
If your husband is the soul of the company ...


Husband Dad Brother Son Uncle Father-in-law Colleagues Boss Happy Defender's Day

I want to congratulate you on the 23rd,
With you to the ends of the world, my husband, I will fly.
You are the most beloved and dearest,
Lover, protector, well, a hero.
I want you to be happy, healthy,
He loved his wife deeply and faithfully.

My beloved, my protector,
I am calm - after all, you are with me.
I only need you in the world -
My husband, the hero of my dreams!

And from a friend fighting
Here is a wish for men's day:
Be the hardest of all, braver of all,
May your success be eternal!

On the day of February 23, I hasten to congratulate you, my most beloved and worthy of men, my husband, who conquered my heart and took me into eternal love captivity. Always be a faithful protector, a successful earner, a cheerful friend and a happy person.

A defender is better than you, my beloved,
I can never find
And in the gray days, and in the festive noise
Always be happy with me.

The most dexterous, without trickery,
My beloved hubby.
You are the fastest footcloths
Wrap it around the boot.

You are the protector, my beloved,
Never let you down!
And today is a man's day
You can't leave without a gift!

My reliable support, my real knight, my salvation from problems! From February 23! I wish you incredible happiness, tremendous success, remain the best: reliable, loyal, strong!

Thumbelina I feel
When I dissolve in the arms of the strong,
I congratulate you, my soldier,
And I admire your courage today.

The day has come for the defender of the Fatherland,
In vain the blizzard rages and rushes,
To ruin the holiday is too tough for her,
Friends, relatives are in a hurry to visit us.

To you, my husband, I confess honestly -
Any sorrows with you are not afraid of me,
And if you stand on the front line
I'll cover the rear then, dear.

Beloved husband, devoted protector, since February 23! May it always be calm and peaceful on our magical love front, and fabulous birds of love and family happiness fly over our heads.

You are my support and joy.
May on the Day of the Defenders of the Country
The holiday will take place as it should
If only there was no war in the house!

Today is a holiday for all men -
One of a thousand reasons
Tell you, my beloved:
"I'm glad to be your wife!"

Today with the remote control you can safely
Keep your body horizontal,
And I will cut the sausage
And I'll bring you along with the glass.

Beloved husband, you are my protector, the most courageous knight, therefore February 23 is exactly your holiday. I wish you to remain such a fighting guy for another hundred years, and every year let the stars be added for your merits: a star of luck, love and happiness.

I'll dig up the worms myself
I'll catch bloodworms myself!
Go fishing in the morning,
I will send it at the end of February.
I allow my husband everything on this day!
Happy men's day from the bottom of my heart!

With the twenty-third, dear husband,
What can I say - today you have the right
Go fishing or go to the bathhouse suddenly,
Despite all my advice, morals.

You can watch football loudly
Do, in general, whatever you want.
Only no strangers in the cafes,
Well, so - any whim and all sorts of dreams.

My own husband! Congratulations on February 23rd. You are my faithful hero, protector and superman, I am always happy with you, reliably, calmly. I wish you a whole wagon of health, a big cart of good luck and a suitcase full of money!

Alina Ogonyok

We are constantly surrounded by real men: dads, brothers, husbands, friends, colleagues. We are friends with them, we love them, they support us, they fix computers and washbasins for us, invite us to the movies, sniff in our ear and hug us tightly at night. Therefore, we simply have to give them pleasant surprises on February 23! It doesn't matter who your man is by profession - a programmer, scientist, businessman, farmer or soldier - the main thing is that he is your protector! Your beloved and dear defender, and on February 23rd this is a great occasion to remind him of this once again.

The easiest way to congratulate men on February 23rd is to send a message or e-card. We offer you a selection of funny and romantic greetings from the strong half of humanity.

* * *

Funny congratulations on February 23 in verse

I congratulate you
From February 23rd!
You are my brave defender
I'm just not scared with you!

Come on a date
Warm up and turn on!
I am always waiting for you, darling!
Your faithful ... car!

* * *
Today you are free to throw socks
You can eat and walk and have fun
And all my laws contrary to
You can get drunk with your friends!

And I will not say a word or reproach,
Congratulations on the holiday, but really
I will immediately warn you:
I'll take mine from you on March 8th!

* * *
All women know:
Men are everywhere!
Not enough for them
To beat and swear
Without knowing mercy.
Confess love
Over a cup of tea.
Congratulations to the men,
We are not angry with them!
Into the frigid flock
Without them, we will turn.

* * *
If you want to be a military man
But until you become one
Train on girls
And slay them outright !!!

* * *
My darling, my darling -
So that it would be with me
If you weren't there?
Would kiss another on February 23!

* * *
What can a man wish
On February 23rd?
Refusal to never know
Not with anything.
And honestly
Hot to have a bed -
An important fact too.
And the house is always full of friends
And life is full of trump cards.

* * *
I'm ready to congratulate you passionately
In some open robe ...
So that on a beautiful day on March 8
I will not be left with a broken trough!

Cute and no less funny congratulations

* * *
You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a cannon, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love!

* * *
"You are the best I have!"
I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Health and wealth,
With a dream not to part,

Be mobile, active,
Fit, athletic,
You are the best I have!
Honey, since February 23rd!

* * *
I wish you success, I wish you luck,
easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy in your fate occurs more often,
so that everything works out and everything works out.

* * *
What does a man need to be happy?
Very beautiful wife,
After all, life is without love and without passion
It is sometimes not sweet.
I wish you good work
I'm on the day of real men
Let's leave our worries today -
After all, there is only one such holiday.

Cool congratulations in prose on February 23

Let nothing ever distract you from important men's affairs: fishing, garage, friendly bachelor parties with strippers. And all the intrigues of external aggressors who dare to encroach on these holy things, give a powerful and decisive rebuff!

Congratulations to dad

Dear Dad! Congratulations on February 23rd. You are a real example of a courageous defender of our friendly family, we really appreciate this and love you. Happy Holidays! Thank you for beeing!

Congratulations to your beloved brother from your sister

Beloved brother! I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I am proud that there is a real man next to me, whom you can always rely on! Happy Holidays!

Surely on this day you will not stay at home and, together with your friends, the sender to a cafe or restaurant has fun celebrating the holiday. And, of course, you want to say something nice to your loved ones. Here's how it can be phrased:

Congratulations to colleagues

It’s lonely to live without a man even in a mansion. A single representative of the strong half of humanity is worth more than a million dollars. In turn, men also need women: so that they have someone to protect. So let every man find a woman whom he will be sweeter than all the blessings of this world.

Or like this.

Dear Men! Today you have a real holiday: we are ready to fulfill your wishes, little whims and whims once a year on this day. After all, it costs nothing in the morning to bring your beloved a cup of coffee to bed, bring bags from the store, cook a delicious dinner, and also praise a dear man throughout the day, groom and cherish. But do not forget that from tomorrow our time will come when throughout the year until next February 23 we will wait for your attention, help, understanding and support. After all, you are so strong, smart and courageous. Happy Holidays!

On the eve of February 23, the problem of congratulations for their beloved men becomes especially relevant. And whoever your man is - a merry fellow and the soul of the company or a serious "father of the family" - he, in any case, will be pleased to feel himself in the center of attention. And cool congratulations on February 23 will even more cheer up your loved one and assure him that he is appreciated!

If your husband is a military man ...

Cannons, machine guns are shooting,

Rockets with bombs fly

Glorious pilots in the sky

They are masterfully knocking each other down.

The flame is burning, the mines are bursting,

Instantly illuminating the fields and mountains,

And tanks in a harmonious wedge

Peaceful fences are being crushed.

And the commander, taking an eraser,

Bent over the military map.

I understand this - a holiday

Macho are different:

Wild and ugly -

Such people do not serve Russia -

They sit at home - do not grieve.

And if you are the guy that you need,

You will be glad to serve.

Or maybe you can get some awards?

And the signature:

Military enlistment office.

If your husband is the soul of the company ...

If you woke up with a parachute

In a raincoat, in a helmet, with a belt,

Two grenades at the nose on the pillow

A familiar machine gun on the wall.

Children and wife huddled in a corner

Looking with admiration at you!

So you met with dignity

Let it not be louder than the cannonade

Than the words of a wife and the screeching of children.

And I present you with an award:

Relaxation with beer and with friends.

Mark the Defender's Day very loudly,

Tear it off for all men!

Just remember that then the whole year you

You will be like an exemplary family man!

If your husband strives for superiority in everything ...

To always be given to you

Awards, prizes, medals!

So that you always have

Glass filled with wine!

So that it never goes down

And always got up in time

Your strong, rebellious spirit!

We will drink for a man-WOOH !!!

In February, the strong half

The main holiday is coming:

The twenty-third is the day when the man ...

Can command his wife!


On this day, male, military,

I declare for sure:

I will become a prisoner of war

I will be your prisoner!

I don't mind giving up

You conquered me

Trust me: on the love front

You are a marshal and a general!

I'm waiting for your brave commands

They excite me blood.

And on the banner on our

I will embroider with silk: love!

You are a real warrior, I know!

You were able to conquer me

Without a cannon, saber and horse!

I congratulate you today

My general, my love!

Choose any of these rhymes to please your loved one on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Or maybe you yourself are talented and can come up with funny and funny congratulations on February 23 for your husband on your own? One has only to show a little imagination and put a piece of love into congratulations!

Since February 23, I congratulate my husband,
May it always be with me
Let him give me warmth and a smile
And he forgives me any mistake.
Always be brave, kind and faithful
Be strong and not superstitious.
If a black cat crosses your path
Meet her with a bucket full of holes from the window.

Congratulations to my husband on February 23,
I wish him happiness and love.
May you rest from everything today
I will suffer for him today.
You are the best,
My world would be worse without you.
I wish you health and strength
So that he always carried me in his arms.

My favorite protector! Anything you want, ask
In wishes for your glorious holiday:
And health, and happiness, and prosperity and strength!
I want to remind you only of the main thing:
I wish you to always love
Only me, every hour - day and night,
I will ask fate forever then,
So that everything that you want comes true!

Happy Twenty-Third February,
Congratulations, my beloved husband, today you.
I will always give you affection and a smile,
And forgive you if you suddenly make a mistake.
And you be gentle and faithful with me,
Be strong, decisive, wise and courageous,
You are my protector, my warrior is a hero,
Remember - I will always be next to you!

My dear husband, I congratulate you on February 23,
I wish you great happiness and a peaceful sky,
Today, my dear, take a break from everything
Today the little wife will do everything for her husband.
After all, you are my best man
And my universe would be much worse without you.
I wish you health and mental strength,
So that he always loved me and carried me in his arms.

Today, my husband and protector, ask for everything,
I will fulfill any desires on this glorious holiday,
I wish you good luck, inspiration and strength,
And, of course, let me remind you of the most important thing:
I really want you to always love me
So that you think of me every second, day and night,
And I will always ask heaven for you,
So that everything you want to come true.

Congratulations on the holiday of the defender and husband,
Except for you, no one is boring to me in this universe,
You became an idol for me, a mentor and a hero,
Even though I take offense at you for little things sometimes.
Stay forever so gentle and light
The same kind, clean and welcoming,
Respond to my soul as before,
Have fun more often and sincerely, smile from your heart.

Hubby, I congratulate you on the men's holiday,
I wish you complete harmony in life,
You, as before, radiate happiness with smiles,
Let's have a drink today, you want some wine, you want some tea.
I always want to drown in your lovely eyes
And sail with you to the future on love sails,
So that we live in tenderness, care and miracles,
Soared high in the blue boundless skies.

Hubby, I congratulate you on the Day of Military,
Happy men's February holiday to you!
So beautiful, strong, smart, hefty,
Very rarely our mother earth will give birth!
After all, you are everything in the world that you undertake - you can,
You can't just sit and whine
And if suddenly, the enemy comes home, you will help,
Protect your family and your native country!

Since February 23rd, my husband, I congratulate you,
And I will wish you the best today
I can't imagine life without your love,
How I want to hug you all the time!
You are so good, smart, real,
There is always grace next to such for a wife,
Pay attention to me, darling, more often
After all, I will not get tired of waiting for your confessions.

My husband, you are the most loyal warrior in the world
You are like Musketeers put together, all four,
You are courageous and brave, like D. Artanyan,
And not capable of betrayal or deception.
And like the noble and proud Athos,
You are able to overcome any cross of life,
Like Aramis, you captivate the most distinguished marquis,
You are as reliable as Partos, and you can fulfill your dreams!

You, my husband, are like the power of a steel spring,
You are like a clockwork and reliable motor,
You have enough courage for two squads,
You are more stable and graceful than high mountains.
You taste like overseas chilli pepper
You are the owner, the mind is cold and the hand is steady,
And at the same time, an affectionate, passionate and loving heart,
Let's raise our glasses to the best man in the world!

Hubby, you are the best man
Congratulations on February 23rd,
You are like a ray of spring sun to me,
You are the best man and husband I have.
I want to wish you new achievements in life,
And I wish you happiness, good luck not stinging,
So that there is health, money, villas, cars,
And so that love has power over us forever.

Since February 23rd, I congratulate my husband,
I don't need anyone else in my life.
In addition to the faithful protector and hero,
At which I am angry sometimes.
Be always faithful and light
Clean, kind and welcoming
Don't ignore me, respond
Walk with me more, smile.

Congratulations to my husband on February 23,
I wish you harmony and warmth.
Burn with love and radiate goodness
If you don't want to, have some tea with me.
I want to drown in your eyes
Sail full sail with you.
Swim with you in miracles
And soar above the ground in the sky.

My dear husband, Happy Military Day -
Happy February holiday to you!
So beautiful, hefty,
How will you give birth to the earth, loving.
You can all in love and friendship,
You can't just be sad and whine
And the enemy will come - you will help
Home and Motherland to protect!
Not fake, real,
With you - comfort and grace ...
Make appointments more often
Even though I will wait from the war!

You are the best warrior in the world
Like the Musketeers - all four!
You are not capable of deception
You are noble like Athos,
And - like the brave d'Artagnan -
Anyone you can beat the cross.
You can - like Aramis -
Captivate any of the marquis,
And - like Porthos - you are reliable.
You are a dream come true!

The man is the steel of the spring
A motor that sings in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
Master's firm hand
And a heart loving women:
So let's drink to the man!

A husband is always a protection for his wife,
Both support and shoulder.
Happy Defender's Day, beloved,
Congratulations warmly!

Stay kind, brave
Fair and direct.
Know that I am endless
You will always be loved.

You are the only protector
Our little family.
How my daughter and I need
Your hands are strong.

Always be so brave
Gentle, kind, dear.
The rest is not important.
We love you so!

My own husband! Congratulations on February 23! I wish you, my dear, to remain so brave, strong and reliable in the future. I also wish you to have time for everything in life and achieve the goals that you set for yourself, to fulfill everything that you have planned. Be strong, strong, healthy and smart! And you already have happiness, and this is me - your loving wife!

You, my husband, are my support.
You are my shield, my armor.
Congratulations to you dear
From February 23rd.

I wish that clean
There was a sky above the family
For you to be me
Like a stone wall.

So that you always stand guard
You are peace, silence,
And in a happy, peaceful country
So that we raise children.

Beloved husband, the best,
My protector and hero
Very kind and good,
Strong, bold, businesslike.

I congratulate with love
From February 23!
I wish to be the strongest.
You are my home, my family!

Strong, my good, reliable
And with a steel character.
But behind this strong steel
With a heart of pure gold.

Be healthy and happy
Very long years!
Know that people are waiting and loving at home
Always dear husband!

I chose you for a reason
My reliable man
Destiny sent you to me
In such a difficult period.

Now you are my support
My choice is the most daring
Desires and dreams come true
How I wanted it.

Already a wife, girlfriend, mother,
There is a reason for happiness.
You were able to justify hopes
And the title "Man"!

May this feast of February
Strength will also bring joy,
You mean a lot to me,
And this is my weakness.

My husband, beloved, dear,
Beautiful in heart and soul
You are at the helm in our house
And since the twenty-third of February
I congratulate you, my dear,
I wish you good health.
Courage, courage and strength,
To carry me in your arms,
He protected from the evil world
He loved and kissed more often!

Behind your back is calm
When you are near it is warm
Accept congratulations
On the 23rd!

Happy Defender's Day, my dear,
You are like a hero to me!
My man is the strongest
Happiness, to be next to you!

May everything in life succeed
Without obstacles and labor,
You and I live peacefully
And love always reigns!

From 23 February
I congratulate you, husband!
I wish you to be happy
He took all troubles away from us.
To be a protection for the family,
So that the world is the coast of its native land.
I wish you to be healthy
Full of energy and strength
I met a new day with a smile
Enemies so as not to let go.
You, husband, are a protector and a hero,
I love you, my dear.

Congratulations, my protector, my husband, you are dear.
I am definitely calm: behind you like behind a wall.
I know that you are very strong and will protect the Fatherland.
My dear, I embrace. And let it come true
Rivers of the most daring plans and seas of their ideas,
And in life there will be hundreds of devoted friends.
I will tell everyone that you, my beloved, are the most golden in the world.
I promise, I will always be there with you alone.
Let every day bring you happiness and warmth.
... let it be cozy and light both in the soul and in the house.
I'm glad to congratulate you on February 23rd!
I assure you that the Earth is spinning faster under you.