
Care for the delicate skin around the eyes. How to keep the skin around the eyes young and beautiful - secret ways

breast cancer

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin around the eyes is an indicator of how much a woman loves herself and how much time she devotes to caring for her appearance. After all, it is around the eyes that the skin is thinner and more delicate, which means it is most susceptible to age-related changes, it is in this area that the very first wrinkles appear. Therefore, it requires special, increased attention to itself and careful systematic care. With the help of our tips and tricks, you will soon learn how to properly care for the delicate skin around the eyes and provide complete care even at home.

It is very important to understand that the structure of the skin around the eyes is significantly different from the structure of the skin of the face as a whole. Firstly, because it is much thinner, and secondly, it is practically not provided with subcutaneous fat. There are no sebaceous glands in this zone, therefore, it is less elastic and more prone to stretching. In addition, the skin around the eyes most sensitively reacts to the state of the body as a whole. Our wrong daily routine, unbalanced diet, insufficient fluid intake, and lack of proper care affect it not in the best way. As a result, the skin loses its tone, becomes lethargic, "bruises" under the eyes and puffiness appear. In addition, our facial expressions, without which, however, our life is unthinkable, also provokes the appearance of wrinkles. That is why in order to nullify the influence of all negative factors and keep the skin around the eyes young for longer, full daily care is necessary.

Of course, before the age of 25-30, you should not be too fanatical about this. During this period, it will be enough to moisturize the skin well and make it a rule to never leave makeup on at night. Now let's talk about the stages and procedures that make up the correct and complete care for the skin around the eyes. If you look, the process of skin care in this area consists of cleansing, moisturizing and toning.

The basis of care is a thorough and at the same time gentle cleansing, which must be carried out up to 25 years. It is best to use a special cosmetic milk to remove makeup. Moreover, the modern cosmetology industry is constantly improving this tool, and today it is possible to remove cosmetic residues not only without harming the skin, but also taking care of it. There are special two-phase liquids for removing waterproof mascara and light gels that are the best fit for contact lens owners. In addition, many natural vegetable oils also do an excellent job of cleansing the skin.

All these products must be used strictly in accordance with the needs of your skin. It must be cleaned very carefully, with light movements without pressure, to avoid irritation and stretching of the skin.

In order to maintain the balance of moisture and saturate the skin around the eyes with nutrients, you need to use products designed specifically for this area. Special creams have a completely different structure, due to which they are able to better penetrate the thinner skin of the eyelids, where the pores are not so wide. In addition, gels and creams designed specifically for the care of this area contain special components that not only promote more intense hydration, but also prevent skin irritation.

But be careful - special purchased cosmetics for skin care around the eyes should be of high quality (it's better not to save on this), otherwise it's better to cook cosmetics independently at home.

Unlike creams and eye gels, the lotion has a lighter texture. It moisturizes and perfectly tones the skin without overloading it, and it is also quickly absorbed, which makes it ideal for use during the daytime and especially during the hot season. Thanks to lotions, the skin becomes elastic and toned, shallow mimic wrinkles disappear. Especially gentle and at the same time no less effective care for the area around the eyes is provided by special gels. They have a lighter texture than creams and are suitable even for the most sensitive skin.

In general, it is advisable to alternate different skin care products around the eyes, this can prevent allergic reactions and even inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. So, the cream "under the eyes" should be changed at least once every 3-4 months. Such funds should be selected, first of all, based on the characteristics of the type of skin and its age characteristics. For example, after the age of 30, the skin needs more intense hydration and constant nutrition - this can be provided by creams with a high content of extracts from medicinal herbs and fruits, as well as natural vegetable oils. While after 45 years the skin becomes less elastic and renews more slowly, in this case it makes sense to use age-related cosmetics with a high content of collagen molecules and various complexes that can make even deep wrinkles less noticeable. But it is also very important to choose a quality product that will help the skin fight age-related changes, enhancing its natural functions, and not vice versa, aggressively influence the work of epidermal cells, which will only worsen the situation in the future.

It is also important not only to choose good cream, but also correctly applied so that instead of benefit, it does not harm the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes and does not get the opposite effect. First of all, you need to remember that you need to apply the cream with your fingertips with light tapping movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one in order to stretch thin skin less. In addition, such tapping is a wonderful massage, improves blood circulation and, therefore, improves skin tone.

Also, you do not need to apply a regular face cream to the area around the eyes, as the skin there is very sensitive and can even become inflamed. Moreover, conventional cream does not pass ophthalmological tests, and its effect on the skin of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye is difficult to predict. At the same time the ordinary sun protective cream for the face with an appropriate UV filter is quite suitable for application to the delicate skin of the eyelids, the main thing is that it provides a reliable degree of protection against sun rays and did not cause an allergic reaction.

To care for the skin around the eyes, especially in adulthood, it is recommended to use tonic products based on natural herbs, which provide the skin with complete cleansing, relieve irritation and increase its elasticity. Wiping the skin around the eyes with an ice cube from herbal decoction is especially effective; it is recommended to carry out such a procedure daily in the morning.

Homemade masks and other cosmetic products for comprehensive care

Various masks are also of great importance in caring for the skin around the eyes. They nourish the skin with essential beneficial trace elements, saturate the deeper layers of the epidermis with moisture, make dark circles less noticeable and reduce puffiness. This procedure should be carried out at least once every seven days. At home, you can prepare a lot of all kinds of masks exclusively from natural products that will be no less effective than expensive drugs from well-known brands.

Perhaps the most affordable and common tonic is an ordinary fresh cucumber, the only thing is that for these purposes it is advisable to take a slightly overripe cucumber. It must be cut into rather thin rings and placed on the skin of the eyelids. You can also mix equal amounts of cucumber juice and milk, moisten cotton pads with this mixture and keep under your eyes for a quarter of an hour.

You can also prepare a tonic infusion of dill. To do this, 30 g of dill is poured into 100 g of hot boiled water and infused for about 20 minutes. Then moisten a cotton pad with infusion and apply on the eyelids for 20 minutes. After this procedure, the skin looks much fresher. Similarly, you can use a decoction of parsley leaves, with the only difference being that it must be kept in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour. A cotton napkin is applied several times for one to two minutes, constantly wetting it in a decoction. After this procedure, it is necessary to wash with cold water and apply a light moisturizer designed for the skin in the eye area.

Well moisturize and nourish the skin, and also prevent the appearance of wrinkles, natural vegetable oils, especially castor, as well as oil from the fruits of the olive tree and jojoba.

If you mix 50 grams of tomato juice, raw egg yolk and 2-3 tablespoons of infant formula in a small amount of water, you get an excellent nourishing mask for the skin around the eyes. If the skin is very dry, then it is better to add honey to the yolk and apply this mixture for 10 minutes.

It is also useful to lubricate the skin under the eyes with freshly squeezed grape juice. Suitable for these purposes and the juice of any berries - strawberries, watermelons, raspberries or mountain ash, it perfectly tones the skin and saturates it with nutrients.

Not only nourishing, but also a calming effect has a mask of crushed oatmeal. To do this, they need to be mixed with a small amount of warm milk and left for 20 minutes. Then wrap this gruel in a gauze napkin and put it under your eyes for half an hour. The mask of oatmeal and honey moisturizes well, it can even smooth out wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to mix equal amounts of honey and steeply brewed tea, and then add crushed flakes until a mushy mass is formed. The mask should be on the skin of the eyelids for 20 minutes.

You can soften the skin around the eyes and remove minor wrinkles with the help of a Spanish mask. The way to prepare it is to rub the freshly boiled beans through a sieve and add a few drops of lemon juice and a little olive oil to it. Such a mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to conduct a contrast washing procedure (first with hot and then with cold water).

As you can see, taking care of the skin around the eyes is not such a burdensome task. Giving this procedure no more than 10 minutes a day, you will provide yourself with a beautiful appearance for many years. The main thing is to do it systematically and avoid common mistakes. Also, do not approach the care of the skin around the eyes too fanatically.

First of all, use only high-quality decorative cosmetics and do not forget to remove them before going to bed. Also, do not save on eyelid cream and choose it strictly according to your age and skin type. If possible, use only natural cosmetics and at least four times a month do nourishing masks.

All these simple procedures can give excellent results, you just need to make a little effort, and you will always look great.

31 533 0 Youth is a carefree time when few girls think about special facial skin care. But at the age of 25, it's time to think about the first age-related changes in the body associated with aging. Of course, no one turns into flabby old women overnight, but from this age, facial skin requires special care and an individual approach. Many open deposits in order to provide themselves with a trouble-free old age, and someone makes pension contributions. Your facial skin is also a contribution to your old age. It's nice to hear compliments at any age. It is so? Therefore, you should not be lazy and start taking care of your facial skin after 25 years. Let's see why this is so important.

What happens to the skin after 25 years?

Many of you will say: “What's new here, I already know everything! It's the same for all ages." I'm not in a hurry agree with you, if you miss something from 25 to 30, then at 40 you will no longer be able to shine with beauty and healthy appearance, unless of course you have an enviable gene pool. Each age has its own face care and youth preservation products. And if you miss something now, then later you will need to spend much more effort, time and money in order to shine like Jennifer Aniston at 47 years old.

The female body is designed in such a way that until a certain time it “works like clockwork”, quickly recovers, and only thanks to sleep can you have a healthy, blooming appearance. In all women, irreversible aging processes occur in different time and appear differently. This is due to genetic heredity and the impact of external destructive factors. From the age of 14 to 25, the body grows, the skin cells are young and elastic, they are full of life and radiance. From 25 to 30 years, skin cells gradually lose their elasticity due to lack of collagen and elastin, retain moisture worse, as a result of which wrinkles appear, complexion changes. Lack of moisture is the main cause of skin aging from the age of 25.

If you have naturally dry skin, then during this period you need to be especially careful about moisturizing it so as not to get early deep wrinkles.

It is almost impossible to influence these processes, but it is possible to help the skin by minimizing the impact of destructive external factors. These include:

  • UV radiation - negatively affects the skin, taking a lot of moisture. Because of this, the skin becomes dehydrated, and the aging process is accelerated several times.
  • Oxidative stress is damage to cells as a result of oxidation, which causes the effect of wilting and sagging of the skin.

If a girl with young age properly cares for your skin, the first signs of aging will be hardly noticeable. If the fair sex before the age of 25 led a carefree lifestyle, not paying due attention to the face, then it is time to think about how you will look in 10-15 years and learn how to cleanse, nourish and tone the skin of the face. This will prolong youth and help you look at 40 for all 30.

By the age of 25, traces of post-acne may remain on the skin. Fortunately for many, puberty is long gone and acne will be less and less of a concern. But if acne and blackheads overwhelm you after 25 years, then this is not normal. This is a problem and it is better to consult a cosmetologist and therapist with it. possible violations hormonal background.

Little tricks that will prolong the youthfulness of the skin

And yet, 25 years is not a sentence and you should not feel like a wrinkled old woman. At this age, the skin is still young and has a minimum of age-related changes. But you should not hope that youth is eternal, and an expensive “magic” cream bought in a store will help get rid of wrinkles. The aging process can only be slowed down. To do this, you need not only to use cosmetics, but also to reconsider your lifestyle. Here are a few secrets to beautiful, healthy, well-groomed skin.

Let's look at them in more detail.

  • A healthy lifestyle - involves the rejection of bad habits (nicotine and alcohol adversely affect the entire body and the condition of the epidermis in particular). Remember to go to bed before midnight. This is the most favorable time for a healthy and correct passage of all phases of sleep.
  • Proper rational nutrition and plenty of drink - saturate the cells beneficial substances helping them recover faster. The daily diet should be varied and contain a large number of vitamins and various trace elements.
    1. Avoid excessive salt intake - salt dries out your cells.
    2. Pay special attention to fish, meat, dairy products, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
    3. Take a look at. This is not only a healthy fruit, but also an excellent ingredient for nourishing masks.
    4. Avoid fast foods and exclude smoked, fried and salty and starchy foods from your menu.
    5. Make friends with green tea (by the way, it is most effective to drink Chinese green tea. But green tea in bags is pure muck and just dust). And the drunk norm of water (about 2 l / day) will improve the metabolic processes of the body, so that the cells will recover faster. Know the measure in drinking water and, because. excessive use of it will lead to bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and other unpleasant transformations of your face.

Our section on healthy eating will help you with this:

  • Moderate physical activity, frequent walks in the fresh air - have a beneficial effect on the entire body. When you breathe fresh air while walking or jogging, the body is saturated with oxygen, metabolism is normalized, which means that stagnation in the body is excluded, as a result of which you get abundant sebaceous glands and acne on the face.
  • Sun exposure limits - sunbathing is recommended before 11 am and after 4 pm, while using sunscreen with a high degree of protection. Under the influence of sunlight, the skin of the face ages faster.
  • Make sure that your creams contain SPF filters (in all, except for the night one). This is to prevent exposure to negative rays and premature aging skin. By the way, this is also true for those who work a lot in front of a computer monitor.
  • Sufficient skin hydration throughout the day. I must say that this is the main task at this age. We moisturize the skin more, do it right and forget about wrinkles for a long time. Thermal water is ideal for this task. This cosmetic product has become very popular in Lately. More and more girls and women cannot imagine life without this miracle spray. Thermal water can be used throughout the day, spraying even on makeup. Thus, you nourish the cells with moisture and prolong their life. In addition, do not forget, so to speak, make up for the lack of moisture from the inside.

Many mistakenly think that if they have a lot of acne, then the face does not need to be moisturized. This is a misconception. You can read more about this in our article:

  • Control of facial expressions - due to active facial expressions, the first facial wrinkles may appear already at the age of 18. After 25, the situation worsens and wrinkles become deeper. Try to frown less and wear sunglasses (constantly squinting at the sun, " " appear in the corners of the eyes).
  • The right choice of cosmetics - get a cream, serum, lotion with a gradation of "25+". You should not buy anti-aging products, because. they won't do any good. Stop your choice on the products of trusted companies whose price matches the quality. No need to often experiment with different cosmetics. Remember, the skin also needs time to get used to some components.

To track the effectiveness of a particular cosmetic product, you need up to 3 months of its consumption. The cell renewal cycle is 28 days, then the first results are noticeable.

  • High-quality decorative cosmetics - review your cosmetic bag, paying special attention to the expiration date of a particular product. Don't use "a ton of plaster". Too much foundation, powder, etc. clogs pores, as a result of which the skin "does not breathe" and appear,.
  • Contrasting wash. Remember, in no case should you wash your face with very hot water. When contrast washing, use chilled and warm water. This will tone your skin, as well as control the excess production of sebaceous glands and narrow the pores, which means ridding you of oily sheen and, as a result, clogging of pores and acne.
  • Regular care. Remember that at different times of the year, as well as at different times of the day, the skin requires its own specific care. For example, in winter, the skin becomes dry and flaky in the cold, so it needs additional, more care, even during the day. So, for example, you need to abandon alcohol-containing products in winter period. But it is better to use a nourishing cream at night, and moisturizing in the morning.
  • A visit to a beautician.

Skin care procedures after 25 years

Facial care procedures require regularity and a competent approach. "Clear sequence and compliance with all the rules” is the key to success in the pursuit of youth. So, let's look at all the steps in detail.

Skin cleansing

Forget about not washed off makeup at night. Now you can't afford it. Although you can’t, the consequences are purely on your conscience and your mother’s genes will have nothing to do with it when you show the first signs of skin aging.

After 25, it is necessary to abandon cleaning procedures with soap. Whatever the soap, but it dries out the skin, depriving it of life-giving moisture. On the shelves of stores, a huge number of products intended for washing, removing makeup, and cleansing are offered. When choosing a product for yourself, pay attention to what kind of skin it is intended for. Each skin type requires individual care.

On cleansed skin from makeup, you can already apply various scrubs and masks. They are different and perform different functions. Scrubs and peels remove dead cells, while nourishing masks work deeper. It’s great if there are several types of these cosmetics on your shelf. Please note that not every cleanser can be used daily. When buying and using a particular product, always read the instructions.


Toning is a procedure that is most often neglected. Although in fact it is an integral part proper care behind the skin. Many women have some kind of tonic or lotion among their cosmetics. But before using it, carefully study the composition. Surely you will find such a component as "alcohol". With such means, you can wipe young skin, but not as older than 25 years. The fact is that alcohol dries the skin very much, thereby causing much more harm than good. Qualified cosmetologists advise using either professional tonics or tonics made by hand from medicinal herbs and phyto-components.

The toning procedure takes much less time than cleansing. Most often, it is enough just to moisten a cotton pad in a pre-prepared solution or a purchased product and wipe the skin.

Nutrition and hydration

No less important is moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Creams and serums for the face will perfectly cope with the task. When choosing a cream, study its composition. Such a remedy should contain the following vitamins: A, E, C, R. They perfectly protect the skin, are powerful antioxidants, slow down the aging process and the formation of wrinkles. Creams containing fruit and flower acids have gained great popularity. Most women have noticed that the skin after applying such creams is smoothed, and wrinkles become less noticeable.

It is better to use moisturizing and nourishing products before going to bed. Apply the cream half an hour before bedtime, and after 20 minutes, remove its remnants by blotting the skin with a cosmetic tissue.

If you want to make your own moisturizer at home from natural berries, fruits and vegetables, then you need to remember that for each type of skin you need to use certain fruits and vegetables. Only in this way will you get the desired effect.

  • For normal or combination skin freshly squeezed watermelon juice, cranberries, apricots, carrots are suitable.
  • For oily skin : tomato juice, currant, lemon (by the way, it whitens), grapefruit, as well as chopped pomegranate, raspberry, pear. From vegetables white cabbage.
  • Dry skin responds well to cabbage juice or peach. From vegetables it is a radish, from fruits a banana.

Do not use the same cream for the skin around the eyes and for the entire face. The skin under the eyes is more delicate and needs to be taken care of. If you do not follow these simple requirements, you can get bruises and which are then difficult to get rid of.

Salon facial treatments

If you have the desire and opportunity, then facial skin care can be entrusted to professionals - cosmetologists. Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of procedures that will cleanse the skin, even out its tone and give a healthy and well-groomed face. Among the most popular procedures are the following:

  • Facial skin cleansing. This is the most popular procedure, during which the skin is cleansed with special products (soap, milk, gel) based on the characteristics of the epidermis. It also involves the removal of blackheads, blackheads. There are no age restrictions, and skin diseases are contraindications.
  • Pilling. Removal of keratinized cells with a laser, ultrasound, manually or chemically.
  • Cosmetic masks. They can nourish, moisturize, tone, oxygenate the skin.
  • Hot compresses. During this procedure, the skin warms up, the muscles relax, dead cells are removed, blood vessels and pores expand, and the skin is cleansed.
  • Cold compresses. Done a few minutes after cleansing the skin. Such compresses narrow pores, improve complexion, tone the skin, reduce the amount of oil and sweat released.
  • Steam baths and vaporization. Thanks to the steam droplets, the pores expand, the skin is steamed and saturated with oxygen, dead skin cells quickly move away. Often steam baths are made with the addition essential oils. This procedure is recommended for girls and women with oily skin, which is subject to frequent rashes, but is contraindicated in people with bronchial asthma, high blood pressure.

Procedures that can be done at home

Of course, you can prepare compresses yourself, but most often you can’t find suitable aromatic oils at hand. If for some reason you cannot visit a beautician, then it is quite possible to always remain young and beautiful using cosmetics prepared by yourself. Such masks, creams, tonics, etc. sometimes they have a greater effect than purchased ones.

Universal nourishing mask

To prepare it, you will need potatoes - 1 pc., Butter - 1 tsp. and milk. Boil potatoes, crush and mix with butter and milk. You should get a warm, tender, airy mass. Apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water and lubricate the skin with any available nourishing cream.

Steam bath with chamomile

Pour 2 tbsp. chamomile inflorescences with 1 liter of boiling water, let the decoction brew for 2-3 minutes, bend over the vessel with liquid and cover your head with a cloth. Breathe through your mouth so as not to burn the nasal mucosa. Take a steam bath for 5-10 minutes.

Spanish eye mask

Preparing it is quite simple. You need to take freshly cooked hot beans and grind through a fine sieve. Then add a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil to the resulting gruel. Mix all components thoroughly and apply the resulting mass on the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

Each area of ​​the face requires individual care.

In order not to harm your skin, you need to understand that in different parts of the face there is a different degree of thickness of the epidermis. Those. the same products may not cause any reaction on the forehead or chin, but will irritate the delicate skin around the eyes. Therefore, using any tool, carefully study the instructions, or recipe.

Skin care around the eyes after 25 years requires a special approach, because this is a very delicate and easily injured area. Use only those products that are suitable for this particular area. When applying a scrub, bypass delicate skin, because. its components can injure the skin and cause irritation and redness. For this area, herbal compresses and gentle masks are suitable. Get rid of small wrinkles facial massage will help.

You can’t turn back time, but any processes can be slowed down a bit. It is important to understand already at the age of 25 that in order for wrinkles and other age-related changes to appear as late as possible, you need to act now. Taking care of your skin and loving yourself is very easy. This does not require millions of dollars of capital. It is enough just to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, eat healthy food, give up bad habits and regularly pamper your skin with various nourishing masks, cosmetics, and massage. Adhering to these simple rules, you will prolong the youthfulness of the skin and the whole body for at least 5 years.

Useful videos for facial skin care after 25 years. This is the minimum that all girls should know.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We always look forward to your comments and advice from personal experience, which will help other girls to remain attractive and keep youth for a long time.

The way we look is nature and youth up to 25 years old and proper regular care after this age. Skin care around the eyes after 25 years is not difficult, as the body still has sufficient resources to quickly restore and renew cells. skin. From 20 to 30, the skin is mainly affected by adverse external factors, collagen and elastin are not destroyed, the face looks fresh, but the first wrinkles begin to form.

Daily eye care

For a certain age, there are peculiarities in the selection of cosmetics and procedures for the skin around the eyes. If you have crossed the 25-year milestone, then you must:

  • Buy a gel for skin care around the eyes. It is best to store it in the refrigerator. Apply daily after washing your face in the morning.
  • Creams and gels are designed to fight skin aging, puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. These cosmetic compositions should not contain a lot of fat and lanolin, since these components cause swelling, swelling and redness of the skin. In addition, the concentration of active substances in gels and creams should be lowered so that allergic reactions do not occur. For care, you need to purchase moisturizing gels with plant extracts, vitamins and chitosan. Closer to the 30-year milestone, use formulations with caffeine. It effectively eliminates swelling, and vitamin K fights against bruising under the eyes.
  • To nourish the skin around the eyes, products containing natural oils (shea, avocado, peanuts), as well as ginseng, lecithin, royal jelly and phytoestrogens are suitable.
  • To remove makeup, it is best to use products with a two-phase base - liquid + oil, since the skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Also use creams, gels and milk with vitamins, coenzyme Q 10, plant extracts.
  • Apply creams and gels at night should be 2 hours before bedtime and along the massage lines of the skin: the upper eyelid - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, the skin under the eyes - from the outer to the inner. Finger movements should be light, tapping.
  • To tone the skin around the eyes, use tonics and lotions without alcohol.
  • Apply cosmetics carefully so that they do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. Otherwise, there is always irritation, profuse tearing and burning. These manifestations can persist for quite a long time.
  • In summer, be sure to protect the delicate skin around your eyes with sunscreen.
  • Buy cosmetics only for your skin type. After all, the skin around the eyes may be less sensitive, prone to swelling and irritation, too sensitive, etc.

Additional skin care after 25 years

Such care includes masks, compresses, the use of ice. Ice tones the skin, restoring its elasticity and freshness. You can freeze clean water, water with the addition of vegetable, fruit and berry juices, herbal decoctions. Make sure that berries and fruits are not acidic.

The most common mask for the skin around the eyes is cucumber. Masks from dill infusion will also be of great benefit (pour boiling water over fresh dill, let it brew for 30 minutes, apply cotton pads moistened with infusion to the eyes). Apply a mask once a week egg yolk with the addition of olive, almond or castor oil, a mask of milk, oatmeal steamed in water or milk, a mask of honey, a mask of honey and vegetable oil, banana mask, avocado mask, egg yolk mask with carrot juice.

It is useful to regularly wipe the skin around the eyes with berry juices, grape juice, green tea, and cream.

These simple tips will help you always look just great, which means that your mood and well-being will always be good. For a woman, this is important, since the sparkle in the eyes and their expression are components of beauty and attractiveness.

The skin on the eyelids and around the eyes is considered the most sensitive area of ​​the face, and therefore it needs to be looked after especially carefully and carefully. A well-chosen skin care around the eyes will not only prevent external aging of the skin, but will also make your appearance better right now.

Skin care around the eyes up to 25 years

Up to 25 years, the skin around the eyes still looks young, healthy and toned. Therefore, in this case, it is important just not to spoil anything and try to maintain this skin condition for as long as possible.
Therefore, up to 25 years best care behind the skin around the eyes - regular moisturizing and thorough cleansing. Particular attention should be paid to make-up removal, because if cosmetics remain on the skin after washing, it dries out. And this most directly causes her earlier aging.
Up to 25 years, skin care under the eyes does not yet provide for creams that give the effect of intense moisturizing. Maximum, light creams or fluid creams. They are quickly absorbed into the skin and do not leave a film on it. In this case, it is very important to choose the right product that will suit your skin type.

As for dematiazh, remember that it should not be limited to washing. The fact is that even after that, the skin remains a small amount of cosmetics and cleanser. Therefore, you must additionally use:

⦁ tonic (cleanses the skin and soothes it, relieves irritation and prevents inflammation);

⦁ micellar water (a more intense remedy that is needed specifically for removing makeup. But in this case, it is very important to choose the right micellar water, otherwise there may be negative consequences);

⦁ hydrophilic oil (more expensive, but amazing and effective - gently removes makeup residue and moisturizes the skin. Therefore, it is ideal for the skin around the eyes);

special agent for make-up removal of the skin around the eyes (more expensive and less effective, although they were created specifically for sensitive skin under the eyes).

Skin care around the eyes after 25 years

Skin care around the eyes after 25 years should include more procedures. The fact is that at this age, a woman's skin begins to age slowly, and she needs more intensive care.

For this reason, eye care after 25 years is impossible without observing the following rules:

⦁ high-quality make-up removal (using hydrophilic oil or micellar water);
⦁ intensive hydration (the cream may already be more powerful. It is better to choose products that are designed specifically for skin care after 25 years);
⦁ protect your skin from negative impact sun. Before going out in the summer, apply moisturizer and wear sunglasses;
⦁ skin massage (stimulates blood flow and prevents skin aging. A very effective treatment for the skin around the eyes).

Gymnastics for the skin: how to massage the skin around the eyes

Gently press the outer edges of the eyebrows with your fingertips and try to close your eyes more tightly, overcoming the resistance. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. After that, lower your eyebrows and relax your face. Repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

Skin care around the eyes after 30 and 35 years

Taking care of the skin around the eyes after 30 years will be already more difficult, since the skin is already in the process of aging, which you need not to prevent, but to slow down.
Therefore, caring for code around the eyes will include not only high-quality make-up removal (in general, we do not recommend using decorative cosmetics after 35 years, as this will accelerate the skin aging process), intensive moisturizing and massage, but also the following rules:

⦁ choose a moisturizing and nourishing cream that is rich in vitamins A, E and C, as well as aloe extracts and hyaluronic acid. This saturates the skin of the face with everything necessary and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, making it supple, healthy and toned;

⦁ try to limit the use as much as possible decorative cosmetics especially powders, foundations, blushes, mascaras and shadows. This dries the sensitive skin around the eyes very much and provokes the appearance of early wrinkles;
⦁ protect your skin from the negative effects of the sun. Before going outside, apply sunscreen (or at least moisturizer) and wear sunglasses.

Cosmetics: skin care around the eyes

Now it’s worth telling what cosmetics you need - skin care around the eyes involves the use of certain products. And in order for the sensitive skin of the eyelids to look young and healthy, you will have to use the following cosmetics:

⦁ moisturizer (be sure to choose a cream that is suitable for age and skin type);
⦁ special cream for skin care around the eyes;
⦁ special patches under the eyes or on the eyes. They saturate the skin of the eyes with the necessary components, but they do not clog pores and are inexpensive.

Best eye care products

If you start choosing special, non-cosmetic products for skin care around the eyes, then you can stumble upon a sea of ​​​​useless things that, in principle, perform the same function as a moisturizer or massager for skin care around the eyes.
But here you should get a massager - thanks to him, you do not have to do gymnastics on your own. It will only be necessary to treat the area under the eyes with it 2 times a day. But this is not to say that it is impossible to do without this tool at all. Buy only at will if you really want to make skin care in this area easier.

The skin around the eyes: care at home

If you have very sensitive skin around the eyes, home care will be necessary as an additional procedure. But remember that folk remedies cosmetic care cannot be completely replaced.

And at home, eye skin care can be as follows:

⦁ tea bags. Brew the tea and let the tea bag cool. Apply the sachets to the skin under the eyes. Tea perfectly removes swelling and blueness, so it is also an excellent remedy for dark circles under the eyes;

cosmetic oils. For example, castor, almond or grape. These oils saturate the skin with vitamins and moisturize it;

⦁ potatoes or cucumbers. This is a classic! Just close your eyes and put slices of fresh cucumbers or potatoes on them. These vegetables not only relieve puffiness, relieving you of bags under the eyes, but also moisturize it.

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The first wrinkles appear after 20 years.

Proper and effective skin care around the eyes after 25 in the form of good remedy- creams or masks, massages, gymnastics, it is necessary not only for the face, but also for this zone.

The eyelids are the most vulnerable part of the face. The dermis here is very thin and contains very few sebaceous glands. Special care will help compensate for the lack of fat, provide good nutrition and create additional protection.

Causes and symptoms of aging

The main cause of aging is thinning and drying of the skin. Blinking, facial expressions also create a load on the muscles. Therefore, in most people, wrinkles appear already by the age of 30-40, and “crow's feet” earlier.

The main symptoms of aging:

  • sagging eyebrows and eyes;
  • overhanging skin;
  • increase in the view of the sclera;
  • fatty hernias.

Eyelid skin care

These activities include the entire set of tools that are used for the person as a whole. These are caring cosmetics, preparations traditional medicine. Massages and gymnastics for the eyes will help stop age-related processes.

Attention! Cosmetics and care for young mature women will not bring results, and age-related cosmetics can negatively affect the function of young skin.

Care after 40 years

At this age, the production of ceramides, collagen and elastin decreases due to hormonal changes. Therefore, the skin loses moisture, firmness, elasticity. Therefore, the main task is good nutrition and deep hydration. After 55 years, it is necessary to maintain health, eliminate lethargy, and fight bad complexion.

Main problems

Wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness under the eyes - these are the manifestations that you have to face.


These are folds that are formed from excessive activity of the muscles of the face, as well as due to loss of skin firmness and elasticity. Collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, the production of which is reduced. Harmful and ultraviolet, addictions, lack of sleep.

dark circles

Bruises are common, and appear from improper functioning of the body (venous congestion, pigmentation), diseases, as a hereditary feature. Often dark circles are a sign of people experiencing eye strain.


Swelling of the eyelids occurs from inflammation, and then is accompanied by redness. This is how allergies, diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, thyroid gland, and pregnancy manifest themselves. Bags are formed from overwork and visual strain.

Proper eye care

Taking care of your youth is necessary from an early age. Care begins immediately, as soon as mascara, eyeliner, shadows appear in the cosmetic bag.

Eyelid skin care begins with cleansing and ends with proper nutrition and hydration.


Makeup remover for the face is not suitable for cleansing the eyes, since it has the property of dissolving fats, and this area is devoid of natural lipid lubrication. You should get a product with the indication "for the eyes" on the package.

If suddenly the remedy is over, then you can use water. The discs are soaked and applied to the eyes for several minutes. The remains of the carcass are removed with dry disks. Coconut or olive oil is also good.

How to properly remove makeup?

In order not to damage the delicate skin of the eyelids, cotton pads are placed under the eyelashes. Carefully remove shadows, eyeliner along massage lines. Mascara is washed off with a cosmetic stick, sweeping it onto a lined napkin.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizing is necessary from youth to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles. Light, moisturizing creams, gels, serums, masks - what should be on the dressing table of girls, starting from 25 years old. Moisturizers are based on water.

Nutritious foods are based on fat. Their function is more intensive protection against aging. Therefore, they contain many anti-aging components - collagen, coenzyme Q10, placenta, vitamin complexes and even gold.

Summer protection

In the summer, sunscreens are used to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. They are applied over the usual care product. Creams for every day should have a light texture. Preference is given to products with a sun protection factor. For a walk, the beach use glasses with dark glasses, panama hats with wide brim.

winter protection

In winter, choose denser textures.. Suitable for additional protection foundation designed for the eye area. It is necessary to make moisturizing and nourishing masks that will help to endure the cold and harm from artificial space heating.

Attention! Creams are applied no later than an hour before going outside.

Cosmetic care

Manufacturers of the beauty industry produce many products for the care of this delicate area of ​​the face.


The value of vegetable lipids is in the abundance of vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids. The most effective are:

  • peach;
  • olive;
  • almond;
  • castor;
  • jojoba.

A few drops are applied to the skin with driving movements. Excess is not washed off, but removed with a napkin.

Creams and gels

  • Moisturizing in 25-30 years will provide Oriflame Ecobeauty Eye Cream.
  • A good moisturizer for the skin around the eyes after 35-40 years is Gigi New Age Comfort Eye & Neck Cream;
  • Sensitive skin will be soothed by Dermacol Dry S.P. Classic Intensive Eye Cream.
  • For aging skin after 45 - Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Volu-Firm Eye Cream. From inexpensive
    Cosmetics should pay attention to "Adaptive Cellular Rejuvenation" from "Black Pearl", rejuvenating Misa Geum Sul Vitalizing Stick Eye Cream.


The cosmetic industry produces masks for the skin around the eyes. Stencil masks, or patches, are popular. Best cosmetics for the skin around the eyes of this species:

  • Ella Bache Regard Magistral Intex 8.9% - from 18 years old;
  • MisshaMisa Geum Sul 24K Gold - from 26 years old;
  • L "Atelier des Délices Youth + Age-defying Eye Care Patches - from 40 years old.


For healthy skin vitamins are needed. They are taken not only inside, but also used externally - like oils. The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a day in a monthly course.

Vitamin E

An oil solution of tocopherol promotes cell renewal, restores and rejuvenates. Vitamin improves the production of collagen and elastin. The vitamin is sold as an oily solution in capsules that are pierced and squeezed out.


The combination of retinol and tocopherol is even more useful, since one component enhances the effect of the other. Vitamin A eliminates dryness, softens, peeling of the epidermis, moisturizes, has other useful properties. Apply Aevit, just like vitamin E.

Cosmetic ice for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

Cold has a rejuvenating effect. Low temperatures increase blood flow to the skin. Cosmetic ice is presented on the shelves of stores. These are solutions with useful substances that you just need to freeze. The tool is released:

  • Fito Ice (effects - Botox, lifting, cryomassage);
  • Spaice and others.

How to take care of eyelid skin at home

You can effectively care for the skin of the eyelids even at home, using traditional medicine recipes.

From dark circles

Good eyelid skin care at home cream Q10 Nivea Visage. Skin color will change after 5 days with regular use. You can also apply chilled tea bags for a few minutes.

From inflammation and swelling

If the cause is a bacterial infection, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe a special ointment. Chamomile will help relieve puffiness caused by other reasons. Chamomile tea bags are brewed with boiling water and used in the same way as in the previous recipe. Occasionally, heparin ointment can be used, which is carefully driven into the lower eyelid.

Attention! It is necessary to check if there is an allergy to the ointment.

Yves Rocher's Sensitive Végétal is an effective eye cream for sensitive skin that will help eliminate inflammation caused by increased reactivity of the dermis.

From wrinkles

This recipe eliminates wrinkles. A tablespoon of flaxseed is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled. Gauze bags are filled with gruel and applied for 20 minutes. Then the application is removed and washed with cool water.

Tibetan mask

According to an ancient oriental recipe, they take egg white, which is beaten with 10 ml of olive oil and 5 ml of laurel decoction. The decoction is prepared from 200 ml of water and 3 sheets, add 3 g of burnt alum (available in the pharmacy). The gauze is impregnated with the agent and applied for 15 minutes.

Massages and gymnastics

Massages of the periocular zone are no less useful than in other parts of the face and body. If you learn the right manipulations, you can achieve impressive results, delay the appearance of wrinkles, eliminate swelling and bruising.

Attention! It is better to conduct the first sessions in the presence of a specialist, so that he points out possible errors and shortcomings in the technique. Inept massage can bring the onset of old age.


Massage is done immediately after waking up.

1st stage: hands warm, rubbing them against each other, cover their eyes with their palms, and wait for the heat to be transferred to the eyelids. Repeat 5 times.

2nd stage: alternately press on the eyeball with the index, middle, ring fingers, repeat 5 times.

3rd stage: repeat exercise 2, but with the knuckles.

Separate exercises for the eyes

  1. With both eyes look at the tip of the nose until a slight fatigue occurs.
  2. The same with the bridge of the nose (4-5 seconds).
  3. Cover the eyelids, make 4 blinks, relax the eyelids.
  4. Without turning the head, the pupils are driven first clockwise, then against. Repeat with closed eyes.

Massage for bags and wrinkles under the eyes

  • Close your eyes, gently stretch the skin of the upper eyelid with your fingers.
  • Every morning, the cream is applied from the outer corner to the inner under the eye and then transferred to the upper eyelid, closing the circle.

Important! Tapping is best done with the ring finger, which is the weakest on the hand. This will help prevent stretching of the skin.

Massage with spoons against edema and crow's feet

To get rid of edema, You can even use ordinary metal spoons.

For the procedure, you will need another cup of cold water, even better - crushed ice.

Apply to the eyelids fat cream for sliding.

Movements are slow, with little pressure.

Massage is performed in this order:

  1. A chilled spoon is applied at the inner corner under and above the eye, then in the center of the upper eyelid, at the outer corner, in the center of the lower eyelid (5 points in total) - 1 time.
  2. It is carried out along the upper eyelid along the edge of the eye cavity bone from the nose to the outer corner, then they return to the starting point along the lower eyelid. Repeat 5-7 times.

Attention! During the procedure, the metal quickly heats up from body heat. Therefore, periodically the spoon is again dipped into the water.


Effective eye care products can be prepared at home. You will need the simplest products.

Attention! Unless otherwise indicated, after the mask you need to wash with warm, then cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

From potatoes against small wrinkles

The root crop saturates the epidermis with moisture, whitens, removes pigmentation, strengthens local immunity and protects against ultraviolet radiation. To get rid of wrinkles, it is enough to put thin slices of potatoes under the eyes.

Attention! It is not worth buying the first crop of new potatoes in May for skin care. It has a lot of chemicals, so you can get allergies.

For the second recipe, in addition to raw grated potatoes, take the same amount of wheat flour and cream (for example, 10 grams in total). The components are mixed and placed for 15 minutes.

Moisturizing parsley and cottage cheese mask

Moisturizing the skin around the eyes at home is possible with parsley. The herb has long been used to care for the eye area. If you add the same amount of cottage cheese to the juice, you can get an excellent anti-aging care that will not only moisturize, but also tighten the tissues, whiten.

From new potatoes and sour cream

This combination of products has tightening properties, and also relieves puffiness and nourishes the skin.

One young potato, finely grated, mixed with a teaspoon of fat sour cream. The resulting gruel is applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Honey peach

This recipe will help restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, saturate the tissues with nutrients.

The pulp of one ripe peach is mixed with 15 ml of honey, 5 ml of olive oil are added. The mass is applied under the eyes for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Attention! Honey sometimes causes allergies. Therefore, before using it, you should make sure that it is harmless.

From coriander seeds

This mask is against puffiness, blueness and signs of fatigue. To do this, 10 g of coriander seeds are poured into 75 ml of boiling water and insisted under the lid for 2 hours, filtered. Cotton pads are impregnated with infusion and left in front of the eyes for 20 minutes.
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