
Conspiracies, prayers: Getting rid of enemies. Conspiracies, prayers: Getting rid of enemies Omorochka on fish heads


A lining is a magical item charged with damage or curse, with the aim of harming the person to whom it is lined. More information you can read about the types of pads and methods of their impact. In this article, I will show you how to lining a person.

How to make a lining for a person

The lining itself carries the role of a conductor of the curse, so if you decide to make a lining to the enemy, it is worth remembering that careless handling of a magically charged object can transfer the entire curse to you. Use damage through the lining only as a last resort - these are not games and the consequences of black magic for you may be stronger than the impact on your enemy. Do not take up witchcraft if you are not sure of the result, you are in illness, feeling unwell or in no mood - demons who are called to help can make fun of you, not help you. Perform witchcraft on the waning moon.

Lining the enemy in the bag

Strong sorcery, mostly suitable for women. Take a pin, needle or other small piercing object, wrap it in a scarf that no one has used before (it can be red or black), wrap the piercing object in a scarf and light a black candle. Read the plot until the candle goes out. Candle stubs, together with a scarf, must be burned in a deserted place:

“Find a hassle from any side, windy and weathered, from the east and from the west. Freeze your head, avert your eyes 33 times. Mortal leprosy, eat the purity of thoughts, give the polluted emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears and does not understand, so that you, my enemy (the name of the enemy), see and see, hear and hear, listen to speeches and do not understand a damn thing. Truly! "

Finding out who made the lining is almost impossible. Usually, those who impose curses are rather unremarkable people, but if you have undergone a magical curse, you can make a return of witchcraft - and you yourself will cleanse yourself and punish the enemy.

Lining the enemy to death

Extremely dangerous witchcraft. If you are not sure who made the curse on you, it is better not to use it!
Light a long black wax candle or candle that was used for the funeral (during the funeral service for the deceased), place the candle in a small jar or impervious vessel so that the paraffin does not spread. Never touch the wax with your bare hands!

Forces of Night, Forces of Day,
Testify for me!
From (enemy name) life and strength leave,
Into me (your name), come!
You breathe out - I breathe in
What the river is doing - I know for sure!
The grass dries up in the heat
Fly to (enemy name) my words!
I interrupt the source of life for you,
I cut off North, West and East from you.
Marena navi to (NAME OF THE ENEMY) START
Empty all / all of him / her like a jar!
Vitality (name of the enemy), hour by hour, day by day, dry up,
Flow into me like a stormy stream!
I drink and eat your red power
I open for you (the name of the enemy) a grave of cheese !!!
Relatives and ancestors will turn away from you:
Both old people and small children!
Whirlwind black, whirl!
Nach my mighty, to (name of the enemy), stick easily.
On his / her soul and body, you descend the Dark Thing.
You are my food, You are my water
You will never get away from me anywhere!
Your life force is flowing into me from this minute,
From this moment your life goes to sunset.
With black wax, I fill my seal on You,
I nail your body to the house !!!
And which of the people will try to help you,
He will get tired soon and be left with nothing!
Twelve masters can't cope with me
And Navya's forces will deal with them in no time !!!
I hang on you (the name of the enemy), Koscheev castle,
Nobody could lift you from death.
Life is for you, become hateful
I crown your body with a raw grave !!!
And your life force is forever in me
Comes in - flows!
I back everything with the Alatyr Stone,
Hold on to (enemy name), my sentence.
At all dawns, every night and every day !!!
ON STAYING YOU (name of the enemy) I WRITE!
SAVE (name of the enemy),
Truly! Truly! Truly! "

A conspiracy to the wind in an irreconcilable situation and enmity

First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem,

From the land of the saint, return home.

Quench with your spirit, with your strength the anger of the heretics,

Angry craftswomen, old and young.

Mother "Seven-shot", with shoot with your seven-arrows

Every evil, every quarrel, n put an end to the fierce dispute

Attachments, capes, clamps, nets, keels, w willow graves, forgeries,

Heart disease, g headache, hepatic coli.

Dscold a friend so as not to harass: b sleepless, sleepy,

With a cross, a whip, a grave nail. Reconcile slaves (names)

From this day, from this hour, from your order.

Cool them down with holy Jordanian water.

In the name of God Christ, come out, resentment, and from the servants of God (names).

Calm down, calm down, Mother "Seven-shot".

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

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Conspiracy - a decoupling from an evil person

To do on the waning moon. Light 3 candles. Place candles lower at the edges, and high between them. Lock your hands in front of you. Stare at the flame of a tall candle without blinking. Read the plot 3 times.

How the devil can't stand God's sight, oh chase - water, body - arrows,

As the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, my the mouthful does not breathe,

So that I, the servant of God (name), (name) did not see or hear,

She didn't come close to me, to she didn’t work against me.

Didn't crush, curse, curse, bother, n Ro did not speak to me, did not write,

The authorities did not mention it. As our blood deceased and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don't hear the church singing, with The sun does not see the clear

They do not cross themselves, do not pray, do not come home, to they don't go to church for matins,

They don't fast during fasting, they don't eat eggs on Easter,

They don't change their outfits, they don't remember themselves,

So I would not remember the servant of God (name), n I did not remember, did not see and did not know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times and into every future. Forever forever. Amen.

Then read "The Key". Let the candles burn out to the end. After that, the evil person will have problems, and he will not be up to you. Or it will simply disappear from your life.

The key is a conspiracy that closes the previous one so that it cannot be removed. Everyone should have their own key, so come up with one yourself.

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A conspiracy that gets rid of the gypsy noose

Three loops are knitted on one rope, then burned while reading the plot.

Noose, noose, where is your neck? To be in a noose for a beast, a lame wolf,

Deaf wood grouse, not a slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

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A conspiracy that gets rid of gypsy damage and the evil eye

Speak a conspiracy on water and then wash your face with her.

The gypsies rode on a horse, on a morocco saddle.

The horse stumbled, the evil eye turned over.

Don't spoil me with a gypsy horse. Amen.

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Conspiracy after meeting with a gypsy

For a woman - a round mirror.

For men - a rectangular mirror.

Look in the mirror. Draw two times with your index finger clockwise around the glory mirror:

I will take away the trouble and take away the bad.

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Conspiracy from those who harm

Read only on Wednesdays. The plot is very strong.

Lord help, Lord bless.

I will put on two legs in bilge boots, I will go not by the yard, but by the stove window, through the upper chimney. I'll find the one who spoils me.

I will meet seven spirits on the path: they are evil, black, hungry.

You go, all seven spirits, to the one who drinks my blood, who sucks my heart, to the one who never lags behind me, to those who plant spoilage in me and send me to the next world.

Spirits, you are spirits, you are evil, unsociable, irreconcilable with yourself. Go and find and split off all my enemies, enemies from my body. Let them siphon off me, drown in their fierce anger. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Conspiracy to unhook the annoying person

Seek and find and from the memory of the slaves (name) erase my name and my deeds.

So that she does not remember me, she does not take advice,

I did not go to visit, but went my own path.

Veter Vetrovich and you seven brothers of the Vetrov,

Help, help. Amen.

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Conspiracy if the enemy is unknown

Light a candle. Read this conspiracy once while looking at a candle flame. Then read another protective conspiracy... Leave the candle to burn out.

Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my labor and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I do not know by name, but from whom I I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracy from enemies

The Lord came from the seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 castles from 77 languages. Close, Lord, to all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, mouth, so that there is no misfortune for God's servant (name), throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get it will be able to condemn me. Amen.

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Conspiracy from enemies

King Azarat spoke, he said, ohhe said to my enemies:

"Be you, foes and foes, toLike ovens, like pillars in a hut. "

They had neither mind nor reason,and thoughts, no memory, nand advice, no promises.

Bones, skull will disperse, mIf they melt with jelly,

Eyes will start to the side, andfall asleep deep sleep - do not wake up.

Sleepers will walk withthose who sit will fall,

To speak, yawning, not understanding anything.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Rite of passage from pursuing enemies

To do on the waning moon.

Do it the first time at night. Look at the candle fire and read 3 times. Let the candle burn out. Ask Fire to help you.

Do this rite of passage three days in a row (except for major church holidays).

Mother of God, Father of God, son of God,

Take the locks, the keys are gold

Close my villains eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, lips, hands, feet.

Throw the key to the bottom of the sea.

Whoever gets it will ruin my life.

No one will get my keys, no one will ruin my life.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasant of God will not allow. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from the attack of evil spirits

Read the prayer 3 times “ Our Father". Then say, “ Lord save me and keep».

Then read the conspiracy:

On the Buyan island, in the okiyan sea, there is the Alatar stone. He is white and powerful. The stone is afraid of all evil, it will not approach the island. On that stone lies a damask sword. I will take the sword in my right hand and I will cut the cursed evil spirits right and left. I will cut them all, I will not leave one. My word is as strong as the Alatar stone. Word. Case. Lock. Amen.

Conspiracy if you are squeezed out of the light of white

There are 12 knives, they have 13 watchmen, 12 Saints and even Judas.

I’ll go to those damask knives, I’ll tell the watchmen in a pleasant voice. I will bow to them to the ground, I will ask:

- Judas! Look at me! Thou shalt drive out fear and contempt, persecution from people of all ages. Everyone offended you, chased you away from everywhere. They spat on you. You were cursed. Take to you my sorrows, and 12 knives, 13 watchmen. Word, language, castle, church doorstep. Amen.

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Conspiracy, if you are read after or cursed

Say to yourself three times:

The road of Christ, the Lord walked along it. And I walk, but my enemies have no place on it. Amen.

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Conspiracy to defend against enemies

Observe, Lord, me, save and preserve! First time, kind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. By belittling the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers, by their holy, most pure names, I conjure you, enemy (name), go around me like fire bypasses water, fly around me like feathers fly from a bird, fear me, as the devil fears the cross. How far away in the open field lies the invisible and invisible sulfur-combustible alatyr-stone, and no one sees or touches that stone, and how hard and strong is that sulfur-combustible stone, so strong and molded all my words would come to me they did not give close to my enemies. My body is not hushed up white. Spears and arrows would not be thrown. Sharp sabers would not have reached. They didn't wave in my direction. The hair would not fall from my head, the mortal conspiracy would not stick to me. To my words, heaven is the key, to my deeds, the lock is flammable, let it burn - it does not fade, it protects me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Conspiracy from enemies

Approaching front door where your ill-wishers live or work, cross the threshold with your left foot and read the conspiracy to yourself:

My angel, my guardian, with guard my soul and my heart,

And all enemies and adversaries about move away from me on all four sides. Amen.

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Conspiracy words on the enemy

Do not touch me, enemy, not in word or deed,

Neither fire, nor sword, nor damask knife, nor ice,

Neither revenge, nor at night, nor during the day, nor at dawn, rosy.

Not a single hair of mine will fall from the hands of enemies and foes. Amen.

Interesting for my own practice.

I’m going to wedmEdie Yidu,
And before tebe (name), I’ll swear by rich

I'm up to tebe from a bean cue,

Or in a milder version:
I’m going to wedmEdie Yidu,
And to tEbe (name) I will add
(state the essence of the wish - what the person should do according to your plan)
Yidu I charez more
I’ll be talking - I’m sure it’s so,
I do tebe from the Holy Pasco,
And you, to mene, be from a good caress

I walk, I walk, I lead, I lead, I lead, I confuse, I wrap myself in prayers, I take my eyes away, I drive away from myself, I can go any way but I pass the trouble. God protects me. Amen

Omorochka on enemies

King Azarat spoke,
He to my enemies
He spoke:
"Be you,
Adversaries and foes,
Like ovens of nuts
Like pillars in a hut,
They had no mind
No reason
No thought, no memory
No advice, no promises.
Bones, skulls will disperse
Jelly thoughts
Will blur
Eyes will start to the side,
And fall asleep
Deep sleep -
Do not wake up.
Sleepers will walk
Those who sit will sleep
To speak while yawning
Understanding nothing.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

I, (name), ride a wolf, I lead the animals. Stand in front of me (name), as I am in front of you! Deaf, numb, petrified, and I will say bastard, forty words, as I say, so be it. All rights are mine!

If you want to force a person to do something according to your will, read the conspiracy:

I was in the field, I saw the grass.
Where the wind tends the grass,
there her leaf looks.
So would you, servant of God (name),
did what I needed.
According to my words, according to my speeches.
My words are the key, my deeds are the lock.
Fix, God, my words, my deeds.
Now, ever, ever and ever.

Find it, a hassle, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, avert your eyes 33 times. Mortal leprosy, eat thoughts of purity, give swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

Conspiracy if they are cunning with you

Some kind of work requires impeccable honesty from partners, especially in trade. If you notice that they are cunning with you, they are cunning, then read this conspiracy, say, before the very report of your partner, so that he cannot cheat:

Go, Judas, don't be cunning. Go, Jesus, save me. Give the slave's head (partner's name) a crumb. Cunning, her impudence is a fig. Sly (partner's name), you can't buy me for that. Amen.

On Tuesday, on departure, speak of well water. Wash with it, and pour the remaining water under the dry wood. Read 13 times

»In the name of father and son and holy spirit.
As people are afraid of lightning, they are afraid of God's wrath, so you, enemy (name), be afraid, repent, and slaves (name) get rid of me.
Lips, teeth, head bone.
All my words into one word, add up, by the word of God, strengthen yourself, and get rid of the servant of God (name), enemy (name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen, amen, amen.

Another option
Find, hassle, from any side, with windy and otvetrenoy, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, avert your eyes thirty-three times. Mortal leprosy, eat thoughts of purity, give swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears speeches and does not understand a damn thing (Information that is needed attach)
The bones of the skull will disperse, thoughts will spread with jelly (3 times).
This is my will! May it be so!

Gimmick for officials

I (...) go to the wolf, I lead the animals. Stand in front of me (victim's name) as I am in front of you. Deaf, numb, petrified, and I'll tell you bastard, forty words. As I say, so it will be. All rights are mine!
Read before the meeting You can before entering the office


"Salt toby and water, chicken slop,
a toad on the plaque, schob about mnE ne imEla ti rEchi. "


It also works well during negotiations, and even so, less gossip. Looking into the eyes of a “friendly” employee, say:
“You are confused in your eyes, HalEpa is at the tongue!
Your scab has come out on you. "

A gimmick on a fish head

Put water on the stove at 12 o'clock at night, boil three fish heads in it and say boiling water to that.
Pour out the spoken water at the entrance or gate of your neighbor.
Give the fish heads to the cat.

"On the sea, on the ocean
the mother fish lives,
I can't take it,
but I will take three heads.
How are these fish dead
and how these fish are dumb,
so would the slave (name)
his mouth did not open at me,
the language did not swear at him.
on me every time did not eat up.
My word is true and strong. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

For a person to change his thoughts.

"Beavers sharpen wood,
put a barrier and a dam,
I put a slave NAME,
barrier on the ideas and thoughts of a person NAME
how the moon changes from day to day,
so are you a slave NAME
change ideas.
amen to my words
Amen to your thoughts. "
read the plot once for a hot drink, spend at any time of the year.

Omorochka on enemies

King Azarat spoke,
He to my enemies
He spoke:
"Be you,
Adversaries and foes,
Like ovens of nuts
Like pillars in a hut,
They had no mind
No reason
No thought, no memory
No advice, no promises.
Bones, skulls will disperse
Jelly thoughts
Will blur
Eyes will start to the side,
And fall asleep
Deep sleep -
Do not wake up.
Sleepers will walk
Those who sit will sleep
To speak while yawning
Understanding nothing.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

An "inhibiting" conspiracy, designed to drastically take away from a person the forces that he is ready to spend to harm you:

"Spun, grabbed, carried
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, driftwood
With a roar, whistle,
We laugh with laughter, an eagle scream.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit my ribs, my heart froth,
Roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,
It swirled, splashed into my eyes a yellow-turbid wave
Burning sparks.
Yellow around, dark around
Fog around, burning around
Light around, no zgi around ...
Saliva fills drunkier than wine,
It burns and chokes, suppresses thoughts.
Moan and cry - do not hide your tears.
Laughter grin - a yellow snake,
Curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,
I pulled my brow with a tight tourniquet,
The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,
My back is cold, my ears are buzzing.
Sleep, fall - there is no way! "

Put three pinches of salt in a glass of water and say:

"How glad we are to the red sun! As people admire the color of poppies, as they are sweet in May honey and need salt in their food, so I would be a servant of God (name), maidens and young men, old men and women, widows and widows, rich and stingy, merchants and priests and to the whole human race. I would be pleasing to the eyes, reasonable in speech. Would charm them with this charm. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Can be used when meeting the parents of the future husband. Before the parliamentary elections ...