
Blood is released from the navel. Why does a newborn's navel bleed? Complications and care. How to tell if the umbilical wound is infected


With the advent of a child in the home, young parents have many questions related to caring for a child. Bathing, swaddling, cleaning the nose and ears is a whole science that most mothers master to perfection by the end of the first month. The focus is on a lot of little things related to ensuring a comfortable and safe existence of the baby, however, the treatment of the baby's umbilical wound deserves special attention during the newborn period.

What is an umbilical wound and how is it formed?

A few minutes after the birth of the child, a mandatory procedure for cutting the umbilical cord is performed. For a long nine months, she played the role of a reliable supplier of all the substances necessary for intrauterine life, but with the first breath of a baby, her existence ends. In the rod block, it is cut off and at a distance of about 5 mm clamped with a medical brace, or tightly tied with surgical threads. In most cases, the navel will heal within 10 days.

With proper care, the wound does not cause any concern, but you should be alert if the newborn's navel bleeds or a seal appears.

Small bloody discharge from the umbilical stump in the early days is quite acceptable, they may appear due to the fact that a drying crust was accidentally touched during processing or changing a diaper. This is not scary, much worse if the bloody discharge is profuse or bleeding that does not stop for more than 5 minutes.

If a newborn's belly button is bleeding, what to do?

If you have small bleeding or dried blood crusts, do not panic.
  1. Examine the area around the stump; there should be no inflammation or redness.
  2. Treat the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide solution, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, brilliant green, or another suitable remedy recommended by your pediatrician.
  3. Leave your belly button open for a while. Air baths contribute to the early epithelialization of the wound.
  4. Give preference to diapers with a special notch under the navel. Such models do not rub or injure the baby's tummy, which is very important for a long healing of an umbilical wound or sensitive skin at the crumbs.
  5. If the navel periodically bleeds, or the staple clamping the umbilical stump does not fall off for more than 10-14 days, refrain from bathing the crumbs.
Remember, the epithelialization process is individual and medical standards say that the healing time can be up to 30 days.

Many mothers worry about why a newborn's belly button is bleeding, despite the fact that it is regularly processed. This is quite normal, the appearance of crusts and ichor in small amount- evidence of the ongoing healing process.

You should be concerned about the following symptoms:

  1. The wound bleeds profusely, the blood does not stop for a long time. Don't waste time calling an emergency, this could be a sign of a dangerous infection.
  2. The wound was reddened and inflamed.
  3. An unpleasant odor appeared.
  4. You've noticed pus.
  5. Touching the umbilical stump gives the baby discomfort, he begins to cry.
  6. The appearance of bumps around the navel, which increase with screaming or crying.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor in order to prevent the spread of a possible infection or the appearance of an umbilical hernia in time. The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment, select antiseptics, if necessary, antibiotics, you may need to be treated in a hospital.

Dear mothers, remember the umbilical wound is, in fact, a straight, not yet healed channel into the child's body, through which, in the absence of proper care, it is very easy for infections to penetrate. Do not forget to carefully treat the navel area every day, do not lay the baby on the tummy before the wound heals, try not to let the baby cry for a long time. If you have the slightest suspicion that something is wrong with the navel, call a doctor!

If you are in doubt about something about the health of the baby, if the navel of a newborn is bleeding, a qualified pediatrician or pediatric nurse will tell you what to do. In no case do not use medications on the advice of mothers on Internet forums. The use of any solutions, ointments and powders must be agreed with the pediatrician. Do not risk your baby's health in vain.

Caring for a newborn baby is a responsible and serious business. When he was still in his mother's tummy, he was connected to her by an umbilical cord, which consisted of three large vessels. The umbilical cord is designed to provide normal nutrition for the baby in the womb, but after birth it is no longer necessary. After birth, the blood flow inside her stops, and the midwife cuts her, after which she puts a specially designed bracket on the base of the umbilical cord. After 3-5 days (sometimes much later), the umbilical residue in the newborn disappears together with the bracket, and a small wound remains in its place, which normally heals by the end of the 3rd week of the child's life.

Like any other wound, the navel heals about 3 weeks, in order to reduce the likelihood of bleeding, all hygiene rules must be observed

Umbilical wound care

Until the moment of healing, special care is required. Before the navels of newborns are already in maternity hospital were treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Modern neonatologists urge mothers to abandon such an aggressive influence on delicate skin baby, because alcohol, potassium permanganate solution and other chemical elements injure the navel, preventing it from healing faster.

Practice shows that if the umbilical area is simply kept dry and clean, it will heal on its own within 7-10 days. Sometimes it happens that with the most careful care, the navel in a newborn still does not heal and even bleeds. As a result, suppuration may appear and an inflammatory process may begin, and if at first you can deal with this problem on your own, then a long-term non-healing wound should become a matter of concern for a young mother.

Why is the umbilical wound bleeding?

Dear reader!

This article tells about typical ways of solving your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

Not everyone's navel bleeds: it normally begins to heal a few days after the birth of a child. There are a number of reasons why, after the allotted time, the wound in newborns does not heal:

  • Mechanical injury, when the umbilical residue has already fallen off and dried, but during changing and changing the diaper, the dried crust accidentally comes off, why is the navel and starts to bleed. Such a wound is not dangerous, because it does not bleed for long: a few drops of blood may stand out, after which a crust forms again.

Many doctors now advise to be very careful with the drug treatment of the navel, prioritizing keeping it clean and dry. Diapers for newborns also need to be selected special - with a recess for the navel
  • Healing takes much longer if the umbilical cord was too thick. In this case, the healing area is larger and the regeneration process takes longer than in other children. Hence, long-term healing is another common cause of belly button bleeding.
  • After the separation of the umbilical stump, an open wound remains, in its place granulation occurs, that is, new vascular glomeruli are formed: they are enveloped by the newly formed tissue. It looks as if a ball has formed inside the bottom of the umbilical wound, which begins to bleed simply when it is touched.
  • Improper navel treatment can also cause long-term regeneration. Especially diligent mothers too often treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol solutions, damaging the delicate skin of the child, preventing it from recovering on its own.
  • Lowered immunity can also interfere with healing. If a child is premature or weak from birth, then all life processes in him proceed slowly, including the restoration of damaged tissue.

What to do if the navel is bleeding?

If in the hospital medical procedures provided by qualified nurses, and you did not particularly delve into all the subtleties, then seeing a bleeding navel at home is scary enough for young parents. What to do in this case?

Do not panic, just drop 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide (and it should already be purchased by your relatives in advance) and gently treat the wound. Better not to rub, but apply a cotton swab with a product to the bleeding area, then carefully remove all the crusts from the navel and treat the navel with diamond green or chlorophyllipt solution for the second time.

If possible, immediately inform your local doctor about what happened, but if the bleeding does not stop, but rather intensifies, it is better to call an ambulance. Before a routine examination by a pediatrician, it is better not to smear the navel with brilliant green or potassium permanganate, since staining in bright color complicate the diagnosis.

Most often, moms process brilliant green, but according to the latest recommendations of pediatricians, it is better to use peroxide and 1% alcohol chlorophyllipt

You will never face the problem of a bleeding navel for a long time if you do simple recommendations:

  • provide correct and timely navel care for your child immediately after discharge from the hospital;
  • when bathing your baby, use only boiled water until the navel heals;
  • the belt from the diaper must be folded or use special diapers with a cutout for the navel so that it is dry and does not tumble;
  • you need to pick up loose clothing so that it does not press on the navel area;
  • on the recommendation of a neonatologist of a maternity hospital or a district pediatrician, use the means for treating the navel, prescribed for you individually: chlorophyllipt, fucorcin, or Baneocin;
  • more often, most mothers still manage with traditional brilliant green.

Why is prolonged bleeding dangerous?

Your local pediatrician will help you to understand why exactly he closed the navel of your baby, because in some cases it is impossible not to do without medical help. So, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor if:

  • more than 2 weeks have passed, and the wound is bleeding;
  • redness or swelling appears around the navel;
  • inside the umbilical wound there are constantly weeping areas of the skin;
  • when damaged, ichor and even pus appears.

In all these cases, the consultation of a pediatric pediatrician is required.

If the navel is constantly bleeding and suppuration has already formed, this may be signs of omphalitis (inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the umbilical wound). Since it will not be possible to make a diagnosis on your own, you should show the baby to specialists.

Omphalitis is dangerous, and its treatment may require hospital conditions, so you need to urgently seek medical help in order to prevent such serious complications as phlegmon or peritonitis. Evgeny Olegovich, the host of the program "Doctor Komarovsky's School", which is popular among young mothers, often warns about this.

In the womb, the umbilical cord connects the placenta and the baby. As soon as the baby is born, she is cut. At proper care and processing the dried umbilical residue disappears, like a watermelon "tail" for 7 days. It also happens that a newborn's navel bleeds. Then you need to immediately consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of an inflammatory process or sepsis.


The umbilical cord connecting the mother and the fetus during pregnancy is an interlacing of 3 vessels:

  • two arteries supplying the baby in the womb with oxygen and substances important for life from the placenta;
  • the only vein that transports the metabolic products of the fetus to the mother's body.

When the umbilical cord is cut, a clamp or clothespin is applied to the remainder of the cord.

The first weeks of life, the navel in a child is a wound, next to which there is a large node of blood vessels. They supply internal organs blood. It is very easy to disrupt the healing process with any awkward movement: incorrect diaper change or unwashed hands when treating a wound and caring for a baby. Sometimes this wound can disperse on its own.

Navel healing usually occurs in 3 stages:

  1. On day 3-7, the remainder of the umbilical cord completely disappears. It's time to get rid of the clip or clothespin.
  2. The navel is partially healed within 3 weeks.
  3. After a month, the umbilical wound is completely tightened.

There are several reasons why the belly button continues to bleed:

  1. Lack of air baths. The wound does not dry out quickly due to the lack of constant air circulation. It is necessary to provide access to oxygen to the child's body, using clothes and bedding only from natural fabrics. Bleeding can be caused by a normal diaper covering the navel and rubbing an unhealed wound.
  2. Improper wound treatment. The reason for the prolonged healing and bleeding of the navel is also the excessive diligence of the mother in caring for the newborn. Poor healing and trauma can occur if the umbilical ring is cleaned very carefully. Then there is a risk of damaging the forming tissue.
  3. Features of the umbilical cord. A thickness of 1-1.5 cm is considered the norm. If its diameter reaches 2 cm, then the healing process often occurs only at the 3rd or 4th week.
  4. Weakened immunity. In the first days of life, the baby is side by side with a huge number of infections and germs. Weak immunity will not be able to cope with possible inflammatory diseases such as sepsis.
  5. Injury. Pediatricians do not recommend putting the baby on the tummy until 3 months. Carelessness can damage the wound, causing bleeding.
  6. Infection. An inflammatory process in the navel can be provoked by a foreign particle that has fallen into an unhealed wound. It can be a piece of cotton wool with which it was processed.

Less common reasons why a newborn's belly button bleeds are:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • development of an umbilical hernia;
  • improper cutting of the umbilical cord.

Due to inexperience, young mothers may not immediately pay attention to problems with the navel. The general condition of the child remains satisfactory: the baby is calm, the temperature is normal, pain no. But if you notice blood, discharge in the form of a purulent-serous fluid or ichor, do not postpone visiting a doctor.


Parents most often start to beat anxiety when the following symptoms appear:

  • suppuration in the abdomen;
  • unpleasant smell from discharge on the navel;
  • increased body temperature.

These visible signs are the reason for the urgent appeal to pediatricians for a diagnosis. ethnoscience in this case, it is useless and even dangerous, because it can harm a newborn, whose immunity is just being formed. Before dealing with the causes of navel bleeding, you need to consult a pediatrician.

In addition to blood, it can be secreted in the umbilical region:

  • ichor;
  • pus;
  • whitish, gray-yellow liquid.

Important! Any discharge on the body is a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. Your job is to protect your baby from any kind of infection by keeping the skin clean and dry.

If at this moment the wound itself “grew” in size and became convex, there is a suspicion of an umbilical hernia. Redness and swelling of the umbilical skin may be an alarming symptom. This condition is most dangerous, as it causes a number of inflammatory processes:

  • peritonitis of the abdominal cavity;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • dermatitis, accompanied by irritation of the skin around the navel and itching;
  • omphalitis ( infection causing inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue).


In the process of wound healing, a crust forms, which subsequently disappears. Carefully monitor the condition of your baby's tummy. At this point, small ulcers may appear on the umbilical wound, indicating an infection.

A common occurrence is a granuloma or a navel fungus. In this case, in addition to bleeding, a small "ball on a leg" appears on it. At the same time, the skin of the abdomen turns red.

What to do?

How to treat the navel of a newborn and what drugs to prescribe if it is bleeding can only be determined by a doctor.

You will need his advice if:

  1. The baby's navel does not dry out within 7-10 days. Any discharge and blood after 8 days is a deviation from the norm. Often the pediatrician prescribes the treatment with "Dioxidin". If the bleeding does not stop, and a purulent secretion, an unpleasant odor or swelling is added to it, the doctor prescribes strong antiseptics, hormonal ointments or antibiotics.
  2. There is blood and redness on the navel. This sign may indicate an infection. In this case, it is removed from the body with antiseptic agents.
  3. There is a suspicion of granulomas. Treatment is prescribed individually in the form of injections or ointments. The basis of therapy is made up of drugs such as "Elidel", "Niacinamide", ointment "Dermovate".
  4. A foreign body, for example, a piece of cotton wool, has got into the baby's navel. In this case, you will need the advice of a pediatric surgeon. Before visiting a doctor, treat the wound with any coloring antiseptic (iodine, potassium permanganate, brilliant green).

    Zelenka and hydrogen peroxide are used only for disinfecting the wound, not for treatment.

  5. You notice any inflammation, swelling or redness of the umbilical ring. This may be a sign of the development of omphalitis, peritonitis of the abdominal cavity or blood poisoning. Then you will need antibiotic treatment in a hospital setting.
  6. There are suspicions of a hernia. At any intensity of the baby's cry or cough, you may notice that his navel grows and can reach the size of a walnut. It is necessary to consult a surgeon who will confirm or deny the need for surgical intervention. Laying out on the tummy and a special massage is recommended for babies only after 3 months. The operation to cut out the hernia is performed only when they reach 3 years of age.

Important! To increase the infant's body's resistance to infection, doctors often prescribe a course of vitamins C and B and the introduction of gamma globulin.

Prohibited actions

Baths in boiled water or with herbal decoction are allowed in the first days of a baby's life, even if the wound has not healed. However, pediatricians categorically forbid bathing a child if his navel is suddenly blocked or the bleeding continues for more than 8 days.

When treating a wound, avoid:

  1. Sealing the umbilical area with a plaster. From this, the access of air is blocked and a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria is formed.
  2. Frequent procedures with wiping the wound, using hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. Maximum - 2 times a day.
  3. Using more than 2 antiseptics. If you are treating an umbilical wound with brilliant green, you do not need to alternate it with iodine, potassium permanganate or chlorophyllipt.
  4. Synthetic clothing. All undershirts and bodysuits must be made of cotton or natural wool. Pants should not have tight elastic bands that would squeeze the tummy.


While the umbilical wound is healing, careful baby care is essential. It is a kind of "gateway" for the penetration of various kinds of infections.

In order not to face unpleasant consequences, observe the correct treatment of an unhealed navel:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and disinfect them with an antiseptic.
  2. Gently blot the healing site cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Wait a few seconds until the solution stops “hissing” on the wound.
  3. Remove soaked crusts and residual peroxide with a dry, sterile swab, being careful not to apply pressure to the skin.
  4. Lubricate the navel with green or potassium permanganate to disinfect the wound. An alternative to such remedies may be 1% "Chlorophyllipt" or "Furacilin". The advantages of these solutions lie not only in the disinfecting effect, but also in the inability to stain the skin. So you can immediately notice any redness and swelling on the tummy.
  5. Let the navel "ventilate", leaving the baby naked for 5-7 minutes in a room with an optimal air temperature of 22-25 ° C and humidity of 40-60%. Air circulation should accelerate tissue epithelization.
  6. If a newborn's navel is bleeding, this is what Komarovsky advises to do:

    1. Bathing. If the pediatrician is allowed to take a bath, perform water procedures only in boiled water. You can also wipe specific areas of your body with water, avoiding the navel area.
    2. Diapers. Don't skimp on quality diapers like GOON, Moony and Bella Baby Happy, Pampers Active Baby. They have a rather soft "fastener", but it still does not need to cover the navel.
    3. Baby clothes. It is best if you iron the baby's clothes on both sides. Thus, the risk of infection in the wound is reduced.

Caring for the umbilical wound consists of regular and fairly simple manipulations, thanks to which it completely heals in the second or third week of the baby's life. Sometimes, even with careful processing, the navel of a newborn is bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to urgently take certain actions, otherwise there will be a risk of infection and suppuration of the wound with the subsequent development of the inflammatory process. At the initial stage, therapeutic actions can be carried out independently.

If healing does not occur within normal terms, if the navel bleeds even after special treatment, or if redness, swelling and weeping areas join one symptom, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Why can the navel bleed in newborns?

The umbilical wound is the gateway for infections and pathogens of serious diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully look after her and prevent the appearance of spotting.

Why is the navel bleeding in a newborn? There may be several reasons.

  1. Crust damage from dressing a newborn or changing a diaper. In this case, you should not worry. You just need to continue the usual treatment of the wound and be careful next time. If drip bleeding appears as a result of microtrauma, but healing does not occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  2. If the umbilical cord was very thick, the belly button may bleed from time to time without serious consequences. The ranca only needs to provide aseptic conditions and disturb her as little as possible.
  3. The condition can develop as a result of too scrupulous attitude on the part of mommy. With frequent use of aggressive solutions, the wound always remains bare and does not have time to overgrow.
  4. Occasionally, tissue bleeding may indicate a decrease in the body's resistance, a low degree of blood clotting, and a weakened immune system.
  5. Vascular fragility, leading to bleeding of the navel, often indicates an infection on the wound surface.
  6. One of the most serious options for a negative development of events is the formation of granulomas - a pathology that is characterized by the rapid proliferation of blood vessels and connective tissue.

Treatment of bleeding wounds is based on eliminating the cause of the condition and special treatment of the navel with wound healing agents.

What to do if a newborn has bleeding in the navel?

If healing proceeded normally, but suddenly the navel began to bleed, there is no need to panic. It is necessary to wash your hands with soap, treat them with an antiseptic and carry out the following manipulations.

  • If crusts have formed on the wound, you need to stretch the wound a little with your fingers and drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into it. Under the influence of peroxide, the bleeding should stop. When the crusts are soft, they must be removed with a sterile cotton swab or stick.
  • After cleaning, the wound is lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. It is worth considering that with the first option, the skin will be slightly dried, and the second drug will mask the clinical picture and it will be difficult to see the swelling or redness.
  • The navel should not be covered with anything, it should remain open as much as possible.

If an unpleasant odor, general symptoms of inflammation, increased excitability of the baby appears, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Perhaps the development of omphalitis, in which it is necessary to use antibiotics, special ointments and strong antiseptics. In particularly serious cases, hospital treatment may be necessary.

Actions prohibited with a bleeding navel

Excessive care can do no less harm than its absence, so you should not get involved in therapeutic manipulations especially. In addition, there are additional recommendations for caring for a child during treatment.

  • The wound cannot be covered with a plaster, closed with a diaper. Use as few clothing as possible. If the skin breathes, the surface will heal quickly.
  • You do not need to process the navel more than twice a day. During manipulations, do not waste time, fearing to hurt the child. You need to act carefully, but quickly.
  • During bathing - until the wound is completely healed - it is necessary to use boiled water, according to the doctor's recommendation, medicinal herbs can be added to it. Immediately after bathing, the child must be dried, and the navel must be thoroughly wet - the wound should not get wet.
  • Until the navel has healed, the baby should not be laid out on the tummy. All manipulations must be carried out with increased caution.
  • Without the recommendation of a doctor, you cannot use ointments, especially potent ones (with hormones or antibiotics).

When symptoms of umbilical wound bleeding appear, one cannot hope that everything will resolve by itself. In the absence of experience and knowledge, you must immediately contact a specialist and get advice. This will prevent the development of complications and relieve the baby from discomfort.

  1. How to properly treat the navel of a newborn?
  2. Why can the navel bleed?
  3. Umbilical wound infection
  4. Run to the doctor!

Most parents, noticing blood at the navel of a newborn, begin to worry about it for good reason. This article will help you decide when this is normal and when to see a doctor.

Some oozing of blood in newborns before and after the clamp has fallen off with the mummified tissue debris is considered normal. This is especially true during the first week of life, if you accidentally touch him during dressing and diaper change. In such cases, you need to treat the navel with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, wipe it with a sterile gauze cloth and leave the navel to breathe in air.

Usually the clamp disappears within 5-7 days, and the time for complete healing of the navel is 14-21 days, sometimes it can take up to a month. In order for the navel to heal, it must be looked after.

How to properly handle the navel?

Currently, the opinions of doctors are divided. Some believe that it is necessary to treat the navel with an alcohol solution, while others believe that it is not necessary to use antiseptic agents at all, it is just necessary to keep it clean and provide air access (“dry navel care). For the sake of fairness, we note that there are more supporters of the alcohol method. Although, according to some scientists, such treatment delays the healing process of the umbilical wound.

Algorithm for processing the navel

  1. Wash your hands before this procedure.
  2. Use a pipette to add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution.
  3. Use a cotton swab to gently wipe off the peroxide and soggy crusts.
  4. Apply brilliant green with a pipette.
  5. Wait a couple of minutes until the brilliant green dries.

6 causes of umbilical wound bleeding

The belly button can bleed for several reasons.

  1. Lack or inadequate care.
  2. Accidental scratching of crusts when changing clothes or diapers.
  3. Rubbing with a diaper.
  4. Use of synthetic clothing that is not breathable.
  5. Weak immunity of the child.
  6. Infection.

If blood is found in the navel, the first four possible reasons... Pay due attention to handling, maintaining sterility. Be careful when undressing and changing a diaper. Use special diapers with a belly button cut. If not, then just tuck the diaper. Dress your baby in natural fabrics. If the temperature in the room permits, take air baths as long as possible, exposing the body.

You should not get carried away with laying the child on the stomach with bleeding of the umbilical wound and too long water procedures. Note that until the navel falls off, it is not recommended to bathe the child, only wet rubdowns are allowed. Until the baby's navel is completely healed, you need to bathe in boiled water. If the baby was born prematurely, or there was a pathology of pregnancy, then it is possible that the baby has weakened immunity. But such a diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

How to understand what is infection?

If, after following all the rules for processing the navel, it still bleeds, then there may be signs of infection. So, if redness is observed around the navel, there is bleeding and discharge of pus, purulent crusts in the umbilical wound, and the child reacts with a cry to touching the tummy, then it is likely that an infection has been brought in. The so-called weeping navel or omphalitis.

Omphalitis Is a bacterial disease of the navel tissue, which, if not treated promptly, can lead to serious consequences. According to statistics, children, whose parents are supporters of "dry" navel processing, are more inclined towards them.

When should you see a doctor?

Of course, when caring for a newborn, do not hesitate to consult a pediatrician once again. However, there are times when this needs to be done immediately.

  • When the bleeding doesn't stop.
  • If the blood stain is more than 5 cm.
  • If the child is lethargic, he eats poorly and cries when he touches the navel area.
  • When the body temperature is markedly increased (more than 38 degrees).
  • Provided that the navel is reddened, swollen, an unpleasant odor appeared.
  • If there is a protrusion of the umbilical ring
  • If the navel for a long time does not heal

And remember, only a doctor can determine if there is an infection and prescribe treatment. Do not self-medicate.