
At what week of pregnancy do the mammary glands hurt. When and why does the chest begin to hurt during pregnancy and how to reduce the pain syndrome? Side effects of rising progesterone


Why and how long the chest hurts during pregnancy, these questions are of interest to many women. Sometimes a positive pregnancy test is the only sign a girl can see. However, more often the idea that a woman has become pregnant is prompted by the symptoms that appear at this time: nausea, drowsiness, weakness, a feeling of hunger, or a strong desire to eat, frequent mood swings, it hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen. In the article we will talk about how the mammary glands behave during the period of bearing a child.

When do breasts start to hurt during pregnancy?

One of the first to a new hormonal state (and the change hormonal background in a pregnant woman inevitably) give a reaction to the mammary glands.

The chest can be in such states:

  • poured;
  • Gets heavier;
  • Rounded up;
  • There is tingling;
  • Sipping;
  • Starts to hurt.

These symptoms can be not only in both glands, but also in one of them. Changes are also possible in the nipple area: their sensitivity increases, they may itch, swell and darken. Often, bright veins can be seen on the mammary glands, and a venous network may appear. And some pregnant women even get colostrum in the first and second trimesters. Not infrequently appear pain in the chest.

The chest hurts not only when it touches clothes or when moving, but even when the pregnant woman is in a calm state.

Some women have noticed that because of this, unpleasant, painful sensations develop during their nightly rest, and they become irritable and nervous. soreness on early dates develops due to the high activity of sex hormones, hCG and progesterone. They prepare the mammary glands for lactation. And this means that changes and pain in the chest, including, are the norm of physiology for a woman who is pregnant, and are not dangerous, but rather necessary for a woman and an unborn baby.

As in the case of a variety of signs, their presence and absence, and in the case of the development of pain in the glands of a pregnant woman over time, there is no general rule. For some, the chest hurts in the third trimester, for others in the very early stages, everything is individual. According to reviews of pregnant women, increased sensitivity and pain often occurs in the first month after conception.

Often girls say on the forums that their mammary glands fell ill 7-10 days before the delay, before the date when menstruation is supposed to begin. For some, the chest got sick 3-5 days after conception, for others - after a couple of days or after a delay. It is even possible that this sign of pregnancy will not appear at all. And it happens that the pain persists throughout the pregnancy. But still, more often, pain in the chest in the early stages disappears by the end of the first trimester of gestation. By the way, girls and women have noticed from their own experience that the chest hurts mainly in puffy ladies, with a solid body weight.

You need to know: how does the chest hurt during pregnancy

Most women are familiar with the condition when the chest tingles, burns, hurts 5-7 days before the next menstruation and disappears only 1-2 days after it starts. But for many representatives of the weaker sex, sensitive breasts never hurt before menstruation, and it will be useful for them to know what these sensations are, because often they develop for the first time just after the conception of a child.

In addition, even in girls who are accustomed to such pain, after they become pregnant, the mammary glands hurt differently. Some say that the right and left glands seem to abscess from the inside, pain extending to the whole chest, when it seems to increase in size and fill. Others say that it hurts terribly, so that it is impossible to touch. Still others note that the pain syndrome often radiates to the armpit on the right or left, pulls towards the upper limb. The mammary glands hurt either very strongly or tolerably.

Women often feel in the nipples and breasts:

  • tightness;
  • The discomfort;
  • puffiness;
  • Burning.

Many say that the chest bakes, colitis, stings. Initially, there may be a feeling of heaviness. Indeed, the pain in the mammary glands at conception is different from what a woman experiences before the onset of menstruation. Everything is very individual here, one woman experiences her feelings, the other hers. But, what scientists managed to find out, for sure, the mammary glands will be painful and will cause discomfort to those women whose mothers experienced the same thing when carrying babies.

This fact is also interesting: some girls say that they guessed an interesting situation due to the absence of monthly premenstrual pain. They said that usually, in every cycle, they always had chest pain. And only with conception in the first weeks this symptom disappeared, and the chest did not hurt for a day.

Why does the chest hurt during pregnancy and what to do

As already mentioned, it is not necessary to treat such a condition, this is a physiological process. But it is important to remember that the mammary glands must be looked after throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It is necessary to ensure that the skin of the chest does not sweat and breathe, that is, you need to systematically take water procedures and wear non-synthetic underwear.

It is better not to use breast cosmetics with non-natural ingredients. If we talk about water procedures, then a contrast shower will bring benefits. It is allowed to do them at the beginning of the second trimester, so as not to provoke uterine contractions. A special bra will help to alleviate the condition when there is soreness of the chest when carrying a child.

He must be:

  • Comfortable;
  • Do not press anywhere;
  • Don't rub anywhere.

The bra must fit. The straps holding the cups should be wide: this will reduce the fluctuations of the mammary glands during the movement of the pregnant woman. No bras made of synthetics and with bones protruding from the cups can not be worn! If the chest hurts a lot at night, then doctors recommend wearing a bra-top. You can buy underwear in a specialized store for pregnant women.

Breasts at the beginning of pregnancy: proper care

It doesn’t matter where it hurts, the main thing is to try to make the sensations bearable and take care of the glands.

Tips for breast care during pregnancy are as follows::

  1. First of all, as mentioned above, you need to take care of yourself and your unborn child and buy the right good breast-supporting bra that does not press. The clasp should be adjustable. Before purchasing underwear, you must always consult with a gynecologist.
  2. To prevent colostrum from getting on the bra, you need to use special liners, which are always placed in the nipple area. By the way, these inserts will come in handy during lactation.
  3. The mammary glands must be hardened, contrast procedures and wiping with a washcloth should be carried out (movements in a circle from the areola, without touching the nipples, to the base of the chest).
  4. It is necessary to take care and strengthen the epithelium of the nipples, this will prevent their cracking. Contrasting procedures are also suitable for this. You should not do a rough massage of the nipples, it can only harm. Any stimulation of the nipples can provoke uterine contractions.
  5. In order to avoid stretch marks on the mammary glands caused by their sharp increase, it is possible to do a light massage with almond oil right after shower. In addition, it is good to use special creams for the prevention of stretch marks.
  6. If a woman is experiencing strange changes in the mammary glands, for example, her breasts are hard, they are burning, hot, there are lumbago like with an abscess, then you need to visit a gynecologist or mammologist.

You should not ignore the school for expectant mothers, where the girl will be told in detail how to behave correctly during the bearing of the baby, how to care for the body before and after childbirth.

How long does the chest hurt during pregnancy

How much should the chest hurt when carrying a baby? Usually, the pain syndrome does not last long, and completely disappears at the end of the first trimester (20 weeks of gestation). So, the body of a pregnant woman tells her that at the physiological level she is absolutely ready to feed the unborn baby. Some pregnant women may feel pain in the mammary glands almost before delivery, and the reasons for this can be very different. This is not a disease, because each organism is unique.

However, this condition cannot be called the norm either, so it would be right to visit a local gynecologist and get his advice. The doctor will tell you why the breasts may be painful at the beginning or on other days.

Often the pain syndrome in the mammary glands develops in a variety of forms.:

  • Aching pain syndrome;
  • Burning in the region of the papillary region;
  • Non-stop itching.

The chest is especially sensitive in the morning, and by night the pain syndrome subsides. Due to an excessive rush of blood, the breast tissues are not only saturated with oxygen masses, but also begin to grow rapidly. If a pregnant woman leads a full-fledged, active lifestyle, then, most likely, by the evening her breasts will become normal due to the outflow of blood.

In the early stages of pregnancy, hardening positively affects the mammary glands.

For procedures, you should take a hard terry cloth and soak it in not too cold water, then wipe it with it for 5-7 minutes. To achieve the best effect, such procedures should be carried out every day. Because of this technique, a pregnant woman will not only be able to protect herself from mastopathy, but also prepare to the maximum for the lactation period. But most importantly, during the procedure with a towel, the pain syndrome in the mammary glands is significantly reduced.

It is mandatory to massage the mammary glands with your palms in a circle, by the hour. In this case, you should try not to put pressure on the glands / nipples. It is also recommended to go for walks more. You can’t worry too much, because the condition of the expectant mother is transmitted to the child.

Periods: when the mammary glands begin to hurt during pregnancy

Once conception has occurred, a girl may not know she is pregnant until she takes a test.

But in her body:

  • There is a restructuring of the body;
  • Hormonal changes begin;
  • A new person is growing.

In some pregnant women, the mammary glands become painful already on the 14th day of gestation. The negative symptoms cease to be felt in everyone in different time. On the onset, the chest often becomes hot. But if it breaks, you need to see a doctor.

How breasts change during pregnancy (video)

Does everyone develop pain syndrome? Some girls in the position do not feel discomfort, in others they are pronounced and create discomfort, in others there is no pain at all. It is important to visit the gynecologist regularly, and the pain will go away with time.

Many girls are waiting for the onset of pregnancy with special trepidation, anxiety and excitement. That is why even minor symptoms on the part of physiological health may seem like probable signs of pregnancy to a girl. For example, some expectant mothers note that their breasts begin to hurt very badly during pregnancy? In this article, we will answer the question - can the chest hurt during pregnancy or not? And what to do if the chest still hurts - do I need to go to the doctor? Will this chest pain last for the full 9 months or not?

So, to begin with, we will answer the most important question briefly, and already in the article we will consider all the nuances of the course of pregnancy in women, in more detail.

Can breasts hurt during pregnancy? Yes, breasts can hurt during pregnancy and this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon that does not need to be eliminated.

Gynecologists say that pain in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, as well as copious discharge from the chest, is normal. This phenomenon is temporary, passing quickly and you just need to wait it out.

In the first trimester, the breasts of a pregnant woman can hurt very much. In order to at least slightly alleviate the pain, it is necessary to give preference to a natural cotton bra with a supporting effect. If, in addition to chest pain, colostrum (white liquid) begins to stand out from the mammary glands, then purchase special absorbent inserts at the pharmacy.

The pain in the chest subsides significantly and becomes weaker in the second trimester.

It is worth contacting a gynecologist only if the pain in the mammary glands is constantly growing and causes you such discomfort that you cannot even sleep normally, go to work and live a normal life.

Causes of breast pain during pregnancy

Why can a woman's breasts hurt so much during pregnancy? This is primarily due to the fact that both at the moment itself and after it, a woman has a huge jump in hormones in her body. And this is a natural biological factor. After all, now the body of a woman is aimed at making a full-fledged healthy child.

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, a woman's mammary glands increase significantly in size and swell. The nipples begin to change their color and darken. Any touch to the mammary glands is very painful. Sometimes it can be painful for an expectant mother to put on a bra. It's time to change your usual underwear for a bodice for pregnant women.

Direct swelling and enlargement of the breast occurs due to an increase hCG hormone(which, by the way, is determined in the blood of a woman in order to establish the onset of pregnancy). The mammary glands swell, ache, and swell due to an increase in hCG. This phenomenon is the first and very important sign of the onset of pregnancy. Of course, there are women whose body does not react at all to such important and global changes in it. That is, women in the first trimester do not feel sick, they do not have headaches, vomiting, weakness, malaise, and mammary glands - everything goes very smoothly. But, as you understand, this is more an exception to the rule than a pattern.

Chest pain - how does it manifest itself?

Pain in the mammary glands can manifest itself in varying degrees of intensity. Someone's chest hurts very weakly and these sensations are hardly noticeable. Some expectant mothers feel a burning sensation on the nipples, pain during touching, an unpleasant painful syndrome when putting on a bust. That is, the breasts are so sensitive that a woman does not even want to move around again or put on tight clothes.

A gynecologist can even say to severe pain in the mammary glands in a pregnant woman - You need to wait until 12 weeks and then look at your condition.

Remember! during pregnancy - it is not dangerous and not scary! Most importantly, be patient and think more about the health of your unborn baby!

Can chest pain be reduced?

Despite the exhortations of doctors, many girls are still looking for ways to somehow reduce chest pain. I wonder if there is such a way? Of course, we all understand that it should be absolutely harmless.

  • Proper underwear

We have repeatedly discussed the importance of choosing the right underwear made from natural fabrics (meaning cotton) in this article. But, let's repeat again. As soon as you find out that you are expecting a baby, along with the mandatory procedures prescribed by your doctor, you will need to purchase a special bra for pregnant women.

If you can’t find a bodice for pregnant women in stores, then purchase a cotton version with wide straps, and also, of course, pitted. This is necessary so that the chest is not squeezed once again and does not cause you pain.

Also, the size of the bodice for pregnant women is very important - it should be one or two sizes larger than your usual bust. A well-known fact is that the breast during pregnancy is poured and increases by several sizes. In the future, when the sensitivity of the breast decreases, the bra will need to be worn at night so that the mammary glands do not stretch and sag.

  • We do wet rubdowns on the chest

In order to slightly relieve pain from the chest and alleviate your well-being, it is necessary to periodically do wet rubbing of the chest and then air baths (that is, the chest is without underwear). Wet the wipes and wipe the chest along the massage lines. It is desirable to do this with a contrast temperature. That is, at first you use warm water, then cold water, and so alternate throughout the entire procedure. Doctors consider wiping the mammary glands as an ideal preparation for future breastfeeding.

If colostrum (white liquid) comes out of the nipples, then ...

Do not be afraid - this is a normal natural phenomenon that does not cause pain and discomfort to a woman. If there is a lot of colostrum, then be sure to wash your chest in the morning and evening, as well as during the day with a mild soapy solution. To prevent colostrum from leaking through your underwear, purchase special sanitary pads for bras at the pharmacy. But, remember - you need to change them often so that the reproduction of bacteria does not start.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Many women have experienced chest pain at some point in their lives. The appearance of these symptoms should not cause panic or fears, but they should not be taken lightly either. So that every woman is calm about her health, and if necessary, can pass desired course treatment, she needs to get acquainted with the symptoms and causes of pain in the mammary glands.

Cyclic and non-cyclic chest pain

Pain localized in the mammary glands has a name in medicine - mastalgia. Mastalgias are divided into two groups - cyclic and non-cyclic.

Cyclic mastalgia or mammalgia- pain in the mammary glands of a woman, which occurs on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely two to seven days before the start of the next menstruation. For most women, this pain does not cause discomfort - it is not very strong, more like a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, a burning sensation inside them. In a couple of days, these sensations pass without a trace.

Women's breasts change throughout life. In one menstrual cycle, the influence of various hormones that are produced in the female body stimulate the tone or relaxation of the walls of the excretory ducts in the mammary glands, and affect the tissue of the lobules. Approximately a week before the onset of menstrual bleeding in the ducts of the mammary glands accumulates a large number of epithelial cells, secretion of lobules. The mammary glands swell, more blood flows to them, they become larger in volume and dense, painful to the touch. Cyclic chest pain in women always manifests simultaneously in both mammary glands.

In some women, cyclic mastodynia manifests pathologically strongly. The pain sometimes becomes simply unbearable, and a woman cannot lead a normal life, do her usual things, she feels very bad on such days. As a rule, increased pain in the mammary glands is a sign that some pathological process is starting in the body, and a woman needs to see a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment, if necessary.

Non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands are not associated with the woman's menstrual cycle, they are always provoked by some other factors, in some cases pathological.

When a woman's body undergoes changes associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background - the level of female sex hormones increases. Under the influence of estrogen and chorionic gonadotropin, the lobules of the mammary glands begin to swell, a secret is formed in the ducts, and at the end of pregnancy, colostrum. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman's breasts acquire increased sensitivity, even soreness. As you know, soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands of a woman are. This soreness of the chest in the first weeks of pregnancy can also be different - from a slight burning sensation, pinching of the nipples, to severe tension in the mammary glands and dull pains radiating to the shoulder blades, lower back, and arms. Such phenomena usually completely disappear by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, by the 10th - 12th weeks.

From the breast of a woman, she is intensively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the child and lactation. Women note a significant increase in the mammary glands, various tingling sensations in them, feelings of tension, engorgement. But these phenomena are not painful, normally they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If a woman notices pains that do not go away, and even more so if the pains are localized in only one mammary gland, she should seek advice from her gynecologist in order to exclude them in time various diseases and pathological processes not associated with pregnancy.

Under what signs should a woman urgently see a doctor?

  • Breast pain occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  • The nature of the pain can be described as an unbearable burning sensation, a strong squeezing in the glands.
  • The pain is localized in one breast, not spilled over the entire mammary gland, but expressed only in its specific area.
  • Pain in the mammary glands does not go away, but increases with time.
  • In parallel with pain or discomfort in the chest, a woman notes an increase in body temperature, deformation of the mammary glands, nodes and any formations in the chest, the most painful areas, redness of the glands, discharge of fluid or blood from the nipples (not associated with the last months of pregnancy) .
  • A woman notes pain every day, for a long time, more than two weeks.
  • Pain in the mammary glands prevents a woman from doing her daily activities, causes neurasthenia, insomnia, does not allow her to wear ordinary clothes due to pressure on her chest.

What diseases are accompanied by pain in the mammary glands?

Mastopathy- these are fibrocystic growths in the mammary glands of a woman, an imbalance between the connective and epithelial tissues. Mastopathy causes non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands. Mastopathy appears in women in case of hormonal instability, under the influence of various adverse factors that change the normal hormonal background of the female body. These factors include abortion, neurosis, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases female genital area, thyroid disease, pathological conditions of the pituitary gland, liver disease, cessation of breastfeeding with increased lactation, irregular sex life.

Mastopathy in women does not appear suddenly. It is formed over several years, while in the mammary glands of a woman, in violation of normal physiological processes, foci of epithelial tissues grow, which compress the ducts, the roots of nerve endings, interfere with the normal outflow of secretion in the ducts, and deform the lobules of the mammary glands. To date, mastopathy is the most common benign disease of the mammary glands, it is observed in women mainly 30-50 years old. With mastopathy, a woman notes a burning sensation, fullness, pressure in the mammary glands. She may also have other symptoms - nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, abdominal pain. Mastopathy is pathological condition, which requires observation by a doctor, and in many cases - systematic treatment.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands - diseases that can cause both chest pains and an increase in overall body temperature, a deterioration in a woman's well-being. Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands are of a different nature, but most often - shooting, aching, radiating to the shoulder blades, armpits, stomach. Most often, mastitis occurs in women who have recently given birth, during the period breastfeeding baby. These diseases require urgent medical treatment.

breast cancer- a malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland, which is characterized by the formation of large accumulations of atypical cells in it, which eventually form a tumor. In some cases, breast cancer develops asymptomatically up to a certain stage, so a woman should be especially attentive to any changes in her body. The most common changes in the mammary gland in cancer are “orange peel” in a certain area of ​​the skin, severe peeling of the mammary gland and nipple, deformity of the nipple and the shape of the mammary gland, thickening, retraction on the mammary gland, bloody discharge from the nipple, retraction of the nipple. If there is pain in the mammary glands, especially in one of the glands, and this pain is in no way connected with the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for advice in order to exclude the development of cancer.

What conditions and diseases of a woman also cause pain in the mammary glands?

  • Treatment with hormonal drugs for infertility or hormonal imbalance of the menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • Very big size chest; tight underwear that does not fit the size of the chest.
  • Other diseases in which pain occurs with irradiation to the mammary glands are herpes zoster, thoracic osteochondrosis, heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, diseases of the lymph nodes of the axillary regions, cysts in the fatty tissue of the breast, furunculosis.
  • Taking certain oral contraceptives.

With unpleasant symptoms and pain in the mammary glands that continue long time, and are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms, a woman should definitely contact her attending gynecologist, who, if necessary, will refer her for consultations and examinations to a mammologist and endocrinologist.

Examinations that a woman undergoes for pain in the mammary glands not related to pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which is performed a week after the onset of menstruation.
  • Examination of the hormonal background (thyroid hormones, prolactin).
  • Oncological markers (a set of diagnostic procedures to identify the degree of risk of developing cancerous tumors in the mammary gland).
  • Ultrasound of the breast, which is performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Why can the chest hurt? Real reviews:


A few years ago I was diagnosed with fibrous mastopathy. Then I went to the doctor with complaints of very severe pain, and this pain was localized not in the mammary glands themselves, but in the armpits and shoulder blades. At the initial examination, the gynecologist felt nodes in the glands, sent for mammography. In the course of treatment, I underwent ultrasound of the mammary glands, puncture of nodes in the mammary gland. The treatment took place in several stages, at the gynecologist. At the very beginning, I underwent a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, as I also suffered from salpingitis and oophoritis. I was then put on hormone therapy with oral contraceptives. As the doctor said, the development of mastopathy could be affected by the use of oral contraceptives of the old generation, with a high content of hormones.


I was diagnosed with mastopathy at the age of 33, and since then I have been under the constant supervision of my gynecologist. Every year I did an ultrasound of the mammary glands, a year ago the doctor suggested that I do a mammogram. All these years, I was worried about very severe chest pains, which were most pronounced before menstruation. After the mammogram, I was prescribed a complex treatment, which immediately alleviated my condition - I forgot what chest pain is. At present, nothing worries me, the doctor prescribed me a control appointment only after six months.


Throughout my life, I have not been bothered by pain in the mammary gland, although sometimes I felt discomfort and tingling before menstruation. But last year, at first I felt a slight, and then increasing pain in my left chest, which at first I mistook for pain in the heart. Turning to the therapist, I underwent an examination, received a consultation from a cardiologist - they did not reveal anything, they sent me to a gynecologist, a mammologist. After passing the tests for oncological markers, ultrasound of the mammary glands, I was sent to the regional oncological clinic in the city of Chelyabinsk. After a biopsy, additional studies, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (a tumor 3 cm in diameter, with indistinct boundaries). As a result, six months ago, one mammary gland, which was affected by oncology, was taken away from me, I underwent courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. V given time I am on treatment, but the last examination did not reveal any new cancer cells, which is already a victory.


I have been married for two years, there have been no abortions, no children yet. About a year ago I had a gynecological disease - salpingitis with pyosalpinx. The treatment was taken in a hospital, conservative. A month after the treatment, I began to feel pain symptoms in my left breast. The pain was dull, aching, radiating to the armpit. The gynecologist found nothing, but sent me to a mammologist. I underwent an ultrasound scan, no pathology in the mammary gland was revealed, and the pains periodically arose. I was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia. She took treatment: Mastodinon, Milgama, Nimesil, Gordius. The pain has become much weaker - sometimes I feel tightness in my chest a week before my period, but this quickly passes. The doctor advised me to go swimming, do exercises, exercise therapy.

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If a woman has been dreaming of a child for a long time, then she constantly observes every change in her well-being. So, there is a delay, that is, there is no menstruation, but there are no other signs of pregnancy? During pregnancy future mother may excite pain in the mammary glands. There is no reason for concern! Let's take a closer look at the causes of chest pain during pregnancy and how the chest hurts during pregnancy.

Is pain always a sign of pregnancy?

At the very beginning of gestation, the female body is undergoing dramatic changes. She has sensations that signal that fertilization has come. These changes have a particularly strong effect on the female breast because hormones are always changing.

The first signs of pregnancy include:

  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Soreness of the mammary glands.
  • Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Feeling of swelling or soreness can be in both mammary glands, as well as in some one.

Only the nipple area may become sensitive and pain, itching may appear. A characteristic feature is a venous pattern on the chest, which is clearly visible. Also, absolutely at any time, it can stand out from the chest a small amount of colostrum.

There may be a completely different development of events, when, before the expected onset of menstruation, the usual pains in the mammary glands disappear.

Causes of pain in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands

If chest pain appears during pregnancy, then a woman should not wind herself up and run to the doctor's clinic. . You should understand the reasons for this:

How long does the pain last?

Surely any woman experienced discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands shortly before the onset of menstruation, but this pain passed in just a couple of days. Even if such sensations are familiar to a woman, then during pregnancy they become a little different.

Many mistakenly believe that the pain in the mammary glands during gestation is the same as the pain that occurs shortly before menstruation. But in fact this is not entirely true. After conception, discomfort in the chest resembles fullness inside the glands, it seems to the woman that the chest is filled from the inside.

Do all girls "in position" experience the same sensations? Of course not. Pregnancy is a purely individual process and every pregnant woman goes through it in her own way. Some have pain in the mammary glands they can give into the armpit, for some it is a strong tingling sensation, and someone does not feel discomfort at all.

There is also no clearly defined time frame for such pain and discomfort. Absolutely everything happens individually and this symptom is no exception. Research has shown that what fuller woman the more her chest hurts.

Chest pain can occur both a day after the fact of fertilization, and after a few weeks. On average, a woman begins to feel discomfort in her chest around the seventh week of pregnancy. But by the end of the third month, the woman's condition will get much better.

If the pain continues to bother the woman in the second trimester, then do not panic. The norm is even a condition in which the pain does not go away until the birth of the child.

Can the chest hurt with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy?

Does the chest hurt during pregnancy with pathologies? If a woman has doubts about the complications of gestation, then she should carefully monitor her body. But first, let's figure out whether the chest can even hurt during a frozen pregnancy?

The death of the fetus leads to a significant malfunction of the woman's body. If, during the course of the entire pregnancy, a woman felt pain in her chest, the mammary glands hurt from a slight touch, then with the death of the fetus, the situation will develop quite the opposite: the breast will coarsen, and the discharge will become more abundant. The mammary glands become completely insensitive. Such changes can occur both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy.

Breast pain and tenderness is due to significant hormonal changes in the body. Ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the fetus develops outside the uterus. As you know, such gestation and childbirth in such a situation is simply impossible. But all the processes that accompany pregnancy also occur with an ectopic position of the fetus. The mammary glands are no exception.

The pathology of the development of pregnancy should be confirmed only by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist when examining a woman. Severe, unusual pain or sharp her disappearance is just an excuse to consult a doctor for advice.

Breast care during pregnancy

There are a few rules, which can ease pain in the chest during pregnancy:

You should not compare your condition with the condition of pregnant girlfriends. It is not always possible to find something in common. Or rather, never! Pregnancy is different for everyone. Chest pain is just a signal about the restructuring of the body and preparation for the birth of a baby.

Subject to all the simple rules, a pregnant woman may not get rid of chest pain completely, but she will definitely improve her well-being.