
I will give the Patron in good hands. Necromagic University. I will give the Patron in good hands I will give the patron in good hands


The first day


From the diary of the cat Leviathan

Sleeping ... She scattered over the pillow, the blanket slipped to the side, and she sniffs into two holes, not even realizing that her beloved, the only, inimitable Levushka has not been fed for three hours!

No, in fact, more, I just realized a long time ago that with such a ward it would not be long and die of hunger and cold. Who would I be if I hadn't learned to take care of myself? Where you steal, where you beg, where you get it yourself and hide it in a stash. And in the harsh days of starvation, you can get a mouse there, a chicken bone or fish head- and, praise the holy cats, you can hold out for a couple more hours until this fool guesses to fill the bowl.

By the way, yesterday. She managed to feed me only two breakfasts, however, the second was so plentiful that I was still eating breakfast, and the door had already slammed. And she wasn't there until noon. She returned - she thought she would feed, she was already ready to fall into a hungry faint, and she touched my belly and poured ... crackers into a bowl. Say, you already have nine and a half kilos, it's time to go on a diet.

Well, firstly, not "already", but "yet". I need to put on another two kilos, because after some six months it’s winter, and there you won’t have time to look back - birch tree [The first month of spring, corresponds to our March. - Here and further note. auth.] has come. And let them just try to keep me! I’ll break the glass together with the frame, like last time, but the holiday will take place! So I buried her diet crackers, and even expressed my attitude towards them from above ...

As it turned out, in vain. For this beauty lingered almost until midnight. No one returned, along the wall. For a long time she tried to catch me and explain something, but, hungry and forced to turn to stash, I did not succumb to provocations and refused to get out from under the bed. As a result, with a loud: “If you want to eat, you will climb yourself!” - she poured a bunch of sausage scraps ... just on my "sculpture" of crackers and, so to speak, a solution that had hardened by that time no worse than a stone. I buried this too, after which, with anguish, I went to finish chewing my supplies for a rainy day. No, that’s how I’m an omnivore, I can easily chew bread and cucumbers, but even desperate hostel cockroaches will not be flattered by what was in my bowl, not like me!

And it's been three hours since the supplies ran out, and this beauty is still sleeping! So what if it's five in the morning! I have a routine. The first breakfast is always at five o'clock, the second - at seven, the third - what I did not finish from the second, plus what I managed to get on the table. Then lunch and two dinners plus a night snack. I already get used to it…

And now my regime flies to the underworld. Holy cats! Yes, if it weren’t for my love and forgiveness, I would have already filed a complaint with the Animal Welfare Society a long time ago ...

But nothing, I myself with a mustache. I will take revenge. Revenge is a dish served in slippers. Well, not exactly in slippers, but in shoes. Here in these, black, stylish, her favorite ...

And who came up with this design? Probably, he had personal complexes or childhood trauma affected. Because what are those shoes? One sole and several straps! How to do business here? Here, I remember, what kind of wooden shoes my grandmother had in the village! We, the whole brood, five boys and two girls, could climb into one for the sake of "this business", and no one interfered with anyone. And then ... Even my sign of protest did not fit into one shoe, I had to urgently, without interrupting the process, change into the second one. But he did. Fuk-fuk-fuk! Now let's try to put them on!

So, now the second stage. Cloth. Uniform sarafan, gray blouse, cape. Everything is already laid out, prepared ... for me.

So... And she goes to school in this? Everything thin, blown by the winds ... Now we will add natural wool to you, for warmth. I'm just shedding, and red on dark blue and light gray is perfectly noticeable. Moo-o-ur... That's it! Too bad I'm not white and not so fluffy! Against a dark background, a light one would look great, otherwise ... you have to take it in quantity. I’ll ride, lie down, having eaten my hostess’s meat ... Ugh, what meat, one skin and bones, crippled by weight loss diets! But I simply have to ride and lie on the institute uniform that has been laid out since the evening.

And it worked out well! Creative!

So what do we have there? Bell? No wake up? How much time? Is it already seven in the morning? Yes, you are crazy! Let him sleep, poor thing. She has to study only by eight, and she is already tired. After all, she will have to clean her shoes, and shake out her sarafan, and the hungry Levushka will have to be fed twice. So, like this, carefully pile a pillow on your ear - and now the bell is no longer heard.

Shut up? Phew, good! And then he got tired of holding the pillow around the corner with his teeth. Tek, what would you like to do? Play, right? What's on our desk? Textbooks and notes! You need to clean things up, you don’t have to look for them! She herself has no time, Levushka has to try ... No, we will not tear books, they are state-owned. But this parchment, written up and down, is clearly not needed. And how wonderful it rustles! This is made for me!

He rolled it into a ball and, after driving it around the room a little, pushed it into a far corner. Let him now suffer, getting out of the web. And then she somehow finds my stash, but never something useful.

So, what time is it there? A quarter to eight? How the time has flown by! Late, beauty. Well, yes, we are not animals, wake up!

On a-boarding!


Lilya jumped up, sitting up sharply on the bed and waving her arms like a windmill. A fat ginger cat that collapsed on her chest with a wild meow shied away, at the same time grabbing part of the blanket with its claws of its hind legs, which slid to the floor.

Levka! Beast! - the girl said with feeling. - What are you doing?

Urr-ryau, - came from somewhere from under the bed.

Oh you... Huh? What?

It suddenly dawned on Lilya that it was somehow too light outside the window. She froze involuntarily, looking around.

Ah... what time is it?

Mr-rya-ah-ah ... - I heard maliciously.

Bes! howled the student, jumping up and starting to rush about the room. - Overslept! Horror! Why didn't you wake up?


Waving the cat away, Lilka hurriedly grabbed her blouse - and cursed, noticing that the light gray linen was strewn with reddish hairs of all shades - from golden to brown.

Levka! Beast!

From annoyance, the girl almost burst into tears and hastily began to dust off her blouse. There was no time to get another - you will lose more time. Yes, if it still turns out to be wrinkled or dirty ... It's better that way. Phew, it's almost imperceptible.

While she was cleaning her sundress, the cat crawled out from under the bed and began to rub against her legs, meowing angrily and hinting that he was actually supposed to be fed.

Now, now, - Lilka waved her hand, shaking her sundress. Red-yellow-brown hairs flew around the room in different directions. - On, choke!

A piece of fish plopped into the bowl. The cat was briefly distracted, champed an honestly begged breakfast, and already jumped when a screech was heard:

Leviatha-a-an! Well, how to understand it? What did you turn my shoes into?


So, where should I go now? Do I really have to change into these terrible shoes ...

However, there was too little time left. Quickly putting her feet into the boots that her mother had bought at the beginning of the cold season, but never worn, Lilya, without looking, left the books and notebooks laid out on the table in her bag, quickly checked whether the pen and inkwell were in place and ...

… tripped over a cat.

Levka! What are you?

Mur-ryau-ryau-wa-a-ay ... - he moaned plaintively, sprawling on the floor like a huge fluffy starfish.

The girl instantly forgot that she was in a hurry somewhere, and knelt down in front of him:

Levushka? Leviathan? Are you okay?

Wow, - the cat exhaled from the last forces and expressively glanced somewhere with a gray-green eye.

Following the direction of his gaze, Lily found a completely empty bowl. That is, the bowl was not so empty. At the bottom there were a few crackers, decorated with dried traces of someone's life.

Fu, what a mess! Did you do it?

The cat squinted at her with one eye and grimaced: “How could you think such a thing? I know exactly where the tray is, and stopped confusing it with a foot mat five years ago!”

Okay. Lily got to her feet. - Where is the fish?

The cat let out the sigh of a martyr, tortured by hunger and thirst.

Fish, Levka, - the girl reminded. - There was a piece of fish!

The cat expressively twisted his muzzle: “Fish? What fish? Since yesterday, only this stinking muck has been lying around, which a decent cat is even ashamed to look at!

Well, Levka! groaned the girl. - I'm late!

The cat tried to get up on its paws, but fell and so plausibly portrayed a hungry swoon that Lilya sighed and resigned herself. But instead of washing the cat's bowl, she just slapped a new piece of fish on the second plate and rushed to the door.

The last thing she noticed before crossing the threshold was a red cat, which, without interrupting a swoon, slowly crawled towards the coveted piece.

The bell that signaled the beginning of classes, Lilya heard already on the steps of the hostel and cursed quietly. Late! I knew it. Fortunately, the campus - three dormitories for students and graduate students and five cottages in which teachers lived - was located next to the university. It was enough to run past all the cottages and go around the dining room with the greenhouses adjoining it.

Galina Romanova

Necromagic University. I will give the patron in good hands

© Romanova G. L., 2017

© Art design, Alfa-kniga Publishing House, 2017

* * *

The first day

From the diary of the cat Leviathan

Sleeping ... She scattered over the pillow, the blanket slipped to the side, and she sniffs into two holes, not even realizing that her beloved, the only, inimitable Levushka has not been fed for three hours!

No, in fact, more, I just realized a long time ago that with such a ward it would not be long and die of hunger and cold. Who would I be if I hadn't learned to take care of myself? Where you steal, where you beg, where you get it yourself and hide it in a stash. And in the harsh days of starvation, you get a mouse there, a chicken bone or a fish head - and, praise the holy cats, you can hold out for another couple of hours until this fool guesses to fill the bowl.

By the way, yesterday. She managed to feed me only two breakfasts, however, the second was so plentiful that I was still eating breakfast, and the door had already slammed. And she wasn't there until noon. She returned - she thought she would feed, already prepared to fall into a hungry faint, and she touched my belly and poured into a bowl ... crackers. Say, you already have nine and a half kilos, it's time to go on a diet.

Well, firstly, not "already", but "yet". I have to put on another two kilos, because after some six months it’s winter, and there you won’t have time to look back - the birch tree has come. And let them just try to keep me! I’ll break the glass together with the frame, like last time, but the holiday will take place! So I buried her diet crackers, and even expressed my attitude towards them from above ...

As it turned out, in vain. For this beauty lingered almost until midnight. No one returned, along the wall. For a long time she tried to catch me and explain something, but, hungry and forced to turn to stash, I did not succumb to provocations and refused to get out from under the bed. As a result, with a loud: “If you want to eat, you will climb yourself!” - she poured a bunch of sausage scraps ... just on my “sculpture” of crackers and, so to speak, a solution that had hardened by that time no worse than a stone. I buried this too, after which, with anguish, I went to finish chewing my supplies for a rainy day. No, that’s how I’m an omnivore, I can easily chew bread and cucumbers, but even desperate hostel cockroaches will not be flattered by what was in my bowl, not like me!

And it's been three hours since the supplies ran out, and this beauty is still sleeping! So what if it's five in the morning! I have a routine. The first breakfast is always at five o'clock, the second - at seven, the third - what I did not finish from the second, plus what I managed to get on the table. Then lunch and two dinners plus a night snack. I already get used to it…

And now my regime flies to the underworld. Holy cats! Yes, if it weren’t for my love and forgiveness, I would have already filed a complaint with the Animal Welfare Society a long time ago ...

But nothing, I myself with a mustache. I will take revenge. Revenge is a dish served in slippers. Well, not exactly in slippers, but in shoes. Here in these, black, stylish, her favorite ...

And who came up with this design? Probably, he had personal complexes or childhood trauma affected. Because what are those shoes? One sole and several straps! How to do business here? Here, I remember, what kind of wooden shoes my grandmother had in the village! We, the whole brood, five boys and two girls, could climb into one for the sake of "this business", and no one interfered with anyone. And then ... Even my sign of protest did not fit into one shoe, I had to urgently, without interrupting the process, change into the second one. But he did. Fuk-fuk-fuk! Now let's try to put them on!

So, now the second stage. Cloth. Uniform sarafan, gray blouse, cape. Everything is already laid out, prepared ... for me.

So... And she goes to school in this? Everything thin, blown by the winds ... Now we will add natural wool to you, for warmth. I'm just shedding, and red on dark blue and light gray is perfectly noticeable. Moo-o-ur... That's it! Too bad I'm not white and not so fluffy! Against a dark background, a light one would look great, otherwise ... you have to take it in quantity. I’ll ride, lie down, having eaten my hostess’s meat ... Ugh, what meat, one skin and bones, crippled by weight loss diets! But I simply have to ride and lie on the institute uniform that has been laid out since the evening.

And it worked out well! Creative!

So what do we have there? Bell? No wake up? How much time? Is it already seven in the morning? Yes, you are crazy! Let him sleep, poor thing. She has to study only by eight, and she is already tired. After all, she will have to clean her shoes, and shake out her sarafan, and the hungry Levushka will have to be fed twice. So just like this, carefully pile a pillow over your ear - and now the bell is no longer audible.

Shut up? Phew, good! And then he got tired of holding the pillow around the corner with his teeth. Tek, what would you like to do? Play, right? What's on our desk? Textbooks and notes! You need to clean things up, you don’t have to look for them! She herself has no time, Levushka has to try ... No, we will not tear books, they are state-owned. But this parchment, written up and down, is clearly not needed. And how wonderful it rustles! This is made for me!

He rolled it into a ball and, after driving it around the room a little, pushed it into a far corner. Let him now suffer, getting out of the web. And then she somehow finds my stash, but never something useful.

So, what time is it there? A quarter to eight? How the time has flown by! Late, beauty. Well, yes, we are not animals, wake up!

On a-boarding!

- Me-ah-ah-ah...

- A-a-a-a!

Lilya jumped up, sitting up sharply on the bed and waving her arms like a windmill. A fat ginger cat that collapsed on her chest with a wild meow shied away, at the same time grabbing part of the blanket with its claws of its hind legs, which slid to the floor.

- Levka! Beast! - the girl said with feeling. - What are you doing?

“Hurr-ryau,” came from somewhere under the bed.

– Ah you … And? What?

It suddenly dawned on Lilya that it was somehow too light outside the window. She froze involuntarily, looking around.

“Ah… what time is it?”

“Mr-rya-ah-ah ...” a malevolent voice was heard.

– Bes! howled the student, jumping up and starting to rush around the room. - Overslept! Horror! Why didn't you wake up?

– Die-ryau?

Waving the cat away, Lilya hurriedly grabbed her blouse and swore, noticing that the light gray linen was strewn with reddish hairs of all shades - from golden to brown.

- Levka! Beast!

From annoyance, the girl almost burst into tears and hastily began to dust off her blouse. There was no time to get another - you will lose more time. Yes, if it still turns out to be wrinkled or dirty ... It's better that way. Phew, it's almost imperceptible.

While she was cleaning her sundress, the cat crawled out from under the bed and began to rub against her legs, meowing angrily and hinting that he was actually supposed to be fed.

“Now, now,” Lilya waved her hand, shaking her sundress. Red-yellow-brown hairs flew around the room in different directions. - Come on, choke!

A piece of fish plopped into the bowl. The cat was briefly distracted, champed an honestly begged breakfast, and already jumped when a screech was heard:

- Leviatha-a-an! Well, how to understand it? What did you turn my shoes into?


“Well, where should I go now?” Do I really have to change into these terrible shoes ...

However, there was too little time left. Quickly putting her feet into the boots that her mother had bought at the beginning of the cold season, but never worn, Lilya, without looking, left the books and notebooks laid out on the table in her bag, quickly checked whether the pen and inkwell were in place and ...

… tripped over a cat.

- Levka! What are you?

“Mur-ryau-ryau-wa-a-ay…” he groaned plaintively, sprawling on the floor like a huge fluffy starfish.

The girl instantly forgot that she was in a hurry somewhere, and knelt down in front of him:

- Levushka? Leviathan? Are you okay?

– Wow, – the cat exhaled from the last strength and expressively glanced somewhere with a gray-green eye.

Following the direction of his gaze, Lily found a completely empty bowl. That is, the bowl was not so empty. At the bottom there were a few crackers, decorated with dried traces of someone's life.

- Ugh, what a mess! Did you do it?

The cat squinted at her with one eye and grimaced: “How could you think such a thing? I know exactly where the tray is, and stopped confusing it with a foot mat five years ago!”

- Good. Lily got to her feet. - Where is the fish?

The cat let out the sigh of a martyr, tortured by hunger and thirst.

“Fish, Levka,” the girl reminded. - There was a piece of fish!

The cat expressively twisted his muzzle: “Fish? What fish? Since yesterday, only this stinking muck has been lying around, which a decent cat is even ashamed to look at!

- Well, Levka! the girl groaned. - I'm late!

The cat tried to get up on its paws, but fell and so plausibly portrayed a hungry swoon that Lilya sighed and resigned herself. But instead of washing the cat's bowl, she just slapped a new piece of fish on the second plate and rushed to the door.

© Romanova G. L., 2017

© Art design, Alfa-kniga Publishing House, 2017

* * *

The first day


From the diary of the cat Leviathan

Sleeping ... She scattered over the pillow, the blanket slipped to the side, and she sniffs into two holes, not even realizing that her beloved, the only, inimitable Levushka has not been fed for three hours!

No, in fact, more, I just realized a long time ago that with such a ward it would not be long and die of hunger and cold. Who would I be if I hadn't learned to take care of myself? Where you steal, where you beg, where you get it yourself and hide it in a stash. And in the harsh days of starvation, you get a mouse there, a chicken bone or a fish head - and, praise the holy cats, you can hold out for another couple of hours until this fool guesses to fill the bowl.

By the way, yesterday. She managed to feed me only two breakfasts, however, the second was so plentiful that I was still eating breakfast, and the door had already slammed. And she wasn't there until noon. She returned - she thought she would feed, already prepared to fall into a hungry faint, and she touched my belly and poured into a bowl ... crackers. Say, you already have nine and a half kilos, it's time to go on a diet.

Well, firstly, not "already", but "yet". I need to put on another two kilos, because after some six months it’s winter, and there you won’t have time to look back - birch 1
The first month of spring corresponds to our March. - Note here and below. ed.

Has come. And let them just try to keep me! I’ll break the glass together with the frame, like last time, but the holiday will take place! So I buried her diet crackers, and even expressed my attitude towards them from above ...

As it turned out, in vain. For this beauty lingered almost until midnight. No one returned, along the wall. For a long time she tried to catch me and explain something, but, hungry and forced to turn to stash, I did not succumb to provocations and refused to get out from under the bed. As a result, with a loud: “If you want to eat, you will climb yourself!” - she poured a bunch of sausage scraps ... just on my “sculpture” of crackers and, so to speak, a solution that had hardened by that time no worse than a stone. I buried this too, after which, with anguish, I went to finish chewing my supplies for a rainy day. No, that’s how I’m an omnivore, I can easily chew bread and cucumbers, but even desperate hostel cockroaches will not be flattered by what was in my bowl, not like me!

And it's been three hours since the supplies ran out, and this beauty is still sleeping! So what if it's five in the morning! I have a routine. The first breakfast is always at five o'clock, the second - at seven, the third - what I did not finish from the second, plus what I managed to get on the table.

Then lunch and two dinners plus a night snack. I already get used to it…

And now my regime flies to the underworld. Holy cats! Yes, if it weren’t for my love and forgiveness, I would have already filed a complaint with the Animal Welfare Society a long time ago ...

But nothing, I myself with a mustache. I will take revenge. Revenge is a dish served in slippers. Well, not exactly in slippers, but in shoes. Here in these, black, stylish, her favorite ...

And who came up with this design? Probably, he had personal complexes or childhood trauma affected. Because what are those shoes? One sole and several straps! How to do business here? Here, I remember, what kind of wooden shoes my grandmother had in the village! We, the whole brood, five boys and two girls, could climb into one for the sake of "this business", and no one interfered with anyone. And then ... Even my sign of protest did not fit into one shoe, I had to urgently, without interrupting the process, change into the second one. But he did. Fuk-fuk-fuk! Now let's try to put them on!

So, now the second stage. Cloth. Uniform sarafan, gray blouse, cape. Everything is already laid out, prepared ... for me.

So... And she goes to school in this? Everything thin, blown by the winds ... Now we will add natural wool to you, for warmth. I'm just shedding, and red on dark blue and light gray is perfectly noticeable. Moo-o-ur... That's it! Too bad I'm not white and not so fluffy! Against a dark background, a light one would look great, otherwise ... you have to take it in quantity. I’ll ride, lie down, having eaten my hostess’s meat ... Ugh, what meat, one skin and bones, crippled by weight loss diets! But I simply have to ride and lie on the institute uniform that has been laid out since the evening.

And it worked out well! Creative!

So what do we have there? Bell? No wake up? How much time? Is it already seven in the morning? Yes, you are crazy! Let him sleep, poor thing. She has to study only by eight, and she is already tired. After all, she will have to clean her shoes, and shake out her sarafan, and the hungry Levushka will have to be fed twice. So just like this, carefully pile a pillow over your ear - and now the bell is no longer audible.

Shut up? Phew, good! And then he got tired of holding the pillow around the corner with his teeth. Tek, what would you like to do? Play, right? What's on our desk? Textbooks and notes! You need to clean things up, you don’t have to look for them! She herself has no time, Levushka has to try ... No, we will not tear books, they are state-owned. But this parchment, written up and down, is clearly not needed. And how wonderful it rustles! This is made for me!

He rolled it into a ball and, after driving it around the room a little, pushed it into a far corner. Let him now suffer, getting out of the web. And then she somehow finds my stash, but never something useful.

So, what time is it there? A quarter to eight? How the time has flown by! Late, beauty. Well, yes, we are not animals, wake up!

On a-boarding!

- Me-ah-ah-ah...

- A-a-a-a!

Lilya jumped up, sitting up sharply on the bed and waving her arms like a windmill. A fat ginger cat that collapsed on her chest with a wild meow shied away, at the same time grabbing part of the blanket with its claws of its hind legs, which slid to the floor.

- Levka! Beast! - the girl said with feeling. - What are you doing?

“Hurr-ryau,” came from somewhere under the bed.

– Ah you … And? What?

It suddenly dawned on Lilya that it was somehow too light outside the window. She froze involuntarily, looking around.

“Ah… what time is it?”

“Mr-rya-ah-ah ...” a malevolent voice was heard.

– Bes! howled the student, jumping up and starting to rush around the room. - Overslept! Horror! Why didn't you wake up?

– Die-ryau?

Waving the cat away, Lilya hurriedly grabbed her blouse and swore, noticing that the light gray linen was strewn with reddish hairs of all shades - from golden to brown.

- Levka! Beast!

From annoyance, the girl almost burst into tears and hastily began to dust off her blouse. There was no time to get another - you will lose more time. Yes, if it still turns out to be wrinkled or dirty ... It's better that way. Phew, it's almost imperceptible.

While she was cleaning her sundress, the cat crawled out from under the bed and began to rub against her legs, meowing angrily and hinting that he was actually supposed to be fed.

“Now, now,” Lilya waved her hand, shaking her sundress. Red-yellow-brown hairs flew around the room in different directions. - Come on, choke!

A piece of fish plopped into the bowl. The cat was briefly distracted, champed an honestly begged breakfast, and already jumped when a screech was heard:

- Leviatha-a-an! Well, how to understand it? What did you turn my shoes into?


“Well, where should I go now?” Do I really have to change into these terrible shoes ...

However, there was too little time left. Quickly putting her feet into the boots that her mother had bought at the beginning of the cold season, but never worn, Lilya, without looking, left the books and notebooks laid out on the table in her bag, quickly checked whether the pen and inkwell were in place and ...

… tripped over a cat.

- Levka! What are you?

“Mur-ryau-ryau-wa-a-ay…” he groaned plaintively, sprawling on the floor like a huge fluffy starfish.

The girl instantly forgot that she was in a hurry somewhere, and knelt down in front of him:

- Levushka? Leviathan? Are you okay?

– Wow, – the cat exhaled from the last strength and expressively glanced somewhere with a gray-green eye.

Following the direction of his gaze, Lily found a completely empty bowl. That is, the bowl was not so empty. At the bottom there were a few crackers, decorated with dried traces of someone's life.

- Ugh, what a mess! Did you do it?

The cat squinted at her with one eye and grimaced: “How could you think such a thing? I know exactly where the tray is, and stopped confusing it with a foot mat five years ago!”

- Good. Lily got to her feet. - Where is the fish?

The cat let out the sigh of a martyr, tortured by hunger and thirst.

“Fish, Levka,” the girl reminded. - There was a piece of fish!

The cat expressively twisted his muzzle: “Fish? What fish? Since yesterday, only this stinking muck has been lying around, which a decent cat is even ashamed to look at!

- Well, Levka! the girl groaned. - I'm late!

The cat tried to get up on its paws, but fell and so plausibly portrayed a hungry swoon that Lilya sighed and resigned herself. But instead of washing the cat's bowl, she just slapped a new piece of fish on the second plate and rushed to the door.

The last thing she noticed before crossing the threshold was a red cat, which, without interrupting a swoon, slowly crawled towards the coveted piece.

The bell that signaled the beginning of classes, Lilya heard already on the steps of the hostel and cursed quietly. Late! I knew it. Fortunately, the campus - three dormitories for undergraduate and graduate students and five cottages in which teachers lived - was located next to the university. It was enough to run past all the cottages and go around the dining room with the greenhouses adjoining it.

Unfortunately, by the irony of evil fate, the building in which her course had classes today was the furthest away, so by the time Lilya got to the audience, the lecture had already been going on for a quarter of an hour.

Everyone turned to Lilkin's timid knock - and the professor of theology 2
Appeal to the priest, from the word "rule", that is, correct, real.

Honorius, and students.

– Can I?

“What a blessing, my daughter, that you deigned to honor us with your presence,” the fat professor boomed. “We did not expect that once again we would see your bright appearance in these modest walls ...

“I d-accidentally,” Lilya murmured.

- This is your "accidentally", Zyablikov's studious, is repeated so often that I begin to believe that you have something against my subject. I hope you have not forgotten that this lecture is by no means the last one, and after the workshop we still have a warm meeting with you at the exams?

Theology and cosmogony have for some time been among the subjects that were mandatory included in examination papers. Honorius, who headed the department of theology, was not one of those who forget debts.

“I remember,” she sighed.

“I doubt it, my daughter,” the theologian pursed his lips. Why did you oversleep this time?

“Because of the cat,” she whispered. Do not admit that yesterday we celebrated the birthday of a friend from the Faculty of Healers! Thanks to the elixirs that the birthday girl distributed to all the guests, there was no hangover, but what's the point now, if she overslept, was late and in general ...

- Because of the cat? Do you have a cat?

Lily nodded ruefully. It was hard not to notice the fat red cat. side effect his presence was the periodic loss of food from the pantry, as well as a sharp increase in the number of red cats throughout the area. But mice and rats for laboratories had to be supplied almost from another city, they became such rare animals in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bZverin.

– Does your curator know that you keep in the hostel ... an animal?

Lilka nodded, hoping that great Honorius would not run to the professor of telepathy, Matress Deborah Shmygova, nicknamed Mozgoshmyg, for clarification. Otherwise, it will become clear to everyone that the student is lying.

- Well, if so ... sit down, Zyablikov's studious. However, for your sake, I do not intend to go back to the beginning and repeat what you should have written down and understood the first time! So, we continue: “Thus, it turns out that the universe has an independent regulatory mechanism for its activity, which indirectly affects everything around ...”

The students scribbled their feathers diligently. Lilya sighed, sideways making her way to the benches.

- Go here! The guy sitting on the edge of the second row moved to make room for her. - I borrowed you...

- Thank you. The girl sat down next to me. - What is the lecture about?

- Don't worry, I'll let you write off. The guy smiled and scribbled with his pen again.

Thanks, Val.

Lilya sat down beside her, unfolded the pile of stapled papers on a living thread, and began to write, not particularly trying to keep up with the lecturer. Valka was scribbling confidently nearby, and the girl completely relied on him. Valka will let you write off the lecture, and at the exam he will tell you, and in general ... He is a good friend, Valka.

In fact, of course, he is not Valka and not even Val, but Count Walter von Mainz, and even from those same von Mainz, namely from a dynasty close to the royal family.

When they learned on the course that a real duke's son would study with them, the girls' jaws fell off at once. And the fair-haired smiling boy was considered as a foreign curiosity. And it's not that people from the aristocracy rarely became students. After all, everyone knew about the decree prohibiting representatives of some noble families from learning necromancy. A necromancer king on a throne, or even a necromancer among the royal advisors, is a disaster. Walter von Mainz had to explain for a long time that he had nothing to do with it: “I’m not a real von Mainz, but only half…”

Walther was the third son, and his mother was the second wife of Duke von Mainz. By origin, she was much lower than her husband, the title of baroness was attributed to her so as not to disgrace the family at all, and her parents came from a dynasty of jewelers. Walter himself did not suffer from this at all, and pretty soon the girls realized that he was the same guy as everyone else. And he even studies better than many, seriously intending to go into science. Lilia Zyablikova really liked this turn of affairs: Valka, obsessed with science, suited her as a friend, a walking encyclopedia, an assistant and adviser in all delicate matters. Now he will help her out with a lecture, and then ... who knows what else a good and faithful friend might be needed for! She and Walter were friends almost from the first year, and the girl managed to get used to him. It was possible to fall in love with such a person - handsome, smart, kind, faithful, honest, noble, without flaws, but ...

But the girl's heart was already occupied by another. Oh, where is he now? How many more minutes do they have to wait?

- Studious Zyablikova!

The girl jumped up. The pen trembled in his hand, and a greasy blot fell from its tip, falling exactly in the middle of the sheet.

- Studious Zyablikova. - Pra Honorius looked at her point-blank, crossing his arms over his vast chest. - If you please tell the audience what is so interesting that you thought about, what is more interesting than lectures? By the way, everything I say will be on the exam!

The girl slowly got up.

“I… thought… thought… about what you said,” she murmured.

– Is that how? And about what exactly? What passage in my lecture aroused your keenest interest? Report. Maybe your idea is original enough for us to discuss it throughout the course?

Trying to delay the inevitable, Lilya glanced around at the guys and girls sitting next to her, as if pondering whether or not to trust them with what lies in her heart. In fact, she was desperately waiting for someone to give her a valuable thought.

And a valuable thought came. Just like the thought: “The influence of our mind on the events taking place is inversely proportional to the scale of these events ...”

“The influence of our mind on events that take place in inverse proportion on the scale of the Universe,” Lilka obediently muttered, “they seem to ... well ... uh ... influence ...

Valka next to her groaned softly through clenched teeth.

- Very interesting. - Pra Honorius stepped down from the pulpit. – And how can you interpret it?

Having already guessed who was telling her with the help of telepathy, the girl quietly stepped on Walter's foot under the table. He bit his lip, but didn't flinch.

“This means that the larger the event, the less our influence on the event being made,” an idea came from him.

- This means that a large-scale event is less than ...

– Than what?

- Than ... than the event being performed!

There were chuckles here and there.

“Dear girl, at least you repeated verbatim what they telepathized to you, and did not try to improvise, passing off your babble as your own conclusions,” said the professor. “Especially since the young man is sincerely trying to help you, and you…”

Valka sat as red as a lobster, but courageously did not lower his gaze under the crossfire of curious eyes.

"Sit down, Zyablikov's studious," the great man sighed. - And to you, young man, I want to remind you once again that the exams will be held in an auditorium protected from mental influence. So your lovely neighbor will have to step over herself and still learn my subject.

Now Lilya also blushed, flopping into place.

“Couldn’t you think quieter?” - she pounced on Valka in a whisper.

- As I can, I think so. Sorry, he apologized. I wanted the best...

“Now he’ll definitely eat me alive during the exam.”

- Maybe he won't eat. There are still six months before the exam, - the guy reassured. - Perhaps he will forget ...

But Lily shook her head. The memory of great Honorius was the talk of the town.

And he, as if nothing had happened, continued to dictate a lecture, and Walter began to write again. Sighing, the girl put aside the ink-stained sheet and began to write letter by letter as well. But her thoughts still hovered far away, and she did not even immediately hear the bell that marks the end of the lesson. She came to her senses only when everyone around was moving around, shoving parchments into bags at random, hiding pens in cases and hurrying to the exit.

“Studiozus Zyablikova, if you think that I am going to continue dictating something especially for you, then you are mistaken,” the voice of great Honorius sounded nearby. – Now freshmen will come here… Although for some reason it seems to me that you also need to repeat the theme “Myths of the spring-summer natural cycle”. Well, if you forgot everything I said in three minutes, then you probably don’t remember what happened three years ago.

The girl took off.

Walter was waiting for her in the corridor, shifting from foot to foot.

- Went? – only and asked he.

"Let's go," Lily nodded. – What do we have now?

– Lecture on necromancy. And then another practical lesson on undead science.

Necromancy! Lila gasped. How could she forget? What will happen in today's lecture is what the entire course has been waiting for weeks since the start date for undergraduate practice was announced. Only one thought knocked her out of her anxious romantic mood:

“Listen, have you done your homework on undead science?”

“The Life Cycle of a True Werewolf” essay? Yeah.

- Will you write off?

- Certainly. Only ... you are ... well ... - the guy hesitated.

What are you doing, Val? Lilya stopped and fluttered her eyelashes. - Do you think I will ride on you until the end of my studies? I'm learning. Honestly! And this ... we just celebrated our birthday yesterday, so I forgot.

She made a touching grimace and smiled, knowing full well that Walter would be beaten to pieces by her smile. He's a good guy, though. He will do everything, the main thing is to ask correctly.

And now he sighed, bit his lip ...

- Okay. And reached into his bag.

- Oh thank you! - Lilya greedily snatched from his hand several parchments tied with twine. - You a true friend! I'll even kiss you... later. If you want!

Judging by the guy's face, he wanted it. Very very. But he shuddered, blinking resentfully, when Lilya, unfolding the parchments, drawled indignantly:

- You are a fool! Why the hell did you write so much? There are five ... no, six pages! Can I copy everything in half an hour? Couldn't it be shorter? That's a fool-ak ... They'll slap me badly! And it's at the end of the semester! Oh, Valka, you killed me!

The girl almost burst into tears, and the guy quietly pulled the parchments from her hand:

- I can cut it.

- When? In half an hour, the lesson will begin, and we still have to stomp into the neighboring building!

“I can do it,” he snapped. - Don't doubt it!

What about handwriting?

He took a deep breath, as if before jumping into the water.

"Nothing, I'll think of something!"

“Well, look,” Lilya relented, “I believe in you!”

Even the year before last, she realized that you can always rely on Valka. You can not write a lecture from word to word, you can not try to teach homework. You can even not do it at all - Walter von Mainz is always there, will always help, prompt, help out. And faithful to the same. Oh, if only!


The teacher of necromancy was loved by all the girls of all courses. No, even so - they were afraid, idolized and adored, despite his constant coldness. The son of the rector, the blue-eyed thirty-five-year-old Victor Wagner knew how to charm anyone, although he was in no hurry to use his official position. He came from the Wagner family and taught necromancy already in the third generation. His grandfather, Richard Wagner, became famous not only for the fact that he succeeded his predecessor, the rector, who earned the title of permanent, but also for the fact that it was under him that the College of Necromagic became the Institute of Necromagic. He remained the rector of the institute literally until his death, after which his son Victor Wagner Sr., who came from the old ducal family of Nonschmantanei, took the post on the maternal side. Younger brother the current rector was a member of the royal council, and five years ago it was precisely this that helped the institute become the University of Necromagic, and Victor Wagner Jr. to take the post of not only the dean of the faculty of necromancy, but also the head of the department of the leading discipline on the course. True, as always, there were spiteful critics: they say that Professor Wagner is too young for such a position, but when your father is the rector, your great-grandfather is a duke, and your cousin is engaged to the prince of the blood, such attacks can be ignored.

Galina Romanova




From the diary of the cat Leviathan

Sleeping ... She scattered over the pillow, the blanket slipped to the side, and she sniffs into two holes, not even realizing that her beloved, the only, inimitable Levushka has not been fed for three hours!

No, in fact, more, I just realized a long time ago that with such a ward it would not be long and die of hunger and cold. Who would I be if I hadn't learned to take care of myself? Where you steal, where you beg, where you get it yourself and hide it in a stash. And in the harsh days of starvation, you get a mouse there, a chicken bone or a fish head - and, praise the holy cats, you can hold out for a couple more hours until this fool guesses to fill the bowl.

By the way, yesterday. She managed to feed me only two breakfasts, however, the second was so plentiful that I was still eating breakfast, and the door had already slammed. And she wasn't there until noon. She returned - she thought she would feed, she was already ready to fall into a hungry faint, and she touched my belly and poured ... crackers into a bowl. Say, you already have nine and a half kilos, it's time to go on a diet.

Well, firstly, not "already", but "yet". I have to put on another two kilos, because after some six months it’s winter, and there you won’t have time to look back - the birch tree has come. And let them just try to keep me! I’ll break the glass together with the frame, like last time, but the holiday will take place! So I buried her diet crackers, and even expressed my attitude towards them from above ...

As it turned out, in vain. For this beauty lingered almost until midnight. No one returned, along the wall. For a long time she tried to catch me and explain something, but, hungry and forced to turn to stash, I did not succumb to provocations and refused to get out from under the bed. As a result, with a loud: “If you want to eat, you will climb yourself!” - she poured a bunch of sausage scraps ... just on my "sculpture" of crackers and, so to speak, a solution that had hardened by that time no worse than a stone. I buried this too, after which, with anguish, I went to finish chewing my supplies for a rainy day. No, that’s how I’m an omnivore, I can easily chew bread and cucumbers, but even desperate hostel cockroaches will not be flattered by what was in my bowl, not like me!

And it's been three hours since the supplies ran out, and this beauty is still sleeping! So what if it's five in the morning! I have a routine. The first breakfast is always at five o'clock, the second - at seven, the third - what I did not finish from the second, plus what I managed to get on the table. Then lunch and two dinners plus a night snack. I already get used to it…

And now my regime flies to the underworld. Holy cats! Yes, if it weren’t for my love and forgiveness, I would have already filed a complaint with the Animal Welfare Society a long time ago ...

But nothing, I myself with a mustache. I will take revenge. Revenge is a dish served in slippers. Well, not exactly in slippers, but in shoes. Here in these, black, stylish, her favorite ...

And who came up with this design? Probably, he had personal complexes or childhood trauma affected. Because what are those shoes? One sole and several straps! How to do business here? Here, I remember, what kind of wooden shoes my grandmother had in the village! We, the whole brood, five boys and two girls, could climb into one for the sake of "this business", and no one interfered with anyone. And then ... Even my sign of protest did not fit into one shoe, I had to urgently, without interrupting the process, change into the second one. But he did. Fuk-fuk-fuk! Now let's try to put them on!

So, now the second stage. Cloth. Uniform sarafan, gray blouse, cape. Everything is already laid out, prepared ... for me.

So... And she goes to school in this? Everything thin, blown by the winds ... Now we will add natural wool to you, for warmth. I'm just shedding, and red on dark blue and light gray is perfectly noticeable. Moo-o-ur... That's it! Too bad I'm not white and not so fluffy! Against a dark background, a light one would look great, otherwise ... you have to take it in quantity. I’ll ride, lie down, having eaten my hostess’s meat ... Ugh, what meat, one skin and bones, crippled by weight loss diets! But I simply have to ride and lie on the institute uniform that has been laid out since the evening.