
Increasing pensions for rural pensioners. Pension increase for rural residents Retirement benefit for women from rural areas


Rural pensioners are entitled to a pension supplement in the form of an increase in the fixed pension payment by 25% for the rural experience worked out. It should be noted that such an increase was provided for by law a long time ago, but due to the difficult economic situation in the country, this provision was suspended from 01/01/2017. And only from January 1, 2019, Law No. 350-FZ restored the operation of the article providing for work in rural areas.

It is worth noting that a 25% increase is due, but only to those citizens who have worked at least 30 years old in agriculture as prescribed and continue to live in rural areas during the period of receiving a pension.

However, it has already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, providing for the appointment of such an additional payment, regardless of the actual place of residence.

25% pension supplement for agricultural workers

The pension legislation provides for an additional payment to the pension for work in agriculture for more than 30 years in the amount of 25% of the amount to the insurance pension. This allowance is not due to all rural pensioners, but only to those receiving insurance payments and , having the necessary work experience in rural areas in accordance with the stipulated .

The implementation of such a pension supplement is provided for in part 14 of Art. 17 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions", but this article was suspended from January 1, 2017 due to the difficult economic situation. According to No. 350-FZ, the decision to “freeze” was canceled from January 1, 2019.

The amount of the surcharge in 2020

The allowance provided for rural pensioners is 25% of the fixed payment. In 2020, the amount of PV for the insurance pension is set at 5686.25 rubles, therefore:

  • for rural pensioners receiving payments for old age or disability groups I and II, the insurance pension increases in 2020 for 1421.56 rubles.;
  • for disabled people of group III, the PV in 2020 to the disability pension is 2843.12 rubles, which means that the additional payment will be assigned in the amount of RUB 710.78

    Recall that for disabled people of the 3rd group, the amount of a fixed payment to the disability insurance pension is determined as 50% of the base value (50% of 5686.25 rubles is 2843.12 rubles).


Which villagers will receive a pension supplement

An increase in pension by 25% of the amount of the fixed payment will be assigned automatically if the following conditions are met:

  1. A citizen must work at least 30 calendar days in agriculture in the profession provided for by the list established by the Government, subject to mandatory payment.
  2. Do not exercise in this moment work or other activity for which pension insurance contributions are paid (i.e., in fact, only non-working rural pensioners are entitled to an additional payment).
  3. Live in the countryside.

To increase the pension by 25% of the PV value, it is necessary that the pensioner has worked for 30 years in the position listed in the above Decree. For example:

  • agronomist, agrochemist, agrotechnician;
  • head of a peasant (farm) economy, chairman, director;
  • agricultural repairman machines, equipment;
  • veterinarian, paramedic, technician, orderly;
  • livestock specialist, etc.

The length of service is calculated in a calendar order for all periods of official employment in the prescribed professions. The length of service will also include periods of incapacity for work, paid holidays and periods of caring for a child up to 1.5 years (but not more than 6 years in total).

How to get a pension supplement for working in agriculture for more than 30 years

According to part 5 of Art. 10 of Law No. 350-FZ, the recalculation of the amount of payments and the assignment of the corresponding allowance will be made automatically. That is, the submission of an application by a pensioner is not required if the FIU has data on the presence of the necessary work experience in agriculture, as well as information that the citizen continues to live in rural areas.

If the required documents pension fund are absent, then the pensioner will need to independently apply to the FIU with an application for recalculation of the amount of payments, providing all supporting documents.

  • If a citizen applied to the FIU with an application for recalculation before December 31, 2019, then the allowance will be assigned to him from January 1, 2019 (that is, they will also pay for the previous months).
  • If a pensioner submits an application to the Pension Fund after December 31, 2019, then the additional payment will be assigned from the 1st day of the month following the application (for example, if he applies in January 2020, then it will be assigned from 02/01/2020, etc. ).

Signed at the beginning of October the federal law about changes in pension system where, among other things, significant material support is provided for the villagers. What is a pension supplement? Which of the villagers got special benefits? Do villagers need to apply to the Pension Fund for recalculation of pensions? Details - in an interview with the head of the department for the organization of the appointment and payment of pensions of the regional Branches of the FIU Irina Neverova.

- Irina Ivanovna, what additional material support can villagers count on from January 1, 2019?

- From January 1, 2019, amendments to the law on pensions will come into force. They provide additional material support for non-working pensioners permanently residing in rural areas. settlements and long-term experience in agriculture. For them, a 25% supplement is introduced to the fixed payment of the old-age or disability insurance pension. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the supplement is not for the entire pension, but only for a fixed payment. For most pensioners, the amount of a fixed payment in 2019 will be 5,334 rubles. 19 kopecks, respectively, the amount of the allowance is 1,333 rubles. 55 kop.

- What conditions are needed to receive a 25% increase in pensions for villagers?

– The villagers can count on a supplement to the fixed payment of the insurance pension if three necessary conditions are met. Firstly, at least 30 years of work in certain positions and industries in agriculture. Secondly, living in the countryside. And the third condition is the absence of the very fact of work.

- Irina Ivanovna, have the specific professions and specialties of the villagers been determined, in accordance with which they will receive a fixed payment increase?

- In the near future, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation will approve the lists of jobs, industries, positions, professions and specialties, in accordance with which an increase in the amount of a fixed payment to the old-age and disability insurance pension is established. The rules for calculating the periods of work (activity) will also be approved, giving the right to establish a 25% bonus to a fixed payment of a pension.

How will pensions be recalculated for rural residents?

- The recalculation will be made according to the documents available in the payment files of pensioners, without an application. To date, all territorial bodies of the PFR in the Altai Territory are working to clarify the list of persons claiming the specified payment. The adopted law establishes a deadline for making unannounced recalculations - until September 1, 2019, with an additional payment for the period from January 1, 2019.

- If the pensioner does not receive this recalculation before September 1, 2019, but believes that he is entitled to it, then he has the right to independently contact the client service of the PFR Department with the relevant documents on the length of service until December 31, 2019, and then the specified recalculation will be carried out from January 1, 2019.

If a pensioner applies for a recalculation after December 31, 2019, the recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month of his application.


Payment benefits:

  • property tax.
  • Transport tax.
  • Land tax.

Tax deduction.

A working pensioner can apply for a vacation and the employer is obliged to provide it without saving the RFP in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Depending on the category of pensioner, such a vacation may last:

  • 35 calendar days if a person is a participant in the Second World War.
  • 60 days if the pensioner has a disability.
  • up to 14 days for pensioners by age.

A pensioner can be assisted with gasification of housing in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 10, 2011 N 456.

Targeted assistance is provided to pensioners who find themselves in difficult life situation. It can be obtained not only in the form of money, but also in food, hygiene products, clothing and other essentials.

Pensioners undergo medical examination every three years (from 60 to 99 years old), with the exception of disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, persons awarded the sign "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" and recognized as disabled due to a general illness, labor injury and other reasons. These groups are screened annually, regardless of age.

Disabled veterans are also entitled to free sanatorium vouchers.

Citizens over the age of 60 can get an annual flu shot.

Exemption of income from personal income tax:

  • state pension pension provision, labor pensions, social payments.
  • payment at the expense of the organization’s own funds for the cost of sanatorium and resort vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care for former employees who quit due to retirement due to disability or old age (clauses 9, 10 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • amounts financial assistance not exceeding 4000 rubles. per year, provided by employers to their former employees who quit due to retirement due to disability or age (clause 28, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the mother of the child cannot take care of the child, then family members, including working pensioners (grandmother or grandfather), can do this. Childcare leave in accordance with Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; 2008, N 30, Art. 3613) can be used in full or in parts by grandmother, grandfather, in fact caring for the child.

In the event that the mother of a child receiving a monthly childcare allowance cannot take care of the child due to her illness or for other reasons, the right to receive a monthly childcare allowance may be exercised by those actually caring for the child during this period. period.

Benefits for labor veterans:

  1. Federal
  • free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (with the exception of taxis) in any city, regardless of their place of residence, and in rural areas - also on public transport (with the exception of taxis) of suburban and intercity traffic;
  • 50% seasonal discount from the cost of travel on the rail and water transport of suburban traffic;
  • 50% discount in payment for the occupied total area of ​​residential premises (within the social norm), including for family members of these persons living together with them (in communal apartments - 50% discount in payment for the occupied living space). Housing benefits are provided to labor veterans living in state and municipal housing stocks, as well as in privatized residential premises;
  • 50% discount on utility bills (water supply, sanitation, removal of household and other waste, gas, electricity and thermal energy- within the norms for the consumption of utilities, radio, collective antenna), and for labor veterans living in houses without central heating - in paying for fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population, and transport services for the delivery of this fuel. Fuel is provided on a priority basis. Benefits for paying utility bills are provided to persons living in houses, regardless of the type of housing stock.
  • social benefits in 2015 include compensation of 50% of the price of utilities for water, gas and electricity, garbage collection, operation of a radio and a collective television antenna, excluding the form of housing stock;
  • working veterans of labor can go on annual leave at any time at will and on vacation at their own expense for a month once a year;
  • free production and repair of dentures in municipal medical state institutions, except for dentures made of metal ceramics and precious metals;
  • free service in city polyclinics.
  • Regional (each region of the Russian Federation sets its own benefits, so you need to find out about them in the service social support population)
    • free travel on public transport.
    • 50% cash compensation for phone charges.
    • 50% discount on utility bills (within social standards).
    • free travel on suburban rail transport.
    • monthly city cash payment (247 rubles).
    • in the presence of medical indications - free sanatorium treatment and reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of treatment and back (only by rail).

    Benefits for seniors over 80

    • the size of the insurance part of the pension is increased by 2 times. You do not need to provide any documents for this, recalculation occurs automatically.
    • free medical and social services, including boarding schools, nursing homes and other state medical institutions.
    • if there are problems with housing (for example, emergency housing), housing from the state can be provided.
    • temporary or permanent assistance in the form of receiving food packages, obtaining a place for temporary residence, providing legal and medical and psychological assistance.

    After the age of 80, a citizen can receive care, for which money is paid to the caregiver. Care can be carried out by his relatives or complete strangers, and the time for care will definitely be included in the insurance period for further retirement. This will provide pension points for the formation of the insurance (former labor) part of the pension. The amount of payment depends on the region and is credited to the pensioner's pension account.

    The caregiver, in order to be formalized, does not have the right to work, be on the stock exchange and receive a salary.


    Many have heard about the additional payment to the pension for rural experience since 2019. In fact, it is not new and has relied on pensioners since 2016. But the State Duma suspended its payment, first until January 1, 2017, and then until 2020.

    Now along with the increase law retirement age The surcharge for rural experience was returned to pensioners from 2019. But not without additional conditions, and pensioners may not receive payments immediately from January 1. The deadline for recalculation is until September 1, 2019. We will talk about the timing of the payment of the increase later.

    To begin with, consider who is entitled to a rural supplement to a pension. The conditions are as follows:

    1. At least 30 years of work experience in a rural area;
    2. A pensioner does NOT have to work while receiving a pension;
    3. The pensioner must live in a rural area.

    Moreover, all these three conditions must be met together, and not separately.

    The types of work and professions that will be counted in rural experience have not yet been approved, but there is a project. After its official approval, together with the rules for calculating periods of work in agriculture, we will inform our VKontakte group.

    So far, questions remain about the very concept of rural areas. For example, will urban-type settlements or urban settlements be classified as rural areas? We will wait for clarification from the Pension Fund.

    The exact size of the increase is already known in advance. Recall that it is set at 25% of the fixed payment. Please note that the calculation is not based on the entire amount of the pension.
    In 2019, the amount will be 5334.19 rubles. This means that an increase for pensioners with rural experience by 25% will amount to 1,333 rubles. In subsequent years, the rural surcharge will also be indexed along with the fixed payment.

    Let's return to the terms of payment of an increase for rural experience. According to the Pension Fund, work to identify pensioners with rural experience has already been carried out. The adopted law 350-FZ states that the recalculation will be carried out from January 1, 2019 without applications from pensioners. At the same time, the Pension Fund is allowed to carry out all calculations until September 1, 2019.

    It turns out that for non-working pensioners with 30 or more years of rural experience living in rural areas, the Pension Fund will have to calculate the increase before September 1, 2019. But with a surcharge from January 1.

    For example, if the recalculation is carried out only in May, then in June the amounts will be paid, taking into account the past 5 months. And then the pensioner will continue to receive an allowance of 1333 rubles every month. Upon admission to work, the supplement is withdrawn.

    The recalculation of the rural allowance is carried out by the Pension Fund according to the data they have, without applications from pensioners. But if you think that you meet all three of the above conditions for calculating the rural allowance, and have not received your allowance until September, then apply to the Pension Fund. An application submitted during 2019 gives the right to recalculate from January 1, 2019.

    Also, if you have any doubts about the right to a rural supplement, we advise you at the beginning of 2019, when all draft regulations on the rural allowance should have already been approved, submit a written application to the Pension Fund with a request to confirm or refute your right to recalculate the rural allowance to a fixed payment.

    For more information on how to do this, see the following video. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and alerts to receive new releases in a timely manner and know a little more about pensions than your neighbors.

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    Such an allowance has already been provided for in part 14 of Art. 17 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”, but this provision was suspended due to difficult situation in the country's economy (Article 1 of Law No. 428-FZ of December 19, 2016) The moratorium on the payment of allowances to rural pensioners was provided for until January 1, 2020, but in connection with the implementation of this norm, it was decided to “unfreeze” ahead of schedule.

    The pension supplement for seniority in agriculture is assigned only to non-working pensioners who receive insurance pension or . In this case, not the size of the paid pension will be increased by 25%, but only the amount.

    How to get a raise for agricultural workers

    An increase in pensions for rural pensioners will be made without application, if the Pension Fund has all the necessary data on the presence of more than 30 years of experience in agriculture and the actual residence of the pensioner in rural areas. This means that you do not need to apply to the FIU to receive an allowance - the amount of the pension will be increased automatically.

    According to part 5 of Art. 10 of Law No. 350-FZ, an increase in pension is assigned from January 1, 2019, but the timing of the recalculation is provided before September 1, 2019. All funds that must be accrued from January 1, 2019 until the actual recalculation will be compensated and will be received immediately for all months of such a delay.

    If the PFR does not have documents confirming the right to receive an increase in pension, then a citizen has the right to provide additional documents at any time. In this case, the date of submission of these documents will matter:

    • When applying from January 1 to December 31, 2019, the pension supplement for work in rural areas is assigned from 01/01/2019.
    • If the necessary documents are provided in 2020 and later, then the additional payment will be assigned only from the next month after the date of application (clause 2, part 1, article 23 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013). For example, if a pensioner submits documents in February 2020, then increased pension he will be appointed only from March 1, 2020.