
This little girl's hand. A girl's hand was covered with huge blisters after getting a temporary henna tattoo in Egypt. But after returning to England, the girl suffered a severe allergic reaction and her hand became covered in blisters.

Breast cancer

It's no secret that tattoos can be a very dangerous business, but as it turns out, temporary henna tattoos are also fraught with serious danger. Little girl Madison Gulliver will have monstrous patterned scars on her arm for the rest of her life because of a henna tattoo she got with her mother and brother in Egypt.

Maddison and her mum got the tattoo at a Huragada hotel while on holiday in Egypt.

Paired henna tattoos that the girl made with her mother.

But after returning to England, the girl suffered a severe allergic reaction and her hand became covered in blisters.

As you know, black henna can contain large amounts of paraphenylenediamine, a highly toxic chemical.

Although paraphenylenediamine is also found in many products, such as sunscreens and hair dyes, it is used in very small doses.

At the moment, paraphenylenediamine in henna is recognized as a health problem, since the allergenic chemical often causes negative reactions in hypersensitive children.

Family father Martin said they were on holiday in Egypt with his 43-year-old wife Sylvia, 9-year-old son Sebastian and 7-year-old Madison.

Sylvia had to spend a couple of days of her vacation in the hospital due to a gallbladder infection. Upon returning from the hospital, as an encouragement that the children had behaved well, Martin decided to cheer them up by allowing them to get black henna tattoos.

Sebastian immediately complained of a burning sensation, so the tattoo on his arm was immediately washed off with water. Madison began to complain about the tattoo only after returning back to England.

"We saw some sores appear on top of the tattoo, but we didn't see any redness. The next morning, the tattoo area started to itch a lot, and when we washed it off with water, we saw redness around the outline of the tattoo," Martin said.

“Her hand started to blister, so we decided to read about black henna tattoos on the Internet, and that’s when we realized how dangerous it was,” Martin continued.

Doctors prescribed the girl steroid creams and ointments, which did not give a positive result and the girl’s hand continued to become covered with huge blisters.

Madison was eventually admitted to the hospital's burn unit.

After the operation, the girl was bandaged and transferred to the scar monitoring unit. Now she will have to wear this bandage for at least 6 months to minimize the size of the scars.

THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BELIEVE! The parents were shocked because they didn’t know what they were from. Having learned the truth, the young mother and father were speechless. The point is that this is a consequence...

It's no secret that tattoos can be a very dangerous business, but as it turns out, temporary henna tattoos are also fraught with serious danger. Little girl Madison Gulliver will have monstrous patterned scars on her arm for the rest of her life because of a henna tattoo she got with her mother and brother in Egypt. Here, in fact, they are:

After returning to her homeland, England, the girl began to have a severe allergic reaction and her hand became covered in blisters. As you know, black henna can contain large amounts of paraphenylenediamine, a highly toxic chemical.

Although paraphenylenediamine is also found in many products, such as sunscreens and hair dyes, it is used in very small doses.

At the moment, paraphenylenediamine in henna is recognized as a health problem, since the allergenic chemical often causes negative reactions in hypersensitive children.

Family father Martin said they were on holiday in Egypt with his 43-year-old wife Sylvia, 9-year-old son Sebastian and 7-year-old Madison. Sylvia had to spend a couple of days of her vacation in the hospital due to a gallbladder infection. Upon returning from the hospital, as an encouragement that the children had behaved well, Martin decided to cheer them up by allowing them to get black henna tattoos.

Sebastian immediately complained of a burning sensation, so the tattoo on his arm was immediately washed off with water. Madison began to complain about the tattoo only after returning back to England. “We saw some sores appearing on top of the tattoo, but we didn't see any redness.

The next morning, the tattoo area began to itch very much, and when we washed it with water, we saw redness along the contour of the tattoo,” Martin said.

“Her hand started to blister, so we decided to read about black henna tattoos on the Internet, and that’s when we realized how dangerous it was,” Martin continued.

Doctors prescribed the girl steroid creams and ointments, which did not give a positive result and the girl’s hand continued to become covered with huge blisters.

After the operation, the girl was bandaged and transferred to the scar monitoring unit. Now she will have to wear this bandage for at least 6 months to minimize the size of the scars.

Nine-year-old Madison will have monstrous patterned scars on her arm for the rest of her life from a henna tattoo she got with her mother and brother in Egypt. The family was on holiday in Hurghada. According to the girl's father, his wife Sylvia had to spend several days in the hospital due to a gallbladder infection. Upon returning, as a reward for the fact that the children behaved well, the woman decided to encourage them and offered to get black henna tattoos. From the very beginning of the holiday, children showed great interest in such tattoos.

The girl's younger brother Sebastian immediately complained of a burning sensation, so the tattoos were washed off from his arm. Madison began to complain about the tattoo only after returning back to England.

We saw some sores appear on top of the tattoo, but we didn't see any redness. The next morning, the tattoo site began to itch very much, and when we washed it with water, we saw redness along the contour of the tattoo, says the girl’s father, Martin. “Her hand started to get blistered, so we decided to read about black henna tattoos on the Internet, and only then did we realize how dangerous it is.

As it turns out, black henna can contain large amounts of paraphenylenediamine, a highly toxic chemical. Although paraphenylenediamine is also found in many products, such as sunscreens and hair dyes, it is used in very small doses. At the moment, the addition of paraphenylenediamine to henna is recognized as a health problem, since the allergenic chemical often causes negative reactions in hypersensitive children.

Doctors prescribed the girl steroid creams and ointments, which did not give a positive result and the girl’s hand continued to become covered with huge blisters. Madison was eventually admitted to the hospital's burn unit. Doctors conducted an examination and discovered that the girl had a high PH level, which indicated a chemical burn. Doctors tried to treat the girl’s skin in this condition, but the blisters were so large that treatment could not reach the affected skin underneath. So they had to remove the fluid bubbles first.

After the operation, the girl was bandaged and transferred to the scar monitoring unit. Now she will have to wear this bandage for at least 6 months to minimize the size of the scars.

We sent an email to the hotel, but they were told that there was nothing wrong with henna and that, most likely, the problem lay with our daughter, the parents said. “I then responded to them, sending them a link about the dangers of black henna tattoos and recommending that they talk to their doctor, who was trained in Britain. We don't want compensation, the main thing is Madison's health and minimizing her scarring because we don't want her to grow up with scars that will last her life.

The Huragada hotel later sent a message apologizing to Martin and his family and saying that they were no longer offering henna tattoos to their clients.

Mice are very small and nimble animals, so getting into their homes will not be difficult. Most often, the invasion begins in the fall, with the onset of cold weather, but if the house has all the favorable conditions for their existence, then they can come at any time.

The reason for the penetration and spread of rodents in the house is always the same - unsanitary conditions. They are attracted by leftover food on the floor, table, and garbage that was not taken out on time, but it will also not be difficult for them to open plastic and cardboard boxes with supplies.

The presence of mice can be determined by several signs:

  • strange night noises (squeaking, rustling);
  • chewed packs and bags;
  • musty (mousy) smell;
  • feces on the floor and shelves near food.

Cohabitation with rodents is not only morally unpleasant, but also often life-threatening. Mice are capable of carrying diseases that can be fatal to humans, and the saliva of animals contains microbes that cause severe poisoning. In addition to infections, rodents can bring fleas with them.

In addition, mice can cause a short circuit and, as a result, a fire if the wires are damaged.

Jar and coin how to make a mousetrap

Another version of the device for catching mice from a jar, this time with a button or coin. Just like the previous option, the can will not kill, but will only help catch rodents in a humane way.

The operating principle is more than simple. A button, coin or any washer is used as a support, lifting the jar (can be replaced with a pan or bucket). A strong thread with a hook is tied to the support, a rod is placed inside the container to secure the thread, and bait is placed on the hook. The smell of the treat will attract the mouse to the jar, it will pull the hook, the thread will stretch and drop the washer as a support, as a result of which the rodent will be trapped unharmed.

Using the same principle, a trap can be made from a box, for example, from under a cake. A hole is made in the lid exactly in the middle, where half of the stick with a cotton swab at the end is inserted so that it is outside, and the part without the swab is inside the box with the bait.

Any weight can be placed on the lid of the box; it can prevent the mouse from trying to get out after the trap slams shut. The bait is attached to a stick inside the box, the edge of the lid is lifted and placed on a small support. The rodent will be attracted by the smell of the bait, it will climb into the box, and when it tries to remove the food from the stick, the box with the weight on the lid will close.

Such homemade mousetraps are quite effective, but have one significant drawback - they work once, which means they can catch one mouse.


How to make a bottle trap

The imagination of folk craftsmen goes to such lengths when it comes to plastic containers for liquid products. Catching rodents is not complete without them. A plastic bottle trap can be made in just a few minutes. You can make it from one and a half racks or 2-liter containers. In the absence of the latter, a mouse trap is constructed from a 5-liter bottle. There are several ways to make traps.

Plastic bottle rodent trap

Option #1

The step by step guide is as follows:

  1. Using a utility knife, cut off the neck of the plastic vessel, approximately a third.
  2. Lubricate the cut neck from the inside with any vegetable oil.
  3. Place bait inside the remaining part with the bottom.
  4. Turn the element with the neck over so that it is directed downwards into the structure and secure it with tape or wire.

The mouse, seduced by the aroma of the bait, freely penetrates through the lubricated neck into the trap, but will not be able to get back out. On the part of the neck where the plug is screwed on, you can make several fan-shaped vertical cuts. This will increase the chances of catching a large rodent.

On a note!

To prevent a plastic bottle mousetrap from turning over, a weighting agent is placed on the bottom: stones, a small bag of sand.

Option No. 2

You can catch a mouse in a bottle even easier:

  1. Cut off the top of the container where the narrowing ends.
  2. On the upper edge of the element with the bottom, make cuts 4-5 cm long at intervals of 1.5-2 cm. You will get something like petals that need to be sharpened.
  3. Bend the pointed edges down so that they look at the bottom.
  4. Grease the walls of the trap and place bait on the bottom.

For the convenience of the mouse, small boards are attached to the device. The animal will climb up them without hindrance, get into the vessel, and sharp edges and slippery walls will not allow it to leave.

On a note!

A primitive trap can be easily made by placing bait in a bottle of oil after using the product, slightly cutting off the neck and bending it down.

Option No. 3

This type of trap is slightly different from the previous ones:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle and throw it away. This part will no longer be needed.
  2. In the resulting container, you need to drill two holes and stretch a rope or wire through them, through which the mousetrap will be tied.
  3. Place the bait on the bottom and position the trap so that part of it hangs from the shelf or countertop. Secure the fastening.

As soon as the mouse gets behind the treat, the center of gravity will shift, and the mousetrap will invariably hang with the captive. Catching pests using bottles is quite convenient. The consumables for their manufacture cost nothing, and caught animals can be disposed of along with the trap, which avoids direct contact with them.

A simple trap from a plastic container, manufacturing algorithm

A more than simple, and most importantly humane way to catch rodents at home is to make a trap from a plastic container. To do this you will need the following elements:

  • plastic bottle;
  • thread or rope;
  • bait.

It's easy to build a mousetrap from a plastic bottle. Cut off the neck of the container and make two holes for attaching the thread. Bait is placed in the inside. One part of the thread is tied to a weight or glued to the edge of the table. The container is placed on the table so that most of it hangs from it.

As soon as the mouse comes to the scent of the bait, it will climb into the bottle and gravity will play a role here - the bottle will fall to the floor along with the rodent, hovering above the floor due to the correctly selected length of the thread. The caught prey can be released away from the house without stress for it and the household.

Harm from mice

These pests need to be controlled for several reasons. Firstly, many people are afraid of mice, especially housewives. When mice appear, they panic. In addition, there are a number of factors that are decisive. For example:

  • Damage to household items. They were called rodents for good reason, since they are capable of chewing objects in the house, regardless of the material they are made of. This could be furniture, electrical wires, children's toys, shoes, etc. They especially love foam. If someone has made a renovation and used polystyrene foam as insulation, then you need to be prepared to receive such pests.
  • Possibility of fire. Mice can easily eat the insulation of electrical wires, which can ultimately lead to a short circuit and fire. They can chew the power wires of many electrical appliances, so you need to regularly inspect them to ensure the integrity of the insulation.
  • Presence of pathogenic microorganisms. The saliva of rodents can contain various microorganisms that can cause typhoid, cholera, plague or ordinary poisoning. In addition, mice are carriers of fleas, which prefer to feed on human blood.
  • Rodents spoil food and water. This happens because mice everywhere leave traces of their vital activity in the form of feces, which are saturated with bacteria and viruses. If an animal drinks water from a cup, it can be hazardous to health.
  • Mice leave behind an unpleasant odor. This is a kind of “mouse” smell, which is distinguished by its peculiarity. It is by this that you can determine that there are mice in the house. If it gets absorbed into furniture or some things, it is quite difficult to get rid of it. Some people may experience allergy attacks, which are expressed in the form of vomiting. In any case, this leads to constant discomfort.

Nine-year-old Madison will have monstrous patterned scars on her arm for the rest of her life from a henna tattoo she got with her mother and brother in Egypt. The family was on holiday in Hurghada. According to the girl's father, his wife Sylvia had to spend several days in the hospital due to a gallbladder infection. Upon returning, as a reward for the fact that the children behaved well, the woman decided to encourage them and offered to get black henna tattoos. From the very beginning of the holiday, children showed great interest in such tattoos.

The girl's younger brother Sebastian immediately complained of a burning sensation, so the tattoos were washed off from his arm. Madison began to complain about the tattoo only after returning back to England.

We saw some sores appear on top of the tattoo, but we didn't see any redness. The next morning, the tattoo site began to itch very much, and when we washed it with water, we saw redness along the contour of the tattoo, says the girl’s father, Martin. “Her hand started to get blistered, so we decided to read about black henna tattoos on the Internet, and only then did we realize how dangerous it is.

As it turns out, black henna can contain large amounts of paraphenylenediamine, a highly toxic chemical. Although paraphenylenediamine is also found in many products, such as sunscreens and hair dyes, it is used in very small doses. At the moment, the addition of paraphenylenediamine to henna is recognized as a health problem, since the allergenic chemical often causes negative reactions in hypersensitive children.

Doctors prescribed the girl steroid creams and ointments, which did not give a positive result and the girl’s hand continued to become covered with huge blisters. Madison was eventually admitted to the hospital's burn unit. Doctors conducted an examination and discovered that the girl had a high PH level, which indicated a chemical burn. Doctors tried to treat the girl’s skin in this condition, but the blisters were so large that treatment could not reach the affected skin underneath. So they had to remove the fluid bubbles first.

After the operation, the girl was bandaged and transferred to the scar monitoring unit. Now she will have to wear this bandage for at least 6 months to minimize the size of the scars.

We sent an email to the hotel, but they were told that there was nothing wrong with henna and that, most likely, the problem lay with our daughter, the parents said. “I then responded to them, sending them a link about the dangers of black henna tattoos and recommending that they talk to their doctor, who was trained in Britain. We don't want compensation, the main thing is Madison's health and minimizing her scarring because we don't want her to grow up with scars that will last her life.

The Huragada hotel later sent a message apologizing to Martin and his family and saying that they were no longer offering henna tattoos to their clients.