
The result is formed unadapted to life. See what "unadapted to life" is in other dictionaries. A guide for those striving for monastic life. Different types of feat of celibate life. Patient waiting and home preparation for the monastic


With the love of the first grids of consciousness, we touch all the Forces that work tirelessly to reveal the One Heart of all mankind. Even when a person thinks that he harms, divides, slanders, criticizes - he acts for the benefit of the Plan of the One Primordial Self of everyone. How? It so happens that when you have merged in the torroidal powerful forces with the First Projection, everything serves. The magnetic fields of the Force instantly melt all "attacks" into light in multiplied quantities. Let's take a look at these two images, kindly provided to us by a person who unknowingly helps us a lot. And not him, but all those who stand behind him and behind all people. To whom to us? A single interdimensional projection of Paradise, which unfolds its fields of New Life on this Planet. Rolling up the old grids, taking away low-vibration entities and unfolding new golden grids, strengthening the Magnetic Force to the carriers of HIS consciousness. So, Beloved, let's start with the second image. If we finish drawing the angles of refraction of the rays, unfolding the scroll of this frequency, then we will see the crystal lattice of the consciousness of salt. It is easier to say in the reflection of 2D, then we will see equal squares. These are memory cells that form an electromagnetic field. This is MEMORY, frequency 1d2, where the division occurs in equal parts. In the 8k8 formation, this memory gives the person's memory codons. On these platforms, electrical pyramids of consciousness are built, which retain energy for the vibration of the frequency/characteristic that is written in the codons of a person's memory. That is, KARMA. Since there is an equal division, the energy is always closed. So people wander around vicious circle linear thinking, reasoning with logic and intelligence. Thus, playing only the scenario that is registered in his memory cells. In fact, this is a reflection of the Pyramidal Station, which controls the human consciousness. This is the Scroll that is located in the spinal column of every person (in the real world). The person himself is not able to change the records of these codes. In the new time, there is a process of transition from the old grids of consciousness (memory/time) to the new ones, where the Superman of the new time will have all 64 memory codons lit by the solar primordial energy of Love. But how will this happen if the energy is locked under the pyramids of memory cells? To answer this question, we pay attention to the first image, which is the frequency converter of the new time. Why? Because its frequency is equal to the frequency of the pineal gland and it constantly expands it to the awareness of the Superconsciousness. In this case, the frequency is 1k0. That is Quantum. If we carefully look at this picture (drawing), we will see that inside it there is the same picture as in the second image. THAT IS THE SECOND IMAGE IS ONLY A PART OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSE. Let's continue... If we look at the angles of reflection, we will see the PRIMARY lattice of consciousness, where the original particle of matter is indivisible. We will talk about this in more detail at the third level of consciousness of the "Golden Genome", because only the superconsciousness, which is not limited by memory pyramids, can see this (and not reason logically with the mind limited by the memory of human consciousness frequency cells). As it was transmitted by the Heavenly Family: "Only God (superconsciousness) can see this, it is useless to explain to a person. This must not be KNOWED, but SEE with the true vision of one who is not limited by the human body." So, on the first image we see the MOVEMENT of a quantum in a fractal, not closed. Here we see the union of the Sun and the Moon - the sign of the Sphinx - Unity. The frequency converter depicted in this drawing transmits the energy of the PURE ether and spins it in the whirlwind of the New Time. This is a complete absolute reflection of the Universe. When we consider this scheme (it can be viewed in many aspects and dimensions, watch the film "Secrets of the Universe" on our channel), then we see the Movement of energies, the unlimited transmission of the frequency of the first grid. That is, (ATTENTION) the first image (the frequency developed in 3D-9D) is the SHIP for the second image (Memory/Consciousness). This Ship in constant motion, not closed, transfers the memory/consciousness of people to the first initial stations of Life. This chastotnik is rightly called the GRAIL, because when its fields of consciousness are turned on, it is synchronous with the Superconsciousness of the frequency of the pineal gland. This field of consciousness is an exact reflection of the field of consciousness of the Superman of the new time. Each inhabitant of the New Earth will become the Living Grail, the carrier of quantum consciousness, which will control the memory itself. And not a single memory (pyramids of consciousness) to them (as it is shown in the second image, as a torn fragment. Therefore, duality: memory is torn off from the divine lattice of consciousness, from the Ship that constantly transfers - the perfect Merkabah of the Source - Merkabah). Don't limit or limit, interact with Pure Ether and it will show you much more. There is no good or bad picture here, there is no black or white here, it is one and the same: small in big. In the first image, the entire reflection is in its entirety, in the second, part of it. And together it is ONE ESSENCE - Essence - SPIRIT. In the first reflection, it is manifested in the Unity (the SINGLE QUANT - INDIVIBLE, as the religions of FATHER-MOTHER-SON say), in the second fragment, it begins to multiply itself along the quantum field-memory, sow the seeds and reflect in multidimensionality. When unfolding these two scrolls, we will see different grids of consciousness. On the second, as I wrote earlier: this is the crystalline structure of salt (memory), on which a person was created, all his parts were collected from here. In the first image, the Crystalline grid of primordial matter (we will reveal its image at the 3rd level of the "Golden Genome") is the grid of GOD, where the seeds of the Divine Fruits are sown. And the task of a person is to push off and rise, and the fuel is the Toroidal Force of Love. Don't waste time arguing, people have very little time left. Immerse yourself in the world of true reality, where there is no war, strife, disputes, but everything is one and EVERYTHING SERVES. Like these two beautiful Pictures of the Universe and the Perfect Memory of Cells. WE LOVE EVERYONE AND THE WHOLE WITH THE HEART OF THE UNIVERSE.

I tried to be shorter, but it didn't work. It got very confusing.
I am 22 years old. I'm completely unprepared for life. I am a sociophobe, I can’t take a punch, I can’t speak on equal terms with people. It seems to me that everyone around is better than me. I immediately shy away when people touch on some topics that are sore for me. I feel very vulnerable. As my doctor once figuratively said, "You have, how to say, no skin."
Due to constant neurosis (and generally poor health), I constantly feel some kind of ailment. I often skip college. How can I find a job if I spend several days just to recover? I don’t know what this state is called (maybe derealization), but some kind of mask is imposed on the world. Something like this feeling can come after watching a movie in which main character walks around the industrial zone under a cloud-covered sky and a feeling of hopelessness reigns in everything. It becomes very scary. Usually, in this case, I take trusted books about the countryside and cheerful peasants and try to kill this feeling. If at this time I go somewhere, then the unreal world will fall on me and I will have a panic attack. By the way, these "influxes" were from early childhood. I called them "feelings from nature" because they arose from impressions associated with the state of nature and the weather.
I am tormented, gnawed by the fear that such a situation will happen to me: in the future I work somewhere at a low-paid, low-paid job (and this is likely to be the case), there is enough money for what I need. Live alone. I'm starting to feel really bad. I go to the doctor, and he tells me: "You have cancer (or something equally serious), you need to be treated. The treatment is expensive and will be very difficult." And I have no money for treatment and there is no one who could support me psychologically. One can only come home and (lie down to die? commit suicide so as not to experience more later severe pain? I'm more than anything afraid of physical pain).
Human support is a different story. Super pride in me is combined with utter helplessness. It is very difficult for me to accept someone's help. Once they told me: "fortunately, you are a woman, so there is an option to find a life partner and rely on him in everything." No. This will drop my self-esteem below the baseboard and add to the neurosis (which, I'm sure, will grow on the fear of losing a "companion") severe depression. And in general it is opposite somehow. I would like not to find someone to cling to, but to become strong and independent.
It was always necessary to be alone from time to time. Partly it's temperament - very similar to my dad, but he has it in a much lighter form. Even if I really like the person with whom I communicate, communication exhausts me and sooner or later it happens that I stop experiencing any emotions and react to everything using logic, that is, something like this: "so, he said bad things about my mom. I should probably get angry and say something like "Hey, don't you dare say bad things about my mom" and raise your voice like that at the end of the sentence and frown your eyebrows." But I don't feel anything. Later, a "waste" from prolonged communication begins, in the form of exacerbations of the above-mentioned neurosis.
If we continue the theme of love, then ideal option for me there would be a person who does not require living together, and consonant to meet when I want it. At the same time, he needs to believe that I love him (it will be true) and, of course, he must love me. I have no plans to start a family. And I strongly feel that I will never want to have children. I dream of living in countryside, have a vegetable garden, flower garden and chickens. Few events, seasons. That would be ideal, but of course it will never be like that.

In general, contact with reality is hard to endure. Mentally I try to put on the world the same mask, only not disturbing, but pleasant. But she pulls off very easily.

I don't see any career prospects for myself. I won’t be able to work in my profession for some reason (and in addition, I hate my profession and I’m getting a diploma so that when I’m hired for a low-paid, non-prestigious job, I can say “I have a tower” and have an advantage over competitors).

I'm already freaking out with worries about the future.

I finally went crazy.
I am completely stupid and unadapted to life.
An ex came to me, whom I still love very much. He said that he decided to be with me .. But ..
He used me, and then he said that he loves another .. and I'm only for sex, and that I'm more beautiful than the one he loves (but she won't be with him) ... that's why we can only have sex.
I'm selfish, and I understand that, but... not on his level. And, I realized that if I do not behave selfishly, then I will never get anything, because no one needs me.
I suffer from a mental disorder - OCD.
That is, intrusive thoughts. I want to focus on other thoughts, but my obsessions interrupt them. It's hard for me to concentrate.
+ I have no one, absolutely.
I'm 18.
I live only with my mother, who constantly yells at me that I'm so useless and stupid.
I... I don't even know why I'm writing.
I understand that no one cares about me, about the text. But. I really want to say everything. I have no one to say this to, absolutely no one. In general.
Also, I decided that if I don’t achieve something in my studies (and it’s difficult with OCD), then I won’t live ..
I'm not worth anything anyway. And here's more.
SO, if nothing comes of it here, then there is no point in living.
I don't believe in love, I don't believe in friendship either.
Lonely all my life.. too.
Do not say that all this will be, and so on, it is difficult to dissuade.
I have a mental disorder, because of which I cannot even study normally (and this is the only thing that interests me). I'll be completely bio-garbage.
I can't do anything.
I even wanted to somehow erase my memory ... so that this annoying thought would not come to me.
I'm going crazy. I've been single for a very long time.
I understand that everyone does not care, but maybe you are at least bored, and you decide to give at least some opinion on this text. It is advisable not to console with lies. If there are a lot of mistakes, then say a stupid fool who does not know Russian.
Forced to face the truth.
Because everyone lies, but please, not now.
Tell me, how to live stupid, absolutely unadapted to life, a person? Or, it is worth dying, because the weak will die. I'm just another biotrash...

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Katya, age: 18 / 27.11.2017


Hello, Katya. I really sympathize with you. I don’t know how your OCD is being treated, but maybe you should contact a competent specialist. And of course, believe, believe in God, Who loves you, Who cares about you. Ask Christ for help, open your heart to Him every day, your anxieties, thoughts. Katya, I know a girl who, thanks to the Lord, got out of such an abyss. Also a mental illness, she was in psychiatry several times. She completely devalued herself, she thought that there was no future. read psalm 22 The Lord is my shepherd. I don’t know how, but by God’s Grace it dawned on her how much God loves her, that Jesus Christ is the Shepherd, Who keeps her and feeds her soul. A year has passed after the hospital. I called her to find out how she was doing. Things are just Thank God! Soon she will become a mother, she graduated with honors from the university, managed to work (now on maternity leave). She feels very good. She also helps her husband in business as an accountant. my life is over, I even wanted to kill myself... Katya, don't give up! Pray to the Lord and look for a good doctor. All the best to you! LIVE! DO NOT GIVE UP!

Inga, age: 42 / 27.11.2017

Hi Katia.
All my life I live with the idea that every person is precious, and you are no exception. In fact, if you started looking for help, you would realize that people don't give a damn. They are often much better than you think. You just need support.
What is OCD - I know perfectly well. These are thoughts or actions that eat away the brain so that you want to kill yourself immediately. Guessed? Of course, because she herself was treated for this. So you also need to be treated, otherwise you won’t let go.
You need a good psychiatrist and psychologist. Maybe even a neurologist. Here is a team that can pull you out of this state.
And yes, you urgently need a friend. Whether you believe in friendship or not, it helps. How to get it is up to you. It takes trust and effort on your part.
As for the guy, you don't need one. You definitely deserve better. A self-respecting man would never allow himself to say such offensive words to a woman.
So it's better not to have anything to do with him.
I really hope that your life will improve and that you will be able to recover.
Happiness to you.

Natalie , age: 21/27.11.2017

Hello Katya. I also have obsessions and I understand you perfectly. I went to a psychologist and this moment I'm working with this. I found a psychologist who really helped me. You can't list experts here. At the moment, there are techniques that really help to quickly and effectively get rid of obsessions. And as for your young man... It's up to you to decide whether such a relationship suits you. If you don't want relationships that lead to nothing but disappointment, then probably nothing will happen. You never know what this young man decided. Not everything depends on his decisions. I think it would be right to refuse him decisively. At least for educational purposes. Let him first figure out who he really needs. In the meantime, look for another while he understands.

Eleonora, age: 30 / 27.11.2017

Katya, hello! I sympathize with you. Just don’t despair, don’t wind yourself up like that. It’s good that you wrote here. You can still fight OCD. Read about your problem on the Internet, watch the movie "OCD project." When did it start for you “It would be very good if you could realize the reason. But even if it doesn’t work out, you don’t need to be upset. I understand that it’s very difficult to fight with your thoughts. But it’s still possible. from the Lord) He will definitely help you overcome all this, because he loves you very much) At least try, prayer helps to survive many difficulties in life) Try not to move away from your mother. If you make an effort, then the "ice" in your relationship will melt. She she loves you. And if she screams, then either she shows her concern for you, or this is an indicator that she, too, has something wrong in her life.
read here) You shouldn’t treat yourself so badly. You don’t have to know everything in this life, don’t demand too much from yourself. I understand that it’s hard for you now to believe that you can have family and friends. But still, you can’t lose hope .Sometimes friends appear in life unexpectedly. Most importantly, try to understand yourself, and everything else will follow)
Don't call yourself a bio-garbage, you just need to carefully look into yourself to see your abilities. And if you don't know how to do something, then there is still time to learn, if only you had a desire)
Read about the meaning of life here
Katya, you are still not alone, even if you feel like that. You still have loved ones and many people are ready to help you) And most importantly, there is God, He is always with you) The Lord created you a wonderful person and He wants you to you were happy) Turn to Him more often, and everything will start to get better) You can also try to chat with a psychologist online about what is bothering you. And you can also ask the Lord for help) God created you a wonderful person, He loves you very much and never will not leave) Ask Him for help more often and it will become easier for you) I wish you finding the meaning of life, more patience and strength, good family relationships, academic success, good health, always good mood, happiness, more love, joy and peace in life and all the best! Hold on, God will help you! Guardian Angel to you!

Anastasia, age: 19/28/11/2017

Hello. Katyusha, dear, you are so young, dear, good girl why do you need some guy who just uses?! Why is his decision important to you?! Yes, he has hormones, like many boys his age, but I'm sure that you want a husband, kids, a normal family, not scheduled sex. Definitely break off this relationship, and plunge into your studies. No matter how difficult it is, everything will be fine, you can handle it. Health to you! Take care of yourself.

Irina, age: 29 / 28.11.2017

Hello Katyusha. I myself have a mental disorder, but a little different than yours. I can imagine how difficult it is to live with such a disease. Before my illness, I was an excellent student, and after several years of illness, I realized that it would be very difficult for me to study now. You write well and competently. Don't beat yourself up. Every born person deserves to live on our planet, regardless of whether he is healthy or not. Now a lot of people are sick, especially children. As the saints say end times people will be saved by sorrows. We will all die, and not because we are weak, but because that is how we are made, we are mortal. And only the Lord can decide for us when we die. Suicide is a great sin. About the guy - he is not a couple for you, stop all relationships with him. Trust me. Try to make friends - you can find them in the temple, there are youth meetings at the temples where you can meet good people, find support. You can still talk with the priest, come to any temple you like and ask the priest to talk to you, tell us about your thoughts. He will also tell you how to be. Guardian Angel for you. Well done for posting here!

Tatyana, age: 30 / 29.11.2017

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The most important

Get rid of fear and anxiety

Overcoming fears through social positivity

Fear, anxiety increase in a person if he generally feels wrong, bad, unpromising. If he unconsciously expects that he can be condemned, caught on wrong, on failure. And our psyche is so arranged that it is not afraid of any accusation, but only of the one for which, as it seems to it, there are grounds. If you ask a professor of mathematics: “Did you even study the multiplication table?”, he will smile and say: “You know, I must have been ill in that quarter.” If you say this to a loser, he will go red spots.

Psychologists say that in order to live fully, a person needs to take the position of a chameleon, i.e. learn to change color depending on the situation and live with it. However, in practice this is not so easy to do. Moreover, there are a lot of situations when a person has to adapt to a new style and course of life.

So, for example, women have to adapt to new circumstances for themselves when they have a child. Moreover, the usual way of life is changing so dramatically that many ladies begin to become depressed. The results of it, as psychologists say, can be simply terrifying - some mothers even throw their newborn babies out the windows, unable to withstand the stress. To prevent such situations from happening, ladies need to prepare themselves for motherhood in advance: try to think over their schedule, discuss with their husband who and in what volumes will help the young mother at first, and many other everyday nuances. Of course, things don't always go as planned. But still, having a plan makes it easier for the mother to adapt to the changes that have taken place in the family.

It is also necessary to adapt to new circumstances of life in case of moving to another house, city, country. In each situation, there is a break in patterns, a person parted with the familiar and established world, relatives, friends. It is easier to accept the situation and temporary loneliness for those who consciously took such a step and have an easy character. If a person does not have ease in communicating with strangers for him, it will be a little more difficult for him. However, it is necessary to work with yourself and to begin with, at least through force, try to force yourself to go out into the world. So, for example, it is worth making a plan of interesting places in the city that you would like to visit (in large cities, this is, of course, easier to do), and start your walks. So you can spend time interestingly, and learn more about the place where you moved, and, possibly, find new friends of interest.

If a person changes jobs, it also becomes stressful for him. After all, again you have to adapt to life with other habits, customs and customs. Here, there is only one recommendation for establishing contact and better adapting to new conditions - to attend all work events - corporate parties, joint trips with colleagues to bowling, outdoors, etc. All this helps to quickly join the team.

In addition, there are also a number general recommendations which should help a person to get settled in life easier. So, for example, when you find yourself in a new situation or on the edge of an abyss, you should switch to slow mode, i.e. start doing all things sequentially, not grabbing everything in a row. So in life there will be order and stability. In addition, slowness and systematization of your life processes will help save the energy that may be needed in the future for great accomplishments. However, despite the regularity, you need to be mentally prepared to use your accumulated energy on occasion, and do it quite brightly and violently.

The rational distribution of one's forces contributes to a faster and painless merging with one's life. And that is exactly what you need to strive for.

Today I continue to tell you about the features of each of the personality disorders. And today I will tell you about dependent personality disorder.

If sociopaths are our stray dogs, people with schizoid personality disorder are snarky thorns and hedgehogs who put out their thorns, then a person with a dependent personality disorder will be a cow that has squatted on the ice, so her legs are in different sides all went and you pull here and there, back and forth, but she still does not move.

People with dependent personality disorder are people who are dependent on the help of other people. These are extremely dependent, unadapted to life, absolutely helpless, who always want to lean on someone, who always go with someone, who don’t go anywhere alone at all, who are necessarily supported by their loved ones for money, who either do not work at all on their own and they do not know how to earn money, who do not know how to move around the city at all.

Very often, these people also have comorbidities such as agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, in general hypochondria, by the way, which was in the Wolfman, which belongs to a dependent personality disorder.

What is its origin? These are people who arose as a result of overprotection, that is, excessive control, their parents did everything for them in childhood, they, roughly speaking, were blown in the ass, they were never allowed to deal with stress, they agreed at school so that they would not give up, did not participate in any matinees, that is, they were created mega-hothouse conditions all their lives and they completely grew up dependent, unadapted and completely unable to cope with life's difficulties and absolutely ordinary situations. And probably it will seem to some of you that wow, damn it, how cool, I also want to be a person with a dependent personality disorder, to be supported, they gave me money, so that they do everything for me, so that they take me through the streets or take me in a car , that would be great! At the end of the video, I'll tell you why it's not cool and why it's terrible.

Dependent personality disorder - these are people who are very difficult in psychotherapy because they are often confused with neurotics due to the high level of their intelligence, the high level of their emotional experiences, and Freud stepped on the same rake. Here is his most famous client, the Wolf Man, this is Sergey Pankeev, just a man who had a dependent personality disorder, he was supported by a very rich dad, he and his mother were completely unable to earn money on their own. And after dad died, Pankeev began to have anxiety, all kinds of problems. He didn’t know how to make decisions in life at all, he didn’t know who to marry, who not to marry, what he should do in life in general, naturally he didn’t know how to make money, that is, he was essentially nobody, but at the same time he was a very intellectually developed young man and he had anxiety, and he had just hypochondria. He was already like all the psychoanalysts in his life and no one helped him, because everyone treated him as a neurotic, they analyzed something, sorted out some psychological conflicts from the past. They have psychological conflicts there are none and it is absolutely useless to analyze it all. You analyze at least 10 years, analyze at least 15 years, nothing will change. Therapy with them should be built in a completely different way.

There are 3 main basic principles on which this psychotherapy should be built: first we teach them the skill of resilience. That is, because they lack the power of a calming introject, they are afraid to break away, roughly speaking, from their mother and go into this free swimming.

Secondly we must pay attention to our responses. And just from this category of people, the most typical response is that they are wildly enraged. This is the kind of person who comes to a session and thinks, fir-trees, but you got it, stop whining already! Yes, you go do it, I told you! And somehow shove right under the ass. And in this case, our responses can be divided into countertransference and a complimentary response of the transference object - that is, when we feel like the parent of this person in the past. If we follow this response, we will re-traumatize the client. And there is an evolutionary response - this is how you should behave with him correctly, it reflects the evolutionary needs of the client, and in this case, their evolutionary need is not to be helped, although they have already formed a dependence on the help of other people, and therefore they literally practically beg and fish, and fish for this help, but in this case it is necessary to say “no, stop, that's enough”, to refuse help and send them - this will be precisely an evolutionary response. That is what can help them. If you have such a friend whom you constantly have to take somewhere, take from somewhere, lend him money, help him in something, and you do it, then you are doing him a disservice. It is precisely such relationships that will never contribute to his independence.

Well third component treatment is a challenge to the basic deep-seated beliefs that this person has formed - about himself, about the world around him and about other people. A. Beck, in his book Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders, described very well just this deep scheme that is formed in a person with a personality disorder. In principle, each personality disorder is characterized by a certain core idea of ​​oneself as a person in this world, about this world and about the relationships in which he is. For a dependent personality disorder, these are: I am weak, I am helpless, I can’t do it myself, I can’t do it myself, I won’t succeed, everything is very difficult in the world, I won’t be able to get a job, I won’t have money, I I can't get there, yes. And about other people as strong, powerful, helping, better than himself.

These are the ones we need to challenge. This is done using very simple method called cognitive restructuring. I will talk about him a little later, but we, with the help of a Socratic dialogue, question these beliefs and show him that he is an absolutely ordinary person, he is exactly the same as everyone else, but precisely because he does not train and does not receive new experience, his helplessness and dependence are only supported and preserved. Also, we must remove all the supporting factors that reinforce this addiction. That is, if the parents still continue to poke him money, if they still continue to condone him, buy some apartments, cars there, give him everything to do, and plus they give more advice to this person, then we must stop this . And to help this person restructure his relationships with loved ones in such a way that they encourage precisely his independence and independence.

Why do parents encourage addiction? Because they have a tendency not just to guardianship, but because this control is always accompanied by criticism. That is, the parents inspire this person that he is weak, that he is stupid and that he cannot cope on his own, it is because of this that he feels doubly helpless. And this is precisely the payment that a person gives for being supported all his life, but for being carried all his life, for buying everything for him all his life, because it’s not just like that “On you, son, a million dollars, bye, come on. Call when you want." No, they will remind you every day about what they gave you, these givers of power, they will be furious, they will get bored with helping you later.

That is, a person with a dependent personality disorder is always very deeply unsure of himself, he is constantly in a state of chronic anxiety and he has very ambivalent attitudes towards those people with whom he is in close relationships. He can’t just spend time with interest, because he always thinks: “Damn, what if he’s going somewhere now, I’ll be left alone.” Firstly, they are torn apart and tormented from the inside by a huge envy: “Why can he, why can he, but I can’t?” Envy. And, secondly, this dependence, that I depend on you, it causes anger, but a person must restrain it so that he does not leave, the hand that feeds you.

They have to always stay in good relations with this person on whom they do not depend. They themselves become hostages, these people are like in a trap, every day they are torn apart by all this anger and anxiety, but they can never direct it in the right direction in order to learn and do something.

How do you teach problem solving strategies? Every day they are taught something new in a tiny step, and the main goal in the treatment of such people is precisely the acquisition of independence. But when I said about countertransference, you could understand me, interpret me a little wrong - I don’t mean that we just take them and send them, kick them out of the office, no, but the most important thing is that the therapist treats his client as absolutely normal, healthy and capable, and he is like such a strict and impartial coach. That is, he does not fall for these feelings: “Help me, save me, I can’t, I won’t succeed, I can’t cope!”, That is, we have the emotion of anger for this, but we don’t broadcast it non-verbally, we turn into severity.

It is due to this rigor that we, as a coach, clear and impartial, teach our client to be able to cope with all the difficulties on his own in the end and not whine, no matter how he persuades us, we will not fall for it. In the next video, I will tell you about avoidant personality disorder, this is a very, very little known personality disorder that all psychologists skip, and then get into a puddle because of it. And a huge number of mistakes that are made in therapy are precisely with dependent and avoidant personality disorders, because they are bad at distinguishing them and they are also bad at treating them.