
drama south korea female secrets


Brief description of the series

black day

Women's Secrets - a series whose heroine survived the tragedy and wants to take revenge on her perpetrators. Kang Ji Yoo has always been a modest and quiet woman. She was very kind to her family and was completely happy when she gave birth to a child. The young mother devoted herself entirely little son. And in a terrible dream, she could not see that she would lose the most precious thing in her life. One day the girl lost her son and father: the man was killed and the boy was kidnapped.

Unexpected Metamorphoses

No wonder they say that any mother is ready for anything for the sake of her child. After the child was stolen, Zhi Yu changed a lot. Previously, everyone considered her white and fluffy, kind and harmless, but now they don’t recognize her. The main character of the series Women's Secrets forgot about her former image and decided to find the culprits of her misfortunes. She is going to find the killer and take revenge on him. In addition, you need to find your son and bring him home. Only these thoughts occupy Zhi Yu's head.

Action plan

The girl acts calmly and confidently. She searches for suspects and begins to pursue them. Even if the first trace is false, there will be other options. Zhi Yu will not back down until he accomplishes his plan. The series Women's Secrets will not do without unexpected sympathies that can both help and hinder the plan of revenge. Watching the heroine of the film, the audience will once again be convinced that a woman can surpass herself in the struggle for a child.

Chapter 44 I hope it wasn't a declaration of love. Usually for such cases I have two excuses in store: 1- I am a lesbian, 2- I have the initial stage of schizophrenia. Taehyuk is cute and kind. We are friends. This, of course, is good. But what is bad is that even if he confessed his love to me, I would not answer him either 1st or 2nd. I wouldn't know what to say to him. I have a much better relationship with him than with the others ... But this is friendly relations, Yes? To be honest, it was starting to bother me that this Oppa hadn't returned yet. Where is he wearing it? He couldn't have dumped me, could he? Suddenly I saw a familiar face. Not that I had an incredible memory for faces, but he was hard to forget. - What happened to you again? he sat down next to him. “You know, Ajussi, you always show up like a fairy godmother when I'm in trouble.” Yes, that was the same homeless man who kept me company last time. I don't know why, but I was very glad to see him again. “Well, I can’t promise you a dress and a carriage, but you are always welcome to listen,” he said, smiling. I told him everything that happened last days . What for? I needed to speak up. Why this ajussi? He offered me coffee and shared a newspaper. Conclusion: He is a saint. Also... I don't think we'll meet again. If it happens again, I'll just stay with him. I will wander from one street of Seoul to another, meet people, finally lose weight, maybe even write a book, become famous, get rich, help all my homies, and this Ahjussi will become my manager. Yeah of course. You have to be at least honest with yourself. Everything will be different. It's still me. I will start to be homeless, I will not have time to move to another street, as I will catch some kind of illness and suddenly die. And the book... I doubt that I will write a will, maybe I will have time to ask Ajussi to sell my organs and hire a hitman to get even with these scoundrels. As always, I'm not thinking about that ... - How old are your wards, you say? - the man asked thoughtfully, - It looks like about 15. They would have fought over a girl. Oh yes, someone has already hit someone. It feels like you're in a drama. Six guys and one girl. Why not a series? - I think it's some kind of horror movie. Where are 6 maniacs and one victim ... Yes, thanks for listening - how would you thank him? I don't have anything with me. Tae tried. Although, I seem to know how to kill two birds with one stone: annoy the blond reptile and thank a good person, - This is for you for your time spent on me. - How come you were wearing sneakers in my size? Really, I have the same miniature leg? - the man, as it seemed to me, even beamed. Still, it's nice to give gifts without spending a dime. - It's a modern interpretation of Cinderella, Ajussi. It suits you, it's great that they fit him. These guys have more than enough of those things. Gonwoo won't even notice. And if he notices, he is unlikely to think of me. And if he suddenly thinks, he will not dare to say. And if he does, I'll blame everything on the brownie. - Cinderella gives her old sneakers to the fairy godmother, and the prince carries her to the castle on his back? - the man chuckled - Now such princes have gone that it is easier to walk barefoot, - I sighed, remembering the figures of guys these days, as well as their coordination and ability to drive a car. My neck still hurts. Is this your prince? I turned to where Ajusshi pointed. Indeed, something was approaching us. Alas, I have the eyesight of an average Korean, so I could not make out whether it was my prince or some kind of dog. “Um, I guess,” I replied, narrowing my eyes. - Then you're out of luck. Do not ride on the back. He has a box in the package that looks like a shoe box. Did the prince buy Cinderella shoes? Oh, these modern children ... - the man clicked and shook his head. In the meantime, something came close enough that I could discern Tae in him. Approaching us, he looked very strangely, first at me, then at Ajusshi, then back at me. - Is it your friend? -he asked. - Meet, this is my personal psychologist. This Ajussi helps me all the time, - I wanted to name the man, but suddenly I realized that I was an idiot. I didn't even bother to find out his name. What can I say... - And your name... - You don't even know his name? He probably thinks I'm a total idiot. “Don’t swear, prince, I don’t know your Cinderella’s name either,” Ahjussi chuckled, “MinSook is a man wandering the streets of Seoul, moonlighting as a personal psychologist and fairy godmother. - Kristina. Finally we got to know each other. - Taehyuk. And I don't understand what's going on here. I really hope you can explain everything to me. - You are now Good friends... - After these words, MinSook Tae looked at me very strangely. Offended, right? - How does he know? - I tell you, this Ajussi is something like my personal psychologist, to whom I tell everything - no matter how ridiculous it may sound, but I was extremely serious. “From now on, I am your psychologist, fairy and friend,” pulling out sneakers from the bag, Taehyuk decided to help me put them on. Then it dawned on me that I didn’t know what kind of socks I was wearing. Still nothing if they were the same, but no ... One of them showed a half-naked Siobhan (yes, I know his name) in green shorts, and on the other, God forgive me, fairies from the Winx Club. All this is due to the efforts of Ajuma. And here I want to ask a question first of all to myself: "Why am I such a loser?" “Cute socks, especially the right one,” Taehyung chuckled as he pointed to the SuJu member. - I don't want to be your fairy godmother... I think I'll go. Thank you, - winking at me, Ajussi left. We talked all the way to the hostel. I thanked Tae for buying me the shoes, which were very comfortable by the way, and answered all of his questions. "He's a good man who didn't let me die from the cold," I added. - And that's why you gave him our maknae's shoes? he smiled. I think I know who will protect me from our, no, their main hysteria. Yes, I'm talking about Sungwon. In appearance, he is so cold, calm, but if you bring him ... - You won't give me away, will you? I looked pleadingly at him. Worse than a hysterical leader can only be a hysterical maknae. - On one condition: about our conversation, except for your fairy ... - it was clear that he was embarrassed. - No one will know, as well as about my cute socks, right? - if different leaders find out about them, it will not be very good, or rather, it will be very bad. "I'll think about it," he smiled mysteriously. What did you think? - I'm serious. Either you promise you won't tell anyone, or I'll have to kill you, and I wasn't joking. After all, I can do anything, if I want to, I’ll even go into the pool myself, and strangle especially talkative ones - just spit. “I promise,” Taehyung said and held out his little finger to me. Having performed a secret ceremony of making a promise, we entered the hostel. Everyone seemed to be asleep already or on their way to it as it was very quiet. Wishing each other Good night Tae and I went to our rooms. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I opened the door to my apartment. Yuri, thank God, was asleep. Someone else, and she's much nicer when she's not awake. Sitting quietly in bed, I was ready to move into the realm of Morpheus, but then suddenly I heard my cry of the soul, or rather, the loud protest of my stomach. You have to be so unlucky... Leaving the warm bed, I went to the kitchen on my toes, hoping to shut up my lower heart. I don't know about others, but I love more with my stomach than with anything else. He gave battle cries so loudly that he seemed to be able to wake up the entire dorm. Although, no. I got excited. The only way my tummy can wake these guys up is if I don't find anything edible in the fridge and I have to bite off someone's leg. Opening my best white friend, I pulled out the leftovers from dinner. Finally I started my meal. It seemed that here it is - happiness. But it was not there. Hearing someone's footsteps, I was forced to hide under the table. Slowly chewing my food, I tried to calm my belly growling gratefully. My heart was pounding. For some reason, I felt like a criminal. The footsteps stopped. Not a single sound. I was about to crawl out of my shelter, when suddenly someone sharply pulled my leg and pulled me out from under the table. I wanted to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. “Got it,” a familiar voice said. Breathing a sigh of relief, I bit the hand of its owner. "So hungry that you're ready to bite my hand off?" - examining the marks from the teeth, he asked. “You know, you somehow don’t taste very good,” I told him, sitting on a chair. “You just tried it in the wrong place,” the leader chuckled. Turning on the light, he sat down next to me. I was still trying to figure out what he meant. As soon as it dawned on me, this brat got what he deserved. End of POV Author: Yana Kishinskaya.

Brief description of the series

black day

Women's Secrets - a series whose heroine survived the tragedy and wants to take revenge on her perpetrators. Kang Ji Yoo has always been a modest and quiet woman. She was very kind to her family and was completely happy when she gave birth to a child. The young mother devoted herself entirely to her little son. And in a terrible dream, she could not see that she would lose the most precious thing in her life. One day the girl lost her son and father: the man was killed and the boy was kidnapped.

Unexpected Metamorphoses

No wonder they say that any mother is ready for anything for the sake of her child. After the child was stolen, Zhi Yu changed a lot. Previously, everyone considered her white and fluffy, kind and harmless, but now they don’t recognize her. The main character of the series Women's Secrets forgot about her former image and decided to find the culprits of her misfortunes. She is going to find the killer and take revenge on him. In addition, you need to find your son and bring him home. Only these thoughts occupy Zhi Yu's head.

Action plan

The girl acts calmly and confidently. She searches for suspects and begins to pursue them. Even if the first trace is false, there will be other options. Zhi Yu will not back down until he accomplishes his plan. The series Women's Secrets will not do without unexpected sympathies that can both help and hinder the plan of revenge. Watching the heroine of the film, the audience will once again be convinced that a woman can surpass herself in the struggle for a child.