
Pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of young children. Features of adaptation of young children to preschool conditions Conditions for adaptation of young children in preschool


Pedagogical conditions are an environment created purposefully, in which they are presented in close interaction in the totality of psychological and pedagogical factors that allow the teacher to carry out educational or educational work.

The process of introducing a child into Kindergarten carried out in stages. At the preparatory stage, the efforts of the pediatric service, preschool workers and parents are aimed at facilitating biological adaptation, preparing the body for life in new conditions:

the regimen of the child's day as close as possible to the regimen of the day of the children's institution;

accustoming him to active participation in regime processes;

use of a complex of hardening procedures;

necessary to improve the performance of the child's body, increase motor activity;

However, the condition for the implementation of these requirements is pedagogical education parents and establishing their contacts with educators. Through individual conversations, memos to parents on organizing the life of a child in the preparatory period. Through the memos, they get acquainted with the methods of feeding, sleep, receive advice on the formation of self-service skills, the development of subject and game actions, and the expansion of communication experience.

In turn, educators visit the child at home, get acquainted with the conditions of his life, learn about the habits, favorite toys of the baby, establish the first emotional contact with the child in his usual environment.

Introducing the child to the requirements of the new environment in a children's institution is carried out consistently. During the first week, a child stays in kindergarten for no more than 2-3 hours. Gradually, this time increases depending on his emotional state.

One of the leading pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of children early age to a preschool institution is the organization of play activities, especially if it is organized together with the mother. From the position of E.O. Smirnova and V.G. Womb play is the natural life of children, life refracted through the psyche of the child. According to D.B. Elkonin, in the game the child learns the meaning of human activity, begins to understand and navigate the causes of certain actions of people. Knowing the system of human relations, he begins to realize his place in it.

From the first days of acquaintance with a preschool educational institution, the child must observe how adults and children play. He should have the impression that this unfamiliar house was created for play and toys, which helps to establish an individual emotional contact of the child with adults and peers in the group. When playing with young children, it is necessary to set only simple game goals familiar to children that do not cause any particular difficulties in achieving them. IN this moment it is important not to perform the correct game action by them, but to establish a benevolent, trusting relationship with educators and children.

For a child to successfully adapt to the conditions of a preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten, a positive attitude towards him. It depends, first of all, on the educators, their ability and desire to create an atmosphere of warmth, kindness, attention in the group. Therefore, the organization by adults of the developing environment in which the child lives is one of the leading pedagogical conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to a preschool institution. According to T.V. Lavrentieva, the child's environment should contain stimulating materials used in the process of specially organized learning, and the so-called "free", i.e. providing an opportunity to apply learned means and methods of cognition in other circumstances. The environment in the kindergarten is, first of all, a social environment with its own requirements and varieties of relationships between an adult and children, between a child and other children. Therefore, adaptation to kindergarten is, first of all, the process of assimilation of this social experience.

The teacher must help the children in the new environment. At the same time, one should not be annoyed about their slowness. It is necessary to persistently and calmly teach children actions with objects and toys, patiently consolidate acquired skills and form new ones. For the first time, it is not recommended to involve slow children in communication with peers, as they need a long time to learn new things, to get to know others. The impatient approach of the educator can lead to complications in his behavior, to difficulties in adaptation.

The main reason that complicates and delays social adaptation in many children is separation from loved ones, little experience of communicating with other people (N.D. Vatutina). Therefore, for the first time during the child's stay in the institution, the presence of the mother in the group is acceptable, which helps to get used to an unfamiliar environment, establish contact with the caregiver and then cooperate. Attention, affectionate treatment, periodic stay in the arms, praise from the educator create trust and a positive attitude towards him, serve as the basis for establishing contacts with other children and adults. Thanks to this, the child develops interest, and the desire to communicate with peers.

In the period of preparation for entering kindergarten, it is advisable to psychologically set up the baby himself, to interest him in visiting a children's institution, getting to know children and toys. In no case do not scare kindergarten.

During the period of getting used to kindergarten, you need to limit new impressions, reduce the load on nervous system child, do not receive guests and do not go to visit yourself, stop visiting theaters, circuses, cinemas. The situation in the family should be calm, the treatment of adults with the baby is affectionate and sympathetic. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of negative emotions in him.

The kid can be allowed to bring his favorite toys, books or items with him to the group with him at home. This will also help the child to get used to preschool more easily and painlessly.

An effective factor in the successful adaptation of a child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is a visit to a profile group or a short stay. The adaptation group allows the child to get used to the new environment, new people, new requirements in the most gentle way. The presence of a mother or other close adults in the group helps the child overcome the fear of kindergarten, and contributes to a smooth separation from the parents.

The purpose of the group's work is to form the child's readiness to enter society, further development of culture, the ability to smoothly separate from the mother.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

The course of the adaptation period, which can sometimes last for six months, as well as the further development of the baby, depends on how well the child in the family is prepared for the transition to a children's institution. A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of his emotional state.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators. Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family.

The task of the educator is to reassure adults: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce the daily routine, and discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period.

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment.

Pre-nursery patronage is over. And now the baby crosses the threshold of kindergarten. In the life of a child comes the most difficult period for all his stay in kindergarten - a period of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually called the process of a child entering a new environment and getting used to its conditions.

In children during the adaptation period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some toddlers experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but refuses in kindergarten. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to deterioration physical development, weight loss, sometimes to the disease.



Adaptation of young children

Pre-nursery patronage is over. And now the baby crosses the threshold of kindergarten. In the life of a child, the most difficult period begins for his entire stay in kindergarten - the period of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually called the process of a child entering a new environment and getting used to its conditions.

In children during the adaptation period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some toddlers experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but refuses in kindergarten. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation, the negative emotional state does not last long. At this time, the baby does not sleep well, loses appetite, and is reluctant to play with children. But within the first month after entering kindergarten, as you get used to the new conditions, everything returns to normal. The child usually does not get sick during the adaptation period.

With adaptation of moderate severity, the emotional state of the child normalizes more slowly and during the first month after admission, he usually suffers from acute respiratory infections. The disease lasts 7-10 days and ends without any complications.

The most undesirable is a difficult adaptation, when the emotional state of the child returns to normal very slowly (sometimes this process lasts several months). During this period, the child either suffers from repeated illnesses, often with complications, or exhibits persistent behavioral disorders. Severe adaptation negatively affects both the health and development of children.

What determines the nature and duration of the adaptation period?

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends onthe following factors:

the age of the child. It is more difficult for children aged 10-11 months to 2 years to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

health and developmental status of the child. A healthy, well-developed child is more likely to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

Formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

individual features. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops a trusting relationship with adults, the ability to positively relate to the requirements of adults.

Objective indicators of the end of the period of adaptation in children are:

· deep dream;

· a good appetite;

a cheerful emotional state;

complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

age-appropriate weight gain.

Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the baby's attention to activities that bring him pleasure. It is, first of all, a game.

The game "Pour, pour, compare"

Toys, foam rubber sponges, tubes, bottles with holes are lowered into the basin with water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

take as many items as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

collect with one hand, for example, beads, and with the other - pebbles;

Raise as many objects as possible on the palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes the hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child's hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

The game "Drawings in the sand"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump on the tray, elephants will stomp, it will rain. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing, a child will tell you, who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with two hands.

The game "Talk to the toy"

Put on a glove toy. There is also a glove toy on the child's hand. You touch her, you can stroke and tickle her, while asking: “Why is my ... sad, his eyes are wet; who he made friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play”, etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his feelings and moods to it, the child will tell you what worries him, share what is difficult to express.

Phases of the adaptation period.

Depending on the duration of the adaptation period, there are three degrees of adaptation of the child to kindergarten: light (1-16 days), medium (16-32), heavy (32-64 days).

With easy adaptationThe child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, after 1-2 weeks sleep improves. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not violated, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be both indifferent and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is not more than once, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions and changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation.Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20-40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20-40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, crying at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling of the skin (diathesis) - within one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation.The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech does not use or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

The duration of the adaptation period depends on the individual - typological characteristics of each baby. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period will pass quite easily and quickly. The other is slow, imperturbable, likes to retire with toys. Noise, loud conversations of peers annoy him. If he knows how to eat himself, dress himself, then he does it slowly, lags behind everyone. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Factors on which the course of the adaptation period depends.

1. Age.

2. State of health.

3. Level of development.

4. Ability to communicate with adults and peers.

5. Formation of subject and game activity.

6. The proximity of the home mode to the kindergarten mode.

Exist certain reasons that cause tears in a child:

Anxiety associated with a change of scenery (a child under 3 years old still needs increased attention. At the same time, from the usual, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any time, he moves to an unfamiliar space, meets even benevolent, but strangers) and the regime (it can be difficult for a child to accept the norms and rules of the life of the group in which he fell). In kindergarten, they are taught a certain discipline, but at home it was not so important. In addition, the child’s personal daily routine is violated, this can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to preschool.

A negative first impression of attending kindergarten. It can be critical to a child's continued stay in preschool, so the first day in the group is extremely important.

Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten. This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother. Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to preschool, because he is strongly attached to his mother, and her disappearance causes a violent protest of the child, especially if he is impressionable and emotionally sensitive.

Children 2-3 years old experience fears of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the preschool educational institution. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the garden leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.

Lack of self-care skills. This greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.

Too many impressions. In preschool, the baby experiences many new positive and negative experiences, he can overwork and, as a result, be nervous, cry, act up.

- Personal rejection of the staff of the group and kindergarten. Such a phenomenon should not be regarded as mandatory, but it is possible.

Also, adults should remember that up to 2-3 years the child does not feel the need to communicate with peers, it has not yet formed. At this age, an adult acts for the child as a partner in the game, a role model and satisfies the child's need for benevolent attention and cooperation. Peers cannot give this, because they themselves need the same.

Causes of severe adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

The absence in the family of a regime coinciding with the regime of a kindergarten.

The presence of the child's peculiar habits.

Inability to occupy yourself with a toy.

Lack of formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills.

Lack of experience with strangers.

Memo for the educator:

1. Educators get acquainted with parents and other family members, with the child himself, learn the following information:

What habits have developed at home in the process of eating, falling asleep, using the toilet, etc.;

What is the name of the child at home;

What does the child like to do the most?

What features of behavior please, and what are alarming parents.

2. Introduce parents to the preschool educational institution, show the group. To acquaint parents with the daily routine in kindergarten, find out how the daily routine at home differs from the daily routine in kindergarten.

4. Clarify the rules in communicating with parents:

Kindergarten is an open system, at any time parents can come to the group and stay there as long as they see fit;

Parents can pick up the child at a convenient time for them;


5. It is necessary to show joy and care when the child comes to the group.

6. It is necessary to ensure the stability of the composition of educators for the period of admission and for the entire period of stay of children in the preschool educational institution. During the period of adaptation and after it, it is strictly forbidden to transfer children to other groups.

7. For the period of adaptation, if possible, a sparing regimen is necessary.

8. The proximity of the kindergarten mode to the home mode.

9. It is important to remember that the child should enjoy communicating with adults and peers.

10. The quality of adaptation of each child with an assessment of the degree of its severity is discussed at teachers' councils or medical and pedagogical councils.

Development of uniform requirements for the behavior of the child, coordination of influences on him at home and in the preschool educational institution - essential condition making it easier for him to adapt to a change in lifestyle.


1. Barkan A. I. Practical psychology for parents, or how to learn to understand your child. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2007.

2. Vatutina N.V. The child enters kindergarten / Ed. Kaplan L.N.-M., 1983.

3. Preschool Pedagogy/ Ed. Loginova V. I., Samorukova P. G., part two, M .: "Enlightenment", 1988.

Adaptation of young children to kindergarten (recommendations for parents)

Sections: Working with preschoolers , Working with parents

Objectives of the recommendations:increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the parents of future kindergarten students; development of positive and trusting interaction between parents and kindergarten teachers.

Currently, the issue of children's adaptation is relevant. Increasingly, we, teachers, are seeing children who have a strong emotional attachment to their mother. For a newly opened group in kindergarten, 1-2 such children are already enough for the teacher to be, as they say, in soap. In this situation, the teacher has to mobilize all his strength: pedagogical experience, cunning, inner potential. Simply put, he has to become an actor for a while. Parents are simply lost and do not know how to behave during the adaptation of the child to kindergarten.

What Parents Should Know

Several possible characteristics of the child's behavior in kindergarten.

1. Favorite toy.Usually such a child will take a toy with him to the garden, maybe more than one. Perhaps he will bring and take her away every day, change toys. In this situation, a toy for a child is, in a way, a part of his home world - “it’s not so scary to go to the garden with it, I will have something to play there,” the child thinks.

In my practice, there was a boy who every day brought and took back home a large car, which he rode in a group. He also took a whole package of small toys - cars. Moreover, during his stay in the garden, he did not lose a single one. Cars are my favorite toys!

A lot of time passed before Matvey began to leave his toy to “spend the night” in the garden, so that tomorrow he wouldn’t bring it here again. And before that, the parents drove it that way. Maybe some of you will have to do this, tune in to it. “Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry.”

2. Hysteria in the morning.It can start in a child on the way to kindergarten, unexpectedly before entering the kindergarten, or as soon as you enter the dressing room. It is important here that the parents help the child change clothes as soon as possible and hand him over to the caregiver. Do not persuade and do not lisp with him - this will only aggravate the situation with a new influx of tears and whims.

3. Emotional parents.It happens that the parents themselves, seeing their baby so unhappy, begin to cry. Try to keep your emotions in hand. Many children, having entered the group, quickly calm down and are distracted by the game. And you, dear parents, can always call your teacher and find out how things are going. No one will ever refuse such a request.

4. Individual farmers. As a rule, such children are initially alone and require special attention from the educator: you need to answer questions, play with him in his toy. The teacher should be interested in everything that the child is interested in. The child begins to see his teacher as his ally, to get used to him. This is very good! Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will not be so afraid to go to kindergarten. The teacher will attract 1-2 other children to the game, and the child’s social circle will slowly begin to expand.

5. Just survive.Know that your child's behavior - "not accepting kindergarten" - is not a whim. Here, in the garden, no one offends or scolds him. He just cannot behave differently today, now. This is a period that needs to be experienced and cured, as after any childhood illness.

6. Teachers are not wizards.Some parents think that we educators are like magicians. All this should stop at least in two weeks. No and no again! This process is time-consuming, time-consuming and individual for each student. A hard-to-adjust child will go through several stages of his development in a group before we see that he is already smiling, laughing and does not want to leave kindergarten.

Stages observed in practice with difficult adaptation of a child to kindergarten

1. Baby is crying all the time, then a short time calms down, forgets, the nature of his activity is chaotic. Often comes to the teacher with the question: “Will mom come?”.

We, educators, sometimes have to answer “No, until he comes.” I explain why we are forced to behave so unpedagogically, in your opinion.

If you tell the baby not to cry, because mom will come soon, but in fact it will not be soon, the child will understand that he was deceived and will not trust you

The child is told the following - "You are constantly crying, and mom is upset when she sees you so sad." Here there is a pause, the child falls silent and looks at the teacher, perplexed about his answer. The pause may be delayed - the child will step aside, muttering something under his breath, throwing sidelong glances at the teacher.

This approach in practice can be called the “all-in method”. In this case, it does not harm the psyche of the child, but, on the contrary, somehow gives a “brake” to the negative emotions of the child, and he calms down.

After some time, he will approach the teacher with the same question, already calmed down. The teacher's answer will be: “Aren't you crying anymore? Won't you cry? Mom will be delighted when she sees you not crying, but rather cheerful. So you've matured a bit. What (th) you are well done (clever)! The child thinks about what was said, “he (a) has matured (a)”.

2. The time of the child's activity increases, it is already more meaningful than chaotic. The child sobs sometimes, walks around the group. Approaches the children, observes what they are doing, begins to share their toys. The child has the first independent contacts with peers. He rarely approaches the teacher with a familiar question, the teacher calmly answers: “Of course, he will come.” The child calms down and goes to play further.

3. Daytime sleep. We try to leave for daytime sleep. The child, of course, does not want to sleep, especially in the garden. He knows that his parents have to pick him up from lunch, as always. Begins new wave whims.

And again, the teacher must show all his pedagogical skills and innovation, because the child does not even want to go into the bedroom, let alone sleep. The teacher begins to talk about those magical beds that are in the bedroom, that when you sleep on them, you have interesting dreams and “cars too”. She tries to put the child's favorite toy to sleep so that later she will tell what she dreamed about. The pupil becomes interested, he willingly looks into the bedroom, looks at how his toy is there.

In such a situation, there are many variations, for each child there is only one, his own, suitable for his mood, character, affections.

But, in any case, the teacher will always allow the baby to lie down with his favorite toy, “lie down with his eyes open”, which in turn will inadvertently lead the child to the fact that in a week, or maybe on the third day, he will just fall asleep .

4. Final. At this stage, the child feels confident in the group, actively communicates with his peers, that is, his activity is confident. In the morning he calmly enters the group, does not ask if they will pick him up from lunch, because now it is not so important for him. He knows that now, in the morning, they will play and study with the teacher, and then there will be a walk, lunch and sleep, and after sleep, a little later, they will go for a walk, meet their mother - this is how he associates an evening walk. So, in this way, the child already knows his day in kindergarten.

- do not discuss with the child, on the way home from the garden, morning hysteria - pretend that nothing happened;
- know, parents, that we, educators, are not magicians and the process of adaptation is all the more complex, lengthy, and it happens that after 2 weeks it does not stop.

And in general, remember yourself in childhood: maybe you didn’t like going to kindergarten either, and your child feels it?

I invite you to take part in a quick survey. It will serve as a support for the educator when working with your children during the adaptation period.

  1. Without using a dictionary, explain in your own words how you understand the meaning of the word “adaptation”.
  2. How is your child adapting to kindergarten (easy, medium, difficult), explain.
  3. What problem in the adaptation of the child did you encounter especially, what are the specific difficulties, name.
  4. Who is your child according to the horoscope (year, zodiac sign)
  5. What games does he like to play, is there a favorite toy that he especially values: sleeps with it, takes it with him everywhere, etc.
  6. List, in your opinion, the main characteristics of the teacher, group and other conditions that contribute to the normal, healthy degree of adaptation of the child to kindergarten.
  7. How do you think the adaptation of a child differs from an adult adaptation?
  8. What do you think, does the course of adaptation and the role of adults in it: teachers and parents influence the future development of the child as a person, its self-affirmation and self-realization.
  9. What are your real tips for making sure your kids have a good transition to kindergarten (environment, playtime, pretend you're a teacher).
  10. And you, parents, with what mood do you remember your kindergarten?

Adaptation of children to the living conditions of the preschool educational institution

Adaptation of children to preschool

Before talking about measures to facilitate the adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to dwell on some aspects of the individual structure of a child's development in order to understand the problem. As early as the beginning of the 20th century. some scientists, for example P. Ya. Troshin, noted that it is unacceptable to divide children into normal and children with deviations in the physical, mental, physiological, intellectual development. L. S. Vygotsky, a researcher of problems in this area, pointed out in his writings that such a concept as defectiveness is a social term. Any anomaly in the development of a child should not be considered underdevelopment, deviation, but only his individual originality. When determining the level of adaptation to the regime of a preschool institution, this is of decisive importance, especially when providing medical, social and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children who have crossed the threshold of preschool for the first time. It is the attitude towards the child on the part of adults (parents, educators, medical workers) forms his self-esteem and subsequently affects the attitude of his peers towards him: as a person equal or, on the contrary, abnormal, worthy of ridicule.

Adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution. The task of adults, and first of all, medical personnel of preschool educational institution- to provide each child who came to kindergarten with medical and psychological assistance in adaptation. After all, the individual structure of the development of children is determined not by the presence of any deviations, defects, but by the reserve capabilities of the body in the process of development. The reserve of potential development opportunities is determined by such facts as the degree of existing deviations from the norm: mild or pronounced degree, pathology. To give an objective assessment of the psychophysiological development of a child, it is necessary to compare the level of his development with the norms characteristic of a certain age. It is important to accurately and correctly determine what age, developmental stage the person being tested corresponds to. medical examination upon admission to preschool child.

With a developmental delay, the leading activity is characteristic of an earlier age, for example, instead of the desire to explore the world, the desire to learn, the child is dominated by the need for play, entertainment, he is not able to concentrate on classes.

Great value for easy and quick adaptation, adequate physiological age development also has the pace of changes occurring in the physical, mental, intellectual state. This is determined primarily by the individual constitutional and genetic characteristics of the child.

The behavior of the child is determined by his age interests: what he aspires to, what he is able to get carried away with. The development of the child is based on the evolution of his interests, the structure of his behavior. Diagnostics of the capabilities and psychosomatic state of preschool children attending a preschool educational institution should be carried out taking into account all their individual characteristics and age-related needs.

Each child has different abilities: one is more inclined to comprehend the exact sciences, the other - the humanities, the third has figurative thinking. The social factor, genetic heredity, and upbringing in the family play a role here. Therefore, when examining a child, and especially during the period of adaptation to preschool education, one should take into account favorable prerequisites for his development and entry into new system relationships, considering all the originality of personality traits as a reserve of its potential.

One of the most important concepts influencing the adaptation of a child in a preschool educational institution is the social situation of his development. Examining and diagnosing the psychosomatic state of the child, the development of his abilities and intellect, one should take into account the dynamics of the relationship of the baby with the people around him. Exactly social relations can clarify the uniqueness of the individual qualities of the child. This will help the educators and medical staff of the preschool educational institution to choose the right tactics that are effective for a particular child in organizing educational, developing and health-promoting activities, as well as activities that help him adapt to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

The development program should have an individual approach, be personality-oriented, so that the adaptation is painless, easy and fast. The child should feel confident, feel supported by adults, and for this, during the first medical examination, it is necessary to identify individual characteristics, social conditions of education, his environment and state of health.

When examining a child entering a preschool educational institution, one should take into account the data of previous examinations: the diseases he had, the childhood infections he was exposed to, the vaccinations he received, an allergic history, developmental defects, heredity, development of speech and other body functions.

Usually, parents bring their child to a preschool educational institution at the age of 2-3. Since a child at this age is very attached to his mother, adaptation to new conditions for him leads to malfunctions in the body, a general decrease in immunity, which, in turn, can lead to illness. Most often in such cases, respiratory diseases occur. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out activities that will help overcome the negative consequences of adaptation, will help strengthen the psychological and physical condition of the child. They relate to the sphere of care, physical development, hardening procedures, the formation of hygiene and other skills.

Examination of the visitor preschool child medical staff should be carried out in a systematic way:

1) the state of the nasopharynx;

2) examination of the legs to exclude the development of clubfoot;

3) condition of cardio-vascular system(the presence of noise over the region of the heart may be caused by any pathology);

4) the state of the bronchopulmonary system;

5) examination of the genital organs in order to exclude adrenogenital syndrome in boys;

6) assessment of neuro- mental development, speech development.

The medical staff of the preschool educational institution instructs parents on the issues of raising a child, regarding the issues of teaching hygiene skills (brushing teeth, washing hands before eating, regularity of gymnastics, tempering procedures).

Adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution. Tips for parents on preparing a child for admission to preschool:

1) strengthen the child's immunity, carry out hardening;

2) accustom the baby to self-service, the ability to independently consume food;

3) to teach cleanliness and accuracy, to accustom to the daily implementation of hygiene procedures;

4) gradually adjust the child's daily regimen, bringing it closer to the kindergarten regimen;

5) teach the comb to play independently;

6) take the child to the playground and teach to communicate with other children;

7) postpone the start of attending kindergarten for more early time if an addition is expected in the family.

Tips for parents to facilitate the adaptation of the child to preschool:

1) bring the child to kindergarten for the first time only to get to know the group and the teacher, do not leave him alone;

2) gradually increase the time the child spends in kindergarten, leaving him first until breakfast, then until lunch. Then pick up after sleep and only after 3-4 weeks leave for the whole day;

3) to pick up the child from the kindergarten during the entire adaptation period;

4) tell the teacher and medical staff of the preschool educational institution about the characteristics and habits of the child (what kind of fairy tales do you like, what does he like to play, how does he react to loud sounds, a large number of people, from which they cry, etc.);

5) bring a toy, photograph, book from home so that the child does not feel lonely, abandoned, has at least something from his usual environment;

6) be sure to ask the child about how his day at preschool went, praise him for his behavior, good luck;

7) on weekends, periods of illness and other days when the child is outside the kindergarten, give him enough attention so that he does not feel abandoned;

8) do not transfer the baby to another kindergarten.

These measures will help children go through the adaptation period faster and return to their usual physiological and mental state.

In order for the child to have a positive image of the dow, parents in the family should always speak positively about the work of educators, about living conditions, interior design, and the regime of a preschool institution, despite a possible critical personal attitude. If the baby is lagging behind in something, cannot cope with something, he should be supported, set him up in a positive way, taught to overcome obstacles. Failure to comply with any requirements of educators and medical staff of the preschool educational institution leads to negative forms of behavior of the child; to avoid this, it is necessary to convince him of the need to obey the requirements of the DOW regime. Psychological readiness to visit a preschool educational institution is one of the most important indicators of his mental and physical development.

The success of adaptation depends on the level of mental and physical development achieved by the child, the state of his health, the degree of hardening, the skills of self-service instilled in him, the ability to communicate with adults and peers, the personal qualities of the child, the degree of his anxiety, personal qualities and social status of his parents.

If a child has any deviations in one of the above areas, it will be more difficult for him to adapt to a new microclimate, other conditions for organizing life and activities. That is why, at the beginning of his stay in the preschool educational institution, medical, psychological and pedagogical support, analysis and, if necessary, help are so necessary.

Adaptation is always a lively, active process of a child getting used to the team, getting used to new conditions, it can be both successful and negative, stressful. More often, the adaptation period causes just a stressful situation in the body.

With adequate adaptation, the child experiences inner comfort, emotional satisfaction, his behavior is characterized by the ability to quickly and without resistance to fulfill any requirements that the children's team obeys.

For the successful adaptation of the baby, the staff of the preschool educational institution must:

1) make it clear to the child that he is happy in the group, that they take care of him, they are attentive to him;

2) try to make him feel comfortable in kindergarten, enjoy communicating with adults and peers;

3) to ensure the stability of the teaching staff and other employees of the preschool educational institution for the entire period of adaptation and stay of children in a preschool educational institution, to prevent the transfer of a child from group to group;

4) for the period of adaptation to provide him with a sparing stay in kindergarten;

5) regularly discuss at the pedagogical councils the process of adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions;

6) develop uniform requirements for all pupils of the preschool educational institution in terms of their behavior, coordinate the requirements with parents so that they maintain the same requirements of discipline at home.

Conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to preschool education. Furniture in groups is best arranged in such a way that isolated corners are obtained, modeled on small playrooms, so that children feel alone and comfortable. It is desirable that the kindergarten has a living corner, a lot of indoor plants like in a winter garden.

Each group should have a sports area where the child can exercise at any time.

Sleeping rooms for children are best equipped with bedside curtains to protect the kids from each other during the daytime, because in a large room with a lot of children, it can be difficult for some of them to fall asleep. The fenced-off bed of the child will allow him to feel secure, give the bedroom a more comfortable and cozy look and help to relax, feel at home, especially if his favorite toy, brought from home, lies next to him.

Activities that facilitate the adaptation of the child to preschool. Fine art classes help the child adapt with the help of drawings that reflect his emotional state; in the drawings he can express his attitude to the world around him. Children love to draw with felt-tip pens, especially if the paper is large enough and attached directly to the wall so they can draw whenever they want. What color scheme a child uses to depict in his drawing, can tell a lot to an attentive and competent educator or psychologist about the emotional and psychological state of the baby. It is desirable that in groups for drawing one of the corners of the room be equipped with everything necessary.

The behavior of educators, facilitating the adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution. During the adaptation period, educators should use the same upbringing methods that the child's parents use at home. For example, a baby 2-3 years old can be rocked, if he is used to falling asleep while rocking, you can sit next to him, tell him a fairy tale, give him a toy that he asked for. Affectionate attitude, touching, stroking, motion sickness will help the child to adapt faster in the preschool group.

Educators of a preschool educational institution should satisfy the child's need for emotional contact with an adult as often as possible so that adaptation is easy and quick.

The presence of an album where their family photos will be placed will help children adapt to the regime and the team of the group. This will give them the opportunity to see their parents and other close people at any time.

From the first days of a child's stay in a children's preschool educational institution, he must be accustomed to the implementation of the daily routine, organization and order, systematic physical activity, maximum stay on fresh air. To accustom gradually, but daily and consistently, in the system. The medical staff of the preschool educational institution should daily monitor how the child is adapting, how much the restructuring of the daily regimen affects the state of his nervous system, well-being, performance, and whether it leads to overwork. The main components of the day regimen of the preschool educational institution are playing and learning activities, being outdoors, sleeping, eating, personal hygiene and rest at the choice of the child himself at a specially allotted time for this.

The daily routine should provide all the sanitary and hygienic procedures necessary for life.

For the effective impact on the body of the child, the regime is responsible, along with the educators and the administration, the doctor and nurse of the preschool educational institution.

During adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution nurse every day he fills out an adaptation sheet, in which he records how the day went, how the child ate, slept, whether he took part in games, how he feels. The nurse of the preschool educational institution keeps the so-called diary of the development of the child, where all the recommendations and conclusions of the pedagogical council for its adaptation are entered.

Anna Norusheva
Adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten. Phases of the adaptation period

Phases of the adaptation period.

Depending on duration adaptation period There are three degrees of adaptation of the child to kindergarten: mild (1-16 days, medium (16-32, severe) (32-64 days).

With mild adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, after 1-2 weeks sleep improves. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not violated, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be both indifferent and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is not more than once, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions and changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree adaptation. Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20-40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20-40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, crying at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only in certain conditions.Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, glowing cheeks, peeling skin (diathesis) within one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree adaptation. The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Does not use speech or there is a delay in speech development by 2-3 period. The game is situational, short-term.

Duration adaptation period depends on the individual - typological characteristics of each baby. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period it goes pretty easy and fast. The other is slow, imperturbable, likes to retire with toys. Noise, loud conversations of peers annoy him. If he knows how to eat himself, dress himself, then he does it slowly, lags behind everyone. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Factors on which the course depends adaptation period.

1. Age.

2. State of health.

3. Level of development.

4. Ability to communicate with adults and peers.

5. Formation of subject and game activity.

6. Approximation of home mode to mode kindergarten.

There are certain reasons that cause tears in a child. nka:

Anxiety associated with a change of scenery (a child under 3 years old still needs increased attention. At the same time, from the usual, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any time, he moves to an unfamiliar space, meets even benevolent, but strangers) and the regime (it can be difficult for a child to accept the norms and rules of the life of the group in which he fell). IN children's the garden is taught to a certain discipline, and at home conditions she wasn't that important. In addition, the child’s personal daily routine is violated, this can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to preschool.

Negative first impression kindergarten. It can be critical to a child's continued stay in preschool, so the first day in the group is extremely important.

Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten. This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother. Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to DOE, because he is strongly attached to his mother, and her disappearance causes a violent protest of the child, especially if he is impressionable and emotionally sensitive.

Children 2-3 years old experience fears of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the preschool educational institution. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficulty adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the garden leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.

Lack of self-care skills. This greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.

Too many impressions. In preschool, the baby experiences many new positive and negative experiences, he can overwork and, as a result, be nervous, cry, act up.

Personal rejection of the staff of the group and kindergarten. Such a phenomenon should not be regarded as mandatory, but it is possible.

Also, adults should remember that up to 2-3 years the child does not feel the need to communicate with peers, it has not yet formed. In that age an adult acts for the child as a partner in the game, a role model and satisfies the child's need for benevolent attention and cooperation. Peers cannot give this, because they themselves need the same.

Causes of severe adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

The absence in the family of a regime coinciding with the regime kindergarten.

The presence of the child's peculiar habits.

Inability to occupy yourself with a toy.

Lack of formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills.

Lack of experience with strangers.

Reminders for the educator:

1. Educators get to know parents and other family members, with the child himself, learn the following information:

What habits have developed at home in the process of eating, falling asleep, using the toilet, etc.

What is the name of the child at home

What does the child like to do the most?

What features of behavior please, and what are alarming parents.

2. Introduce parents to the preschool educational institution, show the group. Inform parents about daily routine kindergarten, to find out how the daily routine at home differs from the daily routine in kindergarten.

4.Clarify the rules in communication with parents:

- children's the garden is an open system, at any time parents can come to the group and stay there as long as they see fit;

Parents can pick up the child at a convenient time for them;

5. It is necessary to show joy and care when the child comes to the group.

6. It is necessary to ensure the stability of the composition of educators for the period of admission and for the entire period of stay of children in preschool. IN adaptation period and after it, transfers are strictly prohibited children to other groups.

7. On adaptation period if possible, a gentle regimen is necessary.

8. Mode proximity kindergarten to home mode.

9. It is important to remember that the child should enjoy communicating with adults and peers.

10. Quality adaptation each child with an assessment of the degree of its severity is discussed at the teachers' councils or medical and pedagogical councils.

The development of uniform requirements for the behavior of the child, the coordination of the impact on him at home and in the preschool educational institution is the most important condition making it easier for him adaptation to a change in lifestyle.

CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS. Topic: “Adaptation of children to kindergarten. Recommendations for creating favorable conditions for its development.

Kindergarten is a new period in a child's life. For the baby, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. new environment, strangers Not all children accept immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry in the evening at home, are capricious and cry before entering the group.

Adaptation processes cover three sides: the child, his parents and teachers. The final result depends on how much everyone is ready to go through adaptation - a calm child who attends a preschool educational institution with pleasure.
The issues of adapting a child to kindergarten have been raised and resolved for more than a dozen years. But their relevance has not waned. This is connected with many aspects of our life: kindergarten has changed, children and their parents are changing. The problems of adapting to kindergarten revolve around the child. It is on him that the concerns of parents and the professional view of teachers are directed.

It is very difficult for children of any age to start visiting the garden. In their life, everything changes dramatically. The following changes burst into the habitual, established way of life of the child in the literal sense of the word:
a clear daily routine;
absence of relatives nearby;
prolonged contact with peers;
the need to obey and obey an unfamiliar adult;
a sharp decrease in personal attention to him;
features of the new spatial-objective environment.
The child's adaptation to preschool education is accompanied by various negative physiological and psychological changes.
An adaptable child is distinguished by:
the predominance of negative emotions, including fear;
unwillingness to come into contact with either peers or adults;
loss of self-care skills;
sleep disturbance;
loss of appetite;
speech regression;
changes in motor activity, which either falls to an inhibited state, or increases to a level of hyperactivity;
decreased immunity and numerous diseases (consequences of a stressful situation).


Parents send their child to kindergarten for a variety of reasons. But even if this decision is not connected with the serious vital needs of the family (for example, the mother must go to work), it instills a sense of anxiety in almost every person close to the child. It is anxiety, and not boundless joy and tranquility. And the closer the day when the baby crosses the threshold of the kindergarten, the more often the following manifestations make themselves felt:
episodes come to mind personal experience visits to a kindergarten (and first of all, as a rule, negative ones);
“sandbox marketing” begins (conversations with walking mothers on the playground all the time revolve around questions: “Do you go to kindergarten? And how is it?”);
attention is sharpened to the habits and skills of the child, and not only to cultural and hygienic (the ability to use the toilet, wash hands and face, eat and drink, undress and dress, etc.), but also to behavioral (how to communicate with other children, how he listens and fulfills the requests of adults, etc.);
in communication with the child and with each other, the words “kindergarten” and “teacher” appear (Here you go to kindergarten ... What will the teacher say if she sees this ...).
And here's a kid in kindergarten. A difficult period of adaptation to new living conditions begins.
An adapting parent is distinguished by:
increased anxiety;
a heightened sense of pity for the child and for oneself;
the predominance of interest in everything related to the maintenance of the child's life (food, sleep, toilet);
increased attention to teachers (from increased control to fawning);
verbosity (asks a lot of questions, is interested in the details and details of the day lived by the child).

Typing new group, every teacher (especially if he has work experience) knows that this process is never the same. It is important not only to know and understand each child, but also to teach him to live in a team. And behind each child are his relatives, with whom it is also necessary to establish contact, build relationships based on understanding, respect and cooperation. In general, teachers, as well as other participants in the life of the kindergarten group, face the inevitability of the adaptation process.
The teacher knows that theoretical knowledge, accumulated methods and techniques for successfully adapting children to kindergarten conditions do not always work in relation to a new child and his parents. This means that ahead is a tense stage of work, always associated with the search, the name of which is adaptation.
An adaptable teacher is distinguished by:
a feeling of internal tension, which leads to rapid physical and psychological fatigue;
increased emotionality.
How long will it last?! Or when will adaptation end?
There are three levels of adaptation:
mild (15-30 days);
medium (30-60 days);
severe (from 2 to 6 months).
According to statistics, the majority of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution experience moderate or severe adaptation.

The end of the adaptation period is considered to be the moment when negative emotions are replaced by positive ones and regressing functions are restored. It means that:
in the morning parting, the child does not cry and wants to go to the group;
the child more and more willingly interacts with the teacher in the group, responds to his requests, follows regime moments;
the baby is oriented in the space of the group, he has favorite toys;
the child remembers forgotten self-service skills; moreover, he has new achievements, which he learned in the garden;
speech and normal (characteristic for a particular child) physical activity at home, and then in kindergarten, were restored;
sleep is normalized both in kindergarten and at home;
appetite is restored.
Adaptation- this is an adaptation of the body to the changed conditions of life, to the new environment. And for a child, kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, unexplored space, where he meets many strangers and he has to adapt.
How is the adaptation period going? To begin with, it should be noted that each child individually lives through this difficult period. Some get used quickly - in 2 weeks, other children take longer - 2 months, some cannot get used to it within a year.
The following factors influence how the adaptation process will proceed:
1. Age;
2. State of health;
3. The level of development of self-service skills;
4. Ability to communicate with adults and peers;
5. Formation of subject and game activity;
6. The proximity of the home mode to the kindergarten mode;

What difficulties does the child face?

First, we must remember that up to 2-3 years the child does not feel the need to communicate with peers, it has not yet formed. At this age, an adult acts for the child as a partner in the game, a role model and satisfies the child's need for benevolent attention and cooperation. Peers cannot give this, because they themselves need the same.

Secondly, children of 2-3 years old experience fears of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the nursery. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the nursery leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.

Third, young children are emotionally attached to their mothers. Mom for them is a safe guide on the way of knowing the world. Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to a nursery, because he is strongly attached to his mother, and her disappearance causes a violent protest of the child, especially if he is impressionable and emotionally sensitive.

Fourthly, at home, the child does not impose requirements for independence: the mother can feed from a spoon, dress and put the toys away. Coming to kindergarten, the child is faced with the need to do some things on his own: dress, eat with a spoon, ask and go to the potty, etc. If a child does not have developed cultural and hygienic skills, then addiction is painful, since his need for constant adult care will not be fully satisfied.
And lastly, children who have retained bad habits take longer to get used to: sucking a nipple, walking with diapers, drinking from a bottle. If you get rid of bad habits before starting kindergarten, then the child's adaptation will go more smoothly.
There are certain reasons that cause tears in a child:
Anxiety associated with a change of scenery. From the familiar, calm home atmosphere, where his mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any moment, he moves to an unfamiliar space, meets even benevolent, but strangers.

Mode. It can be difficult for a child to accept the norms and rules of group life. In kindergarten, they are taught a certain discipline, but at home it was not so important.

Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten. This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother.

Lack of self-care skills. This greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.
By the time you enter kindergarten, your child should be able to:
- sit on a chair independently;
- drink from a cup on your own;
- use a spoon;
- Actively participate in dressing, washing.

Too many impressions. In preschool, the baby experiences many new positive and negative experiences, he can overwork and, as a result, be nervous, cry, be capricious.
Inability to occupy yourself with a toy.

The presence of the child's peculiar habits.

Unfortunately, sometimes parents make serious mistakes that make it difficult for the child to adapt.
What should never be done
You can not punish or get angry at the baby for crying at parting or at home when mentioning the need to go to the garden! Remember, he has the right to such a reaction. A stern reminder that "he promised not to cry" is also completely ineffective. Children of this age do not yet know how to keep their word. It is better to remind once again that you will definitely come.
You can’t scare with kindergarten (“You’ll behave badly, you’ll go to kindergarten again!”). A place that is feared will never be loved or safe.
You can not speak badly about the teachers and the garden in front of the child. This can lead the baby to the idea that the garden is not a good place and bad people surround him there. Then the anxiety won't go away at all.
You cannot deceive the child by saying that you will come very soon if the baby, for example, has to stay in the kindergarten for half a day or even a full day. Let him know better that his mother will not come soon than he will wait for her all day and may lose confidence in the closest person.

Ways to reduce stress in a child.

It is necessary to create in advance at home for the child a day regimen (sleep, games, eating), corresponding to the preschool educational regimen.

In the early days, you should not leave your baby in kindergarten for more than 2 hours. The residence time should be increased gradually. After 2-3 weeks, taking into account the desire of the baby, you can leave it for the whole day.

Every day you need to ask the child about how the day went, what impressions he got. need to focus on positive moments, since it is the parents who, with such short remarks, are able to form a positive attitude towards the preschool educational institution.

It is advisable to put the child to bed early, stay with him longer before going to bed, talk about the kindergarten. You can agree in the evening what toys he will take with him to the kindergarten, decide together what clothes he will wear in the morning.

On weekends, adhere to the daily routine adopted in the preschool educational institution, repeat all types of activities.

It is advisable to give the child a couple of days of rest if he categorically refuses to go to kindergarten. All this time it is necessary to talk about the kindergarten, about how many interesting things await him there.

Sending a child to a preschool educational institution, parents may encounter difficulties:
First of all, this is the unpreparedness of parents for the negative reaction of the child to preschool education. Parents are frightened by the tearfulness of the child, confused, because at home he willingly agrees to go to kindergarten. Tearfulness is a normal state of a preschooler during the period of adaptation. With the patient attitude of adults, it can pass by itself.

A common mistake parents make is blaming and punishing their child for crying. This is not a way out.

The child can get used to the kindergarten for 2-3 months.

Parents themselves must be psychologically prepared for the child's visit to preschool. Calmly refers to bumps and bruises.

When a child begins to talk cheerfully about the kindergarten, retelling the events that happened during the day is a sure sign that he has settled in.

It is difficult to say how long the adaptation period will last, because all children go through it differently. But getting used to preschool is also a test for parents, an indicator of how ready they are to support the child, to help him overcome difficulties.

How to help a child relieve emotional and muscular tension?

During the period of adaptation to kindergarten, the child experiences a lot of stress. And the more intense the stress experienced by the child, the longer the period of adaptation lasts. The child's body is not yet able to cope with strong shocks, so he needs help to relieve the tension that has accumulated during his stay in kindergarten.

Almost all children are well helped to cope with daytime stress - playing on the water: take some warm water into the bath, turn on the warm high shower. All the scum of the day - fatigue, irritation, tension - will go away, "drain" from the baby. Games in the water are subject to one general rule - they must be quiet, calm.

You can let bubble, play with sponges (watch how they absorb and give water, make a “rain” for a child from a sponge, turn them into boats or dolphins), build colorful paintings from a soft mosaic, just give two or three jars, and let him pour some water there -here. The sight and sound of flowing water has a calming effect - in 15-20 minutes the child will be calm.
Try to keep the baby as much time as possible in the fresh air (if time permits). Walking with him, you will get the perfect opportunity to talk with your son or daughter, discuss the events of the day. If something unpleasant or disturbing happens to the baby, you need to discuss it with him right away, not allowing it to put pressure on him for the whole evening.

Try eliminating TV from your toddler's evening entertainment. Screen flickering will only increase irritation and stress on a tired brain. An exception can be made for the transfer Goodnight, kids! or for your favorite quiet cartoon - these programs are broadcast at the same time and can become part of the “ritual” of going to bed. Before going to bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen to quiet melodic music together, a cassette with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sounds of rain, read a fairy tale.
No matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter how professionals work in it, no one will help your child better than you. If the kid knows for sure that at the end of a noisy day a “quiet pier” awaits him, eight hours in the kindergarten will not seem like such a deafening eternity to him, and the stress will recede!


1Psychological features of children's adaptation to preschool

2The specifics of the passage and the main stages of the process of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten


List of used literature

Applications 1-3


The problems of socio-psychological adaptation to preschool education are presented at all age stages, but especially brightly - in early childhood. The success of his future life, his psychological state and health largely depend on how the process of adaptation of the child at the first stage of his entry into a new space (kindergarten) will take place.

The problem of the child's social and psychological adaptation to kindergarten is one of the most important in preschool pedagogy. B. G. Ananiev, L. I. Bozhovich, V. V. Davydov, A. L. Venger, A. A. Rean, F. V. Berezin, L. I. Wasserman and others.

IN Lately raising the age threshold for starting attendance at a preschool from 1.5 to 3 years, on the one hand, and strengthening educational load in a preschool institution - on the other hand, they make the problem of getting used to preschoolers early and younger age to the conditions of the kindergarten is especially relevant.

The object of the study is the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a kindergarten.

The subject of the study is the psycho-emotional features of the adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The purpose of the study is to reveal the psychological characteristics of the adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten.

Research objectives:

.To reveal the psychological features of children's adaptation to preschool educational institutions.

.Consider the specifics of the passage and the main stages of the process of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten.

.List the main indicators of successful adaptation of children to preschool education.

.Present the results of diagnosing the emotional state of children during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution.

.Based on the data obtained, develop methodological recommendations for parents and teachers on the adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions.

The methodological base of the research is: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, analysis and synthesis of empirical data, analogy and generalization; empirical research methods - the study and generalization of experience in studying the process of adaptation of children of early preschool age, the creation of an experimental situation, observation, questioning; methods of mathematical and statistical data processing.

Novelty of the study: based on data obtained during the study of features psycho-emotional state young children in the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution, methodological recommendations were developed on the organization of work during the adaptation period in a preschool educational institution.

Approbation: experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Federal State Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Rosinka" in Kuznetsk.

adaptation children preschool


1Features and specifics of children's adaptation to preschool

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process that leads either to positive (adaptation, that is, the totality of all beneficial changes in the body and psyche) or negative (stress).

In psychological and pedagogical science, adaptation is defined as the process of interaction of two variables: the needs of a living organism and the characteristics of its environment. The success of the process of adaptation of a person largely determines the success of his activity, as well as the preservation of physical and mental health.

There are various aspects of adaptation: physiological, mental, psychological, social, professional, etc.). For children of early preschool age, physiological, mental, psychological and social adaptation are central.

Physiological adaptation is manifested in the state of health of the child. If he has adapted well to the environment, then he rarely gets sick, all physiological processes pass without any problems. If he copes with all the requirements of the kindergarten, but gets sick a lot, then it is impossible to assume that he has adapted.

Mental (psycho-emotional) adaptation is expressed in the restructuring of the dynamic personality stereotype in accordance with new requirements environment. Adapted children are in a good mood, they have a high level of working capacity, there are no neurotic reactions and affective excitability.

Psychological adaptation consists in the adaptation (psychological) of the child to changing environmental conditions and in the development of a model of behavior. Children feel comfortable, actively interact with both adults and peers, are included in joint games, activities and educational activities.

“Social adaptation is the adaptation of the child to a new social environment in a preschool educational institution, which is a cross section of a wider society. Adaptation involves the subordination and adaptation of individual desires to the norms, rules and prohibitions of a preschool institution. Social adaptation of a preschool child is a state of harmony between the child and the social environment of the kindergarten.

Adaptation is a socio-psychological process that, with a favorable course, leads the child to a state of adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. The end result of this process is adaptability. Adapted, i.e. a well-adjusted child can be considered a child whose productivity, ability to enjoy life and mental balance are not disturbed.

"The goal and main function of the process of adapting the child to new conditions (kindergarten) is to achieve stability in the emotional and psychological state, a sense of security and comfort."

Modern research show that only 20% of children are ready to attend a preschool institution, 10% are not ready, 70% are conditionally ready. This suggests that the process of getting used to preschool children does not always take place.

Children of any age, but especially early ones, find it very difficult to visit a kindergarten. “The following changes literally burst into the habitual, established way of life of the child: a clear daily routine; absence of relatives nearby; prolonged contact with peers; the need to obey and obey unfamiliar adults; a sharp decrease in personal attention to the child; features of the new spatial environment”.

Coming to a children's institution leads to serious violations in the behavior of the child and the development of negative reactions. A child can change a number of established habits, rebuild a previously formed stereotype in sleep, feeding, and methods of communicating with adults. This transition requires the inhibition of a number of existing connections and the rapid formation of new ones, which is a difficult task for a child of this age.

The process of adaptation to new conditions is not always easy and fast for all children; most often, the child's adaptation to the preschool educational institution is accompanied by various negative physiological and psychological changes. An adapting child is distinguished by: the predominance of negative emotions, including fear; unwillingness to come into contact with either peers or adults; loss of self-care skills; sleep disturbance; decrease in apatite; speech regression; changes in motor activity, which either falls or increases; reduced immunity and numerous diseases.

The nature of behavior during the adaptation period depends on the age of the children. So, up to 5-6 months, children endure this change relatively easily, since at this age the child's dynamic stereotypes of behavior are still in their infancy.

Children aged 6-9 months react painfully to the destruction of such well-established habits as sucking nipples, pacifiers, motion sickness at bedtime, prolonged stay in the hands of adults. To make life easier for a baby of this age, during the adaptation period, you can leave him an individual nipple. The teacher should periodically take such children in his arms, reassuring everyone.

Children aged 10 months to 1 year 6 months find it difficult to endure parting with loved ones, refuse contact with unfamiliar adults and children. Their sleep becomes intermittent and restless. The child's appetite is disturbed, he often refuses to feed, while eating there are cases of vomiting. Previously acquired habits are destroyed: the child stops asking for a potty, his speech is slowed down. There are cases when children, who started walking at home, switch to crawling in kindergarten. You can also note other regressive changes of a deeper plan: fever, upset stomach, change skin etc.

Children from 1 to 3 years of age are especially vulnerable in terms of adaptation to kindergarten, since it is during this period that it is very difficult for a baby to “break away” from his mother. Attachment to the mother - a necessary condition for the normal mental development of the child - contributes to the formation of such important personality traits as trust in the world, positive self-awareness, initiative, curiosity. Children 2-3 years old are afraid of strangers and new communication situations. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, tearful, he gets sick more often. Boys aged 3-5 years are more vulnerable in terms of adaptation than girls, since during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her.

The process of a child’s adaptation to the conditions of a kindergarten is influenced by many different factors: the level of mental and physical development achieved, the state of health, the degree of hardening, the formation of self-service skills, communicative communication with adults and peers, the personal characteristics of the baby himself, the level of anxiety and personal characteristics of the parents, the previous the experience of the baby, that is, the presence or absence of training of his nervous system in adapting to changing living conditions. Children who live in large families, in families with relatives, get used to new conditions much faster.

“The child's need for communication also affects the process of a child's adaptation to kindergarten conditions. There are three groups of children according to the nature of the differences in behavior and the need for communication. The first group is children who have a predominant need for communication with close adults. They worry, parting with them, cry a lot. The adaptation period in children lasts from 20 days to 2-3 months. The second group are children who have some experience of communicating with strangers. Their adaptation period takes place in two stages (second and third) and lasts from 7 to 10-20 days. The third group - children who feel the need for active independent actions, in communication with adults on educational topics. These children get used within 3-10 days.

Educators who accept children in a group must know and take into account the characteristics of each child, the teacher must talk with parents, visit the child at home, observe the new child at different parts of the day and in different situations. Such a study of the child will help the teacher to correctly assess his individual characteristics and direct his behavior in the right direction.

The behavior of children is also imprinted by the characteristics of the nervous system, its type: strength, mobility, balance or imbalance of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition. Children in whom the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced are distinguished by calm behavior, cheerful mood, and sociability.

Excitable children violently express their attitude to the environment, quickly move from one state to another. They like to play outdoor games, but quickly change toys, are easily distracted, constantly moving around the group, looking at one or another object. They do not deploy long games.

In contrast to the easily excitable, there are also children who are distinguished by calm, somewhat slow, even inert behavior. They are very active in expressing their feelings and appear to adapt well on the outside. However, their inhibition may intensify during this period. Slow children often lag behind their peers in the development of movements, in mastering the environment, in mastering skills and abilities. They prefer to play away from children, they are afraid of their approach.

“The teacher should help these children get used to the new environment. In the early days, it is not recommended to involve slow children in communication with peers, as they need a long time to learn new things, to get to know others. The impatient approach of the educator to the child can lead to complications in his behavior, to difficulties in adaptation.

Children with a weak type of nervous system require special attention. They are very painful to endure any changes in the conditions of life and upbringing. Their emotional state is disturbed at the slightest trouble, although they do not express their feelings violently. Everything new scares them and is given with great difficulty. They are unsure of movements and actions with objects, slower than other children of the same age. Such children should be accustomed to a children's institution gradually, and people close to them should be involved in this. At the same time, it is recommended to constantly encourage and encourage children, to help them learn new things.

Of course, the type of the nervous system is not always clearly manifested. The same baby in different situations can behave differently, especially during the period of adaptation. Even a calm and sociable child, when parting with loved ones, begins to cry and ask to go home, it is not easy to get used to new requirements, and part with some established habits.

2 The specifics of the passage and the main stages of the process of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten

Adaptation is manifested mainly at the psycho-emotional level in the child. In order to judge this level in more detail and as objectively as possible, scientists have specially developed and refined a number of necessary indicators that quite informatively characterize the behavioral characteristics and manifestation of emotions in a child adapting to a new organized team, and an emotional profile or portrait (EP) of the child has been created, first enrolled in a regular kindergarten. It includes the following indicators.

Negative emotions are, as a rule, the most important component of EP, which occurs mainly in every child who adapts to a new organized team for the first time. Usually the manifestations of these emotions are different: from barely perceptible to depression, reminiscent of captivity. At the same time, the child is depressed, oppressed and indifferent to everything in the world. The child often plunges into himself, becomes like a deaf-mute or an alien from an unknown planet. He loses his appetite, becomes withdrawn, does not make contacts. Suddenly, all of his fossil disappears, he becomes agitated, begins to rush around the group, resembling a "squirrel in a wheel", conflicting with everyone on the go. Then she suddenly freezes, and then, sobbing, she calls her mother, choking in her own tears. But suddenly, powerlessly falls silent, again turning into a mannequin. And so several times a day. Quite often, children express their negative emotions with a palette of crying: from whimpering to constant crying. Usually, the longest of all negative emotions in a child is the so-called whimpering, with which he seeks to protest when parting with his parents, who are running away to work.

Fear is a common companion of negative emotions. The child, having come to the children's collective for the first time, only sees in everything a hidden threat to his existence in the world. Therefore, he is afraid of many things, and fear follows him literally on his heels, nests in himself. The kid is afraid of an unknown environment and meeting with unfamiliar children, he is afraid of new educators, and most importantly, that his parents will forget about him when they leave the kindergarten for work. The kid is afraid that his parents have betrayed him, that they will not come for him in the evening to take him home.

Anger. Sometimes, against the background of stress, anger flares up in a child, which breaks out, written literally on the face. At such a moment, the baby, like a small aggressor, is ready to jump on the offender like a panther, defending his innocence.

Positive emotions are the counterbalance to all negative emotions and the master switch for them. Usually, in the first days of adaptation, they do not appear at all or are slightly expressed at those moments when the baby is fascinated by the novelty of the environment in the kindergarten. Positive emotions appear more and more often as the child adapts. Children's joy, smile and cheerful laughter are, perhaps, the main "medicines" that cure most of the negative shifts of the adaptation period.

Social contacts. “The sociability of a child is a boon for the successful outcome of the adaptation process. However, in the first days of being in a preschool institution, some kids lose this property. Gradually, when only the baby is able to establish the necessary contacts in the group, all the shifts in the adaptation period will subside - and this will be an important step towards completing the entire process of adaptation in the child.

Cognitive activity - reinforces the positive emotions of the child at the stage of adaptation. At the age of three, this activity is closely connected with the game. Therefore, the baby, when he first came to kindergarten, is often not interested in toys and does not want to be interested in them. He does not want to get acquainted with peers, to understand what is happening next to him, the cognitive activity of the child is inhibited. However, as soon as he “wakes up” or the caregiver succeeds in “waking up” him, the stress activity will become minimal and will soon disappear altogether.

social skills. In the process of adapting to the conditions of the kindergarten, the child may lose some self-care skills that he has long since learned and which he successfully used at home. The child has to be spoon-fed and washed as if it were a baby. However, as the child adapts to the conditions of an organized team, he “remembers” the skills he suddenly forgot, and, in addition to them, learns new ones.

Features of speech. In some children, against the background of stress, speech also changes, not progressing, but moving towards regression. The child's vocabulary is depleted, when speaking, he only uses infantile or light words, there are fewer nouns and adjectives, and sentences from polysyllabic ones become monosyllabic. Such speech is the result of difficult adaptation. With a mild one, it either does not change at all, or the described changes concern it a little. At this time, the replenishment of his active vocabulary, necessary for the age of the child, is difficult.

Motor activity during the adaptation process rarely remains within the normal range. The child becomes severely inhibited or, conversely, uncontrollably hyperactive. At this stage, it is important not to confuse his activity, changed in connection with the adaptation process, with the activity inherent in the child's temperament.

Dream. At the beginning of the process of adapting the child to kindergarten, there is no sleep at all, and in a quiet hour, the baby behaves like a “roly-poly”. As you get used to kindergarten, the child begins to fall asleep. But his extremely restless, interrupted all the time by sobbing or sudden awakening. And only when the child adapts to the garden, he, in fact, will be able to quietly spend his quiet time and sleep peacefully.

Appetite. The less favorably the child adapts, the worse his appetite, sometimes absent altogether. Rarely, but still it happens that the child falls into the other extreme - he begins to eat a lot and thus indirectly satisfies his unmet needs.

“One of the factors that determine the nature of the process of a child's adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten is the crisis of three years. It should be understood that at this time the baby for the first time feels like a person and wants others to see it. And others often do not see it or do not want to see it. Therefore, the baby is at the limit, defending his personality in front of us, and his psyche becomes more vulnerable than before to the effects of various environmental circumstances.

And just at that time, when the child, more than ever, needs parents, understanding him, and most importantly, support, when it is necessary and necessary to spare his weakened nervous system, as if on purpose, in addition to the mental burden of the crisis of three years , involuntarily, another heavy burden is thrown on the shoulders of the baby - the burden of adaptation to kindergarten, not realizing that all this will “break” him. And some of the children really "tear", as evidenced by visible changes in the usual behavior of the child.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish 3 degrees of adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool institution:

mild (15-30 days);

medium (30-60 days);

severe (from 2 to 6 months).

The criteria for the severity of adaptation are: the emotional state of the baby; his relationship with peers; relationships with adults; sleep and appetite; frequency and duration of acute illnesses.

“The end of the adaptation period is considered to be the moment when negative emotions are replaced by positive ones and regressing functions are restored. This means that: in the morning parting, the child does not cry and willingly goes to the group; the child more and more willingly interacts with the teacher in the group, responds to his requests, follows regime moments; the baby is oriented in the space of the group, he has favorite activities and toys.

The polar type for severe adaptation is the type of easy adaptation of the child, when the baby adapts to a new environment, usually for several weeks, most often for half a month. There is almost no trouble with such a child, and the changes that are visible in his behavior are usually short-term and insignificant, so the child does not get sick.

In addition to the two polar types of adaptation, there is also an intermediate version. In similar cases, we should talk about the average severity of the course of the period of various adaptive changes in children's body.

With this type of adaptation, the child, on average, adapts to a new organized team for more than a month and sometimes gets sick during adaptation. Moreover, as a rule, the disease proceeds without any complications, which can serve as the main sign of the difference between this type of adaptation and an unfavorable variant.

In a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, three stages (phases) of the adaptation process were identified.

. “The acute phase is accompanied by a variety of fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, more frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, decreased appetite, regression in speech development; phase lasts an average of one month.

Subacute phase - characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all shifts decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters, against the backdrop of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared to the average age norms; phase lasts 3-5 months.

Compensation phase - characterized by an acceleration in the pace of development, and children by the end school year overcome the aforementioned developmental delay.

The most difficult is the first stage, which is called the acute phase. All stages of the adaptation period in children proceed purely individually.

If the kid is happy and talks a lot about kindergarten, if he is in a hurry to go there, if he has friends there and a bunch of urgent things, we can assume that the adaptation period is over.

3 Indicators of successful adaptation of children to preschool

The main task of the pedagogical staff of the kindergarten is to create such conditions under which each child will be able to adapt to a new life as easily as possible and with minimal "consequences". Important role here plays the process of observing each child, how he "experiences" the process of entering a new world for him. The teacher should know all the signs by which one can judge the degree of the child's experience of new conditions, the degree of his adaptation to kindergarten.

In the psychological and pedagogical theory, the following main features of effective adaptation are distinguished:

1)adaptation in the "non-personal" sphere. The child acquires knowledge, acquires skills and abilities, achieves competence and mastery in various types activities;

2)adaptability in the sphere of personal relationships, where emotionally rich connections are established with other children and with adults.

All children are distinguished by the ability to adapt, in connection with which the following criteria for the adaptation of a child should be borne in mind:

The internal criterion involves psycho-emotional stability, a state of satisfaction, lack of distress, a sense of threat and a state of emotional and psychological tension.

The external criterion reflects the conformity of the real behavior of the individual, the attitudes of society, the requirements of the environment, the rules adopted in society, and the criteria for normal behavior.

In accordance with these criteria, the main indicators of success / failure of the child's passage of the adaptation process are the following indicators:

the state of health of the child (satisfactory or unsatisfactory);

appetite (good or bad);

sleep (quick falling asleep, calm and sound sleep, awakening with good mood or not);

motor activity (mobile, active or constrained, passive);

relationships with adults and peers (easily makes contact, there is an interest in communication, there is no aggressiveness or contacts are difficult);

activity (often busy, even enthusiastic, meaningful activity, active in regime moments or passive and indifferent);

speech (initiative, response or absent);

emotional tone (positive or negative);

desire - unwillingness to go to kindergarten;

judgments of parents about the state and behavior of the child in the family (optimistic, interested or anxious, negative).

Indicators of the end of the adaptation period are: calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents; balanced mood during the day; adequate attitude to the proposals of adults; communicating with them on their own initiative; the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict; the desire to eat on their own, to eat up the prescribed norm to the end; calm daytime sleep in the group before the appointed time according to the regimen; restful night sleep, without waking up until morning. If the kid is happy and talks a lot about kindergarten, if he is in a hurry to go there, if he has friends there and a bunch of urgent things, we can assume that the adaptation period is over.

Thus, the adaptation of a child to kindergarten is understood as the process of a child entering a new environment for him in a preschool institution and adapting to its conditions. With a favorable course, adaptation leads the child to a state of adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. The end result of this process is adaptability. Adapted, i.e. a well-adjusted child can be considered a child whose productivity, ability to enjoy life and mental balance are not disturbed.

The difficulties of the adaptation period are due to the fact that with the arrival in kindergarten, significant changes occur in the established order of the baby's life, which affect his behavior. In a family environment, a child from the first days of life gets used to a certain regimen of sleep, rest, nutrition, and microclimate. family relations. In accordance with the established rhythm of family life, the child develops habits and skills, and a certain style of behavior is built. With the advent of kindergarten, all this changes, but the child's life experience is still small and adaptation to new conditions is a great difficulty for him.

Indicators of the end of the adaptation period are: calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents; balanced mood during the day; adequate attitude to the proposals of adults; communicating with them on their own initiative; the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict.

The goal and main function of the teaching staff during the adaptation period is to help the child quickly and easily adapt to new conditions, achieve stability in his emotional and psychological state and a sense of security and comfort.


1 Diagnosis of the emotional state of children during the period of adaptation to preschool

In the previous chapter, we noted that the adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution is reflected mainly in their psycho-emotional state. In this regard, within the term paper a study (diagnosis) of the emotional state of children during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution was conducted.

The purpose of the study is to determine the psycho-emotional state of young children during their adaptation to the preschool educational institution, and on the basis of the data obtained, to develop a program of work with children to improve their psycho-emotional state and make it easier to go through the process of adaptation to the preschool educational institution. Research methods: observation, diagnostics, questioning, mathematical data processing.

The study took place in 2 stages:

At the first stage, the psycho-emotional state of children was studied on the basis of observing their behavior during object-game activity, since this type of activity is the leading one at an early age. Observations of children in kindergarten took place during the play activities of children, both in the group and on the site.

At the second stage, a forecast was made of the readiness of children for kindergarten in terms of psychological and pedagogical parameters based on a survey of parents.

The study was conducted on the basis of the Federal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type" Rosinka "Kuznetsk. The study involved 10 children aged 2.5 - 3 years who entered the first junior group kindergarten.

Hypothesis - in the process of adaptation of children aged 2-3 years to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, they experience changes in their emotional state, and with varying degrees expressiveness.

The experiment took place during the first month of the children's stay in kindergarten. The study and analysis of the results were carried out in cooperation with the teachers and parents of this group of kindergarten.

As the main methods to identify the features emotional development and assess the emotional state of the child, observation, experiment are used. These techniques can be successfully used by both psychologists and educators, who, observing the child every day, have the opportunity to carefully examine his behavior in real life circumstances.

Regular observation allows you to fairly objectively assess the emotional state of the child in a kindergarten - when interacting with the teacher and with peers, in the process of organizational activities and certain regime moments.

But most of them are not suitable for young children, because they have not yet formed the ability to describe, their speech is not sufficiently developed. In this regard, for the pedagogical assessment of the emotional states of young children, we propose observation as the main method. However, when using this method, the following difficulties arise:

it is difficult to avoid the subjectivity of the observer, because, interpreting the results of observations, the psychologist (teacher) is not limited only to scientific ideas, but also includes his own stereotypes of judgments, emotional attitudes, value orientations, etc. in the assessment;

the observer can fix only the external expressions of the children's emotions, and different emotions can be expressed in the same way. For example, both from fear and surprise, the eyes open wide, the pupils increase; lowered eyes and head may express shyness, fear or unwillingness to communicate; tears can be caused by fear, sadness, or anger.

Based on the developments of T.A. Danilina, V.Ya. Zedgenidze, N.M. Stepina, we single out the following situations that arise during children's play, and in which the child's emotional state is most pronounced:

) Fear: an unfamiliar amazing toy; breakage of a toy; crying, cry of a peer, friend; attack by a peer, friend; unfamiliar sound; the teacher forbids, swears, shouts; the approach of strangers.

) Anger: the desire to have something that a peer has; desire to have something that cannot be taken; hard toy, toy breakage; another child takes the toy, attacks, teases, hides the toy; the teacher takes the toy; the teacher offends, swears.

) Sadness: game, communication with peers; difficulties in completing the task; punishment, censure of an adult; peers do not accept the game.

) Joy: favorite toy; task completion; attention, praise of another person during interaction, communication; funny (unfamiliar) sound; the teacher is fooling around, humming.

) Interest: new toy; unfamiliar game; telling an adult or showing something; manifestation of interest in environmental objects, natural phenomena.

) Surprise: unfamiliar toy; a new game; familiar peer, friend behaves differently; a close adult communicates differently.

Since the main method for assessing the emotional state of the child is observation in the process of work, we used the following tables for fixing the results.

Degree of severity Characteristic Ways of manifestation 1st degree External manifestations as negative. So positive emotions are absent or slightly expressed Facial expressions, posture, words, etc. 2nd degree Emotional manifestations are moderately expressed Facial expressions, posture, words, etc. 3rd degree

Scale for assessing the manifestation of an emotional state

1st degree (weak) 2nd degree (medium) 3rd degree (high) Fearful, indecisive, inactive, frowns eyebrows, excited, tensely refuses to look, runs away, cries, grabs a loved one, freezes, squeals Anger, frowns, frowns, looks sullenly runs away , closes his eyes tightly, beats his hands, clenches his fists, rejects everything, cries, fights. Shouts enthusiastically Interested Practically uninterested in anything new, prefers old toys, avoids strangers Plays with new toys, smiles when meeting new people Actively interested in everything that happens, asks adults questions Surprised does not show surprise, does not pay attention to the unusual, opens eyes wide and mouth in surprise runs to what surprised him asking around about b this Using the proposed assessments of behavioral responses as a basis, maps of the emotional state of the group's children were compiled.

Maps of the emotional state of children based on the results of observing them during subject-game activities

Name of the childNegative emotionsMean indicator of the degree of severity of negative emotionsPositive emotions Average indicator of the degree of severity of positive emotions General indicator of the degree of severity of emotions 5Dima R. 11112121.61.3Misha S.111122221.5Sveta T.222222222Rita F.2332.63322.62.6Roma Kh.111122221.5Zlata Ch.222233332.5

The data presented in Table 3 allow us to draw the following conclusions:

) the first (weak) degree of expression of emotions during object-playing activity (1-1.5 points) was shown by 3 people. (30% of children); these children are calm, balanced, unemotional; they are friendly towards the teacher and other children, rarely show joy and interest in games, toys and other children;

) the second (average) degree of expression of emotions (1.6-2.5 points) was shown by 5 people. (fifty%); these children express themselves more emotionally during games, they react more noticeably, both to positive and negative moments and situations; at the same time, they show a keen interest in everything that happens, they are more sociable and sociable;

) the third (high) degree of expression of emotions (2.6-3 points) was shown by 2 children (20%) from total number children; these children react extremely emotionally to everything that happens, if they experience joy, they scream, squeal, quickly become excited; at the same time, they also violently show negative emotions (anger, seal), they often cry, they can show aggression towards other children during games.

Let's present the obtained data graphically (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Evaluation of the manifestation of the emotional state of children in the group

Both the first (weak) and the third (strong) degrees of manifestation of the emotional state indicate that children are under stress and have difficulty adapting to kindergarten conditions. However, this manifests itself in different children in different ways: calm and balanced children become isolated, behave "like mice", and excitable children are even more excited, emotionally and violently react to both positive and negative moments associated with being in a nursery. garden, they vividly express both negative and positive emotions.

Based on this, we can conclude that only 50% of the children from the study group are ready for life in kindergarten; 30% of children are conditionally ready for kindergarten conditions; 2 children - not ready. At the same time, it can be noted that the average indicators of the severity of positive emotions are higher than the indicators of the severity of negative emotions.

At the second stage of the experiment, a survey of parents was conducted (see Appendix 1). The questionnaire made it possible to find out from parents what the child's preparation for preschool education was like, as well as to find out the features of the adaptation process from the point of view of parents. Therefore, the questionnaire covers various questions, for example, what is the regime of the child’s day at home, the characteristics of the child’s temperament, how the preparation for kindergarten took place, how the baby perceives the kindergarten, educators, other children, how their child communicates and plays with other children, with what mood he goes to the group in the morning, and meets his mother in the evening.

The survey showed that

) the majority of parents (70%) purposefully prepared their child for entering kindergarten, first introducing children to teachers, children;

) half of the parents (50%) answered in their questionnaires that they had already tried to take their children to kindergarten, but without success;

) 60% of parents in their questionnaires noted that the daily routine at home is significantly different from the daily routine in kindergarten, which causes certain problems;

) 40% of parents noted in their children the effect of "pumping out the pendulum" at home after kindergarten;

) 50% of parents answered that their child had a favorite toy in the group and new friends in kindergarten;

) 80% of parents noted the attraction of the child to peers;

) 40% of parents noted that their child is reluctant to go to kindergarten, they are afraid of the teacher, children, and the parents themselves feel anxiety for the child;

) 40% of parents note that their child cries when parting with mom and dad, asks in the morning when they will take him home;

) only 30% of parents in the questionnaires noted that their child asks to go to kindergarten on weekends, asks when he will go there again.

Thus, we see that 50% of parents note certain problems in adapting their child to kindergarten conditions. These data coincide with the data on the psycho-emotional state of children obtained at the first stage of the study.

The survey helped to understand the reasons for the success or failure of the adaptation of a child. Some parents, for example, the mother of Ira P. attended classes on adapting the child to kindergarten, which greatly facilitated the process of getting used to the child. But the difference between the regimes in kindergarten and at home makes it difficult for this girl to adapt. On this occasion, the educators held a conversation with the girl's parents.

Roma Kh. is more difficult to adapt, as he often gets sick and misses kindergarten. The child was frightened when he was left in the kindergarten for the first time, in the group he often remains with tears. Despite the fact that Roma is attracted to children, he does not play with them, does not turn to the teacher. Him poor appetite and sleep, during games he is passive, unemotional, shows no interest in children and games.

The survey showed that some children have a process of “pumping out the pendulum” at home. These children (Artem I., Zlata Ch.), who are very mobile and emotional during the day in kindergarten, calm down at home. They need to do something calm: look at a book, draw, play soothing games. Other children (Dima R., Misha S.), on the contrary, open up at home, become active, cheerful, emotional. If in kindergarten they are not active, they sit quietly in a corner, are shy or afraid, then at home they throw out the energy accumulated during the day, and they must be in the spotlight. If the behavior of the parents corresponds to the needs of the child, then the next day the child feels good, but if the parents do not see what the child needs, then he begins to experience dissatisfaction, which gradually turns into stress.

As mentioned earlier, during the adaptation period, the child undergoes a reworking of previously formed dynamic stereotypes and, in addition to immune and physiological breakdown, psychological barriers are overcome. Stress can cause a defensive reaction in the baby in the form of refusing to eat, sleep, communicate with others, withdraw into oneself, etc. Therefore, during the period of adaptation with children, it is necessary to carry out special work to facilitate this process.

The emotional problems of the baby require resolution in the very first days of his stay in the group. The further life of the child depends on the success of the teacher in this direction, and not only in kindergarten. Negative experience of adaptation can play a negative role in the first grade of the school. For the optimal implementation of the adaptation period, the transition of the child from the family to the preschool institution must be made as smooth as possible.

Based on the data obtained during the experiment and in order to make the process of adaptation to kindergarten faster and more painless for children, we can offer the following recommendations for educators and parents.

It is necessary to create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group. To create an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group, it is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child, a desire to go to kindergarten. It depends, first of all, on the ability and efforts of educators to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and benevolence in the group. If a child feels this warmth from the first days, his worries and fears will disappear, adaptation will go much easier. Almost any baby at first experiences discomfort from size. group room and the bedrooms - they are too big, not like at home. To make it pleasant for the child to come to kindergarten, you need to “domesticate” the group. Visually reduce the room, make it more comfortable, beautiful curtains on the windows, a border along the upper edge of the wall.

Furniture is best placed in such a way that it forms small "rooms" in which children feel comfortable. It is good if the group has a small "house". It is advisable to place a living corner next to the "house". Plants and in general green color favorably affect the emotional state of a person.

In the group, it is necessary to establish a sports corner that would satisfy the need for children to move. The corner should be designed so that the child has a desire to study in it.

Psychologists and physiologists have established that art activity for a child is not only and not so much an artistic and aesthetic action, but an opportunity to throw out their feelings on paper. An art corner with free access for children to pencils and paper will help to solve this problem at any time, as soon as the baby has a need to express himself. Drawing with felt-tip pens - markers, on a sheet of paper attached to the wall, gives children special pleasure. For an attentive educator, the color that is chosen for the picture will help to understand how the child’s soul is at the moment - sad and anxious, or, conversely, light and joyful.

Playing with sand and water has a calming effect on children. Such games have great developmental opportunities, but during the adaptation period, their calming and relaxing effect is the main thing.

Sleep problems are caused not only by internal stress, but also by the environment, which is different from home. The child feels uncomfortable in a large room, the fuss of other children distracts, makes it impossible to relax and fall asleep.

Such simple thing, like a bedside curtain, can solve a number of problems: create a feeling of psychological comfort, security, give the bedroom a more comfortable look, and most importantly - this curtain, which the mother sewed and hung in front of the child, like a favorite toy with which he goes to bed.

During the adaptation period, it is necessary to temporarily preserve the upbringing methods familiar to the child, even if they contradict the rules established in the kindergarten. Before going to bed, the baby can be shaken if he is used to it, give a toy, sit next to him, tell a fairy tale, etc.

In no case should you force-feed or put to bed, so as not to cause and fix on long time negative attitude towards the new environment.

It is necessary in every possible way to satisfy the extremely acute need of children in emotional contact with an adult during the period of adaptation.

Affectionate treatment of the child, the periodic stay of the baby in his arms gives him a sense of security, helps to adapt faster.

Young children are very attached to their mother. The child wants his mother to be with him all the time. Therefore, it is very good to have a "family" album in the group with photographs of all the children of the group and their parents. In this case, the baby will be able to see his loved ones at any time.

Work with parents, which must begin before the child enters the kindergarten.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of actions of parents and educators. Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family. It is difficult to immediately find out all the habits and characteristics of a child, but in an introductory conversation with parents, you can find out what are the characteristic features of his behavior, interests and inclinations.

It is advisable to recommend that parents in the early days bring the child only for a walk, so it is easier for him to get to know the caregivers and other children. Moreover, it is advisable to bring the baby not only for a morning walk, but also for an evening walk, when you can draw his attention to how moms and dads come for children, how they happily meet. In the early days, it is worth bringing the child to the group later than 8 o’clock so that he does not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with his mother.

Parents, giving their child to kindergarten, are worried about his fate. Sensitively capturing the state and mood of his loved ones, especially his mother, the child is also worried.

Therefore, the task of the educator is to reassure, first of all, adults: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce them to the daily routine, discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period. It is advisable to develop a memo for parents “the first days of the child in kindergarten”, which will become a kind of hint for parents of children attending kindergarten for the first time (see Appendix 2).

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment.

Proper organization of play activities during the adaptation period, aimed at the formation of emotional contacts "child - adult" and "child - child".

The main task of games in the adaptation period is the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and a manifestation of care for each baby.

The first games should be frontal so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the playing abilities of children, the venue, etc., for example, "Parsley Came", "Blowing Soap Bubbles", "Round Dance", "Catching", "Sun Bunnies".

Shy, shy children who feel uncomfortable in a group need special attention and an individual approach. You can ease their state of mind, cheer up with “finger” games. In addition, these games teach coordination and coordination of movements: “Who is in the fist”, “Playing with hands”, etc. (See Appendix 3).

Smoothing out the adaptation period will help physical exercises and games that can be carried out several times a day. You should also create conditions for independent exercises: offer kids wheelchairs, cars, balls. If the children are not currently disposed to outdoor games, you can read a fairy tale to them or play calm games.

To a large extent, games that develop the skills to perform everyday duties and develop responsibility will help to adapt.

Of course, in the conduct of any process, the main role belongs to the educator. By creating in the child a positive attitude to all processes, developing various skills corresponding to age-related capabilities, forming the need to communicate with adults and children, he provides a solution to educational and educational problems already in the period of the child's getting used to new conditions and thereby speeds up and facilitates the course of the adaptation process. .

The duration of adaptation depends on the individual characteristics of each baby, on the correct approach of adults to the addiction of children. If the child is active, sociable, inquisitive, his adaptation is relatively easy and fast. Another baby is slow, noise and loud conversations irritate him, he does not know how to eat and undress himself. Such a child needs a longer period of adaptation.

The adaptation period is considered completed if: the child eats with appetite; falls asleep quickly, wakes up on time; emotionally communicates with others, plays.

Thus, the study of the psycho-emotional state of children aged 2-3 years during the period of adaptation to kindergarten showed that only 50% of the children from the study group are ready for life in kindergarten; 30% of children are conditionally ready for kindergarten conditions; 2 children - not ready. At the same time, it can be noted that the average indicators of the severity of positive emotions are higher than the indicators of the severity of negative emotions.


In conclusion, the following general conclusions can be drawn. The adaptation of a child to kindergarten is understood as the process of a child entering a new environment for him in a preschool institution and adapting to its conditions. With a favorable course, adaptation leads the child to a state of adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. The end result of this process is adaptability. Adapted, i.e. a well-adjusted child can be considered a child whose productivity, ability to enjoy life and mental balance are not disturbed.

The process of adaptation to new conditions is not always easy and fast for all children; most often, the child's adaptation to the preschool educational institution is accompanied by various negative physiological and psychological changes. An adapting child is distinguished by: the predominance of negative emotions, including fear; unwillingness to come into contact with either peers or adults; loss of self-care skills; sleep disturbance; decrease in apatite; speech regression; changes in motor activity, which either falls or increases; decreased immunity and numerous diseases.

The difficulties of the adaptation period are due to the fact that with the arrival in kindergarten, significant changes occur in the established order of the baby's life, which affect his behavior. In the conditions of a family, a child from the first days of life gets used to a certain regime of sleep, rest, nutrition, to the microclimate of family relations. In accordance with the established rhythm of family life, the child develops habits and skills, and a certain style of behavior is built. With the advent of kindergarten, all this changes, but the child's life experience is still small and adaptation to new conditions is a great difficulty for him.

Adaptation manifests itself mainly at the psycho-emotional level. The emotional profile of a child going through a period of adaptation to kindergarten includes such indicators as: emotions, social contacts, speech skills, hygiene skills, appetite, sleep, etc.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish 3 degrees of adaptation of children to the conditions of a preschool institution: mild (15-30 days); medium (30-60 days); severe (from 2 to 6 months). The criteria for the severity of adaptation are: the emotional state of the baby; his relationship with peers; relationships with adults; sleep and appetite; frequency and duration of acute illnesses.

Indicators of the end of the adaptation period are: calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents; balanced mood during the day; adequate attitude to the proposals of adults; communicating with them on their own initiative; the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict. The goal and main function of the teaching staff during the adaptation period is to help the child quickly and easily adapt to new conditions, achieve stability in his emotional and psychological state and a sense of security and comfort.

A study of the psycho-emotional state of children aged 2-3 years during the period of adaptation to kindergarten showed that only 50% of the children from the study group are ready for life in kindergarten; 30% of children are conditionally ready for kindergarten conditions; 2 children - not ready. At the same time, it can be noted that the average indicators of the severity of positive emotions are higher than the indicators of the severity of negative emotions.

A survey of parents on the subject of their assessment of the psycho-emotional state of the child during the period of adaptation showed that certain problems of the psycho-emotional plan exist in half of the children (50%), which coincides with the data obtained at the first stage of the study. The survey helped to understand the reasons for the success or failure of the adaptation of a child.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to build further work on the adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. For this purpose, we have developed proposals and recommendations for educators and parents, using which they will help children to go through the adaptation period more easily and with the least negative consequences.

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