
Do-it-yourself fabric planets. Master class: fabric and thread layout “Cosmos. Planets of the solar system. Another option for creating planets


Children's interest in space and the structure of the solar system is no longer as common as it used to be. But every parent has to explain to his child the principles of the movement of planets around the stars. The easiest way to do this is using the craft " solar system". Such a model can be built with your own hands. Engage in its creation together with your baby to study the structure of the planets together and understand the basics of astronomy.

Craft "Planets of the solar system" do it yourself

The easiest way to make such a model is using plasticine. The child himself can choose certain colors of this material and mix them to decorate this or that planet. Try to open a star atlas with your children and look at the real sizes of celestial bodies, comparing them with the Sun. Explain the difference between terrestrial planets and gas giants.

Explain to the children that the display of the solar system in the craft will be conditional. In fact, large and planets are very different from each other. Read about different types space bodies and discuss their main features. Draw the child's attention to the Earth, find pictures with its real shape. Think together why our planet is not round, but more like an apple irregular shape and try to mold it with plasticine together with the children. Balls can also be made from felt. But then you need to stock up on finger protection so that the child does not get hurt when working with a sharp needle.

Craft using foam balls

Crafts with the planets of the solar system can be arranged in different ways: hung on a fishing line and attached to a hanger, or placed blanks on thin barbecue sticks, connecting them with a star in the center. Celestial bodies themselves are often made from foam blanks, because such material is convenient to use and design. The foam ball is lightweight, it is easy to paint it in any color if you use acrylic, and the blanks are easy to fasten together. The easiest way to make crafts "Solar system" in the form of a mobile.

Necessary materials:

  • styrofoam balls of various sizes
  • a long piece of wire or thick wire,
  • pencil,
  • cardboard,
  • PVA glue,
  • fishing line,
  • hook,
  • acrylic paints,
  • brush,
  • scissors.

It may take several days to create a product, since the blanks must be dried well after painting. Before starting work, arrange everything in size: each of them must correspond to a specific planet. Make marks on the blanks for crafts "Solar System" with a pencil, so as not to get confused, where is which celestial body.

How to color blanks

Use acrylic paints to paint blanks. The sun must be the largest. To create the effect of "spots" on it, sprinkle the surface with red, orange and yellow paint. You can use a brush and mix several shades right on the ball, or pour the paint on a paper plate and dip the workpiece into it, stringing it on a toothpick. Keep experimenting until you have painted all the planets. Make rings for Saturn out of cardboard and glue them dry to the workpiece.

Another option for creating planets

An even easier way to make the solar system craft is to use the papier-mâché technique. For work you will need:

Napkins should be divided into layers and finely torn. Balloon - inflate up to right size and tie with thread to give a spherical shape, and then stick several layers of napkins, drying each one before applying the next. When the workpiece dries, pierce the rubber ball with a needle and remove it. You can make planets from threads using the same technique. To do this, you need floss or cotton yarn. Smudge balloon glue and wind the threads around it in a chaotic manner, and then leave to dry by hanging on a clip or clothespin. Remove the ball by piercing it.

Product assembly

When the paints are dry, take the barbecue sticks or long knitting needles to pierce the blanks through. Thread the string through the holes and secure it. Bend a thick wire into a spiral and tie the planets to it one after another, changing their height. Then cut four more pieces of fishing line and attach it so that all the pieces are balanced and hang straight. Connect the pieces and thread them through a hook or other fixture to hang the finished mobile from the ceiling. DIY craft "Solar System" is ready!

Balls can also be attached to ordinary knitting needles or wire, connecting to the center, but then the product cannot be hung. Sometimes, instead of wire, they use an ordinary plastic or metal hanger, tying a fishing line with planets to its lower part. Add labels to celestial bodies with names or various facts about them. If you use glow-in-the-dark paint, then the mobile will become even more attractive to the child.

Crafts in papier-mache technique and quilling for children 5-6 years old "Blossoming Planet". Step-by-step instruction with photo

preparatory group
Supervisor: Samonkina Elena Alexandrovna, teacher of MBDOU CRR - kindergarten "Deer", Nizhny Kuranakh, RS (Yakutia)
Description: we bring to your attention a master class on making beautiful crafts in the technique of papier-mache and quilling.
Children 5-6 years old can handle this craft. This work can be applied to circle work, for joint creative activities with children.
Purpose: the master class is recommended for educators, parents, as well as for those who like to create miracles from paper and other improvised materials with their own hands. Proposed Master Class can be used in circle work with children.
Purpose: We made a craft for the competition. Such a craft will find application in ecology classes and for decorating the interior.
Target: Creating conditions for development creativity children.
1. Improve the ability to create crafts using the technique of papier-mâché, quilling; 2. To consolidate the acquired skills in working with paper, scissors, glue; observe safety precautions;
3. Develop artistic and aesthetic feelings and creative abilities;
4. To educate children in diligence, the desire to make crafts with their own hands, the ability to bring what they have started to the end, to work together.
A variety of creative activities (making crafts) occupies a special place in the development and upbringing of children, it most clearly reveals all their universal abilities, contributes to the development of a child's emotional responsiveness to the world around him, becoming harmoniously developed personality. Mastering a variety of techniques for working with paper develops fine motor skills, provides an opportunity to feel the properties of materials, methods of use and their expressive possibilities when creating crafts. Making such crafts instills in children a caring attitude towards nature, an understanding of the need to love and protect their planet.
Materials and tools:
- ball, pieces of newspaper, white paper;
- paste, a cup of water, oilcloth, napkins;
- colored paper size A4, ruler, simple pencil, scissors, glue stick.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, we make the base - a ball, using the papier-mâché technique. We tear the newspaper and sheets of paper into pieces.

2. We take the ball and glue it with pieces of newspaper soaked in water (so that you can then remove the paper blank from the ball).

3. The next layer - glue the ball with pieces of white paper with a paste. And so 4 - 5 layers. Leave for a few days to dry.

4. After the paper has dried, carefully cut the paper blank stationery knife into two halves, we get the ball.

5. Then we glue the two halves together.

6. Paste the resulting ball with pieces of green and blue paper - the planet Earth.

7. We make flowers using the quilling technique. To do this, cut sheets of A4 colored paper into strips 1 cm wide.

8. We twist a strip of paper, we get the main form - a free spiral.

9. We pinch one end of the spiral, we get a drop - a petal for a flower. Thus, it is necessary to make as many blanks - petals as necessary for a flower.

10. We begin to collect a flower. To do this, glue the petals together.

11. Then we paste the finished flowers on the base - the planet.

12. Craft "Blossoming Planet" is ready.

13. We made another planet after the fires. The craft participated in the competition for fire safety. "Do not mess with fire, take care of the planet - your home!"

Thanks for attention!

faila volozhanina

We take a medium-sized hoop and wrap it with insulating tape

We fit cloth matching color

We make paper balls and fix with tape

We make such balls by the number planets and satellites, considering the aspect ratio

We wrap each ball with colored threads, taking into account the color planets

One the planet Saturn has a ring pierce the ball with a barbecue stick

We cut out two rings from cardboard larger than the diameter of the ball and glue it so that the stick is between the rings

With a needle and thread, we sew the orbits along fabrics and place planets and satellites, given their location, glue or sew to fabrics. Complementing our work spaceship . Attach name tags planets. The layout is ready.

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Creation of the layout of the solar system. For work you will need: A fiberboard sheet, a foam ball, a gun with glue sticks, ping balls.

Synopsis of the GCD "An extraordinary journey through the planets of the solar system" Target. To expand children's understanding of the diversity of the cosmos, to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the solar system; to introduce children to the features.

At school, they often ask such a project: to make a model of our galaxy. ? Exactly! Try to make it from simple improvised materials, such as cardboard. A fascinating process not only improves labor skills, but also introduces the child to the basics of astronomy. He should pay attention to recognize the planets and arrange them in the right places. The Star World set will help to understand this issue.

It will be interesting to create a dynamic model - it simultaneously illustrates the location of astronomical bodies and demonstrates their movement. As in reality, cardboard planets revolve in orbits around the Sun and around their own axis. Use this manual as a visual aid for school or kindergartenoriginal craft arouses great interest in children!

How to make the solar system with your own hands: a master class with a photo

What you need to prepare for crafts:

  • corrugated cardboard
  • scissors and utility knife
  • decorative tape
  • PVA glue
  • carnation needles

Additionally, you will need paint. To make the planets look more realistic, print the template on a color printer.

STEP 1. Cut out 9 circles of different diameters from cardboard and color each of them. Use rich colors that are associated with space - black, dark blue, purple.

STEP 2. After the paint has dried, lay the circles on top of each other and fasten in the center. We used part of a sushi stick; a toothpick or any other rod is also suitable for this.

STEP 3. Cut out stars from decorative tape or colored paper and stick them on the base. Experiment with sizes and shapes!

STEP 4. Cut out the printed images of the planets and stick them on cardboard circles of the appropriate size.

STEP 5. Secure them to the base with studs. The hat is stuck into the base of the circle, and the planet is placed on the needle. Stick the rings of Saturn on thin cardboard and connect with their owner with needles.