
Infant growth and weight standards. Height and weight of the child: which increase is correct


What weight and height at the birth of a baby is considered normal? Why do deviations occur?

Norms of weight and height of newborns

The norms of weight and height at birth for boys and girls are slightly different. As a rule, girls are born slightly smaller in height and weight. Among the female representatives, very few babies are born with excessive weight or gigantic growth.

Weight and height of girls

According to the standards, the normal height of girls at birth is from 43 to 54 cm. The average is 49 cm. The weight ranges from 2300 to 3300 g. The average is 3000 grams.

Boys' weight and height Boys' height and weight are slightly higher. So growth at birth is at least 44 cm and not more than 56. On average, 50-51 cm. Weight is from 2500 to 3500 g. The average normal birth weight for boys is about 3200-3300 years.

Body weight, height of a newborn child and the physique of the parents The size of the fetus directly depends on the genes. Short parents are unlikely to have a tall offspring. Although such cases are not excluded, they occur extremely rarely. If the parents at birth were no more than 50 cm and 3000 g, then their child will be born about the same size.

Deviations from the norm

If parents of medium size have a large or too small fetus, then these are most likely deviations from the norm, which may be due to genetic failures or the influence of other factors, for example, forced medication during gestation.

Overweight newborn

If the parents are large, then the birth of a large baby is not considered a pathology, otherwise it is a deviation from the norm, which can affect the future health of the baby. Babies born weighing over 4 kg are large.
The fetus is overweight due to:
  • Uncontrolled high-calorie nutrition of the mother.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Endocrine diseases of the mother's body.
Being overweight at birth can also be the result of prematurity of the fetus.

Newborn baby underweight

Underweight newborn is called malnutrition. It comes in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. The first is diagnosed at an early stage of gestation, the other - in the second half of pregnancy. Insufficient is the weight of the newborn less than 2300 g at term.
A weight deficit develops inside the womb for such possible reasons:
  • Transferred infectious diseases.
  • developmental pathology.
  • Influence of chronic diseases of the mother.
  • Low water.
  • Regular consumption of alcohol and other toxic substances by a pregnant woman.
Most often, a lack of birth weight in a baby is due to poor nutrition of the mother during gestation or his untimely arrival in this world.

Weight gain and growth of a newborn for the first month

In the first days after childbirth, the weight of the baby may change downward. His body is cleared and returns to normal. In addition, if the baby is breastfed, and normally milk begins to arrive only for 2-3 days, then the weight may decrease slightly.
As soon as everything returns to normal, the baby's weight will begin to increase, by about 100 grams per week. It may be a little less or more, depending on the nutritional value of milk, the mode and technique of feeding, the characteristics of the newborn organism, the gender of the child.
First, you need to monitor the weight of the baby every week and watch the trend. If it gradually increases by at least 100 grams in 7 days, then there is no reason for concern. In case of its rapid fall or insufficient addition, it is better to seek help from a pediatrician.
For the first month of life, the baby needs to add about 1 kg of weight - for a boy from 900 g to 1,500, for a girl - from 700 to 1,200 g.
The height and weight at birth of a baby depends on many factors. However, it will not differ significantly from the parameters of the parents. Small deviations are not pathological and should not cause concern. More significant violations of the norm can be corrected if you follow the recommendations of doctors.

Indicators at birth indicate how healthy the baby is, whether it corresponds to the timing of development. A normal monthly increase, combined with a good mood of the baby, indicates that everything is going as it should, there is nothing to worry about. Special attention should be paid to the growth of a newborn child.

The growth of a newborn child up to a year

The average normal height of a newborn child is 48-55 cm. Doctors have an index that is calculated at birth in full-term children.

Every month, the parameters of the baby change, pediatricians and scientists provide tables that young parents should be guided by. All children can develop differently, the growth table of newborns contains average values, but if the deviations from the norm are large, it is worth understanding the reasons together with the pediatrician.

There are periods of intense growth, and there are periods when growth slows down. In the first 3 months of life, the baby is stretched by 3 cm per month. Up to six months, the monthly increase is about 2.5 cm. Until the 9th month, the baby grows up to 2 cm every month. Then its growth increases by only 1 cm per month for up to a year. On average, the length of a one-year-old baby according to the tables is 75 cm.

It is correct when the length is tracked by monthly increments, because the final growth will depend on the initial, at birth, and may not coincide with the average values. If the baby grows in a month according to the prescribed centimeters, then everything is in order.

Height in cm

Increase for the period

Newborn 50 – 53 (+3) 3
1 month 53 – 56 (+3) 6
2 months 56 – 59 (+3) 9
3 months 59 – 61,5 (+2,5) 11,5
4 months 61,5 – 64 (+2,5) 14
5 months 64 – 66 (+2) 16
6 months 66 – 68 (+2) 18
7 months 68 – 70 (+2) 20
8 months 70 – 72 (+2) 22
9 months 72 – 73 (+1) 23
10 months 73 – 74 (+1) 24
11 months 74 – 75 (+1) 25
12 months 75 – 76 (+1) 26

Table of growth of newborns and children up to a year.

How to measure the height of a newborn baby

In the clinic, at scheduled appointments, the growth of a newborn child is measured, but sometimes it is required to periodically do this yourself. The baby needs to be put on a hard surface, so that the head touches the wall. Next, you need to straighten one leg, make a mark. The distance from the wall to the mark is measured, this will be the growth of the newborn child.

It is also important to know the growth of the crumbs for practical purposes, because it can be quite difficult to choose clothes. In different countries producing children's things, the size may be indicated differently. It is difficult to determine by eye, but clothes can always be measured.

Doctors often use slightly different methods for assessing the growth of babies, for example, centile. After comparing the indicators with a number of numbers given in a special table, the pediatrician puts a number from 1 to 7. 1 means that the growth is very low, and 7 is very high.


If significant deviations from the above table are observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. The growth of a newborn child is influenced by various factors, heredity also applies to them. When there is a strong lead or lag, this should be controlled by an endocrinologist. Only qualified specialists can identify the causes of deviations in a timely manner.

What can affect the growth of a newborn baby?

The most obvious factor is heredity. If the parents are tall, then do not be surprised that the child is ahead of his peers. In addition, the growth is affected by the course of pregnancy, the quality of the mother's nutrition. The lag occurs due to abnormalities in development or insufficient food intake. If the baby is not growing well, then the problem should be solved already with the doctor. A significant lead may be the result of the pathology of the endocrine system, this should be paid attention to.

There are certain indicators that indicate the normal combination of weight and height of the child. This parameter is called the Quetelet index. Normally, it is 60-70. The weight of the baby's body is divided by its length, the index is applicable for children born at term. The norm for premature babies is an indicator of 34-46 cm. The numbers given in numerous tables are not the ultimate truth. If the baby was born a "hero", it is not surprising that in a year he will be taller than his peers.

When measuring height, you should stand with your back against a flat wall. There should be no socks, and even more so no shoes. Heels and toes should be together, there should be no distance between the legs. The heels, the most prominent points of the buttocks, and the upper part should touch the wall. The shoulders should be straight, the chest should not be inflated, the neck should be located strictly vertically, without bends and stoop. You also cannot lower your head, you need to raise your head and look straight ahead.

Knowing your growth is necessary not only for the selection of suitable clothes or shoes, but also, if desired, to track the development growth. To do this, it should be measured regularly and as accurately as possible.

You will need

  • Measuring tape, book



To accurately detect growth, make sure that you stand as straight as possible, and that the baseboard does not interfere with the floor.

Helpful advice

It is convenient to use a tape measure, as it is much longer than a centimeter tape.

Monitor your body length child it is necessary from his very birth - this indicator reflects many processes occurring in the baby's body, and to some extent even the level of his maturity.

You will need

  • Height meter, centimeter tape


The growth standards for newborn girls, according to WHO, are 47.3-51 cm, and the average value is 49.1 cm. For boys, the height is considered normal from 48 to 51.8 cm. The average growth rate for boys is 49.9 cm.

It is important to bear in mind that all the above norms are averaged. It is impossible to obtain an adequate assessment of the physical development of a child simply by comparing height and weight with WHO indicators. Since each child has individual developmental characteristics, some deviation in the weight or height of a newborn from WHO standards is far from always a sign of any violations.

According to Russian pediatricians, the growth rate for full-term is considered to be between 46 and 56 cm, and normal weight is from 2.6 to 4 kg. As you can see, these figures are somewhat different from the WHO data. Therefore, an experienced pediatrician should analyze the growth and weight indicators of the baby: only he will be able to take into account all possible factors in the development of the child, adequately assess his condition and draw correct conclusions about the absence or presence of any violations.

Norms of increase in height and weight of newborns

The baby is considered in the first four weeks of life. How does his weight and height change during this period?

In the first 3-5 days after birth, the baby loses about 6-8% of body weight. This is a natural process that is caused by physiological factors: the release of meconium, the drying of the umbilical cord residue and some loss of fluid. In addition, in the very first days of life, the baby receives very little milk from the mother.

Already on days 4-6, the body weight of the newborn begins to increase, and by the 7-10th day the child's weight is restored. Weight loss of more than 5–10%, as well as slow recovery of body weight, may indicate any congenital disorders or be a sign of a developing infection. By the end of the first month of life, weight gain

Wisdom of the Ages

Each formula has its creator, but the most popular version of determining the growth of a child has lost all connection with its author. However, it inspires confidence. In order to determine the height of their son, parents need to add up their height indicators, expressed in centimeters, multiply this amount by 0.54, and then subtract 4.5 from the resulting number. The estimated height of the daughter is calculated in a similar way, only the total height of the parents is multiplied by 0.51, and 7.5 is subtracted from the final result.

Hawker Method

Dr. Hawker, who works at the clinic with the exotic name "Mayo", offered his own version of the growth of the child in the future. The essence of the calculations is as follows: the height of the mother and father (in centimeters) is added and divided by 2. The result is the arithmetic mean of these numbers. To find out the height you need to add 6.4. For a girl, on the contrary, subtract 6.4.

Karkus method

The Czech scientist V. Karkus developed his own formula for calculating the growth of a child. To determine height, add 1.08 to the mother's height, then add the father's height and halve the result. The girl's height is calculated a little differently. The father's height is multiplied by 0.923, added to the mother's height and also divided in half.

Value range

Professor Vladimir Smirnov, as well as his colleague in research, endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov, demonstrated serious awareness of this issue with their version of calculating the growth of a child. Their formula allows you to get not one value, but a whole range between the maximum and minimum growth. To find out the possible growth of a son, it is necessary to sum up the indicators of one's own growth, increase this amount by 12.5 and divide by 2. By adding 8 to the final number, one can determine the maximum height of the boy, and vice versa, by reducing the final figure by 8, the minimum growth value will be obtained. The height of the daughter is calculated in a similar way, only the number 12.5 to the total parental height, and is subtracted from it.

The previous options for determining the height of a child offer very hypothetical calculations, as a result of which moms and dads will only find out the most probable height of children. Actual figures may differ from the actual ones in one direction or another. However, there is also a popular way to determine how the child will grow in the future. The scheme is as follows: the height of the child, achieved at 1 year old, increases by 1 meter (for boys) or 95 cm (for girls).

You can also slowly seat the child, overlaying him on all sides with pillows. So, the baby will survey the room from a different angle. But before that, be sure to consult a doctor: some children have health problems, due to which they can be seated at a later age.

5-6- already begins to speak in syllables, pronouncing "ma", "pa", "ba", etc. The child is trying to taste everything, so do not be afraid that he drags everything into his mouth. This is a normal human reflex.
Also, a toddler at this age can begin to crawl. If this does not happen, do not be afraid, because all children develop in different ways.

At 7-8 months, the baby tries to sit down on his own, and in this you should help him in every possible way. Take it by the handles and pull it up slightly.

Also, the baby is trying to get up on his feet. At this age, he walks along the crib, holding on to her back. He makes strange sounds. Do not be afraid of this, because the baby speaks his own language, trying to convey his emotions and feelings.

The child confidently holds objects, carefully examines them, throws and shifts from one hand to another. He also, having found some small detail, tries to pick it out. Make sure the child does not swallow anything. To do this, all buttons, paper clips and other dangerous objects should be in the place where the baby cannot get.

At 9-10 months, the little one moves around the house, holding on to a support. As soon as he, staggering, reaches the wall, leaning on it, the baby quickly runs to the right place. You must insert special caps into all sockets, remove all objects from the tables with which the baby can harm himself.

At 11-12 months, the child walks, knows how to speak short words (mom, woman, dad, give, na, etc.).


All babies develop in their own way. For example, if your one-year-old child will not walk, this does not mean at all that he is lagging behind in development. So he's not ready for it yet.

All children also have different weights and heights. It all depends on individual characteristics. The main thing is to be examined by a doctor every month and carefully monitor the health and development of the baby.

The first thing that a new mother is told after the birth of a baby is the height and weight of the child. The weight of a newborn, on average, is 2500-4500 g, and the height is 45-56 cm. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the growth and weight standards for newborns differ depending on the sex of the child. The norms of height and weight for boys are 49 - 52 cm and 3200 - 3500, and the norms of height and weight for girls are 48 - 50 cm and 3000 - 3300, thus the indicators of the norm of height and weight for boys are usually more similar figures for girls.
Newborns weighing more than 4500 gr. and taller than 52 - 54 cm are considered large. In the birth of a large baby, at the time set by the obstetrician-gynecologist, they can contribute, even in the womb, proper nutrition (high-quality food), increased medical care. Also, the birth of such a hero is also facilitated by repeated births, post-term pregnancy, overeating during pregnancy, Rhesus conflict between mother and child, diabetes mellitus, and hereditary signs.
If a newborn, on the contrary, has weight and height below the norm established by WHO, then low weight can be explained by a number of reasons, most often associated with improper (unbalanced) nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, bad habits, intrauterine infections, heredity, as well as short breaks between pregnancies.

Rates of growth and weight gain in newborns

In the first week after birth, a newborn loses about 6-8% of his body weight. Weight loss is associated with natural processes: fluid loss, meconium excretion and shrinkage of the umbilical cord remnant. Nutrition in the first days of a baby's life is minimal, especially if the baby is breastfed. Breast milk begins to be produced after a certain amount of time. Colostrum is a mother's "starter" milk, which contains all the nutrients needed for a newborn. A small amount of this colostrum is enough for a baby to remove his hunger, and therefore the weight gain is small. By the end of the first month, the newborn adds 400-800 g.

Table height and weight of a newborn up to a year

These indicators are the norm, but do not forget that each baby gains weight in his own way. Growth increases by 3-4 cm, but even here all indicators are very individual. Do not worry if your baby has not gained a little or has gone over the norm of weight or height, the most important thing is control: control on your part and control on the part of the pediatrician, and if the rear of the baby is protected by qualified doctors and a mother’s loving heart, then prevent any deviations from norms becomes easy and simple. Let your baby grow and gain weight exactly as much as his body needs to be healthy, smart and beautiful!

The consultant-professor of the department for premature babies of the SCCH RAMS, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Galina Yatsyk talks about large and small babies.

tenacious crumbs

Let's figure out what it means - small. A baby weighing more than 2.5 kg at birth is normal weight. Infants of 2.5–2.7 kg are not considered small by pediatricians. A full-term newborn with such a weight does not need any special enhanced nutrition, no wrapping, or a hotly heated room. Sometimes parents want to feed a miniature baby, quickly see how chubby cheeks have become, folds have appeared on thick legs ... They begin to give the baby a little more food than necessary. The result is spitting up. Do not overfeed mini-babies. Yes, he eats a little less milk or infant formula by volume than a large baby, but he has enough. It's just a different constitution. In parents, grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who are also probably fragile. He will eat his norm, but develop normally, catch up with his peers in all respects, and after a year he can weigh no less than them.

But children who were born weighing less than 2.5 kg already require more attention from doctors and special care. Pediatricians call such crumbs small.

Reasons for the birth of very small children:

  • prematurity,
  • hypotrophy,
  • multiple pregnancy.

Prematurity is not a sentence

The main problem of premature babies is not at all low weight, but the immaturity of some body systems - respiratory, thermoregulatory ... They are naturally supposed to live while in their mother's tummy, develop further, and their weight for intrauterine life is quite normal. And then suddenly bad luck: something made prematurely born.

Premature babies are also divided into those who are very low - less than 1.5 kg, and those who are extremely low - less than 1 kg. Of course, such crumbs are not born often, they are 0.4% and 0.2% of all premature babies. Previously, it seemed that if a child was born weighing only 1 kg, this is a disaster! How to get it out? Now, according to the WHO classification, a fetus that was born alive after 22 weeks of intrauterine development and weighing more than 500 g (!), Is considered a child who can and should be nursed. Now both society and doctors are psychologically differently tuned, they believe that a healthy child can be raised from a newborn weighing 1–1.2 kg and mentally he will be full-fledged.

At first, premature babies require special care, they are placed in special hospitals, but if the baby has already been discharged home, it means that he can live under normal conditions, like all babies, he can breathe, drink and eat, and he needs to be fed like a normal baby.

The fact that prematurity is not a verdict, and among famous people there were premature ones, has probably been heard by everyone. Goethe and Napoleon were premature ... Low birth weight did not become an obstacle to longevity, talent, or happiness.

Sometimes babies are born on time, and their growth for newborns is quite normal, and their weight is very small - 1.3–1.5 kg. This is hypotrophy. It is caused by the mother's illness. Such children appear in women with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, with diseases of the endocrine system ... Thin, long, they continue to gain weight poorly, although nutritionists have created special foods for them enriched with proteins, fats, vitamins. For the rest of their lives, they can remain little ones, but they will develop well at the same time.

Hypotrophy in an infant can also be caused by bad habits of the mother. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the fetus is constantly poisoned, the child is born small.

And still small children are born from multiple pregnancy, and they are born earlier, because they are cramped in the womb of their mother. They are cared for in the same way as premature babies. And quite healthy twins and triplets grow out of them.

Giant Problems

But for large children, those who weigh more than 4 kg at birth, doctors are not very happy.

They are harder to give birth, this is understandable. They more often get birth injuries: fractures of the collarbone, hematomas, paralysis ... Therefore, when doctors, doing an ultrasound scan on a pregnant woman, see a large fetus, they often offer her a caesarean section.

But most importantly, large children are born to sick mothers. It happens, of course, that a baby is big simply because his father is under two meters, and his mother is not small. But such a cause of high weight is rare. But the hero of a mother with diabetes, including a mother who does not yet know about her illness, is the rule. And each subsequent child of this mother will be bigger and bigger. And there is a great danger that these children will also get diabetes.

So families where there are people suffering from this disease should definitely consult a pregnant woman with an endocrinologist. She will receive special treatment so that the baby is not born too large and does not suffer during fetal development.

Large children take longer to adapt after birth. Usually, in the first three days, five days at most, the cardiovascular system begins to function rhythmically in a newborn, the pulse evens out, breathing is established - without shortness of breath, without signs of apnea, the gastrointestinal tract enters its rhythm ... But in large ones, adaptation can stretch over two weeks.

But the hero came home from the hospital. How to feed him now? He should eat the same volume of food as the average child. But at the same time, a hero can gain more weight than an average child.

And be sure to show such a baby to an endocrinologist. We have well-equipped children's centers where a baby can be checked for any endocrine pathology.


On average, larger children are born in Scandinavia, smaller ones in Africa.

The average weight of boys (3200–3500 g) is slightly more than the weight of girls (3000–3250 g).

Firstborns are usually born smaller than the second and third children in the family. Although if parents and children are healthy, the differences in grams and centimeters can be barely noticeable.

Even at birth, accelerators are larger in weight and height than children of the generation that was not affected by acceleration.