
The fetal head is low: what does this mean? General description and recommendations. What is low fetal presentation during pregnancy and is it dangerous? If the baby lies low in the stomach


Dear accomplices, good evening everyone!

I read perinatal throughout pregnancy (term 21 + 4),
and always found answers to my questions,
but now I'm a little confused. There are several questions that concern me very much, all inside:

1) The fact is that I recently lay on preservation with a tone, my stomach hurt well
and nothing else bothered me much, I was in the hospital for 15 days, they dripped magnesia, they injected nosh-pu,
now I’m taking ginipral at the hospital at home, at first everything was very good, though I couldn’t and I can’t
walk for a long time - the stomach somehow immediately starts to ache, .. and now strange sensations
inside the vagina or something, for the third day .... I don’t even know how to explain exactly these sensations,
Well, firstly, the feeling that my girl is dancing on my bladder and also kicks me in
anus and vagina from the inside... is this normal???
I also had these feelings in the hospital, but not as often and for a long time as now ...
and some other aching incomprehensible sensations, ... not that it really hurts ...
it’s not pleasant, but so much that I want to cry ..... and even when these strange sensations last, I almost always want to write ...
I can drive 15 times a night .... and this is not cystitis for sure .... nothing hurts during urination, a full bladder
or not, it doesn’t really matter - the feeling that you definitely want to write, .. and sometimes you come and 3 drops ...
So I have a feeling that the child is very low .... it seems to me???? At 19 weeks, they did an ultrasound in the hospital and the placenta was
located at 6 cm. above the internal pharynx ... as far as I know this is a good indicator .. Could the placenta descend for example ??
Why do I have a clear feeling that the child is straight low low ... where the pubis often slosh and push ...

2) They also said during ultrasound that the internal os is closed ... but I don’t know about the length of the cervix,
there was nothing on this sheet with all the ultrasound indicators ... But could they see the length of the cervix if the ultrasound
done in the stomach Or can it only be seen with a vaginal probe?? the truth on the discharge on December 23, the doctor
I examined the neck and said that everything was fine, I didn’t go into details, but it’s clear that everything was ok ...
So I got confused that suddenly my neck shortened or the pharynx opened a little ..... How does it feel ???
Please write in more detail .... I am now at the dacha and there is no way to go to the doctor, even if it is paid, ..
Yes, and I doubt whether it is necessary ..... maybe I’m panicking in vain? ... Or is it all the same to drive to the city on an ultrasound, for example? ...

Girls, please answer my questions ... otherwise I'm already going crazy, and in general, of course, I'm an alarmist,
because my girl is very desirable, I'm afraid of everything incomprehensible ....

Pregnant women with a similar diagnosis are shown constant supervision by doctors. Moreover, future mom She herself should take a more responsible and attentive approach to the issue of her own health. Any unusual symptoms should be reported to the doctor immediately..

To reduce the risk of premature birth experts recommend expectant mothers wear a special prenatal bandage. With its help, it will be possible to reduce the pressure of the fetus on the cervix, which in turn will protect the woman in labor from its early opening.

When such a diagnosis is made, visit the doctor regularly. During the appointment, he will be able to track the possible opening of the cervix and promptly send the woman in labor to the hospital. Here, the expectant mother will be able to undergo additional examinations, on the basis of which the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment.

Unfortunately, in some cases, to prevent premature birth, it is necessary to resort to the services of the uterine ring. With its help, it is possible to close the pharynx and prevent possible infection of the fetus.

Remember, if you have been diagnosed with low fetal presentation, then you should not panic. Most often, this condition does not pose a particular danger to either the mother or the unborn baby. To avoid complications and bring the child to term, you should simply follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

The child moves in the lower abdomen - is it good or bad? Having finally waited for the first movements of the fetus, the pregnant woman enthusiastically surrenders herself to communicating with her offspring.

By the nature of the movements, by their activity and duration, much can be learned. After all, for a period of more than 20 weeks the child pushes hard in the lower abdomen, that is, quite clearly, the movements are usually already well felt, and mothers begin to slowly get acquainted with the features of their little man.

By the way the baby moves, one can assume his temperament. And therefore, where the movements are most felt, they often learn about the location of the fetus in the uterus. Thus, the greatest activity for the lower abdomen may be characteristic of the pelvic or transverse position. Of course, if your pregnancy has already exceeded 20-24 weeks. Before that, the baby is still quite able to change positions several times a day. Its size still allows it. At short periods, the child moves very low because both the fetus and the uterus are still small and have not risen higher.

But after 22-25 weeks, the child usually fits head down and waits for his birth. However, even after this period, the possibility of changing the position of the baby still remains. Some even make a big somersault on the eve of childbirth. Babies turn either ass or head to the birth canal. The second, of course, is more desirable. But although breech presentation and classifies childbirth as special, yet their natural outcome is usually positive. What can not be said about the transverse position of the fetus. In this position, the child is located with the ass and head in the lateral parts of the uterus, and the shoulder is facing the exit. In this arrangement, natural childbirth is impossible and applies C-section. Transverse position not common and occurs in a very low percentage of women.

Another reason why the child moves in the lower abdomen may be weakness and flabbiness of the muscles of the abdomen and uterus. This is more common in expecting a second and subsequent children. The reason for this to turn around can be a fibroid or fibroma of the uterus. His head simply does not fit next to the neoplasm, and he turns his pelvis towards him.

Excessive freedom of movement and the ability to lie down across gives and polyhydramnios. However, oligohydramnios, which limits movement, can also be a cause. The small size of the fetus, as well as unusually large, in the same way as water, are risk factors. Even because of placenta previa, a narrow pelvis, the head may not be inserted into the small pelvis.

In a word, numerous deviations and anomalies can contribute to disruption of the normal course of the preparation of the fetus for childbirth. But in modern conditions, all this is easily detected. Appropriate measures are taken and even "transverse" children are born healthy.

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