
Summary of sports entertainment in the middle group "Happy Friends" outline of physical education classes (middle group) on the topic. Physical culture entertainment about friendship for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions. Synopsis of the Relay and Games


Sports entertainment for children 4-6 years old in the kindergarten "Friendly guys".

The scenario was developed for children of middle and senior preschool age. This material can be useful for physical education instructors, kindergarten teachers, and parents. You can host an event for several different age groups (junior, middle and senior).

Target: Involve children in a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.

Wellness: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.
Educational: Form motor skills and abilities; exercise in the implementation of basic types of movements through game tasks, teach the game in a team.
Educational: To cultivate attention, purposefulness, to cultivate the ability to act in a team, a sense of camaraderie, to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, the ability to be friends, give in, be kind, caring, the ability to follow the rules in games.
Developing: Develop endurance, dexterity, spatial orientation, ingenuity, thinking

Equipment: Arc, rope, ring toss, hoops, dummies of vegetables and fruits, hedgehog toy.

Musical arrangement: Musical - rhythmic composition "There are friends", musical accompaniment for games.

Entertainment progress:

Educator: Children, let's stand in a circle and join hands. A new day has come, I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. It's good for us here! We are friends and call each other by affectionate names.

Game "Name it affectionately".
Children take turns calling each other affectionate names.

Educator: But sometimes we get very sad. Let's show our mood.

Physics minute "Mood"
The mood fell, (spread your arms to the sides and down, shrug your shoulders sadly)
The case falls out of hand ... (we beat lightly on the outer sides of the palms)
But not everything is gone, (finger left-right)
If you have a good friend. (point to friend)
We will cope with the case together, (put your hands on the shoulders of a friend)
Let's breathe a sigh of relief - Eh
Let's raise the mood (sit down, collect the mood in our palms)
And shake off the dust! (shaking off their hands).

Educator: Guys, and we know the poem about the friendship of boys and girls, let's remember it.

Game-imitation "Girls and boys".
Boys and girls -
Alternately put the right and left hand forward, palms up.
We are all equal

Cross your fingers in front of your chest.
Only remember boys
Threatening with the index finger of the right hand.
One thing should:
The girls are weaker than them
They press their hands to their chest and tremble.
They can squeak
And should their boys
They portray a strong man.
Bravely defend!

Educator: Dear Guys! Today you and I will play funny and kind games that will help us get to know each other better, become friendly children.

Relay: "Running on all fours with crawling under the arc."
At the signal of the teacher, the children get on all fours and run faster, run up to the arc and crawl under it.

Educator: Guys, in the next competition we need to keep our balance, walk the tightrope. Your task is to walk along the tightrope and not fall. Is the task clear? Reade set Go!

Relay "Walk the tightrope."
Hand in hand, children walk along the rope without tearing their hands.

Educator: Guys, the next task is to test your accuracy. You will need to throw rings onto the ring toss in the distance.
Relay: "Throwing Rings".
Children come to the line and try to put the ring on the ring toss.

Educator: Well done boys. Are you tired? Not? Then the next task is for you.

Game "Edible - inedible".
There is a basket of groceries and toys on the floor. Children should choose what is edible and inedible and run to the hoops, put the edible in the green hoop and the inedible in the red one.

Educator: Attention: and now we are turning into a "centipede"!

The game "Centipede".
Children stand one after another and put their hands on the belt of the child in front. The players must hold each other tightly so that the centipede does not burst. The presenter runs in a circle, around the Christmas trees, etc.

Educator: Well done! You are all cheerful and cheerful! Are we friendly guys?
Children: Yes!

Imitation game "How do you live?"
- How do you live?
- How do you exercise in the morning?
- How are you dancing?
- How do you threaten?
- How do you wash?
- How do you expect lunch?
- How do you wave after?
- Looking in the distance?
- How are you being naughty?

Educator: And now I invite you to play an exciting game called "Hedgehog".

An outdoor game "Hedgehog".
Children standing in a circle with their arms outstretched forward. In the center - "Hedgehog"
Children: What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
Hedgehog: It's me just in case. Do you know who my neighbors are? Wolves, foxes and bears.
On the word “bears”, “hedgehog” runs in a circle and tries to touch the hands of the children, and the children quickly remove their hands.

Educator: And now we have games for inseparable friends.

Game "Couples".
The players stand up in pairs, scatter to the music and run in any direction. The music ends, on the signal “Don't sleep and don't yawn, quickly choose a pair! »Stand up in pairs, with whom they were originally.

Game "Vacuum cleaner and dust particles".
To the music, children-specks of dust fly around the room, circle around themselves and, spinning more and more slowly, settle to the floor. But as soon as the music stops, the vacuum cleaner starts working. The teacher collects all the dust particles, touching the dust particles on the shoulder. Whoever he touches, he gets up behind him and further collect dust particles.

Educator: And now a fun dance for cheerful and friendly guys.

Dance "There are friends".

Educator: So our entertainment has come to an end. Thank you guys for the friendly games! You did an excellent job with all the tasks. All participants showed their agility, strength, speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of vivacity! Always stay friendly guys.

Oksana Smirnova
Summary of physical culture entertainment in the middle group "Teremok"

Smirnova Oksana Nikolaevna

Municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution

Kindergarten number 17 "Stream"

combined type

summary of entertainment in the middle group.

« Teremok» .

Target: to create a cheerful, sporty mood in children, to foster a desire to engage in physical education.

Integration of educational areas:

Physical education:

develop psychophysical quality: quickness, endurance, dexterity, flexibility;

Form an idea of ​​active recreation;

Support interest to physical education.


Develop communication and interaction of the child with peers;

Form a respectful attitude towards each other.


To form in children an idea of ​​the world around them;

Raising love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Preliminary work: children, together with the teacher, remember a fairy tale teremok.

Equipment: teremok, animal toys, hoops 10 pcs., balls according to the number of children.


Before entering the gym, children receive invitation: Standing in the field teremok; He is not low, not high; All animals are invited to celebrate the housewarming.

The teacher offers to go with the little animals for a housewarming in teremok- introductory part - normal walking;

Here the fox walks importantly - walking on toes;

A clubfoot bear walks, waddles - walking on the outside of the foot;

The mouse minces along the path - walking in small steps;

The gray wolf gallops with wide jumps - Walking with a wide step;

Bunny also jumps for housewarming - jumps;

Animals are running, they are afraid to be late - running at a moderate pace.

We ran out of the forest and saw teremok, were delighted, and went quietly - walking. The animals came to teremku, saw the animals that settled in teremke, congratulated them, and decided to celebrate housewarming: have fun, play your favorite games.

First, the frog decided to teach children to jump - Children stand one after another. Hoops are laid out on the floor, children jump from hoop to hoop on two legs.

Chanterelle offered to compete, who can run better on toes - an outdoor game "Run quietly"... Children get up from one side of the hall, and run on tiptoes to the opposite side, and the chanterelle looks who ran the quietest.

The bear told how his baby bear cubs love to race to the raspberry tree - play exercise "Who is more likely on all fours"... On one side of the hall, children on all fours crawl to the opposite side.

The wolf offered to play ball - an outdoor game "Throw-Catch"... Children take balls, disperse around the hall (stand on landmarks, throw the ball, and catch it. (After playing, children put balls in baskets).

The hedgehog suggested playing catch-up with the fox. While the fox is gone, the children run around the hall to the loose, as soon as the fox appears, the children squat down (curl up into a ball) and freeze.

Bunny offered to play a game "Bunny gray washes his face"- children stand up in a circle and repeat after the bunny movement: Bunny gray washes

Apparently going to visit,

I wiped my nose, washed my mouth, washed my ear, wiped it dry!

The animals liked the housewarming very much. Children thank the animals for their hospitality, say goodbye to them, and leave the forest (from the audience).

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Sports entertainment in kindergarten for preschoolers 4-5 years old "On a visit to the fairy tale"

Elena I. Kameneva
Material description: I offer physical education instructors and preschool educational institutions sports entertainment "On a visit to the fairy tale." This material can be used for young and middle preschool children.
Target: the formation of interest in fairy tales, the creation of a joyful mood.
Tasks: To form motor skills and abilities through the knowledge and ideas of fairy tales that children have. Form the ability to guess riddles. To develop the basic physical qualities of children: strength, speed, coordination of movements, agility, endurance, courage, flexibility. To cultivate qualities such as camaraderie, dedication, discipline, friendliness, mutual assistance.
Equipment and inventory: Spoon, dummy eggs, chairs, toy bun, cubes, cones, bucket, rope, handkerchiefs, clothespins, basket, musical accompaniment.

The course of entertainment

Educator: What a miracle these tales are! And how different they are: funny and sad, with wonderful transformations and amazing characters. But all of them teach us kindness and beauty, courage and loyalty, teach us to be friends, rejoice and worry.
There are many, very different fairy tales in the world
Long and short, sad and funny.
You can read them, you can tell them,
Well, we decided: "Let's play them!"
Today we will have an unusual holiday, I invite you to remember fairy tales. Today we will meet with our beloved fairy-tale heroes and even stay in their place. After all, our meeting with the fairy tale will be sports.
Before we hit the road, let's do a little warm-up to be in good shape.

Charging according to fairy tales.
One, two - pull yourself up!
Three, four - smile!
We got up quickly in order
For fun exercises! (Column formation one at a time)
Down the path straight
Let's go to a Russian fairy tale. (Column walking one at a time)
And the ravines, gullies
Let's go around the side. (Snake walking)
The path to a fairy tale is not easy
There is a long way to a fairy tale.
We walk high (walking on toes)
We are walking low. (Walking on heels)
One is a stump, two is a stump.
One after another jumped and jumped. (Jumping from foot to foot)
Race with the wind
We are agile and light
Let's run without looking back
So that the heels sparkle. (Running in a circle)
Hush, hush, take your time
Stop running now.
A dark forest parted.
Who is waiting for us here? (Column walking one at a time)

Educator: So here we go! The first tale, guess it.
Somehow the mouse is small
She dropped a testicle to the floor.
The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying.
What a fairy tale, give me an answer! (Chicken Ryaba)
Educator: Once upon a time (grandfather and woman). And they had (Ryaba chicken). The chicken did not lay a simple testicle, but a (golden) one. The grandfather beat, beat - (did not break), the woman beat, beat - (did not break). The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and (broke). (Grandfather) cries, (woman) cries, and the chicken clucks: "Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman, but rather play a competition."

Transfer the Egg Relay.
Run with the egg on the spoon around the container and back, transfer the spoon with the egg to the next player.

Educator: Guys, in the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" you were grandmothers and grandfathers. Well, stay them, because the heroes of the second fairy tale are grandmother and grandfather again. Attention! Listen! What a fairy tale:
Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, also a dog Bug
They helped grandfather and woman,
Did you collect the root crops? (Turnip)
Educator: Grandfather planted (turnip). A turnip has grown (large - large). The grandfather pulls the turnip, pulls, but pulls (cannot). Grandfather (grandmother) called. Grandma for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip. They pull - pull ...

Relay "Turnip".
6 children are involved. These are grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There is a chair at the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on the chair - a child in a hat with a turnip image. The grandfather starts the game. At the signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to it (takes the hand), and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, the mouse the turnip clings.

Educator: From flour, sour cream,
I was baked in a hot stove.
I lay on the window
Yes, he ran away from home.
He's blush and round
Who is this? (Gingerbread man).
Educator: Let's remember the tale together. Who baked the gingerbread man? What was the bun baked from? What did you bake the bun in? Where did the bun lie, get cold? Where did the bun roll? Who did he meet first? Who ate it? (Answers of children). Today we will try to help the kolobok get away from the fox. Do you agree? (Answers of children). Now we will play the game "Gingerbread Man and the Fox"

Outdoor game: "Gingerbread man and the fox"
Children stand in a circle and pass the "kolobok" in a circle, the fox catches up.

Educator: Well, guys, you still have riddles.
And I washed my stepmother and sorted peas
At night by candlelight, and slept by the stove.
Good as the sun, who is it? (Cinderella)
Educator: Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She did not sit idle for a minute. You will have to work hard in this relay too. Every first player in the team will act as an evil stepmother, and every second will be Cinderella.

Relay "Cinderella".
The first child (evil stepmother) runs with a bucket to the finish line, pours out garbage from it (cubes, constructor, etc.) and returns, passes the bucket to the second, he runs, collects garbage in the bucket and comes back, passes it to the third (evil stepmother) , he runs, throws out trash, etc.

Educator: What heroine are we talking about?
The girl almost died
After all, the stepmother lured into the forest.
But they took shelter in a house
Her funny gnomes. (Snow White)
Educator: Participants in the competition need to help Snow White hang the dwarfs' handkerchiefs to dry. You need to take a handkerchief, run to the string, hang it up, attach it with a clothespin and go back.

Relay "Snow White and the Dwarfs".
Adults hold a rope, handkerchiefs in the hands of the gnomes. At the signal, they run, give the handkerchief to the girl - "Snow White", who hangs it on the rope with a clothespin.

Educator: And fairy tales do not subside
The mysteries continue:
It is not low, not high, different people live in it:
Mouse mouse, frog frog,
Runaway bunny, little fox sister,
Gray wolf-teeth snap.
This is terem ... (Teremok)
Educator: To begin with, let's remember who lived in the teremka: Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny - hopping, Chanterelle-sister and Volchok - a gray barrel. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the teremok. Let's try to play this fairy tale in the relay and the guys and I will now build a teremok.

Relay game: "Teremteremok".
Children stand in two columns, in front of them is a basket of cubes. The first takes one cube from the basket, runs to the table and puts the cube on the table, comes back. The second does the same, only puts a die on a die (builds a tower). The game continues until the dice in the basket run out

Educator: So our journey through fairy tales has come to an end, it's time to return.
Here we have been in a fairy tale,
And they saw the heroes of fairy tales,
Our fairy tale is over
And who was listening well.
You guys are great
Get all the prizes!

Abstract of physical culture entertainment in the educational area "Physical culture". "We are soldiers" for children of the middle group


1. Strengthening the health and hardening of children when doing physical exercises.

2. Creation of a cheerful holiday mood in children.

3. To develop vital motor skills, actions: basic movements, sports exercises and outdoor games.

4. To develop physical qualities: agility, quickness, flexibility and coordination of movements.

5. To educate in children the courage, the will to overcome obstacles.

6. To foster love for the Motherland and the Russian army, respect for the Russian soldier.

Children enter the hall under a solemn march.

After all, today is a special day

For boys and men

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every citizen knows!

So that health is strong

The guys had

After all, a boy is

Future soldier!

We walk bravo

Left and right

Because all the soldiers

There were also preschoolers!

Hurry to grow up

To go to the army!

Song: "Our army is strong"

Charging is good for everyone

Everyone needs a charge.

For pain and cold

She saves us.


Are there soldiers among you?

I want to see what your boys are

Strong, agile and courageous?

I ask the teams to line up

Today there are 2 teams participating in our competition

Team: "Rocket"

Team: "Star"

Today there will be judges at our holiday


Are the teams ready for the competition?

Children: Yes!!!

Relays and games

Vedas: Let's start our fun competition

1 relay race "Border Guard"(children run to the arc, crawl under it, run to the landmark and run back).

Veda: Well done! Next
Relay - "Hockey Players", because a real soldier must go in for sports (children run with a gymnastic stick, pushing the ring in front of them, up to the landmark and also come back).

Veda: Well done! While the judges are summing up the results, we will play with you
Game "Cavalry".

Word to the judges: Results for two relay races.

Ved. Attention, attention, our competition continues!

Relay "Artelerists", the soldier must be a well-aimed shooter. (throwing at the target at a distance of 2 meters).

Vedas: Well done! And we will hold this relay and see what our boys are dexterous riders, every soldier should be able to ride a horse.
The relay is called - "Cavalrymen".

Ved. While our judges are summing up the results, we will dance "Merry Dance".

The floor to the judges for summing up and awarding.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution number 160

"Kindergarten for supervision and rehabilitation"

Sports entertainment summary

(for children of the middle group)

Physical education instructor

Yantsen S.A.

year 2012

Target: Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

  1. Tasks: To teach children to take care of their bodies, to bring up the need for a healthy lifestyle, to evoke an emotional response in children in the process of entertainment, a desire to participate in it.

Equipment and inventory: layout or drawing of eyes,illustrations of carrots, butter, eggs, fish, mask, handkerchief, microbial masks, wet cleaning, garlic, onions, vegetables and fruits, baskets with red and blue balls, dumbbells,

  1. Decoration: posters, balloons.
  1. Presenters: Vitaminka, Doctor Aibolit (adults), microbe (child).


Children enter the hall and stand in a circle. "Vitaminka" runs into the hall (addresses the children).

Vitamin: Hello guys! I live in the Land of Health. The word "hello" is similar to the word "health". When people greet each other, they wish each other good health. Let's say hello to each other too.

Communication game "Hello".

Children stand in pairs in a circle.


We will meet no one

We wish you health.

When they meet, like animals,

“Hello,” the guys say (with their hands)

Standing facing friend to friend, shake hands.

We will meet no one

We wish you health.

When they meet, like animals,

"Hello," the guys say (with their noses)

Standing facing each other, rub their noses, cheeks, backs.

We will meet no one

We wish you health.

When they meet, like animals,

The guys hug.

Vitaminka: Guys, you want to go on a trip and visit an unusual city.

Over the seas, over the mountains

There is a magical land.

It is called the land of health

Guys, I invite you on a trip!

Z teaches music, children perform walking on toes (hands up, to the sides), jumping, etc.


Let's go ahead.

Many discoveries await us

We step one after another

Forest and green meadow

Normal walking

The bridge swung to the sides,

And under it the brook laughed

On our toes we'll go

We'll get to the other side.

Toe walking

One after another we go

And we will approach the swamp.

Let's cross the barrier in an instant -

And jump, jump, jump over the bumps.

Jumping on two legs

We walk, we walk

Raise our hands higher.

We do not lower our head

We breathe evenly, deeply.

You see how easy it is to go.

Raise your hands through the sides up, lower them down.

Close your eyes buddy

Turn around three times

Find yourself in the land of health.

Vitamin: In the city of big men there are many unusual streets, but to get to the street we need, we need to solve a riddle: two brothers sleep at night and look at the world during the day.

Children: These are the eyes (fit the eye layout).

Educator: So we ended up on Glaznaya Street and let's talk about the eyes. Guys, what does a person need them for? See how big your eyes are and why they are closed.

Vitamin: Probably they are sick or sleeping, oh what a grief, but what to do so that they do not get sick?

Educator and children: It is necessary to wash and dry yourself with a clean towel every morning, do not touch your face with dirty hands, be outdoors more often, there are more foods that contain vitamin A. (they point to the image of carrots, butter, eggs, fish).

Vitamin: Guys, you need to strengthen your eyes, do gymnastics for the eyes and perform special exercises (children do exercises for the eyes

Look at your finger in the distance

Bring it close to your nose

1, 2, 3 eyes close

1, 2, 3 eyes open (eyes open on the layout)

Vitamin: Look, the eyes heard us and woke up. Let's go further to travel around the city of healthy men (flew by plane).


The plane is flying

(hands to the side)

Let's take a flight with him

I took away the right wing and looked

(right hand to the side)

Left wing looked away

(left arm to the side)

I start the motors and watch carefully

(circular rotations by hands)

I go up and fly

(hands up)

I don't want to go down

Educator: Doctor Aibolit lives on the street "Lechebnaya". Today we came to visit him.


Kind doctor Aibolit

Heal everyone, heal.

If someone is sick -

I ate a lot of sweets

Nose and throat have a cold

And suddenly he broke his knee.

If the eyes turn red

Or the ears ached -

Refer to Aibolit,

He will help, give advice.

Vitamin: Coughs, sneezes, goes to children.

Aibolit: Vitaminka, you are sick and can infect children and adults. Guys, is the patient behaving correctly?

Educator and children:No, the patient must always cover his mouth and nose with a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, or use a mask.

Vitamin: (Looking for a handkerchief) Oh, oh lost

Children: We will give it to you.

Vitamin: Doctor, how can a sick person infect others?

Aibolit: Are we going to ask now?

Educator and children:When a sick person sneezes, coughs, harmful microbes quickly move to healthy people, multiply and attack beneficial microbes, a healthy person becomes infected and becomes ill.

Vitamin: So that's why you can't sneeze and cough without covering your mouth and nose.

Aibolit: That's right, each of us has germs. They are useful and harmful, we have not seen them, but every person has them. If there are few beneficial microbes, then a person can get sick.

Educator: Guys, let's learn how to fight harmful microbes. Let's look at the pictures and select the cards we need.

Children choose illustrations: wet cleaning, walking, breathing in pairs of garlic and onions, vegetables and fruits. Approximate answers: microbes are afraid of cleanliness, so it is necessary to do wet cleaning every day. Microbes do not like fresh air, so it is necessary to ventilate the room. Microbes are afraid of vitamins, so you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, microbes are afraid of onions and garlic, so you need to cut and lay them in the room, and it is good to eat onions and garlic.

A microbe runs in. In his hands he holds a basket with red and blue balls.

I am an evil voracious microbe!

I eat everything that goes into my mouth.

I love where it is humid and dark

I am with dust, dirt at the same time!

Microbe: My friends - harmful microbes - will instantly scatter and you will be infected (throws balls from the basket on the floor).

Vitaminka: What is it?

Children: These are microbes, red is useful, blue is harmful.

Aibolit: 1, 2, 3, defeat harmful microbes!

To the music, children collect blue balls in one basket, red balls in another basket.

Aibolit: Thank you guys for helping to cope with harmful microbes, I am now in a good mood.

Vitamin: To make it better, let's say "We are the best, the most beautiful." And now we will affectionately name every part of the body.

The little head is the sun. (Stroking themselves on the head)

Lobik - bobby. (Frowning)

Nose - apricot (Touch the nose)

Cheeks - lumps (Cheeks crumpled)

Tooths - oak trees (They knock softly with their teeth)

Beard - young (Stroke the chin)

Eyelashes - sisters (Blinking)

Ears - non-listening (Ear massage)

Shoulders - grasshoppers (Raise, lower shoulders)

Grasping handles (Simulates grasping movements)

Fingers are boys (Wiggle fingers)

Breast - duck (Flex the chest)

Puziko - watermelon (Stuck out the stomach forward)

The back is a reed (Straighten the back)

Knees - logs (Bend knees alternately)

Legs - boots (Stomp feet).

Vitamin: Let's go further to travel around the city of healthy men. (On a flat path, our legs are walking).

We got to the street "Sportivnaya"

On a sports street

Everyone should move

Lazy people, lazy people

They are not needed here at all.

Let's take balls, dumbbells.

And let's stand together in a row

And we will exercise

Many times in a row.

Children perform sports exercises with dumbbells. "Health is fine, thanks charging"

Vitamin: Guys, here we went around the whole city of big guys, and got to the street "Game". Want to play, run, have fun.

Children: Yes!


Who is strong here, who is brave here!

Come out rather in a circle

We are starting one interesting game!

An outdoor game "Freeze!" children scatter and jump around the hall to the music. When the music dies down, they look at the card and depict the object drawn on the card.

Toothbrush - standing on one leg, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the chest, palms connected, fingers spread out (bristles at the brush).

Hairbrush - standing in a heel-to-toe position, arms bent at the elbows, forearms forward one above the other (teeth), head tilted forward.

Towel - lying on your back, arms up, raise straight legs up.

Soap - lying on your back in a tuck.


So we washed ourselves! Well done!


Sun, air and water

(our best friends)

In a group together in order

(do exercises in the morning)

We pour ourselves over with you

(cold water)

From colds and sore throats us

(save vitamins)

Cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits

(useful products for everyone)

Less sweet, starchy foods

So you will become slim again.


Close your eyes

Three turn around

And come back to kindergarten!


Goodbye guys! See you! Be healthy!