
Age lips: how to properly care? Lip Care at Home - Useful Tips and Recipes How to Get Your Lips in Perfect Condition


The most sensitive part of the human body is the lips. There are no sebaceous glands in the composition of our lips, and blood vessels are located very close to the surface, as a result of which hot air, frost, sun, wind and sea salt water affect them. Our lips become dry, begin to peel, cracks appear, which subsequently lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is important at any age.

If you do not have time and money to visit beauty salons, you can spend it yourself. How to care for your lips at home? We will talk about this in the article.

Basic rules for lip care

For the skin on the lips, as well as for the skin on any part of our body, there are basic rules of care: nutrition and hydration.

In the photo: the rules for peeling lips with a soft toothbrush

Do not forget about our body's need for water. The lack of this important element has a very bad effect not only on the condition of the skin of the lips - it is one of the most important conditions for the life and health of our body.

Lip care: charging

In order for your lips to look beautiful, do not forget to do special exercises

To make your lips look beautiful, remember to do special exercises:
1. Pull your lips into a tube and blow as if you want to extinguish the candle on the cake, then relax your lips. Repeat 10 times
2. You need to take a very deep breath and puff out your cheeks strongly. Exhale slowly, then very quickly, as if pushing all the air out of your mouth. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
3. Try to pronounce the sounds "a", "o", "i", "s", "y" very quickly. Repeat the recitative 7-10 times.
4. Open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips. Open and close your mouth just like fish in an aquarium. Close your lips and relax. Repeat 10 times.
5. Move the lower jaw and lips simultaneously. Movements should be made to the left and right. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
6. You need to stick out your tongue as far as possible and hold it in this position for 5 seconds. Remove your tongue and relax for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times.

Nourishing lip masks: recipes

Banana mask
Mix ripe and peeled banana with 1 tsp. fatty sour cream. This mask should be applied for 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water. Banana and sour cream moisturize the skin very well on the lips.

Masks made from homemade fermented milk products have always been used in folk cosmetology. Sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese - well moisturize and nourish the skin at any age.

Homemade sour cream or yogurt mask
To prepare the mask, you need to take 1 tsp. sour cream and curdled milk and mix well. The resulting composition is applied to the lips for 15 minutes, after drying, it is applied again for 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse the lips with warm water.

Curd mask
In equal proportions (1 tsp each), mix homemade cottage cheese with cream and apply on the lips and on the area around the lips for 10 minutes.

Pictured is a lip balm made from 2 vitamin E capsules, 2 parts cocoa butter and almond butter, 1 part beeswax.

After using nourishing masks, you need to lubricate your lips with balm or baby cream.

Lip balm
To prepare the composition, you need to take 2 capsules of liquid vitamin E, two parts of cocoa butter and the same amount of almond oil, add 1 part of beeswax.

The balm must be prepared only in an enamel bowl in a water bath, stirring with a stick (made of earthenware or wood). Store the finished composition in a clean glass container in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. Apply mono every day.

For the procedure, you need to grind 1 tsp. oatmeal, mix the resulting mass with 1 tsp. liquid honey. The mixture should be applied to the lips and massaged in circular movements for 2-3 minutes. Wash off, apply moisturizer.

It must be remembered that the condition of the skin on the lips is influenced not only by unfavorable environmental factors, but also by the health of our body. Therefore, in our diet every day, there must be a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and fats, which are necessary for the body to work.

Frequently asked Questions

Dasha, 25 years old:
How often and at what time of the year is it best to use lip masks?

The cosmetologist's answer:
In summer, lip masks are used once a week, and in winter, with worsening weather conditions, it is better to do nourishing masks every day.

Vera, 40 years old:
Give advice, if there is no lip balm, what other protective products can you use?

The cosmetologist's answer:
If you don't have a protective lip balm on hand, you can use petroleum jelly or baby cream. Any vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) will help keep your lips from drying out and flaking.

Which of us women hasn't this happened to? In the morning we do not like at all what we see in the mirror: a pimple on the forehead, dull hair, chapped dry lips…. What's good about that? Of course, every woman wants to leave the house as a beauty in order to cause envy in women and catch the admiring glances of men. But sometimes we just don't have enough time in the morning to put ourselves in order.

What is left? Run to work like this? Don't worry, our simple beauty secrets will help you "Visit Beauty" in just 5 minutes.
1.How to tidy up unruly hair?
Tangled hair.

Do you know the following situation? We wash our hair in the evening, before going to bed, and hope to wake up beautiful, but what is it we see in the mirror in the morning: our hair is bristling and is "jerky", just like in the fashion of the 80s. in our time, however, such an extravagant hairstyle is unlikely to be in vogue and certainly not to the liking of colleagues at work. What to do when there is absolutely no time left to wash and style your hair again? Only if you have 10 minutes left, we know how to help you! First of all, stop panic and follow these tips:

You will need half a glass of water: just wet your hair a little, lock by lock. After that, measure out half a teaspoon of almond oil, rub it between your palms and apply to your hair with light movements, while styling unruly hair into your hair in parallel. The styling method depends on the structure of your hair: if it is naturally curly and unruly, then apply oil to each curl to straighten and "Outline" it. Thus, if you have straight hair, then start styling from the roots and "Walk" through each strand. You will see: just a little patience - and the problem with the mess on the head is solved!

And finally, a few words about "Prevention": in order to prevent this problem from happening in the morning, try to wash your hair every other day. Make sure the water is not too hot, as high temperature water is known to damage hair. We also advise you to use hair conditioners with almond, coconut or argan oil extracts after shampooing. Try to dry your hair naturally, but if you are running out of time and have to use a hairdryer, do not turn on the high temperature setting so as not to damage your hair.

2. What to do if a pimple has jumped on your face?

A classic plot for every woman's morning nightmare. You look in the mirror and see that an unpleasant and rather noticeable pimple is "flaunting" on your nose, forehead or cheek, which quite inappropriately attracts attention. Of course, we all do not like to realize that our skin is imperfect and that nothing can be done about it, because soon we have to go to work and there is no time to apply cream or other medicine. What advice can you give in this case, if in a few minutes we have to run out of the house? Don't worry, there is a very simple remedy. First of all, wash your face thoroughly with neutral soap to cleanse your skin of bacteria. Then add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area of ​​the skin, that is, over the pimple.

We leave this mixture for 3 minutes, but not longer, because otherwise vinegar and lemon can have the opposite effect and dry out the skin. Wash your face well again and dry with a clean towel. Now you can put on your usual makeup. Attention! Only if you have a red pimple on your face, it makes sense to use a tinting pencil with a green tint, because this color will help hide the redness. After that, apply on top of the usual tone (while remembering that the foundation must be moisturizing. You see - it's not difficult at all!

3.How to get rid of bags under the eyes in 5 minutes?
Bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes are a common thing, and each of us has had such a nuisance at least once. Insomnia, fatigue, overwork - and here they are, these unpleasant swelling under the eyes. But it spoils the appearance so much, and you look overwhelmed and tired. What to do? To moisturize the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation in this "problem" area of ​​the face, first place two small teaspoons in the freezer. Leave them in there for a few minutes, during which you can do your usual morning gatherings: get dressed, comb your hair, brush your teeth, have breakfast or pack your bag before leaving. After 4-5 minutes, remove the spoons from the freezer and apply them to the bags under the eyes several times at intervals of 20 seconds. You will see: cold spoons will soothe the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation. Getting rid of bags under the eyes is really easier than you think!
4.What should I do if I need hair conditioner urgently?
Dry hair.
Many women are familiar with this problem. Do you have dry, brittle hair that clearly lacks vitality and shine? In the morning they look dull and dull, and you do not have time for a thorough styling, because soon you will be leaving the house? So, you need water, coconut oil, and an empty spray bottle.
To make our conditioner, you only need half a glass of water and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Some recipes suggest adding a little aloe vera, but this mixture is usually more difficult to stir. It is best if the water is slightly lukewarm, not cold, because otherwise the coconut oil will never mix properly. Add water, coconut oil to the bottle (if desired, also aloe Vera), shake well and stir ... the conditioner is ready! With the spray nozzle you can apply it to your hair. You will see: this natural conditioner will soften the hair, give it silkiness, shine and vitality, as well as a pleasant scent of coconut oil.
However, remember: the conditioner, the recipe for which we have described, is suitable for girls with dry and brittle hair, but if you are the owner of oily hair, then it is undesirable to use products based on natural oils: in this case, their effect may be exactly the opposite.
5. dry and chapped lips: what to do?
How unpleasant it is all the same: dry, chapped lips! But this happens very often, especially in autumn and winter, with frosty or windy weather, as well as with a lack of vitamins. Every woman wants to have beautiful, soft and sensual lips, not painfully chapped and covered with a thin crust. It sounds incredible, but just 5 minutes will be enough to get your lips in order. Are you curious to know how? We will now share this female secret with you.
First, apply a thick layer of moisturizer to your lips. After that, apply a generous amount of sugar on top of the cream: you may not have known that it has amazing exfoliating properties. Apply sugar to lips with a cotton pad, gently massage in circular motions to activate blood circulation. Continue massage for 3 minutes.
Now you can wash off the sugar and cream from the lips with warm (even slightly hot) water, without stopping the circular massage movements. Such a simple procedure will not take you much time and will help get rid of dead cells and scales: you will see how soft and smooth your lips will become and what an even pleasant tone they will acquire! Now you can safely leave the house, because the problem has been solved. However, do not forget to repeat the procedure in the evening (before bedtime) to consolidate the result.

Who hasn't this happened to: we wake up in the morning and see dull disheveled hair, flaky lips, a pimple on the nose, bags under the eyes in the mirror ... Of course, every woman wants to leave the house as a beauty in order to cause envy in women and catch admiring glances from men. But sometimes we just don't have enough time in the morning to put yourself in order... "What to do?" - you ask. In our article we will share with you a few simple and useful tips on how to "bring beauty" in just 5 minutes!

1. How to tidy up unruly hair?

Are you familiar with the following situation? You wipe your hair in the evening, before going to bed, and hope to wake up beautiful, but what do you see in the mirror in the morning? Hair bulges and stands "upright", just like in the fashion of the 80s. In our time, however, such an extravagant hairstyle is unlikely to be in trend and certainly not to the liking of colleagues at work. What to do when there is absolutely no time left to wash and style your hair again? If you have 10 minutes left, we know how to help you! First of all, stop panic and follow these tips.

You will need half a glass of water: just wet your hair a little, lock by lock. After that, measure out half a teaspoon of almond oil, rub it between your palms and apply it to your hair with light movements, while styling unruly hair into your hair. The method depends on the structure of your hair: if it is naturally curly and unruly, then apply oil to each curl to straighten and "outline" it. If you have straight hair, start styling from the roots and "walk" along the entire length of your hair. You will see: just a little patience - and the problem with the mess on the head is solved!

And finally, a couple of words about "prevention": in order to prevent this problem from happening in the morning, try to wash your hair every other day. Make sure the water is not too hot, as high temperature water is known to damage hair. We also advise you to use conditioners with almond, coconut or argan oil extracts after shampooing. Try to dry your hair naturally, but if you are pressed for time and have to use a hairdryer, leave it off the high temperature setting to avoid damaging your hair.

2. What to do if a pimple has jumped on your face?

A classic plot for every woman's morning nightmare. You look in the mirror and see that an unpleasant and rather noticeable pimple "flaunts" on your nose, forehead or cheek, which quite inappropriately attracts attention. What advice can you give if you have to run out of the house in a few minutes? Don't worry, there is a very simple remedy. First, wash your face thoroughly with a neutral soap to remove bacteria from your skin. Then add a few drops of apple cider to a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area of ​​the skin, that is, over the pimple.

Leave this mixture on for 3 minutes, but not longer, because otherwise vinegar and lemon can have the opposite effect and dry out the skin. Wash your face well again and dry with a clean towel. Now you can put on your usual makeup. If you have a red pimple on your face, it makes sense to use a tinting pencil with a green tint, because this color will help hide the redness. After that, apply the usual tone (while remembering that the foundation must be moisturizing). You see - it's not difficult at all!

3. How to get rid of bags under the eyes in 5 minutes?

4. What to do if hair conditioner is urgently needed?

Many women are familiar with this problem. Have dry, brittle hair that clearly lacks vitality and shine? In the morning they look dull and dull, and you do not have time for careful styling, because soon you will be leaving the house? So, to tidy up your hair, you need water, coconut oil, and an empty spray bottle.

To make our conditioner, you only need half a glass of water and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Some recipes suggest adding a little aloe vera, but this mixture is usually more difficult to stir. It is best if the water is slightly lukewarm, because coconut oil never mixes properly in cold water. Add water, coconut oil to the bottle (if desired, also aloe vera), shake well and stir ... the conditioner is ready! Using a spray nozzle, you can apply it to your hair. You will see: this natural conditioner will soften the hair, give it silkiness, shine and vitality, as well as a pleasant scent of coconut oil.

However, remember: the conditioner, the recipe for which we have described, is only suitable for girls with dry and brittle hair. If you are the owner of oily hair, then it is undesirable to use products based on natural oils: in this case, their effect may be exactly the opposite.

5. How to clean up dry and chapped lips?

How unpleasant it is all the same: dry, chapped lips! But this happens very often, especially in autumn and winter, with frosty or windy weather, as well as with. Every woman wants beautiful, soft and sensual lips, not painful, chapped, and thinly crusty lips. It sounds incredible, but just 5 minutes will be enough to get your lips in order. Are you curious to know how? We will now share this female secret with you.

Start by applying a thick layer of moisturizing balm to your lips. Then apply a generous amount of sugar on top of the cream; you may not have known that it has amazing exfoliating properties. Using a cotton pad, apply sugar to lips using gentle, circular motions to activate blood circulation. Continue massage for 3 minutes.

Now you can wash off the sugar and cream from the lips with warm (even slightly hot) water, without stopping the circular massage movements. Such a simple procedure will not take much of your time and will help get rid of dead cells and scales: you will see how soft and smooth your lips will become and what an even pleasant tone they will acquire! Now you can safely leave the house, because the problem has been solved. However, do not forget to repeat the procedure in the evening (before bed) to consolidate the result.

When caring for the face, we do not always pay enough attention to the lips, and it is they that often adorn the face. There are basic rules for lip care at home, ignoring which leads to various problems: their early thinning, bleeding cracks, roughness, dryness and dullness of color. In the publication we will talk about the features of home lip care, find out what masks, scrubs, peels, creams and lip balms you can make yourself.

Why lips need special care

Delicate, juicy, brightly colored and without cracks - these are the lips that can be called beautiful. However, their mucous membrane is very thin, and the capillaries and blood vessels are very close, so the lips react to any external and internal changes before all parts of the body and face and need special care and protection.

With age, the lips become thin due to insufficient work of the circulatory system, their contours are erased, the lips turn pale. Age-related lip care is a special section of cosmetology. Therefore, there are whole techniques for their rejuvenation, and if the techniques are not enough, then plastic is used, and. Everything is used, if only the lips were bright and full.

Winter frosts and seasonal winds dry lips, they become weathered, and a person involuntarily tries to lick them, thereby making it even worse. Endlessly licked lips become a target of cold air: the mucous membrane instantly becomes even more fragile, wounds appear. Summer heat also damages the lips, it dehydrates their thin skin, they dry and crack.

Lips and our bad habit of biting them at moments of intense excitement or stress also greatly spoils. Microcracks and bruises appear, which are difficult to hide even under a layer of bright lipstick. .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: lip vitamins" width="450" height="267" srcset="" data-srcset=" 597w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

An insufficient amount of fluid entering the body is the very first reason why the lips acquire a bluish appearance and become dry. Lack of vitamins, especially A and E, can negate all lip care efforts. Fortify your menu or include vitamin complexes in the diet.

Lip care rules

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Home remedies for lip care

At home, you can carry out simple beauty treatments such as peels and lip masks, prepared by yourself from available and natural ingredients.

Home peeling for lips

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Lip masks

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DIY cream, scrub and lip balm

At home, you can independently prepare wonderful natural products for the care of delicate lip skin. A very attractive point - these products will contain only useful substances, there will be no chemical additives.

Watch a video of recipes for making a cream, scrub and lip balm at home from the simple ingredients available:


Home lip care is not difficult at all. However, it is worth remembering that lips can crack not only from external factors, their painful appearance may well be the result of disturbances in the functioning of the body and malnutrition. In this case, it is necessary to be examined in a medical institution and, together with a doctor, eliminate the internal cause of the unhealthy appearance.

With the onset of cold weather, the problem of chapped lips becomes urgent for many. In the cold, the skin dries up, as a result of which a person begins to instinctively lick his lips to moisturize them. But because of this, the lips, on the contrary, dry out even more, the skin on them becomes covered with painful cracks. Chapped lips cause great discomfort to a person, since it becomes quite painful even to just talk or eat. From an aesthetic point of view, chapped skin also looks very ugly and untidy, especially if a lot of attention has been paid to the makeup and overall look.

Causes of chapped skin on the lips

There is a popular joke that kisses in the wind are the cause of chapped lips. But this is far from the only factor that has a damaging effect on the skin. The cause of chapping can also be:

  • Avitaminosis. Often, cracked lip skin is the result of an acute vitamin deficiency. This is especially true for vitamins A, E and B-group. With a lack of these elements in the body, the skin rapidly loses its elasticity, becomes very dry and rough, and therefore easily injured. Avitaminosis is a seasonal disease, therefore, to prevent this ailment, it is necessary to drink courses of vitamin complexes in the fall and spring. In other seasons, it is better to focus on saturating the diet with vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts and legumes.
  • With frequent licking, especially in the open air, the skin of the lips will surely be covered with cracks and chapped. Therefore, you need to wean yourself from this habit. You can try to make beautiful makeup using expensive bright lipstick. This should help keep you from licking your lips or your makeup will ruin. For men, special colorless medical lip balms with a bitter taste are suitable, which should also help to wean themselves from licking their lips.
  • Windy weather is also often conducive to weathering. Moreover, not only in winter, this can also happen in hot weather, for example, if you go to the beach without using sunscreen. Often, lips can be chapped when traveling by transport with open windows. In this case, the influence of external conditions plays a role: high or low ambient temperature, wind and low humidity. You can fight this with the help of special protective balms that cover the lips with a film and prevent them from drying out.
  • Manifestations on the lips of the herpes virus. Even with the slightest burning and itching sensations characteristic of this virus, people also begin to lick their lips. This may indicate an imminent onset of colds, so you need to immediately take the appropriate medicine against the virus. Acyclovir tablets have proven themselves well, as well as the ointment of the same name, which can prevent the manifestation of colds. A holistic approach helps to suppress the virus before its manifestations become visible on the skin.
  • Some decorative cosmetics, with constant use, can also cause chapped and tight lips. In low-quality lipsticks and gloss, ingredients that provoke dryness are often used. They cover the lips with a dense layer, as a result of which the skin does not breathe and dries out. Sometimes this happens due to personal intolerance to certain components in cosmetics. Therefore, before using a new lipstick, it is better to take a sample from the store in order to test the care properties in advance.
  • Dehydration of the body. If other factors of weathering are excluded, then the body may be in a state of dehydration. To eliminate dryness of the skin, it is necessary to observe a daily drinking regimen and drink 1.5 - 2 liters of drinking water per day in order to replenish the body's water balance.
  • A runny nose and nasal congestion can also lead to chapping, since with these ailments a person breathes through the mouth. To cure a runny nose, you can use vasoconstrictor drops, and you also need a plentiful warm drink and airing the room.

Accurate confidence in the causes of windburn will help in the shortest possible time to choose an effective method of treatment. Below we will tell you how to treat chapped lips.

Pharmacy remedies for weathering

The assortment of pharmacies contains a large number of different medicines to combat this problem.

  • Regular petroleum jelly will help to cope with small flakes and small cracks. Its regular use effectively protects the skin of the lips in bad weather from chapping and will help to avoid this problem in the future.
  • Also, solutions of vitamins A and E in oily form help in the fight against minor manifestations of chapping. If you apply these funds every day, then you can forget about the problem of cracking.
  • An excellent pharmaceutical remedy is Hydrocortisone ointment. It quickly removes cracks and heals peeling. For the best result, first apply a thin layer of ointment to the lips, and then any cream with a moisturizing effect.
  • If the lips are severely chapped, it is necessary to use creams and ointments with antibacterial properties. When choosing, it is better to consult a doctor, since these drugs may have side effects.
  • The safest and mildest effect is possessed by special pharmacy gels containing zinc sulfate. They practically have no contraindications and side effects, but at the same time they fight the problem well.

Emergency treatments for cracked lips

Sometimes in life there are situations when tomorrow you need to look just perfect. And cracks can ruin the whole image and are completely unacceptable. How to smear chapped lips to put them in order as soon as possible? Special express methods for recovery will help:

Honey has long been known as an excellent restorative agent. It intensively nourishes and moisturizes, and also has an antiseptic effect. In order to make a caring mask, it is better to take candied honey. It must be applied in a thin layer to the skin and massaged a little. Solid sugar particles gently remove the hardened epidermis and remove flaking. You need to keep honey on your lips for 20 minutes, and then you can remove it with a napkin or just eat it.

After the honey, a thin layer of olive oil can be applied to the lips. If you repeat this care procedure as often as possible and do it at night, then in the morning your lips will delight you with their ideal state.

Folk recipes for weathering

The skin on the lips is very thin and delicate, so it especially needs regular moisturizing and nourishment. Natural oils help lips stay hydrated, smooth and well-groomed. Other natural remedies are also very beneficial for the skin of the lips:

  1. Avocado mask. This fruit is rich in various vitamins, minerals, and healthy fatty acids that help maintain the moisture balance of the skin. A small piece of fruit pulp must be kneaded and applied to the skin of the lips for 30 minutes. The procedure must be repeated daily and after three sessions the condition of the lips will noticeably improve.
  2. Milk mask made from natural cottage cheese and cream. It is better to take rustic cottage cheese of the highest fat content. It should be mixed with a little cream, applied to cleansed lips and left to dry completely. During application, it is better to take a horizontal position so that the mask does not drip.
  3. Cucumber mask with sugar. Mash a little cucumber pulp along with a teaspoon of sugar. Cucumber contains many moisturizing ingredients, and sugar has a peeling or scrub effect, thoroughly cleansing the skin of the lips from keratinized particles and restoring its softness and elasticity.
  4. Fresh aloe juice is also able to repair chapped lips very quickly. To do this, squeeze some juice from a freshly cut aloe leaf and apply it to your lips.
  5. Aloe juice can also be mixed with equal parts glycerin and petroleum jelly. The resulting mixture should be applied to the lips for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the mask with a cotton pad or napkin, apply a moisturizing cream (for example, for children). This method is able to repair even severely chapped lips.
  6. Natural oils are highly effective in treating chapped lips. You can take any that is suitable for cosmetic purposes: sesame, olive, peach, almond, shea butter, cocoa or coconut. All oils are an irreplaceable source of fatty acids, which have a very positive effect on the condition of the lips. If you use oils on a regular basis, your lips will always be in order.
  7. Salt compress is considered to be a very effective remedy for this problem. For half a liter of boiled water, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. without a slide of table salt. Soak a small piece of cloth or gauze with the prepared solution, and then put it on the damaged lips. After the procedure, a nourishing cream or petroleum jelly should be applied to the lips. Salt compresses must be done 4 - 5 days in a row.

Homemade recipes are fairly easy to use, have ingredients in every kitchen, and are highly effective in treating damaged, chapped lips.

Also, an important step in achieving an ideal state is the use of various peels and scrubs.

  • Light massage with a toothbrush removes dead skin pieces well;
  • A sugar scrub with the addition of a small amount of any oil or petroleum jelly makes lips smooth and moisturizes at the same time;
  • Sugared honey should be applied and gently rubbed on the skin of the lips for a couple of minutes;

After scrubbing, the lips need to be moisturized and nourished. To do this, you can take any natural oil, olive oil is best suited. If you take care of your lips on an ongoing basis, the desired results will not be long in coming and the lips will certainly delight you with their healthy and beautiful appearance.

Treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips

Often during chapping, the corners of the lips are especially affected. Painful cracks form on them, which not only cause discomfort, but also spoil the appearance. Wounds in this place heal with great difficulty, the skin constantly cracks and bleeds again from facial expressions or while eating.

First of all, wounds in the corners of the lips must be treated with antiseptic drugs. The Indian Boro-Plus cream, aloe juice, infusion of calendula flowers or tetracycline ointment are well suited for these purposes. Cracks must be carefully treated with the chosen remedy several times a day for their speedy healing.

To prevent this problem in the future, you need to purchase a quality lip balm or hygienic lipstick. You should always carry it with you, and in order not to forget to use it, you can purchase several pieces and put them in different places.

Before leaving the house, be sure to apply lip protectant to avoid chapping. And also do not forget to observe the drinking regime, eat right and take care of your lips. And then the lips will always remain healthy and smooth!