
Essay on the theme of the new year. Composition on the topic “My favorite holiday is New Year Message about your favorite holiday


Holidays make our life brighter and more interesting. They have different meanings and their own history. During our holidays we can have some fun and just relax. Since my childhood one of my favorite holidays has been New Year's Day.

New Year's Day is the best time for me to spend with my family in the magical and festive atmosphere, with delicious food. Schoolchildren love this time because it's a great start of their winter vacation. When I was a small child I wrote letters to Father Frost and asked him for some sweets and a toy as a present. I also painted New Year greeting cards and put them under my parents' pillows.

We usually start getting ready for the New Year’s Day in advance: we prepare presents, buy mush food and decorate our house and the New Year tree. We also go shopping to find some nice clothes because it's a good tradition in our family to celebrate the New Year's Day in new clothes.

My mother always holds a real feast: she makes lots of salads, meat dumplings, cooks chicken with vegetables and bakes fruit tarts. They all taste fantastic. We watch entertaining programs on TV and set off firecrackers in the yard. Sometimes we go to the central square to watch colorful carnivals, concerts and fireworks. Adults also have a ten-days’ holiday and it gives them a chance to visit their relatives and friends and enjoy the time together. We also have enough time to travel, indulge in sports and other hobbies.

I really enjoy New Year's Day and every year I look forward to celebrating it with my family.


Holidays make our life brighter and more interesting. They have different meanings and their own history. During the holidays, we can have fun and just relax. Since childhood, one of my favorite holidays is New Year.

New Year is the best time for me to spend it with my family in a magical and festive atmosphere, with amazing food. Students love this time because it's a great start. winter holidays. When I was little, I wrote letters to Santa Claus and asked him for sweets and a toy as a gift. I also drew New Year cards and put them under the pillows of his parents.

We usually start preparing for New Year's holiday in advance: we prepare gifts, buy a lot of food and decorate our house and Christmas tree. We also go shopping to find beautiful clothes, because our family has a good tradition of celebrating the new year in new clothes.

My mother always makes a real feast: she cooks a lot of salads, dumplings with meat, chicken with vegetables and bakes sweet pies. They are all very tasty. We watch entertainment programs on TV and set off fireworks in the yard. Sometimes we go to the central square and watch colorful carnivals, concerts and fireworks. Adults also have a 10-day rest, so there is an opportunity to visit their relatives and friends, play sports and favorite activities.

I really like the New Year and every time I look forward to celebrating it with my family.

Composition on the topic "My favorite holiday is New Year"

My favorite holiday is New Year

When people ask me what my favorite holiday is, I answer with pleasure that it is the New Year. New Year is fun party, where miracles happen, cherished dreams and desires come true, people congratulate their friends and relatives, give gifts to each other. This celebration is celebrated in many countries. Each country has its own traditions for celebrating this celebration. Russian people put up a Christmas tree at home, decorate it with a variety of toys, decorate an apartment with New Year's garlands. And how many fairy tales, films and songs about the New Year exist, and each of them has its own interesting fairy tale story. New Year is a fairy tale that not only children, but also adults believe in. Everyone wants miracles, and this holiday gives hope for the best. It makes us forget for a moment about existing problems and worries. In each of us, in the soul, a child wakes up, and we begin to feel like the heroes of our fairy tale. Everyone so wants to see Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden so that they come to our house. As a child, I always wanted to peep when Santa Claus puts a gift under the Christmas tree, and so I didn’t want to sleep in order to still see him. Although we did not manage to look at him, but the hope remained, and we sincerely believed that he existed. New Year is a holiday for those who believe, know how to love and know how to dream. All the bad things are forgotten... I would like to hope only for the good in the New Year.

There is no better holiday than New Year's Eve. Because feelings are more important on Earth than faith and hope, no, and will not be. Unless love, but it is also accompanied by this mood, the circle of close people who surround us helps in this.

After all, it is not in vain that they say: “How you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it”!

In the 3rd grade, the essays “My Favorite Holiday” are written with the aim of developing the correct construction of thoughts and coherent speech in children. Holidays are an integral part of a person's life from early childhood, and in their process the child receives a huge amount of positive emotions, and it is about them that he can best tell. Further in the article, it will be possible to familiarize yourself with several examples of essays for the third grade on the theme of holidays.

Composition "Birthday is my favorite holiday"

Birthday is the most favorite holiday. On this day, it is so exciting to wait for relatives and friends to visit, to accept congratulations and gifts from them. This holiday allows the most cherished dreams to come true. Mom and dad cook in the morning, set the table, and then meet the long-awaited guests.

On this day, mother makes special efforts, she bakes a cake or a festive cake, which turn out to be very tasty. The father inserts candles into it, everyone falls silent in trepidation and looks to see if it will be possible to blow them out all at once in order to fulfill the desire.

Of course, I would like this most favorite holiday to be as often as possible. But that's not possible, which is why it remains so long-awaited.

Composition "My favorite holiday is New Year"

The night before the New Year is a real fairy tale. It is at this moment that the most unusual and mysterious things can happen. Because this holiday is so loved by many people.

The best part is New Year's Eve. Everyone gets ready, decorates the Christmas tree, buys food and gifts, cuts salads and waits for the cherished chimes to sound.

On this day, everyone gathers with families. Often it is on New Year's Eve that you can see those friends and relatives who live in other cities, because this celebration is an occasion to meet, tell each other how their lives are going, and just have fun together.

On this holiday, the most cherished dreams come true. Santa Claus, together with his faithful companion, granddaughter Snegurochka, help them come true, and this is a real joy for all children and adults.

Composition "The most favorite holidays"

Of the most best holidays two can be distinguished - the New Year and, of course, the birthday. They are different from each other, but the emotions that you have to experience these days are simply indescribable and priceless.

New Year's holidays are a whole series of pleasant moments and surprises. Sometimes it seems that the winter itself arranges some kind of magic and turns this world into a real fairy tale. In some extraordinary way, wishes come true, and friends and relatives give gifts that we have been dreaming of for a whole year.

In addition to the holiday itself, another pleasant moment is the holidays. Just during this period, many holiday films and programs are shown on TV. You can lie down all day and watch your favorite channels. You can also get together with classmates and friends and go to the river, go sledding or play snowballs.

A lot of interesting and pleasant things happen on a birthday too. Parents surround with warmth and attention, friends come, and the table is bursting with sweets. On this day you can not do homework, walk, accept congratulations and carelessly have fun.

These favorite holidays are a real joy. Thanks to them, you can relax a bit and forget about obligatory matters for a while. It is so nice to spend these days with family and friends, without thinking about anything.

There are a lot of holidays in the world that give fun and joy. The very concept of a holiday carries an atmosphere of happiness, but my favorite is a holiday called "New Year"! I will explain my preference in several arguments.

At this holiday has its own special charm. How does it manifest itself? In my opinion, this is a familiar fuss when you need to set the table, dress up, collect gifts under the tree. Speaking of the Christmas tree, the process of having the whole family decorate it also contributes to that charm. Shiny and ringing Christmas decorations, a strange and even funny smell of tinsel, and the smell of a Christmas tree is a real miracle.

Speaking of miracles. The New Year is a storehouse of magic. A festive night is a time when you really believe that all wishes can come true. The best thing is that the New Year gives a fairy tale to both adults and children: adults remember their dreams, move away from everyday troubles and enjoy the mysterious atmosphere of the holiday. On this wonderful day, absolutely everything seems unusual, fabulous, even the snow, which was always lost in the bustle of days. V new year's eve it is somehow iridescent in a special way, as if nature showered the earth with magical dust.

One can talk endlessly about the merits of the holiday, but the most important thing is that in the New Year everyone is close, loving friend other people get together. The New Year brings together many people around the world, isn't that true happiness? The whole family sits down festive table, at the same table at which, in everyday life, perhaps they do not get together. People who live far apart finally meet. New Year is a holiday of long-awaited meetings, love, joy.

It is impossible, of course, not to say about the gifts. However, I love the New Year not because I have the opportunity to receive them, but because I can give them. What joy comes at the moment when a loved one opens a gift and a sincere smile appears on his face. That smile is the highest price in life.

New Year is my favorite holiday because it combines happiness and magic, fun and communication. This is a holiday that combines all the best.

Composition My favorite holiday New Year

We celebrate a lot in our country different holidays and anniversaries. May 1 - May Day - a holiday of spring and labor. March 8 - Women's Day - a holiday for all women and girls. We celebrate Russia's Independence Day on June 12 and Russia's Constitution Day on December 12. Also, certain people celebrate some religious celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. I love all holidays. But each of them can upset me, except for one, and this holiday is the New Year.

My favorite holiday is, as you can understand, the New Year. New Year is a holiday for everyone. Almost all people around the world celebrate this holiday at one moment, so I think this is the most unifying holiday in the world, because at this moment everyone can say that they love everything. I think that it's international holiday. This is truly a wonderful holiday. You can use it as a chance to reflect on what's behind you and start planning your next year. You can take part in various traditions to help you achieve good luck in the new year.

What I especially love about New Years Eve and New Years Day is that there is so much potential ahead of you. You may already be planning your new year, but no matter how much you plan it, you will still find yourself in “unknown territory”. No one knows where they will be or what they will do next year or in the coming years, but that's what the fun is all about, doing your best to celebrate another year, new and fresh.

There are many in Russia new year traditions. Every house has a "forest beauty" - a Christmas tree, all sparkling in bright lights and colorful decorations. Children are always waiting for Santa Claus to come and give them a gift. Many consider New Year's Eve a family holiday. But most of them prefer to spend it where there are parties, with friends or acquaintances. As for me, I prefer to spend the New Year with my family, because it is not known if I will be able to celebrate this day in the same company with them again. Therefore, I should spend time in their circle as much as possible, because after a while I will probably leave them and start living my own life.

People prepare for the New Year, usually a month before it. They buy Christmas trees and decorate them. Every year, on New Year's Eve, a fairy tale comes to every family and every home. Children and even adults are waiting for the New Year, because they all hope that their wishes and dreams will come true, and various wonderful miracles will happen on this wonderful holiday.

On the eve of this celebration, everyone gathers together to meet " old year and new year. People eat a wide variety of food, drink drinks, dance and have a good time together. They wish each other happiness and good luck in the new year and put gifts under Christmas tree. Children love this holiday. They are waiting new Year gifts that they think Santa Claus brings them. In the New Year, everyone rejoices and wishes that their next year will be good and happy, and all problems and hardships will be left in the past.

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