
Developing activities for children 4 5 years old in kindergarten. The development of thinking in children of four to five years old. A few ideas for playful activities for girls


Svetlana Cherednichenko
Synopsis of correctional and developmental classes for children 4-5 years old

Target: Fine motor skills correction, the formation of ideas about color, shape, size. Tasks: Learn to distinguish between right and left hand, vertical, horizontal arrangement of objects. Development of logical thinking.

Duration occupations: 25 minutes

Group occupancy: no more than 10-12 people

Materials (edit): set of geometric shapes, toy car, maze drawing

Age: 4-5 years old

Stroke classes I.Organizational moment Introductory speech by the teacher psychologist:

Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!

Get out of the way, our laziness!

Do not bother to work

Do not interfere with learning!

Educator-psychologist - What is it now class?

Pupils: - Correction lesson... II. Topic message classes Teacher-psychologist: - Children, today at occupations we will go to a fairyland "Geometric Shapes" where different geometries, shapes and colors live. We will not go there alone, but our faithful assistant will help us. And who will be! Now you yourself will find out by guessing my riddle:

"I am cheerful, mischievous, I can be simple and colorful!"


Educator-psychologist - Children who are they!

Pupils: - Pencil!

II. Physical minute

Target: stimulates the activity of the brain, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

How is it going? - Like this!

How are you going? - Like this!

Are you running? - Like this!

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

How do you give? - Like this!

Do you take it? - Like this!

How are you naughty? - Like this!

Do you threaten? - Like this!

III. Exercise for massage of fingers and palms

Target: activate the activity of the brain, stimulate the development of speech skills, activate memory, attention, develop creative imagination.

Educator-psychologist: - And so that they are mobile, write and draw well, we will now stretch our fingers. Massage.

So that our finger is healthy,

Let's give him a massage.

We'll crush it harder

And let's move on to another.

Rubbing fingers from the back

We are on the other side

You must rub your finger,

To make him cheer up

He was healthy and not sick.

Rubbing the fingers from the inside

To be strong in the palm of your hand -

Massage a little:

Press ten times

And we will change the palms.

Back palm massage

Here are the funny chicks

They came to the garden to the garden.

They walk happily

The grains peck quickly.

Palm massage from the inside (picture)

Now friends are chickens

A garden bed climbed onto another.

There children peck grain

Also bold and agile.

Patting the palm with your fingertips on both sides

Vi. Didactic game house.

Target: Formation of ideas about the shape, size. Vertical, horizontal arrangement of objects.

Materials (edit): a set of geometric shapes.

We'll build a house now


It will not be brick,

But not on paper either.

It's high, with a garage downstairs.

What is our house made of?

Children, let's build a house with you! Take geometric shapes - these are our building materials and start building. Where the triangle and the cone are the roof.

V. Labyrinth with a secret

Target: correction of fine motor skills, develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech; training of speed skills of performing mental operations.

Materials (edit): toy car, maze drawing

The labyrinth has an entrance and an exit, between which you must first find the shortest path, drawing it with a simple pencil. After completing the maze, you will get a colorful picture. By painting the entire route with different colors, you will get a colorful picture. You do not need to paint squares that are not on the line.

Vi. Outcome classes

Educator-psychologist: - What geometric shapes did we meet on occupations?

Pupils: - Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, cylinder.

Educator-psychologist: - Who was today at occupation by our assistant?

Pupils: - Pencil!

Educator-psychologist: - Why are we doing finger exercises?

Pupils: - To make your fingers better write, draw, etc.

Educator-psychologist: - Well done! You all did well today.

When drawing up occupations was used literature:

1. Bityanova M. R. "Adaptation of a child at school" correctively-developmental training M., "Ped. Search", 2008

2. Lavrentieva G. P. "Practical Psychology for Educators" collection of tests, Kiev, 2002

3. Vasilyeva N.N. and Novotortseva N.V. "Educational games for schoolchildren", Yaroslavl, 2006

4. Vasilieva S. V. "Diagnostics of mental states children preschool age ", S. -P. "Speech", 2005

5. Volkov B.S. "Tasks and exercises in child psychology", M. "Education",

6. Collection of psychological games and exercises "Edge of Success", / comp .: V. N. Nokhrina, N. A. Uvarova, N. A. Shtyrts; - - Ect. GOU DOD TsDOD "Palace of Youth" 2006.

Related publications:

Synopsis of individual correctional and developmental classes on the development of mental processes for children 5-6 years old Purpose: development and correction of mental processes in older preschool children. Objectives: Educational: - continue to develop skills.

Purpose: formation of correct, clean speech Objectives: to activate the processes of perception, attention, memory; increase.

Lesson objectives: 1. The development of fine motor skills. 2. Development of speech: to teach to understand addressed speech, speech motivation. 3. Learn to show the parts.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate the existing knowledge about the seasons, in particular autumn. 2. Clarify and consolidate knowledge about vegetables. 3. Development and correction.

A four-year-old child is already old enough, he looks at the world in his own way, looking for himself and his place in it. He has already passed a certain stage of development and can do a lot. It is difficult to assess the progress of the baby in a year, as it used to be. He grew up, stretched out, became more dexterous, concentrated. If you observe four-year-old children from the outside, you will notice that some of them are more active, courageous, creative, ready for new games, activities and discoveries. Others - constrained, indecisive, silently stand aside, wait.

In part, these are manifestations of the child's personal character. But in many ways, the behavior and inner confidence of the child depends on the variety of activities, the range of his interests and lifestyle. Right now it is important not to miss the moment, not to let everything take its course and give your child everything that he needs for harmonious and correct development.

4 years is the best age for interesting activities

By the age of four, most children become calmer, more diligent, they are ready to spend more time at home, are fond of cartoons, the first computer games. The most important aspect of the correct development of a child is physical activity. This period is good for initial training in sports clubs, development clubs. If you haven’t recorded the baby anywhere yet, just try to walk with him more, let the child play in the yard or in the park with his peers.

From the point of view of psychology, it is this period that is very important for the development of the child. He becomes more sensitive and vulnerable, he is very sensitive to his failures, as well as any criticism. Children, who are leaders by nature, are extremely sensitive to any losses, they need to be the first at any cost. Various negative emotions can manifest themselves: harsh reactions, or, conversely, sadness, depressive notes.

Parents should be especially attentive to their children. Try to encourage and praise more often than criticize, pay more attention to the child's success, stimulate improvement and try to be better. Communication with parents is important, it is important to gain the trust of your child.

Activities with a 4-year-old child: new ideas and traditional methods

The development of children at the age of four includes all the same areas as before:

  • Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;
  • Physical development;
  • Ability to work in a team, communication skills;
  • , improving pronunciation and vocabulary;
  • Knowledge of the world and its laws, the study of the laws of nature and society;
  • Creative thinking, development of imagination and abstract thinking;
  • Fundamentals of math, grammar, writing and reading.

New interesting activities and ideas are being added to this list. the child becomes more complex and rich, he tries to "try on" different roles, professions, emotions. It is good to show the kid at this time another side of life - culture. Puppet theater, music, dancing - you need to show your child as much as possible.

In addition, at this age, the baby can already safely, and, as well as learn foreign languages. At the same time, the level of training remains easy, relaxed, playful.

To develop thinking, memory, logic, you can use the same tasks and games that are already familiar to the baby, but complicate them:

  • "Continue the chain";
  • "Find a couple";
  • “We exclude unnecessary things”;
  • "Fold the pattern";
  • “Find the same items”;
  • comparison tasks (from small to large, from low to high, etc.).

Also good are such tasks that require an understanding of the position in space (in front, behind, in front and above, inside and outside, etc.), the concept of time, time of day or year. Constructors and puzzles and other similar toys are simply irreplaceable at this age.

Classes with children 3 years old for the development of speech

The task of parents is not only to teach the kid to speak correctly, but also to expand his vocabulary, as well as the skills to form complex sentences, questions, theses, explain processes and events, and describe them. One of the universal ways to develop a baby is reading. Read more to the child, and then discuss the text, the child should be able to retell it.

Other interesting tasks related to the development of speech:

  • "We decrease and increase" (you say, for example, "hare", and the baby - "bunny", "hare");
  • “Name it in one word” (you describe an object, and the child calls it);
  • “Who needs what” (example: a janitor - a broom, a doctor - a white coat);
  • “How to know that ...” (ask the child questions like: “How do you know that it’s night? How do you know if it's cold outside?);
  • "Part-whole" (you name an object, for example, a car. The child tells what it consists of).

Classes for the development of hand motor skills, creative work

Creative pursuits are the most interesting and multifaceted. The classic types of such activities: modeling, drawing, applique. You can supplement them, make them more diverse, unusual, bright. What else can you do with children:

  • from scrap materials (buttons, yogurt boxes, ice cream sticks);
  • Working with natural materials (and cones, straws, flowers, and acorns);
  • Culinary art (the simplest cookies of the original shape, decorations for salads, sandwiches, sweet dishes);
  • Home theater.

Teaching reading, foreign languages

4 years is still a fairly early age for such activities. But if the child shows interest, asks what kind of letter it is, and is happy to repeat words in a foreign language after you, you can do such activities now. Reading is taught by different methods. The most popular of them are fusion syllables (children memorize how the syllables are spelled: "ba", "ma", "mu", "ra", etc.), and post-word reading.

As for foreign languages, at this stage this is only oral work, you can use pictures on which objects are written in large letters, but not learn them. You can arrange activities in a playful way, mobile activities, during which you repeat actions ("run", "jump", "laugh", "up and down", etc.).

Classes with a child 3 years old for the knowledge of the world

Spend more time with your children, go for walks, answer all their thousands of "why?" This is the main way for the kid to explore the world and himself. Classes can be conducted with special picture cards, books. Explore birds and animals, nature, city life, colors and shades.

Features and rules for conducting classes with children at 4 years old

Classes with children at the age of four are already full-fledged, rich, and have a more serious form. But the framework and boundaries to be set should be moderate. It is important that your toddler understands when fun and spontaneous play ends and an exciting lesson begins. But at the same time, you do not need to set strict time frames (at least 30 minutes and that's all, even if the child is inattentive and passive), limit the tasks strictly to the topic that you have outlined for yourself.

Play as a way to interest the child no longer has such a meaning, but it is worth keeping an easy playful form in some cases: when learning new subjects (for example, English), for collective tasks, to consolidate the material.

It is better to play using the subject of the lesson at the end of the lesson, and first try to interest the baby. This can be done in different ways: say what a fine fellow he is, that he works like an adult (all children want to seem older); reward with a possible prize ("when you can fold the kit yourself, I'll buy you something"). A great solution is to write down the success of the baby, come up with awards or medals.

The main rules for parents:

  • when it works, to praise, when not - not to scold;
  • help, suggest, but not do the task for the child;
  • try to trust the baby at all stages of work, even if it does not work out so beautifully, not so smoothly;
  • limit lessons in time, do not give many tasks of the same type in a row, even if the baby is doing great;
  • to open up to the child all the possibilities, to show as much as possible, to offer, but not to impose.

The duration of the sessions can be adjusted, but you should not do them longer than 30 minutes. It is also important to pay attention to what the child is doing best, to try to hear and understand him. At this age, children discover talents and interests, encourage and develop them.

Municipal budget

educational institution

"Education Center No. 16"

(MBDOU kindergarten №92)


Lesson notes


for children of middle preschool age


This program is both developmental and preventive in nature. Classes with a teacher-psychologist are aimed at awakening children's interest in intellectual cognitive activity and increasing children's capabilities in this activity. The Greek historian Plutarch wrote about the secret of learning this way: “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit”.

Target : Disclosure of the intellectual and creative potential of children.

Tasks :

1. To supplement and systematize the knowledge of children about the world around them.

2. To enrich and activate the vocabulary of children.

3. To develop cognitive processes, mental operations of children.

4. To develop spatial representations, speed of reaction of children.

5. To develop imagination, auditory perception, creativity of children.

6. To help in relieving psycho-muscular tension, relaxation, getting positive emotions from success in cognitive activity.

7. To form communication skills in a group, the ability to obey certain rules.

Organization of the group and classes

12 developmental classes are held with children of middle preschool age, once a week, during October-December. The duration of the lessons is up to 20 minutes.

Group principles

1. The clear nature of the material presented to children.

2. The playful nature of the lessons, a large number of games and exercises of a motor character.

3. Frequent change of methods and types of activity, alternation of methods of work of the motor and intellectual type.

4. Caring for the participation and success of each child.

5. Every child is accepted as he is. A friendly, respectful attitude towards children.

6. Reproaches, censures for failure are unacceptable. The child who finds it difficult to answer is given the opportunity to listen to the answers of other children, after which he is again given the opportunity to answer.

7. Positive emotional atmosphere, joy for the success of each child, encouragement of the child's slightest achievement.

8. Each child's success is compared to his or her own level. Children are not compared to each other.

9. Creation of an atmosphere of safety, permissiveness in the system of relations, freedom of expression of feelings and opinions.

10. Fostering respect for each other in the group.

The structure of the classes, methods and techniques of work.

The entire course consists of 12 lessons. The lessons are organized according to thematic principle: each lesson is a separate topic. The themes of the lessons are the surrounding reality that is close and understandable to children. Each lesson is completely built on one material. Repeated repetition of the same words in different tasks should contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of the children's vocabulary.

The classes do not pursue the acquisition of extensive knowledge of the topics. Each lesson is more focused on generalization, systematization, ordering of children's knowledge on the topic, the development of cognitive processes while operating with the material.

Each lesson has three parts: a greeting, a main part, and a goodbye.

The greeting is a verbal exercise in play form with a ball or a movement exercise. The exercises in the first part of the lesson are aimed at uniting children, setting them up for work, creating a positive emotional background.

The main part includes 3-4 exercises, mainly of a game nature, didactic verbal, outdoor games.

These tasks are aimed at replenishing, systematizing, generalizing knowledge, vocabulary, developing cognitive processes, spatial representations, and reaction speed. In the middle of the main part, an outdoor game (physical education) is required, and at the end of the main part - an exercise of a creative nature.

Farewell pursues the removal of psycho-muscular tension, relaxation of children, calming down.

Performance assessment

It is assumed that children who have completed a course of developmental classes will replenish their knowledge on the main topics about the world around them in accordance with their age, they will become more free to operate with this knowledge, as their vocabulary will be enriched. They will become more knowledgeable, courageous, believe in themselves and begin to show themselves in a group in the classroom of educators. This, in turn, will give them the strength and desire to be more active, there will be an interest in intellectual pursuits. It is quite possible that some of them will reach a higher level of intellectual development in accordance with age than it was at the beginning of the year.


Lesson number 1. "Body parts"


1. Pictures depicting people.

2. Calm music.

The course of the lesson.

Greetings .

Main part.

1. "Consider a person ". The teacher puts pictures of people in a row, asks the children to name them and remember the sequence of arrangement. The pictures are closed, and the children must remember the sequence of their arrangement (2-3 times).

How can you call everyone who is drawn in these pictures in one word? (People, person, family).

The teacher invites children to consider a picture of a person. –What is the largest part of the human body called? Then it shows where the chest, stomach, back are in the picture. Children show and name these body parts in themselves, in each other. Then they show in the picture and on themselves: the head, forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, lips, chin - parts of the face.

2. Exercise "Riddles and answers"

The teacher makes riddles to children and talks with children about why a person needs these body parts.

The animal is on top of the head, and we have below the eyes (Ears). What is a man's ears for? Two Yegorkas live near the hill, live amicably, but do not look at each other (eyes). What is a man's eyes for?

It can be very different: long, small, humped, thick, thin, freckled (nose). What is a man's nose for?

3.Exercise "Funny girls and boys"

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and perform movements in accordance with the content (2-3 times)

Girls and boys

They jump like balls.

They stomp their feet

They clap their hands

Nod their heads

And they squat quietly.

Children, what are you clapping with now? (With hands). Show left hand, right, fingers, nails, palm, elbow, shoulder. Children show and say the names of the parts of the hand.

What did you stomp on? (Kicks). Similar work is underway.

4 . Drawing Music Exercise


Exercise "Warm palms"

Children stand in a circle and, in a chain, name parts of a person's body, who remembered what. Then the teacher extends his hand in a circle, palm up, and invites all children to put their palms on his palm. Then, with the other palm, the teacher covers the children's palms from above and says that he feels the warmth of all palms, encourages the children to feel the warmth of the palms of their friends.

Lesson number 2 "Geometric shapes"

Equipment .

1. Geometric shapes of different colors and sizes: large and small blue and red circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval - 20 shapes in total.

2. For each child, a set No. 2 and No. 3 of Nikitin's games "Fold a square" (squares with a side of 8 cm are cut into two parts of a rectangular and triangular shape).

3. Music.

The course of the lesson.


Exercise "We are glad to see you!" Each child says "Hello, my name is (name)", and all the children answer him in unison, "We are glad to see you (name)!"

Main part.

1.Exercise "Distribute the shapes".

The teacher exposes the geometric figures named in clause 2 of the equipment in front of the children, traces them with a pointer, repeating their names together with the children. Children alternately draw them with their fingers in the air. Children determine the location of the figures relative to each other: what is next to the triangle; between which figures is the red circle, etc. Then the characteristics of each figure are given according to three features: shape, color, size, all figures are classified first by shape, then by color, then by size, while abstracting from the other two features.

2. Exercise "Fold the square".

Children are given sets (item 3 of the equipment), it is proposed to add a square of two rectangles, of two triangles. In case of difficulty, the display of the task is used, and then the child is invited to complete the same task on his own.

4.Physical training "For mushrooms"

We will go to the forest for mushrooms, (walking in place)

We will collect them with you ourselves.

One is a fungus, two is a fungus, (squat)

That's a whole box! (claps)

The rain fell oh-oh-oh! (one palm is extended forward, fingers touch it with the other)

Let's run home soon! (running in place)

5 . Drawing Music Exercise

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Study "Pump and balls"

Children squat, knees pressed to chest, head to knees, arms wrapped around them - deflated little balls. The teacher takes up an imaginary pump and makes energetic inclinations of the body forward - "pumps up" the balls. The balls gradually inflate: the knees straighten, the head rises, the arms are rounded at the sides, the cheeks are inflated. The presenter depicts hitting the ball on the ground with his palm extended forward. All balls are fun and easy to jump. The presenter claps his hands - “opens the valve”, and the balls begin to deflate slowly, relaxed down to the floor (2-3 times).

Lesson number 3 "Toys"


1. Music.

2. Toys: ball, matryoshka, bear.

The course of the lesson.


Exercise “We are glad to see you! ". Each child says "Hello, my name is (name)", and all the children answer him in unison, "We are glad to see you (name)!"

Main part.

1.Exercise "Listen carefully!"

The teacher loudly, clearly, calls different words, as soon as he names a toy, children should clap their hands (table, apple, doll, mosaic, glue, cup, typewriter, scissors, cubes, whirligig, telephone, saucepan, tumbler, hammer , pyramid, ball, hat, soap, rattle, matryoshka)

2. Exercise "Guess"

The teacher demonstrates toys to children: a ball, a bear, a nesting doll, makes riddles and asks children to answer questions.

Round, smooth and pot-bellied -

The guys hurt him.

Why is the poor man beaten?

Because it's inflated.

What's this? How did you guess? What shape and color is it? What is it made of? How does it feel? How to play with him?

Clumsy feet

In winter, he sleeps in a den.

Guess and answer

What kind of beast is this? (bear).

What does a teddy bear have? What material is it made of? How can you play with him?

Different girlfriends are tall,

But they look like each other

They all sit in each other,

And just one toy.

What's this? How did you guess? What is the matryoshka made of? How many matryoshka girlfriends do we have?

3.Exercise "Tannin toys"

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the words of the poem and with gestures, movements depict characters.

On a large carpet in a rowChildren march in place, stop

Tanina's dolls are standing... Portray characters

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Chipolino,

Both a kitten and a baby elephant.

One, two, three, four, five,Are jumping

Together we will go for a walk... Marching .

4 . Drawing Music Exercise

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Study for muscle relaxation "Parsley Jumping »

The players portray Parsley, who jumps softly and easily on two legs at the same time. Knees, body, arms are soft, relaxed, head is lowered.

Lesson number 4 "Dishes"

Equipment .

1. Pictures depicting the kitchen, dining room, tea ware: kettle, tea pair, candy bowl, sugar bowl; saucepan, frying pan, colander; deep and shallow plates, salad bowl, bread box, spoon, fork.


3. Paper and pencils.

The course of the lesson.


1. Exercise “We are glad to see you! ". Each child says "Hello, my name is (name)", and all the children answer him in unison, "We are glad to see you (name)!"

2. Exercise "Pancakes".

Let's bake pancakes. What kind of dishes are needed for this?

Let's make a frying pan. (Children stand in a close circle and join hands)

Pour the dough. (Holding hands, everyone goes back as wide as possible to make a big pancake).

We bake a pancake. (Holding hands, at the same time slightly squat, while imitating the hiss of a pancake with the sound of "sh").

We smear a pancake with sour cream. (They disengage the hands and move them in a wave-like fashion up and down, the hands are soft, plastic).

We twist our pancake. ("Motor" in front of him).

We open our mouth wide, like this - (spread your arms to the sides and make a clap with the sound "A-a-am").

Main part.

1. Conversation about dishes.

In front of the children, pictures with the image of dishes are displayed (item 1 of the equipment).

What is the one word for all these items?

What other utensils do you know?

What are the cutlery that we use with meals?

In what utensil is food prepared? What is the name of this dish? (Kitchen).

What utensils do we use when we drink tea? What is the name of this dish? (Tea room).

And what is the name of the dishes from which we eat at the table? (Canteen). Name the tableware in our pictures.

Consider a saucepan. What parts does it consist of? (Wall, bottom, lid, handles). Why do you need a lid, handles?

Examine the kettle, name the parts. Why does a teapot have a spout?

2.Exercise "Turning into a dish"

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and with their bodies depict different dishes.

Here is a large teapot (inflate the belly, one hand on the belt, the other bent -

Very important as a boss. nose)

Here are the china cups, (sit down, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the porcelain saucers, (spinning, drawing a circle with your hands)

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

Here is a plastic tray - (make a large ring with your hands)

He brought us the dishes.

3 . Drawing Music Exercise

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Lesson number 5 "Clothes"


1.Po 2-3 pictures with the image of the top, bottom, casual, smart, winter, summer clothes.


3. Paper, pencils


Course of the lesson .


Exercise "Say hello"

Main part.

1. Examining clothes and talking about them.

The psychologist shows the children pictures, asks what one word can be called everything that is drawn in the pictures (clothes).

The psychologist says that clothes are different: for the street, for the house, for holidays, for girls, for boys, for winter and summer. We will now consider different clothes in the pictures, we will name it.

What kind of clothes do they wear on the street? What kind of clothes are they? (Top, warm).

Pictures with the image of underpants, T-shirts, T-shirts, nightgowns, pajamas are exhibited.

What do we wear these clothes on? (on the body). It's called underwear or underwear.

What is the name of the clothes we wear for the holiday? (festive, smart).

What is the name of the clothes we wear every day? (Casual).

Do we wear the same clothes in summer and winter?

What kind of clothes do we wear in the summer? (Summer). And in winter? (Winter).

Winter clothes are sewn from warm, thick fabrics and fur. A summer one made of light, thin fabrics. Why?

Clothes have different details, parts. Show what I will name on my clothes or on the clothes of other children. Collar, sleeves, long, short sleeves. Pockets. Lightning. Buttons. Buttons. Belt.

2. An outdoor game "Needle and thread".

Children stand one after another. The first of them - the "needle" - runs, changing direction. The rest - the "thread" - run after him, trying to keep up.

3. Exercise "What kind of clothes are these?"

If a psychologist calls winter clothes, children open their arms wide to the sides, and if winter clothes they hug themselves.

4 . Drawing Music Exercise

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Children stand in a circle, and, touching the neighbor with their palm, smile at him, then the child "passes" the smile in a circle until it "returns" to the first child.

Lesson number 6 "Seasons: winter, spring"


1. The ball.

2. A plot picture about winter and spring.

3 pencils and paper


Course of the lesson .


1.Exercise "Magic Snowball".

Children pass a cotton wool snowball in a circle and name what they like in winter and wish each other a good day.

2 . Game - exercise "Snowflakes".

A light breeze blew, the snowflakes whirled lightly (they whirl in place easily, slowly, smoothly on their toes).

A snowstorm began, snowflakes flew (they run around the room on tiptoes scattering easily, swiftly).

The wind has died down, a snowdrift has piled up (all "flock" to the center and gather in one "snowdrift": they squat, huddled closely to each other). It covered with snowdrifts, real winter has come.

Main part.

1.Considering the storyline about winter

After what time of year does winter come?

What happens on earth in winter? Where else does the snow lie?

What trees in winter?

How should you dress in winter? Why?

What is the weather like in winter?

2.Exercise "Winter fun"

Snow, snow, white snow. (Waving their hands in front of them)

He showered us all.

Children all got up on skis (imitate skiing)

And they ran through the snow.

Today from a snowball (Moving one after another, "rolling a ball")

We blinded a snowman near the house. (Draw three circles in the air with their hands)

Our woman is standing at the very gates,

Nobody will pass, nobody will pass. (They threaten with the index finger).

3. Consideration of a plot picture about spring

The teacher invites children to consider the picture and answer the questions:

What time of year is this picture?

After what time of year does spring come?

What happens to snow in spring?

What trees become in spring, what appears on them?

How should you dress in spring? Why?

What is the weather like in spring?

What are the children doing in this picture?

4 . Drawing Music Exercise

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Lesson number 7 "Seasons: summer, autumn"


1. The ball.

2. A plot picture about summer and autumn.

3 pencils and paper


The course of the lesson.

Greetings .

1.Exercise "Sunbeam".

Children pass a ball around and say something nice to their neighbor.

2 . Game - exercise "Leaf fall".

Starting position - arms to the sides - down, palms down.

A light breeze blew in the autumn park, the leaves whirled easily (they whirl in place easily, slowly, smoothly on their toes).

But then the wind became very strong, and the leaves quickly whirled in the air (they run around the room on tiptoes scattering easily, swiftly).

The wind died down, the leaves of the flock slowly descend to the ground (all smoothly descend and subside). How quiet it became in the autumn park.

Main part.

1. Consideration of the plot of the summer

The teacher invites children to consider the picture and answer the questions:

What time of year is this picture?

After what time of year does summer come?

What grows in summer?

What trees in summer?

How should you dress in summer? Why?

What is the weather like in summer?

What are the children doing in this picture?

2. Physical education "Summer walk"

The wind blows over the fields

And the grass sways. (Children gently shake their hands over their heads.)

A cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain. (Stretching - arms up.)

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are leaning -

Left and right, back and forth,

And then vice versa. (Tilts left and right, back and forth.)

We're climbing a hill (Walking in place.)

We'll have a little rest there. (The children sit down.)

3. The teacher invites children to consider the picture and answer the questions:

What time of year is this picture?

After what time of year does autumn come?

What Happens to Leaves in Autumn?

How to dress in the fall? Why?

What is the weather like in autumn?

What are the children doing in this picture?

4 . Drawing Music Exercise

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Children stand in a circle, and, touching the neighbor with their palm, smile at him, then the child "passes" the smile in a circle until she "returns" to the first child.

Lesson number 8 "Vegetables"

Equipment .

1. The ball.

2. Pictures: potatoes, cucumber, tomato, radish, turnip, onion, carrot, beet, cabbage.

3.Paper and pencils.

4. Music.

Course of the lesson .


Children move around the room to the music, at the command of the psychologist they find a mate for themselves, and greet in a pair, touching their fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

2. Exercise "Let's go to the garden."

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and perform the movements.

Let's go to the garden, Children walk in a circle, holding hands.

We will collect the harvest.

We carry carrots "Drag"

And we'll dig up the potatoes. "Dig"

We will cut a head of cabbage, "Cut off"

Round, juicy, very tasty, They show their shape, size with their hands

Pick a little cucumbers "Tear"

And let's go back along the path. Going in a circle in the opposite direction

Main part.

1.Exercise "Planting a vegetable garden".

The teacher puts up 1 picture with the image of any vegetable (I planted a tomato).

Gives an assignment to children: plant potatoes to the right of the tomato; plant the cucumber to the left of the tomato; plant onions between tomato and cucumber, etc.

2. "Guess."

When all the pictures with vegetables are displayed in front of the children, the teacher makes riddles to the children, asks to look at the vegetables and find a picture-answer. The name of the vegetable is affectionate.

He and in the rain, he and in the heat I grow up in the garden,

Hides tubers underground. And when I mature

Pull the tubers out into the light - Cook a tomato out of me.

Here's breakfast and lunch. (Potato). They put it in borscht and eat it like that. (Tomato).

Round side, yellow side. The cheeks are pink, the nose is white,

A bun is sitting on the garden bed. I sit in the dark for the whole day.

He is firmly rooted in the ground. And the pigtail is green

What is this? (Turnip). She is all in the sun. (Radish).

3. Didactic game "Chef and vegetables"

I decided to become a cook. Not a simple chef, but a magic chef. I will turn you into vegetables now.

One, two, three, four, five - Count together with the teacher

We start to play.

We clap the handles, clap

We'll sink our feet. Stomp

Spun, spun, Spun

You have become vegetables. Stop

Each child is given a picture of a vegetable, it turns into this vegetable.

Children stand in a circle - this is a saucepan. The teacher says that he is going to cook, and the vegetables needed for this dish are included in the circle. Then the soup is "boiled". Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and vegetables in a saucepan whirl, sizzle, gurgle - boil.

I want to make potato soup. (Potatoes, onions, carrots should come out in the circle).

I will cook cabbage soup. (Cabbage, onion, carrot, tomato).

I will cook borsch. (Cabbage, beets, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes).

I'm going to make a salad. (Cucumber, tomato, radish, onion).

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Exercise "Pulling the turnip." Children stand in a circle and show how in the fairy tale "Turnip" they pulled the turnip with effort, and when pulled out, relaxed and rested.

Lesson number 9 "Fruits"


1. The ball.

2.Pictures of fruits: plum, apple, pear, orange, lemon, grape, banana, apricot, peach.

3. Fruit stencils according to the number of children, colored pencils, ½ sheet of A4 paper for each child.

4. Pencils, paper.

5. Music.

Course of the lesson .

Greetings .

1.Exercise "Hello"

Children move around the room to the music, at the command of the psychologist they find a mate for themselves, and greet in a pair, touching their fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

2. An outdoor game "Fruits and vegetables".

Children walk around the room, the teacher randomly names fruits and vegetables. Hearing the name of the fruit, children should stop and raise their hands up (the fruit grows at the top, on the fruit trees); hearing the name of the vegetable, the children should sit down (vegetables grow below, in the garden, on the ground).

Main part.

1. Examining fruits, conversation.

Pictures of fruits are laid out one by one. As you do this, talk about each fruit:

What's this? What is the shape? By color? Does it taste like? What tree does it grow on?

When laying out and talking on all fruits:

How can all this be called in one word? And what about the trees on which the fruit grows? (fruit). What is the name of the garden in which the fruit grows? (fruit).

2. "Guess - ka".

The teacher invites you to listen to riddles about fruits and find answers among the pictures. Give the fruit a common and affectionate name.

Round, ruddy, I'm sweet, I grew up in the south

I grow on a branch. Like the sun in the foliage.

Adults love me Orange and round,

And little kids. (Apple-apple) The kids like me. (Orange-orange)

Balls hang on the knots, turned blue from the heat. (Plums - cream - cream)

Yellow me, like a dandelion, Grew on a branch

Very sour, I ask for tea. Orange kids:

Guess - guys, velvet cheeks, blush.

What is my name, southern fruit? (Lemon - lemon). Juicy, sweet, aromatic. (Peach)

3.Exercise "We will cook compote."

Children, together with the teacher, pronounce the text and perform movements in accordance with the content and rhythm.

We will cook compote. Walking in a circle, holding hands.

You need a lot of fruit. Here: Stop.

Let's crush apples, "Crumble"

We will chop the pear. "Chop"

Squeeze out lemon juice, "Squeeze out"

Put the drain and sand. "Put"

We cook, we cook compote, They make rotational movements with their hands, spin

Let's treat the honest people. Stretch your arms forward, palms up

4. Exercise "Drawing music"

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Exercise "From seed to apple tree"

The presenter (gardener) invites the children to turn into a small wrinkled apple seed (shrink into a ball on the floor.) The gardener treats the seeds carefully, watering them, looking after (stroking the children on the head, back). With the warm spring sun, apple seeds begin to sprout (rise). Twigs, buds, buds appear (hands up, fists clenched, stretch). The buds and buds burst, leaves and flowers appear (they sharply open their fists). In place of the flowers, small apples grow (squeeze the fists tightly), grow up (the fists relax). It is hard for the apple tree to hold the fruits (they strain, their legs are pressed to the floor). But ripe fruits are removed, it is easier for the apple tree. (Relax with the whole body).

Lesson number 10 "Pets"

Equipment .

1. The ball.

2. Pictures of animals and their babies: a cat, a dog, a cow, a horse, a pig, a goat.

3. Paper, pencils.

4. Music.

Course of the lesson .


1.Exercise "Hello"

Children move around the room to the music, at the command of the psychologist they find a mate for themselves, and greet in a pair, touching their fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

2.Exercise "Kind animal ».

Children stand in a circle and join hands. The teacher says in a low voice: “We are one big kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! (everyone listens to their breathing, the breathing of their neighbors). Now let's all breathe together, because we are one animal. Inhale is a step backward, exhalation is a step forward. (Perform at an average pace, rhythmically). This is not only how the animal breathes. His big, kind heart beats just as steadily. Knock is a step back, knock is a step forward. (Perform within 1 minute).

Main part.

Pictures depicting pets are displayed.

As the pictures are displayed, the children name the animals, asks to show how these animals "talk". The teacher makes riddles about animals, children must find a picture-answer, say the name of the animal, the usual and affectionate cat-cat, etc.

The door opened quietly. He finds all traces for sure.

And the mustachioed beast entered, He guards the house at night.

He sat down by the stove, squinting sweetly, Sensitive ears and nose.

And he washed himself with a gray paw. (A cat is a cat). This is our faithful friend ... (dog - doggie)

Milk is given to us by someone.

Children want to drink it. In a bristly shirt.

To keep everyone healthy, Crochet tail,

Milk is given ... (cows - cows). Piglet nose. (Pig - pig)

A beard and legs run along the path. (Goat - goat)

2. Didactic game “Whose kids?

The teacher shows pictures of baby animals and says that they are lost. Each baby needs help to find its mother. The children take turns taking the baby picture, name it, find its mother and place it next to her.

3. Physical education

A cat walks like a cat,

(springy step)

A dog like a dog

(walking with a high knee lift)

A duck duck, walking waddling a little

(step on the whole foot, swaying slightly from side to side)

Like a goat goat jumps horns forward


An elephant walks like an elephant, he steps heavily

(walking, leaning on the feet and palms)

4. Exercise "Drawing music"

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.

Parting .

Exercise "Kitty"

The psychologist proposes that children turn into kitties who lazily stretch in the sun, stretch their legs, round them, then bend their backs, meow rather, and then turn back into children.

Lesson 11 "Wild animals"

Equipment .

1. The ball.

2. Pictures of animals: wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog.

3. Paper, pencils.

4. Music.

Course of the lesson


1.Exercise "Hello"

Children move around the room to the music, at the command of the psychologist they find a mate for themselves, and greet in a pair, touching their fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

Main part.

1. Consideration of pictures about animals, conversation on pictures, riddles.

Pictures depicting wild animals are displayed.

As the pictures are displayed, the children name the animals, the teacher makes riddles about animals, the children must find a picture-answer, say the name of the animal, the usual and affectionate cat-cat, etc.

We will recognize the animal. Tail in a fluffy arc.

For two such signs: Do you know this animal?

He wears a white fur coat in winter, Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,

And he is grayish in summer. (Hare-bunny) Loves to climb trees.

He builds his house in a hollow,

To live in warmth for him. (Squirrel - squirrel)

Angry touchy Sly cheat,

Lives in the wilderness of the forest. Red head,

There are a lot of needles, The fluffy tail is a beauty,

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog - hedgehog) And her name is ... (fox - chanterelle).

2. Didactic game "Who lives where?"

The teacher asks the children to clap their hands if he names a pet, and if it is wild, then knock on the floor.

3. Physical education

On a hot day on a forest path
The animals went to the watering hole. (Children go in circles one after another)
A moose calf was followed by a moose calf (They walk, stomping loudly)
A fox was creeping behind the fox mom (They are sneaking)
A hedgehog mom was rolling behind a hedgehog mom, (Move in a deep squat)
A bear cub followed the mother bear, (Move in a deep squat)
Little squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom (They gallop on tiptoes, bending their arms in front of their chest)
Behind the mother-hare - oblique rabbits, (They jump, making "ears" from their palms)
The she-wolf led the cubs. (Go on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Go on all fours)

4. Exercise "Drawing music"

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Game "Hedgehog"

Children turn into hedgehogs, which are prepared to face danger, curl up into a ball, shrink, spread their needles open so that the enemy can prick. But the danger passed, and the hedgehogs remained in the circle of friends. They relax, stretch and bask in the sun. (Repeats 3 times).

Lesson 12 "Furniture"

Equipment .

1. The ball.

3. Pictures depicting different pieces of furniture: bed, sofa, armchair, table, wardrobe, bedside table, chair.

4. Paper, pencils.

5. Music.

Course of the lesson


1.Exercise "Hello"

Children move around the room to the music, at the command of the psychologist they find a mate for themselves, and greet in a pair, touching their fingers, palms, knees, noses, etc.

Main part.

1. Consideration of pictures with furniture, conversation on pictures.

Pictures of furniture are displayed. As the pictures are displayed, the children name what kind of piece of furniture it is, what it is needed for. Then the children guess riddles and find answers in the pictures.

1) No wonder he stands in the apartment:
When it is served for dinner,

He gathers the whole family.

With him I drink tea and coffee, do my homework, read. (Table)

2) I am comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess.

Love grandmothers and grandchildren

Sit and lie down. (Sofa)

3) If you are tired of playing,
Then you go to bed in ... (Bed)

2. Exercise "Say the other way around"

The psychologist throws a ball to the child and describes some piece of furniture, the child must throw the ball back, give the opposite answer.

- The wardrobe is high, and the bedside table is ... low.

- The wardrobe is large, and the bedside table is ... small.

- The sofa is soft, and the stool ... hard, hard.

- The chair is soft, and the table ... hard, hard.

- The bedside table is low, and the wardrobe is ... high.

- The bedside table is small, and the wardrobe is ... large.

- The stool is hard, and the sofa is ... soft.

“The table is hard, and the chair is ... soft.

3. Physical education

This is a chair, they sit on it (children squat).

This is a table, they are sitting at it (children perform bends).

Here is the bed - they lie on it (stretch your arms up, rise on your fingers).

We put things in the closet (imitation of folding things).

We all walk for a walk (march in place).

4. Exercise "Drawing music".

Music sounds in the hall, the psychologist asks the children to try to draw the music they hear with color spots, but first, the children say what the mood of the music is, what color it is, etc.


Children sit on the carpet in a comfortable position, the psychologist reads a poem, calm music sounds.

Everyone can dance, jump, run, paint.

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest so far.

We have such a game - very easy, simple.

Movement slows down, tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!


    Alyabyeva E.A. Correctional and developmental classes for older preschool children. M .: TC, 2002.

    Bantikova S. Geometric games // Preschool education, No. 1, 2006.

    Correctional and developmental classes and activities / Compiled by S.V. Lesina, G.P. Popova, T.L. Snisarenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

    E. V. Kuznetsova, I. A. Tikhonova Development and correction of speech in children 5-6 years old, M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

    Kushnir N.Ya. The content of diagnostic and corrective work in preschool institutions, Minsk, 1996.

    Chistyakova M.I .. Psychogymnastics. M., 1990.

    Yakovleva N.G. Psychological assistance to a preschooler. - SPb .: Valerie SPD; M .: TC Sphere, 2002.

Estimated time to read the article: 8 minutes.

The baby's leisure time should be useful and interesting, but the problem is that not all parents can or want to make it that way. In fact, four-year-olds require more attention than even babies. On the one hand, they no longer need to clearly warm up food bottles and change diapers, but on the other hand, they need to constantly practice and play with them. Without this, the full development of the child is inconceivable, the establishment between the child and the parents of a trusting, close relationship.
The kid is still full of energy and strength in the first half of the day, so at this time it is better to conduct training sessions. These include coloring pictures, modeling from plasticine, working with appliqués, cutting out simple figures. So that the kid does not lose interest in the process, you need to be creative, come up with original tasks. Smartness and imagination can be perfectly developed with the help of pyramids, puzzles, construction sets and other "collective" toys. Although it will be interesting for the kid himself to assemble something with his own hands, the participation of mom or dad will make this process much more fun.
Children at the age of 4 are already beginning to realize their gender. The girl seeks to copy the behavior of her mother, and the boy probably wants to become as strong as his father. Thanks to this age feature, role-playing games open up an inexhaustible source of entertainment for kids. There are a huge number of them: a store, a hospital, daughters and mothers, a hairdresser, a game of builders. With this variety, you can captivate even a 4-year-old hyperactive toddler.


Not all boys are drawn to drawing, but surely even such boys may be interested in drawing with charcoal. First, you need to take care of the workplace so that the whole apartment does not turn black. Another option is to offer the kid whatman paper and paints and let him draw on it - at least with his hands, at least with his feet.
Girls at 4 years old draw quite well, both with pencils and felt-tip pens, and with paints. Even if the child does not like to draw too much, then as soon as he is given a piece of old wallpaper, a large brush and paints, he will certainly be carried away by this activity.
There are other exciting options:

  • Previously produced stencils for drawing numbers, letters or geometric shapes, which were often used when decorating, for example, school wall newspapers. They can be of great service when working with 4 year olds. On them you can trace various shapes, and then paint them. You can do it differently - download letters, geometric shapes or animal figures from the Internet, print, transfer to cardboard, where to cut them - that will make a wonderful stencil.
  • You can show your child how to draw the outline of your hand on paper.... He will probably be interested in this process, so he will switch to it for a long time - there would be blank paper!
  • Using carbon paper. Not so long ago, there were no copiers, and people used carbon copies instead. Now, of course, such a rarity is difficult to find, but if it succeeds, it will be a great joy for the child, if he only needs to show him how to use it correctly.
  • Everyone knows how important it is to develop fine motor skills in children., and such skills are perfectly developed by drawing. You can combine this with a trick: put a coin under a sheet of paper and start shading the paper with a pencil on top. All the details depicted on the coin will immediately appear, which can then be cut out and used as "paper money".
  • The simplest option is to download coloring pages from the net. and invite the child to bring them "to condition" with the help of paints. You can also download all kinds of mazes from the Internet.
  • Point Drawing Technique it will be especially attractive to children for whom drawing is difficult. Here they only need to connect the dots until they get the correct drawing.

Useful literature for 4 year olds

It is important for parents to lay the basics of social behavior in their child from an early age. For this purpose, it is best to choose educational books. At the age of 4, a child learns to contact the world, so it is advisable that he did it correctly from the beginning.
You can start with books containing cautionary stories with a conclusion at the end of each. Using the book characters as an example, the kid will get acquainted with the wisdom of life: how to behave with peers, with adults, how to make acquaintances, what to fear, here he will learn the rules of behavior in kindergarten. An important educational moment in such books is the emphasis on morality in each plot.
When choosing poems for 4-year-olds, it is important to pay attention to the authors. Excellent poems for such children were written by Samuil Marshak and Korney Chukovsky. They will be interested in their story with the Kid and Karlson or the adventures of heroes from Prostokvashino, as well as folk tales from different countries. After each story or verse read, it is important to analyze the read together and make sure that the child understands it. At school, he will be greatly helped by the ability to clearly formulate his opinion.
You need to notice which fairy tales the kid likes more, and select further similar ones. It is desirable that there are more illustrations - the child will be more interesting, and he will remember more, since visual information is easier for them to assimilate.

Who has children - just read

In Rostov there is a search squad "Liza Alert", whose volunteers arrange open births ...

Educational programs and cartoons on the tablet

A modern way to entertain a child is to turn on educational programs or cartoons on his tablet. Now there are special channels showing educational cartoons. It is only important to choose the right program for the age of the child. But you need to remember that prolonged play with the tablet or watching TV scatters children's attention, can disrupt the baby's sleep and cause aggressive behavior. Therefore, a cartoon session should not last more than 15-20 minutes.
Unfortunately, a lot of modern cartoons are scrappy and contain a lot of violence, so adults need to check them before showing them to a 4-year-old. In this regard, kind and instructive Soviet cartoons are ideal. They emphasize the value of kindness and friendship, the desire to help loved ones, they teach to look for positive moments in any situation. After all, there are very good cartoons for 4 year olds and Disney (especially the old ones)... They always have beautiful graphics, bright characters, a lot of simple, catchy music and songs.
For those who want their child to know a foreign language, you can use online games with the study of any language. For example, a picture of an object is shown there, and its voice-over name in Russian and foreign languages ​​is shown. Even engaging in no more than 15 minutes of such games a day, a child in a few months can learn several dozen foreign words.

Mom's helper

Many 4-year-olds are happy to help their mother in the kitchen, and they should not be denied this. After all, even for their awkward fingers, you can always find a feasible occupation here: cut ripe bananas with a blunt (not sharp kitchen) knife, wash apples in a bowl, beat eggs for an omelette, roll out and knead the dough (at least try it). But, having handed the child even seemingly safe kitchen utensils, parents should carefully monitor him, not leaving the baby alone. Moreover, you cannot leave the child next to a boiling pot, such negligence can be too expensive!
Not every mother will entrust her 4-year-old child with cooking, but she should just let her play alongside! The kid can be given a saucepan, spoon, plastic plate and let him "cook dinner"... At this age, children are incredibly fascinated by role-playing games. Other activities can be organized according to the same scenario: in a playful way, remove dishes from the table, sort clean things in the closet - mom's imagination would be enough!
If the kid is interested, he can be involved in homework. The girl will act as the main assistant of the mother, and the boy will become an irreplaceable, dexterous and strong apprentice for the father, without whom he, of course, cannot cope. It would hardly be wise to entrust a 4-year-old to wash mirrors or a vacuum cleaner, but he is quite capable of sorting socks, putting away his toys or dusting on the lower shelves.

Creative pursuits

Collage of cereals

The kid can be easily interested in an unusual and exciting activity: to make a voluminous toy or a collage, decorated in a “kitchen style” with beans, pasta, bottle caps, etc. The basis can be a sheet of colored cardboard, on which the kid can glue PVA glue in a certain sequence figurines or elements of the landscape. By a similar principle, volumetric toys can be made, but then the cardboard figure will have to be cut out.

What to do with the whole family on a quiet family evening?

Almost all modern families, having gathered together in the evening, or sitting, buried in computers, a tablet ...


Girls are good at cutting simple figures out of paper. Many people like to fold origami, although parents must first show their daughter how to do it. You can cut various figures out of colored paper or newspaper, give the crumb a glue stick - let it make appliqués. At the age of 4, children can already be taught to cut out the simplest geometric shapes: a triangle, a rectangle, a circle.


Modern plasticine is an excellent tool for organizing exciting children's leisure time. It is soft, has many colors and shades. Such plasticine does not need to be crumpled in your hands for a long time. And there is also floating plasticine containing foam balls. Ships and other crafts from it can even be taken with you to the bath.
If a child willingly plays with plasticine, but is not interested in sculpting from it, then for such a baby you can roll multi-colored sausages out of it and invite him to cut them with a plastic knife for plasticine.

Puzzles and mosaics

Puzzles also have an excellent developing effect for logical thinking and attention. For a child, it is better to buy a bright puzzle with the image of a fairy-tale character, so that it is easier and more interesting for him to collect it.
The mosaic of some babies can be carried away for hours, and some will get bored in 10 minutes. It's worth trying it anyway, so it won't get in the way at home.

Fun with a hole punch

If the kid is offered a pack of old magazines and a hole punch, he will begin to perforate the paper with interest. But the baby with a hole punch in his hands will have to be monitored so that he does not pass from the paper to the surrounding tissues.


At 4 years old, boys love to play with a construction set, cars, robots, soldiers, build towns, garages and roads. It is better to buy several different sets so that the baby can show his imagination, develop thinking, imagination and creativity.

Kinetic sand

If the parents are too busy, they can let the child play with the kinetic sand, which will distract him for a long time.

Active fun

Tennis for children

To develop the baby's coordination of movements, it is useful to buy him a small tennis racket with a ball tied to a string. The toy is very compact, and the ball will not fly far.

Home wigwam

Fold a "house" out of pillows and blankets, and launch a baby with a flashlight there - such a "cave" will surely delight him.


You can buy a pack of baby stickers from the store and show your baby how to paste them into a notebook or album. True, starting with a notebook, children are usually so carried away that they begin to paste over everything: furniture, mirrors, walls.


If there is a magnifying glass in the house, then it can be shown to the child and its effect can be demonstrated. The kid will begin to examine a wide variety of objects with great interest.

Olga Belotserkovskaya

The main task of complex lessons is to deepen and systematize the knowledge of a little person about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Complex classes include a variety of activities: speech development, improvement of motor skills, sensory and mathematical representations, development of constructive abilities and mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, perception).

Comprehensive classes provide for a frequent change in the types of direct educational activities, since only in this way it is possible to keep the attention of a young child for a sufficiently long time. In addition, in order to maintain the required level of performance of children, physical culture minutes, outdoor games, exercises with speech and movement are held in the classroom.

The duration of the presented lesson is 15 minutes. It is better to spend in the morning, when the performance of children is highest. The lesson is designed for a subgroup of children up to 8 people. The lesson should be as emotional and dynamic as possible.

Synopsis of a complex lesson with children 3-4 years old


Preliminary work. In everyday communication, during games and regime moments, show children and name different parts of the body and face. More often ask the kids to show the following parts of the face on themselves and on the doll: eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, chin; body parts: neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, elbows, nails, torso, abdomen, legs, knees, heels.

Look at toys that represent animals with the children, and point out to the little ones that animals have body parts that are similar to humans and that are special. For example, many animals have tails, but humans do not. Animals have paws instead of arms and legs, claws instead of nails, and a muzzle instead of a face.

Discuss with the children why certain parts of the body are needed: eyes (look, ears (listen, nose (breathe, sniff, mouth (eat, speak, legs (walk, hands (have many different functions).

Read to the children A. Barto's poem "Teddy Bear" and show the picture.

Learn this poem with the kids.

Software content:

Educational task:

We give the concept of body parts;

We teach children to perform elements of psycho-gymnastics;

Developing task:

We develop thinking;

We develop visual and auditory attention and memory, phonemic hearing (we learn to distinguish between words similar in sound - "nails" and "claws");

We develop the main types of motor skills: general and fine, teach kids to coordinate speech with movement, develop a sense of rhythm;

Educational task:

Cultivate curiosity, interest in acquiring new knowledge.

Vocabulary work:

We enter nouns into the active dictionary of children (forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.); we activate the verb dictionary (watch, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc.);

Use genitive nouns in speech.

Material: pictures "What is Mishka missing?", a man made of geometric shapes and counting sticks

Course of the lesson

1. One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body.

Read the rhyme with the children and show yourself the parts of the body listed in it:

One, two, three, four, five -

We will study the body.

(Walk in place.)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy,

(Show your back with both hands, then your stomach.)

(Stomp your feet.)

(Stretch your arms forward and rotate with your hands.)

(Indicate the eyes with the index fingers of both hands.)

(Use the index finger of your right hand to point to your mouth.)

(Point to the nose with the index finger of your right hand.) Ears,

(Point to the ears with the index fingers of both hands.)

(Put your hands on your head.)

I barely managed to show it.

(Shake your head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head -

(Put your palms around your neck.)

Oh, I'm tired! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

Tell the children that although you listed for a long time, you still did not name all parts of the body.

Ask the little ones to show more:

(With the fingers of both hands, stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

(With index fingers, run along the eyebrows from the middle to the temples.)

Here are the cilia

(Show your eyelashes with your index fingers)

They fluttered like birds.

(Blink your eyes.)

Pink cheeks

(Use the palms to stroke the cheeks from the nose to the temples and end the movement on the chin.)

The chin is bumpy.

Hair is thick

(Use the fingers of both hands to comb your hair like a comb.)

Like meadow grasses.

Now I’ll take a closer look

I will name what I will see:

(Touch the right shoulder with the right hand, and touch the left with the left.)

(Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

(Bend over slightly and pat your knees.)

Me, Seryozha, Lena.

(Straighten up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing towards the children.)

Then ask the children to sit at the table.

2. Teddy bear.

Show the children the Teddy Bear toy. Tell them that Teddy Bear really wants to meet the guys.

Let the children know that Trample Bear loved the rhyme about body parts and he also decided to show what body parts he has.

Say for the bear:

I am Teddy Bear.

I dance merrily, wave my paws.

I blink my eyes

I open my mouth. ]

3. Mishka's questions.

On behalf of Mishka, ask the children questions.

Guys, what are eyes for? (To watch.)

And what are the ears for? (To listen.)

What is a nose for? (To breathe, to sniff.)

And what is the mouth for? (To eat, to speak.)

What are hands for? (To hold, carry, do various jobs, play, paint.)

And what are the legs for? (To walk, run, jump, stomp.)

If the kids are having difficulties, then help them answer.

Mishka continues the conversation with the children: “Guys, you and I have many similar body parts. But I have something that people don't have. Try to guess what it is. "

If the children themselves do not name the tail, then the Bear gives the kids a hint: “I have it small, but in other animals it can be big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? And also, guys, people have nails on their toes, and animals have sharp claws. "

4. Be attentive.

Enter into a conversation with the bear: “And, really, Mishenka, paws, tail and claws are only in animals. Now we will check if the guys remember this well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you. " First, give the children sample responses.


Who has nails?


Movements performed by the teacher and children

(Show your nails by stretching your arms out with the backs up.)


Who has claws?


At the bear.

(Show to Bear.)


Who has paws?


At the bear.

(Show to Bear.)


Who has legs?


(Stomp your feet.)


Who has a tail?


At the bear.

(Show to Bear.)


Who has hands?


(Stretch your hands forward.)

5. Dropped Mishka to the floor.

Tell the children that a trampled bear once had trouble. Ask the children if they know what the trouble is?

Dropped the bear on the floor

They ripped off the bear's paw.

I won't leave him anyway

Because he's good.

If the children themselves want to continue reading the poem, then give them that opportunity. Then say: "We will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka-trample - we will sew his paw."

Give each child a picture of a Teddy Bear that is missing a part of the body. Ask the little ones to name which body part the bear does not have.

Children give answers: “Mishka has no paw. Mishka has no ear. Bear has no tail. Bear has no mouth. Mishka has no nose. "

If necessary, help the children to form complex forms of words in the genitive case: "mouth", "ears".

Then invite the little ones to choose the right body parts in order to "cure" the bear cub. Children put these parts on their pictures and say: “I sewed a paw on Mishka. I sewed on the ear of Mishka. I sewed on the tail of the Bear. I sewed on Mishka's mouth. I sewed on the nose of Mishka. "

6. Again Mishenka is cheerful.

Tell the children that Treadmill Bear was very sad, and now that the guys have cured him, he is cheerful again. Ask the children to depict sadness on their faces - this is how the Bear was, and then joy - this is how the Bear became, because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to come to his aid.

Games and tasks to consolidate the material

The game "Wall, wall, ceiling"

Target: fix the names of parts of the face, develop fine motor skills and thinking in children.

Description of the game. Invite the children to tell and show an old folk nursery rhyme.


(With your index finger, touch your right cheek.)


(With your index finger, touch your left cheek.)


(With your index finger, touch your forehead.)

Two windows

(Use your index finger to point to the right eye, then to the left eye.)


(Point finger to mouth.)

Call: "Ji-i-i-yin!"

(With your index finger, touch the tailbone of your nose.)

Then tell the children that the face in this nursery rhyme compares to a house, and ask the children to remember which part of the face was called the wall, which was the ceiling. What in the nursery rhyme was called windows, a door and a bell.

The game "Five Brothers"

Target: introduce children to the names of the fingers; develop fine motor skills, pencil skill.

Description of the game. Invite the children to tell and show the five-finger nursery rhyme.

The morning has come

(Cross your palms, spread your fingers, depicting the sun.)

The sun has risen.

- Hey, brother Fedya,

(Show the index finger of the right hand, hiding the rest in a fist.)

Wake up the neighbors!

(Show the palm of your left hand.)

- Get up, Bolshak!

(With your right index finger, touch your left thumb.)

- Get up, Pointer!

(With the index finger of your right hand, touch the index finger of your left hand.)

- Get up, Seredka!

(With the index finger of your right hand, touch the middle finger.)

- Get up, Orphan!

(With the index finger of your right hand, touch the ring finger.)

- And Little Mitroshka!

(With the index finger of your right hand, touch your little finger.)

- Hello, Ladoshka!

(Rotate the left hand.)

Everyone reached out -

(Raise both hands up.)


(Quickly wiggle the fingers of both hands.)

We woke up instantly

Have fun.

Tell the children that each finger has its own name. Show and identify the fingers on your hand, and have the children show the corresponding fingers on their palm: thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers. Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Suggest placing your left palm on the paper and trace around it with a pencil. When the drawings are ready, ask them to name each finger in the drawing.

The game "Little Man"

Target: to consolidate in children knowledge about body parts, geometric shapes; develop calculating and constructive skills.

Description of the game. Invite the children to lay out little men from geometric shapes, circles and ovals, and make the arms and legs from counting sticks. In the process of work, clarify what the geometric shapes are called and what parts of the body the baby lays out: a circle is a head, an oval is a torso. Then ask the children the question: “How many sticks do you need to make a little man a hand, a leg? How many counting sticks do you need? "

The game "Mirror"

Target: fixing the names of body parts in the speech of children; learn to denote your actions with a word; develop attention and imitation.

Description of the game. Ask the children to stand in a circle or line. Walk up to one of the kids and say:

Come on, mirror, look

Yes, repeat everything right.

Perform an action, such as stamping your foot. The child must repeat it. Then go to another child, read the rhyme again and clap your hands. So approach each of the kids in turn, but give a new task each time. After the end of the game, ask the children to share the movements they performed. For example: one clapped his hands, the other stamped his foot, the third slapped himself on the knees, the fourth shook his index finger, the fifth rubbed his cheeks, the sixth smoothed his hair, the seventh closed his eyes, etc.

The game "Guess the riddles"

Target: to consolidate in children the knowledge of the names of parts of the face, to develop auditory attention and thinking.

Description of the game. Invite the children to guess riddles about different parts of the face and show them on themselves. Help the children if necessary.

Two windows for the night

Themselves are closed.

And with the sunrise

They open themselves.


Red doors in my cave,

White beasts sit at the door.

And meat, bread - all my food -

I gladly give to these animals.

(Lips and teeth)

There is a mountain, and by the mountain

Two high burrows.

In these holes the air wanders -

It comes in and out.


He helps us eat,

The taste is perfectly discerning.

Incessantly every day

He's not too lazy to talk.


Rice. 1. Drawings "What is Mishka missing?"

Rice. 2. A man made of geometric shapes and counting sticks