
The appeal of a little son to his father. Letter to dad from son. I'll take whatever you give me


Dad from son A son asks dads: -Dad why does the sun shine? -And who knows -Why is there a polar night? -And who knows the ego -And what is life? - Who knows ego - pap maybe you're tired of answering? - No, no, son, ask who, besides your father, will explain everything to you.


Day! Dear Parents dad and mother, sisters Shura and Nika. hello and best wishes in your life from your son Peter. Dear Parents, I briefly inform you that I am alive and well, and I wish you the same. I am writing now letter after... volume and speech, As long as it is in our power to save the living for the living! … Letter from Proskuryakov Georgy Mikhailovich. March 7, 1942. Letter From your son Proskuryakov Georgy. Hello, mother, sisters Tanya, Pasha and Nyusya. I send you fiery...


Ideas, even if someone tells him that he is deluded... Teach him to be gentle with soft people and cruel with cruel people. Try to give my son strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is on the winning side... Teach him to listen to all people, but also teach him everything that he is... himself, because then he will always have high faith in humanity. It's not easy, but see what you can do... He's so good, my a son! (Letter A. Lincoln to his teacher ...


Papa Joe - speaks correctly and well.
He calls for discipline
and brings up industriousness in the son.
Do not be offended by him children,
After all, he is responsible for your life.
A man must be strong in character
and very stubborn in his deeds.
He needs...

Letter. "Airplanes flew over the country road ... The boy lies by the haystack, Like a yellow-mouthed chick. The baby on the wings did not have time to see spider crosses. Did you ... at school, or worked at a factory, helping in the production of Katyushas, ​​tanks and aircraft? Did you want to show heroism, ingenuity, courage? Did you want to become son regiment and help the Red Army? Did you have to light the stove with books to keep warm? I hope you managed not to be under a heavy siege and your city surrendered...


Night stepped soft paw
on the pillow, bye-bye
You called someone else dad
sleep my boy, sleep
I will sing to you softly
your song
Shaking you lightly
Baiushki bye
We don't need someone else's uncle
the three of us light
Me and you sister...

Death is always a surprise. Nobody is waiting for her. Even the terminally ill don't really think they're going to die in a day or two. Well, maybe in a week. But not this week.

We are never ready. There is no right time for this. When the time comes, you will not have time to do everything you want. The end always comes unexpectedly, and this is a very sad moment for the widowed and boring for children who still do not quite understand what a funeral is (and thank God).

It was the same with my father. In fact, his death was even more unexpected. He left at the age of 27. The same age that claimed the lives of several famous musicians. He was young. Too young. My father was not a musician or a famous person. Cancer does not choose its victims. He left when I was little, and because of him I understood what a funeral is. I was 8 and a half, long enough to miss him for the rest of my life. If he had died earlier, I would have no memories. I wouldn't feel pain. I wouldn't have a father in my life. And so I had a father.

I had a father who was both strict and cheerful. The one who told the joke before scolding me. As a result, I didn't feel so bad. The one who kissed my forehead before going to sleep. A habit that I passed on to my children. The one who made me root for the same football team as him and who explained everything better mom. Such a father is missed.

He never told me that he would die. Even as he lay in the hospital bed with tubes all over his body, he didn't say anything. He made plans for the next year, even knowing that he would not be around in a month. Next year we would go fishing, travel and go to places we have never been. Next year would be amazing. We dreamed about the same thing.

I believe—in fact I am sure—he thought it would bring good luck. He was a superstitious person. Making plans for the future was a way of keeping hope alive. He made me laugh until the very last moment. He knew about it. But he didn't speak. He didn't see me cry. And suddenly, the next year ended without even starting.

Mom picked me up from school and we went to the hospital. The doctor broke the news with all the feelings the doctors lost over last years. Mom was crying. She still had a little bit of hope. Like everyone else. What did it all mean? That it wasn't an ordinary disease that doctors treat with a single shot? I hate you dad. I felt betrayed. I screamed in anger in the hospital until I realized my father wasn't there to scold me. I cried.

And then my father became my father again. With a shoe box under her arm, a nurse approached me. The box was full of sealed envelopes with various inscriptions in place of the addressee. I couldn't understand what was going on. Then the nurse gave me a letter. The only one that wasn't in the box.

“Your dad asked me to give you this letter. He's been writing it for a week, and he wants you to read it. Be strong,” the nurse said.

On the envelope was written: "When I'm gone ". I opened it.

"A son,

If you are reading this, then I am dead. Sorry. I knew that I would die.

I didn't want to tell you what was going to happen, I didn't want to see you cry. But still I did it. I think a person who is about to die has the right to act a little selfishly.

But as you can see, I still have a lot to teach you. After all, you don't know a damn thing about anything. That's why I wrote these letters for you. You must not open them until the right moment arrives. Good? This is our contract.

I love you. Take care of mom. Now you are the man in the house.

With love, dad.

P. S. I didn't write letters to my mother. She has my car."

I stopped crying when I saw his bad handwriting. It even made me smile.

That box became the most important thing in the world to me. I told my mom not to open it. Those letters were mine and no one could read them. I knew by heart all the life moments written on the envelopes. But they didn't happen right away. And I forgot about them.

After 7 years, when we moved to a new place, I even forgot where the box was. I couldn't remember. And when we do not remember, then it does not matter to us. If you have lost something in your memory, it does not mean that you have lost it. So it doesn't exist anymore. It's like change in your pants pocket.

And so it happened. My transitional age and my mother's new men led to what my father had foreseen long before. My mom had several boyfriends and I always understood that. She never remarried. I don't know why, but I want to believe that because my father was the love of her life. But one boyfriend, nevertheless, was not worth it. I thought she was humiliating herself by dating him. He didn't respect her. She deserved someone much better than the guy she met at the bar.

I still remember her slap when I said the word "bar". I admit that I deserve it. I figured it out years later. But while my skin was still burning from the slap, I remembered the box and the letters. I remembered a special letter called "When you have your worst fight with your mom."

I searched my entire bedroom to find him, for which I received another slap in the face. And I found the box inside the suitcase on top of the closet. In limbo, I looked through the letters and realized that I forgot to open When You Have Your First Kiss. I hated myself for it and decided that this would be the next letter I opened. "When You Lose Your Virginity" was next, a letter I hoped to open soon. Finally, I found what I was looking for.

“Now apologize to her.

I don't know why you quarreled and I don't know who is right. But I know your mom. Therefore, a humble apology is The best way solve everything. I'm talking about sorry on my knees.

She's your mother, baby. She loves you more than anything in the world. Do you know that she agreed to a natural birth because someone told her that it would be best for you? Have you ever seen a woman giving birth? Do you need more proof than this?

Sorry. She will forgive you.

With love, dad."

My father was not a great writer, he was a simple bank clerk. But his words had a huge impact on me. They had more wisdom than my 15 years at the time.

I went to my mother's room and opened the door. I cried when she turned to me and looked into my eyes. She was crying too. I don't remember what she yelled at me. Probably something like "What do you want?". But I remember walking up to her with my dad's letter. I hugged her, crumpling an old piece of paper. She hugged me and we stood like that in silence.

A few minutes later she was laughing at her father's letter. We made up and talked a little about him. She talked about his most eccentric habits, such as eating salami with strawberries. And I somehow felt as if he was sitting next to us. Me, my mother and the piece of my father that he left for us on a piece of paper. It was a pleasant feeling.

Soon the moment came when I read " When you lose your virginity":

“Congratulations, son.

Don't worry, it will get better with time. The first time always sucks. I was with an ugly woman... who was also a prostitute.

My biggest fear is that you ask your mom what virginity is after you read this on the envelope.

With love, father."

My father was with me all my life, even if he was not around. His words did what no one else could: they gave me the strength to overcome countless moments of difficulty. He always found a way to bring a smile back to my face, even when it was sad, or cool down the ardor in moments of anger.

When You Get Married really touched me. But not like "When you become a father."

“Now you will understand what true love, a son. You will understand how much you love her, but true love is what you will feel for this little creature. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I'm just a corpse, not a fortune teller.

Have some fun. This is great. Time will fly by now, so be always there. Don't miss the moment, you won't get it back. Change diapers, bathe your baby, be a role model for him. I think you understand what it means to be a great father like me.”

The most painful letter I read in my life was the shortest one my father wrote. While he was writing these three words, I think he suffered as much as I lived through that moment. Time passed and finally I opened "When Mom is gone":

"Now she's mine."

Joke. A sad clown hides his sadness behind a painted smile. It was the only letter that didn't make me smile, but I knew why.

I have always adhered to the contract with my father. I never read letters ahead of time. I was always waiting for the next moment, the next letter. The next lesson my father will teach me. It's amazing what a 27 year old man can teach an 85 year old man like me.

Now I'm lying in a hospital bed with tubes in my nose and throat from this damn cancer, and I'm reaching for the yellowed paper of my last unread letter. Name "When Your Time Comes" barely visible on the envelope.

I don't want to open it. I'm afraid. I don't want to believe that my time has come. It's all about hope, you know? Nobody believes that she will die.

I take a deep breath and open the envelope.

“Hi son. I hope you are old now.

You know, this letter was the easiest to write, and was the first one I ever wrote. This letter freed me from the pain of losing you. I think your mind will clear up when you're this close to the end. It's easier to talk about it.

In my last days, I thought about my life. I had a short life, but a very happy one. I was your father and your mother's husband. What more could I want? It gave peace to my mind. Now you do the same.

My advice to you: you should not be afraid.

P. S. Missing You".

“Death is always unexpected. Even the terminally ill hope they don't die today. Maybe in a week. But definitely not now and not today. The death of my father was even more unexpected, ”- this is how the touching story of Raphael Zohler begins. He lost his father when he was a child, but his father left him advice for all occasions.

He left at the age of 27, as did several well-known musicians from the 27 Club. He was young, too young. My father was neither a musician nor a famous person. Cancer does not choose its victims. He left when I was 8 years old - and I was old enough to miss him all my life. If he had died earlier, I would have no memory of my father and I would not feel any pain, but then, in fact, I would not have a dad. And yet I remembered him, and therefore I had a father.

If he were alive, he could cheer me up with jokes. Could kiss my forehead before I fell asleep. He would make me root for the same football team that he rooted for himself, and would explain some things much better than my mother.
He never told me that he would die soon. Even as he lay on the hospital bed with tubes all over his body, he didn't say a word. My father was making plans for next year even though he knew he wouldn't be around next month. Next year we will go fishing, travel, visit places we have never been before. Next year will be amazing. This is what we dreamed about.

I think he believed that this attitude would bring good luck to me. Making plans for the future was a peculiar way of keeping hope alive. He made me smile until the very end. He knew what was about to happen, but he didn't say anything - he didn't want to see me cry.

One day my mother suddenly picked me up from school and we went to the hospital. The doctor delivered the sad news with all the delicacy he could muster. Mom was crying because she still had a tiny bit of hope. I was shocked. What does it mean? Wasn't this just another disease that doctors could easily cure? I felt betrayed. I screamed in anger until I realized that my father was no longer around. And I cried too.

Something happened here. A nurse approached me with a box under her arm. This box was filled with sealed envelopes with some notes instead of an address. Then the nurse handed me a single letter from the box.
“Your father asked me to give you this box. He spent a whole week writing them and would like you to read the first letter now. Stay strong."
On the envelope was the inscription "When I'm gone." I opened it.

A son,
If you're reading this, then I'm dead. I'm sorry. I knew that I would die.
I didn't want to tell you what was going to happen, I didn't want you to cry. I decided so. I think that a person who is about to die has the right to act a little more selfishly.
I still have a lot to teach you. After all, you don't know shit. So I wrote you these letters. Don't open them until right moment, Okay? This is our deal.
I love you. Take care of mom. Now you are the man in the house.
I love dad.
P.S. I didn't write letters for my mother. She already got my car.

His clumsy letter, which I could hardly make out, reassured me, made me smile. Like this interesting thing invented by my father.

This box has become the most important box in the world for me. I told my mother not to open it. The letters were mine and no one else could read them. I learned by heart all the names of the envelopes that I had yet to open. But it took time for those moments to arrive. And I forgot about letters.

Seven years later, after we moved to a new location, I had no idea where the box had gone. I just got out of my head where it could be and I didn't really look for it. Until one incident happened.
Mom never remarried. I don't know why, but I would like to believe that my father was the love of her life. At the time, she had a boyfriend who was worth nothing. I thought she was humiliating herself by dating him. He didn't respect her. She deserved someone much better than the guy she met at the bar.

I still remember the slap she gave me after I said the word bar. I admit that I deserve it. When my skin was still on fire from the slap, I remembered a letter box, or rather a specific letter, which was called "When you and your mom have the biggest fight ever."

I searched my bedroom and found the box inside the suitcase on top of the wardrobe. I looked at the envelopes and realized that I forgot to open the envelope with the inscription "When You Have Your First Kiss". I hated myself for it and decided to open it later. Finally I found what I was looking for.

"Now apologize to her.
I don't know why you had a fight and I don't know who is right. But I know your mom. Just apologize and that will be the best thing.
She is your mother, she loves you more than anything in this world. Did you know that she had a natural birth because someone told her it was best for you? Have you ever seen a woman giving birth? Or do you need more proof of love?
Sorry. She will forgive you.
I love you, dad."

My father was not a great writer, he was a simple bank clerk. But his words had a great impact on me. These were words that carried more wisdom than all put together in the 15 years of my life at that time.
I rushed to my mother's room and opened the door. I cried when she turned to look into my eyes. I remember walking towards her holding a letter that my father had written. She hugged me and we both stood in silence.

We made up and talked a little about him. Somehow, I felt that he was sitting next to us. Me, my mother, and a piece of my father, a piece that he left for us on a piece of paper.

It didn't take long before I read the envelope "When you lose your virginity."

"Congratulations son.
Don't worry, it will get better with time. The first time is always scary. My first time was with an ugly woman who was also a prostitute.
My biggest fear is that you will ask your mom what virginity is after you read this word.
I love you, dad."

My father followed me through my whole life. He was with me, even though he died a long time ago. His words did what no one else could do: they gave me strength to overcome the countless difficulties in my life. He always knew how to make me smile when everything looked gloomy, helped clear my mind in moments of anger.

Letter "When will you Marry" got me very excited. But not as strong as the "When you become a father" letter.
Now you will understand what true love is, son. You will understand how much you love her, but true love is what you will feel for this little creature next to you. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.
But... have fun. Now time will fly at the speed of light, so be there. Don't miss the moments, they will never return. Change diapers, bathe your baby, be a role model. I think you have everything to become the same wonderful father as I was.

The most painful letter I have ever read was also the shortest letter my father ever wrote to me. I am sure that at the moment when he wrote these three words, my father suffered the same way as I did. It took time but in the end I had to open the envelope "When Your Mother Dies"

"She's mine now."

Joker! It was the only letter that didn't bring a smile to my face.

I have always kept my promise and have never read letters ahead of time. Except for a letter "If you find out you're gay." It was one of the funniest letters ever.

What can I say? Glad I'm dead.
Jokes aside, but at death's door, I realized that we care too much about things that don't really matter. Do you think this will change anything, son?
Don't be stupid. Be happy.

I was always looking forward to the next moment, the next letter, another lesson that my father would teach me. It's amazing what a 27 year old can teach an 85 year old like me.

Now, as I lay in my hospital bed, with tubes in my nose and throat thanks to this damned cancer, I run my fingers over the faded paper of the one letter I haven't yet opened. The verdict When yours will come time" barely readable on the envelope.

I don't want to open it. I'm afraid. I don't want to believe that my time is near. Nobody believes that one day they will die.
I take a deep breath as I open the envelope.

Hello son. I hope you are already an old man.
You know, I wrote this letter first and it was the easiest for me. This is the letter that freed me from the pain of losing you. I think the mind clears up when you're this close to the end. It's easier to talk about it.
The last days here I thought about my life. She was short, but very happy. I was your father and your mother's husband. What more could I ask for? It gave me peace of mind. Now do the same for you.
My advice to you: don't be afraid.
P.S. I miss you.

Remember the first time you let our son drive. He was sitting on your lap, holding on to the steering wheel...

A dad can do anything, but he can't be a mom!

It was such a children's song. The opposite is also true: mom can do even more, but it won't work to be a dad. I, according to our son, am the most best mom in the world. And my father is useless. Because there are things that only a dad can give a boy.

This is what I wanted to talk about. good sons grow up only with good fathers. You are a good father. I know it.

Remember the first time you let our son drive. He sat on your lap, holding onto the steering wheel (no, not like that - he HOLD the steering wheel!), although he barely reached the pedals. Remember the excitement on his face? He felt like the Master of the Machine. He was LIKE A DAD - strong and brave.

You taught your son good manners and behavior in society: he does not forget to say “hello” and “thank you”, he is excellent with a knife and fork; holding the door, let the women go forward; helps me carry a package from the store and gets off the tram first, giving me his hand.

You told him what a real man. And now he knows that he must be brave and bold. And he knows that even the most strong people sometimes cry. And it's not a shame.

You shared your favorite music with him. You have your own exclusive soundtrack, which you turn on in the car at full volume and, for sure, sing along at the top of your voice. How did I know about it? One day you forgot to put the radio on and as soon as I started the car I was deafened by Metallica. Nothing Else Matters.

You know that your son will follow your example, not your advice. Therefore, a long time ago I quit smoking, take a contrast shower and stand in the "bar" every day.

You let him win from time to time - checkers, catch-up, basketball. After all, the son needs to believe in miracles!

You even let him try on your shoes - let him dream about the time when he grows up and they fit him!

You taught him practical diplomacy. Our son knows that it is not necessary to resort to aggressive methods and wave his fists - there are other ways to prove his case. Sometimes silence speaks more than words.

When our son becomes an adult, he will definitely find his love. And looking at how tenderly he holds his wife's hand, you will know who taught him to love. Because it was you who showed him what true love for a woman is. (Thank God that this woman is me!). You showed him that this love will pass through quarrels and misunderstandings, through difficulties and obstacles. He will love - like you.

Every good father wants to become even better, but does not always know how to do it. Therefore, as the main liaison between you and your son, I would like to ask you this.

Teach our son not to be content with what is (or what is easy to get), look for the best and not give up at the first setback. This applies to everything - to yourself, to women, to food, to work.

It will be great if you spend more time together. For example, leaving home for at least half a day on weekends. And while I calmly take care of household chores, you can go to the movies with a bucket of popcorn, ride a roller coaster, eat something not very healthy (but very tasty), or just kick the ball in the yard. You will return home tired, perhaps a little grubby, but contented, happy participants in a small "holiday of disobedience."

I would like you to hug our son more often. Do you remember how you grabbed him in an armful, smacked his chubby cheek and threw him up, circled - when he was very small. Do not be afraid to show your feelings even now, because time flies quickly - soon he will grow up and will be embarrassed even to hold your hand.

You will have to talk to your son about sex. If you don’t know when and how to start a conversation, you can slip the book (only scroll through it yourself first so as not to come across a too advanced edition) and say: contact me if you have any questions.

Keep his secrets faithfully. If your son wants to talk to you - do not miss this chance, put aside all your affairs, turn off the TV, put your phone away and talk. Anything he wants to talk to you about. If now, while he is still small, you are not ready to listen carefully to his problems, he is unlikely to come to you at 20 with more serious questions. Share his dreams and hopes, support, because you are not just a father and son - you are friends. Just don't remind him of this if he refuses to take you on a date when the time comes.

Tell your son about family is the only thing worth fighting for. Tell him more often how great it is to be a father and that no one will ever love him like you - a real father's love. When one day he becomes a father himself, you will be sure - he knows what to do.

That, perhaps, is all. No, not all. Remember: I love you both! published

Hello our readers. Do you like to read letters? Then read the most beautiful father's parting words. A letter from a father to his son, in which he expressed his feelings and instructions. Of course, this is not the letter of William Larned that shocked the world, but it is no less sensual and powerful in meaning.

father's letter

Hello son! You are becoming an adult, so I want to pass on to you some of the skills and advice that my father once gave me.

To begin with, a man is not measured by age. Nothing supernatural happens when you are 16, 18, 21 or 40 years old. A man is also not measured by the presence of chest hair. Not measured by depth of voice or other physical data. A man is measured by qualities, as well as actions.

So son, always think about what the needs of the people around you are and who they take you for. Thinking about the needs of people, you will know how to help them and never become a scoundrel. Remember, my boy, it's better to be proud than cursed.

Act and behave like a man, especially in hard times. Do you see how the idea of ​​men is changing today? Never succumb to the influence of a society ready to change your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe male essence. For most of your life, you will struggle between what you think you are, who you want to be, and who you really are.

In your life, son, there will be different times and opportunities. You will have your share of happiness, and from time to time you will face disappointment. You will be surprised many times in your life. You will be faced with having to make difficult decisions, sometimes at a time when others will ridicule or disbelieve in you.

Life will show what kind of man you have become. Life will teach its lessons at unpredictable times and in unexpected places. Remember son, anyone can be your teacher. Therefore, I urge you to always be ready to learn the lessons of life from your teachers. Don't ignore them son. Master them, because they will give you the fullness of life. Otherwise, you will encounter problems that you cannot successfully solve.

Therefore, I want to warn you: life consists not only of victories, but also of defeats. Life is a constant struggle, where victories are followed by defeats. You will also have them in your life. Because of this, you will sometimes cry, sometimes laugh, you will be pleased, and sometimes you will be scared. You will feel invulnerable, confident in your strengths, abilities or capabilities, and sometimes you will be overcome by worries or doubts. This fight, son, will make you stronger.

Remember, you have a choice how to build your life. You always have a choice of how to react when faced with the blows of life: drop your hands, drooping, or fight, gritting your teeth. Remember son, even doing nothing is also a choice.

Remember my son, hardly anyone is ready to suffer for the righteous, but they are ready to suffer for the good. Therefore, it is better to be kind than righteous. Try to be a good person, gentle, sensitive, but strong, courageous, responsible. Be a person of good character, honest and truthful. Avoid lying, stealing, cheating, or intentionally offending someone.

I really liked the words of my father's instructions from the series "Magnificent Age". Watch this short video.

Remember, son, in our family they always kept their word, they were also consistent in making decisions. Therefore, we were trusted by people who knew that you can rely on our word. This is a lesson for you my boy. Never hide in the bushes from difficulties and always repay debts, even if it is extremely difficult. Remember, if you have to make a tough decision, take it. Your decisions are your toughest critic. Please try to make the right, wise decisions. One more thing: if you do not want people to know your mistakes, scams, then it is better to avoid doing them.

Do what is right, even if others don't. Resist peer pressure. Have your own opinion and a clear conscience. Let them be your own judge or jury.

Remember your last name, your clan. They are protected from "dirt", complaints from other people. They are deserved by the ancestors and are passed on to you. Your family name and family will stay with you for the rest of your life. Give them to your son at least in the same condition as you received yourself. Keep the reputation of the family, because you yourself are not its owner. You are only a keeper for the next generation.

Respect women. It means more than opening the door for her or buying dinner on a first date. But to respect them means to really understand how equal they are to a man. Women are strong, although society is trying in every possible way to stifle this idea. All I ask of you is to see them in the same light that you see yourself - strong, intelligent and dedicated people.

My son, remember, the family for a man is of paramount importance. Therefore, becoming a husband, be determined to always protect your family. Make sure she has a good life. Always put your wife and children at the head of the table. be for them good example. Don't betray your family and they won't betray you.

Love your wife. Respect her mother. Be available to your children, never humiliate them, but educate them. Be a good communicator. Don't be afraid to share your feelings with those you love. Son, a real husband knows the main thing - to hear and listen to those he loves.

Son, it takes a lot of work for a man. Avoid mediocrity as well as laziness. Believe in yourself, be ready to improvise, wanting to succeed. Remember: there are always several options to complete the intended task. And a man is always able to do more than he can imagine.

Love yourself son. Don't let others dictate how you feel. Enjoy life. Stay healthy. Be honest with yourself whether you feel good or bad. Have self respect. Respect other people. Learn to say "I'm sorry" and never expect anything in return for helping other people.

Son, learn to choose the right friends for yourself. Avoid bias towards people. Remember, a friend can be more loyal and closer than a brother. True friends will always help you become better. When choosing friends, avoid people who are arrogant, who like to humiliate others, ridicule. Who like to have their last word. This bad friends. From such friendship, son, you will suffer. To have good friends you need to be a loyal friend yourself.

Sometimes in life you will win. Sometimes you will lose, because life today is not fair. But, your losses may be even more important in shaping you as a man than your victories. Learn from your losses.

Maintain a healthy sense of humor, especially when it comes to laughing at yourself for your mistakes. This will allow you to have more masculine virtues.

Your mother and I are proud of you. We love you and are sure that you will be able to achieve great victories by reaching great heights. What you make of your life and what you turn it into is up to you. You have necessary tools, resources and knowledge to make life truly satisfying.

Your father.


All normal fathers have something to say to their son. When they cannot say in words, they write letters, wanting to give their fatherly instruction to the grown-up boy. For a son to receive a letter from his father, this is once again convinced of his father's personal concern for his well-being.

With respect to readers, Andronik Oleg/Anna.

And at the end of the video, a letter from my father that shocked the whole world.