
A fairy tale why the moon has no dress. "Why doesn't the moon have a dress?" Synopsis of GCD in the direction of "Weaving Workshop" as part of the implementation of an innovative project. Questions for consolidation


Abstract joint activities with kids middle group for the development of connected speech. A retelling of the fairy tale "Why the moon has no dress."

Purpose: To develop coherent speech. Activate the speech of children with new words and expressions: a young month, a full moon, a tailor, took measurements, narrowly and shortly, twice as wide. Expand children's understanding of the moon and month. Get to know the job of a tailor.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 26 of the Kirovsky District

Synopsis of Immediate educational activities in the field of education

"Speech development"

in the middle group
"Why doesn't the moon have a dress"

educator: Chuchman A.A.

Saint Petersburg


Synopsis of joint activities with children of the middle group for the development of coherent speech. A retelling of the fairy tale "Why the moon has no dress."

Purpose: To develop coherent speech. Activate the speech of children with new words and expressions: a young month, a full moon, a tailor, took measurements, narrowly and shortly, twice as wide. Expand children's understanding of the moon and month. Get to know the job of a tailor.

Preliminary work: Observation of the moon and moon.

Material: Serbian fairy tale "Why the month does not have a dress", planar figures of the month and the moon, tailor's picture, different dresses, flannelgraph.

Activity progress

Guys, guess my riddle.

Alone in the sky at night

golden orange

Two weeks have passed

We didn't eat orange.

But only remained in the sky

Orange slice.


Well done! What is the moon? (…)

What month? (…)

The teacher shows on the flannelograph:

At first, the month is very thin, they say about it - young, every day it grows a little - a little, after a few days it looks like half a circle, and after a few more days it is called the moon. This phenomenon is called the full moon. Repeat (...)

Then the moon begins to decrease and every day becomes thinner and thinner until it is completely invisible.

I will read a story to you, listen to it.

/ The teacher reads a fairy tale /

Who is this story about? (...) about the month and the tailor

What did the month want? (…) sew a dress

Who did he ask to make the dress? (…) tailor

The tailor takes measurements, cuts and then sews clothes.

Let's listen to this story again.

/ The teacher reads a fairy tale with emphasis on the intonation of words: narrow and short, twice as wide, for several days. /

What was the month like when he first came to the tailor? (... young and thin)

Why didn't the dress fit the month? (...he got bigger)

What did the tailor say about the first dress? (... it is narrow and short)

What did the tailor say when he saw that the dress did not fit the month? (... apparently I was wrong)

What happened when the month came a few days later for the second dress? (... it was again small)

As the tailor said about the month when the third dress was ready? (... the month became the moon, twice as wide as it was)

How did the fairy tale end? (... the tailor ran away and did not find him for a month)

Well done, remember everything!

Now let's take a look at the month.

Physical education minute

The moon floats across the sky.

Who lives for a month? (Walking)

There walks a cunning fox,

He looks down at the ground. (Children lean forward for a few seconds.)

Foxes waving their tail

Thick fur is silvery. (Children wave their hands behind their backs)

And the stars fly around

They fly to visit the fox. (Children wave their hands in front of them)

Listen to how you can tell this story.

/ The teacher tells a fairy tale using a flannelgraph display of a fairy tale /

Who wants to try to start telling this tale?

/ The child begins to talk, the teacher helps him /

Who will continue? (…)

Who will tell the end of the tale? (…)

Well done!

/ In the case of a problem-free retelling, ask the whole tale from 2-3 children /

After the retelling, you can offer children tasks for the development of graphic skills such as: “color the moon and the month”, hatching.

I decided to make myself a dress for a month.

The tailor took his measurements and sat down to work. At the appointed time, a month came for the dress.

And the dress is narrow and short.

“I must have made a mistake,” says the tailor. And got back to work.

At the appointed time, a month came for the dress.

Again, the dress is small.

“It seems that now I was mistaken,” said the tailor. And he began to cut and sew again.

For the third time the month came to the tailor.

The tailor saw: a whole month was walking across the sky - not a month, but a whole moon, but twice as wide as the dress that he had just sewn. What was a tailor to do? He took off running. I searched for it for a month, I searched, but I did not find it.

So there was a month without a dress.

Questions for consolidation

Do you know how clothes are made? What needs to be done to make the clothes fit?

Did the tailor do the right thing when he took the measurements from the month? Why did he do it?

What happened when the moon came for the dress?

How many times did the month come for your dress? Have you guessed why the dress for the month was always too small for him?

Why did the tailor run away when he saw the moon for the third time?

Do you know what a month is like? Try to draw a few pictures of how a narrow month gradually grows and turns into a full moon. And then draw how gradually the full moon decreases and turns into a narrow month.

Could you make a dress for the month? What would it be like for you?

Lesson on Russian literacy Topic: Tales of the peoples of the world. Serbian fairy tale. "Why doesn't the moon have a dress?" Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"

24.02.2016 1101 295 Khasenova Rysty Saimovna

Theme: Tales of the peoples of the world. Serbian fairy tale. "Why doesn't the moon have a dress?" Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"
1. Continue acquaintance with the fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Improve reading skills.
2. Enrich vocabulary. Develop the ability to determine the softness and hardness of consonants using deaf letters, a soft and hard sign. Develop reasoning skills.
3. Raise curiosity through a fairy tale.
Lesson type: combined
Equipment: Exhibition of books (fairy tales of the peoples of the world), tape of letters.
On the board "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."
During the classes:
I. Org. moment. Psychological mood.

WITH Good morning! The day has begun.
First of all, we drive laziness!
Don't yawn in the morning
And wake up and get up!

How are you guys waking up? - And with what mood came to school!
I hope that good mood will help to cope with all the tasks in the lesson.
But for that, what else do you need to be?
Attentive Focused Friendly etc.
II. Updating of basic knowledge.
1. A minute of calligraphy.
Ro, sue, bya
2. Retelling of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden".
3. Work on the tape of letters.
What letters indicate the softness of a consonant?
What letters show the hardness of a consonant?
- Which ones don't have sound? b, b
Words on the board. River, Lenya, carry, day, pear, Lucy, Lena, children, glasses, robot, month, moon.
Work in a notebook.
- Write down only those words in which all consonants are soft (letter with commentary).
- Make and write a sentence with the words children. (Front survey).
The children came to school.
- Underline hard, soft consonants. - Divide into syllables, put stress.
physical minute
III. Work on new topic.
1. Guess the riddle. "Horned, not butted." And the answer is among the words written on the board.
2. Let's turn to a set of words.
This word contains a sound always solid. Month.
Intonation of a word in a notebook
Vocabulary work. The month is....
Look at the picture in the textbook.
What time of day can we see the month?
- Who happened to see the month?
3. Reading a fairy tale. "Why doesn't the moon have a dress?" p.138
Primary reading by the teacher.
- Why on each fitting the dress was not enough for a month?
- Who guessed what the month turned into?

Above the house by the path
Hanging piece of cake (Moon).

What is the moon compared to? (Intonation of the word moon).
- Solve the riddle in the primer. What is the month compared to?
Repeated reading by students in a chain.
Make a sketch in your reading notebook. Moon and moon.
What would you do if you were a tailor? (children's answers). physical minute
Fairy tale summary.
- What fabulous, unusual happened?
- What image is given to the month?
- Can this happen in real life?
- Why?
4. Reading a fairy tale. "Cuckoo" p.140
Primary reading by the teacher.
Essay on the content of the story.
What mood does this story evoke?
- Make up your own ending to the story.
Summary of the lesson.
What fairy tales did you meet?
What did you learn new?

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

The crescent moon looked to the tailor,
Not to the heavenly, but to the earthly.
- Sew me, master, an elegant dress.
I will walk in the sky on a holiday.
The tailor took measurements from the crescent,
Invites him to try on.

But in just fourteen days
The month became twice as full.
And in the shoulders and chest it is tight, -
Thus the heavenly month recovered.
The tailor almost weeps with annoyance:
"What the devil is playing a trick on me!"
Your ladyship is a little plump
Or from washing the matter sat down, -
To be honest, I don't understand...
Okay! I'll take a new measure.

Here days pass by.
The tailor doesn't waste a minute.
Well, the month is a nighttime reveler -
In the meantime, it became a full moon.

He tries on a tight dress
And, sighing, he mutters curses:
- A sinner, a swindler, a villain!
I would be ashamed of good people.
For the last three days and three nights
The dress has become tighter and shorter!
The tailor didn't answer.
Where can a tailor argue with the moon!
He took measurements from the customer again:
- The dress will be ready for the holiday!

The tailor ripped the seams of the dress,
Chest expanded, extended the hem.
A little more to be done,
And the month is knocking on the window.
Yes, not a month, but a thin sickle -
At this time, he went to the damage.
Not the moon, but only half:
Only horns and a round back.

The tailor shook all over with anger:
“No, stop joking with me!
I foolishly tried to please you.
Every day, you changed the figure:
Then you became round like a pancake,
Then thin, just this arshin.
Sewing your dress is a waste of time.
Stay better without a dress!

verse Marshak S.Ya. Illustrations

The crescent moon looked to the tailor,

Not to the heavenly, but to the earthly.

Sew me, master, an elegant dress.

I will walk in the sky on a holiday.

The tailor took measurements from the crescent,

Invites him to try on.

But in just fourteen days

The month became twice as full.

And in the shoulders and chest it is tight,

Thus the heavenly month recovered.

The tailor almost weeps with annoyance:

What a devil played a trick on me!

Your ladyship is a little plump

Or from washing the matter sat down,

I honestly don't understand...

Okay! I'll take a new measure.

Here days pass by.

The tailor doesn't waste a minute.

Well, what about the moon, the reveler of the night,

In the meantime, it became a full moon.

He tries on a tight dress

And, sighing, he mutters curses:

A sinner, a swindler, a villain!

I would be ashamed of good people.

For the last three days and three nights

The dress has become tighter and shorter!

The tailor didn't answer.

Where can a tailor argue with the moon!

He took measurements from the customer again:

The dress will be ready for the holiday!

The tailor ripped the seams of the dress,

Chest expanded, extended the hem.

A little more to be done,

And the month is knocking on the window.

Yes, not a month, but a thin sickle:

At this time, he went to the damage.

Not the moon, but only half:

Only horns and a round back.

The tailor shook all over with anger:

No, stop joking with me!

I foolishly tried to please you.

Every day, you changed the figure:

Then you became round like a pancake,

Then thin, just this arshin.

Sewing your dress is a waste of time.

Stay better without a dress!