
Summary of applications on the theme of spring. Synopsis of directly educational activities on the application "Sorceress of Spring" in the senior group. Independent activity of children


Target: Arouse interest in the awakening spring nature, introduce spring changes, give ideas about primroses.


To develop the ability of children to work with scissors: hold it correctly, carefully cut along the contour.

Develop the ability to carefully apply glue to the cut out shape.

Develop compositional skills

Expand children's ideas about early spring;

Materials: col. cardboard, colored paper, glue stick, tablecloth, napkins, scissors

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the spring months and signs of spring, acquaintance with the life of wild animals in spring.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys! Let's say hello to each other and give each other a good mood and smile!

Guys, what time of year is it?

Children: Spring.

Right. What spring months do you know?

Children: March, April, May

Guys, this morning the postman brought a letter for us, shall we read it?

Text of the letter: Hello, girls and boys of group No. 35! Animals of the forest are writing to you. Spring has also begun for us, but an evil blizzard has flown into our forest and hidden the spring under the snow. We are asking for help, it is cold here and there is a lot of snow. And our winter food supplies are running out. Please help us, give us spring back!!!

Guys, can we help?

Then we'll hit the road. We hold hands, close our eyes, walk in a circle and say: spin, spin, find yourself in the forest! Open your eyes!

Here we are in the forest! And in order to save spring, we need to complete tasks. Let's start.

First task. Name the signs of spring. Starting from Makar, take turns naming the signs of spring

Each child names a sign of spring, at the end, I ask who else wants to add.

Guys, you are great fellows! We've done our first job, now we're moving on.

Here is our second task. It is necessary to collect images of animals from geometric shapes. You need to split into 4 teams. Split up? Let's get to the task.

After completing the task, each pair talks about the animal, about its behavior in the spring. Complement each other.

Well done, I think we are helping the spring a lot. And now let's have a little rest and sing a song to spring so that she can hear us.

Fizminutka "Spring is coming red." Song by T. Morozova "Spring is coming red"

Movements are performed to the music.

Great! Look, the snow around has already begun to melt. Guys, what is it? Look! Let's clear the snow. What is this?

Children: Snowdrops.

Right, but what are these flowers?

Children: This is the first spring flower.

Where does it grow?

Children: under the snow, in the forest.

Do you know the story about this flower?

One day, the old woman-Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. All the flowers were frightened by the threats of Winter, except for the snowdrop, which straightened its stalk and made its way through the thick snow cover. The Sun saw its petals and warmed the earth with warmth, opening the way for Spring.

Yes guys, that's right. I suggest you make even more snowdrops so that spring will come soon.

We sit down at the tables. Here we will make such a snowdrop. What are the parts of a flower?

Children: stem, leaves and petals.

Please note that the leaves of the snowdrop are thin and long. Let's repeat the rules for working with scissors. What do you know?

Don't work with broken scissors.

Work with scissors only at your workplace.

Watch the movement of the blades as you work.

Put the scissors with rings towards you.

Feed the scissors rings forward.

Don't leave scissors open.

Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.

Right, but the rules for working with glue?

When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

Wash your brush and hands well with soap and water after work.

Well done. And now let's stretch our fingers and get to work.

Finger gymnastics.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals are unfolding.

(Join your palms in the shape of a tulip, then slowly open your fingers.)

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

(Shake your hands)

Our scarlet flowers

close the petals

(Slowly bring your fingers together to form a flower.)

Sleeping quietly

They shake their heads.

("The flower" sways in the wind again)

The children are doing the work. Help a caregiver who needs. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop"

Here are some beautiful snowdrops for everyone.

Music by A. Vivaldi Seasons. Look, here comes the spring sun! Let's send our snowdrops to our spring forest as soon as possible. Everything around begins to fill in the spring. So our forest cheered up, streams ran, thawed patches appeared. The sun shines brightly. How do you think we coped with the tasks? Did you save the spring?

I think so too. And Spring gave us gifts. Here are such little suns for each of you, in gratitude for your help.


And now it's time for us to return to the group. We hold hands, close our eyes. Spin around, spin around, be in group number 35. Guys, well done! Our lesson is over.

All children from an early age love to make applications. In addition, this type of artistic creativity is also a very useful activity for kids. So, while cutting out various parts from paper, cardboard and other materials, sticking them on the base and creating a composition, the child noticeably develops fine motor skills of fingers, thinking, imagination, concentration and other skills.

The application is able to captivate even a hyperactive baby for a long time, so it is often used to calm the baby and direct his energy into a creative direction. In addition, with the help of this technique, a child can make beautiful gifts for parents and other loved ones with his own hands or decorate useful items.

Thanks to the incredible benefits, applications are also very widespread in kindergartens. During classes in a group, kids perform beautiful compositions with interest and enthusiasm under the guidance of a teacher, and sometimes they bring their work to an exhibition dedicated to a particular event.

In particular, with the advent of a new season, for example, spring, a child in kindergarten may be asked to make an application on the appropriate topic. Of course, parents will help the youngest children complete their first masterpiece, but older children are quite capable of coping with this task on their own. In this article we will tell you what spring applications for kindergarten can be, and how you can make them yourself.

Spring applications in kindergarten

The simplest application on a spring theme that can be made in kindergarten is all kinds of flowers, bouquets and trees made of colored paper using a broken technique. This option is usually used by the smallest children who are not yet very good with scissors. To help your child, you can draw a tree trunk on a large sheet of paper and invite the baby to make leaflets for it.

Also, together with your child, you can cut a trunk out of brown colored paper and use it as the main element of a future application. Flowers are made in a similar way - long stems are usually drawn with a brush or felt-tip pen, and bright petals are made from ordinary or corrugated paper.

For older children, it is already becoming possible to perform crafts using the “facing” technique or Both of them require the obligatory presence of a pencil, on which the main material for making the appliqué should be wound in a certain way, and then the composition should be arranged, correctly arranging the details on the base. To make it a little easier for the child, and he could effortlessly cope with the performance of crafts in rather complex techniques, it is recommended to apply the contour of the future masterpiece to the base before starting work.

In addition to paper and cardboard, kids today use any, even the most incredible materials, in their work. These are pieces of various fabrics, and pieces of rubber, and plastic wrap, and all kinds of buttons, beads, beads and glass beads, and cereals, pasta and nuts. By and large, during the manufacture of an appliqué on a spring theme, everything can be used that, one way or another, fits the intended composition.

Of course, the "flower" theme is the leading one among all children's applications made in connection with the arrival of spring. This is quite natural, because at this time of the year all nature comes to life, fresh green grass appears, and all the flowers gradually begin to bloom.

Meanwhile, other themes can be used to create applications - the bright spring sun and the improvement of the weather in general, the return of birds to their native places, the melting of snow and ice, or various symbols associated with Maslenitsa, a holiday during which all people say goodbye to winter cold and rejoice at the onset of spring.

Some ideas for hand-made children's applications on a spring theme are presented in our photo gallery.

Zhanna Motorina

(spring pictures in frames)

Tasks. Arouse interest in the design of their work as the final stage of creativity. Create conditions for the creative application of mastered skills; continue to teach children to plan work. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm and composition.

Preliminary work. Examining paintings by famous artists with children landscape painters and. I. Levitan "March" and "Big Water", A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", F. A. Vasiliev "Thaw".

Reading a poem by V. Nabokov " Spring":

The world is excited by the spring breeze,

The birds have returned and the streams are ringing

Moisture bells.


In the fields, and fun in the forest, where

No step, big lily of the valley. Like water

Trembling azure - both plaintively and greedily

Looks at the world. Birches by the river

There, in the clearing, not forgotten by the heart,

Crowded and so simply, businesslike

Unfold sticky sheets

Like it's not a miracle at all

And in the blue two thin cranes

Hesitant, and maybe from there

They think the earth is green

An unripe, wet apple.

For applications - landscape we need:

For drawing: sheets of tinted blue paper 15 x 21 cm, brushes of different sizes, foam sponge.

For applications: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins, oilcloth.

Progress. Children are looking at the paintings by I. I. Levitan "March" and "Big Water", A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", F. A. Vasiliev "Thaw". We talk about the content and mood of the paintings. Then the children are invited to read F. Tyutchev's poem "Spring Waters":

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the water noise in the spring

They run and there will be a sleepy shore,

They run and shine and speak.

They are talking all over:

"Spring is coming, Spring is coming!

We are young spring messengers,

She sent us ahead!"

Spring is coming, Spring is coming!

Children get to work and draw spring pictures as they wish, then decorate them with beautiful frames.

1. The frame is made from a sheet of A4 cardboard.

2. The finished picture is glued onto cardboard. Previously, the picture is circled with a pencil to outline the border for applying glue.

3. Then a frame is drawn up at the request of the children. The design of the frame retains the spring theme.

Children make frames on their own and decorate spring pictures with them.

See what we have happened:

Together with the children we make pictures for the exhibition " Spring is coming!" A tour of the exhibition. Two or three children act as guides and talk about the paintings they like.

In the senior group on the topic: "Spring flowers"

"Cognitive development":

To consolidate and summarize the signs of early spring; revive the idea of ​​the first spring flowers.

To instill in children a love of nature, to develop an interest in the knowledge of nature;

"Artistic and ethical development":

Exercise in cutting a circle from a square, rounding the corners; cut the circle in half, getting a semicircle.

Develop skills in working with paper, performing neat, precise folds;

Develop imagination, creativity in children.

"Speech development":

expand the vocabulary of children on the topic: "Flowers",

develop coherent speech of children

Material: scissors, glue, brushes, napkins, colored squares in blue and green

Course progress.

1. Guys, now we will go to the forest, and what kind of forest will we get into, please guess. (Children close their eyes, a recording of a spring forest sounds).

Streams rang, rooks flew in.

In his house - a bee brought honey to the hive,

There are dense lumps on the branches,

They have sticky leaves.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

Children: in the spring. We are in the spring forest!

2. Conversation about the signs of spring

V .: Tell the children what happens in nature when spring comes?

(the snow melts, it gets warmer outside, birds fly in, grass appears and the first spring flowers appear)

What are the first spring flowers you know? (coltsfoot, dandelion, snowdrop).

Let's go for a walk and admire the first spring flowers.

3. Examination of illustrations of primroses. SLIDES

Delicate snowdrops, blueberries - the awakening of nature;

The legend says how once Winter the old woman decided not to let Spring come to the earth. The flowers drooped with fear, one snowdrop was not afraid, opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and made way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and the snowdrop have been inseparable.

Primrose and crocus - spring rebirth

Its name is translated from Latin - "first". Primrose blooms with all the colors of the rainbow. In the people it is called rams or golden keys. They say that these "keys" open the door to summer.

And there is also a superstition that the primrose can open hidden treasures. A maiden dressed in white clothes and with a golden key in her hand sometimes appears in the fields. And if you pick a primrose with it, then the flower receives a magical gift to find underground and open treasures.

Simultaneously with the primrose, and sometimes even before it, lovely crocuses open their blue eyes.

Mimosa - touchy and cowardly

One has only to touch the fluffy beauty, as she immediately shudders and hides her leaves. Here we are talking about a living, growing mimosa, and not about those bouquets that are sold in the spring. She is also "afraid" to be in the dark.

Strict handsome tulip

In spring, the beautiful tulip blooms!

There is an ancient legend about the tulip. As if the yellow flower contained happiness, but no one managed to get to it, because the flower did not open. But one day this tulip was picked up by a child. His pure soul, laughter and sunny childish joy performed a miracle - the bud opened.

Educator: the first flowers of spring are so good that they bloom, replacing each other. Their bright outfits fascinate the eye, fill the air with incredible delicate aromas. Flowers seem to say: “Wake up!

Spring came!

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (Children close their eyes and come back to the music of the spring forest).

4. Educator: Guys, look, while we were in the forest, we received an envelope. Let's open the envelope and see what's in it (I open the envelope). Letter! Let's read.

“Hello, dear guys! Your friend Luntik is writing. It is spring outside, but there is still little heat and sun. I really want to be the first to please Mila with spring flowers! She loves them very much. Guys help me please! Make flowers to make us happy. Your friend, Luntik!

Well, guys, let's help Luntik?

And before we get to work, let's cheer up a little.

5. Fizminutka "Spring".

All people are smiling - spring, spring, spring! (raise hands above head and clap rhythmically)

She is everywhere, she is everywhere - red, red, red (rhythmic turns of the torso)

In the meadow, forest and clearing - goes, goes, goes (they walk in place)

Warm up in the sun as soon as possible - calls, calls, calls (waving both hands towards themselves)

And in the forest stream fervently - ringing, ringing, ringing (they snap their fingers)

On pebbles in a wide river - murmur, murmur, murmur (rub their palms)

Spreads smells everywhere - flowers, flowers, flowers (make a bud out of fingers)

And all living things immediately hear this spring call! (squeeze and unclench fingers).

6. Show sample work. Explanation of work methods.

We take blue squares for a flower. Cut corners, get a circle. We fold the circle in half, cut it off along the fold line, we get a semicircle. For stems we take green squares and, just like for flowers, we make semicircles.

7. Independent practical activity of children.

And now, guys, come to the tables, let's try to cut out beautiful flowers that will delight us and our friends Luntik and Mila.

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers.

8. Finger gymnastics "Flower"

The flower slept in a magical dream (fists tightly clenched)

Was closed. But then a petal appeared (straighten your thumb)

And behind him is his friend (index finger)

So the middle one didn’t sleep (middle finger)

And the fourth did not lag behind (ring finger)

Here is the fifth petal (little finger)

And the whole flower opened! (With the brush of both hands, depict the shape of a tulip)

9. Reflection.

What were they talking about? What they were doing?...

Work analysis.

Look at the beautiful flowers you have. Picked flowers cannot live long, they will wither, but those drawn or made by craftsmen like you will live long and bring joy to people at any time of the year.

Well, guys, spring has come to our group, your flowers will decorate our group and will delight you and your parents.

Purpose of the lesson:

Formation of children's knowledge about the time of the year, which is outside the window;

Continue to learn how to use a brush and glue, carefully paste the image;

To cultivate the ability to understand and perform a learning task;

Develop fine motor skills of children's hands;

Raising in children a caring attitude towards all living things.



Summary of GCD for applications in the middle group

"Spring is coming red and singing a song..."

Purpose of the lesson:

Formation of children's knowledge about the time of the year, which is outside the window;

Continue to learn how to use a brush and glue, carefully paste the image;

To cultivate the ability to understand and perform a learning task;

Develop fine motor skills of children's hands;

Raising in children a caring attitude towards all living things.

Lesson progress:


Suddenly a sparrow chirped
After the winter cold
The sun is brighter and warmer
Puddles on the paths.
All frozen nature
Woke up from a dream
The storm recedes
This is coming to us...


Children: spring!


Indeed, spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity, activity! This feeling covers all people. Poets write poetry, artists write pictures, and composers compose music. Guys, close your eyes and imagine that you are now in the spring forest.

Sounds like a recording of birds singing in the spring forest.

Teacher: Open your eyes. Spring came to visit us (I show a home-made doll-Vesnyanka).

Spring puppet: “I am Spring-red!

I wake the Earth from sleep.

I fill the kidneys with juice

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice from the rivers, I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere, in the field and in the forest, I bring joy to people! »

I came to you today not empty-handed. And with what, now I will show, but first let's play.

Musical game "Brook"

Springfly doll: You made me happy, you danced beautifully and cheerfully. For this, I leave you a basket of gifts. Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to springflies.

Teacher: Let's see what's in the basket. And there are a lot of paper blanks for making springfly girls! Here is the finished girl (sample). Guys, take your seats, sit down comfortably and serve. Did everyone succeed? Well done! This is the body of a girl, we glue a sarafan on it. Next we glue the Handkerchief and the face. It works great.

Now, let's break it down:

Here is a clearing, and around(spread arms out to the sides)
The lindens lined up in a circle.
(rounded hands clasp above head)
Linden crowns rustle,
(hands up, shake them from side to side)
The winds in their foliage hum
(lean forward)
The tops are bent down,
(leaning forward, shake the torso from side to side)
And shake them, shake them.
After rain and storms
(straighten up, hands up)
Lindens shed streams of tears.
(slowly lower your hands, fingering)
Each leaf is a teardrop
(hands down, shake hands vigorously)
Must drop on the paths.
Drip and drip, drip and drip -
Drops, drops, drops, drop!
How weak is the leaf!
("drop" hands)
He is washed by the rain
(stroke first one, then the other hand)
It will grow stronger every day.
(clench fists)