
Severe abdominal pain at 27 weeks. Ways to treat pain


The third trimester of pregnancy has begun. Almost all the main systems of the child are formed, but they continue their functional development, so toxins and harmful factors can still damage the fetus. Fortunately, during this period, most women are already aware that taking care of their body, as well as the child, is necessary. At this time, he consumes a huge amount of both nutrients and vitamins and trace elements, so it is extremely important to stick to a diet.

Discharge at 27 weeks pregnant

Now the body may already be weakened by pregnancy, so you need to continue to carefully monitor the discharge from the genital tract. They can be as a signal to start treatment. infectious diseases and a sign of life-threatening conditions.

In total, they are divided into three pathological risk groups:

  • Mucous, curdled discharge
  • Bloody issues
  • Yellowish watery discharge

In particular, mucous or combined mucopurulent discharge (similar to curdled) is an indication for examination for infections, an in-depth study of the vaginal microflora, smear and blood analysis. The danger of infection is further aggravated by the fact that pathogens can infect the uterus and fetal membranes. Infection is accompanied intrauterine diseases, growth anomalies, underdevelopment, and in some cases - the death of the child.

A sign of an urgent condition for intervention is spotting. They should always be a signal to immediately call an ambulance. There can be several reasons, for example, placental abruption or placenta previa. Even if they are not accompanied by painful sensations, it is worth keeping calm, not moving around on your own, not trying to get to the hospital or antenatal clinic on your own. At any moment, bleeding can become rampant. You should lie down, calm down and wait for the doctor.

Also, yellowish watery discharge can be amniotic fluid. They may not be noticeable, the sensations will be limited to the sensation of moisture, but they are a very important indicator. In this case, you should also immediately consult a doctor. Water can drain both at once and leak in small portions. Their release may not be noticeable to a woman, only create a feeling of moisture, and only in some cases may be accompanied by contractions and the onset of labor.


All thoughts of the mother at this time give way to motherhood, this is a normal instinctive reaction. Maternity leave will begin very soon, and it is worth preparing your retirement, despite forgetfulness, absent-mindedness and some physical difficulties.

Edema in this period of pregnancy is a typical phenomenon. They are formed on the legs, arms, anterior abdominal wall, lymphatic drainage is disturbed, due to which the mass increases, arterial pressure. All this is a symptom of late toxicosis and worsens the condition of the fetus. This condition threatens the condition of the fetus and threatens the health of the woman. But, despite multiple changes, toxicosis may not be noticeable, swelling may be small, and the pressure is not so high as to be the cause of headaches and heart disease.

Pain in the abdomen is felt, due to a number of changes, stretching of the skin, muscle tension, raising or lowering the internal organs.

It can be painful to breathe because of the displacement of the diaphragm, and it can be painful to eat because of the pressure on the stomach.

It is quite adequate that the child, being in such proximity to the kidneys, puts pressure on them, and therefore pregnant women complain of pain and pressure, too frequent urination and nausea.

Based on these considerations, and their well-being, women believe that they do not need treatment, especially hospitalization. Therefore, it is so important and difficult at the same time to explain to a pregnant woman why treatment of this almost asymptomatic disease is needed. The appearance of the first painful sensations is an indicator of the neglect of toxicosis, the particular severity of the woman's health, significant violations that will be difficult to correct.

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Nutrition should be calculated, meet the needs of the body, both yours and the child. But, in principle, you should not deny yourself delicious food, because food is a pleasure, and the child feels it with you. The question arises - is it possible for a pregnant woman to eat sweets, chocolate, and similar goodies. There are no contraindications, but you need to eat them within reasonable limits, and if they are not allergic.

Restrictions are mainly imposed on the amount and calories eaten. You can't just pick up and eat a whole bar of chocolate. They contain a large number of simple sugars, which, in addition to energy losses, increase the weight of both the mother and the child. Children born with excess weight are at greater risk of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity.

But, on the other hand, you can not deny yourself pleasures, because, in the end, the well-being of your child also depends on them. Chocolate is very useful, because it helps to produce endorphins - hormones of happiness. Better, of course, is dark chocolate.

Fetus at 27 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The head is about 68 mm, the chest in girth is 69 mm, the abdomen is 70 mm. The weight of the child at the end of this period is on average 1 kilogram, and the linear dimensions are 33 centimeters. In this period, the child is already quite developed and mature. He sees, distinguishes the proportions of objects, the position of his body and the body of his mother, is capable of taste sensations and owns a sense of smell.

The fetus at the 27th week hears well. True, he distinguishes low sounds much better than higher ones. Several features of the perception of the fetus are associated with this. He perceives the voice of his father better than the voice of his mother, because of the timbre. Heavy music due to rattling can cause him, depending on the tone from expressed anxiety to a certain degree of calmness, screams, noise, city sounds frighten him. The most soothing for him is the sound of his mother's heartbeat. He was the first thing he heard, and this sound will reflexively soothe him months after birth.

At week 27, the rudiments of permanent teeth are laid, which will be stored deep in the bone tissue of the jaws, only after 5-6 years will they begin to replace milk teeth. Calcification and bone formation continues. Muscle mass is growing rapidly, his movements become very noticeable, often disturbing the mother, especially the young, sometimes it can even hurt. If earlier it was simply recommended to count the movements, now it has become mandatory. Within 10 minutes, the child can make a movement, but since this is an average figure, it must be controlled very often. Its excessive mobility or immobility indicates discomfort, that the fetus is suffering from something.

Also, in a male fetus, the testicles on this line often descend into the scrotum. It is also possible that they do not descend for another two weeks after birth. According to the observations of a specialist, this does not affect the reproductive function of a man in any way.


At the 27th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound is done only with individual deviations that accompany unusual symptoms of the course of pregnancy.

At this time, blood tests are taken to find out if there is anemia in pregnant women, whether the child receives enough oxygen and nutrients.

Belly at 27 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

The abdomen during this period increases rapidly, faster than before. For a few more weeks, it was easy for a woman to cope with work at home, and now it is becoming increasingly difficult to even sit down or bend over. The bottom of the uterus, compared with the previous month, raises a few more centimeters, its dimensions are 27 cm from the pubic joint. Thus, they increasingly shift the mother's organs upward, making it difficult for them to function. The movements of the child this week become even more tangible. They are especially felt when the child pushes into the liver or into the lower end of the uterus.

From time to time, because the child moves, it can strongly pull the stomach, but this sudden pain passes as quickly and unexpectedly as it appears. The uterus begins to seriously interfere with the functioning of other organs. Heaviness in the right hypochondrium is a very common symptom during pregnancy. This is due to stagnation of bile, a violation of the outflow of bile can lead to cholelithiasis. The risk groups for these diseases include those who abuse fatty foods and are overweight.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen may be associated with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is a consequence of the weakness of the muscles of the cervix and is a gradual opening of the cervix. Such loose closure of the cervical canal can be a threatening factor due to infection of the membranes, excessive deformation, and a significant risk of premature rupture of amniotic fluid. This, in turn, can lead to premature birth, and therefore requires correction. The treatment is carried out with the imposition of a pessary or the imposition of a circular suture.

It has been 25 weeks since fertilization took place, and the seventh lunar month of pregnancy is underway. The fetus is actively growing and developing, termination of pregnancy at 27 weeks is no longer a miscarriage, but premature birth, and the fetus has a good chance of survival if its gestational age has reached 27 weeks.

Changes in the body of the fetus

Ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy allows you to assess how it grows and develops future baby. The size of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy in length normally reaches 36 cm, its average weight is about 900 g.

Acceleration of growth at this time is largely due to the active production of growth hormone, somatotropin, by the pituitary gland of the fetus. In addition, the activity of other endocrine glands responsible for growth, such as the thyroid gland, is also high. With the activation of its own endocrine system, the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy becomes less and less dependent on the hormonal status of the mother, which is manifested, among other things, by an improvement in the woman's well-being at this time.

In general, all the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, they are maturing and improving. The most significant changes occur in the respiratory system - it improves more and more every week. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the pulmonary alveoli are actively formed - the respiratory sacs, which form the basis of the lung tissue. Surfactant continues to accumulate - a substance that helps the lungs expand after the first breath and no longer subside. Its content in the lung tissue at 27 weeks of gestation may already be sufficient for independent breathing of a newborn baby.

The immune system of the fetus is improving, without the normal functioning of which it is almost impossible for the baby to fight infections. According to statistics, it is infections that become one of the main causes of death of premature babies in the first days after birth.

The appearance and size of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy is getting closer to the newborn, it becomes prettier. The future baby has formed eyes and their appendages (eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids), auricles, nose and mouth. By ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the fetus - its external genitalia are already formed.

Changes in the body of a woman at 27 weeks of gestation

The abdomen at the 27th week of pregnancy increased in size due to the growth of the uterus, its bottom is determined 27 cm above the womb, or 6-7 cm above the level of the navel. It is no longer easy for a woman to sleep in the supine position, as the uterus in the abdomen at 27 weeks of gestation can compress the inferior vena cava, which makes it difficult for blood to return from the legs to the heart. For a more comfortable sleep, it is recommended to go to bed on your left side. At this time, heartburn, nausea, flatulence, shortness of breath and sleep disturbances can also cause discomfort.

A woman feels her baby quite well, determines which way he is turned, where his head is, and where his legs are. The fetus is actively moving, its movements are felt as pushes or light tangential movements, depending on the applied force. Fast and strong movements of the unborn baby can cause pain at the 27th week of pregnancy in the lower abdomen.

Dangerous for a woman are sensations when the stomach seems to turn to stone. The expectant mother should be alerted by spotting at the 27th week of pregnancy from the vagina. This is a dangerous sign even in the absence of pain at 27 weeks of gestation. The cause of the appearance of blood may be placental abruption, its low attachment to the uterine wall, or incipient preterm labor.

Normal discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy is transparent or whitish, odorless. In the case of pathology, their consistency changes to a curdled, flaky bubbling. If the discharge is too abundant, leakage of amniotic fluid can be suspected.

Examination at 27 weeks of gestation

Observation of a doctor in the second half of pregnancy becomes even more important. A woman visits a gynecologist at least once every 2 weeks, more often if necessary. There is no need for a planned ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy, this examination is prescribed in case of some kind of trouble or if it could not be carried out for more early term. Urinalysis before visiting a doctor is still relevant - it allows you to exclude preeclampsia or infection.

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You can be congratulated: at 27 weeks you have moved into the third trimester. Two-thirds of the way behind, but it's not time to relax yet. Ended up " Honeymoon pregnancy, when you felt great, experienced little to no symptoms, and were full of energy. Now the hormones and the growing uterus will take over. Your future child very similar to a fully formed newborn. In preterm birth, a 27-week-old fetus is quite possible to leave. However, many organs of the unborn child still continue to mature.

Signs and symptoms at 27 weeks pregnant

At the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the symptoms characteristic of the third trimester continue to increase. Probably, some of them have been with you for a long time, and you have learned to cope with them or not notice them.

What happens to the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation?

At twenty-seven weeks pregnant, the baby is about the size of a Chinese cabbage. The length of his body reaches 35.5 cm, weight - 850 grams. In recent weeks, he managed not only to grow strongly, but also to become wiser. The structure of his brain became much more complicated, numerous connections appeared between nerve cells. The activity of the central nervous system has greatly increased. This is manifested in the fact that the unborn child begins to perform many new actions. He opens and closes his eyes, sleeps and stays awake in his own mode (which, alas, does not always coincide with the mother's mode), sucks his finger, plays with the umbilical cord, makes different movements with his arms and legs. He already has pretty good coordination, movements have become smoother and more accurate.

The respiratory system of a 27-week-old fetus is almost on full alert. The lungs are not yet fully mature, but they are already ready to perform their functions. If a premature birth occurs at the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby has every chance of surviving. In his mother's tummy, he has been making training breathing movements for a long time, but he still inhales not the air, but the surrounding amniotic fluid.

The skin of the unborn child is covered with a cheese-like lubricant, which will help it to come out more easily during childbirth, it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, the uterus and the walls of the mother's abdomen. All these barriers dampen sounds from outside, and inside the uterus they become muffled. However, the unborn child hears them and even knows how to distinguish them. Now his nervous system is already sufficiently developed for this. You can read to a child, sing songs - it is even believed that a newborn will remember all this after birth. He recognizes your voice.

At the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the taste buds are well developed in the fetus. It even tastes the food you eat! True, this happens about two hours after you have eaten. In response to some taste, the child may begin to hiccup, and you will feel it. Just do not worry: this does not mean that the baby is experiencing any discomfort. He feels good, the hiccups are just a reflex response. Now you can begin to teach your child to eat the right food. It is believed that children in the future prefer the same food that their mother eats during pregnancy.

The fetal heart rate slows down compared to previous weeks, but is still very high at 140 beats per minute.

The future child is more and more like a newborn. He is no longer as thin as he used to be, because a layer of fatty tissue has grown under his skin and around his internal organs. The skin has become almost opaque, only blood vessels appear through it.

In addition to the brain, at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the retina actively develops - the peripheral part of the visual analyzer, which perceives light rays, transforms them into nerve impulses and sends a signal to the brain.

Fetal movements in the mother's tummy

At the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, fetal movements become stronger and more regular. High activity is a sign of healthy, normal developing child. Some movements of the baby cause discomfort and even pain to the mother. For example, many women are familiar with the sensations that arise when the baby stretches the leg and rests against her rib.

Sometimes you can feel faint rhythmic movements in your stomach - like an unborn baby hiccups.

During the next appointment, the antenatal clinic doctor can listen to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope. It can also be heard by the future dad or one of the relatives if he puts his ear to his stomach.

Your doctor may have already explained to you how to correctly count the movements of the fetus in the abdomen. You need to lie down, calm down and start counting the pushes. Within an hour, you should count 6-10 pushes. If there are fewer or they are completely absent, you should immediately inform your doctor about this.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks pregnant

A planned ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy is not prescribed. Ultrasound examination may be required in cases where pregnancy occurs with some complications. For example, if a doctor finds that a woman's belly has grown too small and intrauterine growth retardation is suspected.

During an ultrasound scan at the 27th week of pregnancy, the following indicators can be assessed:

Fetal weight - modern devices can calculate it.

Biparietal size - the transverse distance between the most protruding parts of the parietal bones. At the 27th week of pregnancy, it is 6.4–7.6 cm.

Fronto-occipital size - the longitudinal size of the skull, is 8–9.6 cm.

The head circumference at this time is normally 23.5–27.3 cm.

The circumference of the tummy is 20.5–25.3 cm.

· Length femur- 4.7–5.5 cm. It is important that the right and left limbs have the same size.

The length of the humerus is 4.3–5.1 cm.

The length of the bones of the forearm is 3.7–4.5 cm.

The length of the bones of the lower leg is 4.3–5.1 cm.

Carry out ultrasound examination of the brain, heart and other internal organs, dopplerography(study of blood flow) of umbilical cord vessels, 3D/4D study.

If during previous ultrasounds it was not possible to determine the sex of the fetus, it may be possible to do this now. The external genital organs in boys and girls are already quite well developed.

In general, the picture on ultrasound images at 27 weeks of gestation is as follows:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 27 weeks pregnant?

The uterus of the expectant mother continues to grow - she does this throughout the pregnancy. However, now, at the beginning of the third trimester, its shape is changing: it turns from round to ovoid.

Some facts about uterine growth during pregnancy:

Before conception, the weight of the uterus averages 50–100 grams, and by the end of pregnancy it increases to a kilogram, that is, ten to twenty times.

The cavity inside the uterus during the entire pregnancy increases in volume by about 500 times. Despite such a significant increase, the unborn child in the third trimester of pregnancy is becoming increasingly crowded.

Each muscle in the uterine wall during pregnancy lengthens by about 10 times and thickens by 5 times.

· Blood flow to the uterus is greatly increased. In the third trimester, it is supplied with blood as actively as the heart, liver, brain.

During each examination, the antenatal clinic doctor evaluates the size of the uterus according to the height of its bottom. To do this, using a tape, measure the distance from the upper edge of the pubic joint to the upper edge of the uterus. The resulting figure should approximately correspond to the gestational age in weeks. So, at the 27th week of pregnancy, the height of the uterine fundus will be about 27 cm.

While some pregnancy symptoms are related to hormonal changes, others are caused by an enlarged uterus. For example, she “pushes” the navel forward, because of which it begins to bulge (after pregnancy, it appearance become habitual again). As the uterus enlarges, the ligaments that connect it to the walls of the abdominal cavity are stretched. Because of this, discomfort and soreness arise - the so-called round ligament pain. The uterus presses on bladder and intestines, because of this, frequent urination and constipation are disturbing.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

By the 27th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother adds 6.8–13.6 kg. An increase of up to 900 grams per week is considered acceptable. If you add more, or suddenly start to add much more than usual, you need to see a doctor. The reasons may be different. Sometimes body weight increases due to fluid retention in the body, and this can be a symptom of a formidable complication of pregnancy - preeclampsia.

To normalize weight gain, some dietary recommendations (you will get them from your doctor) will help, physical activity. Excess body weight makes pregnancy and childbirth more difficult, increases the risk of complications. But self-activity in the fight against extra pounds inappropriate: wrong actions can harm you and your unborn child. For example, in no case should you limit your fluid intake, because dehydration during pregnancy is very dangerous.

Women who are pregnant with twins add more by the 27th week of pregnancy, from 13 to 20 kg.
Calculate weight gain in mom during pregnancy by week

How to eat right at 27 weeks pregnant?

The diet of the expectant mother at the twenty-seventh week, as well as throughout pregnancy, should be healthy, varied and complete. At any stage, the fetal body needs nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, and energy. An important part of the diet of a pregnant woman is fish and seafood. They are good for health, but you need to remember some rules.

How much fish should you eat during pregnancy?

There are special recommendations from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this regard. Experts advise eating 240-340 grams of fish weekly. That's about two or three servings. The Russian Ministry of Health gives different recommendations and advises pregnant and lactating women to consume 500-550 grams of fish per week.

But it's not just the quantity that matters. The expectant mother needs to choose the “right” fish.

What fish should not be eaten during pregnancy?

Some types of fish are dangerous for the expectant mother and child. So, in the body of some inhabitants of the oceans contains a lot of mercury. Everyone knows that if you break a mercury thermometer in the house, it is very dangerous, you can get poisoned. If mercury enters a woman's body, the toxic metal can harm the fetus even months later. This is fraught with brain damage, mental retardation, speech disorders, seizures, blindness.

Dangerous fish caught in polluted waters, because along with its meat can get into your body polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). These toxic substances lead to congenital malformations, developmental delays, disrupt the child's hematopoiesis and severely suppress the immune system.

· tiles from the Gulf of Mexico;

· swordfish;

Atlantic bighead;

Big tuna

· marlin;

king mackerel.

Some types of fish are allowed during pregnancy, but it is recommended to eat them in an amount of no more than one serving (about 100 grams) per week:


· Chilean sea bass;

· sea bass;

· halibut;

Dolphin (mahi-mahi);

· angler;

coal fish;

· bottom grab;

· Spanish mackerel;

Oceanic striped bass

tile from the Pacific Ocean;

white tuna albacore;

yellowfin tuna;

humpback salmon.

Which fish is safe during pregnancy?

Our "hit list" of fish during pregnancy turned out to be quite long, but do not be scared. It's mostly exotic. Most of the fish species presented in Russian stores are not only safe, but also very useful for the expectant mother. Among the allowed and recommended products:

· wild salmon;

· shrimps;

· tilapia;


· halibut;


· cod;

crayfish and crabs;

various mollusks;

· trout;

· anchovy;

black sea bass.

Salmon is very useful, as it is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How to cook fish for a future mother?

Surely you have long known that you should not eat any raw animal products, including fish and seafood. Sushi is prohibited (if it is prepared according to the canon from raw fish - this point must be clarified at the sushi bar), smoked, poorly cooked fish. Most often, these products can be infected listeria- bacteria that are dangerous for both you and your unborn child.

Some tips to help you cook your fish properly and avoid infection:

· Buy only fresh and well-frozen, chilled fish. You should not buy it on the street from sellers who sell "from the car", especially in the heat.

· If you do not plan to cook the fish as soon as you bring it from the store, store it in the freezer in a separate bag.

· Use two different cutting boards: one for meat and fish, the other for vegetables and fruits.

· Cook fish and seafood until the temperature inside is 145 °C. The meat should become opaque and break well with a fork. But focusing "by eye" is not very reliable, it is better to purchase a special food thermometer.

· Mussels, oysters and other shellfish must have open shells. They need to be sorted out and discarded those whose shells are closed.

What are the benefits of fish and seafood during pregnancy?

Maybe the warnings above scared you, and you decided "out of harm's way" not to eat fish at all? In that case, you should take a look at the list of its beneficial effects:

· Promotes fetal growth. Fish contains a lot of valuable protein - the main building material for the cells of your growing child. In addition, it is rich in essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body.

· Promotes brain development. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nervous system. This becomes especially important closer to the third trimester, when the child's brain is actively developing.

· Improves your memory. This is a great way to prevent and reduce "brain pregnancy" symptoms.

· Boosts your mood. This is another "bonus" from omega-3 fatty acids that helps to tidy up. emotional condition, prevent depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression.

· Improves performance of cardio-vascular system . Fish and seafood help maintain normal blood pressure, reduce blood clotting and the level of "bad fat", and reduce the risk of blood clots.

· Reduces the risk of preterm birth. Scientists have found that this complication is less common in areas where people regularly eat fish. Presumably, this beneficial effect is also associated with omega-3 fatty acids.

Physical activity

Physical activity at any stage of pregnancy is important and necessary - all experts agree on this. An exception can only be some diseases and complications, because of which the doctor himself recommended that the expectant mother limit physical activity. Regular exercise is beneficial for both the woman herself and the fetus, and will also positively affect the health of the child after he is born.

Physical activity during pregnancy helps:

Reduce the risk gestational diabetes- conditions when the level of sugar in the mother's blood rises.

· Prevent preeclampsia.

· Improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system, prevent disorders of the spine and joints, reduce back pain.

Improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Accelerate recovery after childbirth.

The danger of slipping into a sedentary lifestyle is greatly increased in the third trimester of pregnancy, because the weight of the fetus becomes more noticeable, women begin to experience more pronounced symptoms, often feel tired. But this is not at all a reason to spend days in bed or on the couch. This will only make your condition worse. It is worth visiting a doctor and consulting what types of exercises will be optimal in your case. You can enroll in a school for expectant mothers, and they will work with you there.

Experts recommend moderate-intensity exercise for about 30 minutes a day on most days of the week. But you need to remember that postures on the back are contraindicated (this leads to the fact that the uterus squeezes the blood vessels, dizziness occurs, and you can lose consciousness), upside down, such positions in which you can fall and injure your stomach.

Best of all for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy, yoga classes, swimming pool visits, Pilates, different types relaxation and meditation. You can buy a book or instructional videos that show special exercises for pregnant.

Walking in the fresh air is also a physical activity. If you walked twice a day for 15 minutes, we can assume that the necessary minimum has been met. Household chores, work in the garden, in the country also count. Moderation is important, excessive loads are just as harmful as their complete absence.

Is it possible to have sex?

You can have sex at 27 or 7 weeks pregnant later dates, it will not harm the child in any way and will not lead to any complications. Regular intimacy is even useful: it gives relaxation, brings positive emotions, strengthens your connection with your partner.

Common myths associated with sex during pregnancy should be forgotten:

· You will not harm the child. During sexual intercourse, the man's penis will not reach the baby in any way, because he is protected by your cervix and fetal bladder.

Intimate intimacy cannot provoke premature birth.

· If you have sex in the right positions, you do not injure the stomach.

· It does not increase the risk of infection if you and your partner are healthy.

And yet, some contraindications exist. If in doubt, you should consult your doctor.

· If you often have swollen legs, try not to stand or sit for a long time. Walking and swimming help reduce swelling.

Edema indicates that fluid is retained in your body, but this is not a signal that you need to completely stop drinking. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

· Enroll in a school for expectant mothers (some of them can also enroll a future dad). There you will get a lot of useful knowledge, make new friends and get support.

Among other things for the unborn child you need to buy Car seat. It will be needed immediately after the child is discharged from the hospital, when he will need to be taken home.

Do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. This will help avoid some problems during pregnancy and facilitate childbirth.

· Do not drive. Until the end of pregnancy, you should ride in the passenger seat. And, you need to buckle up correctly. The lower seat belt should pass under the abdomen, and the upper one between the mammary glands.

· It may be time to get some literature on breastfeeding and newborn care. You will need this knowledge very soon.

Have you bought all the things for the unborn child? Does the house have a crib, stroller and all the necessary furniture? If something has not yet been bought, it is better to take care of it now. Then you will not be at all up to it.

· If the doctor suggested that you go to the hospital "for preservation", you should not worry too much about this. Yes, the hospital is not a home, you may not want to be there, and you experience strong emotions about this, you want to refuse. Think about the fact that this is primarily important for the health of your unborn child.

Have you already thought about where and how you are going to give birth? At modern women There are many options, it all depends on your desire and financial capabilities. You can choose free delivery or sign a contract with the clinic for paid services- this will provide increased comfort and a more attentive attitude to mother and child. There are private maternity hospitals in Russia. Some women want their baby to be born abroad. In addition to the high level of medical services, giving birth abroad has other advantages. For example, a child who is born in the US is entitled to US citizenship.

What research needs to be done?

At the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, no special planned analyzes and studies are provided. The doctor in the antenatal clinic will invite you to the next appointment, during which he will carry out standard procedures: examine you, ask about complaints, measure the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus, weight, blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate. You may be given blood and urine tests.

If you haven't been screened for gestational diabetes yet, you should.

Gestational diabetes: what is it?

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a pregnant woman has high blood sugar levels. It is currently unknown why it develops, it is believed that hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother disrupt the work of insulin, a hormone that promotes the absorption of glucose by body cells and reduces its level in the blood. One way or another, gestational diabetes negatively affects the health of the woman herself and the child, it must be fought. For most pregnant women, lifestyle changes can help lower blood sugar levels.

Who is at increased risk?

Gestational diabetes can develop in any pregnant woman. But there are some factors that increase the risk:

· Age over 25 years.

If, before pregnancy, a woman already had prediabetes.

· If the expectant mother has close relatives suffering from type 2 diabetes.

· If a previous pregnancy resulted in a baby weighing more than 4.1 kg or an unexplained stillbirth.

Overweight: Risks are increased if a woman's body mass index is greater than 30.

What are the symptoms of gestational diabetes mellitus?

Many women do not experience any symptoms. Elevated blood sugar levels are detected using laboratory tests. This is why screening is so important. Most often, blood sugar levels rise in the second half of pregnancy, in some women as early as 20 weeks.

Why is gestational diabetes dangerous?

Due to the fact that maternal insulin crosses the placenta, the fetus grows faster. These babies often weigh 4.1 kg or more at birth. They get more birth trauma, one has to resort more often to caesarean section. The child may be born prematurely, and often develops respiratory distress syndrome- impaired function of the respiratory system in a newborn. A baby can be born with low blood sugar because his pancreas has to produce a lot of insulin, which causes seizures. Both the mother and the child are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. Pregnancy with gestational diabetes is often complicated by high blood pressure, preeclampsia.

How to deal with gestational diabetes?

If the tests reveal gestational diabetes, the doctor will ask the woman to buy a glucometer and check her blood sugar 4-5 times a day at a certain time. During childbirth, women also constantly monitor the level of glucose in the blood: if it is very high, there is a big risk that the baby will be born with hypoglycemia and he will have seizures.

In most cases, exercise and proper nutrition help normalize sugar levels. Approximately 10-20% of women have to inject insulin. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child, so the doctor will periodically prescribe unscheduled examinations and ultrasound examinations.

After birth, the mother's blood sugar levels continue to be monitored. He should be back to normal.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

Some symptoms may indicate serious complications. If they occur, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible:

Severe swelling in the feet, ankles. They may indicate preeclampsia.

· Bleeding, profuse and unusual-looking vaginal discharge.

Severe pain, cramps in the abdomen, in the pelvis, lower back.

Difficulty breathing, severe shortness of breath.

The fetus has become less active or completely stopped moving in the abdomen.

· High blood pressure.

Future mom should be attentive to her health, pay attention to any unusual, severe, persistent symptoms for a long time. If there is any doubt about whether to see a doctor, it is usually best to consult. After all, we are talking about the health of your unborn child.

You need to pay attention to the manifestations of any infections:

· Respiratory infections: cough, runny nose, fever.

· Intestinal infections: abdominal pain, frequent loose stools, nausea, vomiting, fever.

· Genitourinary infections: pain, itching, burning in the vulva, frequent painful urination, vaginal discharge that has an unusual color and unpleasant odor, back pain, blood in the urine, difficulty urinating, fever.

During visits to the antenatal clinic, tell the doctor as much as possible about your well-being, symptoms.

Unpleasant companions of pregnancy - Video guide

№ 33 294 Gynecologist 06/01/2016

Hello. I have 2 pregnancies, in 1 this was not the case, I am very worried about the baby and for myself, the period is no longer short. During pregnancy, there was a feeling as if I was shooting in the pussy straight down to the exit). She told the gynecologist she prescribed suppositories with papaverine, but it doesn’t help, today is the 3rd day as an unpleasant sensation pulls the lower abdomen, but thank God there is no discharge with blood, no bleeding. It all started with the fact that two days ago it shot in the ass at first, calmed down, then it started shooting down in the pussy, it passed, it pulled the stomach all the way down, but the shots remained, sometimes for no reason it starts to shoot. I forgot to say that the offer of the placenta is low attached. So, back to the topic of how it all started, I went for a consultation with my gynecologist, but I didn’t say anything like inserting suppositories with papaverine and drinking magnesium B6, so tomorrow I’ll go to her to say that nothing happened. Yesterday morning I got up and went to the toilet, the urine was so dark that I even got scared all day and paid attention later, but subsequent urination was normal, only a little unclear. This morning the situation is the same again, dark again, and the stomach is somehow not clear whether it aches or pulls. Please tell me what to do and how to be, I am very worried about the baby? Thanks in advance.

Alena, Kostroma

The baby becomes a little cramped in your stomach at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, as he wants to expand the boundaries of his home, as a result of this you feel persistent fetal movements. Accordingly, the uterus also needs expanded space, which means that you will suffer from stretched ligaments and tense muscles at the 27th week of pregnancy. Almost everything can hurt: the pelvis, and, due to the effect of hormones on all your connective tissues.

Adding a total weight() will add overall "joy" to the current state. On average, during 40 weeks of pregnancy future mother gains about 10-12 kilograms, including the baby itself, the placenta and amniotic fluid, increased blood volume and additional circulating fluid, engorged breasts and excess fat.

If this is your first pregnancy, then you will have to go through manual after manual for answers to the two most common questions: “ Is everything okay with me?" and " Is everything okay with the baby?» However, if you have prepared ahead of time or already have motherhood experience behind your back, you are likely to become less anxious. Interestingly, a certain level of anxiety is absolutely normal during pregnancy, since anxiety is designed by nature itself in order to put an end to the potentially risky behavior of the expectant mother. However, if you are tired of worrying and feel overwhelmed by the constant feeling of anxiety, then you should contact the specialists.

Mom is 27 weeks pregnant.

  • Yours, which means your chest too.

All this is necessary for the victorious procession of the uterus from the bottom up. Therefore, during this period, frequent shortness of breath is possible, because the lungs are deprived of their usual space for normal respiratory activity. While talking on the phone, climbing stairs, or walking fast, you may need to take extra deep breaths due to your rapid breathing. It is highly recommended to keep your posture and not slouch, because right now your lungs are performing a very important mission - supplying oxygen to you and the baby.

  • Your stomach may start to itch this week and you will feel something like "goosebumps".

The thing is that collagen fibers are stretched in the middle layer of the skin. Try massaging moisturizer into your belly immediately after showering, and avoid extreme water temperatures, drying soaps, and artificial clothing (only or natural fibers).

  • Sleep can be both a real salvation and a real torment at the 27th week of pregnancy.

It would seem that you are tired and want to sleep, but then lie down and cannot sleep for a long time. For example, you are overwhelmed with different thoughts or you run to the toilet at midnight, and as a result, you toss and turn for several hours. If this happens to you, then simply get up and do something useful to "cheat" insomnia: watch TV, drink a glass of milk, take a shower or read .. And then take additional measures for comfort - fresh sheets and Fresh air, in combination with a bunch - and wish yourself sweet dreams!

Even if you yearn for naps in the afternoon, if you have problems sleeping at night, you will have to fight this temptation. Instead, try to go to bed early, keep a routine, and avoid computer interaction just before bedtime.

You may also be annoyed by carpal tunnel syndrome this week, due to fluid retention in the body and swelling of the limbs. So, your wrists "swell" and put pressure on the nerve endings in your hand. In this case, it is worth trying high-impact physical therapy and sleeping with the problem arm on a pillow.

Your emotional changes at 27 weeks pregnant

You are undoubtedly worried at this stage; for example, regarding employment and how to properly apply for maternity leave. In principle, you can do a little research on this issue: your rights, the date of the planned return to work and the list of obligations of the employer. Once you know everything you need, you will stop worrying about it. One less problem!

You may also be thinking about the possible changes that a child will bring in your relationship with his father. When a duo turns into a trio, there will always be some shuffling of roles. And if you already have older children, then the restructuring of all "personalities" in the family cannot be avoided, and this is fraught with moral difficulties. There is no getting away from this, because being parents is so difficult, but so important!

Baby: weight and height at 27 weeks

Your child now spends less time in the “curl up” position, preferring more to be “unfolded”. Average length the baby is 38 centimeters, but he continues to grow and accumulate fat under the skin and around the vital organs. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby ceases to be "thin, sonorous and transparent"!

Great changes are also taking place in the field of vision: the retina has matured and has become the most important light-sensitive part of small eyes. Just imagine how much visual work the child now has!

Your baby has also learned to soothe himself with suckling. thumb, - this is his main pleasure at this stage. He also breathes amniotic fluid from his lungs and practices those important first breaths. In fact, all the oxygen needs of the baby are still concentrated in the placenta.

What to do at 27 weeks pregnant?

Talk to your doctor about a possible cord blood donation. Each bank has its own principles of cooperation by which the storage and administration of such blood is regulated.

Think about ways to feed your unborn baby. If you are determined to breastfeed, remember that the key to successful breastfeeding is the mother's positive attitude towards the process, along with favorable conditions from the partner and other relatives, as well as a general attitude towards breastfeeding in the woman's family and society.

Take a tour of the hospital or maternity ward where you plan to give birth. Some private hospitals have their own deposit of arrangements before they process a woman's paperwork.

Explore offers for sale of a good car seat that will fit 100% exactly to your make and model of car. If you plan to rent it, then you may need to make a reservation in advance. Remember, in the spring there is a peak in the birth rate, so you should plan all the most important things 9 months in advance!