ​​potential opportunities. And most of the people are in a much more deplorable situation.

From the very birth, a child who is brought up by relatives who do not know how to pay due attention to their feelings learns not to pay attention to their subtle feelings. He ceases to perceive them, displaces them from his consciousness. As those kittens from the experiment did not pay attention to the fact that they were not taught to perceive, and learned to live only with a gross material reality. Of course, he retains the ability to experience the subtlest sensations, but they now rather serve his inner world, and do not tell a person about the outside. Natural all-round sensitivity is lost.

And since an adult cannot comprehend the energy-informational side of the world, he makes mistakes. Simply by deviating from our true nature, we walk through a real multifaceted life among our representations, created by the language and culture of humanity and implanted in us by learning, as if from a topographic map bought in a store, instead of using the natural five senses in addition to it ...

We, without looking around, stumble and fall first into a hole, then into a ditch. Painfully we hit the corners of our own energy-informational world invisible to us. And, naturally, they are often dissatisfied with life - there are illnesses, personal failures, misfortunes, and career embarrassment. We begin to complain about fate, circumstances, karma and so on and so forth. But most of the problems could have been avoided.

After all, they arose only because we do not use most of our natural sensitivity, we do not look around. We act like the blind, not seeing the energy-informational side of the world and not being able to achieve our goal on this layer of reality. This is humanity's first big problem.

However, it is solvable - and human evolution itself leads to this.

We, so to speak, while building a civilization have just made a step away from the main direction of human development as an energy-informational being. Our primordial perception will break through to the surface.

It is no coincidence that more and more people have recently appeared who are endowed with the ability of conscious energy-informational interaction with the world around them. And in the same way, it is no coincidence that more and more organizations and training centers are teaching people the techniques and technologies of full-fledged sensory interaction with the energy-informational world.

There are quite understandable reasons for this, pushing humanity to rise to the next stage of evolution.

The need for the next evolutionary step in any biological species arises, firstly, when the species fills its ecological niche entirely.

Man has done this - we have completely filled the Earth. We are biologically gregarious creatures, and both the size of the flock and the size of the individual territory for us can be variable. And in order to completely fill the territory, we do not need to push our shoulders - it is enough to know that the ground on which we are standing, someone's. Alien.

And there is nothing left on Earth nobody's. The niche is full.

The second factor pushing the evolutionary process is the gradual depletion of the food resource of the ecological niche, which causes a sharp exacerbation of intraspecific competition.

And this is obvious - there is constant inflation, a huge number of people suffer from malnutrition, in some countries there is almost chronic hunger. In more prosperous regions, social pressure is growing every year, more and more actions need to be taken to provide themselves with what they need.

Gradually, the traditional path of the rational mind begins to exhaust itself - and at the present time, more than five billion civilization maintains its existence almost exclusively on the basis of fossil fuels. In general, a niche in the biosphere occupied by man, according to many ecologists, is capable of feeding only about five hundred million.

And in this situation, a person is looking for yet unexplored areas of self-realization, unoccupied areas that can provide additional benefits.

This is evolution in its purest form - as a result, part of the species leaves the old ecological niche and occupies a new one. This was already the case when the monkey took an instrument of labor in its paws. A species that has risen to a new evolutionary step first does the same as before, but in a new way, and only then begins to create new things using this new way.

And this evolution is being carried out, naturally, in the most convenient, close to accessible direction. In our case, this is energy-informational development based on natural human abilities and using the already existing resource of the mind.

We are personally on the verge of another evolutionary leap.

The system of skills for Further Energy-Informational Development is a system that provides a person with the opportunity for such development. Already at the first stage of DEIR, we learn to perceive the world from its energy-informational side - to feel, see, control its manifestations in the form of the so-called etheric body. It's pretty simple and very impressive. In particular, how quickly his natural sensitivity returns to a person - after two hours of training, a person with closed eyes can confidently find a piece of paper thrown on the table, holding his hand in the air high above the table top.

Rice. 4. As soon as a person developed a mind, he began to develop further with the help of more and more profound use of his capabilities: an era of further energy-informational development began.

We master the control of the natural source of energy of our being - the central energy flows. We learn to diagnose energy-informational disorders and manage the energy of our own body. We can reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and accelerate the body's recovery. Change the activity of the body and the ability of the brain to process information. We learn about typical energy-informational problems - energy-informational lesions - and remove them from ourselves ... But still today we are not talking about that. Practical technologies of the first stage, together with their theoretical justification, are described in sufficient detail in the first practical manual of the DEIR skills system "Liberation". The opportunities obtained by those who were engaged in energy information technologies in practice are well known and are widely discussed in the literature, on the website of the DEIR school and many others. And we will try not to waste time on familiar things.

But still let us return to the second problem of harmonious human interaction with the energy-informational side of the world. It is much more than just aversion to that side.

Although a person has forgotten about the energy-informational nature of our world, it has not forgotten about a person.

Forgotten and uncontrollable things often become the source of big problems. Here you can recall a Japanese short story that tells how a man persistently grew a beard. He didn't want to shave her off and look after her. Even when the mice started in his green beard and his wife left him, he did not give up. The case ended with a bear coming out of his beard and lifting this esthete.

Roughly the same situation with humanity and the energy-informational side of the world.

Humanity has unwittingly created egregors.

Egregors gained strength and began to invisibly rule humanity.

After all, egregors are no more and no less than collective, arithmetic mean thoughts of the human masses.

It was not in vain that we remembered that a person is an energy-informational creature and interacts with the world, first of all, at an energy-informational level.

Let us not be aware of the energy-informational world, the fact that our actions and thoughts affect the world and form a holistic picture that appears in the events around us, like an image - it can be on a stone, on sand, in pieces of a mosaic, in a swell on the water, - let. But the picture is still created outside of our consciousness.

Even if we are not aware of the energy-informational side of the world, it does not cease to influence us apart from our consciousness, because we cannot change our own essence.

The picture, unconsciously organized by us, influences us on the unconscious level.

An idea that has entered the consciousness of the masses is separated from humanity and begins to control it - this is how the psyche of the crowd, suicidal social ideas, superstitions, prejudices arise.

No wonder a certain doctor Goebbels, maybe remember this, - the main propagandist of fascist Germany, according to the testimony of many, used to say that any lie becomes true, it is worth repeating it several times in public. At the same time, no matter how sad it may seem, even people who know the truth will begin to doubt their correctness, and those who were not sure will sincerely believe this lie. And here no rational beliefs work, no evidence - only a lot of repetition, only the number of people who heard a lie - it doesn't matter whether they initially believed in it or not.

What happens then?

And it is precisely the unconscious influence on the person of the energy-informational structure created by him that is transmitted by other people.

Let the consciousness still know and clearly know that it hears a lie - but you have just heard it "as if it were true." Willy-nilly, you even knew that it was not true, but you thought about it as if about the truth. We modeled this "truth" - of course, in order to compare it with the real truth that you know, with real facts, and then refute it.

Already this very phase of modeling hides a trap in itself. We ourselves have just thought that it’s not true - kind of true. Now our truth seems to have become partially untrue, and our conviction has weakened. This effect is the stronger, the more strongly the propagandist of lies was convinced and the more powerfully broadcast his conviction. He remains in us. We interacted with the world, we left our imprint on it and we left it in other people. But we ourselves did not realize this. But now this imprint is in the world around us.

And we feel it - it comes to us from all sides, amplified by the influence of other people who broadcast it in the same way. And we do not realize that we have met our own reflection. And so, although we clearly know with our mind that we are hearing a lie, all our feelings say that this may turn out to be true. We begin to doubt.

The effect is amplified. And it gets stronger. And it gets stronger. And out of lies the truth arises.

The idea is separated from the rational consciousness of humanity, in which it began its existence, and continues to live in the energy-informational reality, directing the thinking of people with its irrational influence.

Of course, the Goebbels example is hyperbolic. But people, without realizing it, all the time influence the world and each other. Even after driving on public transport, it is almost impossible to remain in the same mood in which we entered. And this is what happens with any idea.

The picture comes out scary: ideas are born in the minds of one person or a group of people and from that moment they begin to exist in the energy-informational world, controlling their parents. First of all, of course, in those layers that interact most closely with humanity. Sometimes the egregor blooms and even develops, sometimes it remains stable, sometimes it dies over time. But the beginning is always the same - an idea dominating a small number of ideas.

But will this newly hatched egregor survive in the future?

And this already depends on how many people fell into the power of egregor and reproduce its content in the world around them. The more people, the more energy and the stronger the presence of egregor. The more the egregor affects people and the more accurately it repeats itself. The more people, energy and more accurately the reproduction of the egregorial idea, the more likely the egregor will survive.

If the egregor repeats itself inaccurately, mutates too much, then it will eventually die, as happens with fashion trends. If he loses people, then he weakens, as was the case with the religious idea of ​​Ancient Greece. If the people who ensure its existence are few in number and the egregorial idea itself is too different from others, then the egregor withers away, as it happens with the egregorial ideas of small nationalities and their culture. For example, shamanism, not knowing how to use egregor and not having the skills of a large egregorial game, suffered a crushing defeat under the blows of egregorial Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and communism. And if such an egregor does not differ too much from other, more massive egregors, then it will be swallowed up, like the idea of ​​communism swallowed up more humane socialist ideas.

But here how it affects people - that's another matter. The influence of egregors on people is a direct reflection of their evolution, their race for survival.

But what is important for egregor?

Only mass character, only energy, only reliability of energy collection.

No idea can change itself, because from this it ceases to exist.

And therefore, their evolution is similar to the evolution of dinosaurs - bigger, stronger, more powerful, massive, more typical. After all, the more typical, the more potential energy sources in the form of people.