
Personal hygiene rules during work. Basic rules of personal hygiene. What is hygiene


A beard speaks of wisdom and venerable age. And sometimes about neglect of personal hygiene... But it seems to me that this is all somehow interconnected.

Dreamfall: The Endless Journey

Personal hygiene

And the house in general;
Hygiene of clothing and footwear.

Body hygiene

Daily body hygiene, brought to automaticity, occupies a huge place in preserving human health and beauty. Using this procedure, we fight germs and bacteria so that keep fresh all day long. Taking care of the body includes simple procedures such as skin cleansing and oral hygiene, thereby protecting our body from microorganisms that cause unpleasant odors.
For thousands of years, body hygiene has been considered, first of all, purity. Washing your hands and feet every day destroys bacteria, which, when multiplied, can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, you need to make it a rule to take a shower or bath 2 times a day. Hands need to be washed much more often than the body, because we touch various objects with our hands. Be sure to wash your hands when you come home, before and after eating, after playing with animals, and after using the toilet. Also remember that Hands need to be washed twice, since germs are not washed off in one go. There is no need to allow germs that somehow got onto your hands to enter your body, because they can lead to unexpected consequences.

Body hygiene will help get rid of unpleasant odors. You should never try to mask odors with some perfumes or deodorants - this will only intensify the odors. Use perfume and antiperspirants after showering to keep your body smelling good. Smells should be subtle, almost unnoticeable. And here you may have a question: what to choose - deodorant or antiperspirant?
To do this you need to know that deodorant only masks the smell, and can be used when there is slight sweating. And if you have excessive sweating, or you are going to a serious event, then it is better to use an antiperspirant, because it stops the secretion of sweat. When using antiperspirant, you should give greater importance to body hygiene so that there is no inflammation in the pores.
It is necessary to wash your feet every day, because the unpleasant smell of your feet in the heat will negate all your efforts. Foot care also involves moisturizing them.

Now it’s worth paying attention to oral hygiene - another rule of personal hygiene.

Oral hygiene

Most people dream of a perfect snow-white smile, but very few people know how to achieve it. To do this, you need to follow basic rules of oral hygiene:
1.Mandatory teeth brushing after waking up in the morning and before going to bed. If possible, you can brush your teeth after every snack;
2.Flossing while brushing your teeth. She just needs to learn how to use it correctly. To do this, you need to cut a thread about half a meter long. Then you need to wrap it around the middle fingers, stretch this thread from the beginning of the tooth in a circle and brush. The main thing is not to drag the thread along the gum, otherwise you can cut yourself;

3. Do it correct selection of hygiene products for the oral cavity (they do not have to be very expensive). Do not forget that in addition to toothpaste, dental floss and chewing gum, there are also rinses and balms that refresh the oral cavity;
4. One Once every six months you need to visit the dentist for inspection.

Hair hygiene

Taking care of your scalp and hair means following simple rules of personal hygiene and health. If your hair is healthy, clean, shiny, then it is in good condition. Of course, sometimes some problems occur, such as dandruff, lice, but they can be avoided by observing basic rules of personal hygiene.
It's no secret that hair contains keratin. They grow from hair follicles, which are lubricated by sebum. Each body produces a certain amount of fat, so hair can be dry or oily, and sometimes it can be both oily at the root and dry at the ends.
Now let's move on to some rules:
Wash your hair regularly. The rule is elementary, but not everyone follows it. It is necessary to wash your hair, even if you have dreadlocks or afro braids. After washing your hair, you can use balms or masks, following strictly the instructions;
Remove remaining hair from combs and massage brushes;
Combs and “massages” also need to be washed, just like hair;
After styling your hair with a special product, you need rinse combs with shampoo and hot water;
Keep your rubber bands clean and hair clips;
Styling tools, such as straightening irons and curling irons, also need to be cleaned after unplugging them;
It is highly not recommended to use spoiled hair products.

Bed hygiene

In order to properly enjoy your sleep, you need to provide everything. Sleep hygiene involves a few simple rules, non-compliance with which can cause insomnia.
The main condition for this is complete silence in the bedroom. Therefore, it is not advisable to place objects that create noise in the bedroom, because they significantly impair the quality of sleep. You also need to monitor the humidity in the bedroom, temperature, and regulate the amount of sunlight. Also, do not place things that attract dust in this room. Wet cleaning in this room should be carried out regularly.
Equally important, in addition to the rules of personal hygiene and health, is the rule for bed. To begin with, it should be comfortable for the sleeper; the mattress should not be too hard or soft.
Much attention should also be paid choosing a pillow. According to doctors' recommendations, it is necessary to use a lower pillow that does not put much strain on the spine during rest. Bed linen should also be soft, preferably made from cotton fabric. Pajamas should be soft and comfortable to sleep in. It is advisable to change bed linen once a week or more often.

Hygiene of linen, clothing and shoes

Clothing is created, first of all, to protect the human body from cold, heat, and mechanical influences.
There are several types of clothing:
casual clothing should take into account all weather changes;
clothes for work;
sports uniform;
Underwear should absorb sweat, fat, and free the skin from unnecessary cells. Fabrics with the addition of synthetics cleanse the skin worse than natural fabrics, so give preference to natural materials.
Pay attention to the cleanliness of your shoes. It is better to clean your shoes in the evening so that they have time to dry by morning. First, you need to wipe it with a slightly damp cloth, and then clean it (if it is leather) and set it to dry.
The warmer it is outside, the more often clothes should be washed. In winter, you need to dress so as not to be cold, and choose shoes so as not to get your feet wet. In the cold season, it is advisable to wear knitted underwear. No need to think: the more warm pairs of socks, the better. It is not true! After all, in a tightly compressed leg, blood circulates worse and, therefore, the leg freezes.
Proper hygiene also means that clothes and shoes are as comfortable as possible, corresponding to the size of the foot, the weather outside, and the type of human activity. Uncomfortable shoes can cause calluses and cracks on your feet.

You need to be very attentive to how you feel every day in this or that clothing, whether there is discomfort and unpleasant sensations, what they are associated with, and how to eliminate them. We can feel the joy of life only if we do not feel our body, and for this it must feel great. This is exactly what we must take care of by observing the rules of personal hygiene. It's not that difficult, but the effect is amazing!
Health and cleanliness!

They say that a person’s culture can be judged by how he observes (or does not observe) personal hygiene rules. Every mother who respects herself and her children instills these rules in her offspring from early childhood. It is this knowledge that helps adults maintain their health and performance; in addition, the rules of personal hygiene are an excellent prevention of most infectious diseases.

The main components of hygiene are primarily skin care, hair care, dental care, as well as hygiene of personal shoes and clothing.

So, rule one

Keeping your own body clean

The sebaceous glands of any normal person are capable of secreting up to two hundred grams of sebum within a week. And the sweat glands produce five to seven liters of sweat over the same period of time.

Based on this, it is necessary to regularly and promptly wash the skin of the body. It is recommended to take a daily rinsing shower using soap or other cleansers, which should be chosen depending on your skin type. It is necessary to take a bath or visit a sauna using soap, a washcloth or a broom at least once every ten days.

Personal hygiene rules include washing your face in the morning and evening, and your hands should be washed every time after touching a dirty surface. Nature has provided our skin with a unique property: it has a bactericidal effect and can kill microorganisms on its own, but all this applies only to clean skin; greasy and contaminated skin instantly loses all its healing properties. This is another plus in favor of the cleanliness of your own body.

Rule two

Perfect hair cleanliness

Despite the length, hair, both short and long, must be washed not according to a schedule, but as needed. Usually once or twice a week. At the same time, to preserve the natural color of the hair and give it elasticity and shine, after washing it is good to rinse your hair with a strong infusion of chamomile or nettle. A head massage is mandatory to improve and stimulate hair growth. It can be done either with your hands or with a massage brush. Dry your hair very carefully, gently drying it with a towel. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer frequently; this procedure leads to overdrying of the hair, and, consequently, to its splitting and breakage. Personal hygiene rules include mandatory combing of hair every morning and every evening.

Rule three

Thorough oral care

As is known, some diseases of internal organs begin their development in an unhygienic oral cavity. Teeth should be brushed every morning with a special natural-based paste, and the spaces between teeth should be brushed with dental floss or a toothpick. After any meal, it is advisable to rinse your mouth thoroughly. If you experience bad breath, contact your dentist immediately. To promptly detect caries, remove tartar, or treat gums, visit your doctor twice a year. To prevent your teeth from hurting, eat more foods that strengthen your gums and teeth. Avoid fatty foods, which produce acid and erode tooth enamel.

Rule four

Maintaining cleanliness of shoes and underwear

It is very important to change your underwear after washing (shower, bath, sauna, etc.) so as not to contaminate your skin again with particles of sweat, grease and dirt. Underwear that directly touches the skin of the body (T-shirt, socks, panties, tights, stockings) must be changed daily. Shoes also require attention; they should be washed both outside and inside. Change the insoles in closed shoes, shoes and boots as often as possible.

Rule five

Nail and heel care

A huge number of all kinds of bacteria and harmful microorganisms live under dirty nails, so it is especially important to properly and regularly care for your fingernails and toenails. Cleanliness is the key to health, as folk wisdom says. Remember to clean your nails and trim or file them. Our heels also require special care. Avoid the formation of calluses, abrasions and corns. Systematically use pumice stone to clean your feet and heels from dead skin flakes.

Personal hygiene rules are also divided into female and male hygiene

In women, during menstruation, the body's defenses are weakened, as a result of which susceptibility to infectious diseases of the genital organs increases. That is why it is important on such days to especially carefully maintain the cleanliness of the body and underwear, change pads at least five times a day. It is advisable to wash only in a shower, and a warm one (neither cold nor hot, but warm). Be sure to wash your genitals at least twice a day to get rid of decaying blood.

All women are advised to visit a gynecologist regularly (twice a year), but only if they are completely healthy. If discharge, even minor, appears from the genitals, you should immediately see a doctor.
Men's hygiene requires maintaining cleanliness of the genitals no less than women's. They should be washed every day, making sure to open the preputial sac to avoid dirt accumulating there.

If someone in the family gets sick, personal hygiene rules will greatly help prevent other family members from getting sick. All hygiene measures should become widespread and everyday for every person.

The article describes the most basic rules of personal hygiene that should be learned from infancy. But, to maintain health, it is important not only to observe the rules of personal hygiene, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air and play sports - then you will not be afraid of any diseases.


Basics of life safety
Grade 11

Lesson 1
Rules of personal hygiene and health

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is understood as a way of life that ensures the formation, preservation and strengthening of health. Conventionally, this process can be divided into two directions: a person’s active actions to form and improve his health (physical training, hardening, compliance with hygiene rules, etc.) and a person’s desire to avoid the effects of factors that destroy health (smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholic drinks).

Important components of a healthy lifestyle- personal hygiene, friendly family relationships and highly moral behavior.

Rules of personal hygiene and health

Human life activity from the first days of his life takes place in close interaction with the external environment. The science that studies the influence of the external environment on the health of an individual and the entire population, and also develops hygienic standards, requirements and rules for maintaining health, high working capacity and prolonging the active longevity of people, is called hygiene. Many centuries passed before it became a real science, one of the areas of medical knowledge.

When we talk about personal hygiene, we mean the hygiene of an individual. It, in turn, is of great importance for social hygiene, that is, the hygiene of society as a whole. The concept of “personal hygiene” is very broad and includes the implementation of many hygienic rules, requirements and norms aimed at maintaining health, performance, active longevity, and the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Personal hygiene includes several sections, including dental care and hair care.

Dental care

An adult should have 32 teeth. However, due to poor diet and dental care, injury, and wisdom teeth removal, most adults are left with slightly fewer teeth.

The layer of enamel that covers a healthy human tooth is the hardest substance in the human body. However, like other hard objects, teeth can be damaged and eroded. Its most common form is caries, a decay caused by acid that forms on the teeth as a result of the presence of bacteria and food particles on them. The acid can gradually eat away the hollow in the tooth, and it will begin to hurt if the nerves at its root are affected.

The initial symptoms of such toothache are usually increased sensitivity to heat, cold or sweets (the tooth begins to ache). The pain will gradually increase (it may become so severe that it prevents you from sleeping) until the cavity is healed or until the nerves are killed by bacteria (in this case, an abscess may form - a swollen, inflamed area in the tissue where pus accumulates) . Treatment of caries becomes more difficult if you wait until the disease becomes acute.

The mouth with its warm and moist environment- one of the most favorable places in the body for the growth of bacteria. If they are allowed to multiply uncontrollably, an infection or abscess may develop. Bacteria can penetrate through the cavity in the tooth into the pulp, from it into the tooth socket and lead to the formation of an abscess. Abscesses most often form in the gums due to food particles getting stuck between the teeth and gums.

Another common dental disease is stomatitis: the appearance of painful ulcers on the inner surface of the cheeks. Causes of this disease include food allergies, stress, mechanical injuries and poor oral hygiene.

Just like any other part of the body, infections in the mouth tend to spread if left untreated. An infection from a tooth can spread to the tissues of the face and neck, causing them to swell, making it difficult to breathe. If large numbers of bacteria enter the bloodstream, a person may develop a fever or even develop a life-threatening condition. In this condition, he requires immediate intensive medical care and hospitalization.

To keep your teeth and oral cavity healthy, you need to adhere to the following rules:

Protect yourself from the most common sports and car accident injuries: If you play contact sports, wear protective equipment such as a helmet, face mask, and jaw guard; in a car, wear a seat belt, which can save not only your life, but also your appearance, in particular, it will save your teeth;
eat more foods that strengthen your teeth and gums, and less of those that weaken them (vegetables rich in fiber and calcium contribute to dental health; apples, carrots and celery, which must be chewed thoroughly, not only work the jaw muscles, improve blood flow to the teeth and gums, but also clean the surface of the teeth well; peanuts and nuts, tea, sunflower seeds, cheese, olives, if consumed after meals, can also prevent tooth decay, preventing the formation of an acidic environment in the mouth);
Avoid fatty, sticky and acid-forming foods: these can change the environment in the mouth and affect the composition of saliva in such a way that the likelihood of tooth decay and enamel erosion increases;
regularly clean the spaces between your teeth with a special floss or toothpick, use natural toothpaste;
Visit the dentist 2-3 times a year: in this case, he will promptly detect diseases of the teeth and gums.

Hair care

In appearance, hair does not resemble skin in any way, although it is a modified epidermis.

Hair consists of a shaft and root. The rod is located above the surface of the skin, and the root is located in its thickness, in the hair follicle. The extension of the root at its end is called the hair follicle. Hair grows from it.

Hair is present on almost the entire surface of the skin, except the palms and soles. There are three types of hair: long (head hair, mustache, beard); bristly (eyebrows and eyelashes) and vellus, located throughout the body.

Hair cells contain the pigment melanin. The color of the hair depends on its quantity. The more pigment, the darker the hair. With age, pigment cells stop multiplying and the hair turns grey.

What is hair for? They perfectly protect the head from cold and heat, the eyelashes protect the eyes from debris, and the eyebrows prevent sweat from getting into the eyes.

The hair is devoid of nerve endings, so it can be cut painlessly. They require careful care. Only well-groomed hair - clean, shiny, silky, well combed - adorns its owner.

Unfortunately, sometimes white and yellowish scales appear on the scalp and hair. There may be few of them, and sometimes it seems that the whole head is covered with flour. The hair always looks dirty and can fall out a lot. In everyday life, this phenomenon is called dandruff. Its medical name is seborrhea. Seborrhea is closely related to metabolic disorders in the body. To get rid of it, you need to exclude fatty and spicy foods, smoked meat and fish, canned food, and limit the consumption of sweets and cheese. Active games in the fresh air, playing sports, eating cereals, especially rolled oats, and good restful sleep contribute to good hair condition.

Hair should be washed not according to a schedule, but as needed. If they get dirty, it means they need to be washed.. At the same time, it is good to rinse them with water and vinegar, a decoction of chamomile or nettle. Head massage is very useful. You can do it before every wash. Don't be lazy to comb your hair morning and evening. It’s good if your comb is made of wood or bone: a plastic one electrifies the hair and splits it with its microburrs. It is completely unacceptable to comb your hair with someone else’s, even your mother’s or father’s, comb.

Body hygiene

Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences.. Keeping the skin clean is extremely important, because in addition to its protective function, it performs the following functions: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e. slightly above normal body temperature. Up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat are released through the human skin per week. To ensure that the protective properties of the skin are not impaired, these secretions must be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions are created on the skin for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, sauna) using a washcloth at least once a week.

Keep your hands and nails clean. Exposed skin areas are especially susceptible to contamination. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from your hands into your mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called the disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before using the toilet and always after using the toilet, before and after eating, and after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some germs.

Feet should be washed every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces sweating.

Hygiene of underwear and clothing and shoes

The cleanliness of our clothes plays an important role in personal hygiene.. Clothing protects the human body from pollution, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insects, and so on.

Underwear needs to be changed after each wash, i.e. every day.

Socks, knee socks, stockings, tights are changed daily.

Clothes must be washed regularly.

It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes and shoes

Clothing and shoes must match the climatic conditions.

It is advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics and shoes made from natural materials.

The cut of clothing and shoes must take into account anatomical features and correspond to the size of the person.

For more information, see the article “Clothing Hygiene”.

Bed hygiene

Every family member must have your own towel and your own bed.

Bed sheets must be changed weekly.

The sleeping place should be comfortable.

Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the sleeping area.

Try not to allow pets on the bed.

Home hygiene

Home hygiene not only allows you to maintain order in the house, but also contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health.

Cleanliness is essential to destroy germs, mold and mites that can cause various diseases.

Following a number of hygiene measures reduces the risk to health, which is one of the main human values. In addition, compliance with hygiene rules indicates a person’s high culture.

Healthy lifestyle It is impossible to imagine without caring about the hygienic condition of your own home. This is as important an element of hygiene as caring for your own body, underwear, clothes, shoes, etc. After all, on average a person spends a third of his life in his home.

That is why special attention should be paid to maintaining home hygiene.

For supporting the natural beauty of your home It is best to use proven folk remedies that are safe for health and can be easily prepared at home.

Let's look at them in more detail:

All-purpose detergent - to prepare it, add four tablespoons of baking soda to one liter of warm water and stir thoroughly;
stove cleaner - pour water over fresh stains and sprinkle them with salt, and after the stove has cooled, wipe off the stains with a sponge;
drain cleaner - pour half a glass of baking soda into the drain and pour half a glass of vinegar, after five minutes, rinse the drain with boiling water from a kettle;
Toilet bowl cleaner - a paste made from lemon juice and borax will help clean the surface of dirt.

Maintaining home hygiene helps ensure health and well-being in the family. Particular attention should be paid to cleanliness if there is a small child in the house. To ensure the comfort and safety of your own home, you need to regularly clean it and make sure it has enough warmth, light and coziness. Do not curtain the windows during the day and do not place too many pots of indoor flowers on the windowsill, as this prevents sunlight from entering the room.

Ventilate rooms regularly to prevent oxygen deficiency (as lack of oxygen causes headaches and fatigue) and to freshen the atmosphere. The temperature in the house should be no more than plus twenty-two degrees Celsius, which is most comfortable for the body.

Some concepts about cleansing the body

Over the past decades, there have been significant changes in human nutrition. Man began to consume a lot of synthetic and refined products, although most of them are poorly processed and absorbed by his body. The wrong combination of foods and fluid intake causes contamination and poisoning of the large intestine, liver, kidneys, and connective tissue of the body, which are unable to completely neutralize and remove unnecessary substances and toxins. This leads to an overload of waste in the lungs, nasopharynx, skin and other organs. Numerous pathogenic microbes, penetrating into the human body, find ideal conditions for reproduction in places where harmful and unnecessary substances accumulate and subsequently cause various diseases.

That is why people should take care that their body is clean not only from the outside, but also from the inside, so that it becomes clogged as little as possible and is constantly freed from toxins and other toxic substances.

There are many methods of cleansing the body. Most of them come down to carrying out procedures to cleanse and restore the functions of the large intestine, liver, kidneys, joints, etc. This is done by combinations of various cleansing methods (enemas, fasting, special diets, the use of choleretic and diuretics, the use of heat, performing various movements and pos). The success of the procedures, as a rule, is achieved only with complete abstinence from stimulants (tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol). And they must be carried out under the guidance of experienced specialists.

Questions and tasks

1. What is a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene?

2. What oral diseases are possible if you don’t take care of your teeth?

3. What hygiene rules must be followed to keep teeth and oral cavity healthy?

4. What functions does hair perform?

5. What hygiene rules must be followed when caring for your hair?

6. What are the reasons for the need to cleanse the body?

Exercise 1.

Are all your teeth healthy? When was the last time you visited the dentist? If you cannot answer these questions right away, hurry to the dentist and get your teeth in order.

Task 2.

What foods promote dental health? Choose the correct answers:

a) confectionery products;
b) vegetables rich in fiber and calcium;
c) fatty foods;
d)peanuts and nuts.

Task 3.

From the proposed answer options, choose the one that correctly explains why hair can be cut painlessly:

a) when cutting, the hair follicles are not affected;
b) hair cells contain a special pigment that protects them from pain;
c) hair is devoid of nerve endings.

Task 4.

Dandruff (seborrhea) occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body. This means that it is necessary to exclude fatty and spicy foods, smoked meat and fish, canned food from food, and limit the consumption of vegetables and fruits, sweets and cheeses.
There was an error in the list of products provided. Find her.

Hygieia is the goddess of health, the daughter of the sage and physician Asclepius. The science of Hygiene, which studies the influence of work and life on human health, is named after this goddess.

Gigi'ya was depicted in mythology, and very often on ancient Greek cameos, entwined with a snake, as a symbol of wisdom and holiness, purity and inviolability.

Human hygiene implies cleanliness of life. The snake bites the one who violates the laws of Gigi'i. As the daughter of Asclepius-Aesculapius, who symbolizes medicine for us, Gigi’ya observes the laws of a healthy lifestyle and through hygiene instills healthy habits in her fans, these skills bring health to the body and long life.

Personal hygiene is understood as a set of hygienic rules that help strengthen and preserve human health and increase the duration of his active life. Personal hygiene is an integral part of hygiene, including the rules of hygienic maintenance of the body, oral cavity, genitals, as well as the use of shoes, underwear, clothing, and housing. Issues of rest and work, sleep patterns, nutrition, and mental hygiene are considered.

Increasing the body's resistance to various unfavorable factors and a person's adaptation to the environment is facilitated by proper nutrition, hardening, physical education, regular exercise and other hygienic measures.

Compliance with hygiene rules is one of the conditions that determine human culture.

Human skin is the outer covering that protects the body from various environmental influences. In addition to the protective function, the skin performs such functions as regulation of heat generation and heat transfer, breathing, absorption, perception of external stimuli, etc. Its condition is influenced by climatic influences and working conditions. The skin is closely connected with the vital functions of the whole organism.

Skin care involves following some rules:

  • wash every day with warm water using special products (soap, gel, etc.);
  • change underwear, stockings, socks, tights, knee socks;
  • do not squeeze pimples, this can lead to inflammation;
  • try to consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, this will provide the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, which will contribute to smooth and clean skin;
  • in the cold season it is necessary to protect the skin from frostbite;
  • Don't wear clothes that irritate your skin.

Facial skin care comes down to three points: cleansing, nutrition, protection. To properly care for your skin, you need to know its type (normal, dry or oily).

In adults, normal skin is rare. This skin has a pink-beige tint, it is moderately matte, without acne, smooth and elastic, has sufficient moisture and fat lubrication, and good tension.

Normal skin requires less care than oily or dry skin. Cold water strengthens and refreshes the skin. Hot - washes away sebum, cleanses well, but with regular use of hot water, blood vessels can dilate, sagging and dullness of the skin appears, so you need to wash your face with water at room temperature or alternately pour cold and hot water on your face. After washing, wipe the skin dry.

Oily skin is grayish-yellow in color and has enlarged pores. Most often it occurs in the middle parts of the back and in the middle part of the face (forehead, nose, chin). This skin type can be characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum expands the openings of the sebaceous glands, clogging them, as a result of which comedones - blackheads - can form. Oily skin is less susceptible to irritation and easily tolerates various environmental influences. With such skin, you can wash your face daily with warm, but not hot, water and soap. If your skin is excessively oily, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day. You should periodically clean your face in a beauty salon if your facial skin is significantly contaminated.

Dry skin has a yellow-pinkish color, it is thinner, more vulnerable and delicate. Dilated capillaries are visible through the thin epidermis. This type of skin is easily irritated by wind, sun, water, frost, soap, reacting to their action with redness, painful tension and exfoliation of the epidermis. In youth, caring for dry skin comes down to cleansing it of impurities and softening it with liquid cream, but care should be taken regularly and very carefully, since such skin tends to premature aging.

At home, the main skin care products are masks and creams. Masks can be medicinal (they should only be done in a beauty salon), whitening and cosmetic. You can use masks two to three times a week.

Most modern creams nourish and protect the skin, supplying it with all the necessary substances. To cleanse and soften the skin, emulsions and liquid creams are used; they are recommended under powder and for wiping the skin instead of washing.

To nourish the skin, there are special creams for dry, oily and normal skin; they are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin. Face creams should be used daily, but you must remember that the skin gets used to the same cream and its active effect does not last long, so you should change the cream periodically. Apply and remove the cream in the direction of the skin lines with light finger touches so as not to displace or injure the skin.

It is also necessary to take care of the skin of your hands. It is recommended to wash your hands with mild toilet soap, which contains various additives, dry them thoroughly with a towel and, if necessary, lubricate them with an emollient cream. You should also lubricate your hands with cream before doing housework. To slow down the aging process of the skin of the hands, creams with elastin, collagen and vitamins E and A are used, which restore the epidermis, making the skin smooth and elastic. You need to rub the cream from your fingertips to your wrist, massaging each finger in turn, then the entire palm.

Foot baths are used to care for the skin of the feet; they improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue. If there are abrasions or small cracks on the skin of your feet, then it is useful to take a bath with calendula (1 tablespoon of calendula per 1 liter of water). To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to wipe the skin of your feet with table vinegar or a special lotion 2-3 times a week. It is also advisable to use softening gels and foot creams, which significantly improve the condition of the skin of the feet.

The condition of the teeth is of great importance for human health, which is why it is so important to take care of the oral cavity. Proper dental care can help prevent infections in the mouth. They should be cleaned daily using a toothbrush and toothpaste, and special mouthwash solutions should also be used. After eating, you need to clean the spaces between your teeth using toothpicks or special floss. At the first signs of dental and gum disease, you should immediately consult a dentist.

Proper oral and dental care, timely treatment of dental diseases, preventive measures recommended by a doctor and treatment prescribed by a dentist will help keep your teeth in good condition.

Personal hygiene also includes hair care. You should wash your hair with warm water; if the water is hard, you can soften it with baking soda (add 0.5 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water). The frequency of washing your hair depends on your hair type.

If you have oily hair, washing your hair too often can increase sebum production. Frequent washing is also contraindicated for dry hair due to its fragility and fragility. For this hair, it is useful to periodically use egg yolk or curdled milk. Long hair should be combed starting from the ends, and short hair should be combed from the root. Dry hair requires especially careful combing. The comb should not have sharp teeth, it should be sparse. A brush is suitable for normal hair; its use will clean the hair, evenly distribute the oil along the entire length of the hair, and improve blood circulation in the scalp. The brush should not be prickly, but hard. It is unacceptable to use someone else's comb.

Strong twisting, pulling, and constant tight weaving of hair can cause hair breakage and loss. Cold, sun, sea water, wind, dust, etc. makes hair brittle and dull. Hair loss can be aggravated by wearing tight or heavy hats, which put pressure on the skin and make it difficult for air to reach the hair.

As for a person’s clothing, it must correspond to the climatic conditions of the environment and the nature of the work. It is preferable to wear shoes made of genuine leather, and their cut should fully take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the foot.

One of the important factors contributing to the preservation of health and related to personal hygiene is internal hygiene.

It is more expedient to include this section of the science of Hygiene in food hygiene because the internal cleanliness of the organs of the physical body contributes to better absorption of nutrients, vital elements of air, water, food, but not only this. Knowledge of internal hygiene could be included as an aid in some areas of medicine. After all, hygiene has been a branch of medical science since ancient times, and only much later than the times of Ancient Greece, from where its name came, did it become an independent branch of science, and this is exactly what happened in the second half of the 19th century. When caring for your outer coverings, you often forget that the stomach, intestines, lungs, trachea, nasopharynx and other body cavities need to be cleansed just like the skin, hair, nails or teeth.

A person uses the apparatus of his body throughout his life, sometimes centuries. If you did not clean the pan in which you cook dinner during its entire service life just because it is used for cooking, you would probably be considered lazy and dirty, a bad housewife. But how do you feel about your digestive tract, which is the same food cauldron that you have been using not for a year or two, but for 80-100 years? Hygiene of the digestive tract and hygiene of the respiratory tract are two points that need to be added to the general section of personal hygiene in order to prevent many diseases that occur due to the impurity of these channels of perception of the environment.

Psychohygiene- This is a section related to personal hygiene and social hygiene. Psychological aspects in hygiene relate to the purity and health of emotions, imagination and thoughts - all this is determined by the concept of the soul, or Psyche in ancient Greek. Psyche manifests itself through the human neuroendocrine and nervous system, as a result of which certain substances are produced: crystals of psychic energy and hormones that regulate the activity of the human physical apparatus.

Personal hygiene also implies the health and strength of the endocrine glands, because the ectoplasm that is secreted by them creates auric radiations that saturate a person’s clothes, all surrounding objects, the atmosphere of the home, affect our social environment, etc., being an indicator of health or ill health person.

Greetings, our dear readers. Irina and Igor are with you again. “Wash your hands before eating!” We think everyone is familiar with this phrase. Actually, this phrase ends many people’s understanding of personal hygiene. However, the concept of “hygiene” is much broader and includes not only cleanliness of the body, but also the rules for replacing work with rest, sleep hygiene, hygiene of clothes and shoes, and even psychological hygiene.

Maintaining good personal hygiene will help you maintain your health and performance. So, today we will tell you what personal hygiene rules you need to follow.

Following the rules of personal hygiene distinguishes us from “savages”, therefore the culture of cleanliness should be instilled from childhood. And the best way to teach children is to show by example. Let's take a look at all the components of personal hygiene in order.

Body hygiene

Remember, as in Chukovsky K.I.:

You alone didn’t wash your face, and you were left dirty, and your stockings and shoes ran away from the dirty ones!

“Moidodyr” instilled in us a love of water and water procedures from childhood. But not in vain, since this is an important rule of hygiene for our body.

Taking a shower every day will not only help you stay fresh, but will also destroy excess microorganisms and bacteria on your skin. In this case, it is better to take a shower 2 times a day.

When dealing with excessive sweating, preference should be given to antiperspirants rather than deodorants. Because the latter only mask the unpleasant odor, while the former fight its release.

Much attention should be paid to caring for your hands and feet. You need to wash your hands as often as possible, because it is on them that the most pathogenic bacteria accumulate, which can cause various types of infections in the body. Therefore, it is imperative to wash your hands before eating.

If there is no water, you can use various antiseptic gels or antibacterial wet wipes. When washing your hands, you should also not forget about your nails, especially when you wash your child’s hands, since most of the various microorganisms accumulate under the nails.

Feet should also be washed every day, as well as moisturize them in a timely manner and take care of the heels so that they do not develop cracks and abrasions, which can lead to fungal infections.

B, since improper care of these parts of the body can lead not only to problems with the teeth themselves, but also to problems with the entire digestive system.

You need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day - in the morning and evening, and rinse your mouth after each meal. It is also worth visiting your dentist regularly to prevent the development of caries.

Long hair is a woman's pride. But even if you are a man and have very short hair, you should take proper care of your hair in order to avoid problems such as lice. Hair should be washed as needed, but at least once a week.

You should also regularly devote time to gentle massage sessions to improve blood circulation and better hair growth. If possible, you should avoid drying your hair with a hairdryer, since such heat treatment leads to disruption of the hair structure, it may become brittle or begin to split.

Intimate hygiene or genital hygiene is an important component of keeping the body clean in general. Both men and women are recommended to wash their genitals every day with soap or special gels.

Girls should pay special attention to intimate hygiene during menstruation. Currently, there are many intimate hygiene gels that will provide proper care in this delicate area. For example, gel "Richenna" , which contains a unique formula with oriental herbs, which improves blood circulation and strengthens local skin immunity. In addition, its gentle formula will not cause irritation and will leave you feeling clean and comfortable.

Sleep hygiene

The main condition is silence, so it is not advisable to place objects in the room where you sleep that create unnecessary noise, for example, you should not place a loud clock in the bedroom. The air must be sufficiently humidified for comfortable sleep, so it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning in the bedroom in a timely manner.

The bed, bedding, and bedding in general should be comfortable, especially the mattress, which should not be too hard or soft. It is recommended to use a flatter pillow so as not to overload the cervical spine.

It is advisable to wash bed linen once a week or more often.

Hygiene of clothing, shoes and underwear

You must differentiate between clothes. For example, you should not go to bed in the clothes you wore almost all day, as this can cause skin irritation. Your wardrobe should consist of the following types of clothing:

  • casual clothing should take into account all weather changes
  • work clothes
  • sports uniform
  • underwear

At the same time, underwear should be changed daily, as it absorbs all the sweat during the day. As for underwear and socks, it is better to change them after each bath.

Food hygiene

It is necessary to prepare food in a clean manner, with clean hands, and before cooking, all fruits and vegetables must be washed well.

Meat and fish must be cooked before consumption. You should not consume expired or stale products. It is not recommended to abuse fatty, spicy and fried foods. Also, you should not eat less than 2 hours before bedtime.

Psychological hygiene

The main rule of psychological hygiene is avoidance. Or change your attitude towards them. Oriental yoga practices, wushu or meditative practices can help you with this.

Remember that your mood affects your health and the condition of your body as a whole.

A wide range of products for your personal hygiene can be viewed and purchased in the online store in the catalog “Hygiene products - from famous brands” . There will always be a remedy that suits you.

We have discussed with you the basic rules of personal hygiene, but do not forget about the hygiene of your own home. Timely cleaning can bring cleanliness and comfort into your life, as well as save you from various kinds of diseases.

Tell us how much attention you pay to personal hygiene? Are you following all the rules or is there still something to work on? Maybe you have your own hygiene rules?

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Best regards, Irina and Igor