
Normal ratio of height to weight in men. How to quickly and accurately calculate your correct weight. Quetelet body mass index - online calculator

Breast cancer

It is known that in the USSR, the healthy weight for a woman was calculated according to the simplest formula, growth minus one hundred. According to her, Baba Klava from the bench at the entrance was declared a woman with an ideal figure. Later, nutritionists slightly changed the formula - "height minus one hundred and ten", and for ballerinas the formula "height minus one hundred and twenty" was always used. If such generalized data does not suit you, read on - we have collected the most interesting, relevant and reflecting the reality of the formula.

Ideal weight calculator

Classification of body types according to Soloviev:

  1. Asthenic type: less than 18 cm in men, less than 15 cm in women.
  2. Normosthenic type: 18-20 cm in men, 15-17 in women.
  3. Hypersthenic type: more than 20 cm in men, more than 17 cm in women.

Cooper's formula

Ideal weight for a woman (kg): (height (cm) x 3.5: 2.54 - 108) x 0.453.
Ideal weight for a man (kg): (height (cm) x 4.0: 2.54 - 128) x 0.453.

Lorentz formula

Ideal weight = (height (cm) - 100) - (height (cm) - 150) / 2

For our heroine, the ideal weight will be 25 kg. Shta?

Kutla's formula (body mass index)

The body mass index is designed to measure overweight and obesity. BMI is familiar to many.

BMI = weight (kg): (height (m)) 2

BMI below 19 - underweight.

  • Ages 19-24 - BMI should be between 19 and 24;
  • at the age of 25-34 - BMI should be from 19 to 25;
  • at the age of 35-44 - BMI should be from 19 to 26;
  • at the age of 45-54 - BMI should be from 19 to 27;
  • at the age of 55-64 - BMI should be from 19 to 28;
  • over the age of 65 - BMI should be between 19 and 29.

Calculation example:

weight - 50 kg.

height - 1.59 m

BMI = 50 / (1.59 * 1.59) = 19.77 (normal BMI)

Fixed weight-growth factor

The calculation is based on a fixed coefficient (weight in grams is divided by height in centimeters). The table below is for women between the ages of 15 and 50.

Ideal Weight Formula: (height in cm * coefficient) / 1000

Brock's formula

It was this formula, proposed by the French physician Brock over a hundred years ago, that was used in vulgar calculations. Broca's formula takes into account the physique: asthenic (lean), normosthenic (normal) and hypersthenic (stocky).

Ideal Weight Formula:

  • under 40: growth -110
  • after 40 years: growth - 100

Asthenics subtract 10%, and hypersthenics add 10%.

So, our calculations:

age - 24 years

height - 159 cm

physique - hypersthenic.

Ideal weight = 53.9 kg.

Brock-Brugsch formula

This is Brock's modified formula for people with non-standard height: less than 155 cm and more than 170 cm.

  • Less than 165 cm: ideal weight = height - 100
  • 165-175 cm: ideal weight = height - 105
  • Over 175 cm: ideal weight = height - 110.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Attention: the table shows the maximum weight for this height!

Maximum permissible body weight

Height, cm 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old 50-59 years old 60-69 years old
husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives
148 50,8 48,4 55 52,3 56,6 54,7 56 53,2 53,9 52,2
150 51,3 48,9 56,7 53,9 58,1 56,5 58 55,7 57,3 54,8
152 51,3 51 58,7 55 61,5 59,5 61,1 57,6 60,3 55,9
154 55,3 53 61,6 59,1 64,5 62,4 63,8 60,2 61,9 59
156 58,5 55,8 64,4 61,5 67,3 66 65,8 62,4 63,7 60,9
158 61,2 58,1 67,3 64,1 70,4 67,9 68 64,5 67 62,4
160 62,9 59,8 69,2 65,8 72,3 69,9 69,7 65,8 68,2 64,6
162 64,6 61,6 71 68,5 74,4 72,7 72,7 68,7 69,1 66,5
164 67,3 63,6 73,9 70,8 77,2 74 75,6 72 72,2 70
166 68,8 65,2 74,5 71,8 78 76,5 76,3 73,8 74,3 71,3
168 70,8 68,5 76,3 73,7 79,6 78,2 77,9 74,8 76 73,3
170 72,7 69,2 77,7 75,8 81 79,8 79,6 76,8 76,9 75
172 74,1 72,8 79,3 77 82,8 81,7 81,1 77,7 78,3 76,3
174 77,5 74,3 80,8 79 84,4 83,7 83 79,4 79,3 78
176 80,8 76,8 83,3 79,9 86 84,6 84,1 80,5 81,9 79,1
178 83 78,2 85,6 82,4 88 86,1 86,5 82,4 82,8 80,9
180 85,1 80,9 88 83,9 89,9 88,1 87,5 84,1 84,4 81,6
182 87,2 83,3 90,6 87,7 91,4 89,3 89,5 86,5 85,4 82,9
184 89,1 85,5 92 89,4 92,9 90,9 91,6 87,4 88 85,9
186 93,1 89,2 95 91 96,6 92,9 92,8 89,6 89 87,3
188 95,8 91,8 97 94,4 98 95,8 95 91,5 91,5 88,8
190 97,1 92,3 99,5 95,6 100,7 97,4 99,4 95,6 94,8 92,9

Our exemplary woman with her weight of 50 kg, a height of 159 cm and an age of 24 years is far from the maximum. And this is good.

Many consider this particular table to be the most complete and balanced approach to determining the presence of excess weight.

Borngardt Index (1886)

It also uses data on the circumference of the chest.

Ideal weight = height * bust / 240

Robinson's Formula (1983)

It is believed that it is incorrect for men.

For women (height in inches):

49 + 1.7 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

52 + 1.9 * (height - 60)

Miller's Formula (1983)

For women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 53.1 + 1.36 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 56.2 + 1.41 * (height - 60)

Monnerot-Dumine Formula

This formula takes into account body type, bone volume, muscle mass.

Ideal weight = height - 100 + (4 * wrist)) / 2

Formula Kreff

This formula takes into account age and body type.

Ideal weight = (height - 100 + (age / 10)) * 0.9 * coefficient


  • Wrist less than 15 cm - coefficient 0.9
  • Wrist 15-17 cm - factor 1
  • Wrist more than 17 cm - coefficient 1.1.

Formula of Mohammed (2010)

Ideal weight = height * height * 0.00225

According to it, the ideal weight of our heroine should be 56.88 (which is a bit too much).

Nagler's formula

The slightly too general Nagler formula does not take into account your age and current weight at all - only height and gender.

For women (attention: height in inches!):

Ideal weight = 45.3 + 2.27 * (height - 60)

For men (attention: height in inches!):

Formula Humvee (1964)

Online weight calculators on the Internet usually use exactly this:

Formula for women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 45.5 +2.2 * (height - 60)

Formula for men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 48 + 2.7 * (height - 60)

Devin's Formula (1974)

Dr. Devin invented it to correctly calculate the dosage of medicines. It got into the mass consciousness as an ideal weight calculator later and enjoyed great success. True, there are also disadvantages: for women of small stature, the weight is usually very small.

For women (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 45.5 + 2.3 * (height - 60)

For men (height in inches):

Ideal weight = 50 + 2.3 * (height - 60)

The ratio of height to weight in children, adolescents, men and women is considered an important indicator for health.

It should be normal, because deviations can negatively affect the state of health.

However, not everyone can maintain weight and height in the correct state, for this reason, they may differ.

The readings of the ratio of height and weight help to correctly determine the dosage of the drug in the treatment of various diseases, especially in children.

Also, if a deviation is detected in the big direction, the doctor will immediately put the patient on record, because in this case he will be included in the risk zone for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Formulas for calculating the rate of growth and weight of a person

Not everyone succeeds in having the perfect balance between height and weight. Parameters may differ up or down.

Deviations from the norm are considered hazardous to health, they can further provoke the development of various diseases.

It is worth noting! There are many formulas that can be used to calculate the ratio between weight and height.

You can calculate it yourself, the main thing is to carefully study the formula beforehand.

Calculation by Broca's formula

To find out exactly the optimal readings for height and weight, you need to consider performing a calculation using this formula.

For this, only growth indicators are taken into account, with their help it is possible to calculate the readings of the optimal weight.

If the growth rates are less than 160 centimeters, then the calculation is performed using the formula:

P - 100 = normal weight.

If it is from 165 to 175 centimeters, then the formula is used:

P - 105 = optimal weight.

When performing calculations, it is worth considering the structure of the body.

Important indicators that must be taken into account:

  • Thin-boned or asthenic type. Measurement of the girth of the wrist.

    The size of this part must be less than 16 centimeters. The correction can be done like this, 16 - 10% = normal.

  • If the body has normosthenic structure, then it is worth using from 16 to 18 centimeters. In this case, no correction is needed.
  • In the presence of hypersthenic type, the wrist girth indicator is more than 18 cm. The correction is performed as follows, 18 + 10% = normal.

Calculation by the Lorentz formula

Reading calculations can be done quickly using a formula. But the result may come out approximate, because the calculation does not take into account the body type.

To perform calculations using this formula, only knowledge of growth is required.

To understand how to calculate, consider an example for 176 cm:

  • First step. 176 - 100 = 76.
  • Second step. (176 - 150) / 2 = 13.
  • Normal body weight: 76 - 13 = 63.
  • The ideal weight at 176 cm would be 63 kilograms.

The calculation is performed using the standard Lorentz formula:

X = P - 100
Y = (P - 15) / 2
Ideal weight = H-Y

Quetelet index

The formula for calculating using the Quetelet index is used for people from 18 to 65 years old, namely for adults.

To calculate BMI, you need to perform a calculation using the following formula:

МТ / (Р ^ 2), where the value "^ 2" means that the value needs to be squared. The result is an individual body weight.

Below is a list of values ​​that can be obtained by calculating the formula:

  • The value is greater than 17.5. This indicator means that a person develops anorexia, an urgent need to see a doctor.
  • The indicator 17.5-18.5 is insufficient.
  • If it shows from 19 to 23 at the age of 18-25, then this is considered the norm.
  • If it is determined from 20 to 26 at the age of 25 years, then this refers to the norm.
  • Between the ages of 18 and 25, an indicator of 23-27.5 is considered above the norm.
  • From 26 to 28 - overweight at the age of 25 years.
  • If from 18 to 25 years old is defined as 30-35 or 28-31 at the age of more than 25 years, then this is considered the initial stage of obesity.
  • The indicator 30-35 from 18 to 25 years old and 31-36 at 25 years old refers to the second stage of obesity.
  • When defined as 35-40 between the ages of 18 and 25, or 36-41 between the ages of 25, it is considered the third stage of obesity.
  • The fourth stage of obesity is set when more than 40 are detected from 18 to 25 years old and more than 41 in 25 years and more.

Table of the ratio of height and weight in women

To correctly understand the ideal ratio of body weight and height, it is worth considering a table that indicates which indicators are considered the norm.

If a deviation is revealed upward or downward, then you should consult a doctor, because they can talk about serious health problems.

So what should be the norm for body weight and height? It should be borne in mind that these indicators also affect the size of the figure.

Consider a table of the ratio of height and weight in women:

Height-to-weight ratio in men

The ratio of height to weight in men depends on the body type. For this reason, it is worth dividing the indicators into three groups - for asthenic, normosthenic, and hypersthenic body types.

What should be the ratio of height and weight for men with asthenic body structure:

  • 155 cm - 49 kg.
  • 160 cm - 53.5 kg.
  • 165 cm - 57 kg.
  • 170 cm - 60.5 kg.
  • 175 cm - 65 kg.
  • 180 cm - 69 kg.
  • 185 cm - 73.5 kg.

For representatives of the stronger sex with a body structure of the normosthenic type, the following indicators are considered normal:

  • 155 cm - 56 kg.
  • 160 cm - 60 kg.
  • 165 cm - 63.5 kg.
  • 170 cm - 68 kg.
  • 175 cm - 72 kg.
  • 180 cm - 75 kg.
  • 185 cm - 79 kg.

For men with a hypersthenic body structure, the following indicators are considered the norm:

  • At 155 cm - 62 kg.
  • At 160 cm - 66 kg.
  • At 165 cm - 69.5 kg.
  • At 170 cm - 74 kg.
  • At 175 cm - 78 kg.
  • At 180 cm - 81 kg.
  • At 185 cm - 85 kg.

Height-to-weight ratio in children and adolescents

Every parent should know the normal ratio for newborn boys to girls. On the Internet, there are many WHO tables characterizing the weight and height of a child under a year or more.

Below is a table that contains parameters for young children from birth to 2 years old:

Age (months) Boys Girls
Weight in kilograms Height in centimeters Weight in kilograms Height in centimeters
In infants from birth 3,60 50,0 3,40 49,5
1 4,45 54,5 4,15 53,5
2 5,25 58,0 4,90 56,8
3 6,05 61,0 5,50 59,3
4 6,70 63,0 6,15 61,5
5 7,30 65,0 6,65 63,4
6 7,90 67,0 7,20 65,3
7 8,40 68,7 7,70 66,9
8 8,85 70,3 8,10 68,4
9 9,25 71,7 8,50 70,0
10 9,65 73,0 8,85 71,3
11 10,0 74,3 9,20 72,6
12 10,3 75,5 9,5 73,8
13 10,6 76,8 9,8 75,0
14 10,9 78,0 10,1 76,1
15 11,1 79,0 10,3 77,2
16 11,3 80,0 10,6 78,3
17 11,5 81,0 10,8 79,3
18 11,7 82,0 11,0 80,3
19 11,9 83,0 11,2 81,3
20 12,1 83,9 11,4 82,2
21 12,2 84,7 11,6 83,1
22 12,4 85,6 11,7 84,0
23 12,3 86,4 11,9 84,9
24 12,7 87,3 12,1 85,8

The correct weight-to-height ratio for adolescents can be found in numerous WHO tables aged 7 to 18 years. They describe the norms for girls and guys, depending on their height.

Average parameters for guys and girls are presented in the table:

Do you know your ideal weight? Are you worried about your health? Want to maintain optimal body proportions? In order to start changing your lifestyle, playing sports or introducing healthy foods into your diet, you need to calculate your weight by height and age. This will be the starting point, a kind of guideline in the development of a weight loss program, the selection of a set of exercises or the compilation of the "correct" menu.

  • 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
  • 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
  • Wives Husband


  • Body mass index (BMI) ::
  • The weight should be in the range:
  • Your ideal weight:
  • Body fat:

We calculate BMI in the online program

Do you want to find out the indicator in a matter of seconds?
For calculations you need:
  • 1. Indicate height;
  • 2. Enter data on body weight;
  • 3. Choose a gender;
  • 4. Indicate age;
  • 5. Press the "calculate" button;
  • 6. Get the result.

Calculating the ideal weight for women on a calculator with a website is a way to determine the norm of body weight, which will help you always maintain physical shape and monitor its changes.

BMI: what is it and why should it be considered

In the middle of the 19th century, medical practitioners and doctors of medical sciences noticed that the ratio of height to weight affects health status. And in 1869 Adolphe Quetelet (a well-known scientist at the time) called it "body mass index" (BMI). It is intended to determine whether these parameters match.

It is calculated for both men and girls using the same formula:

where M is the weight indicated in kilograms; P - growth squared. Take the value in meters.

Let's calculate the body mass index of a representative of the weaker sex with a height of 167 cm and 74 kg, translate the height from centimeters to meters: 167 cm = 1.67 m.Then we square this value: 1.67 * 1.67 = 2.8. We substitute the numbers in the formula: M = 74 / 2.8 = 26.4.

The BMI for this woman will be 27.4. What does this value mean? By itself, it is just a number, but with a table of interpretation of body mass index - useful knowledge. By comparing it with the indicators available in it, you will determine how much the current weight corresponds to the norm.

Body mass index (BMI) What does Recommendations
>40 3 degree obesity It is worth correcting the situation in the near future. Since the risk of acquiring a particular disease (hypertension, for example) is increased. See a dietitian for help.
35 to 30 2 degree obesity Problems with the cardiovascular and other body systems are possible.
30 to 25 1 degree of obesity There is a chance to quickly and without consequences for the body to throw off extra pounds, which will help to avoid illness.
24.99 to 18.5 norm Weight in the optimal range for your age and height. Try to keep your mass within this limit and the chances of staying healthy will increase significantly.
18.5 to 16 and below underweight Increase the amount of food you eat. Make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Review your diet.

The concept of "ideal weight" is a generally accepted framework, the limits of which become the designation of the optimal height / everything ratio. We are all different, and the body weight of this or that person depends on such factors.

How much should a person weigh? Many people want to know the answer to this question. A number of factors affect the height-to-weight ratio. These include a person's age and gender, fat distribution, and body shape. To calculate the ideal weight, special calculations must be made. These methods are used by professional athletes as well as doctors.

Weight and height norms for children of different ages

Parents are always worried about the health of their children. Childhood is a period of active physical, mental and psychological development. Measurements of height and weight are good indicators of a child's general condition, especially in the first 10 years.

There are no specific rules that apply to every child. All children develop and grow in different ways. A child's height and weight are influenced by the quality of nutrition, exercise, general health and genetic predisposition.

A chart of average height and weight is available at any pediatric clinic. It will help parents determine the optimal performance for a child of every age. Don't panic if the numbers differ from your calculations. These tables provide guidelines for the average weight of children by age.

The height and weight of children is calculated in different ways. Parents can independently find out the normal parameters of the child's weight using the following formulas:

  • Age 0–12 months: weight (kg) = (age in months + 9) / 2. Indicators that differ by 500 g in the direction of increase or decrease are considered the norm.
  • Age 1–5 years: weight (kg) = 2 x (age in years + 5). A deviation of 1 kg is considered the norm.
  • Age 5-16: weight (kg) = 4 x age in years. The weight indicator may differ by 4 kg in the direction of increase or decrease.
  • Children under 6 months: height (cm) = (3 x age in months) + height at birth.
  • Children 6-12 months: height (cm) = age in months + 64. Indicators may differ by 2 cm.
  • Children 1–8 years old: height (cm) = (7 x age in years) + 74. Values ​​that differ by 3 cm are considered the norm.
  • Children 9-16 years old: height (cm) = (5 x age in years) + 90. Growth indicators may differ by 4 cm.

Parents should monitor the change in height and weight of the child in order to prevent malformations and the occurrence of diseases.

Correspondence of height and weight of men and women

Being overweight in an adult can affect the development of many diseases: obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems.

There are different ways to determine the norm for weight and height for women and men. Doctors often use the Body Mass Index (BMI), which shows if a person has weight problems. You can find out the value using the online weight calculator. Also, BMI is recognized using a mathematical formula. The method was developed in the 1830s by the founder of scientific statistics, Adolphe Quetelet.

BMI score = weight (kg) / height² (cm).

The resulting figure is the body mass index. To find out which weight group a person belongs to, we compare it with the following indicators:

  • BMI of 16 or less signals a pronounced underweight and possible anorexia;
  • A BMI of 16 to 18.5 means the person is underweight;
  • A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is ideal;
  • A BMI of 25 to 30 indicates overweight;
  • BMI from 30 to 35 indicates obesity of the 1st degree;
  • A BMI of 35 to 40 indicates grade II obesity;
  • A BMI of more than 40 means that the person is obese III degree.

BMI has certain disadvantages. It does not take into account total fat or muscle tissue. Bodybuilders or very muscular people can have a high BMI due to muscle mass without being overweight.

Broca's formula is one of the most common methods for calculating body weight. It is based on the ratio of a person's weight, height and age. To find out the value of the weight according to Brock's method, carry out the following calculations:

  • up to 40 years old: weight (kg) = height (cm) - 110;
  • after 40 years: weight (kg) = height (cm) - 100.

The formula should not be used for pregnant women, athletes with large muscle mass. Depending on the height, the value of body weight is calculated using the following mathematical operations:

  • for people with a height from 155 cm to 170 cm: weight (kg) = (height (cm) - 100) ± 10%;
  • for people with a height from 170 cm to 175 cm: weight (kg) = (height (cm) - 105) ± 10%;
  • for people taller than 175 cm: weight (kg) = (height (cm) - 110) ± 10%.

The table shows the ratio of height and weight depending on the age and gender of a person.

Using simple methods, you can calculate the optimal weight and height. If the results of the calculations show small deviations from the norm, do not be discouraged. Go out more for walks, jogging, exercise. Sports will help correct problem areas and improve health.

This article talks about 3 methods for determining the ideal weight. A detailed table of the dependence of a woman's weight on age, height and physique is provided. Recommendations and examples are given for each method.

There are many different methods for determining the optimal weight. Some methods use the relationship between height and weight. However, such a simple technique does not always give the correct picture. There are women who have the same ratio of height and weight, while their appearance is very different. Other methods add additional parameters to their formulas and tables, such as age and

It is believed that our ideal weight was at the age of 18. The less this figure fluctuates, the better the health, skin and overall aesthetics of the body will be. However, in real life, body weight tends to increase by 10 percent every 10 years, and, on the contrary, decreases with old age.

This is because our body is no longer as active and full of energy as it was at the age of 18. Energy expenditures decrease, and the amount of fat increases under the influence of hormonal changes.

By old age, muscle tone (which in adolescence contained a lot of fluid and had significant weight) greatly decreases.

Thus, you should not strive for the ideal weight, which was 20 years ago, this can cause irreparable harm to health.

Determination of physique

The table below for calculating the ideal weight has an additional parameter - physique, which is divided into three categories. Before determining your ideal weight, find out which category you belong to. What does this mean and how to find out your type?

  • Fragile or is a type of women whose working wrist is less than 16 centimeters thick. Asthenics have thin bones, narrow hips and shoulders, and a generally lean build. You are this type if you can easily grab your wrist around the bone with your thumb and forefinger, and they will close without effort. The metabolic rate of this type is high.
  • Average or normosthenic type- normal physique. Most often, ideal weight tables are suitable for this type. The circumference of the wrist in women of normal constitution is 16-17 centimeters.
  • Dense or hypersthenic type is a person with a wide bone, large chest and chest, as well as short legs and neck. The metabolic rate of this type is low. The circumference of the wrist is more than 17 centimeters. If you find it very difficult to close the thumb and forefinger of one hand around the wrist of your working hand, then you are hypersthenic.

The difference in the weight of two women with asthenic and hypersthenic physique can reach 15 kg, so it is very important to determine your body type before proceeding with the indicators in the table.

In addition, not all of us can be strictly classified as one of these types, perhaps you have a transitional option between medium and fragile physique or between medium and dense. However, this fact will not significantly affect your ideal weight figure.

Table for calculating the ideal weight of a woman depending on height, age and physique

Height, cm Ideal weight in kilograms based on height, physique and age
body type fragile the average dense
age up to 35 35-45 after 45 up to 35 35-45 after 45 up to 35 35-45 after 45
147 42 45 45 46 50 51 51 56 58
150 43 47 46 48 52 53 53 58 60
152 44 47 47 49 53 54 54 59 61
155 45 48 48 50 54 55 55 60 62
157 47 50 50 52 57 58 59 62 64
160 48 51 51 53 57 58 59 64 65
162 50 53 53 56 60 62 62 67 69
165 51 54 54 57 61 63 63 68 70
167 53 56 56 59 63 64 65 70 72
170 56 59 59 61 65 66 67 72 74
172 57 60 60 63 67 68 69 74 76
175 58 61 61 64 68 69 71 76 78
177 60 63 63 66 70 71 73 78 80
180 62 65 65 68 72 73 74 79 81
182 63 66 66 69 73 74 75 80 82

The table shows the average ideal values ​​that a healthy woman can focus on. If the figure of the scales indicates the ideal weight, and the image in the mirror is not pleasing and raises doubts, it makes sense to consult a nutritionist, to do the necessary tests for hormones and sugar. Only a doctor can determine, based on the test results and the visual picture, your state of health and the need to take measures for if you are a hypersthenic, then subtract 10 percent of your weight before calculating your BMI, and if you are an asthenic, then, on the contrary, add.

For example, a woman weighing 58 kg and height 165 has a BMI = 21.3, which is considered an ideal indicator with a normal physique.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the determination of weight according to the table above or by BMI, you can use the following formula, which is called Lorenz's dream and works only for women and takes into account only height:

Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 100) - (Height (cm) - 150) / 2