
How to break the vicious circle. How to break out of the vicious circle, or what is the scenario of fate. Edited by Marina Belaya


Getting help from the "other side" using the Silva Method. Silva Jose

How to break a vicious circle.

How to break a vicious circle.

If you relax deeply and imagine realistically ...

If you are confident in the Silva Method and know that you are programming successfully ...

If, by solving your problems, you help other people solve their problems ...

If you don’t hide ill will, hatred or hostility in your bosom and forgive everyone in your past and present life ...

If you are aware of the existence of your Higher Self, even dimly, and the existence of the Higher Intellect ...

Then you can overcome all the problems of the physical world. There is no insoluble problem or unattainable goal for you. Many incurable diseases succumb to "miracles". Many deadly enemies become your closest friends. Many seemingly unattainable peaks are conquered in unexpected ways. The problem is forced to retreat, defeated by the intellect, power and love of the other side.

What technique is available to you to solve difficult problems? Here's a quick overview:

Whenever you find yourself in a situation that requires heightened understanding, use the three-finger technique. Programmed in advance: "When I put these three fingers together and meditate on (insert problem), my mind is working on a deeper level of consciousness for the sake of (insert positive)."

V difficult situations who are difficult to give in imaginative thinking, use the glass of water technique.

When you don’t know what technique to use, or don’t imagine what the solution might be, use the dream control technique.

Use subjective communication when solving problems of relationships between people.

In any emergency, use the alpha level (unspecified technique) by instilling positive affirmations in yourself.

Each of these techniques can be performed in critical circumstances in "top gear". Let's go through the list again, pointing out how we can expedite response in an emergency or urgent situation.

"Three-finger technique". When you program in advance for an event, do it at the best possible time. If you remember, we explained how to determine this time: In the evening before going to bed, enter the alpha level and mentally tell yourself: "I will wake up this night at the best time for self-programming." Fall asleep from alpha. You will wake up at the right time. Return to alpha and do the programming of the three-finger technique. Another way to increase the instantaneous effectiveness of the three-finger technique is through breathing. If you are faced with a critical situation and decide to use this technique to raise your awareness to the level of superconsciousness by putting three fingers together, take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds. Holding your breath triggers a survival response and you begin to work at a higher level of consciousness.

"The technique of a glass of water". Place a few drops of lemon juice in the water and hold the glass with the index fingers of both hands. Having joined the fingers of both hands, close your eyes and lift them slightly upward, after which, mentally saying: "This is all I need to solve the problem that torments me," sip half a glass. Finish programming in the morning by repeating the same manipulations.

"Dream Management". This technique will not show all its effectiveness if you do not memorize all of your dreams. Even if you do, you might want to go through the programming of remembering one dream first and then all dreams (see Nights 11 and 16). When you wake up, write down as many details as possible from your dreams. And later, when you explore your dreams, one detail may be the golden key you are looking for.

"Subjective connection". When you are dealing with serious human relationship problems, you need to be close to the other side. Subjective communication at the alpha level is good; but subjective communication at the laboratory level is even better. You are closer to the other side.

"Programming at the alpha level". Direct alpha programming can be used to solve problems. If you are programming at the alpha level without using any formulaic technique, you should know how to leverage your programming. Here are some of them:

A serious problem deserves a deeper alpha level. You know how to deepen a level with a countdown. You can also do this by being transported to your favorite relaxation spot, which is now also a familiar procedure.

Another way to deepen your level is through progressive relaxation. You remember doing this in the early days of practice - moving from head to toes and relaxing every part of the body. Of course, after these exercises, you can dive even deeper, moving to the laboratory level, if you think you need it.

Once in deep alpha, use the three skins.

First, identify the problem by painting a picture in front of you. Then let it change for the better in the second picture, which should be shifted slightly to the left (into the future). Finally, see the goal achieved or the solution found in the third picture, shifted even further to the left. When creating a second look, it is useful to use triggers ("with every step forward" or "with every sip of water").

Images are usually sufficient; they express the work of creative energy, they are the "language" of that side. Words can be powerful weapons too if you use persuasive arguments. As we all know, it takes perseverance to overcome adversity.

When we work to solve problems, our statements must be solid. As John Bunian said, "the one below is not afraid to fall." There is no need to be moderate or beat around the bush when you need help from the other side in serious matters. I will give some examples of possible statements.

"I expect and predict results. I believe in steady progress, whether I see it or not. My expectations and faith are optimistic."

"I have a burning desire to achieve my goal (to solve my problem). I move forward with energy and zeal. My genius, my enthusiasm and my goodwill will win the support of others."

"Every day I get stronger and more courageous. I see things as they are. I am optimistic about achieving a goal (solving a problem). I work energetically, purposefully and creatively."

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Ending a relationship is always difficult, but it’s even sadder when you see the same problem over and over again. It could be your choice of men or something else. In any case, it's time to change the situation for the better.

Learn how to break this vicious cycle by taking some important steps to find the cause of the problem and fix its consequences. Here are some tips to help you move towards a better relationship.

Take responsibility

If your partner is to blame for all the failures, you will not be able to improve the situation and find a happy relationship. Start by admitting that you are responsible for your mistakes. At the very least, you choose the wrong partners and ignore the warnings. Without admitting your guilt, you will not be able to learn from your mistakes and move on.

Forgive yourself for your mistakes

Once you admit your guilt over a failed relationship, it's worth forgiving yourself, even if you just trusted the wrong people. Self-flagellation won't help you do right choice next. If you think you deserve everything that happened, you will not be able to attract someone who will treat you the way they should.

Find the source of the problem

Try to objectively identify the reason that pushes you into relationships with the wrong people or leads to the wrong perception of relationships. It can be low self-esteem or a biased view of others, in any case, try to define it. You may be attracted to a certain type of man, even if it doesn't suit you at all. Find out what leads to failure, and do not step on the same rake.

Analyze warning signs

To break the cycle of unsuccessful relationships, you need to look for warning signs. If you get involved with bad guys, just end the relationship as soon as they start treating you badly. If his jealousy is causing problems in a relationship, don't close your eyes to the first signs of possessiveness. Once you understand what to look out for, you start making good decisions.


When you analyze your problems, it is important to understand what you want out of the relationship. Try to identify your real priorities, and then you will understand who to pay attention to, and you will stop messing with attractive, but not suitable partners.

Step outside your taste

Even if your problem isn't that you're picking the wrong people, it's always helpful to give new things a chance. Try to think differently about choosing a partner. This will show how well you relate to men you usually avoid.

Visualize your dream relationship

A positive attitude is very important when you are ready to go on a date again. It's also helpful to imagine what kind of relationship you want. Direct your thoughts in the right direction. Focus on your qualities and how they will help you get the right partner.

Accept help from friends and family

Improvement doesn't always come as quickly as you'd like, so it's worth taking advice from people who really care about you. They will help you choose the right partner for you. The best way breaking the circle of unsuccessful relationships is to trust people who have watched your love problems from the outside.

Try blind dating

Another way to get help from friends and family is to let them arrange a blind date for you. Even if you don't feel instant contact, try this method to move on.

Stick to the new rules

Once you understand what you did wrong and how to break this vicious circle, stick to the new rules that you set for yourself. Don't ignore them just because a new acquaintance seems pretty darn attractive. If you decide to change, do not step back from it for a minute.

“Everything seems to be fine, I don't bother anyone.
Why do drunkards constantly get attached to me? "

Is your life like a vicious circle? It seems that you live in a positive, but still with frightening regularity you find yourself in unpleasant situations, as if you attract them to yourself by just your existence?

One friend of mine was constantly surprised why well-drunk people stick to her so much. It stands, for example, at a bus stop, there are a lot of people around, but it was she who always became the object of close attention. And each time the story ended with conflict and terrible health. She fought with them in almost all in public places.

Another was amazed at the aggressiveness of the sellers. With "enviable" regularity, she was faced with blatant rudeness and disdain. Although she saw a good half of them for the first time.

Another acquaintance has been laid off for the third time.

"Destiny ...", you might think.

No. All these people are victims of a vicious circle. The sad thing is that we ourselves are its creator.

If unpleasant situations repeat themselves cyclically in your life, do not worry. You created them, you will get rid of them. The fact is that some events can affect us so much that, even after licking the "external" wounds, we cannot completely cope with the internal ones. Our unconscious plays a cruel joke, reliving the past conflict over and over again.

How to break the chains of a vicious circle?

You have to talk to your inner self, the so-called "unconscious":
  • Tell me, what is common in these situations? It is advisable to pay attention to details and focus on your words and actions. And also to analyze the behavior of other people involved in an unpleasant situation.
  • Think back to when it all started. To do this, you can simply ask yourself one question: "When else did this happen?" This is very important point! You need to find the very first link in your vicious circle.
  • Relax as much as possible. If you want, just lie on the sofa or sit in a comfortable chair. And, sincerely, as in spirit, answer two main questions:
    - What should I understand from this situation?
    - Why is this happening to me?
  • Forgive everyone who wronged you, thank the Universe for the lesson and let go of the situation.
Your inner dialogue will bring you true healing. And do not even doubt the effectiveness of this method.

My first example - a girl who was chased by drunk people, remembered that a very long time ago, when she was little, she was greatly frightened by a drunken man. This shocked her so much that since then she fiercely hated all drunk people. And this inner discomfort has attracted similar situations to her for many years. They repeated themselves, because her unconscious saw in each new person its old fright. It took the girl two whole days to convince herself that drunk people do not pose a threat and have a right to exist. And as soon as she forgave them, life changed overnight. All conflicts ceased, and the drunks no longer pestered. The vicious circle is broken.

According to my observations, many become victims of their long-forgotten beliefs. But our unconscious remembers everything. Talk to him and remove unnecessary worries.

Good luck to you! And don't forget, you are capable of even the impossible! Believe in yourself.

Anastasia Volkova for the site

I want to learn how to choose other men: strong, smart and successful

Ekaterina Korotkikh, psychologist answers:

Finding the perfect man

Nastya complained that all the men with whom she builds relationships do not correspond to her idea of ​​an ideal man. She has it all: a successful career, normal life- only "he" was missing nearby. Nastya wanted to break this "vicious circle" and meet the right person to create a family.

Nastya answered questions confusedly:

You don't like the men you choose, right? Why are you getting closer to them?

Because those men who I like do not look after me, and those who do seem to me, though not very attractive, but reliable. It is important for me to be confident in a man that he will not leave me. Well, if an unworthy one leaves, I will not suffer much. Near a successful man I feel insecure, I need to constantly control myself, look perfect, speak beautifully, in general, correspond to his level in order to be able to keep.

Hold ... You say a man must be “reliable” so that he doesn’t quit. And that the man "needs to be restrained." Is this your key criterion when choosing a partner?

Yes, one of the key ones. You see, my horoscope is a lion. It is important for me to be loved, adored and carried in my arms. So as not to make you nervous from jealousy or unpredictable behavior. And I want to be accepted as I am.

Tell me, have you ever loved?

Maybe yes. But it’s not like in movies and novels. Rather, it was affection, and even painful. Why is that? I am no longer interested in a man, but I cannot part with him. It drives me crazy to think that he will fall in love with another and forget me! My heart will be broken. Dad left us when I was eight. I don’t want to go through what my mother did then.

It's a shame that I had to go through a breakup with my dad. But what if this man really found his man, and a more suitable partner awaits you? Perhaps breaking up is the best thing you can give each other?

I would like to believe that I will meet that very one. But for this I need to raise my self-esteem and become worthy of my prince. I tried to do it myself, using various methods, I wore an imaginary crown when I walked down the street, I imagined myself bright flower, to which the bees flock, and, you know, they really flocked, it was so nice! But in the end with none of these fans Serious relationships did not start, and after these fantasies came devastation and fatigue, a kind of helplessness and loneliness. Can you help me?

Caution: especially vulnerable!

Client Nastya, by her behavior and speech, reminded me of a sweet girl of 14 years old. Somewhat tight and tense, her voice a little stifled. The facial expressions are rich. Talking about himself, he does not look at the interlocutor - as if speaking a memorized speech. At the same time, he expects approval and emotional response from the psychologist.

According to the classification of the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, Nastya is the owner of the visual vector.

A vector is a set of properties, characteristics of the psyche and body that give a person certain innate desires and abilities. Abilities are given to a person so that, while realizing them, he experiences happiness.

The visual vector manifests itself as a special vulnerability, sensitivity and bright emotionality with a range of feelings - from dark emotions of fear and horror to the brightest: love for the whole world. Born little cowards, visual children are called upon to grow into fearless humanists and philanthropists, thanks to a strong emotional connection with their mother, then with other people close to their hearts.

V best script a visual person experiences mostly bright feelings, he is beautiful in his inner qualities, since he realizes a natural gift for the benefit of people: he is inclined to deep empathy for others - so that someone else's pain is felt more important than his own. Can choose the profession of a doctor, psychologist, educator. Spills out his inner world into art, becoming an artist or artist. Or he is engaged in the education of feelings, instilling moral and ethical guidelines for the younger generation - becoming a teacher.

A woman with a developed and realized visual vector, if she gets married, then only because of great love. Able to strengthen and develop relationships with a lifelong perspective. In a natural way, even just by its presence, it inspires a man to exploits, creating the necessary moral load for the sublimation of a man's abilities for the good of society.

In the worst scenario, if in childhood the viewer was raised in horror stories, horrors, they were not allowed to create an emotional connection, they cut him off, he grows up to be a fearful and hysterical adult. This has a strong influence on his entire future life, forming the basis for the development of new fears, phobias, panic attacks, up to the victim scenario.

Excessive tearfulness, a tendency to superstition (for example, not crossing the road to a black cat), constant and unreasonable fears may indicate the unfavorable development of the visual vector in a child.

Oh, how you want to love ... but scary!

Nastya's visual vector is in a state of "fear". Her condition is characteristic of her fascination with horoscopes and esotericism, which dull the feeling of fear. Meditations and affirmations only aggravate the situation: on the one hand, lulling, repression of the anxiety state occurs, on the other hand, the buildup of emotions within oneself is added. In this state, a girl can become a victim of pick-up artists, and in the worst case, even criminals and maniacs.

As explained in the training "System-vector psychology", in the absence of emotional connections, the visual person feels a dreary gnawing loneliness. The feeling of uselessness develops into self-pity, tears arise, implying a desire for "at least someone to take care of me." Therefore, the spectator, in a state of pity for herself (and not for others, as nature planned) is ready to be with any man who wants to share her loneliness. This connection does not make any of the couple happy, the client is trying to somehow fill the holes in her soul, and such a relationship humiliates a man.

In the future, if it happens that the “reliable” one still leaves, Nastya will most likely get a cat, then another and another, creating emotional ties with animals instead of humans. The desire for relationships remains, and the ever-increasing fear of loss, pain, disappointment will force our heroine to be content with the most accessible and safe.

Realization creates new destiny

Whatever the reason for the fears - underdevelopment due to childhood losses, the loss of the point of application for the implementation of the vector in adulthood, or temporary overstress - the current situation can be changed radically. To do this, says Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology", you need to learn how to use the data from the nature of the property correctly. Not for yourself, but for others.

In the course of therapy, Nastya remembered her childhood dream: to create a house of creativity for children - and she caught fire with this idea. It was noticeable that, thinking about this, Nastya became more relaxed, the tension in the cervicobrachial region noticeably subsided, her voice became more melodic and softer.

Nastya also admitted that, in addition to the fear of being left alone, she liked to feel sorry for the men who were nearby. That is, unconsciously, she leaned towards compassion. But the path was wrong.

Systemically understanding the situation, I explained to Nastya that you can only feel compassion for the weak and defenseless, those from whom we do not expect anything in return. Relationships mean reciprocity and respect for the partner. If Nastya is able to implement the visual vector in society, the need to communicate with such men will disappear by itself.

As soon as the spectator learns to endure her emotions purposefully on the needy, she becomes invulnerable to any emotional upheaval. Breakup and rejection no longer leave scars on the soul and do not drive into fear, since there is no previous concern for oneself.

Moreover, having changed the state of the vector to productive (which means, good), a person changes at the hormonal level: the smell, fate changes, life becomes more meaningful and valuable. It is not fear for her that appears, but joy from her. A person in good condition instantly becomes attractive, people are drawn to him, including those who are ideal for creating a harmonious couple. Further explanations - at the free lectures of Yuri Burlan.

Ekaterina Korotkikh, psychologist

The article was written using materials from trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan


14 Jul, 2015

Have you encountered such a situation when unpleasant situations recur periodically? What do you think it depends on, on fate or on the actions of the person himself? Often, after such situations, thoughts begin to visit a person, and he begins to leave his comfort zone, to begin to develop, and not degrade.

Recurring events are a sign that a person has not passed and did not understand some life lesson. He can not . It may be that we ourselves create repetitive unpleasant situations in our life with our behavior and our thoughts.

Look at yourself in the past and you will find that despite the fact that you change and develop, by and large you are exactly the same as you were 10, 20 or 40 years ago... You have the same character, the same reaction to events.

We live according to our own scenario of life, according to our picture of the world and are afraid to go beyond our beliefs and programs. Every year people hope that in next year they will be more fortunate and in life something will begin to change for the better. Look at your life, at least for the last 10 years. Is your life better? Most people don't and won't get better.

In order for her to become better, you need to change something in her life, in her thinking and in her actions. If you want change, you need to step out of your comfort zone and do something new.

What affects recurring events?

1 If a person or does not treat himself very well. On the subconscious mind, it looks like "I don't deserve the best"... In this situation, nothing good can be expected. Life will get harder and worse every year. Learn to accept yourself and other people. You are a part of God and treat yourself like God. Set yourself a program like this "I love and accept myself as I am, I deserve the best"... Realizing and accepting this will take you to the next level.

2 The choice of a person. We make our choice every day and do it in accordance with our understanding of this world. The choice is influenced by the nature and set of conscious and unconscious programs that are in every person.

To get something new, you need to go beyond your usual life and your subconscious programs and do it. This will lead to new results. It should be noted that they may not always be the results that you need, but this is already new life and the destruction of old patterns. We live knowing this world, we develop and learn in this physical world.

Living in our comfort zone, we stop developing, and life begins to resemble a swamp with a bad smell. Constantly take steps into the new and unknown, and you will receive new gifts from life.

So, to break the cycle of recurring events, you need to:

  1. Accept yourself, other people and this world as they are. Accept and love. This will have a very good effect not only on fate, but also on health.
  2. Change your life. Go beyond the usual life and habitual actions. Take steps into uncharted areas, meet new people, do things differently. Your life is a set of rules invented by someone. Create your own rules and involve people in your life, and do not play by someone else's rules.

These 2 steps will pull you out of your usual life and give way to new events. Also, the vicious circle can be broken by and receiving answers from her.

As long as your reaction to events is the same, they will repeat themselves.

I wish you new pleasant changes in your life!