
Europe has more men or women. countries where there are more women than men


In the conditions of modern statistics, it is quite easy to figure out who is more - men or women. Enough material has accumulated on this issue today. Specialists track the graph of changes in the birth and death rates of the sexes and, based on the findings, form statistics. Of course, research indicators may not 100% reflect the real state of affairs, some conclusions are approximate, but the general base allows us to draw conclusions about who is more in the world - men or women.

Let's start with the main question: who is born more often - boys or girls? The fact is that in the world, regardless of the location of the country, its climate and the race of the population, boys are born by 5% more. However, due to constant wars, stress and large-scale disasters, men die more often.

Scientists have found an interesting relationship: it turned out that the lower the population, the more males are born. Today it is seen in some marine species and plants.

Unfortunately, in most countries the opinion is formed that the boy better girls therefore, more than 150 million female embryos die every year in the world. Today in China, over 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. The male population began to predominate in places like Australia and the United States.

In 2010, she answered the question of who is more, men or women, across Russia. According to statistics, it turned out that total number citizens living on the territory of the Russian Federation is more than 142 million people. Of these, the female population is 53%. Thus, it turns out that there are fewer men in our country. If we compare the percentage according to the age of the population, then a picture of high mortality of the male population is clearly drawn. How more age the more men die.

On the scale of Russia, the female population not only dominates, but already suppresses the male population. The reason for this is the high life expectancy of the female. Scientists answer the question of who is more, men or women in the world. According to their research, seven main reasons for the quantitative superiority of women were identified. The first is special genetics. Further, it is believed that a woman is more emotional, therefore she experiences difficulties more easily, while in life she is more careful. As a rule, important decisions are taken by men. Due to their huge responsibility, their body is under constant stress.

For a better understanding of who is more, men or women, you should also refer to the statistics of doctors. In their opinion, the effect on the body of female and male hormones is completely different. The male hormone seems to be programmed for short-term functionality. In addition, a woman cares more about her own health and visits hospitals more often. And, of course, women are less likely to have bad habits.

Thus, examining the question: "Who is more - men or women?", We can conclude that nature itself sacrifices the male population for the speedy renewal of generations. Therefore, you should not think that a man will endure everything on his mighty shoulders. If so, then his life will be short.

According to UN estimates, in 2015 there are 101.8 men for every 100 women in the world. The number of men has been gradually increasing every year since 1960. The Pew Research Center has prepared a new map showing that the distribution of the sexes is uneven. For example, in the countries of the former Soviet Union the number of women exceeds the number of men. And in Asia, Arab countries and North Africa, on the contrary, there are more men, reports.

Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Estonia and Ukraine are among the countries with the largest female population.

The same countries lead in the difference between the life expectancy of men and women. In Belarus, for example, men live on average 65.3 years, and women - 77 years. The difference between these figures is greater only in Syria, which is engulfed in civil war.

Differences in sex ratio change with age. Thus, in the Russian Federation, the gender ratio differs in different age groups. More boys than girls are born there every year. In the group up to 31 years, men also predominate. But already from the age of 32, the female population is increasing. And this difference is increasing every year.

This gap is due to historical reasons. The history of the 20th century has seriously influenced the demographics in the USSR. According to the first census in Russia in 1897, there were 98.9 men per 100 women. The same balance is today in the US (98.3 men per 100 women).

The percentage of women in Russia began to grow during the First World War, civil war, famine and the Great Terror with the USSR. In 1939, there were 91.9 men for every 100 women. The Second World War had a huge impact on the proportions of the population, because it was mainly attended by men. In 1959, the ratio was already 81.9 men to 100 women. On the territory of Ukraine, this figure was 79.7 against 100, and, for example, in Azerbaijan - 92.3. In 1989, in the USSR as a whole, there were 89.5 men per 100 women.

The difference widened in the 1990s due to male mortality in early age. This was due to alcoholism and other addictions.

Sex ratio is a demographic term. It shows the number of men for every 100 women. The ideal ratio is between 105 and 107 men per 100 women. This optimal proportion was first recorded in 1710.

It has been proven that if a society is dominated by men, the risk of murder and violence increases. In the same countries where more women income disparity between the two sexes is often bad for the economy. After all a large number of unmarried women leads to lower fertility.

In general, there are more men in the world than women. According to the UN, last year the sex ratio was 101.8:100. However, there are many countries where the number of women exceeds the number of men.

Express info by country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all the planets. solar system to size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Medium radius - 6,378.2 km

Middle circle - 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Number of official languages- 95; most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (basic) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)


Latvia ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest gender imbalance. In 2015, there were 84.8 men for every 100 women. Thus, women made up 54.1% of the total population. This is partly the result of the Second World War. In addition, men in Latvia have a high mortality rate due to problems such as alcoholism, smoking and reckless driving. About 80% of suicides in Latvia are committed by men. The most common causes are unemployment and difficult financial position. Women on average live 11 years longer than men.


The gender gap in Lithuania is primarily associated with factors that increase the death rate of men. First, there are significantly more male smokers than female smokers, putting their health at risk. Secondly, the life expectancy of the male population is reduced by mental illness, depression and suicide. Women in Lithuania live an average of 79.3 years, while men live only 68.1. The gender gap is especially noticeable among Lithuanians in their 30s and 40s. In 2015, women made up 54% of the total population.


Curacao is a self-governing island nation in the Caribbean. In 2015, women made up 53.9% of the total population. At the same time, the sex ratio was 92 to 100. The average life expectancy for women is 80.2 years, and for men - 72.4 years. Most women get into age group from 15 to 64 years old.


Women in Ukraine make up 53.7% of the total population. As in the case of Latvia, these are still echoes of the Second World War. The average life expectancy for men is 62 years, and for women - 74. Ukrainians often have serious health problems, and in combination with a high level of emigration, this contributes to a decrease in the male population of the country.

10 countries where there are more women than men

The causes of gender imbalance can be very different, but studies show that it is highly undesirable. In such countries, educated, high-income women cannot find partners. At the same time, men who are unable to provide for a family begin to suffer from problems with mental health. Both genders lose out.

According to UN estimates, there are 101.8 men for every 100 women in the world. The number of men has been growing every year since 1960. However, there are corners in the world in which there are noticeably more men than the fair sex. Men from the countries collected in our selection wither and dry without the care and tenderness of women!


There are 1.7% more men than women here. And for Iceland, this is becoming a serious problem. In this regard, there were even rumors that the government promised to pay $5,000 to foreign women who marry local men, provided that they stay in Iceland. However, this information was later refuted.


Italians love their country so much that they prefer to spend their holidays at home without leaving their homeland. However, modern Italian women prefer to build a career instead of the usual role of a housewife. As a result, educated girls leave for other countries. This sudden change caused the number of men to outnumber women.


Like neighboring Sweden, there is also a shortage of women in Norway. In fact, there are 12,000 more men than women in the country. Currently, sociologists do not understand how to reduce this gender gap.

A country of 9 million people suffers from a shortage of women. At the end of 2016, the statistics were as follows: for every 100 women, there were 247 men.


How come there are more men than women in a country with one of the highest living standards? There are two reasons why this happened. Since Sweden has a housing shortage problem, many people are leaving the country, and the problem with emigrants has led to the fact that the number of men exceeded the number of women. So if you are a single woman looking for love, you know where to go.


After decades of gender bias and selective sex birth practices, China is a country dominated by men. In fact, there are 40 million more men in China than women! As the gender imbalance is the most serious in the entire world, Chinese officials have begun to try to fix the problem they themselves created in the first place. Unfortunately, in countryside still often leave newborn girls just on the street. Last year, the Chinese government tried to solve this problem by launching "drop zones" for unwanted babies. However, the plan failed after these areas were overrun with infants who, among other things, suffered from serious disorders.


Iran is a constantly changing country. On the this moment more than 3 million Iranian women are not married, but prefer to pursue a career. Many of them began to travel and leave Iran, which led to a decrease in the female population in the country.

Okay, maybe not in the country as a whole, but there are several states and cities in the US that have amazing male to female ratios. For example, in Las Vegas, the number of men prevails over the number of women. San Francisco, famous for its financial and banking sectors, attracts more men than women. Finally, Dallas, Texas also has a higher number of men compared to women.


In 1980, the population of Qatar was negligible. In the next decade, the population of Qatar increased significantly. With immigration being the main driver of population growth, it was recently revealed that immigrants make up 94% of Qatar's workforce. Mostly male emigrants are skilled workers who have come from all over the world to find work. The government willingly issues visas to male workers, but the situation is much worse for women. Only ladies from privileged countries, such as Canada and the UK, receive visas.


Egypt is one of the most populous countries on the African continent. In addition to having a large population, Egypt is also one of the youngest countries in the entire world, with an estimated 75% of Egyptians being under the age of 25. In Egypt, traditional gender roles are still quite strong and many women still do not even have a secondary education. In addition, sexual violence against women is very common here. Thus, since sexual violence and gender inequality are a common problem, it is not surprising that women leave the country when given the opportunity.


In much the same way as elsewhere in the Middle East, attitudes towards women in Afghanistan are outdated, but this has not always been the case. Before war and terror took over the country, Afghanistan was a great place. Women could work and get an education. However, the situation changed dramatically when the Taliban came to power. This resulted in many fleeing the country with their wives and children.


The Philippines is an extremely interesting country both culturally and geographically. Demographically, there are more men than women. Plus, as in other countries, more women are starting to work abroad.


Located in West Africa, bordering Chad and Cameroon, Nigeria has always been an attractive target, so numerous kingdoms and tribal states have fought over it over the past few centuries. Nigeria is not the best place in the world regarding equality: forced marriages, child marriages, polygamy and female circumcision flourish here. Because of all of the above, there are more men here than women.


The ratio between the sexes here is strongly skewed towards the male population. Unfortunately, here, as in China, male babies are preferred. The level of violence against women is also very high. In general, India has a colossal gender imbalance - there are 37 million more men than women in the country.

According to materials: