
Spiral hairpins how to use. Hair clips to create a beautiful bun of hair. What devices are used


Today I will show you what hairstyles I usually do and what accessories for long hair I got accustomed. I must say right away that I am not a big fan of different shiny hairpins and very complex weaves, I love a careless bun and some beautiful, not too pretentious braids. But since I don’t know how to weave braids for myself, my version is much simpler and faster.

For my hairstyles, I use the following accessories - a hair bagel (my recent acquisition), spiral hairpins and veteran crabs, which I bought almost in bulk in the USA.

So the first one. It is sold in hairdressing stores, on ebay, and I bought mine at H&M. The bagel resembles a dishwashing sponge. Soft yet elastic, it matches the hair color. I took brown, there is also light and black.

The bundle turns out to be very voluminous, as if you have 3 times more hair than it actually is.

How do I do my hair with a bagel for hair

I collect my hair in a high ponytail somewhere at the back of my head, I fix it with a thin elastic band. Then I put a donut on the tail, thread the hair through the hole. And I distribute the hair evenly on all sides. It turns out such a palm tree, the ends of which I carefully twist around the base of the tail and tuck under the elastic band or fasten with invisibility.

Second hair bun with spiral pins. Spiral studs are a great thing, bought on ebay for a couple of dollars for a dozen studs. If you order there - they are called spin pin. There are also different colors mine are black.

How to use spiral studs

Hairpins should be screwed into the hair, pre-assembled into a bun. Two hairpins hold my entire hair. They are short, do not touch the scalp and the head does not hurt from them.

I start twisting the hair from the ends, then the bun does not turn out to be too slick.

I twist into a bundle:

Then we twist the spiral hairpin into the hair. And the second one too. If you have a lot of hair, then you may need a third, but I think this is the absolute maximum.

I run my fingers through my hair and add some volume to the hairstyle from different sides of the head. Here is the result:

Small crabs for hair have been helping me out for more than a year, they are not too noticeable and hold my hair perfectly due to the fact that they have some kind of rubber layers inside and they do not slip. I found them in the States at a Target store and bought them more than once, since they are always lost in my bags.

My lovely quick hairstyle like this:

Hair flagella are easier and faster to make than braids, and the result is also pretty. I separate one strand from above above the temple, I divide it into two. And I begin to twist, at the same time picking up the remaining hair and connecting them sequentially with one or the other strand.
I repeat on the other side of the head and secure with a hairpin.

These are the most common hairstyles I wear. I've decided not to cut my hair anymore for the time being, so I'd love your suggestions on what simple hairstyles you can come up with.

4. Choose the stiffness of invisibles to your taste. Of course, the more difficult it is to reveal the invisibility, the stronger it will hold the strand. But I just don't feel comfortable working with them. Therefore, for myself, I prefer invisible hairpins of medium or even slightly lower rigidity, and I will ensure a secure fastening by fixing my hair with not four, but six invisible hairpins. Too “soft” invisibles, in addition to weak fixation, will constantly twist, so I would not recommend buying them.

So, how to attach invisibles? Everything is simple here: you need to open the invisibility and capture with it the bulk of the hair and the strand that you want to fix.

For a long time I fixed the strands incorrectly, so the hairstyle did not last very long. I immediately grabbed the strand that needs to be fixed, let go of the “legs” of the invisible and put it in her hair. As a result, it turned out that I simply put on an invisibility on a strand, and there was no question of any reliable fixation.

Therefore, the invisibility must be kept open to the end in order to accurately fix the necessary strand.

What else can be wrong?
Too thick or thin strand. A very thin strand can simply slip through the “eye” of the invisible, and a thick strand will stretch it. But I don’t throw away such “broken” invisible ones, but use them as hairpins.

And probably now it will be very important point, which plays almost the main role in the durability of your hairstyle. For fastening invisibility must be a frame. If you fasten a strand with one invisibility to loose hair, then such a hairstyle will most likely fall apart quickly, because the hair will be thrown back and forth, and the invisibility will begin to slip from them over time. How to avoid this, and what kind of "frames" for fastening can be?

1. If you need to attach a strand to loose hair, then it is better to fix it with invisibility crosswise.

2. It is also possible to “flash” the hair under the fixed strand with invisible ones, and already attach the strand to them.

3. As I said above, the problem with loose hair is that they are thrown back and forth. Therefore, it is logical that if the hair is collected, for example, in a ponytail, then the bulk of the hair will “be in one place”, therefore, the fastening of invisibles to them will be more reliable.

4. And the last "frame" is a hair roller. In fact, this is a salvation for the hairstyle. After all, with him it will be not only more voluminous, but also very resistant. Look, I stuck ordinary hairpins into the roller, and even when I hold it upside down and shake it, the hairpins do not fall out anywhere.

Therefore, if the length and / or density of the hair allows, then I recommend purchasing a hair roller for all sorts of collected hairstyles.

And finally, I would like to share one a technique that allows you to fix the strand so that the invisibility is not visible. Of course, you can lift the top layer of hair and fix the desired strand under them.

And you can grab the desired strand with the invisible one, turn the invisible one with the strand 180 degrees around its axis and fix it to the hair.

It turns out something like a curl, which does not look as flat as just a fixed strand. But in hairstyles for myself, I use this method only for hair near the face. Still, in this way, fixing all the strands in the collected hairstyle is not very convenient.

It seems that I told everything I wanted about the invisibles. “But what about hairpins?” - you ask. In fact, I do worse with hairpins than invisible ones. It still remains a mystery to me how girls can fix loose hair in a bun only with the help of hairpins. Personally, I use hairpins only in two cases: when I attach a strand to a hair roller and when I first made a “frame” on my hair with the help of invisibility, for which I cling invisibility.

That's all for me. I would be glad to hear your tricks in fastening studs and invisibles in the comments.
Thank you for your attention, and persistent hairstyles to you!

Photo source.

Depending on whether the hairstyle is supposed to be everyday or it should decorate the woman’s head for a celebration, hairpins of a suitable size and shape are selected. At the same time, it is important to observe the general style, which, in fact, determines the choice of hair clips.

What are studs and what are they for?

By definition, a hairpin is a small piece of bent wire or a plate rounded at the ends.

It serves for:

  • fastening in different positions of large and small strands of hair;
  • decorating hairstyles - then hairpins decorated with beads, fabric and plastic flowers, rhinestones, ceramic elements are used.

Hairpins allow you to quickly and conveniently fix the curls and almost instantly disassemble the hairstyle, simply by removing them.

Using inconspicuous or bright clips, you can create hairstyles in different styles:
  • wedding;
  • holiday;
  • romantic;
  • business;
  • exotic.
At one time, this accessory was undeservedly forgotten due to the fact that many modern hairpins, bows, "crabs", and brooches appeared on sale. But now the fashion for hairpins has returned again, and they are especially relevant for complex, intricate hairstyles.

How to use them?

So that the hairstyle can be preserved long time, hairpins are inserted into the hair at an angle of 90 degrees, to the end. Their "heads" should not protrude above the hair, unless this is a design idea. The fixing will be reliable if the hair is clean and dry.

In order for the hairpins not to cause discomfort and, at the same time, to securely fasten the hair, you need to know the rules for their use.

They are as follows:

  • when buying, you need to choose hairpins with rounded tips or ending with balls - sharp ends can injure the scalp;
  • for long hair, at least two long hairpins are needed, it is better if their ends are spiral;
  • it is important to fasten the accessory closer and tighter to the head;
  • To short hair small fasteners of the 45th size are suitable;
  • do not forget that metal products are harmful for everyday wear, so it is better to purchase studs made of wood, plastic or ceramics;
  • correct application involves the introduction of a bartack in the direction of the roots and only then turning at a right angle - this will help avoid damage to the skin.
These practical advice enable you to use the product safely and effectively.

Criterias of choice

Hair products can vary in size - they are 4 to 7 cm long, the smallest are usually used for short hair. The shape, the material from which they are made, the elements decorating them can be excellent.

Main hairpin materials:

  • Metal. These are the most durable products that are durable, accessories with serrated legs are especially effective for fixing hair. Of the minuses, one can single out sharp tips and smoothness, due to which they glide, as a result of which the hairstyle also blooms. In addition, oxide can appear on the metal, which leads to brittleness and thinning of the hair.
  • Plastic. Such hairpins are beautiful, they are decorated with patterns, geometric patterns, floral motifs. In this regard, they can be perfectly matched to the color of the hair. However, they are distinguished by weak fixation on the hair and fragility.
  • Tree. It's always better than metal, wooden clips are safe, look original and original, but they are also extremely weak in holding hair.

The usual hairpin resembles a bent bracket, but today there are other forms of the product, for example:
  • Wavy hairpins with round bulges on the legs - they are suitable for hard, thick, as well as long hair, fastening different kind pigtails. For fair-haired ladies, you can pick up accessories for bronze, black hairpins are relevant if you need an inconspicuous fixation on dark hair.
  • An interesting modern version is a hairpin in the form of the letter W. This is a universal product that can securely fix the strands and make the hairstyle more voluminous.
  • There are also other forms that differ in thickness, voluminous and flat, jagged, which, as a rule, fix the basis of the future hairstyle and straight lines, used when fixing the temporal strands.

If temporary fixation is needed, then you can use direct clips; for long-term fixation, it is better to choose wavy types of hairpins, which are necessary for the final stage of creating a hairstyle.

Matched to the color of the strands, hairpins make the hairstyle more strict and natural. For heavy thick curls, spiral hairpins are used, they should be screwed in, starting from the ends. Such products have a strong fixation and are not subject to extension even with a large mass of hair.

When choosing studs, do not forget about their quality - it is important that the decorations on them hold firmly and the paint does not peel off. The best hair clips have spiral and grooved ends. Sometimes it makes sense to purchase a ready-made set of such products of various sizes and shapes.

Hairstyles based on hairpins

If there is no experience in using studs, it's not scary - you can learn this quickly by practicing on simple hairstyles. For this, the classic "Beam" is suitable. To do this, make a tail, twist it in the form of a tourniquet, starting from the ends of the hair. Then, directly, the tourniquet is laid in the form of a donut, and secured with spiral hairpins.

Having learned how to do a hairstyle correctly, you can proceed to more intricate options:

so fashionable and stylish hairstyle you can do it every day or on holidays, leaving the curls usually collected at the temples loose.

It's not hard at all to do this:

  • first of all, at the crown, you should separate the strand and fix it;
  • on one side, the hair is combed to the middle of the head and fixed vertically with several hairpins;
  • on the other hand, the curls are combed, treated with varnish and dried;
  • they wrap the cooked base, gently twisting inward;
  • then you need to fix the twisted mass of hair with wavy hairpins.

"Festive bun with a pigtail." Made on the basis of a low beam:
  • First you need to separate the top and lower part hair;
  • a bundle is made from the lower strands;
  • the left side of the vertically divided, upper curls, twist around the bundle on the left, then repeat the same action with the right side;
  • a French pigtail is woven from bangs hair - gradually it turns into a loose braid, which is laid and fastened with hairpins in a semicircle.
  • If you decorate your styled hair with hairpins with beads, pearls or just small flowers, you will get a wonderful festive hairstyle.

The quality of the products also causes a lot of complaints, but this is rather not a problem. original models, but countless fakes. Therefore, when ordering on the site or buying Heagami in a store, you need to pay attention to the presence of a seller's guarantee. There were cases when products broke during the first use.

What it is?

Strictly speaking, Hairagami is not exactly a hairpin in the usual sense of the term.

This is a plastic metal strip, covered with a fabric that has the ability to twist into a ring. She is able to gather her hair into a beautiful and neat bun with just a few hand movements.

Other elements of the set are more like accessories that are used from time to time. However, this is a subjective opinion and maybe you will find your favorite hair clip in the kit.

hair set price

The classic set is made of metal and plastic. It includes:

  • 1 Heagami;
  • 1 Part Pizzazz V-shaped hair divider. Its ends are bred like scissors;
  • 4 studs in the shape of the Latin letter W;
  • 2 hairpins "monkey claws" (Monkey Bands);
  • 1 multi-level hairpin Hea Yoga (Hair Yoga);
  • hairpin le loom is designed for hairstyles like french braid or "fish tail";
  • 2 spiral Spring Rings. With their help, you can do various options"shells".

In addition, the Hairagami set comes with detailed instructions and a DVD with a video tutorial. The cost of such a set is 400 rubles.

Hairagami Bun Tail Mini Set

Also on sale is a mini set consisting of two Heagami hairpins, usually black and with a leopard pattern, but other colors can also be found.

It is intended for those who know for sure that they will not use the rest of the products from the set. Or for those who just want some extra hairpins to add to their big set.

The price of this mini set starts from 180 rubles.

How to use: detailed instructions

This accessory is easy to use:

  1. It is necessary to evenly place combed hair between the plates of the hairpin.
  2. Lower the hairpin to the ends of the hair and twist them in or out holding the two ends.
  3. Gently straighten the bundle.

Watch the video instruction on how to use the Heagami hairpin

Instructions for complex hairstyles with Hairgami (in English)

Making beautiful hairstyles

Since Hairgami is twisted, it can be easily modeled different shape beams. For example, in the shape of a heart, bagel or snail shell.

To do this, it is enough to carry out a few simple manipulations with your hands, giving the hairpin the desired shape. And if such a bundle is twisted around the tail, then your own hair will play the role of a hairpin.

Layered hairstyles with the Hair Yoga layered clip

Imagine that you have the opportunity to use several hairpins instead of one, while placing them one above the other and passing through each individual strand of hair. This is exactly what you can do with Hair Yoga.

For example, you can collect your hair in a ponytail by snapping it into the first segment of the clip. Further, separating the strands from this tail, snap them each time into a separate segment, twisting them with a tourniquet or leaving them in a free state.

With the Hair Yoga clip, you can create unique hairstyles that would be impossible with other accessories.

Spiral Spring Rings

It is enough to collect the hair in a shell and screw these rings into the hair. These hairpins will easily replace the packaging of ordinary hairpins and at the same time decorate your hair in a non-standard way. Thus, you can do both a neat classic hairstyle and a careless one.

In addition, one of the advantages of spirals is the speed and ease with which the hairstyle is done. These rings are available in metallic and black.

Photo of hairstyles made with Heagami hairpins