
The work of a master is afraid of what it means. “The master’s work is afraid. Several interesting essays


People have written many different sayings about skill. One of them is the focus of our attention - “the master’s work is afraid.” Let's look at the meaning of the proverb today.

Master and business. Who will win?

It is very important for a person to feel like an expert in the field in which he works. The popular wisdom “the master’s work is afraid” speaks about this; the meaning of the proverb boils down to the fact that if someone who is knowledgeable in work takes on the task, then everything will be completed at the highest level. In other words, the business will not withstand the onslaught of the knowledge, skills and abilities of a professional.

And it also happens that the “master” is afraid of the task. The person is not confident in his abilities. There are various reasons for this. For example, the “master” did not study well and does not know exactly how to approach the matter.

It is known that you can look at a person who works forever. True, this applies, as a rule, to physical labor, when it transforms the material, external reality around. But the expression “the work of the master is afraid”, the meaning of the proverb is suitable for characterizing any activity, it makes no difference whether we are talking about a piece of untreated wood or an “unpolished” text. But it’s more interesting to watch a carpenter’s work, of course, because it’s akin to the birth of a miracle, when there was something formless, of natural origin, and it became a bookshelf. In comparison, the service of an editor or writer is not so noticeable, because when a text is corrected or transformed, the most important part of the action is moved from external reality to internal space, and the viewer sees only the rearrangement of phrases in a sentence.

Proverb as encouragement

But the expression can be used for more than just saying that someone is doing a good job. Maybe so, the master carpenter took the boy as his assistant and allowed him to do everything on his own for the first time. And he was taken aback by surprise and did not know where to start, how to approach the work, and the mentor said to him: “Nothing, nothing, remember everything I taught you. The master’s work is afraid.” The meaning of the proverb is very short: a person who is well prepared succeeds in everything. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

The main advantage of the saying is that it is universal. Depending on the intonation and situation, it can express:

  • Statement of fact.
  • Encouragement, approval.
  • Hope for a successful outcome of the enterprise.

We hope that we were able to reveal the meaning of the proverb “the master’s work is afraid”, and we were able to live up to it.

What is the meaning of the proverb: the master’s work is afraid? For example, there is a case that interests you and you want to see the result of the work. If the result was successful and the master himself liked it, this means that the matter was subordinated to him. As in life, if a weak person submits to another, it means he is afraid of him. So here too, the work, which was little known and practically unattainable, but which I really liked, turned out to be successful, that is, it succumbed to the master who performed it. Now the master has a beginning, because everything has its beginning, from which one can work miracles.

Let's say a girl learned to sew. Then embroider small patterns and products using satin stitch and cross stitch. But she had a dream to embroider an entire embroidered shirt or a large tablecloth. So she grew up and she found time to embroider a large product. Having completed this, the girl was still dissatisfied, since it took a lot of time, and the product turned out to be only the bottom. But then it turned out that there are embroidery machines that embroider designs very quickly and beautifully. Which was the girl’s dream and goal. Now, having mastered the operation of an embroidery machine with a computer installation, and received the desired result, the dream has come true.

The girl quickly embroidered entire pictures. She mastered the unknown, which led to a positive result. The girl gradually, working and learning new things, moved towards something big - her dream. When everything began to work out for her, she was no longer afraid of anything, not even anything related to her favorite pastime. This means that the matter has retreated and succumbed.

So in any other business, if there is a goal, you need to achieve it. Let it not be very significant at first, because this is the first stage of a little-known future in which we all have to live and work for the benefit of humanity and ourselves, making life better and more beautiful.

Essay on the topic of the master's work is afraid

“The master’s work is afraid” - this proverb has been familiar to each of us since childhood. But has anyone thought about its real meaning? And what is meant by the word “master”?

I would like to start with the fact that a master is not only one who is good at his craft, but also one who loves it with all his heart and is ready to devote his whole life to it. The master always does his job efficiently, putting a piece of his soul into it.

Probably, it is the duty of every person to become a truly true master of his craft. Moreover, it’s not just to learn and get a certain specialty, but to make sure that all the efforts invested pay off and bring worthy results.

Any person can be a master of more than just one thing - such people are called comprehensively developed. But it can be absolutely anything - it can be either creativity or working with technical devices. When choosing a business, it is important to listen to the voice of your heart.

Achieving mastery is quite difficult: for this you need to constantly improve your skills, invest as much effort, energy and time into the matter as possible. Precisely time, because mastery will not come with a breath of wind; in order to acquire it, you need to work long and hard.

To summarize, I would like to say that having our own business is very important for each of us in life. The business not only brings recognition and financial security to a true master, but also satisfies him morally.

Essay for 7th grade on the proverb The master's work is afraid

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Goals : - instilling in younger schoolchildren respect for working people,

Interest in the professions of workers;

To ensure that schoolchildren understand the social importance of work;

Introducing students to productive work


Decor: slide show equipment.

In preparation for the event, excursions are held to the school’s workshops, the school’s cook shops; What is seen is photographed. This material is used in this lesson in the form of slides.


Good evening. Guys, today’s lesson is dedicated to work and I want you to remember it for a long time.

Pay attention to the adults who surround you - they are all working: technicians wash, plumbers change pipes, cooks cook, drivers transport goods, repair cars in garages, stokers heat buildings. Give your own examples from life.

  • Guys, what do you think, why should a person work, because it’s easier to lie down and do nothing? (buying groceries, paying utilities, creating wealth).
  • What happens to a person if he stops working?
  • What professions do you like?
  • What would you like to be when you grow up?

Speech by children co-hosts: Blaginina’s poems “Don’t stop me from working”, “The Dressmaker”.

Today our lesson will be held in the form of a competition. We will divide into two teams; you will be awarded points for your answers in competitions. Whose team will give more answers and emerge victorious? And we will determine this at the end of our lesson.

Competition “Add a Proverb”

The first task is to remember the beginning of the proverbs:

... redo (“Hurry to do - redo.”)

... they will grind everything (“Patience and labor will grind everything.”) shall you reap (“As you sow, so shall you reap.”) not know boredom (“Skillful hands do not know boredom.”)

... fun - an hour (“Time for work, time for fun.”)

The second task is to complete the proverbs starting

For the word "one":

« One for all and all for one).

"There is safety in numbers).

“You can’t tie a knot with one hand…” (you can’t tie it).

“One bee a little...” (trains some honey).

Competition "Necessary Tools"

How many of you know where the construction of a house begins? (The guys’ answers will most likely be: “From the foundation”, “From the walls”, etc.)You are right, but long before this a drawing is created - a house project. So the house begins with a project. Architects start work, and electricians, gas fitters, and painters finish.

And this competition is dedicated to the tools that builders need.

The task is to guess riddles about the instruments:

  1. wooden river,

wooden boat,

And it flows over the boat

Wooden smoke.


  1. They always have hard work -

Everyone is living and worrying about something.


  1. If you drive, I'm spinning,

This means I'm working.


  1. Himself thin -

Head with a pound.


  1. Bows, bows -

When he comes home, he will stretch out.


Show slides about the work of school workshops with comments from children.

Competition “What do crafts smell like?”

You all know Giani Rodari’s poem “What do crafts smell like?” I suggest you answer my questions:

  1. What does the bakery smell like? (Dough and baking.)
  2. In a carpentry workshop?(Shavings and board.)
  3. What does a painter smell like? (Turpentine and paint.)
  4. Chauffeur? (Gasoline.)
  5. Doctor? (Medicine.)
  6. Fisherman? (Fish and sea.)

We have already talked about many professions, but we forgot about one, quite important one.

Performance by children co-hosts.

The boys are having a sweet dream,

A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball.

Only the cook can’t sleep -

The cook gets up before dark.

A cook, a very necessary profession, he prepares food: cooks soups, minces minced meat, cuts vegetables and fruits for salads, fries potatoes and pies.

Show slides about the work of school cooks. Children comment on each photo, calling the kitchen workers by name and patronymic.

Speech by children co-hosts (V. Mayakovsky “Who to be”?»)

Dear friends! Our lesson has come to an end. You learned a lot about the work of adults and participated well. It's immediately obvious that you tried very hard. It’s not without reason that they say: “Mastery is given to those who devote themselves entirely to the work.”

People have written many different sayings about skill. One of them is the focus of our attention - “the master’s work is afraid.” Let's look at the meaning of the proverb today.

Master and business. Who will win?

It is very important for a person to feel like an expert in the field in which he works. The popular wisdom “the master’s work is afraid” speaks about this; the meaning of the proverb boils down to the fact that if someone who is knowledgeable in work takes on the task, then everything will be completed at the highest level. In other words, the business will not withstand the onslaught of the knowledge, skills and abilities of a professional.

And it also happens that the “master” is afraid of the task. The person is not confident in his abilities. There are various reasons for this. For example, the “master” did not study well and does not know exactly how to approach the matter.

It is known that you can look at a person who works forever. True, this applies, as a rule, to physical labor, when it transforms the material, external reality around. But the expression “the work of the master is afraid”, the meaning of the proverb is suitable for characterizing any activity, it makes no difference whether we are talking about a piece of untreated wood or an “unpolished” text. But it’s more interesting to watch a carpenter’s work, of course, because it’s akin to the birth of a miracle, when there was something formless, of natural origin, and it became a bookshelf. In comparison, the service of an editor or writer is not so noticeable, because when a text is corrected or transformed, the most important part of the action is moved from external reality to internal space, and the viewer sees only the rearrangement of phrases in a sentence.

Proverb as encouragement

But the expression can be used not only to state the fact that someone is doing a good job. Maybe so, the master carpenter took the boy as his assistant and allowed him to do everything on his own for the first time. And he was taken aback by surprise and did not know where to start, how to approach the work, and the mentor said to him: “Nothing, nothing, remember everything I taught you. The master’s work is afraid.” The meaning of the proverb is very short: a person who is well prepared succeeds in everything. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

The main advantage of the saying is that it is universal. Depending on the intonation and situation, it can express:

  • Statement of fact.
  • Encouragement, approval.
  • Hope for a successful outcome of the enterprise.

We hope that we were able to reveal the meaning of the proverb “the master’s work is afraid”, and we were able to live up to it.

The proverb “The master’s work is afraid” appeared a long time ago and for good reason.
Today for some reason I wanted to reflect on its meaning.

First of all, I wanted to dot the i's when interpreting two concepts - "business" and "master".
Business most often means some kind of work, ongoing activity, or simply some kind of assignment that must certainly be completed.

Master is a person who knows how to do something very well. This is not just a worker, he is a skilled worker in some profession. He already has a pretty good grasp of what he has to do. It is assumed that everything he undertakes will be done well and quickly.

Well, now let's return to our proverb. So, “the master’s work is afraid.”

Case is an inanimate noun. And the verb “to be afraid” can actually be used with a living object. Someone may be afraid of something. To be afraid means to worry very much while waiting for an action that should be directed at the “fearful” object.

Can a thing, being an inanimate “something,” be afraid? Well no, of course not.

Why then did these two parts of speech occur in one phrase?

I would be very grateful if we all together offer different options for the meaning of this proverb.

Answer from Dmitry Z. from Volgograd

In fact, Russian proverbs can sometimes be very difficult to explain, and sometimes people even distort their meaning and apply them inappropriately. Take the proverb “the master’s work is afraid” as an example - what does it really mean, what is its real essence?

This saying is usually used when a person is praised for some quality work done. Also, the expression is appropriate when a person is just starting to perform; in his words, he shows that he can cope with the task.

They say that only a real specialist can do this job, only he can do this work with the appropriate quality. At their core, in the Russian language you can find many similar proverbs, although less known and used. As an example, “in skillful hands things work out.”

It is worth mentioning the erroneous interpretation of this catchphrase, which is not so rare. Some believe that the meaning of the statement is that any work avoids the master, bypasses him and falls on the shoulders of beginners.

They say that a specialist can do everything; he doesn’t get a decent job at all. Cases of such misunderstanding are far from isolated, and any philologist or simply literate person will be able to challenge such a version.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is very important to find a favorite activity in life. And then you won’t be afraid of it, but it will be afraid of you!