
How to pose for a photo. Tips NON-professional model. Successful poses of girls for a photo shoot (59 poses) How to take a picture to appear slimmer


I have several requests on the topic of stylish solutions for girls with voluminous forms. I think I'll start with general advice. Today my post is about how to look thinner in the photo. There are several proven tricks that even Hollywood stars use, and they work with a bang.

All the tips are very simple and learning to apply them is also easy. The main thing is to believe in yourself, that you are beautiful, and all your photos will shine with your inner beauty in the first place.

  • 1. Dress appropriately for the occasion. If you are going to an event and you know in advance that you will be photographed there, give preference to your favorite things that suit you and have already been tested in battle. Opt for solid colors and don't forget shapewear if you're going to wear a bodycon dress.
  • 2. Discard photos from the bottom position. This angle will make your figure more bulky and make your image heavier. It is better to ask photographers to shoot you from the front or slightly from above. Do not forget to lift your chin up and stretch your neck a little, so you will visually stretch the figure.
  • 3. Support your chin with your hand or use your tongue. Holding the jaw with your hand will allow you to hide a double chin. There is also an interesting trick with the tongue - if you press it against it, the second chin will decrease or disappear altogether. This trick is used by Hollywood stars.
  • 4. A little turn the body to the side, relative to the camera. Step your foot forward, toe toward the camera, and shift your weight onto your "back" foot. Such a trick will visually make your figure more elongated.
  • 5. Hand position important too! Why do celebrities put their hands on their hips when posing? Because such a position is guaranteed to "stretch" the figure, and make all unnecessary bulges flatter. If this position seems “too much” to you, just place your hands on your sides and set them a little apart.

  • 6. Make sure your hair is right. While some hairstyles visually lengthen the neck, others, especially those with clear boundaries, can visually make the head and face angular, which will immediately affect the perception of your figure as a whole.
  • 7. sit nice. Although photographs are usually taken while standing, it can happen that the photographer catches you in a sitting position. In this case, cross your legs at the ankles - the calves and thighs will thus appear slimmer.
  • 8. If you intend to use an open outfit, you can use self-tanning to add radiance to the skin, as well as visually reduce your forms. If you're only showing your face, use a bronzer to correct the shapes.
  • 9. Avoid the sun. Sunlight will make you squint, which will inevitably lead to unnecessary wrinkles and a double chin. Most best photos are obtained closer to twilight, at the end of the day or the beginning of the evening.
  • 10. Distance matters a lot. It's a law that anything close to the camera will appear larger in pictures than it really is.
  • 11. old trick: If you wear something tight, bulky or detailed in the middle, even if it looks good in real life, it will be stretched in the photo. Therefore, cover all doubtful places with a bag.
  • 12. Don't shout "CHEESE!" First, it's stupid. Secondly, you will look like a crazy rodent. Smile naturally.

A lot of people don't like to be photographed because they don't think they look good in photos. And who likes to look at their shortcomings?! Below are a few tips to help you look great in any shot after the lens shutter clicks.

First of all, learn this: do not be ashamed of your body. Posing for a photo shouldn't be a burden. There are many ways to look better in photos. The following recommendations are based on your body type and characteristics.

Look slimmer by changing the angle of posing

The camera is said to add a few kilos. Absence excess weight- not the most important condition in order to look good in photographs. Much more important is the angle of your body while posing. If you are sitting or standing directly to the lens, the camera will visually increase the size of your body. Try turning your body to the lens at a 45-degree angle and putting your weight on your back foot. Hide one hand behind your back, bend the other - the one closer to the camera - at the elbow.

Renowned photographer Peter Hurley, a former model, says that how you turn out in a photo depends a lot on the position of the head and chin in particular. He advises to "tilt your head slightly down and stretch your chin forward." His video demonstrates this clearly:

To look slimmer in photos, follow these steps: simple rules:

Rule #1: Never pose for a joint photo next to a thin person, especially if you and him have clothes of the same color and style.
Rule #2: Do not get closest to the camera.
Rule #3: Hold something in your hands to hide the protruding parts of the body. By protruding parts of the body, I mean your big belly.

Portrait photographer Sue Bryce has the following advice for those girls who want to look slimmer and fit in the photos: in order to make your waist seem narrower, do not rest your hands on your hips. Place them on your stomach so that your thumbs are at your sides and your hands are close to each other, as shown in the photo below:

And one more tip: wear black and discreet clothes that will hide your flaws.

Maximize your presence in the photo

“If you have problems with being underweight, then you can turn to the front of the camera to hide your thinness in the photo,” advises Bill Harter, author of the book “Portrait Photographer's Handbook”. a seven-eighths portrait would be perfect for you.”

In the seven-eighths portrait, the person's face is slightly turned to one side or the other from the camera lens. In other words, you will be able to see one half of the face a little better than the other. The angle of your head should be such that the photographer can see the edge of your far ear.

In addition, Harter believes that the color of clothing is far from the last value. Light-colored fabrics are most suitable for people with a thin physique. The background of the photo should also not be dark. Avoid sleeveless shirts or blouses. “For men, wearing a light-colored blazer can help hide imperfections, and for women, wearing puffy dresses or loose blouses,” says Harter.

The main thing while posing for a photo is not to be nervous. Get out of your head the idea that you don't look good in pictures. Focus. Some photographers recommend meditating for a few seconds before smiling and posing for the camera.

Ask the photographer to count to three before they start shooting. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Before the shutter clicks, exhale, open your eyes and smile. Your face will look relaxed and your smile will become real.

How to trick the camera and look taller in photos

If you are going to be photographed with tall people, then in order not to stand out against their background, try not to stand next to them, as well as near those objects by the height of which you can easily determine your height (for example, a mailbox near the house).

If possible, take a seat. So it is most difficult to give out your true height. Likewise, cropped shorts can work in your favor, especially in vertical profile photos; avoid taking full length shots.

Full-length shots can only be taken if the photographer listens to your wishes. Tell him to shoot from a low point (the so-called "frog" perspective), while the camera lens should be at waist level or slightly lower. Some experts advise taking a photo so that you occupy the entire frame (in height). This will create an optical illusion of higher growth.

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, how you look in photos depends a lot on the choice of clothes:

The more bare the legs, the longer they will appear. For girls with small stature, the most win-win option is mini. Whether they're trendy this season or not, high-cut swimsuits tend to have the same effect - giving the illusion of long legs.

Similarly, almost all things that visually slim the legs have the property of lengthening them. Skinny jeans, for example, can work wonders. The same goes for trousers that are flared at the bottom.

One last thing, when posing for a group photo, make sure you're standing in front of everyone and closer to the camera.

If you are tall, then you should be photographed so that your body occupies the entire height of the frame.

Surprisingly, most of the tips for those who are short also apply to tall people.

If possible, take a seat. "Cropped" photos that can not determine your height - this is just what you need. When shooting you in full growth, the photographer should hold the camera lens at the level of your waist. Moreover, you should be photographed so that your body occupies the entire height of the frame.

When posing for a group photo, do the opposite of what short people are advised to do. Stand behind everyone and away from the camera. If you want to emphasize your big height, take pictures next to objects that can easily determine how tall you are.

Choose the right colors and take photos while performing an action to look younger

As we get older, many of us try to hide age lines and expression lines with makeup. It is not necessary to do this at all, because they give your face and photographs in general a certain peculiarity, a peculiarity.

When posing for a portrait, choose subdued colors and muted backgrounds to stand out from the crowd with the same outfit. Avoid bright light. A standard three-point lighting system will suffice.

This rule is not strict. Photographer Josh Johnson says that sometimes colors can drastically change photos in better side, especially those that are not made indoors. You can ask the photographer to take two pictures - in color and black and white - and choose which one is better.

If you are not young, this does not mean that you should take monotonous, boring and dull photographs - you are the same person as everyone else. Many photographers advise older people to portray some kind of vigorous activity during the shooting.

The frame should be filled with movement and grace. They need to be shown that they are the same people as everyone around: they breathe, move, live...

Make sure that you look active and cheerful in the pictures. Most The best way to do this is to take a picture for your favorite thing, whether it's basketball or baking. When your hands are busy with something, you seem more confident, and incredible energy emanates from you.

Remember the universal truth: in order to look good in photographs, you must, first of all, like yourself.

The material was prepared by Rosemarina - according to the material of the site

Today we will talk about several tricks that will allow you to look “thin and sonorous” in the frame.


A smile may not hide overweight, but it will send a signal to the brain - you are satisfied with life and yourself. Uncertainty about our own attractiveness makes us clumsy if we do not like ourselves, this is always very noticeable in photographs. When you are photographed, try to relax and not worry about how slim you will turn out in the picture - tense limbs and anxiety on the face have not yet graced anyone. Try different poses and angles in front of the mirror in advance so as not to get confused in front of the camera lens and look as natural as possible.

Pose right

The main secret of harmony in the frame is the ability to pose correctly. We have selected some simple and effective tricks for you:

  • The most advantageous angle that will allow you to look much thinner in the photo is “three-quarters”. Facing the photographer, you need to slightly turn one half of the body back, “hiding” it in this way. The toe of the leg that turned out to be closer to the photographer should be turned in his direction - this position helps to "stretch" the silhouette.
  • Facing the camera, try lifting one hip a little higher and leaning forward a little.- you will be surprised, but in the photo everything that you are trying so carefully to hide will simply “disappear” somewhere.
  • To make your hips narrower and your legs slimmer, just cross them. If at the same time the leg that is in front is also put on the toe, your legs will look much longer.
  • The hand, lowered along the body and brought forward a little, will help to “stretch” the silhouette, so that it covers the thigh a little. It will look good if this hand has a clutch or something else. If you want to focus on the waist, put the palm of your other hand on it. To hide the crease on the stomach, you can simply hug yourself with one or two hands.
  • If you stand sideways to the camera, and then slightly turn your shoulders towards the photographer(the hips remain motionless), the waist will look much narrower, and your entire silhouette will be slimmer.
  • In photos taken in motion, while walking, the legs look longer and leaner than usual. And the shortcomings in the waist can be covered with a bulky bag.
  • Another winning pose is when both legs are in line, one behind the other, and the torso is slightly tilted to the side. Make sure that the legs are located at a small distance from each other, you do not need to retreat much.
  • In a group shot, try to be a little further away from the camera than others. The closer an object is to the lens, the larger it appears. If everyone who is photographed should be in the same line (in the manner of a school picture with the whole class), then try to be closer to the center - people standing at the edges look larger in group photos.

Find "your" angle

To hide the extra volume in the cheeks and double chin, you will have to experiment and find your most successful angle. Our tips will help you do it:

  • Holding the chin with your hand or turning up the collar, you can hide the flaws of the neck in the photo.
  • Try pressing the tip of your tongue to the sky - the double chin will disappear or become much smaller, and the face will look thinner. Just practice in front of the mirror in advance so that your facial expressions do not look strange.
  • Avoid tilting your head too much, this technique does not look good in the frame. in the best way- Tilt your head both forward and to the side, should be very light so as not to hide your face and not look like you have a pinched cervical nerve. Try to look slightly over the camera lens, this will prevent you from dropping your chin too low.
  • Avoid being photographed "in front", as for a passport - try a "three-quarter" angle, raising your chin a little.

Dress properly

If you are going to shoot with a professional photographer, you need to carefully consider your image so that the result pleases you, and the photos do not have to be hidden from prying eyes.

  • Choose a loose fit - if the clothes are too tight, unwanted bulges may appear in the photo, and the oversized style can insidiously add a few extra pounds to you in the frame.
  • Give preference to plain clothes, the print often visually adds non-existent volume. If your entire image is made up in one color, this will help to visually “stretch” the silhouette.
  • Use vertical lines that lengthen the silhouette - a V-neckline, a long string of beads, an unbuttoned cardigan or jacket - all these tricks "work" for you, visually making the figure slimmer.
  • Heeled shoes will help to lengthen the legs - it's great if it is the same color as tights.

Learn from your mistakes

Instead of getting frustrated and quickly deleting photos you don't like, take a closer look at them - analyze your mistakes, think about what could be changed to look better in the pictures.

How to pose for a photo- a question that interests all girls. In our time, when everyone has a camera and the Internet in their pocket, they can take a picture of you at any time, and in five minutes these photos will be on social media. networks! I want to look beautiful in the photo, hide the flaws and pay all attention to the merits! We will share with you ten secrets and tricks used by models and movie stars. You can also use them to pose correctly for a photo shoot or just get good photos from parties and corporate events.

Tilt your head!

If your face is turned directly to the camera, you get a passport photo! To make your face look alive, turn your head halfway and tilt it down a little. Or vice versa, slightly raise your chin and direct your gaze slightly above eye level.

Use language!

To avoid a double chin in the photo, firmly press the tip of the tongue to the roots of the upper teeth. Sounds a little silly, but trust me, it works!

Smile naturally!

A smile from ear to ear looks stupid, no smile at all - the face looks sullen. A natural small smile, you can not open your lips - that's what you need. Practice in front of a mirror!

A casual smile is the key to a successful photo

Asking the question matters!

Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back. The hunched back in the photo looks even worse than in real life! When the back is straight and the abs are tightened, you instantly look slimmer and younger! A straight back should also be trained in front of a mirror.

A straight back is a guarantee of a successful photo from Miranda Kerr!

Keep the light!

There must be a gap between your elbow and your waist, otherwise the waist in the photo may disappear. Bend your arm at the elbow and casually rest your hand on your thigh. A classic pose for models and movie stars, and for good reason!

Hand on hip - waist in sight! Best photo pose ever!

Under 45 degrees!

Favorite red carpet photo shoot trick. When posing for a photo, stand sideways to the camera, at 45 degrees. Lean on the leg that is behind, and relax the leg in front. So the hips seem narrower, and you are slimmer.

45-degree rotation is a favorite photo pose for movie stars!

Cross your legs!

Another way to look slimmer in a photo is to cross your legs. Pay attention to the photos of fashion bloggers, they often pose cross-legged, and for good reason! So the legs seem longer, and the whole figure is thinner.

Hand on hip, legs crossed. Taylor Swift knows how to pose for a photo!

And sitting too!

If you are filmed while sitting, cross your legs or carefully cross your ankles, moving your legs slightly to the side, but without opening your knees! Don't lean forward, but don't lean back in your chair either. Keep your back straight.

Watch the proportions!

In the photo, the thing that was closest to the camera seems to be the most visible. If your head is closest to the camera, you will be a tadpole with short legs in the photo. If the legs are closest to the camera, they will seem infinitely long.

If the cable is closest to the camera, the cable will be the most in the photo!

If the photographer is taller than you, ask him to sit down. Otherwise, the camera will distort the proportions and visually shorten your legs.

Relax, you're being filmed!

No matter how perfect your pose is, if you are tense, the photo looks artificial. Relax and act natural!

Many people are surprised that the photos turn out fuller than they are in real life. To look slimmer in photos, you can dress up in clothes that slim you when you go to a photo shoot. Or you can learn how to pose in front of the lens in a special way, or you can master cunning tricks in using the camera.


Wear slim clothes

    Pair loose-fitting clothing with tight-fitting clothing for a well-proportioned outfit. If you're wearing wide-leg pants, pair them with a fitted top. Or pair a miniskirt with an elongated baggy top. Tight clothing alone can emphasize those unwanted areas of your body that you want to divert attention from, while completely spacious clothing will only make you look fuller.

    • If you need to draw attention away from an area, wear loose-fitting clothing in that area.
  1. Try on long cardigan or a jacket to elongate the torso. Remember that short (up to the waist) cardigans and jackets visually shorten the body, and long ones (below the hips) create the illusion of lengthening the torso. Wear a cardigan of any color with any pattern over a dark one. plain dress, a set of blouse and skirt or shirt and trousers.

    Wear a wide belt to look slimmer. If you like to wear belts, be aware that wide belts instantly slim your figure by covering more of your waist. Narrow straps tend to accentuate a large waist, but a wide belt will visually reduce it.

    • Wide belts can complement dresses, blouse and skirt sets, shirts with trousers and other combinations of outfits.
  2. Wear some stretchy pants simple cut in front and flared down. Try to avoid trousers with pleats at the front, as they can make your waist look bigger. The slightly stretchy trousers will hug your curves at the top, while the slightly flared legs will balance your figure at the leg area and give the illusion of smaller hips.

    • For the best slimming effect, opt for darker shades including black, gray and navy blue.
  3. To look slimmer, choose dark, solid colors or clothes with vertical stripes. Regardless of the type of clothing you choose to wear, opt for dark, solid colors to look slimmer. And if you like clothes with patterns, then it is best to opt for vertical stripes. Other patterns are also acceptable, but only if they are dark and small enough.

    • Avoid clothes with horizontal stripes, as such patterns tend to make people look fatter.
  4. Place your hands on your hips. To prevent the hands from being pressed against the body, they can be placed on the hips. Or, if you have pockets on your clothes, you can keep your hands in your pockets and thereby move them away from the body.

    Partially hide your body behind the figure of another person in a group shot. If you're taking a group photo, use other people to your advantage! Stand at an angle to the camera, hiding part of your body behind someone else's figure, and you will instantly become slimmer.

    • When taking photos in large groups, do not stand in the front row if you want to look slimmer. Stand somewhere in the middle or behind, even if you are short.
  5. In a sitting position, take your shoulders back and do not slouch. In those photographs where you are sitting, you must not slouch and you must avoid showing the stomach area. Pull your shoulders back as much as possible and straighten your back. You can even try to take a deep breath so that the chest is raised as much as possible.

  6. Cross your ankles together when you sit. Another good photo trick is to cross your ankles rather than cross your legs. Legs thrown over each other can emphasize large hips, especially if you are wearing a skirt.

    • You can also not cross your legs at all when taking pictures in a sitting position.
    • Just don't forget to stand up straight when you're taking a seated photo.

Techniques to visually make the face thinner

  1. Raise your chin and push it forward. To combat a double chin in photographs, hold your head high. Push your chin forward to make your neck look a little longer.

    • Practice lifting and jutting your chin forward in front of a mirror to find the best head position.
  2. Smiling, rest your tongue on the palate. Sometimes a smile makes your eyes squint and your cheeks bulge. To prevent this from happening, while smiling, rest your tongue against the palate.

    • This way, your smile will not be as wide as usual, but it will look better in the photo.
    • Practice smiling in front of a mirror to see how your smile turns out. You can experiment with different positions of the tongue on the palate if you think that the smile looks unnatural.