
Itching during pregnancy: possible causes and treatment. If skin itching appears during pregnancy, and the whole body itches without rashes in the early and late stages, what is it? How to relieve itchy skin during pregnancy


No wonder our grandmothers said that pregnancy is stress for the body. Whatever a pregnant woman has to endure in order to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Some "know" only toxicosis, and some women do not know this at all, but most women in an interesting position have much more trials. One of them is itching during pregnancy. Why does the skin itch during pregnancy? Many pregnant women want to get an answer to this question.

As we already said, during pregnancy, the female body encounters a serious load. First of all, it is a hormonal surge. While the body adjusts to hormonal changes, a woman may experience various discomforts, ranging from mood swings and taste preferences, and ending with itchy skin. Often pregnant women complain that their skin itches a lot. This occurs in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, around the 5th month. The reasons may vary.

Why does the body itch?

Not only hormonal surge can provoke itchy skin. This can happen due to various diseases. For example, with liver disease. In this case, the woman not only suffers from unpleasant sensations, the disease manifests itself in different ways: tingling (like thousands of the thinnest needles piercing the delicate skin) may appear, as well as burning and even a rash. By the way, if the liver suffers, then a rash appears on the limbs (arms and legs). In the practice of gynecologists there is an unspoken term "itching of pregnant women or itching of the liver." Faced with this problem can those women who have recently suffered such diseases as cystitis, hepatitis (form "A"), cholecystitis. In addition, it is possible that women over 37 years old may suffer from itching, even if the liver is completely healthy.

The second reason for itchy skin is hormonal surge. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail. The fact is that the body during pregnancy produces a large number of female hormones (these are estrogens), and the liver does not have time to cope with them. It turns out that some substances do not have time to be processed, and bile accumulates in the body (cholestasis of pregnant women). Further, these substances enter the muscle fibers along with the blood and irritate the nerve endings. The cause of itching during pregnancy is now clear.

If you are worried about just such an itch (the reason can be found out after consulting a gynecologist and narrow specialists), then you do not need to be upset in advance. It is important to help the body quickly cope with the problem and begin treatment.

If you experience discomfort and your skin itches periodically, you should visit a gynecologist who monitors your pregnancy. After passing the necessary tests and examination of a narrow specialist, you will be assigned the appropriate treatment. If there is no need to take medication, then you can do with sedatives: use milk, body cream, take soothing baths.

In general, it is possible to quickly cope with unpleasant sensations only with the help of hormonal drugs, but such methods of treatment are unacceptable for a pregnant woman. Therefore, you need to be patient and resort to folk remedies. By the way, your doctor will recommend that you endure itching or take enzymes that will help the liver to cope with the doubled load. Regular activated carbon will do. Just remember that long-term use of this drug can lead to constipation.

When hormones are okay

The cause of itchy skin may be different - with each week the woman's tummy gradually increases. The baby is growing, and itching may appear due to the fact that the skin is rapidly stretching. The stomach itches during pregnancy in those women who do not use moisturizers, if the skin is too dry, when a woman is carrying a large baby, or if the pregnancy is multiple.

The medical term for pruritus is dermatosis of pregnancy. It is not uncommon for a rash to join the banal itching of the skin. You can get rid of discomfort, but, unfortunately, not completely. A woman needs to constantly moisturize her skin. For these purposes, baby oil, olive oil, a special cream for pregnant women (for stretch marks), as well as cleansers and exfoliators are suitable.

If the breast itches during pregnancy, as well as the belly and other "growing" parts of the body, you need to pay more attention to these areas. Buy a collagen cream and rub it into problem areas every day after showering. It is important not only to use products that soften the skin, but also to do a light body massage. While showering, direct the stream of water to your thighs (and other areas) and gently pinch your skin. By the way, expose your tummy to this procedure the least. It is enough to rub the stomach and also the chest with a hard terry towel immediately after the shower.

If it is not possible to buy a special skin softening cream for pregnant women, you can make such a remedy yourself.

You can make your own cream for stretch marks yourself if you prepare the following components:

  • liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  • tincture of calendula - 50 g;
  • menthol tincture - 50 drops;
  • wine or apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon

All ingredients must be mixed in a bowl, and then poured into a container convenient for use. Apply the home remedy after a light skin exfoliation. To speed up the process of tissue renewal, you need to use a scrub. You can also make it yourself from sugar mixed with any oil or ground coffee with olive oil and a few drops of any essential oil (read the instructions, not all essential oils can be used during pregnancy).

If the cause of itching is a fungus

Very often, a pregnant woman suffers from itching of the genitals. As soon as the long-awaited pregnancy comes, the microflora changes and for these reasons itching and even white cheesy discharge may appear. This is a thrush. Every woman has it for different reasons, only one thing is clear - the microflora of the mucous membrane is disturbed and help is needed. A pregnant woman can be prescribed medication, it can be a cream or suppositories. Do not take antifungal medications during pregnancy!

How to get rid of genital itching during pregnancy? Our grandmothers also advised their daughters an effective remedy: you need to dissolve salt or a few crystals of potassium permanganate in warm boiled water. You can add a few drops of iodine to ordinary boiled water. This solution should be douched and washed twice a day. Remember that iodine, salt and potassium permanganate dry out the mucous membrane, so it is important not to overdo it.

Unpleasant diseases that give a woman discomfort are scabies and eczema. The first option is unlikely, unless you "pick up" a tick in the hospital through bedding (using feather beds and feather pillows). The second is possible, especially if the woman suffered from skin diseases before conception. All chronic diseases are exacerbated during pregnancy. This must be remembered.

Allergic reaction of the body

When the body itches in early pregnancy, it is possible that an allergic reaction is the cause of the discomfort.

Then a pregnant woman needs:

  • limit contact with the animal;
  • try not to be in dirty rooms where there is a lot of dust;
  • avoid skin contact with direct sunlight;
  • do not sleep on a feather pillow;
  • exclude contact with woolen things;
  • exclude allergenic foods from the diet.

If the cause of the itching is an allergic reaction, then you can get rid of it only if you remove the irritation factor. It will not be possible to cure allergies forever, but you can follow the doctor's recommendations and adhere to proper nutrition in order to alleviate the condition.

What a future mom needs to do

It doesn't matter which part of the body is uncomfortable for a woman, you need to seek help from a specialist. Only the attending physician will be able to identify the exact cause of the itching. If there is a suspicion of improper liver function, then it is necessary to undergo a number of additional examinations: do an ultrasound scan, take a blood test. If a woman needs help, then she may need to go to a hospital in order to undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of specialists.

If the cause of itchy skin does not pose a danger to the health of the baby and mommy, then these tips will help you alleviate the condition:

  1. Think back and list the foods you have eaten in the past few weeks. It is important to exclude heavy foods: fried, salty, fatty. It is also not recommended to lean on seafood and overseas fruits. They can cause allergies. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, prunes and dried apricots to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Taboo for sweets! Instead of cakes, sweets and cakes, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, make homemade yogurt, and add a handful of dried fruits, nuts and frozen berries.
  2. Body cleanliness comes first! Hygiene rules have not been canceled. A pregnant woman should take a shower every day (in the summer 2-3 times a day). If the water is hard, a filter must be installed. Instead of your favorite shower gel, it is now better to purchase hypoallergenic drugs or a baby series.
  3. You can also get rid of itchy skin with a cream. Choose a product without strong aromas and colorants. The pharmacy sells many products intended for expectant mothers. As a last resort, you can buy a regular baby moisturizer or take extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed).
  4. Don't forget about your drinking regime! If you do not have edema, then you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day.
  5. You can improve the condition of the body in simple ways: walking in the fresh air and sleeping in a cool, well-ventilated room.
  6. Revise your wardrobe. It is possible that itchy skin appears due to improperly selected underwear. Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics; it is better not to wear synthetics. By the way, clothes should be spacious and comfortable.
  7. Do not be lazy to take herbal baths at least 1-2 times a week. Just before picking herbs, get a consultation with a gynecologist. It will help relieve the condition of chamomile, calendula and a decoction of the string.
  8. If one of the areas itches, for example, when the legs itch during pregnancy, then you can apply a soothing compress to this place from oatmeal steamed in herbal broth or milk.
  9. It is forbidden to overheat in the sun and take hot baths.
  10. Try to distract yourself and avoid scratching your skin.
  11. A healthy herbal cocktail will not only help relieve itching, but also improve digestion, refresh the skin and give you a great mood. Prepare a drink from the following herbs: chamomile, lime blossom, calendula and sage (take 1 tsp). Fill dry grass with boiling water (1.5 l), put on the stove and heat over low heat for 5 minutes. After that, remove from heat and leave to cool completely. During this time, the broth will infuse and it can be filtered. You can drink a healthy drink for 1 glass in the morning and in the evening after a meal.

Itching during pregnancy gives a woman a lot of inconvenience, it may even spoil her mood, appetite and sleep disturbances. Try to calm down and not dwell on this problem, because a baby is developing inside you and very soon he will be born.


If you feel that your body itches during pregnancy, you should not be surprised. Almost all women during this period have itching of a different nature, depending on the nature of its origin. Itching can be caused by causes other than pregnancy, but sometimes a specific trimester is the cause.

Common causes of pruritus not related to pregnancy

Not necessarily all prenatal reasons. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from skin diseases or allergies (both permanent and seasonal), then in an "interesting position" the situation will not change in any way.

Allergy. Anything can provoke an allergy:

For each person, the allergen is individual and affects differently. Allergy manifests itself in the form of skin redness and rashes that itch constantly. Runny nose and watery eyes may also appear. To help a pregnant woman with allergies, the first step is to get rid of the allergen. It's good if you know about an allergy in advance and already know what to do when it appears. In the position, it is not recommended to use new washing powder and try unusual products, because they can cause scabies.

Skin diseases. Such diseases include eczema, dermatitis, skin fungus, etc. Perhaps the problem was present even before the conception of the baby. Skin diseases are characterized not only by rashes, but also by peeling of the skin.

Itching of the body in the first trimester

In the first trimester, hormones change, which can affect the occurrence of itching. The main reason for its appearance when the hormonal background changes is estrogen. It begins to grow even during the journey of the fertilized egg to the uterus. It is this hormone that ensures the softening of the walls of the uterus before the introduction of the egg, and with its help, the mammary glands are enlarged. In the normal amount, estrogen does not cause inconvenience, but if it is too much, the body can itch during early pregnancy. Regular tests, which are done for all pregnant women, help keep the level of this hormone within limits.

Itching of the body in the second and third trimester

Cutaneous stretching

In the second trimester, itching of the skin appears due to rapid mass gain. If a woman does not gain her personal mass, only the enlarging belly, chest and hips will itch. A rapidly growing fetus and enlarged mammary glands will greatly stretch the skin, from which the body will often itch.

In late pregnancy, stretch marks may appear not only on the abdomen and breasts, but also on the hips, because they diverge in preparation for childbirth. If the body itches during pregnancy, special creams will help to increase the elasticity of the skin.

Violation of internal organs

Cholestasis often appears at the turn of the second and third trimester. The reason for this is the estrogen hormone, which has risen too high. The work of the liver and biliary tract is disrupted. It can be identified by scabies on the feet and palms. Itching begins in the evening and ends only in the morning, characterized as a burning sensation. If itching is left untreated, itching spreads throughout the body.

In the case of cholestasis, self-medication should not be allowed; only qualified medical assistance is needed. A disease in a neglected state is dangerous for the life of a child, since the excess of bile produced eats away the wall of the placenta, which makes it poorly transfers oxygen to the fetus with nutrients. The baby will feel oxygen starvation, from which he may die.

With hepatitis and diabetes mellitus, severe obsessive scabies is also noted. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, undergo a series of studies and tests. If the theory is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment that is most suitable for pregnant women.

Heavy sweating

One of the most common problems in the third trimester is excessive sweating. Especially in summer, salt accumulates between the folds of the skin, which greatly irritates the skin and causes itching. What can you do if your body itch during pregnancy is caused by sweating?

  1. Frequent shower. If sweating is a problem, frequent showers are essential.
  2. Wear only natural clothing. Synthetic clothing does not allow air to pass through, making the body feel like in a steam room. During pregnancy, you should not wear clothes even with a small percentage of synthetics. Only pure and natural fabrics!

How does scabies affect the unborn baby?

Basically, itching does not bring any discomfort to the child, if it is not a disease of the internal organs. Scabies caused by other reasons can only irritate the expectant mother herself. But with a lack of sleep, irritation and a bad mood, a woman will be more vulnerable to viral infections and colds. Considering that many medications cannot be taken during pregnancy, it will be more difficult to recover. It is better not to leave the issue with the itching of the body for later, but immediately seek advice from your supervising doctor and dermatologist.

Among all the conditions and uncomfortable situations that often accompany the period of pregnancy, or occur at one time or another, sometimes itching of different parts of the woman's body occurs. This does not mean at all that the pregnant woman has some kind of disease. But, the discomfort that this state delivers is so high that sometimes it seems to drive you crazy. Of course, not every woman, having become pregnant, is faced with the problem of itchy skin. But, it can arise for everyone, no one is immune from this problem.

Itching is intermittent or persistent. It can be an independent symptom or accompany other symptoms., Change its character, intensify in the evening, and go to a minimum in the morning.

To find out the real cause of the cutaneous, it is worth consulting several specialists at once: a gynecologist, a dermatologist and an infectious disease specialist.

Why does the skin itch during pregnancy

There are a number of theories regarding the occurrence of itchy skin in women during the period of gestation. These include:

  • occurrence: since the chest and abdomen during this period begin to increase, grow, the skin in these areas is stretched, micro fiber breaks occur.

    The appearance of stretch marks, as a rule, is preceded by itching, which is localized in the places of their formation. These places include the stomach, thighs.

    The buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. This kind of itching occurs, as a rule, at the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester, in women who are genetically predisposed to gaining weight;

  • cholestasis: caused by liver dysfunction during pregnancy, which occurs as a result of natural changes with the onset of pregnancy.

    Usually itching occurs in the palms and feet, with redness in these areas. After a while, itching can spread to the entire body, intensifying in the evening and subsiding in the morning. Cholestasis usually manifests itself in this way by the beginning of the third trimester.

    In this case, the woman's urine visually darkens, and the feces, on the contrary, become light. The level of risk of cholestasis is increased in those women who have high blood cholesterol levels or chronic diseases of the biliary tract;

  • a common cause of pruritus during pregnancy is the restructuring of the hormonal system. Itching that occurs for this reason is localized on the feet and palms, and disappears only after delivery;
  • sometimes the cause of the itching is, of course, skin diseases. These include: dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, skin fungus, and other diseases. In addition to itching, peeling of the skin, rashes and swelling usually appear;
  • Allergies can also cause itching during pregnancy. Such itching will be accompanied by redness, and other accompanying symptoms inherent in allergies.

    In this case, detergents, shampoos, exotic fruits, seafood, pollen, and others can serve as provocateurs.

    During pregnancy, it is not recommended to change washing powder, shampoo, hand and face cream, diet. And in cases of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to eliminate and exclude the interaction of the allergen with the skin of the pregnant woman;

  • itching can occur due to excessive sweating in a pregnant woman. To avoid itching, it is boring to take a shower more often, change into clean underwear and clothes, and underwear and preferably all clothes should be made of natural fabrics that "breathe". You can visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations on this issue;
  • itching in the genital area is usually caused by thrush. Here you just need a doctor's consultation, diagnosis and treatment.

The causes of the skin child include both, and hepatitis. To find the cause, it is important to consult a doctor in time and undergo a thorough examination of your body. After determining the cause, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment that will help relieve itching and get rid of the problem and discomfort.

Does itching affect the baby?

Itching on the body of a pregnant woman does not in any way affect the development of the fetus. But, severe itching that appears in the third trimester can be a sign of cholestasis, as described above, a serious liver disease.

Its symptoms will be: onset of itching on the palms and feet, worse at night, pale feces, absence of any type of rash. To soothe the itching, your doctor may prescribe a special drug in the form of a cream or ointment.

But expert advice is needed. Cholestasis during pregnancy can cause. Therefore, the doctor must constantly monitor such a future mother with a child in order to avoid adverse consequences and complications.

Physiological changes due to a surge in hormones can be caused by the fact that a woman's whole body itches during pregnancy. The frequency of itching in each case is individual. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to additional symptoms, which often indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Why does the whole body itch during pregnancy?

Itching of the skin does not occur in all women. Basically, this phenomenon occurs with some frequency, more often at night, when the body is at rest. If the body itches in a pregnant woman, then this causes discomfort, the woman is not able to get proper rest during a night's sleep, so it is worthwhile to understand the causes of itching:
  1. Stretching of the skin due to the active growth of the fetus and a sharp increase in body weight leads to the appearance of stretch marks. The skin does not have time to recover, there are breaks in the layers of the epidermis, which appear on the skin as red stripes. Stretch marks mainly affect the hips, chest and belly, and it also begins to itch around the navel. At the same time, itching does not cause severe discomfort, both in the early stages and later.
  2. Hormonal changes become the main normal physiological factor in itching. In this case, not the whole body itches, but only the feet and palms, without rashes. After the birth of a child, all unpleasant signs disappear on their own, without additional intervention.
  3. 3. Cholestasis - caused by insufficient liver function during pregnancy. It mainly occurs in women with high cholesterol levels or in the presence of biliary tract dysfunction. Itching appears in the later stages more often at night, decreasing in the morning, and is characterized by the appearance of redness on the feet and palms. However, with cholestasis, the skin may itch in different places.
  4. 4. Diseases of the skin (dermatitis, eczema or various fungi) cause not only itching, but also accompanied by peeling, redness, edematous reactions, often a rash appears on the body.
  5. 5. An allergic reaction of the body manifests itself in each person in different ways and depending on the irritating factor (dust, washing powder, food and others), a rash may appear, the arms, legs, back are subject to discomfort, the whole body often itches during pregnancy.
The third trimester is characterized by significant growth of the fetus inside the womb, the woman also gains weight, which leads to increased sweating, especially in the hot season. The places that are most susceptible to sweating begin to itch - armpits, head, nose, back.

If itching appears in the vagina, then this basically indicates the development of a disease, which provides for the appearance of additional symptoms. As a rule, an intimate place and anus itch with thrush, but not infrequently itching is caused by underwear made of synthetic materials or insufficient hygiene of the genitals.

What to do if the whole body itches during pregnancy?

Treatment of itching of the skin, first of all, involves finding out the causes, and after diagnosis, you can deal with reducing the symptomatic manifestations.

If during pregnancy the skin itches as a result of the appearance of stretch marks, then the use of various cosmetics will help here. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is easier to prevent striae than to deal with those that have already appeared. Therefore, from the first trimester, it is necessary to take care of the condition of the skin of the whole body, use special creams, gels or oils to moisturize and nourish the skin.

In the evening, before bed, you can reduce the symptoms of scabies by using a cool shower, as hot water can worsen symptoms. After water procedures, it is useful to massage the itchy parts of the body.

When diagnosing cholestasis, drug therapy can be prescribed, but in most cases a diet is used that excludes the use of chocolate, honey, citrus fruits and other products that affect the condition of the pregnant woman.

Clothes during pregnancy should also not cause irritation and discomfort, linen should be made of natural fabrics so that the body can breathe in hot weather.

Severe itching and burning of the skin, together with other symptoms, provide for a visit to a doctor for subsequent diagnosis and treatment, you should not self-medicate in order to avoid aggravating the pathological process.

Women, while carrying a baby, are often faced with the fact that their skin itches on the body. The unpleasant sensation intensifies at night, leading to severe nervousness and disturbed sleep in the pregnant woman. What does this condition mean, and how to treat it correctly?

Itchy skin in pregnant women

Itching on the skin during the period of gestation occurs at different times, and is distinguished by its intensity. It can arise from an insect bite or due to a serious internal pathology. Such an alarming symptom should not be overlooked and at the first manifestations, immediately consult a doctor.

Probable causes

Most often, women complain that their skin in the abdomen and chest area is very itchy. The causes of this condition are pathological, psychological and physiological factors. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


This group of provoking factors include:

  • response to allergen ingestion. Distinguish between food and household allergic reactions. In the first case, a pregnant woman has a skin rash that itches a lot. Thus, the body's response to the ingress of an external allergen (food product) into it is manifested. When using low-quality washing powders or cosmetics, a pregnant woman also develops severe itching on the skin;
  • heavy sweating. With the restructuring of the hormonal background in a woman, the function of the work of the sweat glands also changes. With insufficient personal hygiene, sweat begins to accumulate in folds, which over time begin to itch;
  • pathology of the liver and biliary tract (the most common is cholestasis). It develops against the background of surges in hormones in the body, manifests itself not only in the form of itching, but also redness of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis, which develops against the background of damage to liver cells.


The main reason is the stretching of the skin due to a strong increase in the abdomen. Itching begins to appear especially clearly from the second trimester.

At this stage, there is a strong stretching of the connective tissue fibers of the skin, as a result, they itch a lot.


Dermatosis is a typical disease for pregnant women, manifested against the background of severe toxicosis. On a nervous basis, a woman develops severe itching, which intensifies at night. The pregnant woman becomes very irritable. With constant scratching, eczema and sores appear on the body. It is possible to establish the exact cause of such an unpleasant symptom only by the results of laboratory blood tests and instrumental studies.

If the body constantly itches without rashes, what does this mean?

If a similar symptom is not accompanied by the presence of a rash on the body, then the woman should not worry. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen in the body. Itching stops after the baby is born. To relieve this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe external agents for a woman.

Which doctor to seek advice from

When the first unpleasant symptom appears, you should consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination and prescribe laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment regimen is selected, based on the root cause of such a condition.


Therapeutic measures depend on the form of itching and the duration of pregnancy. In most cases, external medications are prescribed to help relieve discomfort.

In the early stages

With allergic itching in the early stages, a woman is advised to exclude the effect of a potential allergen and take antihistamines. If the reason is hormonal changes, but you just need to endure this period. To relieve an unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of unwanted complications, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

At a later date

Itching in the second and third trimester, in most cases, is associated with severe stretching of the skin. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to regularly lubricate the skin with a fat baby cream.

Applications from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.) are also considered effective. If the itching is caused by an insect bite, then you need to treat the desired area with a weak solution of baking soda.

With stagnation of bile, you can take enterosorbent (activated carbon, etc.). Any other medications are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication entails the development of unwanted complications.

With liver dysfunction, you must adhere to a strict diet that excludes spicy, fried and fatty foods. In the absence of contraindications, consume the maximum amount of liquid that helps to eliminate toxins. Delaying treatment poses a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

If the cause of severe itching on the skin is a psychological factor, then it is recommended to provide the woman with complete rest and distract as much as possible. If necessary, use soothing herbal teas and decoctions.

Itching during pregnancy occurs quite often in women. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body, psychological factors, allergies or internal pathology. Dysfunction of the liver or gallbladder, which is accompanied by severe itching throughout the body, is considered especially dangerous. An experienced specialist who selects an individual treatment regimen can establish the exact cause. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, exclude potential allergens from the diet and minimize nervous tension.

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