
Material for decorating a wall newspaper by March 8


On the eve of important holidays, all teams in schools and kindergartens draw up colorful wall newspapers. But, as a rule, there are not many who want to draw a poster for March 8th. After all, writing and sticking is only half the battle. It is much more difficult to come up with an original idea and beautifully translate it into reality. Fortunately, the vast expanses of the World Wide Web are replete with the most incredible master classes with photos and videos. And our portal is no exception. We have prepared for you detailed instructions on how to create posters and wall newspapers for March 8 with our own hands. This means that the creative process will no longer be a problem for schoolchildren and preschoolers.

DIY poster for March 8 - step-by-step instructions for children at school and in kindergarten

A colorful do-it-yourself poster for March 8 is a great way to visually illustrate the text, give important information and congratulate the team on the holiday. However, any wall newspaper will be valuable only if it is interesting and neatly composed, supplemented with useful facts and photographs, decorated with bright elements and traditional festive attributes. A carelessly, hastily and tastelessly made compilation does not take place on a light and feminine spring holiday.

Before proceeding with the step-by-step instructions for creating a poster for March 8 for schoolchildren and children in kindergarten, it is worth deciding on the most suitable type of poster. Today, three main categories can be distinguished:

Detailed instructions for decorating classic posters for March 8 for children in kindergarten and school

How to make a poster for March 8 with your own hands in kindergarten: a master class with a photo

Do-it-yourself poster design for March 8 is an integral part of the education and development of kids in kindergarten. An entertaining lesson that includes various techniques of children's creativity (drawing, applique, sculpting, cutting, etc.) captures children from the first to the last minute. In the process of creating a poster for March 8 with his own hand, each kid will find a task for himself. But only if the teacher competently organizes the lesson and at every stage will help the pupils.

Required materials for creating a poster for March 8 in kindergarten

  • thick sheet of paper A1
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • colored paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • Finger paint
  • printout of congratulatory verse

DIY master class with a photo on decorating a congratulatory poster for March 8

Do-it-yourself congratulatory wall newspaper for March 8 for mothers, teachers, colleagues in kindergarten

Spring has come, followed by the most long-awaited maiden holiday - March 8th. It is filled with a sea of ​​flowers, smiles and gifts. Even kids in kindergarten are waiting for International Women's Day, not to mention teachers at school and colleagues in offices. But was everyone prepared for the magical spring celebration? If your answer is no, it's time to hurry up. Create with the kids a colorful congratulatory wall newspaper for March 8 with your own hands for mothers and educators. Such a bright and sincere gift will surely please everyone, without exception.

The congratulatory wall newspaper for the holiday on March 8, proposed in our master class, will not only decorate the playroom in the kindergarten, but also entertain and amuse the kids with a funny creation process. During the design, the most popular developmental techniques are used - drawing, application from natural materials, paper application, etc.

Necessary materials for a congratulatory wall newspaper for mothers, teachers, colleagues

  • pencils
  • eraser
  • markers or felt-tip pens
  • colored paper
  • PVA glue
  • beans, millet, oats, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating a wall newspaper with your own hands on March 8 in a kindergarten

Do-it-yourself colorful wall newspaper for March 8 to school - master class with photo and video

Of course, by March 8, you can save time, and instead of a traditional wall newspaper with your own hands, print a black and white poster page by page to school and paint with pencils or paints. But in such a craft there is no imagination, no fantasy, no child's soul. And I would like to congratulate my beloved mothers and teachers with something truly sincere and genuine. We recommend not looking for easy ways, and create a colorful wall newspaper for March 8 to school with your own hands for a real master class with photos and videos.

What you need to prepare a wall newspaper for March 8 at school

  • a sheet of thick white paper A1
  • colored paper
  • A4 white paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • gouache paints
  • colored pencils or markers
  • colored napkins
  • printout with congratulatory words
  • clippings of butterflies, flowers, etc.

Master class on creating a colorful wall newspaper with your own hands to school on March 8

Even if March 8 is not considered a women's day all over the world, it is still a holiday for women in Russia. On this day, men fulfill all women's desires, give gifts and flowers, allow them to be capricious and mischievous. But they do this every year, but making a poster for March 8 with their own hands is a rarity. Such creativity will forever remain in your memory and will cheer you up in moments of memories of this holiday.

by March 8 do it yourself

You need to put all the love and originality into it. The poster is made on a large Whatman paper. Its size will let your imagination run wild. The main thing is that it has a spring theme. This means that the poster should depict flowers that are heralds of spring. There are many different ways to make flowers. The easiest way is to take colored napkins, crumple them and stick them in the form of a bouquet. Depending on the characteristics of those for whom the poster is being created, you need to choose the main theme, what unites the women for whom it is being made. If the poster is for a women's team at work, you can arrange it in the form of a board of honor. And opposite the name of each woman, her merits will be described. You can pick up poems that are associated with each individual person.

for the holiday on March 8

The main thing for mom is your love and reverent attitude towards her. Mom will not pay attention to small irregularities in your present, she will just enjoy the gift.

The most original congratulations will turn out if you decorate the poster for your mom on March 8 with beads that will speak of your love with your own hands. In addition, you can cut out a huge number of flowers or simply paint them. The main thing is to believe in yourself and follow your imagination.

What posters for the day of March 8 can be

Several types of original posters:

  1. In the form of a large 8, on which congratulations are written or various drawings are drawn.
  2. In the form of a chamomile, on each petal of which there is a congratulation. You can congratulate several women, you can - many times one.
  3. In the form of a photo, located on a poster and pasted over with pebbles or shells.
  4. In the form of a collage of a variety of magazine clippings, it can even be different quotes to match the celebration.
  5. In the form of a little book. If the poster contains small postcards with your congratulations and wishes.

Your skills and imagination will help you to make a poster for March 8 with your own hands, as well as, hopefully, this article.

I love taking photos. And when I came to a new place to work, I brought a camera with me to the very first event.

Our team is purely female, only the bosses are men. You yourself understand that it is difficult to photograph women aged (and most of them are about 50 or more), so that they would like the photograph hard.

But sometimes I did it well. And so the year before last I decided to make a wall newspaper in Photoshop.

How much I fiddled with her !!! After all, it was the first time I made such a large collage in Photoshop. Oh, I did it for two weeks, if no more, it's scary to remember. But she did!

I brought it, showed it to the chief, and he himself hung it in our hall.

I liked it, read it, smiled. Our "girls" even asked each of them to take a photo of this wall newspaper as a souvenir.

Here it is, my first wall newspaper.

In 2015, she was too busy and did not make a wall newspaper.

Well, this year, - I come to work on Monday, February 29, and the boss asks: - "Will there be a wall newspaper?"

I try to get away, I say there is not much time, I will not be in time, but .... they don’t argue with the authorities.

At least something, at least somehow - but what would I do !!! And most importantly, the timing: the wall newspaper is needed in the morning of March 3rd!


He let me go home (we have no Internet at work, and my computer is low-powered), gave me one day.

And then such a poem caught my eye - women and flowers. So I decided that it would be nice to present all our women with flowers.

It makes no sense to go to sleep, I have to get up for work at 5 in the morning. I arrived at work, looked at her with a fresh look and realized that something was missing. It is necessary that not only the photographs be viewed, but also read and discussed. Some words, wishes or statements.

No sooner said than done, before lunch I thought up, wrote, and by evening the wall newspaper was ready.

Here! This is my second wall newspaper.

I didn't even expect it to turn out so blooming.

I was very pleased that I liked this newspaper too, and I was again asked to take photographs of this wall newspaper for each employee.

Report to the moderator

International Women's Day is one of our favorite holidays. On March 8, 2020, we congratulate all women - colleagues at work, daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, wives. How to do it creatively, with imagination? Read beautiful poems, sing soulful songs in honor of the heroes of the occasion.

The originally designed wall newspaper with the words of congratulations to the 8 March holiday will also cheer them up. We will tell you how to do this and how to draw a festive poster for International Women's Day.

Registration of a congratulatory wall newspaper for March 8

Making a wall newspaper with congratulations by March 8 in 2020 with your own hand is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. It can be a collage of photographs of girls and women with different signatures.

You can tell here about the achievements of your mothers, girlfriends, employees, etc. After all, many have hobbies that will be interesting to others to learn about. Surely someone writes poetry, knows how to sew and knit perfectly, grows beautiful flowers in their garden.

Inalienable attributes of such wall newspapers are beautiful headlines ("From March 8", "To beloved mothers", "Happy women, spring and warmth ...", etc.), the Big Eight, congratulations in verse and prose.

For greater effect, you can glue voluminous paper flowers on whatman paper, attach satin ribbon bows and other design elements.

You can also congratulate women on the holiday with humor. Such a wall newspaper may include cartoons, cartoons, funny aphorisms and poems. Let's give you one more idea that you will surely like.

Cut out photos of famous athletes, famous actresses and singers, successful business women, etc. from magazines. Stick figures on a Whatman paper, and instead of faces, place photos of the heroes of the occasion. Complement the collage with beautiful landscapes and add playful lettering.

Next to the congratulations, place several tear-off coupons for the fulfillment of desires: drink a cup of coffee, listen to a song performed by men, etc. Be sure to indicate the date of fulfillment of wishes (for example, until the end of March).

How to draw a greeting poster for March 8?

You will need a drawing paper, paints, brushes, and markers. Congratulations can be handwritten in calligraphic handwriting, drawn using stencils, or glued on printouts from the Internet.

You can also arrange a poster on which each male employee will leave his wishes. To do this, all participants in such a collective congratulation with felt-tip pens and pens and offer to write whatever they wish.

You can also draw a floral arrangement or a lush bouquet in a vase (basket, pot) on the poster. Other options are to place an applique in the form of flowers, glue voluminous artificial flowers made of corrugated paper or flowers made using the quilling technique. Use sequins, beads and other decorative materials for decoration.

In order to make a wall newspaper with your own hands by March 8, you can also use ready-made layouts presented on the Internet. In a similar way, using ready-made schemes, you can design a congratulatory poster for International Women's Day by simply copying it or improving the original version.

Anna Kolpashchikova

The spring holiday is approaching, the holiday of all women - 8 Martha... We all think how to congratulate, what to come up with for your loved ones... Express your love and gratitude to them. Everyone prepares gifts and greeting cards, newspapers for our beloved mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Preparations for the holiday have begun, work has begun to boil. We are preparing too. We present to your attention our ideas that we brought to life last year!

The first step is our teamwork.

The finished result.

An eight was cut out of whatman paper and filled with flowers from napkins (we used corrugated paper).

The working process.

Considering options

For girls, our princesses, we have such a congratulatory poster.

a little closer

This is how we work on surprise.

For the employees of our house, we also have prepared little sweets surprises, like these ones.

We hid the candy in a napkin, tied it in the form of a flower, tied a leaf with a wish. (The wishes were taken from the Internet, there is such a flower of 100 wishes, they were printed on green office paper, they chose which are suitable for us). Since it was last year, we also have such wonderful photos.

Make pleasant surprises... After all, the best gift is a gift made do it yourself!

Thank you for your attention, happy YOU!

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