
Why does a pregnant woman have a navel. Causes of pain and itching in the navel during pregnancy. The use of ointment and physical education

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9 months of pregnancy is a happy and exciting time for every woman. Expectant mothers look forward to meeting their babies. In order for a child to be born healthy, you need to listen to the doctor's recommendations, eat well, get plenty of rest, and maintain the overall tone of the body.

If a woman is healthy and attentive to her pregnancy, complications are usually minimized. But sometimes, even with its successful course, doctors can hear from their patients complaints of pain in the navel.

The manifestation of pain during pregnancy is not always a sign of any pathology. A woman's body undergoes many changes every day: blood volume increases, the uterus grows, muscles and ligaments stretch, the body requires more vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, even with an easy pregnancy, a woman may experience discomfort.

The most common manifestation of such changes is pain in the navel during pregnancy.

Why does the navel hurt during pregnancy?

Starting from the second trimester, a pregnant woman may experience discomfort in the navel. This phenomenon is quite understandable. The fetus grows, the uterus stretches and increases in size. There is pressure on the abdominal wall and its stretching. The pains are tolerable and gradually subside. If the belly is large enough, it is advisable to use a special bandage. It will ensure the normal position of the ligaments and muscles of the abdomen, thereby reducing pain in the navel.

In addition, due to the growing uterus, the ligaments that run from the navel to the liver and bladder are stretched.

With an increase in the abdomen, not only the ligaments and muscles are stretched, but also the skin on it. In the last months of pregnancy, the navel in many women turns outward or equalizes. The skin in this area is tender, and friction with clothing can cause pain. To reduce such sensations, you can lubricate the stomach with moisturizers. It will also help to avoid stretch marks.

Pain in the navel during pregnancy: when should you sound the alarm?

Even if the navel does not hurt much, you need to tell the doctor about it at the first scheduled visit. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to correctly diagnose the cause of pain and exclude pathology. If the pain is pulsating, unbearable, shooting in nature, and is also combined with malaise, weakness, fever, you need to urgently call a doctor or ambulance. This symptom can be a manifestation of serious and dangerous diseases for both the mother and the fetus.

Belly button pain what could it be

  • Hernia and its infringement. This phenomenon is quite rare, but every woman should know about its symptoms. Small hernias could be even before pregnancy. The growth of the uterus, combined with the weakness of the abdominal muscles, can cause the hernia to bulge and even incarcerate it. The pain occurs abruptly, the temperature may rise, nausea occurs, and sometimes vomiting. This complication is dangerous, requiring urgent surgical intervention.
  • Attack of acute appendicitis. As a result of the growth of the uterus internal organs(mainly the intestines) are displaced from their usual position. Therefore, with the appearance of sharp pains in the navel in combination with nausea, vomiting, weakness, it is imperative to exclude acute appendicitis.
  • Infectious bowel disease, poisoning. The body of a pregnant woman is especially prone to all kinds of intestinal infections. For her, banal poisoning can become dangerous. The load on the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the liver and kidneys, increases greatly. The risk of threatened miscarriage increases. Treatment of such diseases should be carried out only under medical supervision.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, kidneys and Bladder. If the pain in the navel is combined with other symptoms (nausea, pain when urinating, flatulence, diarrhea, etc.), you need to visit a doctor and treat the underlying disease.
  • Gynecological complications. Pain in the navel can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or other pathologies of pregnant women. For a complete examination, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment.

Timely access to a doctor with pain in the navel, as well as the implementation of his recommendations, is the key to a successful pregnancy and maintaining the health of a woman and a child.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and at the same time very disturbing period in the life of any woman. Indeed, in addition to the joyful expectation of the appearance of a small miracle, future mom faces numerous worries and sometimes completely incomprehensible painful sensations. Suddenly, the back, and the stomach, and legs can get sick, but it is not always possible to find an explanation for this. Most pregnant women are driven into a panic by pain in the navel and in the area around it.

It is clear that the female body is preparing for the birth of a child, it changes significantly and adapts to the needs of the baby. Therefore, the expectant mother should arm herself with knowledge about every possible discomfort in her body, so as not to worry in vain in certain situations.

Causes of pain in the navel during pregnancy

As already mentioned, during pregnancy, the mother's body changes internally and externally. The tummy grows a little every day, and at about 12-13 weeks she may feel an unpleasant pain in the navel. In most cases, this is the usual "behavior" of the navel during pregnancy and is quite normal.

The reason for this discomfort is that the skin and abdominal muscles that are around the navel are stretched. The strong itching that appears when the skin is stretched will also tell you about this. In addition, this is caused by weakened abdominal muscles. After you give birth to a baby, all discomfort will disappear. Therefore, if you have not been diagnosed with other diseases that can cause pain in the navel, you will have to endure several months. To alleviate your suffering a little, try to wear a bandage all the time or at least most of the time.

Sometimes the look of the navel itself can scare the expectant mother. In late pregnancy, it is clearly visible on the tummy and becomes convex, as if turning outwards. After childbirth, in almost all women, the navel takes on its original shape, so in no case should you worry. But doctors advise nevertheless to contact a surgeon, because such an “inverted” navel may also indicate the presence of a hernia.

When to worry about belly button pain

In most cases, the expectant mother should not be disturbed by pain in the navel. But the doctor still needs to assure her of this. There is a danger if a woman has such “umbilical” discomfort provoked by certain pathologies or diseases. Here are some of them.

Appendicitis. If it was not possible to get rid of this appendix of the cecum before pregnancy, then it is not a fact that it will not “wake up” with acute pain at the most inopportune moment. When a mother-to-be is carrying a baby, the appendix moves up a little, closer to the navel. And although statistics show that inflammation of the appendix occurs very rarely during pregnancy, you should know its symptoms:

  1. acute pain in the lower abdomen, which "beats" in the hypochondrium or side on the right side;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. elevated body temperature.

In this case, contact your doctor immediately. You will need urgent surgery.

Strangulated hernia. Often, in a future mother, pain in the navel indicates the presence of a small hernia. At first, a woman may not be aware of her, because she does not experience any discomfort. But if you suddenly feel the following symptoms, immediately call an ambulance:

  1. sharp, unpredictable pain in the navel;
  2. severe vomiting;
  3. bloating;
  4. stool retention.

If you have an umbilical hernia, you may need emergency surgery. It is necessary so that the death of the intestine does not occur.

Intestinal infection or food poisoning. The navel can also get sick with gastroenteritis, inflammation of the intestines or stomach. Added to this are the following symptoms:

  1. nausea and vomiting;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  4. constant feeling of thirst;
  5. chills;
  6. weakness;
  7. bloating.

Intestinal infection or may be caused by harmful microorganisms. As a rule, they penetrate the gastrointestinal tract if the expectant mother did not wash her hands, vegetables or fruits. The tone of the intestine increases and provokes the same increase in the tone of the uterus. And this is very dangerous and fraught with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself, immediately call an ambulance, and before the arrival of the doctors, take Activated carbon. At the hospital, you will be examined and possibly admitted to a hospital. You will also be prescribed a strict diet: boiled lean meat, cereals, baked vegetables and fruits, bran bread, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.

Pathology of the stomach, liver and pancreas. The cause of acute pain in the navel in the expectant mother can be various gastroenterological diseases. They arise due to the restructuring of the whole organism during pregnancy. The intestines and stomach are not accustomed to the new "conditions", and therefore biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastroduodenitis or pancreatitis may worsen.

If a pregnant woman eats a lot of fatty, fried and salty foods, experiences great stress, allows herself to drink alcohol, then her pancreas may become inflamed. A woman should be alerted by the following symptoms:

  1. pain in the upper abdomen and near the navel after eating;
  2. a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  3. nausea and vomiting;
  4. heartburn.

If you feel something is wrong in the area of ​​​​the stomach, pancreas or liver, call a doctor. You will probably have to stay on a strict diet for several days and lie down in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes the pain may not be localized in the navel itself, but just below. In this case, you feel discomfort when urinating and very often run to the toilet "in a small way." Perhaps you have cystitis or another urological pathology. Do not hesitate, in no case do not self-medicate. Consult a doctor who will prescribe special medications for you.

Gynecological complications. The lower back and lower abdomen hurt, discomfort appeared in the navel, you noticed a discharge, and the uterus seemed to be “petrified” inside - again, urgently call your obstetrician-gynecologist. Such symptoms are no joke, they may indicate a threatened miscarriage.

So, the navel of the expectant mother can get sick for various reasons. In any case, do not worry and panic too much. Listen to your body, be aware of the symptoms of certain diseases, seek help from doctors. And most importantly - do not be nervous. Neither your baby nor you need extra stress.

Especially for Nadezhda Zaitseva

Any, even the most favorable pregnancy, as a rule, is not without problems. These include pain in the legs, back, shoulders, abdomen, headaches during pregnancy, mood swings, loss of energy, and so on. Unfortunately the data side effects- inevitability, they must be taken for granted. Let's say right away that it is far from always possible to completely prevent such troubles, but they can always be alleviated or reduced to nothing.

In this article, we will talk about pain in the navel during pregnancy. For some reason, expectant mothers pay the most attention to this kind of pain. Apparently, the maternal instinct plays a role here, which tells the woman that something is wrong with her baby.

As has been said more than once on the pages of our site, any pain is not always a reason for panic, as often these are some kind of one-time failures of your body. Everything in this case should be treated with common sense and without fanaticism. It often happens that both the expectant mother and her husband are ready to run for help just because it seemed to the woman. Do not heat up the situation so as not to earn real problems.

Causes of pain in the navel area in pregnant women:

  1. Skin tension due to the fact that the mother's tummy is constantly growing
  2. Weakness of the abdominal muscles
  3. Umbilical hernia
  4. Various diseases of the small intestine
  5. food poisoning
  6. Acute appendicitis

If you begin to feel pain in the navel, then check if you have a temperature. In addition, you should also consider other factors, such as what you ate a few hours ago. If these were vegetables and fruits, then you most likely did not wash them well enough, or did not cook them to the end, which leads to bloating and pain in the small intestine, which you define as pain in the navel.

If the pain is definitely point-like, very intense, and is also accompanied by dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and fever, this may already suggest that some undesirable process is taking place in your body. The combination of the above symptoms can indicate both an intestinal infection and an attack of appendicitis. Take something for fever and headache if the symptoms persist, be sure to contact your doctor, who in the most short time will diagnose your problem and be able to fix it.

It should be noted that the above symptoms are not full list, since pain in the navel during pregnancy can begin for completely different reasons. For example, in summer, in the heat, your tummy can simply overheat, sweating profusely will begin, and the inside of the navel may be irritated by salty sweat. In addition, pain can begin due to a change in personal care products, as well as due to allergic reactions to food or environment.

Separately, it is worth talking about intestinal infections, a symptom of which can be pain in the navel. The fact is that such infections (and often viruses) are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting and cramping pains. Especially among these symptoms, the last one is dangerous, since it increases the tone of the uterus, which leads to its "test" or test contractions. The smooth muscles of the uterus can perceive these contractions as preparation for childbirth and lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Also, one of the options for the development of such a problem is from the genital area, which tells us about possible bleeding due to damage to the blood vessels of the placenta. This increases the risk of fetal rejection, as well as its oxygen starvation. That is why you should be careful not only about the food you eat, but also about bathing places, saunas, baths, etc. Try to protect yourself from possible infection with E. coli.

As for acute appendicitis, which can also manifest itself in the form of pain in the navel and fever, doctors say that an attack of appendicitis is extremely rare in pregnant women, but it is nothing more than stupid to discount it completely. If your temperature has risen sharply, it does not go astray, and the pains in the lower right part of the abdomen, as well as in the navel, are very strong and cutting - there is a high probability of just such an outcome. In any case, these symptoms, coupled with your current situation, give you the right to call an ambulance, whose doctors will quickly determine whether it is likely that you have acute appendicitis and take you to the hospital for surgery.

In conclusion, I would like to write that any pain, discomfort, and inconvenience during pregnancy should be treated carefully, but without undue panic, be prudent, you should not run to the hospital because of the first pimple you noticed or a slight ailment.

The colossal physiological changes that generally affect the body of a woman carrying a child concern her entire body. Including such inconspicuous and unimportant, it would seem in the ordinary life of his organs, such as, for example, the navel.

With the increase in the fetus and the growth of the abdomen, it is the navel, which was not paid much attention before the onset of pregnancy, undergoes very noticeable, and sometimes worrying, changes.

Usually by the third trimester, he visually changes shape and begins to protrude, resembling a "button" and becoming quite convex by the end of pregnancy. This is considered quite normal and is explained by the natural expansion of the umbilical ring, which gradually returns to normal after the birth of the child.

In addition to the fact that the navel begins to protrude, sometimes it happens and darkening of the skin around it and along the white line of the abdomen. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and active pigmentation of the epidermis. Do not sound the alarm, because a month and a half after the birth of the baby, everything usually returns to normal.

Also, the factors influencing a strong increase in the navel include the presence of a multiple or multiple pregnancy, since in this case the abdomen increases much faster.

Of course, it is impossible to somehow influence this completely justified physiological process, but here provide skin care, preventing the appearance of stretch marks with the help of special creams and lotions, of course, is possible and necessary.

Why does the navel hurt during pregnancy

It is worth clarifying right away that we are not talking about mild or moderate pain that accompany almost every pregnant woman and are an absolutely natural reaction of stretching muscles, abdominal tissues and epithelium. This pain is quite understandable - the skin of the expectant mother is stretched, causing not only itching and cosmetic stretch marks but also unpleasant and even painful sensations.

You should not discount the fact that with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, discomfort appears due to the natural displacement of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which are pressed by the growing uterus. Of the same non-dangerous nature are the pains arising from the change hormonal background, causing softening of tissues, and pain due to a decrease in the activity of intestinal motility, characteristic of the II trimester.

If we talk about acute (sometimes even spasmodic) pain in the navel during pregnancy, serving as symptoms of some serious illness, they can be an alarm signal of the following problems:

  1. The occurrence of an umbilical hernia that appears in women due to weak abdominal muscles.
  2. Exacerbation of appendicitis, since in pregnant women the inflamed appendix shifts upward and gives pain precisely to the umbilical region.
  3. The presence of an intestinal infection in the body.
  4. Disorders of the functioning of the stomach, liver or pancreas.
  5. Complication of gynecological problems associated with the pregnancy itself.

How to treat belly button pain during pregnancy

Any one of these symptoms is more than enough reason consult a doctor immediately who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures in each case (blood, urine, and others).

IMPORTANT! And in no case should you self-medicate, and also hope that "I'll lie down, lie down, and everything will pass by itself." The expectant mother should remember every minute that she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the future life and future health of her baby.

If the navel still hurts without any alarming accompanying symptoms and the discomfort caused by this pain to a woman is an absolutely natural physiological result of an increase in the abdomen, then the treatment comes down to enough simple solutions. Namely: wearing special, constant skin care using special means(ointments, creams and lotions), regular use and healthy lifestyle life in general.

Navel piercing during pregnancy

Perhaps it is worth starting with piercing during pregnancy, of course, is not worth it. All physicians are extremely negative about this, and they are right, since a puncture can heal for a long time and painfully, and its very presence threatens to get into the wound of infection, suppuration and various complications. These complications will have to be treated with the help of drugs that are categorically not recommended for use by pregnant women.

Therefore, every future mother who is going to decorate her tummy and capture it for history needs to think carefully: is the game worth the candle? Moreover, on a short time photo session, this can be done with the help of a more harmless decor.

Another question concerns those who already have piercings. In this case, the situation depends on the individual characteristics of the woman - the condition of the skin, the degree of its elasticity, the number of babies born, the presence of polyhydramnios, which affects the size and rate of increase in the abdomen, and much more. Therefore, everyone decides for herself whether to wear jewelry, how long to wear it and when it is necessary to take it off. Although the opinion of doctors on this matter is quite unambiguous: in order to avoid unnecessary stretch marks (which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future), and even more so in order to avoid rupture of the navel at the site of the piercing, it is better to remove the jewelry.

Of course, pregnancy changes a woman a lot. Changes physically, spiritually, emotionally. Therefore, it is necessary constantly, but completely calmly listen to your body, so as not to miss the alarm bells about problems, but also not to panic due to the completely natural changes caused by the expectation of a child.

Everyone knows that pregnancy is not a disease. But still, the time when replenishment is expected is fraught for the mother with the appearance of pain and discomfort in one or another part of her body. Often, pain is safe for both the woman and the unborn baby, and its occurrence is explained by the fact that significant changes are taking place in the body. However, you need to listen to your condition. Sometimes pregnant women may complain of pain and discomfort around the navel. What does sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy mean?

Pain in the navel can vary depending on the cause of its cause and on the sensations. At the same time, it is necessary to know that this pain can be natural, but at the same time it can be abnormal. Its occurrence is affected by changes and disorders that occurred during pregnancy. This condition occurs with additional symptoms. As soon as you notice the appearance of discomfort and a sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy, the first thing to do is to contact a specialist who can determine the cause of the pain and how to eliminate it.

What are the causes of pain in the navel during pregnancy? The occurrence of pain in the navel is usually associated with the rapid growth of the child, which occurs at the end of the second trimester and the entire third trimester of pregnancy.

  • The skin on the abdomen is subjected to excessively rapid stretching, as a result of which some discomfort may appear. This pain is the result of tension, and it is not dangerous.
  • Another reason for the occurrence of pain in the navel during pregnancy is the stretching of the muscles of the umbilical ligament, which have shifted along with the internal organs due to rapid growth uterus.
  • Also, the appearance of discomfort may be associated with poorly developed abdominal muscles of the expectant mother.
  • Before childbirth, the abdominal muscles are stretched as much as possible, because of which the navel can bulge outward and cause slight discomfort to the pregnant woman. This phenomenon is quite normal, and as soon as the baby is born into the world, appearance the woman's abdomen will recover.

Pain in the navel: the cause of the disease

Sometimes pain in the navel may indicate the presence of such diseases:

  • umbilical hernia;
  • cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system;
  • intestinal infection;
  • appendicitis;
  • problems in gynecology;
  • pathology of the liver, gastrointestinal tract.

When an umbilical hernia occurs the following symptoms may be observed: constipation, nausea, pulsation in the navel, bloating, vomiting. In order to make sure that it was an umbilical hernia that appeared during pregnancy, you can press on the seal near the navel. If this manipulation caused acute pain, then the condition is regarded correctly.

Intestinal infection accompanied by cramping pain and concomitant diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and high body temperature. Intestinal infection is the reason for an urgent appeal to a specialist, since against the background of loose stools, there is an increase in intestinal tone, and with it the tone of the uterus. The tone of the uterus can provoke a miscarriage or the onset of premature birth.

Though acute appendicitis occurs during pregnancy is rare, do not forget about it. Classical appendicitis is characterized by pain to the right of the navel, high fever, nausea and vomiting. But these symptoms can often not coincide with the norm during pregnancy. Therefore, if the expectant mother feels that there is a sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy, this is an occasion to see the doctor once again, describing all the accompanying symptoms.

In addition, a sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy can be a symptom of other diseases, such as gastroduodenitis, pancreatic disease and other diseases of the digestive system of a chronic nature. During pregnancy, chronic diseases have an increased risk of exacerbation, since the internal organs during this period work in unusual, uncomfortable conditions.

Pain below the navel, in combination with frequent and painful urination, is the reason to believe that the expectant mother has developed cystitis and other urological pathologies of the urinary system. Discomfort and sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy, the appearance of unpleasant pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, as well as the “petrification” of the uterus, which is characteristic of hypertonicity, indicate a threat of miscarriage. In no case do not ignore the above symptoms, as their consequences can be very serious and irreversible. If you notice similar sensations in yourself, do not delay seeking emergency help from specialists.

Pain in the navel and its features

Why does the navel hurt during pregnancy? Pain and discomfort in the navel area can manifest itself unexpectedly, regardless of the gestational age. But, nevertheless, the sensations near the navel are on different trimesters pregnancies are different and are a symptom of different conditions.

Features of pain in the early stages

Can the belly button hurt during early pregnancy? Certainly yes. The reason for this is increased gas formation, constipation, which are so characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy. The sensations are not painful, rather, pulling, weak or stabbing.

Sometimes in the first trimester, you can also encounter diseases such as appendicitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, strangulated hernia, diseases of the reproductive organs and organs genitourinary system. As a rule, these pathologies in the first weeks of pregnancy are extremely rare.

Features of pain in the navel in the later stages

As the fetus increases in size, the abdomen also increases, while the skin and abdominal muscles are stretched. Such intense stretching of tissues in the later stages can be the cause of a sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy.

Feelings in the navel due to stretched muscles are extremely unpleasant, one might think that the navel is being pulled from the inside, and this process is accompanied by a stabbing pain, as if a needle was stuck into the navel. The pain is stronger, the worse the abdominal muscles are developed in a woman. As a rule, in the first pregnancy, the sensations are stronger and brighter than they would be in the 2nd and subsequent pregnancies.

When is belly button pain normal?

According to doctors, a palpable sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy in the first trimester is not considered a variant of the norm. This state is more typical for more late dates. Therefore, if the described symptoms occur in the first trimester, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. For example, a sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy may indicate the appearance of an umbilical hernia, the appearance of cystitis, or the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Often, closer to the 20th week of pregnancy, discomfort in the navel is noticed by many pregnant women. If otherwise the woman feels normal, then such a slight ailment is not dangerous. But, if the pain intensifies, and other symptoms are connected to it, then you should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

The following conditions require immediate medical attention:

  • drawing pain accompanied by hardening or pain to the right of the navel;
  • with movements, the pain increases;
  • from the genital tract began, uncharacteristic for pregnant women, discharge;
  • pulse quickens;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the occurrence of nausea, vomiting;
  • have constipation or diarrhea;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, severe headaches, general weakness.

What is the best way to alleviate the situation?

It is necessary to take treatment only on the advice of a doctor. Therefore, do nothing on your own to get rid of the pain. Before the doctor sees you, it is necessary to prevent overheating and hypothermia of the sore spot, as well as to keep calm. You can not take medications that are not prescribed by a specialist, you should not anesthetize the navel in the same way. If symptoms change, remember the sensations so that you can later describe them to your doctor.

If the doctor has not confirmed the presence of serious diseases, then a prenatal bandage and a healthy diet can alleviate the condition. Sleep on the left side, special gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming, frequent stay on fresh air. To prevent stretch marks, you can use various specialized creams and oils for pregnant women.

Preventive actions

Since the period of pregnancy is dangerous with the risk of various diseases, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of some of them. For example, to avoid the appearance of an umbilical hernia, you can use a prenatal bandage, which will distribute the load on the spine evenly. The doctor will help in choosing a bandage and its correct use.

If a woman has multiple pregnancy, then the bandage should be worn from the age of 4 months. In the same period, women with 2 and 3 pregnancies, women suffering from back pain and leading an active lifestyle begin to use the bandage. Also, the bandage is recommended for use by women who are faced with the problem of placental abruption on early dates pregnancy and threatened miscarriage.

The best prevention of the appearance of sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy is planning. Since a woman planning to become pregnant in the near future undergoes a complete examination of her body, this can greatly facilitate the process. During the examination, it is possible to identify the problems that a woman has in a timely manner, and to treat them in time, even before conception.

If the expectant mother, while waiting for the baby to be born, encountered painful sensations in the navel or near it, you should not come up with a diagnosis ahead of time. Perhaps the cause of this discomfort is the rapid growth of the abdomen, intense stretching of the skin, or the synthesis of hormones. Dieting, walking, rest, and clothing that does not restrict movement can help in the fight against pain.

At severe pain in the navel area, with accompanying additional signs, the presence of which worries a pregnant woman, one should not postpone a visit to the doctor for advice. During pregnancy, even if the pain is tolerable, it is better to play it safe, you can not risk your health and the health of an unborn baby. Ask your doctor everything that interests you. After all, by diagnosing the disease in time, you can correct the undesirable outcome of events. Timely assistance can save a woman and a child from possible health problems if there is a sharp pain in the navel during pregnancy.