
How to understand that a friend is real. How to know if you have real friends. Composing is it difficult to be a real friend What are friends

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A true friend is not easy to find. you need to write a mini essay !!! help and got the best answer

Answer from Yeaid [newbie]
Communication is one of the basic spiritual needs of a person. Communication with someone you can trust, who will always understand and support, who you can rely on in any life situation. This is exactly what a real friend should be - sincere, loyal, decent. In the big world, it is difficult for a person to find such a friend for himself, but it is even more difficult not to lose him because of some trifle, not to "exchange" relations with him. The real one is exactly the friend with whom both joys and sorrows have passed, and who, in both joys and sorrows, remained next to him.
While each of us is selfish in some way, true friendship is a relationship that requires dedication and sometimes even self-sacrifice.
"He who asks and forgets to give, to have only what he has." (Colombian proverb)
In friendship, the interests of a friend should weigh no less than their own, because it is the principles of equality and mutual respect that put people on the highest level, help to preserve in the heart a feeling of disinterested love for a friend.
We ask a friend to come to us, offer our services, and promise to share the table, house, property with him. The matter is small - the fulfillment of the promised. (Jean de La Bruyere)
Sincere friendship should not be confused with friendly relationships, because a person can have many friends, but a true friend is always one. Friends may have similar interests, a common place of work or study, but there is no real spiritual unity between them that makes people one whole (as much as possible). Friendship is a delicate and fragile thing, and having found this "expensive diamond" in the dirt, you need to make every effort so that it does not lose its luster. So, close relationships require the rejection of lies, falsehood, mistrust.
Not trusting a friend is more shameful than being deceived by him. (F. de La Rochefoucauld)
Loneliness is one of the hardest challenges for every person. It is not for nothing that people sentenced to death have long been punished by imprisonment in solitary confinement. Man is a social being, and he needs a society. In the literature, there are many examples of how hard a person experiences loneliness. For example, the Count of Monte Cristo from the novel of the same name by A. Dumas or Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe. Both heroes were doomed to be alone with themselves indefinitely, and they considered their faithful friends, whom they finally met - Abbot Faria and Friday, to be a real gift from heaven.
But will not it be just an attempt to escape from loneliness, an attempt in all man to find a friend? After all, you need to remember that real friendship is tested by years of communication and difficult situations, from which both come out with dignity. Therefore, you should not rely on a person you know not so long ago and a relationship with whom is based only on the assumption that he is worthy.
Wrong enemies
How kind people
- And they will rob sparingly,
Weeping will be condemned ...
And in the next world, good man,
You will not be forgotten.
(T. Shevchenko)
Therefore, you need to be wary of potential friends, but, having found a loved one, it is worth making an effort in order not to lose him. And for this there is only one way: in order to have a faithful friend, you yourself need to be a faithful friend.

Answer from Anton Kuritsyn[newbie]
Mini essay.
Spring has finally arrived! After a long and snowy winter, it is pleasant to go out into the yard and breathe in the smell of the warm wind, to see the first spring birds. The last snow did not have time to melt, and young greenery makes its way through last year's grass. Thin sprouts stubbornly reach for the sun. Soon everything will be covered with a green carpet. The buds of poplars and birches are swollen, and you can feel the subtle smell of sticky leaves in the air. Another day or two, and the trees will be covered with delicate greenery. At first, this is a slightly noticeable bloom, and then the leaves begin to grow bolder and bolder, increasing almost before our eyes. Another moment - and the trees will dress in lush crowns. The green color will be replaced by the pallor of winter. In spring, the sun shines in a special way: somehow bright, joyful and festive. I want to walk down the street and smile at everyone. Not only nature dresses up in bright colors. People also took off their warm coats and coats. Everyone is around in beautiful and cheerful outfits. Everyone is happy with the arrival of spring!
Spring came!
Spring is my favorite time of the year. After a long and cold or slushy winter, it seems as if nature and man have a new opportunity to live. Before the snow melts, the earth is transformed. At first, wet and dirty, covered with half-decayed leaves of last year, it gradually dries up. The sun warms up. The air "smells of spring". What else can you call these amazing invigorating and heady smells? I want to stop and breathe in, straining my nostrils, cold air that smells of bitter freshness.
In the mornings, the puddles are still covered with ice, but soon it will disappear too. And then.. . Buds tense and begin to open, gooseberries are covered with small green leaves, purple arrows of peonies are knocked out of the ground, thin strings of daffodils are shown. Apricots begin to bloom, then cherries, followed by other trees.
The blossoming of the gardens seems to give people the opportunity, at least for a short time, to get away from the gray everyday life and be transported into a fairy tale with a happy ending: spring triumphs over gloomy winter.

Answer from MADI[expert]
Mini-essay on the topic “Is it difficult to be a true friend? "
True, strong and long-term friendship is a sacred concept for every person. However, the ability to be friends is not given to everyone. Indeed, in order not only to be considered, but to really be a real friend, you must always be there in difficult times, instantly respond to requests, give wise advice and provide all kinds of support.
Alas, in our world, most people are prone to selfishness, and this quality often makes it difficult to come to the rescue on time, lend a helping hand, or even just listen. It is known that people often shy away from losers, subconsciously fearing to adopt their bad luck. And if a friend, by the will of his will, falls into a continuous strip of successive failures, it is rather difficult to find in such a situation a sincere understanding and a willingness to help at least with advice and friendly empathy. Only a true friend will always be there and, contrary to rumor, will give a hand and not ostracize someone who is unlucky in life.
It is really difficult to be a true friend if loyalty to a relationship requires you to compromise the rules of modern society or go against existing conventions. Therefore, the criterion of what people will say very often prevails over a sincere desire to help a friend and protect his authority.
It is no less difficult to remain a loyal friend when luck has smiled at a friend, and this test is often much more difficult. Indeed, in this situation, you need to be able to rejoice at the success and well-being of a loved one without any shadow of envy, which is not possible for everyone. It is very important for a person who has found his luck to be able to share his happiness with a close friend without generating envious notes in his soul.
Friendship is subjected to a serious test, not only in trouble or joy, but also in the daily hustle and bustle of rapidly carried away everyday life. Sometimes it is difficult to carve out a little time to calmly communicate with a friend, pay attention to him, listen to what doubts and experiences have accumulated in his soul. The ability to always find a place for a friend in your adult independent life is a very important component of real friendship, especially the one that arises in childhood.

Essay on the topic "Is it difficult to be a true friend?"

Friends are different. Surely every person has friends, good acquaintances - but everyone has one real friend. Is it hard to be such a friend?

Of course, almost everyone could become a friend, just "their own person." There are, as Pushkin wrote, “friends have nothing to do”. All of them will easily communicate with you. But being a true friend is not easy.

If you have trouble, what will your buddy do? He can sympathize, pat on the shoulder, "offer condolences" - no more. And a friend - the one who is real - will definitely try to help. Even if his attempt to help is doomed to failure in advance, and he knows about it - at least something he will do. Necessarily.

A true friend is usually from childhood. But the one with whom you talked all your life, played together in the yard, chatted at recess, went to the same institute, maybe just a friend. Very good - one that you will always be happy with, with whom you will have fun ... And a friend may appear at another time. But still, it is much more difficult to make friends in adulthood or old age than in childhood and adolescence. And it’s even harder not to lose them. Until they and you are forced to lose each other, a disease inevitable in old age ... whose name is death.

As Vysotsky sang: "If a friend suddenly turned out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so ...". What happens if your friend suddenly moves away from you? Is he really just "like that"? But let's continue Vysotsky's song: "Pull your friend to the mountains, take a chance ..." Perhaps a similar test for both of you is the only way to regain your former friendship. And if a friend is real, he will never leave you. "In sorrow and in joy" - these words are usually pronounced at weddings, but they are equally suitable for friendship. In grief, a friend will always help, in sorrow - he will experience your feelings, in joy - he will be glad with you ...

Yes, being a true friend is difficult. Yet such a friendship is wonderful. It should be in everyone's life. And if it is not there, then this is a sign that the person is either very unhappy, or simply "does not live, but exists." Take care of your friends.

Friendship is one of the finest forms of human relationships. People who are close to you in spirit make your life more interesting, fuller. They will come to the rescue in difficult times or give good advice.

However, among the people whom you consider your friends, there may be people who are not quite sincerely and honestly disposed towards you. Such individuals use others for their own purposes. In addition, you yourself may be delusional about how close your relationship with this or that person is.

To understand the situation, first of all you need to define for yourself "friendship". Think about what you expect from those close to you. Find a few qualities that true friends should have. Try to describe the relationship that exists between friends.

Friend list

Now see if the reality around you matches your idea of ​​friendship. If among your acquaintances there is a person whose portrait fits the description of a friend, analyze your relationship with him.

Remember whether this person supported you in a difficult or incomprehensible situation, whether he took your side if necessary. Think about how much this individual is interested in you, whether he asks about what is happening in your life.

Find out if you share your innermost thoughts with your friend, if you share any ideas with each other. People who have no common ground at all are unlikely to be friends. Therefore, consider if you have common hobbies, interests, tastes, goals, or principles.

A true friend

Remember that a true friend won't just criticize you. They deliberately try to lower the self-esteem of others, and due to this, only people who are negatively disposed towards you assert themselves.

At the same time, a true companion will openly answer your question regarding your new hairstyle or clothing. If you are interested in his opinion, be sure: he will not lie. You can rely on such a person. After all, a true friend values ​​truthfulness in a relationship quite highly.

Determine how interesting you are together, how often you see each other. Without maintaining a relationship, people can drift apart. And then yesterday's friend becomes just a friend.

Consider if there have been times when your friend neglected your company for the sake of someone else. There is a separate category of people who keep the so-called friends in reserve. And if something more interesting happens to them, they throw away their comrades without a twinge of conscience. Stay away from such manipulators if you do not want to be used.

We have faced friendship all our lives. Since childhood, we spend time with those we consider to be friends. Are they really friends? We consider everyone with whom we communicate as friends in childhood, but as they grow up, they become less and less. Why is this happening? Friends - what kind of people are they? Why do they play such an important role in our life?

What are friends?

To our great regret, the modern world dictates the rules concerning not only behavior in society, but also communication with the closest people. But are we really surrounded by people worthy to be called true friends?

Friends are those with whom we share our joys and sorrows, ups and downs. These are those who know a lot about us, but don't tell anyone.

Friends are people who are close to us not because of, but because of friendships. We call friends whom we trust and with whom we feel comfortable. These are those who will not quit in difficult times and, in spite of everything, will be there.

Basic types

There are several such types, so let's determine which of them your friend belongs to.

Take a look around and see what type your best friend is.

How to identify a real comrade?

Best friends are people who have the following qualities:


Friendship was the reason for the creation of an international holiday. Friends Day is a great occasion to remind loved ones of their importance in our lives. Of course, the date is unofficial, and few know about it, but perhaps the situation will soon change for the better.

Friends Day is celebrated on June 9th. Do not forget to congratulate your close comrades on this day. Let the celebration be unofficial for now, but this is an occasion to please each other once again.

Now you know how to distinguish him from the whole mass of friends. Remember only that there are no many friends, or rather, it happens, but whether they are all real is a question. It is very difficult for one to go through life, therefore it is important that comrades are present in it. They will always support and help you if needed. If you have a person who possesses all of the above qualities, he is your best friend and communicates with you not for his own benefit. Appreciate it and cherish it.

Hello dear readers of my blog! The topic of friendship is as old as the world. Sometimes we ask ourselves the question - how to check a friend for friendship? Who will really always be there? A close and dear person nearby can greatly help in a difficult situation. How not to lose a true friend and recognize a snake warmed up in your heart?

Interrogation with predilection

The first thing you should think about is who do you call your true friend? What is it for you. There are people for whom it will be enough just to be sure that you can call at any time. Others expect obedience. Everyone finds people for certain purposes. Why do you need a friend?

How do you distinguish acquaintances, friends, buddies? Do they have something in common? What do you value in people? How does an acquaintance become a friend? And then a friend? Or do you immediately find a person who, from the first meeting, becomes the closest and dearest?

Realizing that there is friendship for you, you value in people, you, and who is just another acquaintance who will not rush after you into the fiery flame.

Understand this question for yourself, before proceeding to any active actions and checks.

Life situations

Before looking for ways to test your friend, think about whether you really need it. Remember that life itself throws up different stories in which people manifest themselves from different sides.

They say a friend is known in trouble. But I can tell you that apart from misfortune, loved ones are tested by happiness. A friend of mine was a completely ordinary person, worked in an office for eight hours, drove a car on a loan, and had a couple of three friends. One day he wrote an application for his phone and after a while he became a fairly wealthy person.

So here are his so-called, joke on him and in every possible way express their disdain. This all started to happen because of their envy. They failed to achieve what my friend came to. And success envy ruined their friendship.

You should not come up with any tests and checks yourself. It can only ruin your relationship with a really good person. This approach shows yours, and relationships cannot be good until people trust each other.

Watch your friends in life, if you have suspicions, just wait, and fate itself will show you the true face of your environment.

Who am I?

Think about yourself. Start analyzing your own qualities. Would you call yourself a good friend? After all, if you are not that kind of person, then how can you find loyal and decent people around you?

When you yourself can be a friend, are ready, listen carefully about the problems of others - then you can safely count on a similar attitude towards yourself.

You should stop looking for flaws in your friends. Don't think about things that haven't happened yet. Why don't you trust your friends? Could it be really yourself? Are you willing to give more than take?

Remember that you attract people to you. And the environment that you have now is your handiwork. Checking out today's friend won't help you avoid bumping into an unholy comrade next time.

Remember that trust is very important in friendship. You can only spoil a good attitude with your checks. Be yourself a good friend and then you will be surrounded by kind and sincere people. I offer a book to help "About tasty and healthy relationships" who teaches you how to surround yourself with good people and how to protect yourself from unhealthy relationships.

Remember that friendship is a mutual process. You yourself have to work hard to reach full understanding with the other person. Friendship is not just fun and enjoyable. This is support, care, respect and much more. Appreciate people you can call friends.

Friendship is one of the finest forms of human relationships. People who are close to you in spirit make your life more interesting, fuller. They will come to the rescue in difficult times or give good advice.

However, among the people whom you consider your friends, there may be people who are not quite sincerely and honestly disposed towards you. Such individuals use others for their own purposes. In addition, you yourself may be delusional about how close your relationship with this or that person is.

To understand the situation, first of all you need to define for yourself the very meaning of the word "friendship". Think about what you expect from those close to you. Find a few qualities that true friends should have. Try to describe the relationship that exists between friends.

Friend list

Now see if the reality around you matches your idea of ​​friendship. If among your acquaintances there is a person whose portrait fits the description of a friend, analyze your relationship with him.

Remember whether this person supported you in a difficult or incomprehensible situation, whether he took your side if necessary. Think about how much this individual is interested in you, whether he asks about what is happening in your life.

Find out if you share your innermost thoughts with your friend, if you share any ideas with each other. People who have no common ground at all are unlikely to be friends. Therefore, consider if you have common hobbies, interests, tastes, goals, or principles.

A true friend

Remember that a true friend won't just criticize you. They deliberately try to lower the self-esteem of others, and due to this, only people who are negatively disposed towards you assert themselves.

At the same time, a true companion will openly answer your question regarding your new hairstyle or clothing. If you are interested in his opinion, be sure: he will not lie. You can rely on such a person. After all, a true friend values ​​truthfulness in a relationship quite highly.

Determine how interesting you are together, how often you see each other. Without maintaining a relationship, people can drift apart. And then yesterday's friend becomes just a friend.

Consider if there have been times when your friend neglected your company for the sake of someone else. There is a separate category of people who keep the so-called friends in reserve. And if something more interesting happens to them, they throw away their comrades without a twinge of conscience. Stay away from such manipulators if you do not want to be used.

It is believed that there can be several friends, but there is only one faithful friend. Indeed, it’s true, you’re not going to tell your innermost close acquaintance, who seems to be a friend, but it seems that he is not. Finding a true friend will take a lot of work. Although, is it possible to find it. Here, like luck in a casino: either it is there, or it is not. Most often, we meet true true friends in deep childhood, go to school with them, rejoice at every event, and as adults, we continue to maintain relationships, remaining the closest people on the planet. But this does not mean that true friendship cannot be found in adulthood. Friendship, like love, all ages are submissive. I just want to say that a loyal friend will not fall on your head. It will take many years for it to become the present.

If you compose a portrait of a real friend, then it should be something like this:

Will never leave you in trouble. He will always come to the rescue, even when you have to sacrifice your own plans or even your life.

Knows how to listen. He never interrupts, always answers the questions posed.

Gives smart advice. This means that he will not advise on anything that can be harmful, for example, harm a love relationship or career.

A true friend will not forget to wish you a happy birthday or other holiday. He will definitely make a gift, and even sign a postcard.

He often calls and asks how you are doing.

He will never betray, frame or use friendship for personal gain.

He likes to go to the movies together, and then discuss the movie he has seen.

This is only the smallest thing that a real friend can have. In general, true friendship is an endless source of good deeds and joyful moments.

A person who has a loyal friend can be envied. Often people have dozens of friends, but among them there is no one who is the best. Sometimes you have to burn yourself well, considering the real friend of the one who will never become them.

But I wonder if it is difficult to be a true friend? Here, how to look. On the one hand, yes, because a loyal friend takes responsibility for relationships with other people. He can sacrifice for his own purposes everything, anything, but not friendship. Most likely, this is why it is difficult to be a true friend, because very often life throws us such situations when we have to make a difficult choice between friendly relations and something else. If you look at it from the other side, then why a real friend should be difficult. Not everyone deserves the title of "real", but the one who deserves it will successfully cope with all the tests

It should be noted that true friendship is not always eternal. Sometimes even the most lose relationships. There is simply a feeling that is higher than friendship - this is love. And if two friends fall in love with the same person, their relationship may well crack. It is generally accepted that one of the friends in such situations should give in, but who, because both are in an equal position. True, even if true friendship breaks up, it is only in isolated cases.

Still, it's great when there are real friends in our life. Family is family, and true friendship never hurts. Just find him, a real and most loyal friend who will never leave or let you down.