
New Year's scenario based on the carnival night. Scenario “New Year - in retro style! Frost Breath Challenge


In order for the holiday in the circle of colleagues to be a success, an interesting scenario should be developed. Everyone is probably looking forward to the New Year's corporate party. This means that they will be happy to take part in its preparation.

Preparatory part of the corporate party

It is best to divide all employees participating in the party into groups in advance. Each microcollective needs to be given the task to prepare a cool scene for the holiday, some kind of competition and a toast. Let the scenario of the New Year's corporate party itself be a kind of connecting link of all performances. It can be a virtual trip to any planet or island, rescuing someone or looking for a treasure. But the script may also represent some famous TV show, some kind of TV show.

Corporate "Carnival Night with the Bremen Town Musicians"

The event is very interesting when the plot is based on some old film. Here is a parody script for Carnival Night. This wonderful and forever young comedy will present the guests with a humorous character Ogurtsov. And the song of the robber will be taken from the "Bremen Town Musicians". After everyone has gathered at a common table, the leader announces the reason for the meeting. He just can be portrayed by the famous Ogurtsov from the film. The presenter's speech in itself should be an example of a humorous speech.

Ogurtsov's speech at the beginning of the party (toast first)

“Comrades! The scenario of the New Year's corporate party in 2016, drawn up by the responsible persons of our responsible team, is a project approved by the leadership from above, which we, in turn, undertake to strictly implement in life with all responsibility. And everyone who will allow himself to evade the execution ... That is, to evade the evasion ... Well, in general, everyone who will allow himself, we will not allow! And down with evasion and evasion from the realities of the New Year's holiday! "

Behind one of Ogurtsov's assistants, during his speech, makes funny faces, builds horns for him and sticks out his tongue. At this moment of his speech, he inserts his own word: “Down with the observance and deviation from the realities of the New Year's holiday! Pour! " - everyone pours and clinks glasses. Ogurtsov runs between tables, snatches glasses from guests, puts them on the table and demands attention. Then he waves his hand and drinks with everyone.

Ogurtsov's departure from the stage

Two men in the attire of a goat and a goat burst into the hall, laughing and pushing, obviously tipsy. Ogurtsov points his finger in their direction and angrily continues:

“Comrades! How hard it is to tell you, but in the last transition period from December to January, the scenario of the New Year's corporate party "Year of the Goat" was executed in the most disgusting way. And it is necessary to accept this and draw the appropriate conclusions. And so that the current event does not repeat the previous scenario of the New Year's corporate party, I propose to cancel the year of the goat! And enough for us all sorts of different goats and camels! Enough! (he bangs his fist on the table)

Today we are not gathered here to play fools of ourselves and play Vanek here! The scenario of a New Year's corporate party, which, according to the plan approved from above, is held annually within the walls of our office, is a serious and responsible business. And no Vanka here, I must declare this with full responsibility, is not a place. Yes! And we will not let them roll around here and distract us with their nonsense. We had a whole year for this. And there will be a whole year. But then.

And now we have to open the scenario of the New Year's corporate party, distribute the roles among the responsible persons and carry it out in accordance with the scheduled and approved plan, for which the responsible person should also be responsible in accordance with the staffing table approved by the management ... Sorry, the schedule! "

“Therefore, the first point of the event will be the election of a responsible person for the position of ... Santa Claus. You should also choose for the DM (read further "Santa Claus") a granddaughter - Snegurochka. Therefore, I propose that I, as the most responsible and serious comrade in our frivolous team, lead the New Year's corporate party 2016. The script, by the way, urgently needs to be rewritten - this is some kind of disgrace, not an event ... ".

The assistant hugs Ogurtsov by the shoulders, assent to him and, whispering, takes him away.

Santa Claus coming out

A disheveled young man flies into his place - it was he who was appointed by Santa Claus.

"Failure! Complete failure! The Santa Claus costume was stolen, the Snegurochka from the theater mixed up the offices and entertains the neighboring New Year's corporate party 2016 with her jokes, this psycho Ogurtsov fired the script of our event ... In short, a complete failure! "

A lady in years is trying to calm the young man:

Well, maybe all is not lost yet? After all, we had a cool New Year's corporate party scenario?

Cool ...

Well, let's have fun again - with Santa Claus and his costume. Dress up with what you have!

They open a box labeled "carnival costumes" and take out a variety of wardrobe items, dividing them as the characters in the comedy film "Wedding in Robinovka" did: "this is for you, this is always for you, and this is for me." As a result, Santa Claus looks like a gypsy, and the lady looks like a rapper boy in a cap or bandana, saggy pants, a wide sweatshirt and sneakers. From Santa Claus, the rapper has only an inscription on the chest (on the sweatshirt in English letters), and the gypsy from the Snow Maiden has a short sheepskin coat with a braid sewn to the collar. "Santa Claus" - the rapper looks at the "Snow Maiden" - a gypsy and both laugh together.

“Well, are we starting to improvise? And even if we had a cool New Year's corporate party scenario, and the holiday "off the beaten track" will turn out even better! "

The last "drop" in the decoration of the hall is a huge tear-off calendar with a leaf, which depicts a goat with a Dedmorozov hat with the inscription "2015".

Musical greeting of impromptu Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

The gypsy begins to sing to the soundtrack from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians", between her lines the rapper inserts his "poems":

They say we are byaki-beki ...

Stunt beeches, hook hands in your trousers!

How does the earth take us out? ..

And without "la-la", Zola also said that there is a lot of evil in the world. Down with the goat! (tears off a sheet of the calendar - a new sheet appears, where a monkey is drawn and the inscription "2016").

Give us the calendar, we have not come here in vain!

It was not in vain that we walked across the seas, through the fields, putting on an outfit ...

Zola also ... (The Snow Maiden laughs, clutching her mouth with her hand, tries to shake the “over-the-top rapper by the shoulder, but he freaks out, shakes his hand off his shoulder)

Do not make me angry! And then, after all, you will crush evil, aphid! (The gypsy holds her mouth to the rapper, making frightened eyes and looking back at Ogurtsov entering the hall in an embrace with the lecturer).

Ogurtsov's exit with the lecturer

The couple should represent an ironic dissonance - a short plump Ogurtsov and a skinny tall professor. The lecturer is clearly well drunk. He smiles broadly, sways and nods contentedly to the interlocutor and to each guest separately. Moreover, his glasses must now and then fall off his nose. Ogurtsov, on the other hand, does not notice anything and continues to indignantly speak to the lecturer:

“Here they have some kind of stupid scenario for the New Year's corporate party 2016. It's called“ cool ”. I read it, you know, from cover to cover - nothing but stupidity! No scientific approach, no cognitive activity, no educational moments, no lectures, no clever thoughts! Here I reworked this scenario of the New Year's corporate party 2016 "cool", made it more serious, meeting the requirements of this event. And you must support me in this matter and give a lecture on the topic "Is there life on Mars?"

Toast from the lecturer

“Gentlemen! I understand that the script for a New Year's corporate party for adults includes a lecture about the Martians? This is wonderful, gentlemen! After all, a person is the so-called quintessence of the natural essence of all life on Earth, and, possibly, in the entire Universe ... this is the essence of all essences, the most essential essence ... And for this, gentlemen, one should drink without hesitation, because thoughts, gentlemen, have not made anyone happier, whatever the essence of these thoughts! So, for the human essence, which is the essence of all essences! "

Lecturers - for soap!

Then an indignant Ogurtsov appears. He tugs at the floor of his jacket and yells:

Sorry, comrade! You were invited here to lecture about the Martians to read, so to speak, a script for a New Year's corporate party for adults to save, and not to get people here, you know, to get drunk!

Lecturer (wiping his lips with a handkerchief and placing a glass on the podium):

Sorry gentlemen. Distracted. So what am I talking about? Oh yes! Gentlemen! I must tell you, my dears, that your New Year's corporate party is wonderful, the script is a fairy tale! It's just a miracle! And my lecture here does not go sideways in any way. Lecturers - for soap!

Everyone is chanting "Lecturer - for soap!" He smiles blissfully, repeats the word "fairy tale ..." and falls asleep, snoring deafeningly. Gypsy Snow Maiden enters the role:

By the way, about fairy tales ... The Golden Donkey group (the name can be anything, the main thing is funny and unusual) has prepared its own script for the New Year's corporate party.

Fairy tale "Forest Fantasy". Exposition

The choir comes out in picturesque costumes. Ladies are all "full-breasted" and "skaters" at the expense of tied pads and other devices, lips are painted with a "bow", all have large bright "flies" on the cheekbones, cheeks and above the lip. Men in short striped breeches, with helpers, in T-shirts and with bow ties. Some have a white cardboard collar around their necks and cuffs on their arms.

Choral performance

To the soundtrack of the song "There, in the distance, across the river", the following musical miniature is performed, which is played out in pantomime by amateur artists.

The Fox lived under the pine tree.

Young males,

Well done, daredevils

They dreamed of marrying Fox ...

But the fox-beauty wanted then

Marry only an overseas prince.

But the Bear is daring

With a violent head -

And he happened to fall in love.

He came to Lisa and handed her a bouquet

From the spruce branches

And pine.

And he also gave his cheat

The phone and tablet are not new.

Although Chanterelle was grateful to him,

It seems like it gave me hope

But more to Fox

Have not seen in the forest ...

She has ceased to be the same.

After all, now she sits all night long

On the Internet, on social networks.

She does not suffer

Because one,

Doesn't get married in principle.

It happens, friends, that real life

It is suddenly replaced by a virtual one.

Would Misha be smarter

I would have suggested it would be better for her

“Eh, club, with God!

Oh you, Red-haired, she would go,

Itself used to go - and run! ".

The next tale must be presented by a different group of artists. Acting teams should be formed by departments or cabinets (offices). Although this does not mean at all that someone would prefer to play for two or three teams, someone will change places. In this case, participation itself, the fun and joy that the artists themselves receive from their performance and, of course, the audience's pleasure are important.

The basis of the script for the school New Year may well be some familiar and beloved film by the audience. In this sense, E. Ryazanov's "Carnival Night" is a classic of the genre. High school students will certainly be happy to transform into the heroes of the film and prepare concert numbers for a festive concert under the direction of Serafim Ivanovich Ogurtsov.

Preliminary preparation: in early December, at the Council of High School Students, assignments for preparing concert numbers are distributed between classes, a separate number is prepared by teachers; on the eve of the celebration, schoolchildren decorate the assembly hall; a competition for the design of festive tables is announced (its results are summed up at the beginning of the event). The main part of the holiday is spent by high school students portraying the heroes of the movie "Carnival Night".

Preparing for the New Year's light

In the hall there are beautifully decorated tables, at which students and teachers sit. A Christmas tree and a large clock are on the stage. The presenters are walking across the hall to the stage: the girl is slightly ahead, the young man is behind her.

Leading. Hello Pasha!

Leading. How did you guess it was me?

Leading. Intuition! .. So, let's see if everything is ready for the start of the holiday!

Leading. Kat ( rumpled), I want to tell you that we have a new director! Some kind of Ogurtsov! He's just a guy! They say he interferes with everything, he doesn't like everything. But I will take it upon myself!

The presenters stop at the stage. Ogurtsov in a mask and two Accompanying Guides appear on the stage: a young man and a girl with pens and notebooks.

Ogurtsov. What is it, I ask you? ( Takes the script from the hosts.) It says here that the director comes out wearing this mask! Are you kidding me? I do not intend to hide my face! ( to the hall) Besides, comrades, there is a directive - it is fun to celebrate the New Year! That is to say, with all the seriousness. I myself do not like to joke, and I will not let people joke! ( Turns to the presenters.) Well, what else have you got here? So, so: the clock strikes, as it should be, and who comes out of the tower?

Accompanying person. Bear?!

Accompanying. Father Frost?!

Leading. Snow Maiden?!

Ogurtsov. Not! The speaker comes out. And, so to speak, in a short time, I think, for forty minutes, no more is needed, reports on the work done by the whole team. ( Appeals to the Maintainer.) What do you think is good?

Accompanying person. Oh, you, Serafim Ivanovich, thought of everything so well! Seriously and tastefully!

Ogurtsov. What else do you have there?

Accompanying. According to the estimate, Baba Yaga does not pass! There is not enough money for it!

Ogurtsov. That's good, we will not take Baba Yaga from the outside, we will educate, so to speak, in our team. ( To the accompanying person.) Are you recording?

Accompanying... Yes, yes, Serafim Ivanovich, I write everything down!

Ogurtsov. And remember, comrades, I'll check everything myself! I will personally take the numbers, so to speak! Come on!

On stage - a concert number: oriental dance. At the end of the dance, Ogurtsov appears from behind the curtains with the Accompanies and addresses the dancing girls.

Ogurtsov. What is it?

Girls. Legs.

Ogurtsov. We must educate our viewer! You can't take him with your bare feet! And the dance? What it is? ( Demonstrates movement elements.)

Girls. But this dance is so staged!

Ogurtsov. Rearrange! So, so, change the dance and costumes, isolate your legs! Go ahead, what else do you have there?

The song "New Year" (from the repertoire of the "Brilliant" group) is performed by female vocalists. At the end of the song, Ogurtsov reappears on the stage with the Accompanies.

Ogurtsov(to performers)... I personally have no doubts. This will not work! It is necessary, so to speak, that the music takes, but does not lead away! Find a serious repertoire. It's not impressive, girls! (To the presenters.) For example, next to us there is a House of Crafts, there is a serious team of retirees. And further! I made an agreement with a lecturer from the Society for the Protection of Animals, he will give a lecture "Is there life on Mars?" Well, the working day is over, it's time, as they say, and bainki!

Everyone disperses.

New Year celebration

The presenters and those who accompanied Ogurtsov meet next to the stage.

Accompanying. There will be no speaker, he went to celebrate the New Year with friends! Ogurtsov is going to read the report himself!

Leading. What to do?

Accompanying(winks)... With Ogurtsov, I think the magician will help us, and I will take over the lecturer! I'll try to do something!

The song "Five Minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night" is played. Ogurtsov enters the stage.

Ogurtsov. Hello comrades! I congratulate you, as they say, Happy New Year! I wish you, so to speak, all the best and will introduce you to some figures for the outgoing year.

Ogurtsov slaps his pockets, looks for a report, reaches into his pocket and takes out long ribbons, tinsel, crackers, confetti, an umbrella, opens it and backs away in horror towards the exit. And on the stage - the next concert number: under the accordion, a group of girls perform New Year's ditties. At the end of the number, a lecturer appears with a briefcase, he is clearly tipsy.

Lecturer. Whoa-oo-oo! People! Where are you? Comrades, everyone is interested in the question, is there life on Mars? The stars below seem so small, but if you take a telescope ( brings hand to mouth, then to eye), we will see one asterisk, two asterisks, three asterisks, but better, of course, five asterisks. Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars, people still do not know!

The lecturer dances lezginka or break. Ogurtsov, grabbing his jacket from behind, pulls him backstage. The presenter comes out.

Leading(timidly)... Hello comrades ... Hello!

Leading. But you are laughing in vain! The man first went on stage, there is no way to say: "Come on, Pasha, dare!".

Leading. This is a different matter. You know how difficult it is to do everything the first time. It is difficult to go on stage for the first time, it is difficult to say for the first time: “I love you!”. And in response to hear: "But I don't!" ( Sadly looks towards the host.) But more about that later, and now the song "About you" will sound from the stage.

The young man sings the song "About you" from the repertoire of S. Piekha.

Leading. Yes, love and song are submissive to any age! On the stage - a pension and dance ensemble ... sorry, songs and dances!

On stage - a performance performed by teachers.

Leading. You see, art transforms the timid into the bold! For example, do you think that ordinary girls are sitting at this table? No. They show great promise. This is Valeria, Sofia, Anastasia! I invite girls to the stage.

The girls perform the song "Two drops" from the repertoire of the "Slot" group.

Leading. Who does not know the host of many events Christina and her famous phrase: "The solemn line is considered open!"? Today she will read the fable "The Bear at the Ball".

The girl reads a fable (see appendix). Ogurtsov enters the stage and goes to the reader of the fable.

Ogurtsov. Good fable, toothy, and read it well! And who is the bear? Dont clear! Next time without any of these! Give the name, place of study, class.

Together they leave the stage.

Leading. And who can tell me under what sign 2010 will pass?

Those present on the stage exchange glances in surprise and thoughtfulness.

Leading. And in the hall, at one of the tables, there is a girl who knows everything about the holidays. And I will gladly pass the microphone to her!

The speaker talks about what the Year of the Tiger will be like and what awaits us in the new 2010. At the end of her performance, the final song sounds, for example "Happy New Year" from the repertoire of the group "ABBA". All participants take the stage.

Leading. Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year!


May the New Year be on the doorstep
Will enter your home like a good friend!


Let them forget the way to you
Sadness, adversity and illness!


Let them come in the coming year
Both good luck and success!


May he be the best
The most joyful for everyone!

Everything. Happy New Year!

Leading. Pasha, maybe we can dance?

Leading. Why "maybe", Katya? We will definitely dance!

A New Year's disco is announced.


Fable "Bear at the Ball"

The other day at the edge of the pine tree
There was a forest ball,
Raccoon and hedgehog, deer and fallow deer
We danced the Podespan dance.
And the gray hare under the bush
He performed the Boston waltz personally.
Squirrels and frogs danced
Everyone drank clinking glasses of dew,
Two cuckoos sang a duet
Two salt, do, la, do and ditties.
How fun it was in the forest!
And suddenly the bear appeared in the forest
And immediately got into everything.
"Why, badger, did you sit on a branch?"
"Why did the ferret go to the stall?"
"And why the raccoon and the mole
Do they dance tango and foxtrot? "
From these "why?", "Why?"
Suddenly everyone became bored at once.
And instantly into the green world of fishing line
Green melancholy came.
Morality is easy to comprehend:
Why did the bear come to the ball?

(New Year's event for high school based on the movie "Carnival Night")

REGISTRATION : posters in the spirit of the "Thaw", Christmas tree, clock, New Year cards 50-60 years.

Preliminary preparation: at the beginning of November, classes are given assignments for the preparation of competitive concert numbers.

Lead 1. Hello Olga Nikolaevna!

Lead 2. How did you guess it was me?

Lead 1. Intuition! .. The Christmas tree is in place, the maestro is at the music console, the presenters too. Can we start the party ?!

Lead 2. Vera Valentinovna (rumpled ), I want to tell you that we have a new presenter! He's just a guy! They say he interferes with everything, he doesn't like everything!

The presenters stop at the stage. Enters the stage X in a mask.

X. What is it, I ask you? (Takes the script from the hosts. ) It says here that the presenter comes out wearing this mask! Are you kidding me? I do not intend to hide my face! (to the hall ) Besides, comrades, there is a directive - it is fun to celebrate the New Year! That is to say, with all the urgency. I myself do not like to joke, and I will not let people joke! (Turns to the presenters. ) Well, what else have you got here? So, so: the clock strikes, as it should be, and who comes out of the tower?

Lead 1. Bear?!

Lead 2. Father Frost?!

Lead 1. Snow Maiden?!

X. Not! The speaker comes out. And, so to speak, for a short time, I think, for forty minutes, no more, reports on the work done by the whole team. (Appeals to the public. ) What do you think is good?

Lead 2. Oh youAleksey Aleksandrovich , so they came up with great! Seriously and tastefully!

X. And remember, comrades, I'll check everything myself! I will personally take the numbers, so to speak!(leaves )

Lead 1. Phew ... gone!

Lead 2. And we continue the party! Let's admire the heroes of the evening! Maestro music! (all classes are invited in turn, 1-2 minutes are given for the exit)

Defile "Hipsters" (10 minutes)

X. What is it? (goes out with the last grades, at the end )

Lead 1. This is a fashion show, that is, a show of New Year's outfits ...

X. ( Interrupts ) Don't fool me! We must educate our viewer! You can't take his colored ties and bare feet! And the dance? What it is? (Demonstrates movement elements. )

Lead 2. But this is not a dance!

X. Stop it! So, so, change the dance and costumes, isolate your legs! Go ahead, what else do you have there?(bypasses all) ... I personally have no doubts. This will not work! Find a serious repertoire. It's not impressive, girls!(To the presenters.) For example, next to us is the House of Pensioners, there is a serious team. And further! I agreed with the lecturer of the education department, he will give a lecture "Is there life after the exam?" (goes away )

Lead 1. And who can tell me under what sign the year 2015 will be held?

Lead 2. Well done! Then we will continue our quiz.

1.In1949 March 10in the magazine "Crocodile" (No. 7) appearedfeuilletonDG Belyaeva under the heading "Types that go into the past." The feuilleton described a school evening, where an absurdly dressed "in a foreign manner", vain, ignorant, stupid young man appears, who prides himself on his colorful attire and skills in the field of foreign dances. And all these skills, according to the feuilletonist, cause laughter and squeamish pity among the rest of the students.What was the name of the feuilleton? ("Hipster")

2. Was it this dish that mothers of babies used to call boots with high rubber soles? (Boots on "semolina porridge).

3. These lines, written in 1957, belong to our fellow countryman. Name the author.

Saxonfox chopped, the floor trembled

From crazy feet.
Dude screwed up
to the cocktail hall
And ordered rock.
The face was dude al,
Above the eyebrow there is a clump of hair.
The dude called the dude
And rock began to play.

4. Attention to the screen! (video fragment) What is the cult film of the dudes? ( "Serenade of the Sun Valley")

5. What do a cook on a ship and a fashionable hairstyle have in common? (Cook).

6. Records of fashionable performers in the USSR were rare. Due to the resulting shortage, the so-called "rock on bones" became popular - the music was recorded on X-rays. What did the dudes call such "records"? ("My grandmother's skeleton")

7. Today he plays jazz, and tomorrow ... (he will sell his homeland)

8. Attention! (audio fragment). I hope you recognized this song, which became the anthem of the dudes (Train to Chattanooga)

9. In what Soviet children's book was the image of the dandy ridiculed? (Dunno on the Moon)

Lead 2. Well, I see you are well prepared!

Lead 1. There will be no speaker, he went to celebrate the New Year with friends! What we are going to do?

Lead 2. Like what? Start our concert program!

Lead 1. Good! On the stage - a pension and dance ensemble ... sorry, songs and dances! Oh, not that scenario. Please welcome! Only here and only now! Astrological and prognostic ensemble of all trades craftswomen "The Most Cool"!(see Appendix 1)

On stage - a performance performed by teachers.

Lead 2. Art is a great power! For example, do you think that ordinary students are standing here? Not! They show great promise. We invite them to the stage!

Lead 1. 11a, 9a, 9b, 10b, 11b, 10a, 9c

So, an incendiary twist! Applause 11 a !!!

Meet the students of the 9th grade with rock and roll assorted !!!

A little romance from the 9th grade ... "Of course, Vasya"!

Shhh ... and now a surprise from 11 b!

Smile ... smile together with 10 a!

Let's add a real demonstration to our dancing evening, we greet 9 with applause and shouts of "hurray"!

Lead 2.

Bright ties, dresses and trousersBrushed hairstyles, fun all aroundAnd there is no place here just for boredomAnd we don't give a damn if they don't understand us.We walk along the avenue, as if along a ford,And together we are strong, we feel the driveLet us release the energy to freedom,We dance with a break, and this is the whole thrill!

( dance group performance )

Lead 1. Maybe we can all dance?

Lead 2. Certainly! But let's just wish everyone a Happy New Year (chimes)

Lead 1. Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year!

Lead 2.

Santa Claus draws a pattern on the windows,
The New Year comes into its own,
At this moment I magically address
Wish you sincere words:
May success await in work and personal life,
Let New Victories Come
May everything go well with you
In 2015!

Lead 1.

Goodbye, the old year waves to us,
And the New Year is about to come,
We put our hopes on him,
We are waiting for surprises and gifts from him.
May any wish come true
All roads lead us only to happiness,
May luck help you and me
In the coming fifteenth year!


Let everything be covered with snow, ice,
And outside the window there is an evil cold, -
A holiday comes to every home
The one that we love and really need
He gives a fairy tale, magic,
And drives away all adversity,
We've been waiting for it for a whole year!
Congratulations to allNew Year!

Lead 1. Maestro music! We will dance until we drop !!!

List of resources used:

    Andreeva E., Bik S. Carnival night. Scenario.

    Matveeva E. Poems.

    Film "Carnival Night» E. Ryazanova


Appendix 1. Speech by teachers


The stars will come to the rescue

If Aries gets sick.

Their luck will not leave

And it will make you go forward.

So we celebrate the New Year

We'll gore all the problems!


The horoscope wishes for Taurus,

Beautiful, slender antelopes,

And greener than the grass near the house,

And the health of the young.

There is no reason to be discouraged -

There is a possibility - you have to take it!


More laughter for the twins

More joy, more success.

To be in time everywhere,

And bloom like a rose.

As the New Year comes,

Happiness will immediately descend!


Cancers 2015

They will do it without much hassle.

Just don't go back -

Just go ahead, rewards await!

And one more secret:

You are not kinder in the world!

    a lion

Lions are predicted by the stars

White beach and clean air.

There is no need to sit still

Even at home in a warm armchair.

The suitcase has been waiting for you for a long time

Five star hotel and red wine!


Virgo this New Year

Just awesome luck!

Only it should be for now

Take the Lamb by the horns.

Everything will come true for you,

This is the whole story.


Libra is careless all year
Such a forecast for you!
Play the lottery
And you will be happy!


Expect millions

Dear Scorpios!

You are predicted in the year

Become a money guru.

In a word, you will get rich,

Turn into an oligarch.


It's time for archers to shoot an arrow

And finally choose a dream.

Wish whatever you like.

Everything that they think will come true.


Capricorns New Year

May it bring health.

And in addition -

Summer cottage in the Seychelles.

Happiness will come into your own hands

Everything will be chiki-bunches!


Aquarius, Aquarius,

You, in order, have matured!

But this New Year too

Will bring you success.

Smile wider

And live in peace!


Pisces this New Year

Very lucky.

There is no reason to be sad

Everything is already coming true!

You only wag your tail

All at once will be all the way!

Scenario of a corporate event for 30-50 participants.

Duration: 5-7 hours.

Suitable for organizing a New Year's celebration in a team of employees of the entire organization or department. It can be held both on the eve of a calendar holiday and after it - for example, on the Old New Year.

Plan Events

  1. Official congratulations.
  2. Banquet.
  3. Quiz.
  4. Memories game.
  5. Competition of wishes for the next year.
  6. Election of an honorary Santa Claus.
  7. Election of the Snow Maiden.
  8. Contests and games.
  9. Astrological forecast for office workers.
  10. Dancing.

Corporate Party Scenario "Carnival Night"

Official congratulations

It is best to start the holiday with an official congratulation from the company's management - directors, heads of departments. Congratulations should not be too long. It is advisable to conduct it with humor, jokes and New Year's poems. You should not use a congratulatory speech for an official report on the work done, you just need to briefly sum up the results of the year and be sure to thank all the employees.


Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration takes place, the nature of the banquet may vary. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after an official greeting. It is not advisable to have a buffet on long-term celebrations such as New Years or Carnival Night. Even if a general feast is not expected, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of seats for the participants.


When the feast is in full swing, the host can offer guests a quiz. Its rules are simple - the host reads a poetic line, and the guests try to guess who the author of this line is. The participant receives a small prize for each guessed line. The player who guessed the most authors, can be awarded a more significant gift and a chocolate medal with the inscription "For erudition".

Examples of questions and answers for the quiz:

The game "Memories"

This game can also be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. The players take turns calling an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that took place at the company during the past year, or directly relates to it. Anyone who cannot remember any event is eliminated from the game.

The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize. The game can be terminated earlier by rewarding several participants. As an example of a prize - a notebook.

Competition wishes for next year

In addition, at the table you can hold a competition for the best wishes for the company or your department for the next year.

It is most convenient if wishes will be in the form of toasts... A jury made up of the firm's management selects the winners, who will be awarded prizes. A bottle of champagne or wine is most suitable as a prize for this competition.

Election of an honorary Santa Claus

After the bulk of the guests are satisfied; you can offer some more active entertainment. The host announces a competition for an honorary Santa Claus. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. Competitions are held between them.

Competition "SNOWFLAKE"

Each competitor receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut the snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. The authors of the best snowflakes receive prize points.

Competition "FROST BREATH"

Players place their snowflakes on the table; and they themselves stand on one side of the table. Their task is to blow a snowflake off the table from the opposite side.

Participants try to do this as quickly as possible, but the player whose snowflake was the last to fly off the table will receive the prize point in the competition.

The host announces to the players that this challenger has the coldest breath.

Competition "RED NOSE"

In this competition, participants are invited to have a glass of vodka or other strong drink. After that, the audience selects the contestant with the reddest nose. He also gets a prize point.

The contender with the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He is put on a mask of Santa Claus or a red hat of Santa Claus.

If several participants in the competition scored the same number of points, you can choose Santa Claus by drawing lots or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.

Despite the simplicity of the above contests, in a certain atmosphere of the holiday and after drinking at the banquet, they are very fun.

Election of the Snow Maiden

After the election of Santa Claus, the presenter announces that it is necessary to pick up a granddaughter for Santa Claus and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maidens competition.

The following competitions are held between the applicants.

Competition "NEW YEAR'S SONG"

The contestants take turns singing the verse of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, which will receive a prize point.


Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items earlier than others will receive a prize point. Items can be very diverse: fruits, jewelry, a glass of some kind of drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the relaxedness of the company) and shoes. Participants should ask for the necessary things from other guests, find them on the festive table or among their own things.

Competition "Affectionate granddaughter"

Contestants take turns saying compliments and affectionate words to Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the applicant who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words were liked by Santa Claus more than others. She gets a prize point.

The participant who scores more than other points is declared the winner and is nominated by the Snow Maiden.

If several applicants for this role scored the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus. All participants in the competition receive incentive prizes.

After the election of Santa Claus and Snegurochka, they can give all guests small gifts (for example, boxes of chocolates).

Contests and games

After the contests, you can hold several games among those who wish. Simultaneously with the games, the feast continues, some of those present can move on to dancing.

Competition "RING"

Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages line up tightly on the floor. Participants are invited to try to put a ring on the bottle from a distance of three meters. Anyone who manages to throw a ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut from thin cardboard. The diameter of the ring is 10 centimeters.

Also a game for a feast. Participants, in turn, name any date starting from January 1st. In this case, the next participant changes in the date named by the previous participant, the day or month, and the named date must be later.

For instance:

  • Player I: January 2
  • Player 2: February 2
  • Player 3: February 7
  • Player 4: June 7
  • Player 5: June 30th, etc.

The participant who will have to name this date loses and completes the penalty task assigned by the other participants.

Astrological forecast for office workers

To entertain the guests, one of the participants can dress up as a fortune-teller or astrologer. The simplest prediction option is to find the zodiac horoscope for the next year (preferably a comic one) and read it. Another option is that the host can inform the guests about the new discovery of astrologers and modern magicians. Everyone knows the zodiac, Chinese, flower horoscopes and the horoscope of the Druids. But now a new horoscope has appeared - the horoscope of office workers (if this name does not quite suit the activities of the company, it is possible to modify the proposed forecasts, making them more relevant for this organization).

An example of a comic office horoscope:

  • Born from January 1 to February 20. Your symbol is the Table. Next year you will become the best support for your colleagues at work and loved ones in serious matters. However, try, at least sometimes, to succumb to worldly temptations, and not to waste all your energy on work.
  • Born from February 21 to March 10. Your symbol Chair: Next year you will be recognized as the most conscientious and responsible employee. However, be vigilant if morally unstable personalities appear among your acquaintances.
  • Born from March 10 to April 20. Your symbol is Wardrobe. Material well-being awaits you next year. And if you follow the advice and be more open and generous with those around you, your position in society will improve and you will make new friends.
  • Born from April 21 to May 20. Your Computer symbol. Next year, you should pay special attention to your health. Watch out for viruses! Otherwise, your business will go uphill, and your abilities will be noticed by others and appreciated by your superiors.
  • Born from May 21 to June 20. Your fax symbol. Good luck for the next year. However, be careful to avoid gossip and backbiting.
  • Born from June 21 to August 10. Your Phone symbol. There are some work-related chores ahead of you next year. At the same time, it will be a year of new acquaintances and amazing adventures.
  • Born from August 11 to September 20. Your symbol is Lamp. Next year, you will bring a lot of joy to those around you. Everyone will be glad to meet you and your friendship. However, try to avoid stressful situations and work overload.
  • Born September 21 to November 10 Your symbol is Organizer. A lot of useful acquaintances await you next year. Try not to miss a good chance that will surely present itself to you.
  • Born from November 11 to December 31 Your symbol is an electric kettle. The next year will be happy for your personal life and companionship. However, try to think about work at least sometimes.

Scenarios of parties and corporate events can be found on our website in the section Articles.

Information for the article Carnival night from the book of Y. Lugovskoy. Firm walks. Scenario of corporate events and parties.

If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus.

Corporate events are much more fun for which a specific topic is declared. If you want to feel nostalgic about the past, arrange a New Year's party based on Carnival Night. It can be held both on the eve of a calendar holiday and after it, for example, on the Old New Year.

If a corporate party for the New Year is held in the company's own premises, it must be decorated. At least on the walls and under the ceiling, you need to hang Christmas tree garlands and balloons, and arrange bouquets of fir branches on the tables. In addition, it is possible to announce (for example, by department) a competition for wall newspapers on a New Year's theme.

Ideas for decorating the premises and outfits of employees can be borrowed from the film, based on which the corporate party is held.

Since this is a carnival, employees need to be warned in advance about the dress code. For those who cannot think of anything themselves, you need to prepare masks, hats and other New Year's accessories and distribute them at the entrance.

With a small number of employees attending the holiday, all guests can participate in the proposed games and contests. If the number of those present exceeds 30 people, several initiative participants are called (preferably from different departments).

If the participants sit at small tables (6-10 people each), the proposed games can be conducted for employees sitting at the same table.

Organizational moments

Number of participants

30-70 people

Duration of the corporate party

Material security

  • Dishes and treats.
  • Props for contests.
  • Prizes and gifts.


Prepare the soundtrack for Carnival Night to create the atmosphere you want.

New Year's corporate party plan

Scenario Carnival Night

1. Official New Year greetings

It is best to start the New Year's holiday with an official congratulation from the company's management (directors, heads of departments). Congratulations should not be too long, it is advisable to spend it with humor, jokes and New Year's poems.

You should not use a congratulatory speech for an official report on the work done, you just need to briefly sum up the results of the year and be sure to thank all the employees.

It would be nice to use phrases from Carnival Night, which have long become winged, in the New Year's greetings to employees. For instance:

  • We will not take Baba Yaga from the outside. We bring up in our team.
  • I myself do not like to joke and will not let people!
  • In short, about forty minutes ...
  • Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars? .. This is unknown to science. Science is not yet in the know!
  • - Where is the lecturer? Is the lecturer ready? - The lecturer is ready, ready for a long time!
  • So what, what a quartet? Add more people here - there will be a large, massive quartet.
  • Well, let's hear the clowns.

2. New Year's banquet

Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration takes place, the nature of the banquet may vary. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after an official greeting.

On such long holidays as New Years, it is not recommended to have a buffet table. Even if a general feast is not expected, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of seats for the participants.

3. Game "Memories"

This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. The players take turns calling an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that took place in the company (or is directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is eliminated from the game. The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize.

The game can be terminated earlier by rewarding several participants. The best prize in the game will be a notebook.

4. Competition of wishes for the next year

In addition, at the table you can hold a competition for the best wishes for the company or your department for the next year. It is most convenient if the wishes are in the form of toasts. A jury made up of the firm's management selects the winners, who will be awarded prizes. A bottle of champagne or other wine is most suitable as a prize for this competition.

5. Election of an honorary Santa Claus

After the bulk of the guests are satisfied, you can offer some more active entertainment. The host announces a competition for an honorary Santa Claus. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. The following competitions are held between them.

Snowflake Competition

Each competitor receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut the snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. The authors of the best snowflakes receive prize points.

Frost Breath Challenge

For the next competition, players put their snowflakes on the table, and they themselves stand on one side of the table (if there are many applicants for the title of Santa Claus, you can move several tables). Their task is to blow off the snowflake from the opposite side of the table.

Participants try to do this as quickly as possible, but the player whose snowflake was the last to fly off the table will receive the prize point in the competition. The host explains to the surprised players that this challenger has "the coldest breath."

Contest Red Nose

In this competition, participants are invited to have a glass of vodka or other strong drink. After that, the audience selects the contestant with the reddest nose. He also gets a prize point.

The contender with the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He is put on a mask of Santa Claus or a red hat of Santa Claus. If several participants scored the same number of points in the competition, you can choose Santa Claus by drawing lots or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.

All participants in the competition receive incentive prizes.

Despite the simplicity of the above contests, they are very fun in a certain holiday atmosphere.

6. Election of the Snow Maiden

After the election of Santa Claus, the presenter announces that it is necessary to pick up a granddaughter for Santa Claus, and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maidens competition. The following competitions are held between the applicants.

Competition New Years Song

The contestants take turns singing the verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, which will receive a prize point.

Competition Request of Santa Claus

Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items earlier than others will receive a prize point.

Items can be very diverse: fruits, jewelry, a glass of some kind of drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the relaxedness of the company) and shoes. Participants should ask for the necessary things from other guests, find them on the festive table or among their own things.

Contest Affectionate Granddaughter

Contestants take turns complimenting Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the applicant who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words were most liked by Santa Claus. The winner receives a prize point.

The participant who scores more than other points is declared the winner and is nominated by the Snow Maiden. If several applicants for this role have scored the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus.

All participants in the competition receive incentive prizes.

After the election of Santa Claus and Snegurochka, they can present all guests with small memorable gifts (for example, boxes of chocolates).

7. Contests and games

After the contests, you can hold several games among those who wish. Simultaneously with the games, the feast continues, some of those present can move on to dancing.

Game North and South Wind

The game requires two participants and one snowflake carved at the Santa Claus competition. The snowflake is placed on the table, the participants sit on opposite sides of the table. At the command of the leader, the players begin to blow on the snowflake, trying to throw it off the table from the opponent's side. Anyone who succeeds will receive a prize.

After several pairs of participants try their hand at this competition, those who wish are invited to do the same, but with a blindfold. The drawing consists in the fact that after the participants are blindfolded, the snowflake is replaced with a saucer with flour, on which the participants begin to blow.

If you are not sure that the participants will perceive such a rally with humor, it is better to limit yourself to the usual rules of the game. In any case, it is not recommended to involve women in the drawing.

Kolcebros competition

Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages line up tightly on the floor. Participants are invited to put a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. Anyone who manages to throw a ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut from thin cardboard. The diameter of the ring is 10 cm.

Winter Rehash Game

This game is best done during a meal. Participants can be divided into teams. Each participant (or team) takes turns singing a verse of the song about winter. The participant who finds it difficult to make his move is eliminated. The last participant (or team of players) remaining in the game receives a prize.

December 31 game

Also a game for a feast. Participants take turns calling any date starting from January 1. In this case, the next participant changes in the date named by the previous participant, the day or month, and the named date must be later.

For instance:

  • 1st player: "January 2".
  • 2nd player: "February 2".
  • 3rd player: "February 7".
  • 4th player: "June 7".
  • 5th player: June 30, etc.

Thus, the named dates are getting closer and closer to December 31st. The participant who will have to name this date loses and completes the penalty task assigned by the other participants.

8. Astrological forecast for office workers

To entertain the guests, one of the participants can dress up as a fortune-teller or astrologer. The simplest prediction option is to find the zodiac horoscope for the next year (preferably a comic one) and read it.

Another option is that the host can inform the guests about the new discovery of astrologers and modern magicians. Everyone knows the zodiac, Chinese, flower horoscopes and the horoscope of the Druids. But now a new horoscope has appeared - office workers (if this name does not quite fit the activities of the company, it is possible to modify the proposed forecasts, making them more relevant for this organization).

Comic astrological forecast for employees

The proposed astrological forecast can also be written on posters decorating the premises. In this case, it is necessary to make appropriate explanations for it.