
Why does the body itch in pregnant women and how to get rid of itching? Why does itch during pregnancy? Itches during pregnancy


Itching during pregnancy occurs in 20% of women. It not only disturbs expectant mothers, but causes discomfort, causing the scratching reflex. Itching during pregnancy can appear suddenly without any particular reason, but it is worth noting that scratching the whole body or individual areas can be a signal that you should pay attention to and consult your doctor.

By the type of localization, itching during pregnancy has two types:

  1. Local (when a separate area of ​​the skin itches)
  2. Whole body itching

Causes of itching during pregnancy

In most cases, itching during pregnancy indicates that changes are taking place in the pregnancy. Before treating itching during pregnancy, you should pay attention to a large list of reasons.

Itching during pregnancy is caused by the following pathologies:

  • Allergic reaction. Itching during pregnancy can be associated with an allergic reaction to a certain irritant: clothing, detergent, animal hair, etc. In this case, contact with the irritant should be avoided and hypoallergenic agents should be used. If food causes allergies, then it is necessary to revise the diet and follow the diet.
  • Polymorphic dermatosis in pregnant women. In pregnant women, itching can be caused by a rash, which appears only while carrying a baby. This rash is harmless and usually disappears after childbirth. Your doctor may prescribe a special ointment to relieve itching.
  • Stretch marks on the body. Itching during pregnancy caused by stretch marks on the body is a harmless cause. To eliminate itching, a cream for stretch marks is used.
  • Weight gain, breast growth, abdominal enlargement. All of these causes cause stretch marks on the body that cause itching during pregnancy.
  • Sweating. Sweat can accumulate in certain areas of the skin due to poor hygiene or high perspiration.
  • Kidney impairment. The body retains nitrogenous toxins, which come to the surface, provoking severe itching during pregnancy.
  • Jaundice. Another reason why the body itches during pregnancy. Jaundice can be determined by taking a biochemical blood test.
  • Diabetes. Itching during pregnancy can be triggered by diabetes mellitus, which has two types: diabetes mellitus, which a woman suffered from before pregnancy, and the so-called gestational diabetes mellitus, which manifests itself only at the time of pregnancy itself.
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Severe itching during pregnancy, most often, is characterized by the appearance of holistasis due to hormonal disruption in the body of the pregnant woman. Symptoms are severe itching of the palms and heels with severe redness. Localization of itching gradually moves to other parts of the body. Also, the cause of itching can be such diseases: cholecystitis and hepatitis.
  • Infectious diseases. Itching in the vagina during pregnancy is provoked, as a rule, by lack of hygiene, or by infectious and fungal diseases: candidiasis, cystitis, urethritis, chlamydia, herpes. Chickenpox can cause itching throughout the body during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes. An increase in estrogen in the body of the expectant mother causes severe itching. These hormonal changes are not dangerous for mom and baby.
  • Other dermatoses of pregnant women. Eczema, urticaria, contact and atopic dermatitis.
  • Anemia.

Itching during pregnancy is not associated with diseases:

  1. Lack of hygiene
  2. Stress, depression
  3. Thermal hypothermia or overheating
  4. Mechanical irritants are caused by tight clothing made of poor quality material.
  5. Fear of the upcoming birth

Why does the body itch during pregnancy

Whole body itching during pregnancy is not as common as local itching. As a rule, itching of the whole body during pregnancy manifests itself at night in the 2nd trimester, since during the day the expectant mother is distracted by household chores or chores at work.

Itchy skin during pregnancy has a long list of underlying causes. These can be skin diseases, both rash and hives, as well as failures in the liver and kidneys, and the digestive system. Often, hormonal changes associated with an increase in estrogen cause cholestasis and bile stasis. Bile acids, getting on the skin, provoke itching in pregnant women.

Dry skin also causes itchy skin during pregnancy. In this case, you should use emollients and moisturizers for personal care. Milk or body butter can help relieve itching during pregnancy.

If toxins in the body become the cause of the itching of the body, then the doctor prescribes activated charcoal. It is not recommended to drink activated carbon on your own without a doctor's prescription.

The outflow of bile is facilitated by No-Shpa. During liver diseases, drugs are prescribed: Carsil, Essentiale and others.

If the skin itches during pregnancy after food, for example, after exotic fruits, seafood, then you should listen to your body and not experiment with food at the time of gestation.

Itching of the body during pregnancy, regardless of the symptoms of manifestation and the severity of irritation, should be diagnosed by the attending physician. Moreover, if the itching of the skin is accompanied by drowsiness and a general deterioration of the condition - this is the first sign of disorders in the body of a pregnant woman.

Why does the breast itch during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy can occur anywhere, however, it is the abdomen and chest that are the most frequent local areas that bother pregnant women. Significant hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother explain the fact why the breasts itch during pregnancy.

Itching of the breasts during pregnancy is a natural process associated with bearing a baby. Firstly, the breast of a pregnant woman increases in size, and secondly, breast milk (colostrum) begins to be produced in the milk ducts. Milk flow is characterized by itching in the breast. Often, itching of the breast during pregnancy is noted in 2-3 trimesters.

Breasts itch during pregnancy also due to an increase in its size and the appearance of stretch marks. This causes some discomfort in the pregnant woman. At this time, it is important to understand that the skin of the breast is very sensitive and during scratching, thin and delicate tissues can be damaged, irritated and reddened.

As the sensitivity of the breast skin increases, an allergic reaction can be another reason why breasts itch during pregnancy. Synthetic clothing, cosmetics, washing powder are common irritants.

Itching of the breasts during pregnancy is often triggered by a tight bra. Breasts are gradually increasing in size and require more space. In this case, the pregnant woman should choose a bra of the appropriate size.

Why the stomach itches during pregnancy

Itching of the abdomen during pregnancy can have both dangerous and safe symptoms. First, the stomach itches during pregnancy due to its enlargement and the appearance of stretch marks. Secondly, itching of the abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by more serious factors: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholestasis.

With pathologies in a pregnant woman, the so-called "sandy itch" begins, which manifests itself at night during sleep.

The stomach also itches during pregnancy in special cases:

  • Hepatitis A before pregnancy
  • Chronic cholecystitis (caused by abnormal S-shaped biliary anatomy or biliary folds)
  • Hormonal drugs that the pregnant woman took
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Women carrying a boy
  • Age over 35

If the itching of the abdomen during pregnancy is associated with the liver, then the pregnant woman is referred for additional examination. To identify pathologies, the pregnant woman is sent for a biochemical blood test and liver function tests for ALT, bilirubin, AST. Scheduled visits to doctors can help identify abnormalities in the tests and prevent the development of itching.

If the tests were normal, then the doctor rejects the version of itching associated with liver failure.

Itching in the vagina during pregnancy

Itching of the vagina during pregnancy is an unpleasant sensation that accompanies the desire to scratch the perineum, damaging the skin. As a rule, severe itching of the vagina in pregnant women indicates a problem caused by an infectious disease. Mild itching may indicate poor hygiene or tight synthetic underwear.

Common causes of severe itching and burning of the genitals:

  1. Candidiasis or thrush. Itching and burning of the genitals in pregnant women are caused by Candida fungi. It manifests itself as an unpleasant sour odor, cheesy discharge, pain during urination and during intercourse.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis. The normal vaginal microflora is replaced by a pathogenic one. It is accompanied by gray discharge with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, provokes severe itching and burning of the vagina.
  3. Genital herpes. It has a characteristic itching and burning sensation, localized in intimate places, and then accompanied by the appearance of small bubbles.
  4. Trochomoniasis. Sexually transmitted. The first symptoms: redness of the vagina, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching, soreness during urination.
  5. Chlamydia Has mild symptoms, manifested by mild itching.

What to do if the vagina itches during pregnancy

Treatment of itching in the perineum in a pregnant woman is aimed at an initial examination by the attending physician and establishing the root cause. It is strictly forbidden to take medications and self-medicate. Before visiting a doctor, you should refrain from intercourse, and also take a shower 2-3 times a day.

First steps:

  • Get examined by a gynecologist and get tested
  • Get examined by doctors of narrow specialization to identify hidden causes
  • Observe intimate hygiene
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Wear loose natural underwear.

Treatment for itching during pregnancy

Treatment for pruritus during pregnancy will depend on the diagnosis. Only a doctor can establish the exact reason why the stomach, chest, vagina and the whole body itch. In some cases, itching during pregnancy is not necessary to treat, in others, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and undergo a course of treatment, since itching can be a signal of abnormalities in the body of a pregnant woman.

One of the important rules is that if the skin itches during pregnancy, it should not be combed. With an increased scratching reflex, itching increases during pregnancy, causing irritation, redness and scratching of the body.

  1. Allergy. Treatment for allergies will depend on the type of allergy. If an allergy manifests itself upon contact with an allergen, then interaction with the irritant should be minimized and hypoallergenic agents should be used. If food causes allergies, then the diet should be revised. Antihistamines may also be prescribed. In choosing an antihistamine, the doctor is guided by the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the pregnant woman. For contact dermatitis, you should also wash your hands frequently and use personal hygiene products. The pregnant woman must have a personal towel. Changing clothes and underwear often can also help avoid irritation if sweating is the cause. You should limit the use of perfumes, creams, deodorants, various chemicals that cause irritation.
  2. Stretch marks. Stretch marks on the body due to an increase in breasts, abdomen, and body weight do not need treatment. To soften stretch marks on the body, special ointments and creams will help.
  3. Disorders of the kidneys, liver, biliary tract. Pregnant women who undergo routine check-ups with doctors can minimize the problems with the liver, kidneys and biliary tract. Treatment of possible deviations should only take place under the supervision of a physician. It is contraindicated to self-medicate and take medications that your doctor has not prescribed. Any drug, even the safest one, should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Treatment of cholecystitis, cholestasis is aimed at taking adsorbents (activated carbon and its more serious analogues) and hepatoprotectors that help restore liver function - these include: No-Shpa, Karsil, Papaverin and others. The doctor prescribes a pregnant diet, which must be followed without fail. The diet limits the use of foods: fatty, fried, spicy, smoked,
  4. Infections of the genitourinary system. If infections associated with the genitourinary system are detected, the doctor prescribes suppositories that are applied topically. When choosing suppositories, the doctor is guided by the gestational age. The genitals should be rinsed with a stream of water from top to bottom 2-3 times a day. For the prevention of treatment, medicinal herbs are suitable: chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, mint, celandine.
  5. Diabetes. Treatment of diabetes mellitus comes down to constant monitoring of the blood sugar level of the pregnant woman. In some cases, insulin is administered to the pregnant woman. Treatment is carried out only under the strict supervision of a physician.
  6. Jaundice. Jaundice is a dangerous condition during pregnancy and requires immediate hospitalization.

Prevention of itching in pregnant women

Itching during pregnancy delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations while carrying a child, disrupts the sleep of a pregnant woman, and affects overall well-being. Treatment of pruritus during pregnancy may not always be effective and relapses may occur. To minimize the recurrence of itching in pregnant women, preventive measures should be followed:

  • Control your weight. With a sharp increase in weight, stretch marks appear in a pregnant woman, so the stomach and chest itch during pregnancy. Weight control and proper nutrition should be maintained during pregnancy. See also:.
  • Observe the rules of hygiene. During pregnancy, you should shower at least 1 time per day. The water should be warm (not hot or cold).
  • Monitor the condition of the skin. Dry skin provokes itching during pregnancy, so after showering, use lotions, creams, oils to moisturize the skin without additional additives and fragrances.
  • Cloth. Give preference to clothing made from natural fabrics only.

Women, while carrying a baby, are often faced with the fact that their skin itches on the body. The unpleasant sensation intensifies at night, leading to severe nervousness and disturbed sleep in the pregnant woman. What does this condition mean, and how to treat it correctly?

Itchy skin in pregnant women

Itching on the skin during the period of gestation occurs at different times, and is distinguished by its intensity. It can arise from an insect bite or due to a serious internal pathology. Such an alarming symptom should not be overlooked and at the first manifestations, immediately consult a doctor.

Probable causes

Most often, women complain that their skin in the abdomen and chest area is very itchy. The causes of this condition are pathological, psychological and physiological factors. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


This group of provoking factors include:

  • response to allergen ingestion. Distinguish between food and household allergic reactions. In the first case, a pregnant woman has a skin rash that itches a lot. Thus, the body's response to the ingress of an external allergen (food product) into it is manifested. When using low-quality washing powders or cosmetics, a pregnant woman also develops severe itching on the skin;
  • heavy sweating. With the restructuring of the hormonal background in a woman, the function of the work of the sweat glands also changes. With insufficient personal hygiene, sweat begins to accumulate in folds, which over time begin to itch;
  • pathology of the liver and biliary tract (the most common is cholestasis). It develops against the background of surges in hormones in the body, manifests itself not only in the form of itching, but also redness of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis, which develops against the background of damage to liver cells.


The main reason is the stretching of the skin due to a strong increase in the abdomen. Itching begins to appear especially clearly from the second trimester.

At this stage, there is a strong stretching of the connective tissue fibers of the skin, as a result, they itch a lot.


Dermatosis is a typical disease for pregnant women, manifested against the background of severe toxicosis. On a nervous basis, a woman develops severe itching, which intensifies at night. The pregnant woman becomes very irritable. With constant scratching, eczema and sores appear on the body. It is possible to establish the exact cause of such an unpleasant symptom only by the results of laboratory blood tests and instrumental studies.

If the body constantly itches without rashes, what does this mean?

If a similar symptom is not accompanied by the presence of a rash on the body, then the woman should not worry. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen in the body. Itching stops after the baby is born. To relieve this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe external agents for a woman.

Which doctor to seek advice from

When the first unpleasant symptom appears, you should consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination and prescribe laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment regimen is selected, based on the root cause of such a condition.


Therapeutic measures depend on the form of itching and the duration of pregnancy. In most cases, external medications are prescribed to help relieve discomfort.

In the early stages

With allergic itching in the early stages, a woman is advised to exclude the effect of a potential allergen and take antihistamines. If the reason is hormonal changes, but you just need to endure this period. To relieve an unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of unwanted complications, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

At a later date

Itching in the second and third trimester, in most cases, is associated with severe stretching of the skin. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to regularly lubricate the skin with a fat baby cream.

Applications from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.) are also considered effective. If the itching is caused by an insect bite, then you need to treat the desired area with a weak solution of baking soda.

With stagnation of bile, you can take enterosorbent (activated carbon, etc.). Any other medications are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication entails the development of unwanted complications.

With liver dysfunction, you must adhere to a strict diet that excludes spicy, fried and fatty foods. In the absence of contraindications, consume the maximum amount of liquid that helps to eliminate toxins. Delaying treatment poses a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

If the cause of severe itching on the skin is a psychological factor, then it is recommended to provide the woman with complete rest and distract as much as possible. If necessary, use soothing herbal teas and decoctions.

Itching during pregnancy occurs quite often in women. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body, psychological factors, allergies or internal pathology. Dysfunction of the liver or gallbladder, which is accompanied by severe itching throughout the body, is considered especially dangerous. An experienced specialist who selects an individual treatment regimen can establish the exact cause. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, exclude potential allergens from the diet and minimize nervous tension.

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All complications that arise during pregnancy include one thing, which is not necessarily a sign of some kind of disease, but certainly brings discomfort, and sometimes even drives you crazy - it is skin itching. This is not to say that if you become pregnant, you will certainly face this problem. But absolutely everyone has a chance, because practice shows that the skin itches in many expectant mothers.

It can be constant or occasionally itching, it can appear on its own or in combination with other symptoms, intensify in the evening or not change its character. But be that as it may, before doing anything, you need to consult with a gynecologist, infectious disease specialist and dermatologist and find the cause of itching.

Why does the skin itch during pregnancy?

To the question: "Doctor, why am I itching during pregnancy?", No doctor will definitely answer you, because the exact answer simply does not exist. But still, the skin itches for some reason, and the reason for this must be sought.

There are several theories regarding the occurrence of itchy skin in pregnant women. The reasons are sought depending on the manifestations. It can be:

  • The appearance of stretch marks: due to the rapidly growing breast and abdomen, the skin is overstretched and severe itching occurs at the sites of fiber rupture, preceding the appearance of stretch marks. This itching is localized in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. It occurs in the second half of pregnancy, most often in genetically predisposed and fairly recovered mothers.
  • Cholestasis of pregnancy: caused by a malfunction due to. It is mainly accompanied by redness of the palms and feet, which itch strongly at the same time. Over time, itching spreads to the entire body and intensifies in the evening and night hours. Cholestasis of pregnancy most often manifests itself in the third trimester. At the same time, urine may darken noticeably, but, on the contrary, become lighter. The risk group includes women with high blood cholesterol levels and chronic diseases of the biliary tract.
  • Hormonal changes: they are often the reason for the development of cholestasis. This itching is also localized on the palms and feet and only goes away after childbirth.
  • Skin diseases: often there are dermatosis and eczema of pregnant women, skin fungus and other diseases accompanied by itching and other manifestations on the skin (peeling, rashes, swelling).
  • Allergic reactions: usually accompanied by rash, redness and itching, and other accompanying symptoms. A provocateur can be washing powder, new shampoo, seafood, exotic fruits, pollen and anything else. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with anything now. In the event of an allergy, it is first of all necessary to exclude the effect of the allergen on the body.
  • Excessive sweating: Sweat that collects in folds of skin can be itchy and unpleasant. If you notice that you are sweating more, take a shower more often and change into clean clothes (always made from natural fabrics). Telling your doctor that your sweating is worse is also helpful.

Among the causes of itching can be serious diseases such as hepatitis. Therefore, it is still necessary to start your research and solve the problem with a visit to the doctor. And even if itchy skin does not affect the child in any way, it definitely brings discomfort to the mother, it can be the cause of a bad mood and even pose a certain threat if it is a sign of some kind of disease. And recent studies do show that itching increases the risks of an unfavorable course of not only pregnancy, but also childbirth.

How to eliminate itchy skin during pregnancy?

The solution to the problem depends on the established cause. For cholecystitis or other medical diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe an examination, treatment, and diet. In addition, you need to properly care for your skin. Try to take more often a warm (or summer), but not hot shower, rub yourself with a towel. Massage with alternating strokes and rubbing is especially useful if you have a tendency to develop stretch marks - it will significantly alleviate your condition.

After showering, always apply a light moisturizer to your body, as dry skin will make it more itchy. Try not to overheat, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, and drink plenty of fluids.

Pay special attention to cosmetics - these should be the safest creams and gels without fragrances and other harmful substances. There are also many recipes for traditional medicine for itchy skin.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

This is a pathological condition that is a symptom of various diseases that have arisen or worsened during gestation. It is manifested by a sensation of painful tickling irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, which causes a scratching reflex. There may be a rash, other skin symptoms, signs of damage to various organs and systems. It is diagnosed using biochemical, immunological, hormonal, allergological, microbiological studies, PCR, RIF, ELISA, ultrasound. For the pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment of itching, antihistamines, corticosteroids, emollients, and sedative herbal remedies are used.


L29.8 Another itch

General information

According to the observations of obstetricians and gynecologists, more than half of pregnant women experience temporary or permanent itching sensations of varying intensity. 45-50% of patients complain of genital (intimate), 18-22% of skin, 8-10% of anal itching. In some women, during pregnancy, the simultaneous appearance of different types of itching is noted. Usually, the disorder develops as a result of an exacerbation of pre-existing diseases. In some cases, the cause of diseases, the symptom of which is itching, are changes that occur during pregnancy. The relevance of timely diagnosis of the pathology that caused itching of the skin or mucous membranes is due to the risk of developing serious obstetric complications in some pathologies.


Specialists in the field of obstetrics name many factors that can provoke the onset of itching sensations in pregnant women. Itching can manifest diseases that are aggravated or that have arisen in the gestational period, systemic responses of the body to the action of exogenous agents and endogenous metabolites. The most common causes of the disorder are:

Probable prerequisites for the more frequent appearance of itching in various diseases in pregnant women are an increase in skin dryness as a result of the effect of progesterone, a physiological decrease in immunity aimed at preserving gestation, stretching and rupture of the connective tissue fibers of the skin with the formation of autoantigens, and a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina. Pregnancy also serves as a trigger for the development of a number of diseases accompanied by itching, such as gestational diabetes, postpartum autoimmune thyroiditis, etc. Additional risk factors are considered obesity, wearing synthetic clothing and underwear, the use of scented pads and irritating alkaline skin and genital care products, non-compliance with the rules personal hygiene, eating spicy food with seasonings, spices.


The mechanism of itching during pregnancy depends on the causes that caused it, however, the key link in pathogenesis in all cases is irritation of certain parts of the afferent pathways that transmit nerve impulses. Most often, itching occurs due to stimulation of peripheral nocireceptors. The receptor apparatus is usually influenced by mediators formed during local inflammatory, allergic, autoimmune reactions, microbial toxins, metabolites (bile acids, nitrogenous compounds, glucose in high concentrations), drugs.

Itching sensations may develop due to injuries in which the inflammatory reaction is secondary, constant local effects (insect bites, movement of helminths, irritation with urine, leucorrhoea). Sometimes pathological afferentation, characteristic of itching, is noted against the background of microcirculatory disorders (for example, in diabetes mellitus), damage to sensitive nerve fibers (in multiple sclerosis). With volumetric neoplasms of the brain, strokes, neurotic and mental disorders, the focus of pathological impulses, subjectively perceived as itching, is localized in the central parts of the nervous system.

Itching symptoms during pregnancy

The main symptom of the disorder is local or generalized itching sensations of varying intensity, from mild tingling and burning to an intolerable desire to scratch or rub the skin and mucous membranes. Depending on the reasons behind the itching, it can be constant or intermittent, serve as the only sign of the disease, or be accompanied by other skin manifestations - redness, scratching, macular, papular, vesicular, pustular rash, peeling. In general, the clinical picture is characterized by significant polymorphism, determined by the leading pathology, the symptom of which is skin or intimate itching.


Diseases with intense itching can be complicated by secondary infection of excoriation sites. The likelihood of developing obstetric complications depends on the effect of the underlying disease on pregnancy. Most skin diseases, transient allergic reactions, dermatoses of pregnant women cause discomfort and worsen the quality of life, but do not pose a serious threat to the woman and the fetus. With severe cholestasis of pregnant women, many systemic processes, the likelihood of gestosis, spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation, abnormalities of labor, coagulopathic bleeding, and disseminated intravascular coagulation increases. Possible complications of infectious diseases occurring with itching are chorioamnionitis, intrauterine infection of the fetus, postpartum endometritis, obstetric peritonitis.


The main task of the diagnostic search when a patient complains of itching of the skin, genitals, perianal region is to identify the cause of the disorder. To make a diagnosis, a wide range of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics methods are used to determine the state of various organs and systems, and to detect biochemical markers of the disease. In addition to a gynecological examination, general blood and urine tests during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  • Blood chemistry. Indicative for some diseases are data on the level of glucose, bile acids, total bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides, serum iron, urea, uric acid, creatinine, enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP), and the composition of blood protein fractions.
  • Hormonal research... To exclude endocrinopathies, manifested by itching of the skin, mucous membranes, the index of insulin resistance is used, an assessment of the content of insulin, TSH, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, thyroxine-binding globulin in the blood. In some cases, the level of sex hormones is determined.
  • Study of the immune and allergic status... The atopic nature of the disease is confirmed by an increased concentration of IgE and histamine in the blood. In some disorders, specific markers of autoimmune processes (antibodies to collagen, AT-TPO, AT rTTG) are detected.
  • Diagnosis of infections... Highly sensitive methods for detecting infectious diseases are polymerase chain reaction, RIF, ELISA. With their help, you can detect signs of genital herpes, candidiasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, and other urogynecological diseases.
  • Sowing of the detachable urogenital tract... Microbiological research allows not only to determine the causative agent of an infectious disease, but also to assess its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. The method is especially indicated for patients with itching of the vulva, vagina, urethra.

In the presence of elements of a rash, an analysis of scraping or separated skin is performed. To assess the morphological state of various organs, ultrasound diagnostics that are safe for the fetus is used - ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, small pelvis. As additional methods, chemical and toxicological analyzes, histological examination of biopsies, scraping for enterobiasis, analysis of feces for helminth eggs can be recommended. Differential diagnosis is usually carried out between diseases in which itching occurs during pregnancy. In addition to an obstetrician-gynecologist and a dermatologist, according to indications, the patient is consulted by a venereologist, infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist and urologist.

Treatment for itching during pregnancy

When developing tactics for managing a patient with complaints of itching sensations, the influence of the underlying disease on gestation is taken into account. In most cases, it is possible to prolong the pregnancy until the term of physiological labor. The treatment regimen is determined by the protocol for the corresponding disorder, it may include antibiotics, hormones, antifungal, hormonal, anticonvulsant drugs, drugs from other pharmacotherapeutic groups, taking into account their possible effect on the development of the fetus. To reduce or eliminate itching, non-specific pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy is effective:

  • Antihistamines... Due to the blockade of histamine receptors, the transmission of excitation along sensitive C-fibers decreases, and the release of mediators by mast cells decreases. Suppression of the allergic reaction can significantly reduce the intensity of itching or stop it completely.
  • Glucocorticoids... Local application of corticosteroid ointments, creams, emulsions has a pronounced antipruritic effect. Local treatment is more effective in localized dermatitis and dermatoses. Considering the possible effects on the fetus, systemic corticosteroids have been used with limited use during gestation.
  • Emollients... As the skin becomes drier during pregnancy, which increases itching, moisturizing and softening it has a positive therapeutic effect. The funds of this group also make it possible to accelerate the restoration of the damaged epidermis and lipid intercellular structures of the skin.
  • Sedative phytopreparations... Due to the mutual influence of itching and emotional disorders (bad mood, irritability), the appointment of sedative collections makes it possible to reduce the intensity of perception of uncomfortable sensations at the level of the central nervous system. Sedation therapy also helps to normalize disturbed sleep.

The patient is advised to exclude from the diet foods that increase irritation or can cause allergies, normalize the drinking regimen, get enough rest, and avoid stress. Natural delivery is usually recommended for pregnant women with itching. Caesarean section is performed only if there is an obstetric indication.

Forecast and prevention

In the absence of systemic disease, the pregnancy outcome in women with pruritus is usually favorable. The prognosis worsens when serious somatic diseases and endocrinopathies are detected. For prophylactic purposes, patients suffering from skin and other pathologies, when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of a dermatologist and specialized specialists. Pregnant women without concomitant pathology are advised to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, to give up synthetic underwear, to moisturize the skin with natural means, to avoid situations in which sweating increases sharply - being in stuffy rooms, overheating in the sun. For washing linen and clothes, it is better to use phosphate-free neutral detergents.