
Dr. Komarovsky about children's hair and whether it is necessary to cut a child baldly a year. Is it possible to cut a child under one year old? Why you can not cut a child 1

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The birth of a child, especially the first one, is a huge event in people's lives. Young parents, as a rule, are very afraid to do something wrong, to harm the baby in some way. Moreover, this fear sometimes becomes irrational, so modern and educated people suddenly begin to believe in omens.

For example, there is a belief that it is absolutely impossible to cut a baby’s hair before the first birthday, but on the other hand, in the year of the child, regardless of his gender, he should be shaved bald. Are these signs true or not, and why is it impossible to cut children under one year old? Let's try to answer these questions.

Some babies are born completely bald, but many newborns have hair. Thus, hair begins to grow even before the moment of birth, while the baby is in the womb of the mother. Even those babies who at first glance do not have hair are actually by no means bald, if you look closely, you can see that there is a translucent fluff on the head. Baby hairs are very thin, soft and fragile. Gradually, the baby fluff falls out, and coarser hair appears in its place. But still an "intermediate" option, truly "adult" hair grows only closer to the age of puberty.

The density of hair, as well as their color and structure, is determined genetically, that is, it is transmitted from mom and dad or more distant ancestors. Babies have unstable hair color. Having been born a “burning brunette”, the baby may brighten after a while, and the touching white curls may turn into straight blond or brown hair as they grow older.

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Folk omens

Why is it considered that it is impossible to cut the hair of children under one year old? Perhaps this belief has come into our world since pagan times. The fact is that most pagans attach great value hair, considering them to be a kind of "antennas" that provide "connection with higher powers." A baby up to a year old is very vulnerable, therefore it is believed that cutting hair deprives him of “kind support”, weakens his health.

Signs often change somewhat over time. Therefore, in some regions, “knowledgeable” grandmothers can explain that by trimming a baby under the age of one, parents “cut off his luck”, so he will not be happy in life.

Naturally, parents do not want to harm their adored baby, therefore, even quite educated people prefer not to “take risks” and not go against the opinion of grandmothers.

But the tradition of cutting a child's hair in one year old bald is associated with the fact that the baby has already crossed a certain milestone in his life. In addition, it is believed that in place of a shaved cannon, thick and beautiful hair. Which of the parents does not want the child to have luxurious hair, especially if the child is a girl, and thick braids have always been one of the main women's jewelry.

And what do the experts say?

But the opinion of doctors with folk omens does not match on this issue. Pediatricians do not believe that a baby's haircut can bring him any harm and, moreover, deprive him of good luck in life.

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Another thing is that the baby's scalp is very delicate and thin. Moreover, there are fontanelles on the head - gaps between the bones of the skull. A newborn baby has 6 fontanelles. The first five close very quickly, in the first weeks of a baby's life. But the sixth often overgrows only by the year (and sometimes later).

It is clear that under such conditions, cutting a child's hair is still a risk of injuring the baby. Moreover, it is impossible to explain to a baby that he sits quietly and does not turn around.

However, if the hairs grow too fast, you can carefully trim the ends. Especially on the bangs, because if the hair falls on the eyes, then the child may have vision problems. Therefore, too long bangs will either need to be constantly combed back, or carefully trimmed so that they do not get into the eyes.

As for the obligatory haircut of the baby a year “under the typewriter”, then there is no point in this procedure. Density, color and structure of hair are qualities that are inherited. The number of hair follicles is laid before birth. Therefore, you should not count on the fact that a haircut “under zero” will suddenly be able to increase their number.

Of course, among the acquaintances there will definitely be someone who will tell you that at one time they cut their son or daughter bald, and the child grew luxurious hair. Indeed, at about a year old, a child's baby hair is replaced with baby hair, and after a haircut, they grow more evenly. However, the haircut does not improve the quality of the hair.

Everyone knows that children under one year old usually do not get a haircut.

Every parent knows for sure that it is impossible to cut a child's hair before the year. But why was such a ban placed on an ordinary children's haircut?

Do not cut the hair of a child under one year old - an ancient custom of the Slavs. According to him, cutting hair is not forbidden, but highly undesirable, and when it comes time to perform the ritual of cutting hair, this should be done differently for boys and girls.

Why is it undesirable to cut a child's hair before a year?

It is known that there are certain stages in the growth and development of a child. Our ancestors knew perfectly well that at a certain age, not only physical, but also mental maturation occurs.

The Slavs from the very early age they brought up the child in belonging to his gender, and this was reinforced by certain rites, which were called “Age Initiations”: Tongue, Lightning and Mowing in girls, and Tongues, Mounting on a horse and Girdling in boys. They occurred at 1 year, 3-5 years, 7-12 years, depending on the readiness of the child.

modern science developmental psychology claims that it is during these periods that children experience age-related crises, due to which their perception of the world, their place in it, and relationships with people change.

History of the rite

The history of this rite dates back to pre-Christian Russia. At that time, not every child lived to be a year old. It was believed that before the age of one, the child decides whether to stay in the family or leave. And if the child survived, it meant that he decided that this family suits him and stays with his relatives.

On the first day of his name day, the first curl was cut from him, and the rest were not touched. This was done as a sign that the baby was accepted into the family and is now under family protection.

The first curl was kept in a canvas bag behind the icons until adulthood, and then it was given to the owner, and he served him as a talisman against troubles and illnesses.

This rite did not exist in all regions. In some regions, the ceremony was done a year, in others they did not cut their hair until 3.5 or even 7 years old, and in some only boys were cut.

How was the ceremony of Shorn, Zarnitsa and Braiding for girls, and Shorn, Mounting and Girdling for boys?

Before you cut the child, it must be seated on a sheepskin. After that, he was given a tray with various subjects, from which he must choose one to find out his future fate. From contemporary examples: camera - photographer, comb - hairdresser, mobile phone- business person, etc. These rules are quite modern, although the original traditions have been preserved in them.

Rite of the Shorn

Consider how this ceremony was carried out in ancient times.

Before the beginning, the girl was put on a pillow, and the boy - on the casing. Well, in order for their life to be prosperous, grain, sweets were poured under a pillow or casing, or money was put. The baby was to be cut by a native person, who, as they say, “does not cut off” luck, but, on the contrary, will add well-being to the child. Parents kept their cut hair as a symbol of health and longevity.

The second version of this rite is that God-parents 4 strands of the birthday man's hair are cut in turn, in the form of a cross, and folded into a scarf. After that, they give him gifts and separately put money in his pants or blouse.

Ritual "Horseboarding" and "Zarnitsa-Provesnitsa"

At the age of three, the boy was expected by the rite "Putting on a horse." The child was put on a horse, and an ax or a saber was given in his hand. It was believed that it was at this moment that the boy's genitals received a charge of male fertile power and with the help of the horse's energy all reproductive functions were activated.

Girls at this age were expected by the rite of "Zarnitsa-Provesnitsa", the first earrings were put on the baby, which opened the whole feminine essence, across beautiful jewelry and dresses developed femininity, softness, sensitivity, love for all living things.

Ritual "Girding" and "Knotting"

At the age of seven, the boys underwent the “Girding” ritual, which meant that the child was spiritually and physically ready for learning. The belt was given to the child by the eldest in the family. The belt was marked by the readiness to keep the peace of God on itself, to protect, to lead the family in a righteous way.

Folk signs do not advise cutting hair during pregnancy - they say that this can shorten the life of an unborn child and generally promise all sorts of misfortunes. Traditions also strongly advise born babies to refrain from cutting their hair in the first year of life. These signs are based on the beliefs of our ancestors - the ancient Slavs. Beliefs that came to us from grandmothers and great-grandmothers say that if you cut a child up to one year old, then you can “cut off” his poor mind or happy share. It is very interesting who came up with all this, and when this sign appeared.

The word "hair" itself appeared only in Russian, and in Old Slavonic the word "cosmos" was used instead. Now we pronounce this word only in those cases when we want to say that it is loose and unkempt hair, that is, in a negative way. The word cosmos and cosmos have the same root, and if you think about it, there is a clear connection and they have a sacred meaning. It was believed that if you cut a child up to a year old, then the child will lose touch with space. After all, we know many myths that there is a hidden power in the hair, and a warrior, having lost his hair, lost his strength. Thus, we associate cosmos with the source of human strength, even such a small one, who, as a rule, has practically no hair on his head, but only a soft fluff. So it is believed that cut hair can disrupt the connection of the child with his bioinformation field and the child can often get sick.

There are other legends as well. It is known that in ancient times infant mortality was very high. In addition, the death of women during childbirth was also common. The fact is that medicine in those days was practically at zero level and healers often could not cope with high infant mortality. The end of the critical period in infants was considered a year. It was believed that if a baby celebrated a year from the date of his birth, this means that he accepts this family and remains in it forever. It was in the year that the child was tonsured, which symbolized the initiation of the baby into the family, and he received her protection.

Psychologists say that almost all children cry during a haircut and sometimes this cry develops into a uniform tantrum. Children do not know that hair is not arms and legs and that cutting it off does not hurt at all. After the baby is cut, he feels discomfort for some time, which quickly passes.

It is also important that, for example, Jewish children do not have their hair cut until they are three years old, and parents of some other nationalities also adhere to this. The Slavs are used to cutting their children bald at the age of one! And the fact that a child will experience some stress at the sound of a typewriter is not considered terrible. But now the hair will grow thick and beautiful, and not just fluff.

It is recommended to cut a child's hair for the first time on the first three days of the new moon - a suitable date can be found in the haircut calendar. Also, the first haircut should not take place during fasting and on Sunday. The first cut strand of hair during the first haircut of the child must be kept and hidden in the house away from prying eyes - it will serve as a reliable amulet for your baby from the evil eye, damage and all sorts of magical influences.

Oh, and life is hard for superstitious people who have recently become parents. Sit, remember where to put the water after bathing the baby, where to hang the diapers washed in the evening, how to go around the mirror and so on. Young mothers and fathers attach special importance to the child's hair. And then the grandmothers are pulling up. Directly sacred sect of infantile hair turns out.

So, we are discussing whether it is possible to cut children up to a year. We will also analyze signs and superstitions.

Will not speak

One of the old beliefs says that you can not cut a child under a year old. They say you symbolically cut off the baby's tongue, which means it will start talking very late.

However, there are vague doubts. The baby will start talking early if you constantly engage with him. Of course, not full-fledged activities, still a baby. But nursery rhymes, poems, short stories will be very appropriate. And in general, the usual conversation gives the child more opportunities for development. For mothers who do not speak with children, they begin to talk by the age of 3. And what about an early haircut if parents do not communicate with the baby in a voice?

My child at 1 year and 5 months chattered ditties and spoke quite tolerably. Although they cut his hair to zero at 6 months, he was painfully shaggy. Hair interfered, climbed into the eyes, ears, tangled in the fingers. And all because his father-in-law chatted with him all day long. Didn't shut up for a minute. Songs, ditties, poems, fairy tales, jokes. It happened that like an akyn: what I see, I sing. And the haircut had no effect.

Interesting. There are many signs that require prohibitions on most actions with the baby. And some of them are somehow related to speech. Remember that to a greater extent everything depends on the parents themselves and the environment of the child. But not from “one grandmother said” or “great-grandmother gave me a belief”.

Gets scared a lot

Another sign says that you can not cut a child under a year old, because it will be frightened. Well, don't tell me. It depends how you cut. You can, as in the old days, shred with huge sheep scissors or cut with a knife (well, the peasants did not have elegant manicure scissors or professional hairdressing tools). Here an adult will remain without memory, not like a baby. You can cut your hair with a terrible buzzing electric machine. It is really scary for many children, up to a conscious age.

And you can carefully cut the child with good hairdressing scissors. If at the same time distract the baby, do not shout, but amuse him, then most likely the haircut will go completely unnoticed. The choice is yours.

Interesting. The child will be much easier to endure the first haircut if everything is arranged in the form of a game. That's just not necessary now about "he still does not understand." Maybe he doesn't understand. But this does not give the parents the right to treat the baby with disdain.

unhealthy will grow up

The following superstition says that a child under one year old cannot be cut, because you cut off health. Sorry, this is some kind of obscurantism. Well, yes, that's just an early haircut and steal infant health. And the fact that hygiene, proper feeding, psychological development and other aspects, all this is not taken into account.

After all, the main thing is not to cut! And now let's look from the other side. Situation:

  • your child has long hair

Let's compare these three points, what do we have as a result? Right. Prickly heat, irritation, spots on delicate skin, a whimpering and capricious child. Hey mommies, what would you choose? Will I accept or the health of my child?

Or another option. Has grown long bangs, catches the eye. Well, is it really impossible to cut it in order to stop spoiling the baby's eyesight? Or do you need to strictly wait for the achievement of the year, and let the baby suffer?

Interesting. Ask any priest of the Christian church. And each of them will say that a child up to a year old can be cut if the hairs cause discomfort to the child or threaten health.

Poverty tortures

Rumor has it that it is impossible to cut a child's hair before a year, because he will grow up poor. Yes Yes. Our people are used to blaming anyone and anything for everything, but not themselves.

Sorry, but a causal relationship between "early haircut" and "poverty" doesn't line up. Wealth comes to the smart and hardworking. Sometimes to evil and cunning. And how do you know which of the current millionaires still did not cut their hair before the year?

Interesting. There has not been a single large-scale study on the relationship of infant haircuts up to a year and subsequent well-being. Independent experts also refuse to conduct such experiments. The thing is that there are too many influencing factors to take into account. And this is too costly research that does not give any practical results.

Hair will be bad.

What else does folk wisdom threaten us with? She categorically forbids cutting a child under a year old, because the hair will not grow well. And in order for the child to impress everyone with a chic mane in the future, the ritual of shearing the infant cannon should be carried out strictly at the age of 1 year.

There is a certain rational grain in this. Because if you carelessly cut your baby, for example, with a typewriter or, God forbid, with a razor, you can damage the hair follicles. The fact is that they are still located very close to the surface of the skin. Therefore, if you already decide to cut a child up to a year old, then do it very carefully.

And do not forget about the fontanel. Next to him, up to 12 months, it is better not to carry out any manipulations at all. There is no longer up to the beauty of the hair.

Interesting. Did you know that no type of haircut at any age affects the quantity, density and thickness of hair. What mom and dad inherited, then it will grow on their heads. Baby haircut is nothing to do with it. Her Majesty genetics is the defendant for her hair and her condition.

Is it possible to cut children under one year old: signs and superstitions are chosen for themselves by every parent. If the hairs interfere with the baby, then stop listening to grandmother's stories and cut his hair. Why is the child suffering?

If the child lives quietly with long curls, they do not interfere with him, then do not disturb him once again with your hairdressing troubles. Let there be hair.

Video: baby's first haircut

Studies have shown that hair follicles develop in an infant while it is still in the womb, around 20 weeks of gestation. The baby is born most often already with a regrown fluff. Children grow very quickly, and soon the curls reach a length that interferes with the little man. This makes moms and dads wonder: “Is it possible to cut a child under a year old?”

Signs and superstitions

Our distant ancestors believed that all the spiritual power of a person is concentrated in the hair, and cutting them means deliberately depriving oneself of one's health and shortening one's lifespan. In some nations, it is strictly forbidden to cut a child's hair before reaching the age of 7, and if a member of the royal family shortens his curls, this means abdication. To cut off the curls of a baby means dooming him to a hard life and need.

The rejection of pagan beliefs changed little. In Orthodoxy, there are also several restrictions regarding hairstyles. Even in the Old Testament there is a reference to how Delilah, who betrayed her husband Samson, deprived him of his strength by cutting off a long braid that made him invincible. And the first curl of the baby is cut off at baptism, tied with a ribbon and kept in the house.

It should be noted that a number of church holidays neither children nor adults can be cut. A ban is imposed primarily on such procedures scheduled for Good Friday. On a clean Thursday, contrary to popular belief, a haircut is not prohibited.

But Muslims approached cutting the hair of young children easier. In Islam, the first haircut is significant event celebrated on a grand scale.

The era when superstition ruled the minds of people is far in the past. But why is it impossible to cut babies who have not celebrated their first birthday, in our time of advanced technology and freedom from prejudice? To get an answer, you need to turn to research in the field of medicine.

Baby haircut: pros and cons

Modern mothers still believe that if a child is cut bald a year, then the growing hair will be thick and silky. This statement is fundamentally wrong, moreover, after this procedure, an allergic reaction may occur. Studies show that hair density is influenced by genetic predisposition, and external factors such as haircuts have little effect on it. And when it is possible to cut the crumbs, each parent must decide for himself.

But there are other reasons why you should refrain from shaving babies:

  • there is a high probability of injury in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fontanel that has not yet healed;
  • when cutting with a machine, hair follicles can be damaged, which will lead to uneven hair growth;
  • it is impossible to exclude the possibility that the scalp will be damaged during this process, which will lead at least to the formation of a scar;
  • the psyche of a baby who is under one year old is unstable, and an unusual procedure can shake it, which is fraught with tantrums, nervous breakdowns and anxiety during sleep.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on this matter is unequivocal: they shorten the length of the hairline as it grows, regardless of how old the person is. If the mother is afraid to do the baby's hair on her own, then you should use the services of a master. Now there are many hairdressers specializing in children's haircuts.

It is especially necessary to ensure that the hair does not climb into the eyes of the baby. In infancy, the formation of all body systems, including the visual one, takes place. And curls that cover your eyes can ruin your eyesight. It is necessary to cut the bangs as they grow.

When asked how to properly cut a baby who has not crossed the first annual milestone, pediatricians answer that the approach to each baby is different:

  • if the hairline is practically absent, there is no need to take the child to the hairdresser when he is one year old;
  • if the thick curls of the crumbs have grown quite strongly, then you should not wait for the first birthday in order to sign up for the master.

Often, mothers, in order not to cut the beautiful curls of the little one (especially little girls), tie their ponytails from a very early age. This procedure can adversely affect the condition of the scalp and hair, as Thin hair the baby under the influence of hairpins and elastic bands acquire special fragility and brittleness. Until the age of four, it is better for boys and girls to wear short hairstyles.

Parents, when deciding whether to go to the hairdresser with their beloved child, should first of all take a closer look at the child himself. If he is comfortable with a long haircut, then there is no need to torment the baby and force him to go through a procedure that will make him nervous.