
The system of effective transition to a raw food diet read. Video course “Effective raw food diet in winter. What is the main secret


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Switching to a raw food diet in 50 days

This technique, “Cleansing the body and normalizing weight in 50 days,” was developed, tested on myself, and then on several dozen volunteers by Dmitry Kudelin.

The essence of the technique:

  • Every morning of the program, instead of your usual food, you need to consume 10 grams. pollen and: either fruits (only one type in one morning, for example: apples or bananas), or vegetables with herbs (can be with nuts).
  • You can drink green or herbal tea infused with raw, clean water at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. Instead of sugar, honey or dried fruits are used.
  • The first five weeks are a transition period to a 100% two-week raw food diet.

The first rule of transition to a raw food diet: the rule of replacement

First week:

Let's change only breakfast:

Let's start the morning with a cup of herbal tea, with honey and pollen 10g.

In the first week, until 12.00 you can eat only fruits or vegetables, herbs and nuts. Eat what you like best. You can eat as much fruits, vegetables, greens as you want. At lunch and dinner, eat as you are used to. That's all we will do in the first week of switching to a raw food diet. For now, don't bother with anything else.

Second week:

We refuse bread and all dishes prepared with wheat: cookies, pastries, crackers, pasta, etc. Everything else while you can eat it! We use the rules of substitution: We replace pasta with stewed cabbage, buckwheat or potatoes. We forget about bread and reward ourselves with an additional portion of vegetable salad. Let's start eating sprouted wheat.

Each subsequent week: choose one of the animal products that you eat regularly and give it up. These products include: meat, poultry, fish, any dairy products, eggs. Don’t forget the principle of replacement, start eating nuts, seeds, seeds, legumes.

Third week:

For example, we refuse meat and poultry.

Fourth week

For example, we give up fish.

Fifth week:

For example, we give up eggs.

Sixth week:

We refuse dairy products.

The last 15 days of the program are 100 percent vegetarian raw food diet. That is, only raw plant products are eaten: pollen, greens, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, seaweed (fucus or kelp).

It is advisable not to consume salt. If it is difficult, you need to replace regular table salt with edible sea salt.

The goal of the method is “cleansing the body and normalizing weight in 50 days”

help you painlessly, little by little switch to eating raw plant foods. If you decide tomorrow to eat only raw foods, nothing good will come of it. Firstly: because the habit of eating boiled food has become ingrained in your head over many years. You won’t last more than half a day on raw food - you won’t be hungry, but you’ll still really want to eat something boiled. This is a kind of addiction, which, strange as it may seem to you, is much stronger than alcohol addiction. Secondly: the gastrointestinal tract is accustomed to extracting nutrients from mostly cooked food. It takes time to rebuild the enzymatic system to process raw plant foods. And besides, millions of bacteria live in our body that help digest food. To process cooked food, certain bacteria are needed, while raw food needs another. It also takes time for beneficial microorganisms to multiply.

Any habit can be developed in 40 days. This is a feature of our psyche. In 40 days we will develop the habit of eating natural foods. We will consolidate it over the next 10 days. This is the key to the technique.

Pollen and dry seaweed are a must when transitioning to a raw food diet! Without them, a safe transition to a raw food diet is impossible!

Hundreds of people have already stepped on the same rake. We tried to lose weight quickly by eating only vegetables and fruits. Don't repeat their mistakes! When an unprepared body refuses animal products, a deficiency of essential amino acids and vitamin B12 may occur. This is fraught with unpleasant surprises.

Vitamin B12 is found in algae. And there is a lot of it in raw seaweed. Many people mistake the one sold by weight in supermarkets for fresh. It's boiled! Dry cabbage is produced by drying it in the sun, on the seashore. This is what it is - raw.

Regarding pollen

Pollen contains all the essential amino acids! This is basically the “sperm” of plants. So is the value of pollen clearer? The deficiency of amino acids, minerals and vitamins that may occur during the transition to a raw food diet is largely compensated by pollen.

Where to start with a raw food diet? This is a common question lately. Let's take a closer look. Eating raw food is extremely popular today. You could even say that this is not a regular diet, but a whole way of life. Many people change their lives radically when they become raw foodists. In particular, the circle of friends, profession and interests change. Adherents of this idea live according to the laws of nature, increase immunity by swimming in an ice hole, meditating, and spreading positivity. But first of all, they are healed through food. In this regard, there are fanatical supporters of a raw food diet or, conversely, its fierce opponents. And yet, what is it: a fashionable diet or the best lifestyle?

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet will be presented below.

What it is?

The main idea of ​​all this nutrition is the statement that man is an integral part of nature. Therefore, he cannot eat anything that is not in it, such as fried potatoes, grilled chicken and other similar foods. Therefore, a raw food diet requires abandoning the standard menu to which we have long been accustomed. Where to start with a raw food diet?

Natural products, which adherents of this diet call live, contain many vitamins, as well as minerals and trace elements, a significant part of which is destroyed during heat treatment. And in their raw form, they are better preserved and are perfectly absorbed by the body. Thus, the main principle of constructing a raw food diet menu involves eating food exclusively in its raw form.

Processed food is considered poison. And we’re not just talking about the one sold in fast food. This statement is partly explained by science. Frying, along with cooking and even steaming, lead to the fact that products not only lose all their beneficial qualities, but also acquire harmful properties. For example, carcinogens appear in it - substances that can cause the formation of a malignant tumor, and in addition, isomers or free radicals. Therefore, the raw food diet insists on “live” nutrition and avoidance of junk food. This approach reduces the intake of hazardous substances into the body to zero.

Basic principles of a raw food diet for beginners

To prove their rightness, raw foodists emphasize that only foods untouched by heat treatment contain so-called enzymes, which are particles of all life on earth, which allow vegetables and fruits to be properly digested in the body. The supply of these substances is maximum in the infant’s body, but decreases over time as they age. But it can be replenished regularly. Switching to a raw food diet helps with this.

The usual menu for all people consists of peeled food. But it is in the peel that the maximum amount of useful substances is found. In addition, products that are stored for a long time contain harmful preservatives in the form of dyes or flavor enhancers. They are, of course, unacceptable in a raw food diet system.

The issue of simultaneous consumption of various products deserves special attention. Often with each other, they require a lot of time, and in addition, energy for their digestion, which as a result leads to malabsorption. Maintaining an interval between eating bananas and then sprouted grains helps the body digest them with little energy expenditure. And the body uses unspent energy for self-medication. Many people are interested in where to start a raw food diet.

Raw foodists believe that poor nutrition is the cornerstone of all diseases, be it metabolic disorders, heart pathologies or nervous ailments. And only thanks to a raw food diet can you lead a truly high-quality lifestyle, and in addition, get rid of health problems, achieving the desired longevity.


There are several types of raw food. In this case, the opinions of raw foodists differ. Some of them believe that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it will be enough just to follow a fruit and vegetable diet, while others note that it would not be a bad idea to diversify it with meat and milk. So, today there are the following types of raw food diet:

  • Mixed or in other words - omnivorous raw food diet. Within this type, you can consume any raw food without restrictions, be it plant or animal food. Meat, along with fish, milk and eggs can be boiled. Dried meat may be consumed. In addition, raw foodists add a small amount of pepper and salt, as well as vegetable oil and honey to their food to taste.
  • Vegan raw food diet. This option is widespread. Its supporters eat exclusively plant foods such as berries, fruits, vegetables and cereals. Such raw foodists include Sprutorians and Jusorians. The former feed mainly on sprouted cereal grains. And raw foodists-Jusorians consume only freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices. They are also called green smoothies. We will consider recipes for this type of raw food diet at the end of the article.
  • Vegetarian raw food diet. As the name implies, this type of diet prohibits the consumption of meat and fish. But you can eat plant foods, eggs and milk.
  • Fruitarianism. Supporters of this species include only fruits and berries in their diet. They exclude vegetables and any other foods. For example, orthodox raw foodists may patiently wait until the fruits themselves fall from a tree or bush. The natural fall, which occurs without additional help, serves as the moment when the fruit is at the peak of its ripeness, and therefore usefulness.
  • Carnivorous raw food diet. In this case, fruits and vegetables are almost not added to the diet. Such raw foodists place the main emphasis on seafood, meat and eggs, and in addition, on animal fats instead of traditional carbohydrates. Some northern peoples on the planet have been eating this way since Paleolithic times. Raw food diet recipes can be very diverse.
  • Monotrophic raw food diet. According to this type of nutrition, only one type of food is eaten at one meal. There is a pause between doses. For example, apples are eaten for breakfast, and an hour later sprouted grains are used, and so on.
  • Raw food diet based on the amount of useful components. There are special tables that indicate the content of vitamins along with microelements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a particular product. According to them, products can only be mixed in a certain quantity, and in addition, they can be consumed separately from each other.

We continue to consider the benefits and harms of a raw food diet.


Like any other diet, a raw food diet has its disadvantages:

  • With strict adherence to the rules, for example, against the background of a complete refusal even of vegetables, grains and root vegetables, the body may not receive enough vitamins and microelements. Because of this, metabolism will be disrupted.
  • If you refuse to eat fish and seafood, iodine deficiency appears. A connection between a raw food diet and factors of bone and tooth destruction, as well as enamel damage, has also been proven. For this reason, adherents of this diet encourage all their supporters to regularly take sunbathing in order to provide the body with vitamin D.
  • According to some reports, fanatical raw foodists have a significant decrease in vitamin B12.
  • In addition, the benefits of a raw food diet for pregnant and lactating women, when the body is in dire need of a comprehensive supply of nutrition, also remains a big question.


Despite the fact that for many people a raw food diet is a miracle, there are still certain diseases for which eating unprocessed food is not recommended. Among these ailments are the following pathologies:

  • The presence of diseases of the digestive system. The acids contained in raw foods can irritate the mucous membranes of organs, and this will happen constantly. Therefore, when switching to a raw diet, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this lifestyle.
  • Presence of allergic diseases. Many types of fruits, especially red ones, as well as nuts and pollen, can provoke severe allergic conditions or lead to aggravation of existing ones.

It is important to find out in advance what you can eat on a raw food diet and what you cannot.

When can you switch to such a shelter?

It is believed that the maximum need for nutritional components is required by a growing body, and therefore by children and adolescents. True, even at the age of twenty, some structures in the body still continue to develop. Therefore, the optimal transition to a new diet is considered to be after thirty, when the body is fully formed. There is another explanation. Around middle age, people acquire specific beliefs with intentions about what they expect from themselves and what they desire to receive. With clear goals, it is much easier to completely change your lifestyle.

List of raw food products

It includes the following titles:

  • Greenery.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Vegetables.
  • Berries.
  • Any fresh fruit.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Sweeteners.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Seaweed.
  • Honey and pollen.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Green buckwheat and some legumes.
  • Seasonings.


First you need to decide why a person wants to try this nutrition system. You need to understand whether this is required as part of a permanent diet or temporary, for example as a way to lose weight. Many people make the transition to a raw food diet as part of an experiment, for the sake of something new in life, and also because it is fashionable today. But, of course, you shouldn’t follow fashion or your next-door neighbor. And if a person has chosen such nutrition as a standard for himself, then he should approach it with all responsibility. This is the only way to achieve real results. There are two options for switching to a raw diet:

  • The first requires including as many raw foods as possible in the menu every day with gradual replacement of the rest. At the same time, on the first day, fried and, in addition, smoked foods, along with coffee and sweets, should disappear from the diet.
  • You can immediately stop eating thermally processed foods. Most raw foodists claim that the second method makes it possible to get used to it faster. But the chances of failure are, of course, much greater.

There are always several critical moments due to which a person may not be able to stand returning to the old menu. Knowing about them, beginners will be able to adapt more easily. As a rule, the pitfalls in this case are constant thoughts about tasty, previously familiar food and the lack of a clear goal.

Not everyone knows how to start a raw food diet correctly.

How to switch to a raw food diet correctly?

First of all, you need to remember all the time that the process of switching to a raw food diet is not a simple whim, but a conscious decision that will allow you to improve your health by reducing excess weight, increasing interest in life, and in addition, in active pastime, making new friends. To begin with, you should give up specific foods, for example, your favorite carbonated drinks along with beer on the weekends. It is important to pay attention to how difficult this period will be.

It is also recommended to keep a raw food diary. In the diary you can record any sensations with thoughts and information about products that you like, as well as those that are best avoided, that is, you need to record everything that has changed in a person since the transition. On the title page you should list and highlight in bright colors all the reasons for which a person agreed to give up delicious pies and Coca-Cola. You should also write down all your achievements in your diary, for example, how easily you managed to switch to a raw diet, how the first day went on eating healthy food, and so on. You can also celebrate your failures, as well as how you plan to deal with them. Where to start a raw food diet and how to adjust yourself?

It is equally important that there is sufficient willpower so as not to abandon your idea halfway. If you really want fried chicken with pickled cucumbers, it’s better to eat them, but so that it doesn’t eventually turn into a habit.

It is imperative to inform the people with whom you plan to continue communicating. This will help avoid unnecessary arguments and conversations.

And finally, you should plan your diet based on the time of year. For example, summer and autumn are rich in vegetables and fruits, and spring is rich in greens. In winter, on a raw food diet, you can eat foods that can be stored in the cellar for a long time. And then the dining table and stomach will never be empty.

Errors during transition

When making the transition, people should try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Try to sit on two chairs at once. In this case, you cannot violate the ban on mixing food, especially drinking alcoholic beverages. Sometimes it happens that people eat right every other day, and the rest of the time they allow themselves any food. This, of course, is self-deception. With such a diet, raw foodists often experience breakdowns. Therefore, if you have already made a decision, then you need to forget about many things from your usual diet.
  • Excessive consumption of legumes. Everyone was told that meat is healthy because of the protein. But raw foodists don’t eat it. Where then does the precious protein come from? Most of it is found in beans, beans and peas. Therefore, newly minted raw foodists begin to absorb them in huge quantities. Trying to take in as much of the right food as possible, people forget that the body is not yet accustomed to it. This can only cause stomach upset. Therefore, moderation in nutrition, even the healthiest, is what raw foodists practice.
  • Force yourself to eat everything. Everyone has their own taste preferences. Therefore, if a person does not like cabbage, one should not force oneself to eat it, even with the deep conviction that it is for the good. Everything has its time. Maybe after a few years it will turn into a favorite product, but until this happens, you shouldn’t force your body.

Thus, a raw food diet has become a very popular way of eating today. But before you decide to switch to it, you need to decide on your goals, and also understand whether this is really what the person himself and his body really need.

Raw food menu

What is an approximate menu for the day?

  • For breakfast: banana, kiwi, orange.
  • Second breakfast: any raw nuts.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers), green buckwheat.
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits.
  • Dinner: vegetable smoothie from avocado, tomato, herbs, raw bread.

Let's look at simple recipes.

Vegetable puree soup

Preparing the cream requires a minimum amount of time and effort. To do this, fresh onions, cauliflower, carrots, peas, celery and parsley are ground in a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. Everything is sprinkled with pumpkin seeds or pine nuts on top.

Korean zucchini salad

Grate young zucchini on a fine grater. Grated carrots, coriander, nutmeg, finely chopped garlic, salt are added to them, and all this is seasoned with olive or linseed oil. The salad must be left to marinate for half an hour.

How to smoothly switch to a raw food diet without harm to your health, as well as types of raw food diet, basic rules for food compatibility and contraindications, recipes and menus for the week.

The transition to natural plant foods leads to a serious restructuring of the body, which reacts to changes differently. For some, switching to a raw food diet is easy. Some people face health problems because they have acquired diseases over the years of poor nutrition. Therefore, beginning raw foodists need to know as much as possible about this food system and adhere to the principles of the correct transition to plant foods.

The essence of a raw food diet

Diseases are a deviation from the norm, an attempt by the body to remove toxins and a signal about the need to change lifestyle. The norm is absolute health, the foundation of which is a raw food diet. The absence of heat treatment allows you to get rid of most health problems.

A raw food diet is not just proper nutrition, it is also an ideology of a healthy lifestyle. After all, switching to natural food changes not only the state of the body, but also thinking, perception of life and its essence. The products used by a raw foodist are everything that grows naturally:

  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

In their raw form, these products contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins, providing a person with complete nutrition. Switching to a raw food diet allows you to:

  • cleanse the body of deposits of toxins and waste;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the condition of the skin, as well as the whole body;
  • switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Types of raw food diet

Each organism is individual, so there cannot be a general raw food diet scheme for everyone. You need to choose the most suitable option for yourself by trying different types of power systems.


This is the most suitable type of raw food diet for beginners. It is allowed to eat plant foods without heat treatment; heating temperatures up to 40 degrees are allowed. Products in the diet of a classic raw foodist:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetable salads;
  • cold pressed oil;
  • nuts;
  • natural sea salt;
  • palm sugar;
  • spices.

This type of raw food diet allows you to prepare many different dishes, simply replacing the usual harmful goodies with healthier ones.


This type of raw food diet, founded by Douglas Graham, is usually used after the classic one. The diet is based on the principle: 80% carbohydrates, 10% fats, 10% proteins. In his opinion, excess weight is influenced not by calories, but by eating non-specific foods high in fat. Eating exclusively fruits and berries provides the body with enough calories. Proper carbohydrates provide the body with “clean” energy, and fiber promotes the effective removal of toxins.

Half-raw food diet

This method is based on fruitarianism. At the same time, once a week or once a day you are allowed to eat dishes made from rice, potatoes, and baked vegetables. But they need to be prepared without salt, oil, chemical additives and consumed separately from fruits. This raw food diet system allows you to stay cheerful, in excellent physical shape, cook vegan dishes and not avoid dinners with friends.

Raw mono diet

A raw food diet is eating one type of fruit at a time without limiting its quantity. Breakfast can only consist of bananas or watermelon. This speeds up the digestion process as much as possible, allowing the body to cleanse itself of toxins. But it is quite difficult to maintain such a regime, so for dinner a dish of vegetable salad with herbs is allowed.

Vegan raw food diet

This is the highest form of raw food diet, balancing on the line between feeding on prana and completely refusing food. Many raw foodists strive to achieve this state. The vegan raw food diet is divided into: Jusorian(on juices) and Sprutorian(on sprouted cereal grains). Fruit or vegetable juices can saturate the body, remove toxins, and relieve diseases.

This nutritional system is quite easily tolerated due to the surge of strength for the first two months, after which the body begins to suffer from a lack of fiber. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate liquid nutrition with other types of raw food diet.


The raw food diet in Russia is based on simplifying the diet and reducing the amount of food. But prolonged malnutrition often leads to breakdown and loss of strength, which forces malnourished people to switch to other types of raw food diet. The Russian cold also makes its own adjustments, so the diet includes honey, sprouted seeds, and green smoothies.

Where to start the transition to a raw food diet

A raw food diet begins with the understanding that a serious restructuring of the body will occur. You need a clearly defined goal and a competent plan for switching to raw food. The most difficult moment of the transition is the psychological attitude. You may encounter condemnation and attempts to return the novice raw foodist to his previous position. You need to be prepared for a change in your surroundings, the loss of some friends who are unable to understand and accept a sharp change in established traditions.

The transition to a raw food diet can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. Cutting. This is shock therapy for the body, as you need to abruptly stop eating thermally processed food. The method is fraught with breakdowns, stress, and imbalance in the body.
  2. Smooth. At the first stage, there is a gradual abandonment of fried, smoked foods and coffee. At the next stage, you can begin to exclude other familiar foods from your diet. The method requires a long time, but allows the body to gently adapt to changes and protects the immune and regulatory systems from stress. This is an ideal method for a beginner.

Basic rules for product compatibility

Due to errors in the diet, people are often disappointed in this type of nutrition, since they do not lose excess weight or get rid of diseases. Beginning raw foodists mistakenly believe that foods can be consumed uncontrolled, in any combination. But that's not true.

During a raw food diet, there is no usual feeling of fullness even with a full stomach. People are faced with unusual sensations for the first time and begin to mix products with each other. The wrong combination of components of a raw food menu can lead to phenomena such as fermentation and putrefactive processes. Ideally, you should eat each ingredient separately or follow a strict raw food diet.

Compatibility of raw food menu components:

  1. Fats (nuts, avocado and coconut) should not be mixed with sugar (fruit). The same rule applies to dried fruits; they should not be consumed with fruits and fats.
  2. It is forbidden to mix different types of fats, which are heavy food for the stomach. Nuts should not be consumed mixed with avocado or coconut, or seasoned with vegetable oil. Coconut and avocado are also incompatible with each other.
  3. Starch (boiled potatoes, bananas, bread) and acids (sour fruits and vegetables) are incompatible. This is due to the fact that various enzymes are used to digest them. When mixed, they begin to neutralize each other, which leads to digestive problems. For example, tomatoes belong to the group of sour vegetables, so you should not combine them with potatoes and bread. Bananas should not be eaten with oranges.

The correct sequence of food consumption also plays an important role:

  1. Liquid - fruit juices, it is better to start with sour ones.
  2. Slightly denser vegetables.
  3. Dense - avocado.
  4. Hard – seeds, nuts.

The basic principle of raw food nutrition is a smooth transition from liquid food to solid food. Vegetables and nuts can be combined and swapped. It is recommended to avoid consumption:

  • fruits or starch after nuts;
  • fruits (including sour ones) after starch;
  • sour fruits after bananas;
  • fruits after dried fruits.

The basic principle of nutrition is to arrange food in the stomach in layers in the correct sequence.

Menu for the week

Day of the week breakfast dinner dinner
Monday Green smoothie (banana, kiwi, lemon juice, sorrel, celery, mint branch) A few pieces of watermelon or persimmons Orange, banana, apple puree
Tuesday 1 cup raspberries or bunch of grapes Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce and herbs + a glass of fresh juice Grated with honey, nuts and raisins
Wednesday Green smoothie (strawberries, banana, bunch of mint, lettuce and greens) Cold soup of 2 glasses of carrot juice, 1 avocado, 1 spoon of ginger and rosemary, basil, green peas Pears or apricots (300–400 g)
Thursday A handful of nuts + 300 g plums Carrot and cabbage salad with herbs and any vegetable oil + a glass of freshly squeezed juice 2–3 apples + 50g greens
Friday Green buckwheat (after soaking in water overnight) and tomatoes Raw soup made from pumpkin, avocado, lemon, lettuce, chickpea sprouts, cumin, curry, 2 glasses of water Banana +
Saturday Salad of tangerine, kiwi, banana, orange juice Salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and cold-pressed vegetable oil 300 g tangerines or
Sunday Green smoothie (2 pears, mint, water) + a handful of dried fruits Cold avocado soup, 2 cups green peas, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 cup almond milk, 1 clove garlic A couple of apples or 300 g of strawberries, cherries

The daily menu of a raw foodist may contain snacks: nuts, honey, marshmallows, dried fruits. A 24-hour water fast is recommended, starting once a week. You can gradually switch to a three-day fast once a month.

Popular recipes

Soup with buckwheat and cucumbers


  • sprouted buckwheat – 250 g;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 4 medium cucumbers;
  • 3 tbsp. l. peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds;
  • lemon juice – 4 tsp;
  • pepper, salt.

Puree the pulp of avocado and cucumber, as well as buckwheat, in a blender, add lemon juice and seasonings. Pour the puree into plates, sprinkle with seeds, add herbs.

Chia coconut pudding


  • 1 glass of coconut milk;
  • one third cup of chia seeds;
  • one ripe banana;
  • a couple of mangoes or peaches.

Add chia seeds to the whipped banana mixture, then leave until thickened (can be overnight). Before use, add peeled and diced mango.

Green buckwheat, avocado and cucumber salad

Will need:

  • two thirds of a glass of green buckwheat;
  • one avocado, long cucumber, grapefruit;
  • a bunch of greens (arugula);
  • salad;
  • spices and salt.

Buckwheat is soaked for half an hour, after which it is left overnight to germinate. Then it needs to be washed and dried. Peeled avocado is cut into pieces, grapefruit juice with spices and salt are added to it. Buckwheat is seasoned with sauce and placed in the middle of the plate. In portions, sliced ​​cucumber, chopped lettuce and herbs are laid out along the edge.

Cookies "Rayskoe"


  • 3 coconuts;
  • 2 bananas.

Crack the coconut, extract the pulp, peel off the brown skin and cut into pieces. Peel the bananas and cut them. Add coconut liquid to coconut and banana pieces and blend until smooth. Coconut flakes can be coarse or finely ground. The resulting dough-like mass is placed on a dehydrator sheet and dried. When ready, turn the cookies over to the other side to speed up drying.

Pea paste


  • raw green peas – 450 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1–2 tbsp;
  • water – from 50 to 100 ml;
  • salt, herbs as desired.

Mix thawed green peas with all ingredients and blend in a blender. Add water as needed.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for switching to natural food is to restore a healthy state of the body. This system is available to any person who has no contraindications.

People with allergies should be cautious about switching to a raw food diet. Only heat treatment can neutralize harmful protein substances to which the immune system of allergy sufferers reacts.

A raw food diet is contraindicated for children, the elderly, and pregnant women. The system should not be used for serious diseases of the digestive system.

What diseases can be cured

Nature has provided the human body with all the tools necessary to maintain health. But improper nutrition leads to clogging of the body, supplying it with unnecessary substances and depriving it of necessary ones. Organs have difficulty coping with the increased load, their defenses are weakened. The raw food diet method allows you to get rid of many serious diseases:

  1. A raw food diet can completely cure type 2 diabetes and reduce the dosage of insulin in type 1 of the disease.
  2. Obesity is cured. A person loses 8 kg or more of excess weight per month. At the same time, the volume of food practically does not change, only its quality.
  3. Skin diseases (furunculosis, psoriasis, and others) recede after the cleansing effects of a raw food diet.
  4. It goes away, which is a consequence of excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods.
  5. Prostatitis can recede after just a month of practicing a raw food diet. Proper nutrition eliminates the source of inflammation and releases the body's reserve forces.
  6. A raw food diet is indicated for cancer. Switching to natural food restores the body, cleanses it of toxins, and eliminates old inflammatory processes.
  7. The functioning of the digestive organs is improved, the gums are strengthened, and tooth enamel is preserved.
  8. Blood pressure and heart function are normalized. Normal intestinal function and water metabolism are restored. Urolithiasis recedes, neuroses and joint diseases are eliminated. The level returns to normal. And this is not a complete list of the therapeutic effects of proper nutrition.

Benefits and harms

  1. A raw food diet has many advantages, attracting more and more new followers. The main arguments in favor of eating plant foods:
  2. Due to the lack of heat treatment, all beneficial substances in food are preserved; raw foods contribute to more complete absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  3. The entry of harmful substances into the body is excluded: saturated fats, sugar, trans fats, carcinogens, harmful food additives. The body stops becoming clogged with waste and toxins.
  4. The fiber in raw vegetables and fruits promotes faster saturation, while the serving size does not decrease and the calorie content remains low. This is a great opportunity to lose weight quickly and safely.
  5. There is a relief from many diseases.
  6. The overall energy level increases and your well-being improves.
  7. In a week of raw food diet you can get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms of excess weight. This is explained by the loss of excess fluid and intensive removal of toxins from the first day of the new diet.

Despite all the benefits, a raw food diet cannot be recommended for everyone for several reasons:

  1. Imbalance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Plant foods are poor in protein, which leads to its deficiency in the body. Legumes and some grains used as a source of protein can accumulate toxic substances. Their excessive consumption without heat treatment is harmful to the body.
  2. Lack of (tryptophan, methionine, lysine), vitamins (B12, B2).
  3. Risk of developing or exacerbating allergies. Raw legumes, as well as wheat, contain allergenic substances that can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. For those who are accustomed to eating industrially processed foods, it is psychologically very difficult to switch to eating raw plant foods. Such people often have a breakdown, accompanied by sudden overeating. Therefore, you need to start a raw food diet gradually, spending fasting days, minimizing dinner.

The transition to a raw food diet is an individual process for everyone. You need to take your time and listen carefully to your own body. Measures and a reasonable attitude will help smoothly transform the nutrition system towards natural and healthy food.

The information about health, nutrition, and raw food diet that comes from me often contradicts the easy, pleasant, demonstratively optimistic information that comes from people who claim to be “gurus” of raw food nutrition and make money on this topic. My opinion and my arguments will be more understandable and convincing in the lighta rhetorical question I asked in one of the previous posts about 100-150-200... year-old raw foodists. You can “sharpen” this question even more - raw foodists should be, at a minimum, absolute champions-long-livers, but in reality there are not even 70-80-year-old raw foodists, and the few who exist are, rather, anti-advertising for a raw food diet. How can this be, since a raw food diet should be so effective, should be such an unconditional blessing! But facts are a stubborn thing, and it is impossible to abstract from them and ignore them - this is obviously a path to nowhere. These misunderstood, stubborn facts need to be explained so that everything becomes clear.

If extremely compressed. A raw food diet is not an end in itself, for the sake of which one should endure various uncomfortable conditions. On the contrary, a raw food diet is attractive precisely because it, being the only natural and therefore the most pleasant way of eating for a person, should also be the most effective and should lead to a sharp improvement in his general condition and radical improvement, and ultimately lead to maximum longevity. But! An effective long-term raw food diet is only possible on pure fruits and vegetables! But, even if there is a large abundance of pure fruits and vegetables, you need to be able to manage them, because not everything that seems edible and tasty and is eaten by raw foodists is actually good for health. It is incomparably more difficult to eat a raw food diet if the range of products is much smaller, and these products are also full of chemicals. A raw food diet in the city based on purchased obviously unclean products will go completely unpredictably, “through the roof” and directly depend on the degree of chemical contamination of the products. Perhaps there will even be an improvement in well-being, a feeling of extraordinary lightness, and a weakening and even complete disappearance of the symptoms of some diseases, but there will always be some tangible “minus” in well-being, which, it seems, can be removed skillfully adjusting your diet. “Close to the elbow...” - it doesn’t work on unclean products, “at least turn yourself inside out.”

Why are the raw food “gurus” so unabashedly optimistic? Yes, because they have made the topic of raw food diet their business - lectures, seminars, books, CDs..., and therefore diligently demonstrate their supposedly excellent health, supposedly absolute mastery of the topic of raw food diet, and most importantly, the opportunity to anyone who pays for their expensive educational activities , join the raw food diet and become the same. Oh, oh! Firstly, with these “gurus” everything is not as perfect as they pretend to be with their own raw food diet, and they don’t know why this is so and what needs to be done to make everything perfect? Simply believing that a raw food diet consists of eating everything raw, they do not understand that not everything edible is healthy, especially in its raw form, and they do not realize the critical importance of purity of foods during a raw food diet. Some of them easily say to the audience “don’t bother about the purity of the products.” He mistakenly considers crises to be a cleansing of certain deposits of “slag” that have accumulated over previous years, and each subsequent crisis is a manifestation of an increasingly deeper cleansing of the body, and therefore talks about his recent crisis, which led him to pneumonia and forced him to resort to the help of a homeopath. Someone, having lost his/her vigilance and flattering himself/herself with the illusion that no one will notice anything, shows his/her photos, which show that during this period he/she indulged himself/herself with savory food and had corroded cheeks and sides. Secondly, realizing that they have many more questions on the topic of health/raw food diet than answers, and that their knowledge of this topic is superficial, at the level of banal ideas, they know for sure that those from whom they earn money have a raw food diet in In the end, it probably won't work. But this is not the goal of the “gurus”, their goal is different - money, if only the “people” would hand over money for their lectures, seminars... and then... Without knowing the subject, they will never undertake to cure a specific patient or even to counsel him , because they know that this will not lead to anything good except their discredit. But they realized that people are simple-minded and gullible, that they can easily make money, and for this it is not at all necessary to achieve real, long-term positive results, but artistry is quite enough. They “teach” people what they themselves have little understanding of, their path is irresponsible enthusiastic verbiage on the topic of raw food diet in front of an impersonal audience, verbiage richly seasoned with words - love, joy, harmony, happiness, light, goodness, peace... But these “gurus” are still quite young, and will they be as optimistic and convincing when they grow up and are at least 50, 60 years old?

And yet, for many, the elegant lies of the “guru” about a raw food diet are more attractive than the naked truth. Because a person is designed this way, it is always more pleasant for him to hear positive things - that “gurus” understand and use very well. And the most important thing is that those trying to eat a raw food diet are mostly young people aged 20-35, and at this age people are often overly optimistic about everything new, including a raw food diet. They are absolutely confident that they will, of course, be able to implement such a tempting and attractive idea as a raw food diet! But the resource of their body has not yet been developed, and most often, they do not yet have serious health problems, so experimenting on themselves is still permissible for them and, most likely, will take place without serious consequences for their health, although, who knows. Until a person gains personal experience, it is almost impossible to convince him of something that does not coincide with his ideas. Actually, theoretically, this is how it should be - in one of my posts I already wrote that absolute independence is a mechanism of evolution, so that everyone goes their own way, trusting only their feelings and brains... so that natural selection takes place. Well, the raw food diet “gurus” are right there - exploiting this extreme optimism of the young.

I would like to be understood correctly, so as not to sow pessimism in anyone regarding a raw food diet. A raw food diet is the only natural way to feed all animals on earth, including humans. But today we do not live in the wild, and in today’s conditions of chemical contamination of all agricultural products sold in cities, it is impossible to trust only taste sensations - you can easily be deceived and reach a dead end. There are a lot of examples of the fact that feelings are helpless to orient a person - even in warm regions, where there is an abundance of pure fruits and vegetables, which people do not eat harmful, although there is no need for this. We need to very carefully and clearly analyze everything connected with our sensations and food, otherwise an attempt to radically improve our well-being with a raw food diet may collapse and turn into new problems for the experimenter.

And what else I would like to say - feel free to contact your “gurus” who “converted” you to a raw food diet with specific questions about nutrition and well-being that arise for you. This should help you quickly clarify the question that interests you, or clarify the question about the competence of your “guru”, which is also important, because will take the blinders off your eyes and protect you from making any mistakes due to blind faith in the “guru”. And also, if there are a lot of these questions from different people, this will somewhat sober up the “gurus” and keep them, to some extent, from reckless, irresponsible verbiage. Of course, they are not responsible for “warranty service” for those converted to a raw food diet, but their lectures and seminars are, nevertheless, not an irresponsible one-time concert of a popular “show businessman”.

I wrote this post a few days ago, but some technical problems prevented me from posting it. And then I came across a video with S. Dobrozdravin. I was unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised by his vision of the problems of a raw food diet:

I fully admit that someone is bored with my tedious reasoning. You can distract yourself with a film - also on the topic of raw food diet and with Ukrainian humor. If some words and expressions are unclear, bloggers from Ukraine can clarify them: