
Riddles about the new year is not. Synopsis of a subgroup lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language for older preschoolers with OHP. Exercise "Big and Small"


Elena Kim
Synopsis of an open frontal speech therapy lesson for children “Winter. Winter fun»

Theme: “Winter. Winter fun.

Target: Generalization and clarification of children's knowledge about winter and winter games.


1. Correctional and educational. Updating the dictionary on the topic “Winter”. Enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives and cognates.

2. Correction-developing. Development of speech breathing, voice, general and fine manual motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. The development of the visual auditory attention and logical thinking.

3. educational goals. Education of initiative, independence, love for winter and winter phenomena. Formation of the skill of cooperation.

Equipment: Bell, cards for laying out the scheme of proposals, a bomb. Card words: winter, snow, frost. Artificial snowflakes. Pictures - winter, wintering birds.

Course progress.

Children come in and say hello. The speech therapist tells the children that the lesson today is unusual ... reads the poem "Winter has come" (Irina Chernitskaya).

The winter is merry

With skates and sleighs

With powdered ski tracks,

With a magical old fairy tale.

On a decorated tree

The lanterns swing.

May the winter be cheerful

It doesn't end anymore!

1. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist: “Today we will talk about winter in class.

One can talk endlessly about the beauty of Winter, although winter can be harsh (very cold). But people don't care. Despite the cold, they go to work, to the garden, to school, they just wrap themselves warmer. But the trees are of indescribable beauty: every branch, every twig is dressed in fluffy white fur coats. After all, trees are also alive and are protected from frost by snow. And, of course, the main decoration of Winter is the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Rivers and lakes freeze so that you can walk on the ice and even skate. The ground is covered with a thick layer of snow. Many birds, such as swallows, rooks, thrushes, larks, nightingales fly to warmer climes, they are called migratory. And jackdaws, crows, magpies, bullfinches, sparrows winter with us, and therefore are called winterers. In winter, it is difficult for birds to get their own food, so people must feed them.

2. Development and activation of the dictionary on the topic: "Winter"

Speech therapist: "Who will name the words related to winter?"

(Snow, cold, frost, blizzard, cold, powder, etc.). (Children answer).

Speech therapist: “Today we have a lesson that is not simple, but magical, and now I will turn into Zimushka! The bell is ringing. The speech therapist turns into Zimushka.

I am a cold winter

From lace my outfit.

Came to work with you.

Meet the one who is happy!

I, Zimushka, really want to play with you! Will you play with me? What games can you play in winter?

(Throw snowballs, sledding, ice skating, skating, snow scooter, snowboarding, skiing, sculpting a snowman, building ice palaces) (Children answer).

And now let's play the game "Winter Fun" (pantomime game). The speech therapist assigns children different roles: some imitate skiing or ice skating, others imitate snowball fights, and still others guess what they are doing.

3. Outdoor game: "Winter" for coordination of speech with movement:

We warm up a little, (we warm ourselves with our hands)

We clap our hands: clap, clap, clap. (clap hands)

We will also warm the legs,

We will stomp faster: top-top-top. (stomp feet)

We put on gloves. (show)

We are not afraid of a blizzard: clap-clap-clap. (clap hands)

Here the snowflakes are flying down,

For houses and children. (hands depict falling snowflakes.)

We'll go to the street. (Walking with arms waving.)

Let's start playing snowballs. (Bend over, “make a snowball”, throw.)

4. Breathing exercises.

Speech therapist: “In winter, a strong cold wind often blows, and snow-white snowflakes fly in the sky. Now, I will turn you into a cold strong wind, and you will help me blow the snowflakes off the table. (Hands out snowflakes.)

Do you know how to blow properly? We inhale deeply through the nose, do not raise the shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children blow on snowflakes.)

Now let's warm up the hands. Blow hot air. (Children “warm” their hands).

5. Exercise "Lay out the diagram."

The speech therapist shows how to make up sentence schemes using handouts. Example: "Winter has come." I___.

Assignment: children need to make one sentence about winter and lay out the schemes of the compiled sentences. Children use the picture.

“It’s cold in winter”, “It snowed”, “People wear warm clothes”, “Children go sledding.”, “Guys go skiing”.

6. The game “Which one?”

The speech therapist names the words (winter, snow, frost, and the children select signs for objects and phenomena, passing the “bomb” from hand to hand until it makes a certain sound, indicating the stop of the game.

Winter (what kind) - cold, frosty, snowy, cheerful, joyful, long, icy ...

Snow (what kind) - white, fluffy, soft, clean, silvery, sparkling ...

Frost (what) - strong, evil, strong, weak, crackling, biting ...

7. Formation of related words. The game "Tell me a word."

Speech therapist: “In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow, let's play with this word. The teacher reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "Snow".

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground. (snow)

Fluffs all slide from the sky -

Silvery. (snowflakes)

In the village, on the meadow

Everything is going down. (snowball).

Here's some fun for the kids -

Everything is stronger. (snowfall)

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play. (snowballs)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up. (snowman)

Next to the snow figurine -

This is a girl. (snow maiden)

In the snow - then, look? -

With red chest. (bullfinches)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth. (snow)

8. Formation of related words independently.

Task: Find similar words to the words:

Winter - (zimushka, winter, wintering, wintering, wintering, etc.);

Frost - (frosty, freeze, freeze, ice cream, freezer, frost, etc.);

9. The result and the end of the lesson.

Speech therapist: “Now our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember what we did today, what did we talk about? What tasks did you like, what was difficult, what was easy? Everyone should independently evaluate their work in today's lesson. You need to choose a strip of colored paper that matches the assessment for the work done. Whoever believes that he showed himself active, involved, smart during the lesson, takes a red stripe, who was less active, but still tried to prove himself, takes a yellow stripe, and those who were bored take a green stripe.


1. "We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with ONR" N. E. Arbekova, Moscow 2011, publishing house "Gnome"

2. Efimenkova L. N. Formation of speech in preschoolers: (Children with general underdevelopment of speech). Book. for a speech therapist 2nd ed., revised. -M. : Education, 1985. - 112 p.

3. "Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with ONR" N. E. Teremkova, Moscow 2011, publishing house "Gnome"

4. "Lessons of a speech therapist for children 4-6 years old" O. I. Krupenchuk, St. Petersburg 2007, publishing house "Litera"

5. Nishcheva N. N. Abstracts of subgroup speech therapy classes in preschool group kindergarten for children with OHP. St. Petersburg, "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2008

6. "Poems about the beauty of nature" Anatoly Bolutenko. "Winter has come" Irina Chernitskaya.

Lyrics of the song "Christmas songs for children" "Quiet, quiet, as in a dream" O. G. Vaganova.

Not in the night sky this miracle burns,
Not in the oceans, not in the seas plows ...
Like the sun shines brightly
Coniferous branches in the New Year decorates.

Angry, howling in bad weather,
Don't let everyone pass
Evil clouds are catching up
Makes everyone run away.
With her, Metel is her friend...
Remember: angry a lot, only ...
winter storm

New Year's table covered
There are different products
Meat, chicken, mushrooms,
Vegetables, cheeses and fruits,
Cake, sausage, sandwiches,
Juice, kurabye cookies,
One is missing there -
olivier salad

A transparent crystal flies
Dancing from the wind, circling,
Then it falls on the coat
It melts and suddenly disappears.

In order for us to do this,
Everyone needs to hold hands
And a fun carousel
Rush around the Christmas tree.
round dance

Everyone is waiting. Everyone is patiently waiting
When they try...
Then they get up, "hurrah" shout,
And all the glasses clink.

What kind of balls are hanging on the Christmas tree
And the colors of the rainbow shine?
There are such girlfriends at the Christmas tree,
And they are called...
Christmas toys

You fly, fly, fly
Like the sun shine
Sprinkling all around
And friends and girlfriends.

Nobody sleeps tonight
Everything sparkles with lights.
All the food is strewn
Even grandfather's beard!

Help me hang it on the Christmas tree,
Beads and rain from shiny foil.
Such outfits are now with a bang,
And everything is called...

All white, crystal,
And, across the sky - lethal,
On the hand - falls,
And then it dissolves...

He is always so desirable
Interesting, welcome.
But there are also surprises
Kohl the Snow Maiden is capricious ...

Or several carats.
Well... if Santa Claus is rich...
In general, it brings joy to everyone,
Even if it's sweet.

We choose it carefully
By color and by horoscope,
So that in New Year be sure
No worse than in the houses of Europe.
New Year's outfit

She decorates the windows,
They decorate houses and a Christmas tree,
She is so beautiful
All multi-colored, shining.
Everyone needs it for the New Year.
Did you know what it is? ...

She decorates the holiday
They decorate the Christmas tree with it,
And on New Year's Eve everywhere
On showcases, windows will be.
It sparkles with lights for us,
With it, it will become brighter everywhere.

A necessary thing in the household,
Like, inconspicuous
But on New Year's Eve
It suddenly becomes noticeable.

In the form of a festive garland
He hangs high in the house,
Santa puts gifts in it,
And it's called...

I rode in them cheerful
Santa Claus,
A million gifts
He brought the kids.
Painted, new
Through the fluffy snows
Rushed from Ustyug
Very, very fast.

He goes, flies, sparkles.
Can turn into a ball.
This ball is not easy -
It will become, always a game.
He's right on target,
And melts quickly in the palm of your hand.

It can shine, or it can creak,
He can lie, or he can fly,
And he has a sister known to everyone -
Voditsa. He will turn into her in warmth.

Near the Christmas tree, a round dance leads with the children,
Appears in our snowy winter.
He always goes with his grandfather, distributes gifts,
But it will melt without a trace if it gets hot.
Snow Maiden

They walk together in winter
People laugh and congratulate
And they will come to you with a bag in the cold ...
Snow Maiden and Santa Claus

Theme "Visiting Zimushka-winter".

Kirillova N.K., teacher-speech therapist MADOU "Development Center child-kindergarten No. 2 " gold fish» Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region.

Lesson objectives:

  • consolidation of ideas about winter and its signs;
  • clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter";
  • improving the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number, the formation of nouns and adjectives using diminutive suffixes);
  • learn to select single-root words;
  • development of dialogical speech;
  • development visual attention and perception, memory, thinking;
  • education of skills of independence, initiative and cooperation.


magnetic board, subject and plot pictures on the theme "Winter", magnets, snowflakes, a strip with arrows, a demonstration snowman, envelopes with planar parts of a snowman, a card with an image of parts of a snowman, a tape recorder.

Course progress.

1. Greeting. Organizing time.

Children collect a common cut plot picture.
What do you think we will talk about in class today?
Lesson topic message.
- Today we will go to visit Zimushka-winter.

2. The game "Artists".

- What is winter? Let's imagine that we are artists and "draw" a winter picture.
On the table are subject and plot pictures related to winter (snowflake, Santa Claus, snowman, etc.). Children fix the selected picture on the magnetic board and talk about it.

3. The game "Who will come up with more words."

- Children, without which there is no winter?

What is snow like?
Think, call.
Your word quickly
Mark with a snowflake!

Calling adjectives, each child fixes a snowflake on the board. (White, fluffy, soft, dry, wet, sticky, squeaky, sparkling, sparkling, cold, dirty, etc.)

What makes snow?
Try to say.
All arrows are actions

On the board hangs a strip on which arrows are drawn. Each child, naming the action word, moves the magnet along the path (falls, shines, sparkles, spins, sparkles, melts, creaks, etc.)

4. Words-antonyms.

- Let's dress up for a walk and play the game "Finish the sentence"

I have big gloves and you have small ones.
Long boots
Slim sweater
Wide scarf
Black boots
Dry mittens

5. Physical minutes.

Musical-speech game “A breeze has flown” (music by G. Vyakhirev).

The breeze came
Arrived for a day.
He stroked us gently.
Looked around
smiled and suddenly
Spinning in a mischievous dance.

And we put on skis
And they got on skates.
We play, we play
In fluffy snowballs.

6. Exercise "Learn in parts."

A card with the image of parts of a snowman is hung on the typesetting canvas.
- What do you think will happen if all these parts are assembled correctly?

7. The speech therapist places a snowman on the board.

The game "Make a snowman."

- Children, you have envelopes on your tables. Try to make each your own snowman.

8. Exercise "Big and small."

- How are snowmen different?
- I'll say what I have big snowman, and you are talking about the same parts of little snowmen, calling them affectionately.

The big snowman has a red nose.
The little snowman has a red nose.
Black eyes
shaggy broom
green bucket
Long scarf.

9. Didactic game "Tell me a word."

- In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with this word. Didactic game"Say a word." The speech therapist reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "snow".

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,
Falls to the ground ... (Snow.)
Fluffs all slide from the sky -
Silvery ... (Snowflakes.)
To the villages, to the meadow
Everything is going down ... (Snowball.)
Here's some fun for the kids -
Everything is stronger ... (Snowfall.)
Everyone is running,
Everyone wants to play ... (Snowballs.)
Like a white down jacket
Dressed up ... (Snowman.)
Next to the snow figurine -
This girl is ... (Snow Maiden.)
In the snow, look -
With a red breast ... (Bullfinches.)
Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream
Decorated the whole earth ... (Snow.)

10. The result of the lesson, evaluation of the activities of children.


  1. G.A. Kiseleva "The book is a student" - publishing house "Book Lover", 2008
  2. N.V. Nishcheva “Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in senior group kindergarten for children with ONR "- publishing house "Childhood-Press", 2009
  3. E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonova "Development and correction of the speech of children 5-6 years old" - publishing house "Sphere", 2006

Who painted the cheeks of children
In red in winter, not in summer?
Who's pinching their noses?
Guessed? …
Father Frost

Hedgehog looks like her
You won't find any leaves.
Like a beauty, slim,
And on New Year's Eve it's important.
Christmas tree

A guest came to us from the edge -
Green, though not a frog.
And not a clubfoot bear,
Though her furry paws.
And we can't understand
What are needles for?
She is not a seamstress, not a hedgehog,
At least it looks like a hedgehog.
Who is fluffy, at least not a chicken, -
Every child should know.
It's very easy to guess
Who came to visit us today?
Christmas tree

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are shorter than all days,
All nights are longer than nights.
To fields and meadows
Until spring, snow fell.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.

Under the chimes we open the door,
We see one off, we meet the other.
Old Year and New Year

At our winter carnival
We all recognized him right away.
A whole bunch of gifts for children
Bring it to the party...
Father Frost

Clap and candy
Shoots like a gun!
It is clear to everyone: this ...

All of me from head to toe
Well sculpted.
And black-black eyes
And in the hands of a whisk.
snow woman

Through the snowy expanses
Who comes with gifts?
To us on eku with a round dance
Who is in a hurry for the New Year?
Father Frost

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
He starts a round dance -
This is a holiday …
New Year

Here comes the New Year.
He brought us a holiday:
The tree is waiting for all the guys
And cheerful...
Father Frost

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday? ...
New Year

He arranged skating rinks for us,
Snow covered the streets
I built bridges out of ice.
Who is this? …
Father Frost

To our house on New Year's Eve
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And that guest's name is...
Christmas tree

Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
silver, gold,
Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet.
Everything is always the opposite
Only on holidays...
New Year

He is always in a nice coat.
And gifts - a whole cartload!
Who loves all children?
Well, of course, ...
Father Frost

These painted chains
Children glue paper.
Fairy lights

We dressed up in costumes
Mice, butterflies, dragonflies.
Light up the Christmas tree
For kids…
Father Frost

We all love to laugh
We all love to play
We love to frolic
Songs to sing and dance.
We love gifts
Santa Claus carries them
On this joyful holiday,
What are we calling...
New Year

Christmas tree with toys
Clowns with crackers.
All the people are having fun!
What holiday?
New Year

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Dressy, funny.
On New Year's Eve I'm the main one.
Christmas tree

Our holiday is cheerful, bright!
Giving gifts to kids!
The tree will be brought home.
It only happens in winter.
The kids are waiting for him!
This festival …
New Year

In winter, in the hours of fun,
I hang on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a gun
My name is…

Never late
Never in a hurry!
Always comes on time
He gives people joy.
New Year

A blizzard walks around the yard,
The Christmas tree is sparkling in the house.
Children lead a round dance.
What holiday?
New Year

The lights are flashing fast
They run from top to bottom.
This friendly team
It's called...

Once a year he comes to us,
Jokes, laughter brings with it.
The holiday bewitched everyone:
Here are gifts, carnival,
Near the Christmas tree round dance.
This is a holiday...
New Year

Come join us for a ball!
So that no one recognizes you
Let your mothers sew for you
Carnival ... pajamas?

I'm such a fashionista
What a surprise to everyone!
I love beads, sequins,
Any decorations.
But on mine, believe me
great misfortune
They dress me up
Only once a year!
Christmas tree

All in snowflakes, ice sparkles
On her eyelashes
Rushing on a sleigh through the snow
Horses are like birds!
She flies to visit us
Hey, don't get in the way!
In a white coat like a princess
In warm gloves
Past the fairy forest
Rushing to our tree!
And beautiful and slim
So tell me who is she?
Snow Maiden

On the beauty of the forest
Golden rain in a wave -
With a silver cord
Hanging down...

Suddenly from the black darkness
Bushes grew in the sky.
And they are blue
Crimson, gold
Flowers are blooming
Unprecedented beauty.

Who is Santa's Helper?
Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin?

Granddaughter of Santa Claus
Everyone around knows
They love and play with her
They are waiting for a visit.
Leads round dances
She is with the child.
New Year will pass -
There is no trace of her!
Snow Maiden

The holiday comes to us at night,
Even though it's too late,
The ringing of the clock, it strikes twelve,
New Year

Santa Claus visits children
I brought my granddaughter on a sleigh.
Snow figurine -
We will come...
Snow Maiden

Fireworks! Fireworks!
The rainbow flies up.
From sparkling lights
Dancing devils of shadows.
What is the feast at the gate?
New Year

many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is ... Birthday?
New Year

They pulled the tail of the poor thing,
Papers flew up.

Thunder is clapperboard.
Rain is playful.
Round dance under the snowflakes
Comes to the house...
New Year

You have to stand near the tree
And the desire to guess.
The day will come, the hour will come
Everything will be done...
New Year

Forget the whims
Everyone - sweets, everyone - surprises!
Don't cry on New Year's Eve
There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe?

winter girl
Came for New Years.
Handed out toys
I went into a round dance.
Snow Maiden

She is dressed in silver with pearls -
The magical granddaughter of the magical grandfather.
Snow Maiden

We've been waiting all year for it.
We call new every time.
We decorate the Christmas tree in the hall,
To dance at the carnival.
All the people love the holiday.
This festival - ...
New Year

In a fur coat bright, blue,
The whole hat sparkles
How to dance with you
Mommy smiles.
Asks riddles for everyone
And handing out candy.
Snow Maiden

Are you my friend or not?
Get in a circle!
Hand in hand, kids
Together they drive ... a bear by the nose?
round dance