
Social support for labor veterans. Labor veteran in Russia: main list of benefits Benefits for labor veterans of the Russian Federation in

Breast cancer

If a veteran refuses preferences in favor of monetization, then the cash supplement to pension accruals will be very significant. In addition, purchasing medications yourself makes it possible, in some cases, to save on their cost, or to buy higher-quality analogues. In addition, this measure allows you to have greater freedom when choosing a spa treatment, as well as the opportunity to save money.

What federal benefits will there be for labor veterans in 2019 in Russia?

  • in Moscow, the authorities regularly allocate cash subsidies to veterans from the state budget, the amount of which will be the same as last year - 500 rubles
  • in St. Petersburg, it is possible to receive social cards that provide the right to a discount when traveling on suburban transport;
  • In addition, the authorities regularly provide this category of the population with discounts on the purchase of food products and utility bills, which is a very good help given the current housing and communal services tariffs.

Benefits for labor veterans in 2019

These are all federal benefits for labor veterans in 2019, while their number has not changed compared to the previous year, despite the difficult economic situation. There are also additional regional subsidies, which are established by each subject of the country individually. Most of these preferences are in Moscow and St. Petersburg, since it is here that life is especially expensive, and socially vulnerable segments of the population are at risk of falling below the poverty line. Municipal authorities are trying to provide an acceptable standard of living for labor veterans. Judge for yourself how successful this is:

Get compensation and benefits

Russian pensioners are provided at the state level not only with an old-age pension. Various allowances and benefits are provided individually to everyone depending on their contribution to the working life of the country, and these can also be allowances for disability, length of service and much more. In the article we will tell you about benefits for labor veterans in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in 2019, and we will consider the registration procedure.

What benefits are provided to labor veterans?

Quite often information appears that social benefits and payments for labor veterans will soon be completely eliminated. Therefore, many people who are included in this category of the population are interested in the question of what benefits are provided to labor veterans in 2019.

Benefits for federal labor veterans in 2019: what they are entitled to and how to get them

Free medical care and treatment in medical institutions subsidized from budgets of various levels.

  • Working veterans are entitled to annual leave at any time of the year they choose, as well as unpaid leave without pay for 30 days throughout the year.
  • Free dental prosthetics (materials for prosthetics made of precious metals and metal-ceramics are not paid for) in all types of public medical institutions when a citizen reaches retirement age.
  • The right to free use of any type of ground public transport in all settlements of the Russian Federation (except taxis and minibuses), regardless of place of residence.
  • Preferential travel on intercity and suburban vehicles, regardless of place of residence (except for commercial).
  • Seasonal discount - 50% of the cost of tickets for suburban railway and water transport.
  • Possibility to pay only 50% of the total living space (for communal apartments, living space is calculated based on established social norms, which also apply to family members).
  • 50% subsidy for all types of utilities (applies to families living together).
  • When renting an apartment, partial repayment of the rent is possible.
  • The right to a 50% discount when paying for certain services: radio, television operating from a collective television antenna, subscription fee (regardless of the type of living space).
    • social support related to pension provision, payment of benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • receiving a monthly cash payment;
    • social support related to the provision of housing;
    • compensation for expenses for living quarters and utilities;
    • free travel on public transport (the right does not apply to taxis and private minibuses);
    • free use of public clinics and medical institutions, including the provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care.

    Federal benefits for labor veterans in 2019

    1. You can travel by any type of public transport (note: minibuses and taxis are an exception) absolutely free.
    2. Medical services in state medical institutions are also absolutely free.
    3. Dental prosthetics (a very expensive procedure) - free! But there is one “but” - you will have to pay for the material if the choice is, for example, metal-ceramics.
    4. Vacation at a time convenient for the veteran (note - for working veterans).
    5. Payment for housing and communal services - also with a 50% discount, regardless of the type and location of housing. By the way, this benefit also applies to family members of the veteran living with him or being supported by the veteran.
    6. When living in a private house and there is no central heating service, a veteran is also entitled to a 50% discount on fuel.
    7. Discount on a trip to the sanatorium - 50%.
    8. One-time benefit. Its size depends on the region of residence.
    9. Payment for radio - 50% discount.
    10. Railway tickets - 50% discount. And tickets for water transport are half the price. You can refuse social benefits and receive monetary compensation instead.

    Veteran of labor benefits in St. Petersburg

    The listed categories of persons can use their status at the federal level. Pensioners and citizens who do not have titles of national importance can be noted in a similar way in their region. Each subject of the Russian Federation independently determines the list of titles and the grounds for their award.

    Benefits for federal labor veterans in 2019 latest news

    Veterans of labor include people who are on a well-deserved rest, who have shown their hard work, responsibility and effectiveness at work. The presence of these qualities must be confirmed in writing. This title appeared during the Soviet Union and to this day veterans are provided with special benefits and benefits, regardless of which category of beneficiaries they belong to.

    What benefits are provided to labor veterans in St. Petersburg in 2019

    • payment from the local budget of a certain amount of money, which is made every month;
    • the right to free use of suburban railway transport;
    • benefits for purchasing a travel ticket for traveling within the city on all types of municipal transport;
    • the right to purchase a metro pass. Its cost is equal to one monthly payment from the city budget.

    Benefits, pensions and payments to labor veterans from January 1, 2019

    According to the law, federal benefits are supplemented by regional benefits, the number and set of which can vary greatly depending on the social policy of a particular entity. In practice, you may encounter the following regional benefits for labor veterans:

    Benefits for labor veterans in St. Petersburg for 2019

    • discount on housing and communal services in the amount of 50% of the accruals made. Veterans themselves and their family members can take advantage of the assistance, however, the discount applies only to utilities determined by the state;
    • an employed veteran can take leave from work at any convenient time of the year. Additionally, a citizen can take a vacation for a month at any convenient period, but without saving his salary;
    • the beneficiary has the right to apply to social security for repairs completely free of charge after they reach 80 years of age and with a 50% discount after 70 years of age. The condition for the provision of such a benefit is that the citizen reaches retirement age;
    • free production and installation of dentures. The benefit is also provided only to pensioners and precious metals and metal-ceramics should not be used for the manufacture of structures. Medical care is provided only in state clinics or municipal dentists;
    • Labor veterans are entitled to tax benefits when purchasing residential premises.

    Cash payments and pension supplements to veterans of labor in 2019

    If financial payments are not established at the regional level, then a labor veteran cannot go to court claiming that his rights have been violated. The right of regional authorities to establish benefits, its size and indexation, or to refuse such a measure of social support.

    What benefits are available to labor veterans in 2019?

    • Monthly allowance – 600 rubles;
    • Allowance for paying telephone bills;
    • Free travel in city and suburban transport, except metro and taxi;
    • 50% discounts on the use of Russian Railways and water transport services, as well as certain discounts when purchasing air tickets;
    • Labor veterans must be served out of turn (applies to queues for tickets, medicines, etc.)
    • Free treatment and assistance in medical institutions financed from the state and municipal budgets (“private providers” do not provide services with benefits);
    • Tax deduction of 10,000 rubles when calculating land tax.

    Many years of hard work distinguishes older people like no other.

    Naturally, this category of pensioners deserves special honor and respect, as well as various privileges. And the state is doing quite a lot for this. Over the past few years, a number of preferences have been established to ease the issue of life support for older people.

    Thanks to this, the relatively small size of pensions is largely compensated. At the same time, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the regional standard of living is taken into account, and based on this, the number and size of state benefits for this category of pensioners is established.

    However, veterans are often unaware of many of the benefits they are entitled to or have incomplete information, which prevents them from taking full advantage of their rights and benefits.

    The purpose of this article is to help this category of pensioners understand what privileges they are entitled to at the federal level in 2019. We will also consider the legislative framework for providing benefits to veterans, issues of monetization of preferences, what additional state benefits are available and whether the privileges due to them will be abolished.

    Legislative regulation of the issue

    This honorary title was established in Russia Federal Law dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ.

    Since 2005, the procedure for assigning it has been regulated by regional legislative acts. In agreement with Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5(as amended on July 1, 2013) persons who have orders and medals, honorary titles of Russia or the Soviet Union, as well as various departmental insignia have the right to this title.

    But at the same time, their total work experience must comply with the standards established by law for registration. Also, men with 40 years of experience and women with 35 years of experience can apply for this honorary title, provided that during the Second World War they were minors at the time they began working. The basis for granting established preferences is the assignment of this honorary title and receipt of the corresponding certificate.

    Article 13 of Federal Law No. 5 defines general social protection issues veterans of various categories:

    It is worth noting that this article is declarative in nature. Specifically for Labor Veterans, social support measures are determined by Article 22 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ. Social support measures for labor veterans, as well as citizens equal to them as of December 31, 2004, are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts subjects of the Russian Federation.

    The issues of monetization of preferences for veterans are regulated by Article 122 Federal Law. It examines what benefits and how can be translated into the appropriate amount of money.

    Types of government assistance

    When entering a well-deserved retirement, these persons retain all the rights of members of the labor collective of the company or enterprise in which he worked, and therefore he can apply for improved living conditions, for the use of social institutions, as well as for participation in privatization and in meetings of the company's joint stock company.

    After retirement, a citizen of this category is granted the right to use a number of social benefits. It is noteworthy that if a veteran continues to work, all benefits due after retirement are still provided to him.

    In accordance with regional legislative acts of this category of citizens certain preferences are provided:


    After a labor veteran submits a corresponding application, he will be given a certain monetary supplement to his pension payments.

    This process is called monetization. Moreover, each service has its own monetary equivalent.

    This procedure affects the following types of federal benefits:

    • transport (applies to travel on city transport and commuter trains);
    • Spa treatment;
    • medication provision.

    If a veteran refuses preferences in favor of monetization, then the cash supplement to pension accruals will be very significant. In addition, purchasing medications yourself makes it possible, in some cases, to save on their cost, or to buy higher-quality analogues. In addition, this measure allows you to have greater freedom when choosing a spa treatment, as well as the opportunity to save money.

    Additional features

    As already indicated, benefits for labor veterans are established by the regional authorities of Russia.

    But there is one subtlety here - since the regions and territories of the Russian Federation are authorized to independently decide what benefits will be provided to veterans, some entities provide preferences to pensioners with this status, subject to termination of work.

    Regional authorities independently establish the number and size of privileges for this category of pensioners. Usually this depends on the financial capabilities of the region of the Russian Federation.

    In addition to standard preferences veterans are entitled various :

    Upon payment transport and land taxes veterans are also entitled to preferences. But they are regulated by regional legislative acts.

    Possibility of cancellation

    Recently, rumors have increasingly appeared about the abolition of many benefits for pensioners and, in particular, labor veterans. Of course, this is facilitated by a three-year economic crisis, which is caused mainly by two factors: a significant depreciation of “black gold”, as well as sanctions by Western countries aimed at the main taxpayers - leading Russian companies.

    Many experts emphasize that with further stagnation of the economy, in 2-3 years, officials may significantly reduce preferences not only for pensioners, but also for labor veterans. However, before the start of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2021, one should not expect the abolition of privileges for older people, because this could greatly undermine the position of the current government. In addition, recent protests due to the abolition of benefits for pensioners near Moscow for travel in the capital's surface transport, as well as in some other regions due to the decision of regional authorities to cancel certain preferences for pensioners for travel in municipal transport, show that such decisions only escalate the situation in society.

    Be that as it may, there is currently no reliable information on the abolition of federal benefits for veterans. And although the powers that be are submitting various proposals and draft laws for consideration, there is not a single word in them about cutting these preferences. Only time will tell how events will develop further.

    The rules for providing state support to this category of citizens are described in the following video:

    Title "Veteran of Labor"

    A labor veteran is a citizen who has worked for many years and has been awarded the appropriate regalia by the state.

    For the first time this title was enshrined in Federal Law No. 5FZ “On Veterans”. Before this, in the USSR, there was no title of “Veteran of Labor”, but only a medal “Veteran of Labor”, which was awarded to citizens as moral encouragement. This medal itself did not provide any benefits or privileges.

    In the Russian Federation, after reaching retirement age, labor veterans are entitled to social support measures, various compensations and payments.

    Law on Labor Veterans of the Russian Federation

    When retirement age approaches, many citizens begin to look for reasons why they can be assigned the title of “Veteran of Labor” (See. How to apply for and receive the title of labor veteran? Who is assigned (experience)?). And it’s better at the federal level. And now the treasured crusts have been received. What's next?

    The Law on Labor Veterans in Article 7 establishes that labor veterans include the following categories of citizens:

    • received the title “Veteran of Labor”;
    • awarded an order or medal, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR/RF and having the work experience necessary to grant an old-age or long-service pension;
    • those whose working activity began as a minor during the Second World War, and who have a work experience of 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

    The law also contains an article regarding how federal policy regarding veterans is carried out.

    Firstly, it is planned to create appropriate units in government agencies that would deal with veterans' affairs.

    Secondly, the federal legislator assumes that all the necessary funds for the implementation of social policy regarding veterans will be available at both the federal and regional levels.

    Despite the fact that many entities, due to lack of funding, are curtailing their social programs to support labor veterans, the federal legislator still remains in his firm position. For example, the 50% compensation for utility bills, which is so widely discussed among the masses, is still in effect.

    What benefits does a federal labor veteran have?

    Basic benefits for labor veterans are established at the federal level. Thus, Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” in Article 22 clearly states that the list of benefits is established by the subjects independently.

    But if we summarize the legislation of different regions, we can highlight the following benefits for labor veterans:

    • Free travel on all types of public transport.
    • Payment of 50% of utilities.
    • Providing leave at a time convenient for the veteran.
    • Free production and repair of dentures in public health care institutions (meaning only the service).
    • Free healthcare services, etc.

    What other benefits does a labor veteran enjoy?

    In addition to federal benefits, there are also regional benefits that a veteran can apply for. They are established by regulatory legal acts of a subject of the Russian Federation and are subject to execution exclusively in this subject.

    Benefits for labor veterans in many regions are associated with the provision of old-age (disability) pensions. Therefore, you can often find social benefits in the regions that are assigned to citizens after reaching retirement age.

    Let's look at the example of St. Petersburg, where the following benefits are established for labor veterans of the Russian Federation:

    • Monthly cash payment.
    • Payment for housing in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area of ​​residential premises within the limits of social norms.
    • 50% discount on utility bills, etc.

    The number of benefits for labor veterans depends on the possibilities of regional funding.

    Don't know your rights?

    Supplement to pensions for labor veterans of the Russian Federation

    If a labor veteran receives a labor pension and its amount is below the subsistence level provided for in the region of his residence, then he is entitled to a regional social supplement to the pension.

    In addition, if a labor veteran refuses a set of social services (the so-called monetization of benefits under 122-FZ), then he is entitled to an additional pension in the form of the cash equivalent of these services. But in order to refuse services, you must write a corresponding application to the social protection authorities before October of the current year.

    Subjects of the Russian Federation may establish additional pension supplements for labor veterans. An example of this is Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Let's look at the issue of indexing pensions for pensioners (including those with the title “Veteran of Labor”). In January 2019, insurance pensions were indexed by 7.05%.

    Let's look at this using a monetary example.

    On average, in January 2019, the size of the insurance pension increased by 1,000 rubles. Agree, pension indexation is a pretty good help for labor veterans.

    Tax benefits for labor veterans

    Tax legislation establishes a list of the following benefits for labor veterans:

    1. A pensioner who owns real estate, in accordance with the Law “On Property Taxes for Individuals,” is exempt from property tax.
    2. Part of the income of labor veterans is exempt from personal income tax:
      . pensions and social supplements to them;
      . the amount of financial assistance paid by the former employer (but not more than 4,000 rubles per year);
      . amounts that were spent on paying for sanatorium-resort treatment from one’s own funds.
    3. Transfer of balances of property tax deductions for personal income tax to previous tax periods. A veteran who has confirmed ownership of acquired real estate or land can receive a property deduction for expenses incurred and for the payment of interest on a targeted loan or loan in the amount of 2 million rubles. and 3 million rubles. respectively. Deductions can be obtained for 3 tax periods preceding the period in which the carryover balance of the property deduction was formed.
    4. As for transport and land taxes, they are established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently. Accordingly, benefits for labor veterans can be established by the regulatory legal acts of the subject.

    Benefits for labor veterans in Moscow

    The benefits for veterans in Moscow are as follows:

    • Free travel on public transport.
    • 50% cash compensation for telephone fees.
    • Discount on utility bills of 50% (within social standards).
    • Free travel on commuter rail (previously there was a 50% seasonal discount).
    • Monthly city cash payment (247 rubles), taking into account annual indexation.
    • If there are medical indications - free sanatorium-resort treatment and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment and back (by rail only).

    Monetization of benefits for labor veterans

    Monetization applies only to federal beneficiaries. 3 types of benefits are converted into cash equivalent: transportation, medication and sanatorium-resort treatment.

    At the regional level, the legislator acts differently: in some regions, monetization of benefits is allowed on an application basis, while in others benefits are issued as is.

    The monetization of benefits did not suit all segments of the population.

    On the one hand, carriers in the transport sector, for example, were happy: they finally saw a “real” profit, and not a belated transfer of funds from the budget.

    On the other hand, those citizens who had the right to receive free, scarce medicines now have the money to purchase these medicines on their own.

    But the amount of monetary compensation was small, which upset most of the population.

    However, if a labor veteran refuses benefits in favor of their cash equivalent, this will be a good addition to his pension.

    Thus, if you nevertheless received the title “Veteran of Labor,” you have the right to apply for both federal and regional benefits, allowances and payments. You can find out what benefits you are entitled to at your place of residence from the social security authorities. Federal benefits are scattered across various laws - for example 5-FZ, 122-FZ - and require more careful study.

    From this article you will learn:

      Who is eligible to receive labor veteran status?

      What awards and certificates allow a pensioner to receive a labor veteran?

      What documents are needed to become a labor veteran?

      How to get the title of labor veteran without awards

      What benefits does a labor veteran receive at the federal and regional levels?

    In society, a labor veteran is usually called a person who has worked for the benefit of the state for a long time. Many older people in Russia want to obtain official labor veteran status and the corresponding documents. The fact is that an honorary title gives the right to preferences and benefits at the state level. How to become a labor veteran in 2017? Detailed instructions follow.

    Legislation on how to obtain the title of labor veteran in 2017

    In the USSR, as is known, there was no title of “Veteran of Labor”. There was only a medal that was awarded for many years of conscientious work at specific enterprises and in certain fields of activity. Most often these were workers of collective and state farms, heavy industry and some branches of the civil service. At the same time, it was assumed that the medal did not give any material benefits to a person - only honor and respect in society could be obtained.

    The official title “Veteran of Labor” appeared only in 1995. At the same time, the rules and requirements for granting this status to a person were described. They were included in a separate federal law “On Veterans”. At the same time, it was decided that the recipient, in addition to the medal, could receive financial assistance, as well as regalia in the form of a number of benefits and preferences. According to the state, this was supposed to motivate people to work conscientiously and for many years, to force them to devote more attention and effort to work.

    Today, the regulations for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” are described by Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans” (as amended on January 2, 2000), as amended on December 19, 2016. This law contains norms according to which legal guarantees for the social protection of veterans in Russia are established. The document also describes the conditions that the state provides for a decent life for this category of citizens.

    Who is eligible to receive a labor veteran?

    Not everyone can obtain the status of a labor veteran. Even the “cleanest” work history is sometimes not enough.

    First, let's look at the legal requirements. What are the main points described in it, and what length of experience is required to receive a “Veteran of Labor”? We read the seventh article of the Federal Law “On Veterans” and see that the following can obtain status:

      Holders of the Labor Veteran certificate. We are talking about those who were previously (namely before 06/30/2016) already awarded this medal. These are people whose work (insurance) length of service, taken into account when retiring, was 25 or more years for men, as well as 20 or more years for women (or length of service, which is taken into account when assigning a pension);

      Citizens awarded medals and orders of the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation. Or people who have honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, certificates of honor or gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, departmental insignia for merits in service (labor) and long-term work of 15 or more years in one industry or field and having experience of 20 or more for women, 25 or more more for men or length of service taken into account when retiring;

      Persons who began working during the Great Patriotic War as minors and have a work experience of 40 or more years for men, 35 or more years for women.

    In December 2005, changes were made to the Federal Law “On Veterans”. According to the amendments, the conditions for granting the status of “Veteran of Labor” are regulated at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For example, the Moscow legislative body left the federal document without amendments, but many other regions acted differently - they received the right to make amendments, which they took advantage of. Most often, if we evaluate variations in the law in the regions, the length of service and the list of awards that are necessary to obtain the status change.

    The law, however, is the same. And regardless of in which region a person is granted the status of “Veteran of Labor,” he must receive the benefits and preferences due to him. The state demanded that entities strictly fulfill their obligations even in cases where they intend to curtail social projects and reduce the cost of payments to veterans.

    On what grounds can a labor veteran receive benefits?

    Veteran of Labor Certificate

    In order to enjoy the preferences of a labor veteran, you need to obtain the appropriate certificate. A citizen can obtain it from the executive body whose competence includes these issues.

    Since the labor veteran’s certificate is issued according to a single state model and has federal status, it must be treated properly. If a document is lost, a veteran may, upon application, receive a duplicate at the same institution where the original was received.

    Medal "Veteran of Labor"

    It is interesting that people who received the title “Veteran of Labor” in Soviet times could not even imagine that many years later it would bring them real benefits and benefits.

    This award was given mainly to children who worked during the Great Patriotic War, workers in factories, agriculture, and also to everyone whom they wanted to thank for their many years of work for the benefit of the USSR. Often the title “Veteran of Labor” was awarded to employees who had performed positively at the enterprise and were retiring.

    In post-Soviet times, a symbolic insignia suddenly turned into a basis for receiving a material bonus to a pension. Years later, the medal and certificate of “Veteran of Labor” received during the RSFSR and the USSR became the official basis for conferring this title in the Russian Federation.

    What certificates are needed to obtain a labor veteran's certificate?

    There is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2016, according to which citizens can receive the award of a labor veteran only if the procedure for establishing the insignia is followed. The regulations are also described in this document. It also states that the title “Veteran of Labor” is given only by departments of the Russian Federation.

    Thus, the basis for consideration and issuance of a certificate or medal may be requests from the following executive authorities:

      Federal ministries;

      Archive, tax and other services of the Russian Federation;

      Institutions in the scientific field that can be classified as departmental (if the person continued to work in the relevant organization at the time of receiving the award).

    It is interesting that railway workers who received awards from JSC Russian Railways today cannot count on the status of labor veterans. Although if you have a certificate or gratitude from the railway department of the Soviet Union, you can count on a positive result.

    What awards allow a pensioner to receive a veteran of labor?

    Achievements that may be the basis for issuing a certificate to a veteran are issued by one of the departments:

      Government of the Russian Federation;

      Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

      The head of a federal agency or the head of a ministry;

      Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation;

      Head of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

      State Duma of the Russian Federation.

    But it is worth remembering that not all gratitude, certificates and other awards can become the basis for receiving the title of labor veteran in 2017 in the Russian Federation. According to the current legislation, academic degrees and titles awarded for participation in competitions, exhibitions of national economic achievements are not taken into account. The awards of the Presidium of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union are also invalid.

    When presenting awards to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor,” do not forget that a medal or order is not valid without the appropriate certificate. Only a document can become the basis for a positive decision in your case.

    Often this issue is resolved in court. This, for example, recently happened in Orenburg. The citizen submitted to the authority the sign “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” in order to obtain the status of a labor veteran. He received the award in 1984. However, the claim to the district court remained without a decision in favor of the citizen. The reason for the refusal is that the title “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” cannot be the basis for granting the status “Veteran of Labor”.

    After which a resident of Orenburg appealed to the regional court. And there, on the contrary, they valued the sign of a labor shock worker as a significant reason for assigning a veteran of labor.

    It is worth noting that regions have the right to develop their own lists of awards, the presence of which provides grounds for receiving the title. Usually, the achievements of workers in those industries that are a priority for the economy of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are taken into account. This is exactly what Tatarstan did, which has been using its own list of awards since June 2012.

    What documents are needed to become a labor veteran in 2017?

    Do you want to receive the title of Labor Veteran of the Russian Federation? Then first, collect the documents necessary for the procedure:

      Passport, as well as a copy certified by a notary;

      An application drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the department;

      Pensioner's ID;

      Veteran's ID and a copy certified by notarial authorities;

      Work record book and a copy certified by a notary (you can provide a certificate);

      Insurance number of an individual personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia;

      Certificates corresponding to the declared awards;

      Photo 3x4 cm, 2 pcs.

    But if it is not the citizen himself who is interested in how to get a labor veteran, but another person (a representative of the interested party), then he will also have to bring with him:

      Identity document;

      A receipt or power of attorney for representing the interests of a citizen in the department, signed by an applicant for the title of labor veteran.

    How and where to get a labor veteran's certificate

    You must submit documents to the social welfare service at your place of residence (registration). How is the application completed and how does the process go from start to finish?

    Firstly, you bring all the necessary papers, according to the list approved by the region. For each document (original) there must be a copy certified by a notary. Secondly, write an application asking to be awarded the title of labor veteran (addressed to the head of the social security service department).

    Usually the application is written according to a single template established by local legislation. In Moscow, for example, this is form No. 989-PP. The document is used in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government.

    Thirdly, the social service workers who accepted your documents will draw up a “personal file”. Then it will be considered at a meeting of the commission of the relevant ministry of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. She, in turn, is obliged to check the documents and make a decision within 30 days.

    Fourth, you will receive the final summary of your question by mail (in writing) no more than five days after its acceptance.

    And then there may be two options. The first is that they refuse you and therefore give you all your documents back. The second - you learn about a positive decision, after which a social security employee hands you an administrative act. It already confirms your right to benefits and preferences.

    This document is a “draft” of your labor veteran’s certificate. At this stage, the main thing is to wait until the “crust” is ready.

    How to obtain the title of labor veteran?

    For example, Sidorov A.V. plans to become a labor veteran. Among his awards there is already the Order of the Labor Banner, which he received while working at one of the enterprises of the USSR military-defense complex during the Great Patriotic War.

    In order to receive the title of labor veteran, Sidorov A.V. ID required. The corresponding document may be issued to him based on the results of the assessment of documents by the Ministry of Labor. For this Sidorov A.V. must go to the social security department at the place of registration.

    There he will write an application, leave standard photographs (for identification and personal files), as well as copies of his work record, passport and award sheets.

    Then on Sidorov A.V. a personal file will be opened, which will subsequently be transferred to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. The commission of this department will then make a verdict - whether this citizen can receive the title of labor veteran or not. The time frame for making a decision depends on where the application was submitted. But in general it should not exceed 1 month.

    Afterwards, when the personal file is reviewed by the commission, the decision will be sent to the district social protection department. And there the prepared certificate will be waiting for its owner. Sidorova A.V. will notify you that the document is ready in writing - by mail.

    After this, he will only need to go to the social security department and receive a labor veteran’s certificate.

    Some features of how to obtain the title of labor veteran

    It is important to know about some features of obtaining the title. Only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to the status of labor veteran. If you do not have citizenship, then even with extensive work experience you cannot count on any preferences or benefits.

    And by the way, even if you apply for Russian citizenship, your extensive work experience may not be taken into account when making a decision. The Ministry of Labor Commission will take into account your work experience abroad only if you worked in countries in which an agreement is valid under the CIS Agreement.

    As you know, you can retire earlier than the period specified by law (55 years for women and 60 for men). Accordingly, you can receive the title of labor veteran when you already have pension accruals. You can determine whether you have the right to retire early using Federal Law No. 400. It contains lists of professions No. 1 and No. 2, taking into account industries whose employees can count on long service and earlier retirement.

    How to get the title of labor veteran without awards?

    You can count on the status of a labor veteran, including in cases where the pensioner does not have the necessary awards and achievements.

    There are two options:

    1. In regions where local legislation has abolished the requirement for awards when receiving the title of labor veteran.

    2. If you started working in the period from 1939 to 1945, as described in Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”. According to this article, it is necessary that this applicant as a whole work:

      at least 40 years old for men;

      at least 35 years for women.

    An important point: citizens who indicate the start of work in the period 1939-1945 must prove that their work activity was not carried out in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union.

    If none of the above options suits you to receive the title of labor veteran, you can go to court.

    What benefits does a Labor Veteran receive at the federal level in 2017?

    There are a number of mandatory preferences and benefits that are dictated by Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”. They can be divided into two groups:

      State - they are provided in all cases when receiving a title;

      Regional - approved by the relevant laws in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    What's included in the list federal veteran's benefits:

    1.Improving living conditions. The corresponding project started in 2002. These benefits are most often established at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In the regions, older people most often need new housing, and resettlement programs are being implemented extremely slowly. At the moment, judging by open sources, only 60% of the points in this program can be considered fulfilled.

    2.Providing free medical services. Municipal health care institutions are obliged to treat labor veterans regardless of any circumstances. The state does not yet plan to reduce expenses under this item, so the benefit still remains in demand and well-funded.

    3.Providing discounts on utility bills. We are talking about savings of 50%. In order to receive this benefit, a labor veteran is required to bring an application to the social security office at his place of residence. Labor veterans throughout Russia can count on compensation.

    4.Opportunity to take an extraordinary vacation. Veteran workers who continue to work while taking time off do not have to worry about the position being filled. No, it remains for the duration of his stay on vacation, which means that after the rest period the pensioner can continue to work.

    5.Payment of compensation for the purchase of medicines. In this case, a mandatory condition is that the labor veteran has a doctor’s prescription in his hands. In this case, a pensioner who needs to buy drugs can contact a social pharmacy.

    6.Free dental prosthetics and denture repairs. In general, all labor veterans who wish can get new teeth. But only if we are not talking about prostheses made of expensive materials, including gold or platinum. A veteran can buy such prostheses at his own expense.

    7.Free travel in city and suburban transport. At the same time, you can not pay for travel not only on buses, but also on ships and electric trains.

    Anyone who has the title of labor veteran can receive benefits at the federal level. Even if you were granted status only within the framework of regional legislation.

    Compensations and benefits for labor veterans are provided in the form of discounts and cash subsidies, as well as in the form of tax reductions. So, there is a list of preferential fees for those pensioners who continue to work:

      No property tax. Veterans of labor are exempt from paying this fee on any type of existing real estate - from an apartment to a summer cottage. Considering that at the moment the volume of taxation on property is steadily increasing, the benefit is one of the most important for a pensioner.

      Exemption from personal income tax on pensions received and other payments, including from the employer. But this benefit is applied in a limited format. The main requirement is that subsidies should not exceed 4,000 rubles per year.

      Regions have the right to independently provide benefits for transport and land taxes. In some regions of the Russian Federation, labor veterans do not contribute funds for the use of a car or land plot. In each such region, benefits are established differently.

      Tax deduction for large purchases. It can be obtained by all labor veterans who plan to purchase something expensive.

    All specified preferences and benefits are presented if the pensioner has a labor veteran’s certificate. In many cases, providing them requires writing a corresponding application.

    You can find out more about the possibility of receiving benefits and concessions at any tax office in your city.

    In cases where, for unclear reasons, a labor veteran cannot receive benefits, the issue is resolved by filing a claim in court. There are many precedents of this kind. And, judging by practice, most often the court sides with the veteran plaintiff.

    What benefits does a Labor Veteran receive at the regional level?

    The number and composition of benefits that labor veterans may have varies in accordance with federal and regional legislation. The latter often depends on the social and budgetary policies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Each of the Russian regions has a Regulation on Labor Veterans (or another similar document). You can obtain it for review at any social security office or on the website of the regional legislative body.

    The Regulations on Labor Veterans describe the rules for conferring a title on a person, and also list the benefits and preferences that this person can take advantage of. At the same time, benefits are discussed in detail in individual relevant regulations and are applied exclusively in the region in which they were adopted.

    The composition and number of benefits in the regional list are formed in accordance with the requirements of the financial policy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Thus, depending on budgetary capabilities, regions can provide the following privileges:

      Pension supplement. As a rule, it is provided monthly and indexed in accordance with general legal requirements.

      Subsidies from the regional budget - in cases where there are no federal contributions.

      Funds for medicines.

      Social cards. They provide discounts on the purchase of food products, including dairy products, stewed meat and eggs, poultry, bakery products, etc.

      Discount on fares on water, rail and road transport for the spring-summer period (on suburban routes).

      Tax benefits (most often they relate to property tax breaks).

    In each region, special bonuses are provided for labor veterans. For example, in the Moscow region there is a 50% discount on travel on water suburban transport. At the same time, judging by the statements of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, labor veterans will not pay apartment taxes in 2017. It was decided to exempt them from paying these fees.

    What benefits does a labor veteran receive in certain regions of the Russian Federation:

    IN Moscow and Moscow region Labor veterans can count on:

      Material payments from the city on a monthly basis. The amount is indexed annually.

      Free treatment in a sanatorium. In addition, compensation is provided for travel to it from your place of residence and back.

      No fares for any type of urban and suburban transport.

      50% discount on utilities and housing and communal services costs; in 2017, compensation for electricity and major repairs was added to them. Moreover, the benefit is provided in the form of the return of part of the funds already paid in cash to the hands of the labor veteran. Or he can receive the money into his personal bank account.

    Saint Petersburg provides the following bonuses:

      Monthly pension supplement from the city municipality;

      Payment of 50% for housing and communal services, plus electricity in 2017;

      A labor veteran's monthly free pass for public transport.

    Ufa offers labor veterans the following benefits:

      Monthly indexed supplement to the main part of the pension from the city;

      Compensation for payment for housing and communal services in the amount of 50% of charges per person;

      Free treatment and rehabilitation in dispensaries and sanatoriums;

      Possibility of priority position in the lists of cooperatives;

      The right to free treatment and attachment to the clinic in which the labor veteran was treated and examined during work;

      Monthly payments from the city to caregivers of elderly people over the age of 80.

    Novosibirsk at the legislative level prescribed the following preferences that labor veterans are guaranteed to receive:

      Monthly pension supplement in the amount of 358.45 rubles;

      For those living below the poverty line, financial assistance in the amount of 597.43 rubles is provided;

      Half-price ticket for labor veterans using suburban rail and water transport;

      For those who use public transport, a social card is provided (with a limit and unlimited number of trips).

    Kazan offers the following benefits:

      Reimbursement of rent costs in the amount of 50%;

      Free treatment and preventive stay in sanatoriums and dispensaries for persons whose income does not exceed four times the subsistence level of Tatarstan;

      Payments and discounts for those wishing to undergo prosthetics in a dental clinic.

    Nizhny Novgorod introduced the following benefits in accordance with local legislation:

      Monthly bonus of 508 rubles;

      If there are dependent family members, compensation is half the amount of rent according to the social norm for the corresponding area of ​​housing;

      Every three months fuel payment in the amount of 591 rubles;

      Preferential rehabilitation in local special institutions.

    Rostov-on-Don provides labor veterans with:

      Free dental prosthetics, as well as denture repairs;

      A single special travel card for free use of public transport;

      50% discount on costs for telephone communications, television and radio devices;

      A benefit in the amount of half the amount for paying for housing and communal services.

    How much does a labor veteran earn in various regions of the Russian Federation?

    Most often, regions provide cash payments to labor veterans. They are monthly accruals and are indexed in accordance with federal legislation.

    What types of cash payments are there:

      In some regions, the principle of monetization of benefits is used. For example, the possibility of free travel on public transport is often replaced by additional monetary payments - compensation in cash equivalent;

      Often regional authorities pay subsidies - bonuses to the standard pension amount. Their size may vary (depending on the subject of the Russian Federation). The largest allowance is allocated from the budget in the Perm region. There, a labor veteran can count on an additional monthly bonus of 5,000 rubles.

    At the same time, in other regions the amounts look more modest: Samara - 500-900 rubles (depending on the age and length of service of the labor veteran), Sverdlovsk region - 600 rubles, Leningrad region - 550, Moscow - 500, Novosibirsk region - 180, Krasnodar region - 500.

    None of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation canceled these allowances. Moreover, not a single region plans to abolish any of the existing benefits for labor veterans. Most likely, they will be able to receive them in 2018. The reason is simple: there are fewer and fewer recipients of these benefits from year to year.

    What benefits for labor veterans were canceled in 2017

    In 2016, some media reported a possible reduction in funding for state assistance programs for categories of people in need, including labor veterans.

    For example, it was stated that if a pensioner continues to work, then his pension accruals will not be indexed. The same applies to working people whose income exceeds 500 thousand rubles per year.

    The calculation was described as follows: for these categories, pension indexation will be no more than 4%, for non-working veterans of labor - 12% (in two stages, once every six months).

    Quite logically, statements of this kind led to rallies and protests among the population. One of them, for example, took place in February 2016 in Samara.

    Background: the day before, January 31, the local legislative body amended the regional law. According to the changes, veterans of labor and the Great Patriotic War, as well as pensioners with an income above 19.5 thousand rubles per month (2.5 times the subsistence level in the region), were excluded from the list of people receiving cash payments every month. The amendments were supposed to come into force in March 2016.