
What is fidelity for men and women. What is fidelity What fidelity does to people


  • Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary: steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty. Violation of fidelity is treason. Webster's Dictionary also defines faithfulness as "full of faith."

    "Loyalty is devotion to someone or something; it is constancy in one's promises, words, relationships, in the performance of one's duties, duty. Loyalty is based on responsibility, perseverance, honesty, courage, sacrifice. Similar qualities: dedication, constancy, firmness, steadfastness. Opposites: perfidy, betrayal, infidelity, betrayal, deceit."[unauthorized source?].

    In ancient Greek, there are two words that denote the concept of fidelity: “alithia” (reliability, firmness, constancy, immutability, truth, justice, sincerity) and “pistos” (faithful, true, reliable, believing, nourishing confidence).

    During the period of feudalism, the main virtue of a vassal was considered loyalty to his lord. In feudal Japan, the samurai's loyalty to their overlord was the most important commandment of the bushido code: “Wherever I am, in the mountains or underground, at any time and everywhere, my duty obliges me to protect the interests of my lord. This is the duty of every subject. This is the backbone of our religion, unchanging and eternal.” The Japanese folk tale "Ako's Revenge" tells how 47 samurai avenged the death of their master at the cost of their own lives.

    The main virtue of a servant was also considered loyalty to his master.

    Subjects were required to be loyal to their sovereign. When a sovereign ascended the throne, his subjects often took an oath of allegiance to him.

    Loyalty to a friend is valued in friendship.

    Marital fidelity means preventing adultery, and in a broader sense, caring for your spouse, subordinating your behavior to his (her) interests.

    Loyalty can be shown not only by people, but also by animals. There are many stories about dogs' loyalty to their owners (see, for example, the article Monument of Devotion).

    Loyalty can be expressed not only in relation to a person, but also in relation to someone's political, religious or ethical beliefs. Such fidelity is described by the famous words attributed to Martin Luther: “On this I stand and cannot do otherwise!” Associated with such loyalty is loyalty to a political party or other similar organization. Lenin called the main quality of a security officer loyalty.

    They also talk about military personnel’s loyalty to military duty and loyalty to the Motherland. This means subordinating a person's behavior to the interests of his state.

    They also talk about the state’s loyalty to its allies, which means the implementation of interstate treaties.

IN roughness: reliability, correctness, truth.

Alexey Dubrov


At different times, people swore allegiance to God, the Motherland, the King, and also remained faithful to the Order and Family. They swore an oath, which means they swore to serve faithfully, honestly, openly, sincerely! Recently, the concept of fidelity has been distorted, and more and more often fidelity is understood as faith in one’s “principles,” ideals and idols. And we know what principles, ideals and idols are now... They are far from serving God and far from human.

In man, fidelity manifests itself as a consonant force, which is the support of God for the implementation of Divine laws in the physical World, Reality.

For me, loyalty is loyalty to the Great Divine Powers, loyalty to the Teachers, loyalty to the Brotherhood of the Inner Circle, loyalty to the chosen Path of development and improvement. In my opinion, the moment of being true to yourself is very important, i.e. to the Power that led me to the Path of development and improvement.

To remain faithful means to serve God impeccably and to be his messenger in this world, annihilating betrayal.

You can say a lot about my infidelity, but I will say the main thing. At the moment when infidelity manifested itself in me, I was not myself, because I renounced the Will of God, renounced the words and decisions that I said and made myself. Therefore, now the main thing for me is prayer to God, prayer of fidelity to the chosen Path!
I serve life!

Andrey Mirzayants


Choosing the Path of serving the Divine Powers is fulfilling your Destination, finding your place during Life. Fidelity to this Path is a supporting quality for a person in the process of Being.
As I tuned in and absorbed the power of fidelity into my body, I felt that this power was squeezing out of me internal doubts, the reluctance to develop those beings, entities and other microorganisms that were present in my body.
All these entities, as well as the quality of “seeking benefits”, screamed..., since fidelity does not imply better or worse, profitable or unprofitable. Loyalty means honesty, honor, support. Loyalty expects no reward.
A striking example for me to understand the essence of loyalty was the samurai code. A samurai follows his master, fulfills his Will, protects him under any circumstances without compromise. Thus, his life acquires meaning, and selfless service strengthens the Spirit.
Without loyalty to his Spirit, Idea, Path, a person is like a leaf in the wind. The key point is being faithful to your Spirit. To fill my being with the Power of Loyalty, I blur the stereotypical view of myself, of people, I feel my individual strength, I am not afraid of being wrong and making mistakes.
In further work, I saw that in order to strengthen Fidelity, I need to transform opportunism, primitive idleness and self-doubt, since they interfere with the flow of the Spirit into the body. If self-doubt dominates, then how can anyone be confident in me, in my support?
Loyalty has the same root as Faith:
Loyalty - Faith - Spirituality - Spirit.
Loyalty - Confidence - Faith - Believing in yourself.
Loyalty makes us more human.
Faithful is correct. The way God created it.

Taisiya Starshinova


What am I loyal to? The idea of ​​strengthening Life on Earth, one’s Divine essence, one’s Divine destiny.

Loyalty is born in the heart, first fills the physical body, and then, going beyond its boundaries, manifests itself in all actions and deeds when interacting with the outside world.

What prevents me from being faithful inside?

1. The state of buying and selling, manifests itself during communication as “what will I get for this?” It exists as long as you perceive yourself as a performer, an employee, etc. This is a certain measure of responsibility for oneself and the world around us. It helps me to realize that life is priceless and it is better to die than to trade one’s life, becoming slaves to things, people, egregors...

2. A state of fear that controls every action, building a master-slave relationship. It manifests itself as an expectation of approval for one’s actions from Teachers and friends. You need to learn to perceive fear as an additional strength to get things done. Constantly evaluating and comparing yourself with the people around you, firstly, depletes yourself, and secondly, it does a disservice to these people. When you begin to focus only on others, an energy such as envy arises - they can, but I can’t - which means I’m not like that, I’m not correct and in general I won’t be any good. This will happen if you start to worry about it. Realizing how many things need to be done, it is impossible to remain in this state for a long time. There is no time to compare, you just need to live and enjoy life.

And most importantly, all this should not be divorced from reality. Otherwise, I sit here at home and develop myself, do adjustments and asanas, and when I leave the house, I forget about it...
It all starts with the little things, perfection in the little things builds the foundation!

Tatiana Dubrova


Loyalty is one of the facets of Humanity.
Human Loyalty is fidelity to one’s Divine destiny, one’s Essence. Energy of Loyalty, Service, Impeccability, Determination form the inner core of Man.
Loyalty gives rise to Trust Forces, and hence Responsibility.
Truly Loyalty is determined in difficult situations. Situations can be difficult when unharmonized energies accumulate in the body. It feels like internal discomfort, to eliminate which it is necessary to find a way to quickly and effectively harmonize the energies in yourself and around. But the way out at this moment is not obvious. Except moreover, at such moments there are always doubts about one's own abilities, pity for self, suffering, resentment, negativism. The energies of these states will do everything to capture your attention completely and suck out the maximum amount of vitality from the body. The task of Loyalty is to prevent this and preserve the Force of Life and Humanity. Loyalty at such a moment is a lifesaver, which you need to hold on to and row in the right direction towards the previously set Goal (towards Development and Improvement and strengthening of Humanity), no matter how difficult it may be, since Joy and Lightness at such moments may not exist. be. More precisely, Joy and Lightness come at the moment of resolution, i.e. harmonization of the situation. But impeccability, a reliable companion of Loyalty, is always there. Entrusting yourself to Love, you understand that there are no hopeless situations. There is only one hopeless situation - death (i.e. complete loss of the Life Force)...

Wrong deeds are those actions (including thoughts and emotions) thatlead to loss of vitality. Indulge in (from the word “betrayal”) suffering (I had such moments), self-pity based on egocentrism (when no one except yourself is important or interesting), resentment (it seemed that people were so unfair to me and no one understood me), everything this is the way in a bottomless abyss of inhumanity. Perception is distorted memory becomes short and strangely selective, strength is lost

Some time ago I really wanted to go to the sea and it seemed that everything was going well and the trip would take place. It was a very strong desire, brightly colored “I WANT”. When it became clear that the trip would not take place (since we did not have time to complete the documents), my emotions took on a very negative connotation, which led to extremely dangerous consequences for my husband’s life (car accident). Negative emotions are just energies, and the accident was quite real with a blow to the physical body... It was the line between life and death. I am grateful to God that everyone survived. This was a lesson for me. I realized that a monster was acting through my “want”. Allowing the manifestation of an alien non-humanoid will is a disloyalty to one’s Essence.

What I do to develop the Power of Loyalty:
1. I call upon the energies of Fidelity and saturate my body with them.

2. I do household chores with the mindset of the power of Loyalty (in tune with Impeccability).

3. I write the rune Loyalty in asanas.

In the process of working at this stage, I first felt and then saw the Image of fidelity. I feel that this Image helps me strengthen my feminine Essence.

Vladimir Titov

Masculine qualities: Loyalty

Man. Who is he? What is he like? How does it manifest itself in this reality?
Why is it even needed? What are its main qualities and features?
Dignity, valor, honor, courage - these and many other qualities should be possessed by every person who considers himself a man.

Among them there is one more quality that is so necessary for a man: fidelity.

Let's try to see the meaning of this word.
According to the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, which is a written message from our ancestors and in which each word has its own sacred meaning:

B - I know, I know
E - yes
R - rtsy (speak, speak)
N - ours
Oh - it
S - word
T - hard.

And even a soft sign at the end does not make this word less hard and insignificant, especially since this sign, in fact, EPЪ means: the original energy of Ra or space-time.

So: I know, there is (means) - I say, our word is firm and with this I connect space and time, our being, reality.
Therefore, the word spoken by a man has great power.

And then try to say something, but not do it, or do it, but not as it should be, or do it poorly, or at the wrong time. Or make an appointment and be late, or cancel it without warning.

At the same time, all promises and oaths begin to have a special meaning.
Previously, in the old days, it was enough to simply give your word at the contract.
This word contained the honor of its giver. Breaking it was almost tantamount to death. Even if not physical, but the death of oneself as a person.

To lie about something meant to stop being Human. There was no more trust in this no-man. And no one ever wanted to do business with him.

With the word fidelity - the same root word faith.
Here the meaning is as follows: (I know, I say, az) i.e., I know what I am talking about.
It turns out that faith is primordial knowledge, knowledge from God.

And this, in turn, means that it is simply impossible for a person not to believe in God. Man carries Divine knowledge within himself. He carries it as a person, as a son and creation of God, as a conductor of Divine energies into our Reality.

It turns out that fidelity is following Divine laws, Divine knowledge, one’s Divine-Human essence.

The concept of fidelity accompanies every person every day throughout his life in any area: love, friendship, work. Loyalty characterizes a person from the point of view of moral, ethical, spiritual qualities, education, and evokes a feeling of trust and respect in him.

People can be faithful not only to each other, but also to the Fatherland, their goals, personal principles, rules of behavior, their dreams, their given words.

Interpretation of the concept of fidelity

According to the explanatory dictionary, the immutability and persistence of feelings towards something or someone is loyalty and devotion. The ability to firmly, unwaveringly fulfill one's duty, keep promises. This is the opposite of deceit, deceit. This quality does not expect anything in return, it is not agreed upon in advance, it follows a person as an unspoken rule in any of his endeavors, be it relationships with people or with his inner world, thoughts, judgments, religion.

A faithful person is, first of all, an honest, respectable, highly moral citizen and subject of society. People who know how to be faithful, who value this quality above all else, are never capable of betrayal and deception. One of the main qualities that characterize a respectable person is loyalty. What it means to build without sincere devotion, trust, the ability to rely on a solid shoulder, people who have seen betrayal, disappointment and lies know well.

devotion to friendship

People begin to make friends from early childhood. When they are still very young in kindergarten, they are already drawn to friendship, choosing children who are congenial in their spirit. On the school bench, stronger bonds are formed that consist in joint recreation, mutual assistance, and the ability to stand up for each other. Sometimes these relationships go through a lifetime, through many trials, becoming stronger. This is true devoted friendship, without self-interest and betrayal.

The ability to rejoice with a friend when things are going well for him, to help, to get him out of any trouble, to stand by him like a mountain, to follow him wherever he asks, to be with him even if everything is against him - this is loyalty . without devotion? It’s no longer friendship at all, but a relationship based on mutual benefit and flattery, which can end at any moment.

Male fidelity to a woman

Not every man is capable of being faithful to his only chosen one. Most are looking for new love adventures, even if they have been married for a long time. Some men do not consider fleeting hobbies to be adultery, and some wives silently turn a blind eye to their husband’s adventures so as not to destroy the marriage and not to traumatize the psyche of the children.

A real man must be responsible for his actions. Having made a choice only once, carry it to the very end, without wasting time on trifles. A faithful and devoted person understands the entire burden of responsibility placed on him after concluding an alliance based on complete and mutual trust. All his love for his wife is manifested in care for her, respect and sincerity, which is an inseparable part of the concept of fidelity.

Devotion to parents

Not all children, having matured and started their own families, can remain faithful to their elderly parents. What is one long-awaited call a month for the dearest people on earth, who have given all their strength, who have invested their whole soul in raising their son or daughter? Devotion to parents is an opportunity, despite being busy with work, to give them due attention and care.

A person who is faithful to his parents is obliged to repay them with kindness and a warm attitude for their love. is to take care of your parents until their very last day, providing them with proper care and support, both moral and financial.

Loyalty to the Motherland

A special feeling for one’s native land, a willingness to serve for its benefit, to protect it from invaders is also loyalty. Every soldier who defends his home, digs a trench, and mercilessly kills his enemies knows what loyalty to his homeland means. Every mother knows this, furtively wiping her tears, letting her only son go to war.

Every soldier who has lost a comrade on the battlefield can tell about loyalty to the people of his country, obligations to them, duty. This is known to the surviving soldier, wounded, but retaining courage and courage to pull his friend out of the fire.

Loyalty is the quality of a real hero who is able to go through a lot, while maintaining the purity of thoughts and kindness towards all living things. This is the ability for the sake of a higher goal, sacrificing oneself for the sake of others, to go forward and not give up.

Loyalty and devotion is the basis of all sincere and real human relations, the main moral quality of a spiritually developed, decent, sincere person, incapable of deceit and betrayal.

Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, immutability in relationships and feelings, in the performance of duty, duties, steadfastness and honesty. To be true to your convictions and principles means to have a firm position.

Love Above All

That is why people are required to have a clear understanding of their positions, a firm conviction in the chosen course. should become the basis of behavior and life priorities for everyone. And the task of adults is to instill in the growing personality responsibility for their actions and words, to lay down the correct concepts of morality.

Integrity and unprincipledness

People often make mistakes, that's nature. The world around us is changing, human views are changing. In childhood and adolescence, a person is dominated by a strict polarity of opinions. Good or bad, love or hate, right or wrong - these are the only differences in concepts. The absence of transitions and shades in relationships at this age is a common phenomenon.

Over time, people become wiser. The most subtle nuances of psychology are revealed to them. It turns out that the drunkard and rowdy neighbor heroically defended his children in the past, which is why he committed manslaughter and was convicted. He changed in prison; the loss of his family left an imprint on his character. So is it necessary to despise him with the same firmness for his current condition? Or should you change your attitude towards a person?

Sometimes principles need to be adjusted. Especially when they concern people nearby. Therefore, you don’t always need to put your integrity above humanity. And changing such attitudes is not at all considered a manifestation of unscrupulousness. It is rather life wisdom.

Loyalty is a concept that can be viewed from different angles. It is difficult to give a clear definition of this word, because the point of view of each person depends on his experience, age, experienced events in life and his own attitudes.

In addition, you can consider different types of fidelity, because you can keep it not only to your loved one. To understand this concept, it is worth not only considering the definition given in the explanatory dictionary, but also finding out what types of fidelity are, what determines a person’s decision to remain faithful to someone or something.

Definition of the term

Loyalty is perseverance and immutability in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one's duties, duty, according to Ozhegov's dictionary. This is the quality of a person as a person to make a decision one day and follow his choice, brushing aside all doubts.

In fact, fidelity is a line of behavior chosen in accordance with life values. It cannot arise without an object of attention, internal or external. This spiritual need is generated by someone or something. As a rule, loyalty is shown to loved ones, friends, the word, God, principles and beliefs, the heart, the Motherland, the family.

Alternative definitions of the concept

The question of how you understand the meaning of the word "loyalty" can have many answers, depending on which person is trying to define it. It could be:

  • “the right path” or “the right answer”, i.e. correct;
  • “sure thing” means fundamentally reliable;
  • “faithful person” - authoritative, serviceable.

Often, accidental or deliberate mistakes lead to a violation of fidelity. And this is a betrayal, first of all, to oneself, to one's own rules, and then to the object of attention. Such cases are associated with certain losses, moral, and sometimes physical. And depending on the situation they are experienced differently.

loyalty to friendship

Loyalty is the main condition for true friendship, which claims a lot of time, patience and dedication, which does not require anything in return. Not everyone is given the honor of becoming a friend.

Friendship arises on the basis of common interests, mutual sympathy, trust and is the highest moral value. It is acquired for a reason, but lives and develops according to its own scenario. It is very important to have a friend nearby in difficult times. And if he is both in grief and in joy, then wings grow. And then human possibilities become unlimited. Historical victories, scientific discoveries, and adventures are impossible without true friends.

Loyalty to duty

A sense of duty goes hand in hand with patriotism. And loyalty to him is the core on which perseverance and responsibility for words and deeds, courage and honesty, constant readiness to overcome all kinds of hardships and hardships, professional, physical and psychological preparation are strung. It cannot be borrowed, imposed or taken away. This is a gift of conscience and steadfastness of soul.

When taking the oath, soldiers swear allegiance to their homeland. In combat conditions, soldiers carry wounded soldiers out from under bullets, true to their sense of duty. Even medals and badges “For fidelity to duty” are awarded to the worthy. This type of loyalty is evident in politics and in religion. Presidents of all countries of the world take an oath of allegiance to the interests of the state. In ancient times, subjects swore faith in kings, and servants kept the secret of the Order. The priests died for their faith, but did not betray it, because faith in God is the basis of any fidelity.

Love and loyalty

The meaning of the word “fidelity” in the relationship between a man and a woman does not allow for compromise or double morality. Deep feelings arise only with complete trust, sincerity and openness. There are no vows or promises needed here. People have found each other, all doubts have melted away, a conscious choice is final and not subject to outside comments. In this case, the desire to be faithful arises on its own and does not require effort. It simply eradicates the need to look for someone better, because it is better not to find.

This is an internal, unconscious, but therefore a real decision - to remain faithful. The meaning of this word in this context is beyond doubt - do not allow anyone into your life except the chosen person. And let them say that in modern society this concept is losing its value, that loyalty has practically disappeared. It is unlikely that this will ever happen. Because if a person loves, then he makes a silent decision to be faithful and does everything possible to create a family idyll, peace of mind and sexual harmony.

If two loyalties are combined into one family life, then this will be the key to happiness. This includes freedom from temptations, responsibility for a loved one, and fulfillment of obligations.

Parents have always been role models for their children. And if they are faithful to the interests of the family, this will serve as a good example to the younger generation in their future adult life. Over the years, people become closer, because love is the friend of fidelity.

Swan fidelity

Animals do not have such a high organization of the brain as humans do, so in most cases they are polygamous. This preserves populations and species viability. But we can also single out those for whom love and loyalty are the most important feelings. These are penguins, wolves, foxes, beavers, gibbons, turtle doves, barn owls, albatrosses, eagles and, of course, swans.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “swan fidelity” received the right to life precisely from white swans. These birds are a symbol of fidelity. They create married couples for life and remain faithful even after the death of their partner. They can sympathize, care for, heal, feed and give tenderness to their loved ones until their last breath. And after their death, they refuse to fly, remain in the place of their former happiness and remain faithful.

Loyalty is a facet of human relationships. Where she settles, a reliable and bright fortress will grow, where anger and jealousy, rage and fear will never wander. It is difficult to be faithful, but you need to try to open the door to this pure, kind and immaculate spiritual quality.