
Raising children at school. Organization of joint activities of the class teacher and parents to educate the moral personality of the child - Document The role of holidays in the upbringing of children to the class teacher



Kanieva Gulden Umirtaevna

KSU OSH No. 87

Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, city of Karaganda

Domestic holidays of the past and present cannot get out of the time that gave birth to them, be higher and cleaner than the society in which they are held. Under the conditions of ideological diktat and censorship, holidays were created and held, which helped to distract from pressing problems and fuss and therefore were like a kind of doping, protecting mental health people.

Real holiday- a symbol, an image that embodies ideological, ideological morality, dissolved in stereotypes of behavior. The significant idea of ​​the holiday is, on the one hand, the sum of events, facts, names, myths interpreted by history. On the other hand, it is the culture of people, manners, customs, traditions of a national and local character. It is stereotypes that ensure the truth of a meaningful idea. If a society forgets its traditions, it collapses.

For example, the traditions of mass demonstrations will remain in our history as evidence of the greatest dream and the greatest tragedy. But in general, people went to the demonstrations voluntarily. And if they carried attributes with indicators of the success of their team, then they were proud of it. And solemn meetings, rallies were a democratic phenomenon. They did not have a rejection of the highest values, but rather an approach to them.

Devaluation of holidays, most likely, began in the 1920s with the debunking of Christian ideals, and in the 90s - political ideals. The negative attitude towards religious holidays once ricocheted against the natural holidays, the negative attitude towards the communist holidays had a negative impact on all the holidays in the country.

The most important humanistic beginning of the holiday is the approval and encouragement of children. Almost all holidays are associated with congratulations to each other. Children express their attention not only to those who are nearby and who have the right to expect it (peers, teachers, relatives), but in general to people. Exactly at holidays subconscious sympathy is based on a purely festive tendency - the recognition of the intrinsic value of each person in society and country. On a holiday, respect for all people around you can be expressed without fear of looking funny in someone's eyes. For example, on International Women's Day, greetings and congratulations, giving gifts and flowers is an established ethical norm, a universal principle. On holidays, children learn to congratulate friends, acquaintances and relatives by mail, learn to give gifts, souvenirs. These are traditional acts of humanism, the experience of humanistic relationships.

The content of the holidays is embodied in music, songs, poetry. Proverbs and sayings contain, on the one hand, the commandments of the Bible, on the other, a variety of moral prohibitions, advice, admonitions, that is, rules of conduct on weekdays and holidays. And this is also a humanistic practice. One can argue what the holidays are: a semblance of life, mythology or folklore? And then, and another, and the third. Holidays are an amazingly humanistic phenomenon in nature, perception and form of communication of people with each other. This is a means of cognition, entertainment and preservation of spiritual and mental balance, freeing from the monotony of everyday life.

Event is a significant fact of a person's public and private life. The holiday as an objective event is based on the values ​​of communication (relationships), the values ​​of experiences (collective) and the values ​​of creativity (in different types activity).

National holidays provide every adult and child (teenager, young man) a chance for self-realization, self-expression, allow you to experience a sense of your own worth, to earn the approval and recognition of others.

The significance and eventfulness of the holiday is determined by fairly simple, close to children, such common signs as:

Absolute voluntariness of participation and consent in all accepted mandatory and conditional rules of leisure activities of a particular holiday;

The free choice by children of various plots, roles, provisions that are different from the materialized results of learning and social labor (which does not imply a practical meaning and practical expediency of children's holidays);

The need for every child to have space for creative outlets of their individuality in any celebration;

Reasonable cyclicity of holidays, proceeding from the proportionality of everyday practice, teaching, extracurricular activities and bright festive events, mainly taking into account the natural calendar and the structure of the school year;

The communicative nature of children's holidays, reflecting all aspects of the democracy of children's freedoms;

Absence of any coercion or violation;

Availability during the holidays folk traditions, incorporating the whole spectrum of customs, rituals, ceremonies, symbols and attributes of a fundamental nature, worked out by the social time of entertainment and artistic acts, genres of amateur art, competitions, folkloristics, creativity with their own hands as social signs of the harmony of being, ridding the child of a utilitarian attitude to life and leading him to the prospects of renewing his and the surrounding life.

Holidays remove conflicts and create a sense of community... Surely all adults have repeatedly observed how children simultaneously experience everything (almost everything) that happens at the holiday: they applaud, they chant as if one person. Perhaps it is very important to feel like a significant part of the community, an equal member of a particular team and, of course, an original personality. Collective participation, collective perception, collective experience - a real holiday is unthinkable without them.

The collectivity and compatibility of a holiday is not a herd, because it is a tradition, because a holiday is a collective game. The communicative nature of the holiday is so obvious that the system itself Russian holidays can turn into a powerful socio-cultural factor and a powerful means of pedagogical influence.

Celebration- then a holiday when it instills in children and develops in them the desire and ability to communicate informally, to solidify. Already for this reason, he is contraindicated for being over-organized, an unnecessarily tough regime, when all the activities of children are scheduled by the minute, pedagogically regulated, when everything is rehearsed in advance and there is no freedom. Freedom and liberty of communication give birth to festive compatibility of children.

So weekday squads should be led by holidays. Especially for children who need it so badly holiday work hearts and souls, spiritual self-expression and spiritual enrichment. We need a holiday cult in society.

Holidays have been created for centuries and millennia in a complex web of interconnections. These ties cannot be broken, because then the very harmony of life, its everyday and holiday customs which are part of the culture and freedom of the people.

The people embodied in their holidays the synthesis of the great and the sublime, their spiritual independence and independence.

This must be remembered by everyone who brings up children.

Alekhina Anastasia Anatolyevna,

teacher primary grades

MBOU "Secondary School No. 135"

Kirovsky district, Kazan RT

Related article: The role of the homeroom teacher in school.

Not a technique, not a method,

and the system is key

concept in pedagogy of the future ”.
L. I. Novikova

We all come from childhood. Remembering childhood, every adult often reproduces events related to his life in school years... A good memory remains of the teacher with whom there were joyful moments of communication, who helped in solving problems, in choosing a life path, was an interesting person. Most often it is the class teacher. He really stands closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school. Problems of health, behavior, study, relationships with classmates, subject teachers, organizing leisure activities for schoolchildren and much more are the areas of concern for the class teacher. I believe that the class teacher is one of the key figures in the process of development and self-development of a child, the formation of his worldview. Those who work at school today are well aware that, first of all, the greatest costs - psychological and physical - are borne by the class teacher. We all know our subjects well, and it is not difficult for us to teach a lesson, but the emotional components of class life must be felt.

The class teacher's activities are primarily aimed at working with students of the entire class. It forms the motivation for learning of each individual child, studying his age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests: through a variety of forms and methods of individual work, he creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, worldview culture, creative work skills, creative individuality, successful entry of the child into society, the formation of a democratic culture in the system of class self-government.

A homeroom teacher usually begins with a study of the class and each student individually. In my opinion, the conditions for the success of the class teacher are:
- a qualitatively new level of professional readiness, which presupposes the presence of research competence, professional mobility, competitiveness, and communication skills (in the aspect of business communication);
- the motivation of his activity, focused on the result, and not on the process;
- the possibility of displaying independence and creativity;
- the need to build (design) and implement a system of work of the class teacher;
- an assessment of its performance based on the result.
The success of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on deep penetration him into the inner world of children, from understanding their experiences and motives of behavior. To study how a student lives, what are his interests and inclinations, especially will and character traits, this means finding the right path to his heart, using the most expedient methods of pedagogical influence.
N.K. Krupskaya wrote in her article "On educational work" that teachers often forget the basic tenets of pedagogy: in order to raise a child, one must know very well the children in general and those children whom you are raising in particular. Without such knowledge, children cannot be truly organized not only as educational, but also educational work, without the knowledge of the children, it is easy to slide down the path of a template, equalization in the approach to children. Knowing the characteristics of students, their interests and inclinations, the level of their upbringing, it is easier to draw up a purposeful and effective plan of educational work.
Sometimes class teachers mistakenly believe that an individual approach is required in relation to difficult students, to violators of the rules of conduct. Undoubtedly, they need special attention. But don't forget the rest. Negative traits are sometimes hidden behind external well-being. It is necessary to promote the full development of positive qualities in all students.
A.S. Makarenko, being a consistent supporter of personality education, in the collective and through the collective, at the same time pointed out the need to take into account the individual characteristics of the pupils. In his article "The Purpose of Education" he wrote: "No matter how integral a person appears to us as a wide distraction, people are still very diverse material for education ...".
One of the most important tasks of the class teacher is systematic work with the class team. The teacher humanizes relations between children in a team, contributes to the formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines, organizes socially valuable relationships and experiences of pupils in the classroom, creative, personally and socially significant activities, a system of self-government; creates a situation of security, emotional comfort, favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the child's personality, contributes to the formation of students' self-education skills. His work is aimed at the formation and manifestation of a unique individuality, the "face" of the class community. At the same time, the class teacher takes care of the position and place of the class in the school community, fostering inter-age communication.

For the successful solution of issues of education, upbringing and development of the child's personality, active interaction of all participants is necessary. educational process, differentiation, integration and coordination pedagogical work in a single educational space and socio-cultural environment.

The class system is a way of organizing the life and education of members of the class community, which is an integral and ordered set of interacting components and contributes to the development of the individual and the team. The educational system of the class is a rather complex socio-pedagogical phenomenon, consisting of a large number elements.

The originality of the classroom educational system is largely due to the individual and group characteristics of the students in the class in which it is created. It is important to analyze what the children have become in the process of development and education. What life and moral values ​​they have mastered, are they kind, attentive to people, how hardworking, benevolent, initiative, independent, merciful, honest, responsive.

From my point of view, good breeding is an integrated indicator of the result of educational work, reflecting the formation of a student's attitude to his native land, his city, society, studies, nature, to himself. Good breeding presupposes a culture of behavior, etiquette, a culture of communication.

When organizing work with students, the class teacher should not act as a performer, but as a conductor by an orchestra named "class".
Pupils spend most of their school life at school. A rich curriculum, additional classes in academic subjects, participation in olympiads, competitions, etc. - all these intellectual efforts require relaxation outside the classroom. This is served by interesting exciting extracurricular work that contributes to all-round personal development. Extracurricular activities of students should be based on the following principles.

principle of openness.

Students plan life in the classroom together with the class teacher, make adjustments to the adult's proposals, taking into account their interests, needs and desires. If the class teacher wants to include in the plan some activities in which the children would not like to participate, he must be persuasive and use persuasive arguments in his arsenal that are consistent with the principle of attractiveness.

The principle of attractiveness of the future business
The class teacher can convince and motivate students by showing them the attractiveness of the task they will do in the end. Children of any age are not interested in abstract and vague goals. They are fascinated by the specific result of the work they are doing.

principle of activity.

Children need active, rewarding and meaningful extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities must be built using knowledge, skills and abilities of educational activities. In a word, everything that is learned in the lesson can be practically “touched” outside of it. This can be subject evenings, excursions, joint projects, etc.

The principle of freedom of choice.
When offering children participation in an extracurricular activity, it is necessary to provide the opportunity to choose an assignment or business, taking into account the student's capabilities, his interests, and personal qualities. If the class teacher uses this principle in his activities, then the students' desire to participate in this or that event does not disappear, but, on the contrary, grows.

Feedback principle.
The principle of feedback is of great importance in the work of the class teacher. After conducting any extracurricular activity - class hour, holiday or excursion - the class teacher is obliged to talk with the students and study their opinion, their mood, the degree of their participation in the event. If the children see that the class teacher does not perceive the result formally and indifferently, then they also form an informal attitude towards the assigned task.

principle of co-creation.

This principle combines two words: cooperation and creativity. Cooperation - in the preparation of extracurricular activities - is the right for students to choose partners for themselves in the work performed. Sometimes you can observe a situation when the class teacher imposes and even forces the children to cooperate with each other, however, the result is zero. It often happens that one and the same student is doing the work, and several names are heard in the summing up. It is much more effective if the children themselves have the opportunity to determine partners for themselves to participate in an extracurricular event. Students' creativity can be stimulated by the possibility of making adjustments to the scenario of an extracurricular activity by the students themselves, manifesting independence and

initiatives in the assigned case.

The principle of success.
Both an adult and a child need to feel their own importance and success. The degree of success determines a person's well-being, his attitude to the world, the desire to participate in the work performed, stimulates creativity and cooperation. The class teacher should see the participation of each student in the class in extracurricular activities, in the life of the school. If the student sees that his contribution to the common cause is appreciated, then in subsequent affairs he will participate even more actively and with pleasure. A tool for assessing the success of students can be the word of the class teacher, his intonation, gestures, facial expressions. It is very important if the class teacher evaluates the success of the development and improvement of each individual as the class team develops.

A very important form of communication between the class teacher and the family is class parent meetings. Sometimes it is very good to have parent-teacher meetings with children. At such a meeting, it is impossible to talk about the progress and behavior of specific students; it is necessary to create a confidential, not accusatory atmosphere. Parents should definitely learn something good about their children.

It is useful for adults to hear the opinion of children, to see their growth, and it is important for children to be heard (at home they can brush it off). Meeting is a common cause. Consequently, there are topics for joint conversation and discussion. Let's remember the Japanese wisdom: “A bad owner grows a weed, a good one grows rice. The clever cultivates the soil, the far-sighted educates the worker. " It seems to me that at parent-teacher meetings held with students, we bring up future parents. Students see different options behavior of adults, have the opportunity to choose their own style of behavior. It is good if parents and children suggest the topic of the meeting.
Class teachers also need to maintain close contact with community organizations and seek their assistance and support as often as possible. The class teacher helps to organize trips to theaters, museums, excursions to enterprises, where students will get acquainted with different professions, see the environment in which people of a particular profession work. By involving the public in raising children, the class teacher significantly expands the scope of his educational influence. He finds many allies and assistants in a difficult and responsible matter - raising children.
Of course, becoming a good homeroom teacher is not easy. But every teacher can become one, provided they work hard on themselves and have a conscientious, loving attitude to the assigned work, provided they have high moral qualities. In the memory of schoolchildren, labor affairs, exciting excursions and hikes, school evenings and merry Christmas trees, bright reports and heated debates on exciting issues often come up. Intimate conversations with the class teacher, his friendly support in difficult times are not forgotten either. Many students stay in touch with their beloved homeroom teacher after graduation. They write letters to him, ask him for advice, share their joys, their achievements and successes in work, in their personal life.
I believe that class leadership is a kind of sacrament, when from a group of students, where each with his own character, habits and hobbies, the teacher creates not just a class, he creates a team, a team that learns, lives, works and rests as a whole ... The team is a single organism, where each student is a bright individuality. Let us work so that our children feel needed by society and be happy.

I want to finish my work with a quote KD Ushinsky. « The art of upbringing has the peculiarity that to almost everyone it seems to be a familiar and understandable thing, and another easy thing - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that upbringing requires patience ... but very few have come to the conclusion that in addition to patience, innate ability and skill, special knowledge is also needed».


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CHAPTER 1. Work of the class teacher with parents: tasks, functions and basic forms.

Modern learning conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, an appeal to the child's personality, the desire to develop his best qualities.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky stated: “Without the knowledge of a child, his mental development, thinking, interests, hobbies, abilities, inclinations, inclinations - there is no upbringing "1. Like no one better, his parents will be able to tell about the child.

In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, such a concept is given to the word "parents".

Parents are father and mother (in relation to their children) 2.

Parents and teachers are two most powerful forces in the process of the formation of the personality of each person, the role of which cannot be exaggerated. Both sides have their own advantages, their own advantages, their own specifics.

So the main tasks of the class teacher are:

Formation of a classroom team as an upbringing environment that ensures the development of each child;

Organization of all types of group, collective and individual activities of the classroom;

Providing a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

And the main functions of the class teacher include:

a) analytical:

Study of the individual characteristics of students;

Study and analysis of the development of the classroom;

Analysis and evaluation family education every child;

Analysis and assessment of the level of education of each child;

b) organizational - pedagogical:

Organization and stimulation of a variety of student activities;

Establishing connections and families of students;

Organization of interaction of the classroom team with specialists of escort services, out-of-school organizations;

c) communicative:

Regulation of interpersonal relationships between students;

Establishing the optimal relationship "teacher - student";

Creation of a general favorable psychological climate in the team. one

In accordance with his functions, the class teacher selects forms of work with students: individual (conversation, consultation, exchange of views, performing a joint assignment, providing individual assistance, joint search for a solution to a problem, etc.), group (councils of affairs, creative groups, self-government bodies, etc.) etc.) or collective (collective creative affairs, competitions, performances, concerts, hikes, rallies, competitions, etc.).

When choosing forms of work with students, it is advisable to be guided by the following:

take into account the educational tasks defined for the next period of work;

determine the content and main types of activities based on educational tasks;

take into account the principles of organizing the educational process, the possibilities, interests and needs of children, external conditions, the possibilities of teachers and parents;

search for forms of work based on collective goal-setting;

ensure the integrity of the content, forms and methods of educational activities.

Traditional forms of work with parents:

parenting meetings

class-wide and school-wide conferences

individual teacher consultations

home visits

A universal form of interaction between a teacher and parents is a parent meeting.

The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in school.

The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of the children.

The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

The congregation should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of the students.

Cool parenting meetings. Classroom parenting meetings are held once every quarter, if necessary, they can be held more often. The parents' meeting should become a school for educating parents, should expand their pedagogical horizons, stimulate the desire to become good parents... At parent-teacher meetings, an analysis of the educational achievements of students, their capabilities, the degree of class advancement in educational activities is carried out. The parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the success achieved by the child. The conversation at the meeting should not be about grades, but about the quality of knowledge and the measure of intellectual efforts that correspond to cognitive and moral motivations. It is necessary to prepare exhibitions for the parents' meeting creative works students, their achievements, and not only in educational activities.

There are many options for conducting parenting meetings... Their nature and orientation are prompted by life itself, the system of organizing work in a children's team. The topic and methodology of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of the parents, the goals and objectives of upbringing that the school faces.

General school parents' meetings are held, as a rule, no more than twice a year. The topic of such meetings is in the nature of a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director, his deputies speak at them, the parent committee of the school reports on the work.

For example, an educational institution has passed certification and wants to acquaint the team of parents with the results achieved.

A school-wide parenting meeting can be used to showcase positive parenting experiences. Thus, at the end of the school year, it is possible to reward families with a positive experience in raising children.

Parent conferences (class-wide, school-wide) have great value in the system of educational work of the school. Parents' conferences should discuss the pressing problems of society, of which children will become active members. Problems of conflicts between fathers and children and ways out of them. Drugs, sex education in the family - these are the topics of parenting conferences.

Parents' conferences should be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of psychologists, social educators who work at the school. Their task is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the conference problem and their analysis, as well as acquaintance of the conference participants with the research results. Parents themselves are active participants in the conferences. They prepare an analysis of the problem from the perspective of their own experience.

A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions or plans activities on the stated problem.

Individual counseling is one of the most important forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family. It is especially necessary when the teacher is recruiting a class. In order to overcome the anxiety of the parents, the fear of talking about their child, it is necessary to conduct individual consultations and interviews with the parents. In preparing for the consultation, it is necessary to determine a number of questions, the answers to which will help planning educational work with the class. One-to-one counseling should be informative and should help create good parent-teacher contact. The teacher should give the parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce the teacher to in an informal setting, and find out what is necessary for their professional work with the child:

features of the child's health;

his hobbies, interests;

family communication preferences;

behavioral reactions;

character traits;

motivation for learning;

moral values ​​of the family.

In the course of an individual consultation, you can use the "My child" questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher together with the parents (Appendix 4)

One form of interaction between the class teacher and the family is home visits. The teacher must warn about the intended visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit. Visits are only possible after obtaining parental permission. The family visit should leave a good impression on the family. To do this, you must first talk about abstract topics, ask about traditions, customs, spending time together in the family, and only then discuss the reason for joining the family.

From the first day of work with the children's collective and the collective of parents, the teacher must ensure that both children and parents understand the significance of the requirements that the school places on the family. An important condition for the interaction of the family and the school is the reasonableness of those requirements that the teacher makes to the parents and the child.

A great effect in the interaction between the family and the school will be if the teacher gives the opportunity to take the initiative and supports the parents in all matters in the classroom and at school.

The main forms of interaction between the school and the family are individual forms of work and group work.

The group includes such forms of interaction as parent meetings, conferences, evenings of questions and answers, parent committees. Individual forms of work with parents include the following: individual consultations, conversations, home visits. All these are traditional forms of work with parents of students.

Group forms of work are appropriate for organizing psychological education of parents, for meetings with the administration of an educational institution on the most pressing problems of school life, or, for example, on school reform.

That group forms of communication between parents and teachers were effective parents should be able to take part in planning the content of classes at parental universities and other various forms of interaction with the school.

To do this, at the end of the school year, at the final parent meeting, parents receive an approximate thematic planning group work with the family at school for the new academic year, which indicates not only the topics of future meetings, but also the forms of their holding. This allows you to determine in advance the degree of interest of parents in a particular topic or joint business and to organize future meetings as efficiently as possible. Parents note those forms of interaction that are most interesting to them and in which they could take part, express themselves. Then the deputy headmaster for educational work analyzes the parents 'answers and, on their basis, plans the parents' participation in the life of the school for the new academic year.

Well-established and organized interaction between the family and the school makes it possible for parents to realize the need to acquire new knowledge for the development of a healthy and full-fledged personality, and also creates the need for direct communication with those people who help them become real parents. one

Group forms of work with the family, their diversity at school help parents choose the type of communication with teachers and other school specialists that is most acceptable for them.

The teaching staff of the school today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, to provide a psychologist - pedagogical assistance, to teach how to raise a child. Forms of work with parents can be different, but the most common form of group work with parents over the years has been the parent meeting.

Parents have the right to expect from a person professionally connected with upbringing not only to name any educational or personal difficulties in their child, but to discuss specific ways to help the student to overcome them. In this regard, we see the main task of the parent meeting in educating parents, increasing their competence and activity in shaping the personality of the child, as well as creating an atmosphere of kindness, mutual understanding and trust in the team of children and parents.

Current parent-teacher meetings are meetings with a traditional agenda: academic progress, results of events and holidays, and hikes.

Thematic parents' meetings are meetings devoted to a relevant topic, in the discussion of which the vast majority of parents are interested. Thematic parenting meetings are usually educational in nature and aimed at expanding parenting knowledge in the field of parenting.

Final parent-teacher meetings are meetings whose task is to summarize the results of development children's collective for a certain time. During such a meeting, parents have the opportunity to evaluate the achievements of students in the class, their own child, to compare past results with those that already exist.

Parent-parent wrap-up meetings can take different forms, depending on the topic and purpose of the meeting itself. These can be holidays, bonfires, hikes, solemn meetings.

Whatever the content of the parent meeting, it requires careful preparation. It must be remembered that a parent meeting will be effective when it is planned, a kind of script is written. This scenario can be developed by educators or with the help of the parent committee, with the help of students.

For each parent meeting, it is appropriate to prepare diagnostic material for parents or statistical material related to the study of certain aspects of the life of students in the classroom, school. For the meeting to be useful to parents and they wanted to participate in it, everyone should get what is especially important for him. Therefore, the following traditional headings have been introduced into the content of parent meetings in our school:

"From the history of raising children in a family";

"Traditions of education of the peoples of the world";

"The ABC of raising children in a family";

Parents' Bookshelf;

"Discuss with your child";

"Box of Wisdom";

"Creative Workshop of the Family".

These headings allow you to make the parent meeting unusual; parenting meeting rating changes, contributes to a change in relationships in better side in the system the teacher is the student the parent.

It is a good tradition of parenting meetings at school to issue individual invitations to dads and moms to attend a parenting meeting. Invitations can be issued in different ways: typographic version, by the students themselves, with the help of the parent committee. The main thing about such invitations to parents' meeting is that parents receive them in advance, and not an hour before the meeting. The invitation always contains the full name and patronymic of both parents, the day and hour of the meeting, its subject, the contact phone number to call if the parents for some reason cannot take part in the meeting, as well as the meeting program. This approach to organizing the system in working with parents helps to build respect for professional activity teacher, emphasizes the importance of parent-teacher meetings, stimulates their interest in school and culture parental interaction with each other and with the school.

Of great importance to parents and grandparents are Thanksgiving letters, which in our school are presented to parents at the last parent meeting at the end of the school year. This is a great incentive for the child, as well as recognition of the merits of the parents themselves in raising children.

Conference is an important form of group work with parents. It is appropriate to hold the conference as an exchange of experience in raising children or as an exchange of views on a specific problem. The subject of discussion of the parent conference in our school is often the pressing problems of the educational institution: school renovation, moral and aesthetic aspects of organizing school holidays, etc.

Individual consultations are carried out at the initiative of the parents or at the initiative of the teacher. The reason for inviting parents for a consultation is the result of the teacher's observations of the child, the problems of communication between the child and the class and teachers, a conflict situation, etc.

In the course of individual counseling, the teacher should carefully listen to the parents and, with all their behavior, help them willingly talk about their child as much as possible.

The more information the class teacher, social teacher or the deputy director for educational work has about each child, the more chances he has to create normal conditions for him to become.

Home visits are a last resort. Not many parents are prepared to be disturbed at home. However, if a joint school life is just beginning, it is necessary to learn to be together in trouble and joy.

The parent committee plays a huge role in cooperation between parents and the school. The atmosphere in the school team, the relationship of parents with each other, communication between adults and children depends on how harmoniously and responsibly the parent committee approaches its activities. one

1 Timchenko I.N. Collaboration pedagogy. - Novosibirsk. 1989.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents:

thematic consultations

parent readings

parenting evenings

In every class, there are students and families who are experiencing the same problem, experiencing identical personality and curriculum challenges.

Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can only be solved in the circle of those people who are united by this problem, and understanding the problem and each other is aimed at solving it jointly.

In order for a thematic consultation to take place, parents must be convinced that this problem concerns them and requires an urgent solution. Parents are invited to participate in a thematic consultation using special invitations. Specialists in solving the problem should participate in a thematic consultation, who can help find the best option for solving it. This is a social educator, psychologist, sexologist, a representative of law enforcement agencies, etc. In the course of a thematic consultation, parents receive recommendations on a problem that worries them.

Approximate topics for parenting counseling

The child does not want to study. How can I help him?

Poor memory of the child. How to develop it?

The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

Punishing children. What should they be?

Anxiety in children. What can it lead to?

6 Shy child. Shyness problems and ways to overcome it.

7 Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.

A talented child in the family.

Friends of children - friends at home or enemies?

Three generations under one roof. Communication problems.

Parent readings are a very interesting form of work with parents, which will give parents an opportunity not only to listen to lectures by teachers, but also to study literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. Parent readings can be organized as follows: at the first meeting at the beginning of the school year, parents determine the issues of pedagogy and psychology that concern them the most. The teacher collects information and analyzes it. Via school librarian and other specialists determine the books with the help of which you can get the answer to the question posed. Parents read books and then use the recommended reading in parenting readings. A feature of parental readings is that, while analyzing the book, parents must state their own understanding of the issue and the change in approaches to its solution after reading the book.

Parents' evenings are a form of work that perfectly unites the parenting team. Parents' evenings are held in the classroom 2-3 times a year without the presence of children. Parents' evening is a holiday of communication with the parents of a friend of your child, it is a holiday of memories of the infancy and childhood of your own child, it is a search for answers to the questions that life and their own child pose to parents.

Themes for parenting evenings can be very diverse. The main thing is that they must teach to listen and hear each other, themselves, their inner voice.

Approximate parenting evenings topics

Year of birth of the child - what was it like, this first year?

The first books of the child.

The future of my child. How do I see it?

Friends of my child.

Holidays of our family.

"Yes" and "no" in our family.

Our family's birthday. How do we celebrate it?

The songs that we sang and our children sing.

Forms of evenings allow you not only to express your opinion on the proposed topics, but also to hear something useful for yourself in the arguments of other parents, to adopt something new and interesting in your educational arsenal.

Parental trainings. Parenting training is an active form of work with parents who want to change their interaction with own child, make it more open and trusting. Both parents must participate in parenting training. From this, the effectiveness of the training increases, and the results are not long in coming. The training is conducted with a group of 12-15 people. Parenting trainings will be successful if all parents actively participate in them and attend them regularly. For the training to be effective, it must include 5-8 sessions. Parental training is conducted, as a rule, by a school psychologist, who enables parents to feel like a child for a while, to relive emotionally childhood impressions again.

With great interest, parents perform such training tasks as "children's grimaces", "favorite toy", "my fairy-tale image", "children's games", "childhood memories", "a film about my family."

Parental rings are one of the controversial forms of parental communication and parenting collective formation. The parental ring is prepared in the form of answers to questions on pedagogical problems. The parents themselves choose the questions. Two families answer one question. They may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the audience does not enter into polemics, but only supports the opinion of the families with applause. Pupils of the class act as experts in parenting rings, determining which family in the answers to the question was the closest to the correct interpretation of the answer to the question.

Both traditional and non-traditional methods and forms of interaction between the class teacher and the parents of the students set one common goal - the happiness of the growing personality entering modern cultural life.

Non-traditional forms of work with parents include parenting meetings, trainings, rings, parenting evenings.

Parental meetings are of great importance in working with problem children. Meetings with the parents of other children, the authority of other people's parents in the eyes of a problem child sometimes do much more than inviting various specialists.

An interesting and fairly new form of work with parents is parenting evenings. Parents' evening is a holiday of communication with the parents of your child's friends, it is a holiday of memories of your own childhood and the childhood of your child. Evenings have already become traditional in our school: "And my mother's eyes always look behind us with excitement", dedicated to the Day mothers and family skits "A day that smells of mimosa."

Parents' evenings help to cope more warmly and cordially with grievances and grievances, to look at the painful problems in raising a child calmly and without hysterics.

Parents' evening is an opportunity to find like-minded people and helpers in raising children and forming a children's team.

It will be great if the result of the parent's evening will be the release of a newspaper by the parents, in which they turn to the children with a proposal or request, challenge their children to some kind of competition, and announce an interesting competition.

With the help of organizing parenting evenings, you can solve a very big moral problem of parenting collectives. This problem lies in the educational rivalry of children. Often, such rivalry is encouraged by the family, which leads to conflict situations between children and their parents. Parents' evenings bring families closer together, allow them to see adults and children in a different light, help overcome mistrust and hostility in the relationship between children and adults.

V Lately parenting trainings have become a fairly effective form of forming a culture of being a parent.

Parenting trainings are an active form of work with those parents who are aware problem situations in the family, want to change their interaction with their own child, make him more open and trusting and understand the need to acquire new knowledge and skills in raising their own child.

If possible, both parents should participate in parenting training. From this, the effectiveness of the training increases, and the results will not be long in coming.

This training is called parental effectiveness training.

Based on the results of participation in the training, the school psychologist interviews the class teacher and gives him recommendations on how to organize interaction with each child and each family.

In group trainings, it is necessary to involve not only children who are difficult, but also gifted ones, as well as children who are going through hard family dramas and are often sick. Each training session should be analyzed.

In addition to training with students and their parents, parenting rings are a good form of parenting education.

Parenting rings are one of the controversial forms of charm for parents and the formation of a parenting team. Holding parenting rings at school is a must. Many parents are already in primary school show categorical judgments on many issues of raising children, absolutely not taking into account the capabilities and abilities of their child, the level of his real educational potential. Some of the parents believe that their parenting methods are true and cannot be questioned or corrected by the teacher. The parenting ring is held with the aim that many parents can assert themselves in the correctness of their upbringing methods or revise their pedagogical arsenal, think about what they are doing right in raising their child and what is not quite so.

The parental ring is prepared in the form of answers to the most pressing questions of pedagogical and psychological science. The parents themselves choose the questions. They can make a choice of topics at the very beginning of the school year. Parents receive a list of problematic questions for participation in the ring at the first parent meeting. During the ring, two or more families are controversial on the same issue. They may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the audience does not enter into polemics, but only supports the opinion of the families with applause. Experts in parenting rings can be young teachers working at school, and even high school students who are not far off to acquire parenting experience. The last word during the ring rests with the specialists who need to be invited to participate in the meeting, or the class teacher, who can give compelling arguments from the life of the classroom in defense of a certain position.

The usefulness of such meetings also lies in the fact that they allow you to remove all sorts of behind-the-scenes conversations among parents on the organization of the educational space of their children, the content of the educational and educational process.

The topics of parenting rings at school can be very diverse. You can suggest, for example, the following:

Bad habits, heredity or social influence?

What do you do if you feel a discipline problem with your child?

Can you punish a child with your own home?

What if dad is not interested in raising his own child?

Pros and cons of school uniforms.

Does the child need holidays?

Difficulties of the school lesson. What are they?

Schoolchildren are very happy that their parents come to lessons and extracurricular activities, participate in joint holidays and trips, and are proud of their parents' participation in the life of the class and school.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that only in the process of interaction between teachers and parents can the problem of the development of the child's personality be successfully solved, but using any educational technology, it is necessary to remember the first medical commandment: "First of all, do no harm."

A teacher working with a team of students must have a good understanding of the historical types of families that differ in their value orientations. Depending on this, build your work with your parents. If a teacher has managed to establish trusting relationships with parents, arouse their desire to help their child, support him in difficult times, we can say with confidence that he will achieve his pedagogical goals.

Patriarchal Childocentric

(traditional) (modern)

Patriarchal. This is the most archaic form of family relationships. It relies on the dependence of the wife on her husband, children on their parents. Intrafamily roles are strictly assigned. Absolute parental authority and an authoritarian upbringing system dominate.

In such families, children most often grow up with a predominance of low self-esteem: they are not confident in themselves, in their abilities. If parents ignore the interests and desires of the child, deprive him of the right to vote, he does not develop an interest in expressing his own opinion, and his self-esteem is destroyed.

Child-centric. This type is characterized by the elevation of a person's private life, the sensual side. In such a family, the desired child turns into an object of parental love and affection. There are negative aspects to this. Parents with a hypertrophied sense of duty fulfill all the requirements of their children, protect them from all problems, worries, efforts, difficulties, taking the burden of problems upon themselves. Children suffer from a lack of independence, initiative and responsibility. Their morality: "We can do anything!" These children love to command, command, in communication with friends are rude, they show hysterical notes, rudeness. Such behavior is encouraged by parents, it is difficult to convince them otherwise. This is the teacher's job.

How to work with certain parents is also influenced by the parenting style in the family.

1. Permissive style.

Parents from early childhood provide the child with complete freedom of action. Adults are very busy with themselves, with their own affairs. They ineptly use methods of reward and punishment. Parents build their relationships with children in such a way that they involuntarily cultivate in the child the search for the most beneficial forms of interaction with others, which stimulates the manifestation of such qualities in children as servility, flattery, and toadying. During conversations, parents complain that they do not like their children, they do not allow him to prove himself. Parents consider their child to be right and do not bother to sort out the situation and fully trust their child.

In this case, it is necessary to involve parents in communicating with their child's peers, to invite them to meetings with teachers, to lessons, events held with children and their parents.

2. Competitive style.

In this case, parents are looking for a manifestation of something outstanding and unusual in their child, the child's activity is encouraged. Parents constantly compare their child to others. If they are not satisfied with the result, they may severely punish their child. In their love for the child, parents often do not pay attention to the human qualities of the baby, they do not tolerate the offenders of their children, they are not afraid to enter into a conflict situation with them.

The teacher's task is for parents to see the strengths and weaknesses of their child, to adequately respond to them and correct them in a timely manner. This is where one-on-one conversations come in handy.

3. Reasonable style.

The child is given complete freedom of action, the parents give him the opportunity to acquire his own experience through trial and error. In such families, children grow up active and inquisitive. Parents understand in detail all conflict situations, help to comprehend the problem, look at it from the perspective of another person.

The teacher can only encourage such a line of behavior. Parents will be very happy to participate in school work, help the teacher in everything, realizing that his child is respected and treated as a person.

4. Discretionary style.

Most often, this style is found in families where the child is sick. The parents of such a child do not leave alone, without care and attention. The child is protected from any punishment, every whim of the child is satisfied here. Problems arise in educational activities, because parents are afraid to tire the child.

The educator should be aware that parents using this parenting style are willing to work with a teacher who sympathizes with them and supports their position. This is where the teacher must show cunning and tact.

He must be very careful, but seriously work with the family, to form in the parents a culture of adequate perception of their own child. Such parents need individual consultations from a psychologist, they need to participate in joint training of parental effectiveness with the child. An exchange of views on parenting issues, in which parents of other students in the class participate, is very useful.

5. Controlling style.

In such families, the child's freedom is strictly controlled. Parents dictate to the child every step, quite actively use various methods of punishment. In such families, children are deprived of love and warmth. They are gloomy, suspicious. They often have hypertrophied self-love. They react inadequately to criticism and remarks addressed to them. For example, they smile.

In this case, it is necessary to hold conversations with the parents, to involve them in the discussion of the issue of upbringing at the meeting.

6. Sympathetic style

In such families, the child is left to himself. The condition for the emergence of such a style is the lack of material wealth, poor living conditions. Children will join early adulthood. Parents in such families are always grateful to the teacher for reasonable help and support in raising a child. The teacher can rely on them in their activities, such parents are always happy to be a member of the parent committee and support the school and teachers in all their endeavors.

7. Harmonious type.

The self-name explains everything. Children of such upbringing show their prudence and motivate their actions. Children and parents work as a team. You need to allow them to create and not limit the initiative. You will find helpers and partners in children and parents.

Knowledge of the styles of family education will help the class teacher to organize cooperation with parents and children in an interesting and exciting way, will avoid mistakes.

Non-traditional forms of cooperation.

These include the following forms:

Parents' evenings

Parent readings

· Open Day

Individual consultations

Parent lecture hall

Group consultations

· Thematic consultations

· Keeping communication notebooks

· Extracurricular activities with the participation of parents


Parent-teacher meetings with children

· Thematic events organized by parents.

One of the most important forms of collaboration between the class teacher and the family is individual counseling. In preparation for it, you need to prepare a series of questions to which you would like to receive answers. One-to-one counseling should be of an exploratory nature and should help create good parent-teacher contact. The group consultation is carried out in the same way, but parents are invited to it, who share common problems.

Each consultation should end with recommendations for parents on raising a child. They can be oral or written.

If the team has problems concerning several families, then a thematic consultation can be held. It requires serious training on the part of the teacher and specialists. The topics for such consultations are carefully selected. This kind of consultation will only be useful if the parents are aware of the problem that caused them to be invited.

Conversation is of the utmost importance in a class teacher's arsenal. It is best used to prevent conflict situations, to establish relationships between parents and children, between individual teachers and the family. In a conversation, the teacher should listen and hear more, and not give recommendations for education and edification.

Parent readings are a very useful form of collaboration. This is a kind of work that enables parents not only to listen, but also to study the literature on the problem themselves. Parent readings are organized as follows: at the first meeting, parents determine the issues that concern them, the teacher works through the information, analyzes it. Selected books containing this material. Parents read books and then participate in parental readings. A feature is that, analyzing the problem, parents can express their understanding of this issue, polemicize with other parents. This form helps to reconsider your views on education, to acquaint you with the traditions of education in other families.

Parent readings are a great opportunity for parents to get acquainted with interesting children's literature, new names that are heard by children but are unknown to their parents.

Parents' evenings are an interesting form of work. Best done when the leader has just begun parenting the class. This is a form of work that brings together the parent team very well. This is a holiday of communication with the parents of a friend of your child, the memories of infancy, your own childhood and the childhood of your child. Themes for parenting evenings can be very diverse. For instance:

· Year of birth of my child, as he was.

· The future of my baby as I see it.

· Questions of children that baffle an adult, etc.

Parents' evenings help to cope with difficulties and griefs more warmly and cordially, parents better friend they understand a friend, find like-minded people.

Parenting trainings are an active form of work with parents who are aware of the problems voiced by the teacher and want to get rid of them. The most effective will be the training in which parents and children participate, it is called parental effectiveness training. Based on the current problem, the teacher using school psychologist develops and conducts a series of exercises with parents and children.

Extracurricular activities carried out with parents are always "great", children really like it when parents do some kind of work with them, when they feel their support. Parents can participate in organizing events, can do the assigned work (design of newspapers, doing crafts, etc.). Both parents and children really like to participate in competitive programs, intellectual games, sports competitions. Parents can take the initiative and organize their own entertainment.

Parent-led themed events make children proud of their mom or dad as a teacher. Depending on the profession, parents can bring activities:

Doctor - consultations on hygiene, healthy lifestyle.

Police officer - traffic rules.

Or any specialist can simply make a presentation of their profession so that children are better guided in the future choice of professions.

Parent-teacher meetings with children ensure 100% meeting attendance. What parent doesn't want to watch their child perform. Children in the form of dramatization, court, ring, raise any problem that needs to be solved during the meeting. Needless to say, such meetings arouse the keenest interest of both parents and children.

An open day is one of the most effective forms of work, but it also requires a lot of preparation. Parents come to school for lessons. The teacher should think over what he wants to show: these are some positive points, or, conversely, negative, and depending on this, build work on the lessons. You need to think carefully not only about the lessons, but also about the breaks.

On such days, parents see their child from the other side, they get to know him as a student, see how he works in the classroom, what problems he has, how he conducts changes, behavior in the dining room.

Work with parents can be carried out not only during school hours, but also during vacations. Recreation of children can also be organized together with parents.

Forms of work with parents of children of deviant behavior. The changes taking place in our society today have raised a number of problems, one of which is the problem of raising a difficult child. Its relevance lies in the fact that every year there is an increase in child crime, drug addiction, there is a tendency to an increase in the number of children with deviant behavior (deviating from the norm). The reasons for deviations in the behavior of a child arise as a result of political, socio-economic and environmental instability of society, an increase in the influence of pseudoculture, changes in the content of value orientations of children and adolescents, unfavorable family and domestic relations, lack of control over behavior, overuse of parents, an epidemic of divorce.

There is a widespread misconception of parents that school is the main educator of children, and the teacher is often to blame for poor student performance. The street is often blamed for the child's immorality. The family withdraws itself from the upbringing process.

The mistakes of family education are often supplemented by mistakes of school influence on the personality of the child. Attention to the personality of students, their life experience, interests, personal values, and the emotional sphere is weakening.

How can you help such a child? What advice is there to his parents? How to properly organize educational work with him?

In the course of organizing educational work with difficult child, today, teachers should focus on suppressing the desire for negative behavior in students and modifying the environmental conditions that cause deviant behavior. Educational and preventive work of the class teacher can be built on constant support and stimulation of the child's positive behavior and minimizing preventive and punitive measures in response to various forms deviating from the norms of behavior. Therapeutic therapy is applied in response to pathological forms of deviating from the norms of behavior.

In organizing educational work with difficult children, individual work with parents plays an important role. Successful work with the families of students necessarily presupposes personal contacts between parents and teachers, and individual work with families. Not everything can and should be widely discussed at a parent meeting, but a lot can be talked about in a private conversation. A good, trusting relationship should be established between teacher and parents. one

It is good when each of the parents feels in the teacher a person who, just like him, is interested in the child growing up to be kind, smart, knowledgeable, so that all his possibilities are revealed.

Individual conversations between the teacher and the parents of difficult children, consultations help to establish direct contact with each member of the student's family, to achieve greater mutual understanding in finding ways to jointly influence the child.

Individual conversations allow you to eliminate the negative and strengthen the positive factors in family education.

In order for the class teacher's conversations to reach the goal, and his word would be perceived as a guide in raising children, it is necessary not only to give necessary advice parents and suggest how to do it, not only find the correct form of communication during the conversation, but also think over its conduct in advance, provide for the conversation time and place.

When telling parents about the situation that prompted their call to school, ask the parents for advice on what they think the teacher should do, what to do, and then give advice to the parents. In such a conversation, the question naturally arises of a second meeting in order to find out how the measures taken jointly are helping, again to outline the ways for further work.

So gradually, acting all the time with the parents, you should remove negative moments in the behavior or study of the child.

The teacher is obliged to help parents to reveal the possibilities of their difficult child, his positive features, to convince them of the need to rely on them. At the same time, the teacher tries not to abuse the numerous instructions, but to speak simply, accessible, convincingly, always with a sense of caring for the child. Comments that hurt pride, constant complaints about the child, focusing on his shortcomings - this can only alienate the parents, and therefore delay the fulfillment of the desired goal.

In addition to conversations with parents at school, conversations at home are of great importance. The latter can take place either in the presence of a child or without him. Most often, the teacher comes to the child's family to find out any questions that arise when meeting the family for the first time or when studying the child at school. But sometimes the visit is connected with the need for educational influence on the parents.

In individual work with parents, the teacher can be greatly helped by a diary in which he writes summary conversations, observations, conclusions. The material of this diary is used in everyday work with difficult children.

Together with the parents (or with their participation), the teacher draws up a work plan.

Work plan with difficult children:

1. Individual work(events, dates, topics)

2. Involvement in collective activities

Free time employment;

Assignment by class (one-time, temporary, permanent)

Participation in class and school activities

3. Involvement of specialists to correct deviant behavior.

If the above work with difficult children and their parents does not give positive results, then this issue is submitted to the school Council for the Prevention of Offenses. The meeting of this Council is held necessarily in the presence of parents.

When registering, the following documents are filled out:

1. Card - student characteristics.

2. Personal record card of difficult teenagers

But it happens that the school Council for the prevention of delinquency does not exert the necessary influence on the parents of a difficult child with deviant behavior.

Parents do not pay enough attention to their children, continue to be indifferent to running away from home, stealing, begging, etc. etc., cannot create normal conditions for the life and registration of the child. Such parents are deprived of parental rights.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate the responsibilities of the class teacher for working with parents.

1. Studying the conditions of upbringing in the family;

2. Individual and group work with parents;

3. Conducting thematic parenting meetings (1 time per quarter);

4. Involvement of parents in the renovation of school premises;

5. Involvement of parents in the organization of interesting, rich extracurricular activities;

6. Influence on communication between parents and children;

7. Protection of the interests and rights of the child in public organizations and state judicial bodies.

After reviewing and studying these responsibilities, the class teacher plans his work, observing certain rules for communicating with the families of students.

Homeroom teacher interactions with parents

The class teacher should be sincere and respectful in communication with each family;

Communication with the student's parents should not serve to harm, but for the good of the child;

Studying student families must be tactful and objective;

The role of the homeroom teacher in educating the student's successful personality

The one who is abandoned by happiness will be
Who was poorly brought up as a child.
It is easy to straighten the green shoot,
One fire will correct a dry branch ”.

The issues of education, training and personal development remain one of the main problems of modern society. Modern society needs capable and talented individuals who will cope with any everyday difficulties and solve the most difficult problems, who will be able to show and apply their talents and knowledge for good, that is, they will be successful in everything. Exactly successful people are the basis of modern society and state. ... Raising a growing person as formation developed personality constitutes one of the main tasks of modern society and society assigns this task to the school. School is one of the main institutions directly involved in the upbringing and development of the child's personality. And, of course, most of the work falls on the shoulders of the class teacher.

The class teacher is a key figure in the educational activities of an educational institution, he is the organizer of the educational process. Raising children is a record-breaking challenge, the most confusing of all kinds of creativity. This is the creation of living characters, the creation of unusually complex microworlds. Raising children should be treated as the most important of all earthly professions.

The main purpose of the class teacher is to create conditions for the disclosure of the potential of the child's talents, for their maximum development, for maintaining the uniqueness of the personality of each student, for normal mental, spiritual and physical improvement.
Have cheba - cognitive activity... The upbringing process is inextricably linked with the process of learning and development and is pivotal in the formation of a person. Modern society dictates the search for new approaches to organizing the educational process, where the emphasis is on creating a school space that makes it possible to develop and realize children's abilities.

WITH socialization is a social activity. Leaving school, the graduate embarks on a new completely unknown path adult life... The inclusion of students in various social communities (class, clubs, associations, organizations) creates conditions for real social trials, which form the readiness to enter various social structures, various types of social relations. The effectiveness of education depends on the integrity of the educational influences of various social subjects.

P sensitivity is a productive activity. Formation in schoolchildren of a positive attitude towards themselves, confidence in their abilities in relation to the realization of themselves in adult life and future profession. Create situations of success, find an opportunity to stimulate the child for active independent activity. Purposeful activity of the teacher, designed to form in children a system of positive personality traits, attitudes and beliefs.

E Dignity is a collective activity. Represents the unity of training and education. Forming knowledge, a person develops; developing, he seeks to expand his activities and communication, which, in turn, requires new knowledge and skills. It is in joint activities that development takes place, the disclosure of the inner capabilities of the child. Therefore, it is important to combine all the efforts of the family and the school to educate a personality that meets the modern requirements of society.

X arisma - exceptional giftedness; a charismatic leader is a person endowed with authority; charisma is based on exceptional personality traits - wisdom, heroism, “holiness”. In the modern, constantly changing world of an uncreative personality, it is very difficult to find your place, your “niche”. Each pupil of the school should have the opportunity to show their natural abilities, creativity, be able to find non-standard solutions life situations, be receptive to novelty, originality.

In my work, I am guided by the “Ten Commandments of Education” by V.A. Karakovsky:

1. The main goal of upbringing is a happy person.

2. Love not yourself in the child, but the child in yourself.

3. Upbringing without respect is suppression.

4. The measure of good breeding is intelligence - the antipode of rudeness, ignorance.

5. Say what you know, do what you can; at the same time, remember that it is never harmful to know, to be able again.

6. Cultivate uncommonness in yourself.

7. Do not be boring, do not whine and do not panic.

8. Cherish the trust of your pupils, take care of childish secrets, never betray your children.

9. Don't look magic wand: education should be systematic.

10. Children should be better than us, and they should live better.

The Ladder of Success program makes it possible to make meaningful and purposeful activities of students, parents and me as a class teacher, ensuring co-development in a team, which implies common participation in the life of the classroom, joint efforts to solve common problems of upbringing and education of students. This program is the fulfillment of one's own hopes and dreams, moving up an ascending ladder. personal development and the success of the child. The program is designed for 7 years - seven steps:

First step-5th grade"Constellation of young talents" (the formation of aesthetic and value orientations of the individual; the development of creativity; education through beauty and through beauty, the formation of a children's team).

Step two - grade 6“Me + my friends are a great family together” (formation of a cool team, the formation of friendly partnerships, the development of creative potential).

Step third-grade 7“On the ladder of success” (civil-patriotic education as a factor in the formation of national identity, the formation of a good attitude towards the history of the native land, one's family, and each other).

Step four - grade 8“There are no people who are not interesting” (fostering a good attitude towards life, the ability to find joy and a desire to do good in it; the formation of a moral attitude towards man, work, nature; the development of the cognitive interests of students, their creative activity).

Step 5-9 grade"Happiness. which we are looking for ”(to form ideas about professions, help to reveal the ability for a certain type of activity, the formation of professional self-determination).

Step sixth-10th grade 2The world of relationships - honor and dignity "(development of the cognitive interests of students, their creative activity, education of the qualities of a business person who knows how to organize themselves, others, any business; teach him to live in a team, build relationships of friendship and mutual support with his peers). educational program of the school and has something in common with the main directions, goals and objectives of the school curriculum. The goal of the program is to create conditions for diversified development personality based on the assimilation of the appropriation of universal values; education of a successful person living in harmony with himself, with the surrounding reality, taking an active position in society. The program works in several directions, which are unchanged, but do not duplicate each other from year to year, but change according to age characteristics program participants. The priority areas of work are:
Based on these provisions, I will analyze the educational program I am implementing.

1. An individual approach to education. I have been working with this cool team for six years, so a friendly team has already been formed, I know the characteristics of the character and development of each child, his interests. Based on this, activities of a diverse nature were selected and selected for work, so that they would be interesting and understandable to everyone, so that they leave a mark in souls, make them think about the diversity of the world around them, teach them to love, compassion, respect, be critical of human vices, help make right choice in life: to become its active participant, and not an idle contemplator. Children in the class are organized and responsible. In our small working team, good relations have developed, the guys understand, trust, respect each other and me. I am glad that they know how to see shortcomings, recognize them and correct them, gently prompt each other. From my own experience, I became convinced that the feeling “we are a single whole”, “we are a team” arises only in the affairs that we organize all together. I am passionate about the end result, I try to teach children to be creators, and not just performers, distributing those responsible for this or that business, taking into account their strengths and capabilities. I advise you how best to complete the assigned work, that for this you need to find out where to find required material how best to do it and help if necessary. This gives everyone the opportunity to gain experience in social life and communication with people. Each event held is discussed, the real successes of the holding are noted, the shortcomings are not hushed up - this allows you to prepare the next event at a higher level.

2. Creative union with parents, subject teachers, administration, organizer. The family is one of the most important social institutions of upbringing. They often talk about the unity of the family and school in the upbringing of children. But in practice it is sometimes difficult to achieve this unity. The difficulty lies in the fact that parents are adults who have their own views, fixed stereotypes, for example, such as: “I already know everything” - denial of the possibility of acquiring new experience. Working with parents is a completely separate and independent work. My cooperation, as a class teacher, and parents presupposes a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, knowledge of the characteristics and conditions of family upbringing of the child. I use in my work both group (parenting meetings) and individual (discussions on parenting, consultations, family visits) forms of work with the family, questionnaires, workshops, development of memos, seminars for parents to share parenting experience, etc. Style of communication with parents attach great importance. Forms of communication with parents - dialogue, cooperation, tolerance. I build relationships with my parents on the basis of friendship and mutual respect. After all, in order to endear the child to myself, to direct him in the right direction, first of all, I must understand and respect his parents! All this contributes to the creation of a favorable climate in the family, psychological and emotional comfort of the child at school and outside it. Parents are frequent guests and helpers in my class. I understand perfectly well that the work of one class teacher is “a one-man show”. This work is unlikely to be successful without the support of the administration and other teachers working with the class. Our educational actions must be united, must complement each other. And so I try to be aware of all the problems that arise between teachers and my children. This is another condition for the personal development of the child. Me in my practical work it is necessary to coordinate the interaction of subject teachers and students in order for the educational program to be mastered by schoolchildren to the extent that corresponds to their capabilities. In modern conditions, the class teacher is called upon to constantly work to improve academic performance and develop the cognitive activity of students. It is necessary to stimulate children's interest and love for knowledge, to improve the quality of education, to instill in students the skills of self-education
3. Consistency in work. In my activity, as a class teacher, the form of educational work is the primary cell that makes up the everyday life and holidays of our classroom life. Of course, it is impossible to find that uniform, universal and suitable for all occasions with any classy team. One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work, I consider the class hour. The class hour is a direct form of my communication with students. I spend different kinds class hours: class meeting, educational hour, debate, questionnaires, excursions, conversations, quizzes, etc. I plan activities together with students, but sometimes I hold an emergency meeting or change the form of class hours for some reason. A class hour is a form of educational work in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them. The functions of the class hour are different: educational, orienting, guiding, forming. I pay much attention to the education of citizenship and the formation of civic consciousness, because, according to psychologists, adolescence is the most significant for the formation of civic consciousness. Exactly at adolescence self-knowledge and self-esteem appear .. Good health helps us to fulfill our plans, to successfully solve basic life tasks, to overcome difficulties. Once read a poem - Praise me
The soul dies without praise
Life does not rise at a happy zenith.
Everyone prays without words, barely breathing:
"Praise me, praise me!"
You can't pass the milestone without praise,
Don't make great discoveries.
The soul asks again and again:
"Praise me, praise me!"

To such not yet quite adult people!

I have been working at school for 22 years, and this gives me the right to speak about my system of raising children.

Moral feelings and behavioral skills are the core around which moral and ethical views and beliefs are formed.

In planning educational work, the age of the child, especially his mental and emotional development, is important for me. I evaluate the result of upbringing by the habits and skills developed, as well as by the actions and behavior of a person. The effectiveness of the teacher's work is supported by the analysis of actions, various kinds of behavioral disorders and the methods of their timely pedagogical correction.

As a result of family and social upbringing, a representation and assessment of one's own “I” is formed and in this regard, the possibility of understanding the significance of one's own actions for others and the development of lines of behavior, the assimilation of ideals and generally accepted values, the acquisition of inner strength and conviction, and ultimately a moral the appearance of a citizen and a person.

When a child is small, when he eagerly absorbs the whole the world... It was during this period that the most solid foundation of the future personality was laid. How will the child grow up? Whether he becomes a kind, sympathetic person, a creative person largely depends on the first teacher, on his daily work, tact and spiritual generosity.

Of great importance in educational work in elementary school is the purposeful work of the class teacher to preserve and develop the child's positive emotions. It's no secret that positive emotions stimulated by a teacher directly affect the effectiveness of educational activities. Many first-graders have an emotionally positive perception of school and show a keen interest in schooling. A strong and sustained interest awakens the child to learning activity, to creativity, overcoming difficulties encountered in the learning process. It is interest that makes learning enjoyable when the child experiences joy. The teacher's positive reaction to the student's activity, verbal or gesture approval of his activities causes the child to enjoy communicating with the teacher, strengthens social ties, and contributes to the child's natural adaptation in the children's team.

The class teacher is faced with one of the most important tasks - the creation of a favorable emotional environment in the classroom with the aim of a calm and planned overall development of the personality of each student.

The teacher has three interrelated functions:

  • taking care of the development of each child;
  • assistance in solving emerging problems;
  • organizing a variety of classroom activities.

When drawing up a plan of educational work, in the first place I put the principle of a humane-personal approach to children, taking into account age characteristics, to organize the life of the children's collective so that students voluntarily, with a great desire, participate in various class activities, learn to be independent, be able to assess their capabilities, showed cognitive activity.

In the educational plan of holidays, matinees, excursions, sports events a little, but the classroom hours are the time of communication with children, when many issues of upbringing are resolved. The teacher working with younger students must understand that children need cooperation with the teacher, which is expressed verbally and non-verbally. This helps younger students overcome fear, anxiety, anxiety, and positively adapt to school life.

One of the main forms of extracurricular work is the classroom hour, a form of educational work that contributes to the formation of a system of relations with the outside world among students. The topic of the classroom hour, its content is determined by the class teacher together with the students (even in elementary school).

During such meetings, I teach my children the ability to speak logically and clearly, the ability to listen to my comrades and listen to their opinion, work out collective decisions together, vote for their adoption. Children learn to obey the will of the majority, the ability to prove their opinion and fight for it, if it is convincing.

The classroom hour should not turn into notation for students. It should be interesting and unusual. It is very good if the class teacher in elementary school uses some ritual in preparing the class hour (certain music, certain phrases at the beginning and end of the class hour, etc.).

Basically, we conduct conversations on moral and ethical topics, on the culture of behavior, on the protection of life, we hold meetings with interesting people and other events. For instance:

“The rights and obligations of the student”;

“About ignoramuses and politeness”;

“About laziness and lazy people”;

“How to behave and how to work in the library”;

“A friend in my life”;

“What does it mean to be happy”;

“How not to become a victim of a crime”;

"Conversation about benevolence and indifference."

This year I have first graders again! I would like to teach each of them to be independent, responsible, having their own opinion and at the same time respecting the opinion of another person. To achieve this, I try to bring to the consciousness of children that common success and common joy depend on everyone's personal participation in everything that he himself, his comrade and the class as a whole live with.

I think that from the very first day of classes there is no need to form various commissions, to single out numerous responsible persons, but nevertheless, junior schoolchildren love and want to carry out various assignments in the classroom. They feel significant, needed, waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves.

I begin to draw the children’s attention to the need for mutual help and teach them to take care of the neighbor on the desk, to help out if he forgot to bring something.

In the class, conversations are held about who and how spent the holidays, who is friends with whom, what they like to do together. Children get to know each other better, their comradeship expands.

Gradually, indicating the need to maintain order, officers on duty in the classroom and the dining room are appointed. Further, for the performance of various responsibilities from the composition of the students can be allocated:

  • "Orderlies" (the most accurate);
  • "Librarians" (the most reading, curious);
  • “Business executives” (the most responsible, hardworking);
  • “Florists” (lovers of looking after flowers);
  • “Responsible for the study”,

On the class hour those responsible for a particular sector report on the work done according to their records. For example, “librarians” check daily reading diaries and once a week before class time in the school library - forms of students in their class; The “responsible for the study” check the availability of school supplies, the keeping of student diaries, notebooks, and so on. The guys conscientiously treat their assignments, learn to understand the significance of their work, evaluate the work of their comrades.

I am lucky to have good students. Some are more capable, others less, but, in general, these are normal, energetic guys.

I am also lucky to have responsive parents. It is they who help me to study well the little children who have stepped over the threshold of the school, help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of my kids. A valuable moral character trait of many parents of my pupils, which is passed on to children, is kindness.

There are many interesting things on the account of parents: this is assistance in organizing excursions to the city park (Central Park of Culture and Leisure), the botanical garden, to enterprises where the parents themselves work (post office, printing house, etc.), visits to the local history museum, the central regional library, a living corner at the Center for Continuing Education for Children, various exhibitions held at the city school of arts. Parents take an active part in the preparation and conduct of holidays and matinees. Each joint holiday of children and parents is a new charge of creative activity.

And parent-teacher meetings ?! In my opinion, it is very appropriate to introduce in advance the topic of the next meeting, which is determined by the class teacher based on the study of the goals and objectives of the school's work with parents and based on the requests of the parents of the class. Parents themselves choose this or that topic and are looking for material with great enthusiasm, speak, and discuss various issues. There are no indifferent people.

I would like to suggest some interesting topics from parent meetings that I have conducted:

“Your baby is a schoolboy. First grader's daily routine. "

"Difficulties in adapting first graders to school."

“The book and its role in family life. How to develop the desire to read? "

"Punishment and encouragement in the family."

"Family holidays and their meaning for the child."

I am grateful to the parents of my pupils! A team of like-minded people, a teacher and parents are an indispensable condition for success in the upbringing and teaching of the younger generation.