
The body itches a lot during pregnancy. Skin itching during pregnancy: possible causes and treatment


During pregnancy, women treat their health with special attention, often turning to doctors with or without reason. But this is just the case when such reinsurance is 100% justified. Itching during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints. The reason for it can be quite safe: this happens in the vast majority of cases.

However, based on such statistics, it still makes sense to see a doctor, because itching can be a symptom of several diseases in parallel.

False alarm

Based on the fact that virtually every woman is more than later dates pregnancy experiences an irresistible desire to scratch the chest or stomach, there is a simple pattern. Due to natural causes, the skin in this place is stretched, and as a result, itching occurs. If the feet and palms are additionally itchy, this is also normal. So the body reacts to a temporary, only for the period of pregnancy, a change in the ratio of hormones in a woman's body. After childbirth, all these symptoms disappear by themselves.

If there are natural causes of itching, a woman must follow some rules:

  • It is necessary to minimize, and ideally completely eliminate, contact with any kind of chemicals. This also applies to personal hygiene products, and compositions for cleaning the room, washing or washing dishes.
  • Hot baths should be avoided, especially on early dates pregnancy. Such extreme water procedures during pregnancy are not recommended in principle, and even more so when itching or reddening of the skin in any place.
  • It is recommended to use emollient, non-perfumed skin care products.
  • Choose clothes that, due to the texture of the fabric and its composition, will not be an additional irritating factor.

What if it's a disease?

Itching during pregnancy may not be so harmless and may be a reaction of the body to certain diseases. So, if skin irritation and itching of the body are localized on the knees, elbows or in skin folds, then this may indicate the initial stage of eczema. This disease could be in the body before, but proceed without bright external manifestations. But against the background of stress, which is pregnancy at the emotional, hormonal and physiological levels, eczema “creeps out” in some place.

What to do in this case? Naturally, see a doctor. It is not recommended to carry out treatment yourself with the use of medicines or even ointments, as it can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and baby and provoke an unpredictable course of eczema itself.

Skin diseases that cause itching also include scabies and thrush. And pregnancy insurance against them, alas, is not. The cause of scabies is a mite, and everything is treated in the same way as under other circumstances.

Itching in the anus and hemorrhoids

Itching and burning during pregnancy in the anus are the first signs that there is damage to the integrity of the walls of hemorrhoids. Their location is the lumen of the rectum. In other words, these discomforts in the anus are the first signs of developing hemorrhoids.

There are a lot of reasons for itching in the anus in any month of pregnancy. The most common include:

  • immobility;
  • chronic form of constipation;
  • enlarged uterus.

During pregnancy, there is a decrease in physical activity, a woman's lifestyle becomes less mobile, starting from the early periods. But this is especially evident in the later stages. This provokes stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and in the abdominal cavity, and also contributes to the expansion of the hemorrhoidal veins located in the anus.

Another factor is constipation. They affect most women in early and late pregnancy. This phenomenon has two reasons:

  • Decrease in peristalsis of the intestinal walls under the influence of progesterone.
  • The increased size of the uterus compresses the intestines and the vessels that feed it, starting from the early months, thereby further weakening its walls. The pressure of the uterus occurs not only on the intestines, but also on the inferior vena cava and portal vein, which drain blood from lower extremities. This provokes stagnation of blood in the veins located in the anus.

The next factor is childbirth. When the fetal head passes through the pelvic cavity, the rectum and all the vessels that surround it are compressed. This provokes the development of the disease in the anus, the name of which is hemorrhoids.

In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. He will carefully collect an anamnesis, clarify the symptoms and characteristic features of the course of the disease. Then he will conduct an examination in order to detect external hemorrhoids in the anus, and after that - palpation of the rectum.

TO preventive measures, which must be carried out, starting from the early stages of pregnancy, with the threat of the occurrence of this disease, include:

  • elimination and prevention of constipation;
  • careful hygiene of the perineum;
  • conducting special gymnastics.

Only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Therefore, when itching appears in the anus, it is not necessary to self-medicate, since it can not only not help, but also harm an already weakened body.

Itching of the genitals

Itching of the genitals is caused in most cases by changes in the hormonal background. Significant fluctuations in hormones reduce the level of the body's defenses, which provokes a change in the microflora of the vagina and the reproduction of pathogenic organisms.

At the same time, abundant white discharge and itching in the vagina during pregnancy is not an independent pathology, but a symptom of some kind of disease. All reasons are divided into several groups:

  • various kinds of environmental influences;
  • pathology of the genital organs;
  • pathology of other organs;
  • mental factors.

Immediately after the itching of the genital organs and white discharge, you should consult a doctor. An obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct a set of diagnostic studies in order to determine the cause of this unpleasant sensation, and prescribe the appropriate treatment:

  • examination to detect swelling, redness of the labia minora and labia majora in early and late pregnancy, the presence of scratching on them;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • a smear of secretions on the flora;
  • general urine analysis;
  • stool analysis.

Consider the diseases that provoke the occurrence of itching.

Thrush is a fungus that tends to settle in the female genital area, that is, in close proximity to the developing fetus. Its main features are white curdled discharge, which has an unpleasant odor and provokes itching and burning of the labia and other organs, as well as pain during urination and sexual intercourse. In addition to thrush, itching in the area of ​​the labia and vagina and the presence of white cheesy discharge may indicate candidiasis. This disease can develop both in the early stages and immediately before the very birth.

Bacterial vaginosis, the development of which provokes the replacement of the normal flora of the vagina with a conditionally pathogenic one. With this disease, white discharge on the labia becomes grayish, there is an unpleasant odor, severe itching and burning.

Genital herpes. The first symptoms are itching and burning in localized areas. Later, bubble rashes appear on the surface of the labia.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by:

  • the appearance of redness on the surface of the genital organs (including the lips);
  • the discharge becomes not white, but yellowish;
  • bad smell;
  • painful urination.

Chlamydia, which is known for its asymptomatic course, and manifests itself only as a slight itching on the surface of the labia.

Treatment and prevention

The measures with which it is necessary to carry out the treatment of such diseases should be aimed at eliminating the cause. Therefore, to determine the clinical picture and prescribe therapeutic treatment is entirely the prerogative of the doctor. And to eliminate itching at home, you can take warm (not hot !!!) baths based on medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, mint and oak bark.

For a while, even such means should be excluded. intimate hygiene like toilet soap. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the diet, as all too spicy and salty foods can aggravate the symptoms of the disease. Intimate life (including sex) should also be postponed for a while: this is a rather strong irritating factor for obvious reasons.

A common cause that causes skin itching during pregnancy is an allergy. It may be food or not, but its very appearance is a sufficient reason to see a doctor. Most often, in order to treat this disease, it is enough just to exclude allergens, then the symptoms disappear, and everything ends absolutely safely for mom and baby.

Calm, calm and more calm

And the last one, but almost the most important in importance: you need to avoid stress. These conditions are fraught not only with the appearance of itching of the body: excessive excitement or depression have a negative effect on the physical and emotional condition pregnant woman and growing baby. By the way, if itching in pregnant women is not a consequence of stress and not an indicator of pathology internal organs, then it cannot bring any harm to the child.

Itching is a mild pain sensation transmitted by ordinary pain receptors when the stimulus is too weak to cause real pain: therefore, itching occurs. According to another theory, itching is caused by "wrong" stimuli that the nervous system cannot identify.

It makes us scratch the itchy area, it can be weak or cause a lot of anxiety. Itching is localized in one area, and may appear in different parts of the body.

Pregnancy is characterized by all possible varieties of itching on any part of the skin and mucous membranes.

Itching in pregnant women - causes

Itching rarely occurs for unknown reasons, although there are such cases, most often causeless itching occurs on a nervous basis. This unpleasant sensation is activated at night, when the woman is no longer distracted by extraneous stimuli.

In addition to an unbalanced nervous system, itching during pregnancy is caused by stretching of the skin due to a growing belly. This is a harmless cause of itching, often it disappears only after childbirth.

The appearance of itching provokes a large abdominal circumference with multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios, significant weight gain. According to the latest data, stretch marks themselves occur due to hormonal reasons, the skin loses its elasticity due to reduced production of elastin and collagen;

  • changes hormonal background also lead to itching, most often on the feet and palms;
  • skin diseases. It can be both a harmless, albeit unpleasant, polymorphic dermatosis, accompanied, in addition to itching, by the appearance of a reddish rash, as well as eczema, dermatitis of a different nature.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy on the hips, abdomen, especially often on stretch marks. Closer to childbirth, the rash and itching disappear;

  • cholestasis, stagnation of bile in the liver, also leads to yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, may be accompanied by pain in the right precostal space, darkening of the urine and lightening of the feces. In the occurrence of cholestasis of pregnant women, an excess of estrogens is “to blame”. It leads to an increased secretion of bile acids, which, getting into the skin, cause itching;
  • biliary dyskinesia causes symptoms similar to cholestasis. This disease often affects pregnant women, but does not carry a special risk for the development of the child. The liver and gallbladder can be strongly compressed by the growing uterus, which leads to a violation of their functions;
  • itching may be the first sign of cholecystitis, a liver disease that is common in pregnant women. In severe cases, hospitalization of the mother is required, but more often treatment can be done at home;
  • itching and burning in the vagina may indicate the onset of an infectious disease or inflammation. Infections of the urinary-genital system can be very dangerous for the normal development of the child, so it is necessary to conduct an examination and prescribe treatment as soon as possible;
  • Itching can also be caused by an allergic reaction.

Itching is not as much of an inconvenience as pain but it shouldn't be tolerated. Like pain, itching is an alarm, so if it occurs, you should schedule an emergency visit to the doctor.

The treatment of itching depends on the cause that caused it; if the itching is not severe, general measures are prescribed first of all:

  • underwear should be made of natural fabrics or special for pregnant women;
  • do not use perfume and household chemicals(shampoo, soap) containing fragrances. Use hypoallergenic products or products for pregnant women and newborns;
  • take a shower more often, the skin after water procedures can be wiped with a towel dipped in warm water with a little vinegar;
  • after a bath or shower, lubricate itchy places with neutral milk, cream.

Cholestasis should only be treated under medical supervision.

Adsorbents are assigned ( Activated carbon and its more complex analogues) and hepatoprotectors - medicines that help the liver work, it can be No-shpa, Karsil, Essentiale Forte and others.

It should be remembered, if you decide to self-medicate, that many drugs have serious contraindications during pregnancy, so be sure to carefully study the instructions:

  • with cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, the diet is adjusted: all fried, fatty and other foods heavy for the liver should be removed from it;
  • Allergies often occur due to changes in taste preferences and the use of allergens in in large numbers during pregnancy. In this case, antihistamines are prescribed and the diet is adjusted. If the allergy is not food, the allergen is removed from the environment as much as possible.

There are also many restrictions on taking medications. Many antihistamines can only be used in the second trimester of pregnancy and in the absence of alternatives.

Treatment infectious diseases during pregnancy is complicated by the possible risk to the child. If possible, it is postponed to the second trimester. If the problem requires immediate medical attention, drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. With infections of the reproductive system, it is possible to conduct a preliminary test for the effectiveness of certain medications and, taking into account its results, select the medicine more accurately.

For the treatment of genital infections in pregnant women, drugs in the form of suppositories are often used, they allow to some extent to avoid the overall effect of the drug on the body.

They may only be effective if itching is not caused by a serious medical condition:

  1. soothes the skin decoction of oregano. To prepare one serving, you will need a tablespoon of oregano, pour it with a liter of boiling water, leave it to brew for several hours, strain. You can wipe the affected areas with a swab dipped in a decoction;
  2. sequence and decoction oat flakes good foundation for a skin-soothing bath;
  3. also used to relieve itching decoctions of a series. To do this, pour half a liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons of a string, let it brew for several hours, strain and wash itchy places after taking water procedures;
  4. also baths can be made on the basis of decoction of birch branches and bark;
  5. cabbage leaf poultice relieves itching well. Hold the cabbage leaf for two minutes apple cider vinegar, knead to a homogeneous mushy state and apply to the site of itching;
  6. decoction of elecampane root, St. John's wort, celandine, horsetail, black elderberry and lingonberry can be effective for itching, but should be used only after consulting a doctor. To prepare it, take all the components in equal proportions, pour a tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water and let it brew, strain and drink half an hour before meals every day for a month;
  7. some women prefer special creams sour cream helps, it should be applied to the skin after taking a bath or shower;
  8. baths based on a decoction of coniferous branches also soothe the skin. To prepare a bath, you need to boil about a kilogram of branches, boil for 10 minutes, then strain and dilute the non-hot bath with the broth.

Itching can frighten a woman during pregnancy, but most often it is caused by causes that are not dangerous to health. Worth following general recommendation and less nervous: the connection between skin diseases, itching and stress has long been proven. If the itching is persistent strong, be sure to consult a doctor.

Some diseases of the liver and gallbladder, infectious diseases, the first symptom of which is itching, can be extremely dangerous for the health of the baby and the normal course of pregnancy.

Pregnant women often feel discomfort due to the typed excess weight, hormonal changes. One of the pronounced causes of discomfort for almost every pregnant woman is the presence of itching, burning in the intimate area.

The reason for such irritability can be many factors that affect the life of the expectant mother both from the inside and at the external level. This unpleasant sensation can haunt a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, it can manifest itself periodically due to certain factors.

Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy causes

During pregnancy, a woman may most often experience itching in the intimate area for the same reasons that haunt all female representatives.

It manifests itself due to improper care, as a result of fungal, infectious diseases, when wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear, with problems with nervous system, the presence of stressful situations, sexually transmitted infections, toxicosis, subsequently a strong stretching of the skin.

The occurrence of itching, burning processes are a direct reason to consult a doctor. It is impossible to use any drugs on your own, because not all of them can be used during the period of bearing a child.

Attention! Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy can be a sign of an allergy to a particular product, remedy, plant. It is recommended to undergo a full examination, which will reveal the allergen.

In late pregnancy

The third trimester in the process of bearing a child is considered the most difficult, tiring in the life of a future mother. Not infrequently, during this period, a woman feels severe itching in the genital area. It can be caused by external and internal factors. Very often due to stretching skin, indicate the approach of late toxicosis. In the latter case, if its presence is confirmed by the examination, urgent measures must be taken, because late toxicosis is dangerous. To combat itching intimate place in late pregnancy, you can use official medicine, use, but very carefully, the means recommended by traditional medicine.

Attention! A drug, a method of combating itching with folk remedies, can only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

In early pregnancy

Early terms in the process of bearing a child are characterized by a complete restructuring of the female body, a change in the hormonal background, and a significant decrease. These are the main reasons why itching in the intimate area of ​​a woman becomes a common thing.

If too cold, rather hot weather is added to this, wearing synthetic underwear, scented sanitary pads of this side effect can't be avoided. Itching may be one of the signs of a sexual infection,.

Most medicines are not used in the first three months of pregnancy; at this time, discomfort can be relieved using folk remedies. After 12 weeks, you can, if necessary, under the strict guidance of a doctor, begin medication.

Treatment at home

Often it is enough to change the care product for the delicate area of ​​the body, give up allergens, sanitary pads, and avoid stressful situations so that unpleasant feelings leave the expectant mother.

If the problem has a much deeper meaning, treatment cannot be avoided. Most of the drugs prescribed by the doctor, the woman takes at home. From this, it must be clearly understood that only future mom controls the treatment process.

Be careful! It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of drugs indicated by the gynecologist, to do all the recommended procedures on time to achieve the desired goal.

As an addition to official medicine, after consulting a doctor, you can use herbal decoctions, baths, and other traditional medicine.

Treatment with folk remedies

Not always the means used in traditional medicine, have indications for the expectant mother. Before using any of folk methods it is necessary to check it for the presence of individual intolerance, safety for the fetus.

Bath with potassium permanganate against itching

  1. Heat the water to a comfortable temperature - it should never be hot.
  2. Calculate the amount of water in liters.
  3. For every 5 liters add a teaspoon of potassium permanganate.
  4. Sit in the bath for 15 minutes, maybe a little less.

Using this method, you can very quickly get rid of discomfort, pathogens,.

Attention! These procedures can not be done in the early stages of pregnancy, without the supervision of a loved one, medical recommendations.

Douching with carrot juice

Twice a day, squeeze the juice of fresh carrots, use for douching.

Fir ointment against itching in the intimate area

  1. Melt 50 grams of natural butter.
  2. Add 5 grams of fir oil to it, mix.
  3. Boil the mass in a water bath, cool, refrigerate.

Use the product as an ointment after douching with soda.

Herbal infusion for oral use

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of a mixture of such herbs - chicory, string, calendula flowers, birch buds, hop cones.
  2. Pour boiling water over herbs - exactly 1 liter of liquid.
  3. Let it brew for a couple of hours, strain.

The agent is taken orally 3 times a day half an hour before meals, in the amount of 200 ml. The dose may be more or less. The doctor will help determine the exact amount of decoction to use during the day.

Preparations, suppositories against itching in the intimate area

To eliminate itching in an intimate place, you cannot pick up pills, ointments, suppositories on your own. The drug is prescribed based on the duration of pregnancy, individual factors, the cause of this uncomfortable situation, exclusively by the gynecologist, in whom the pregnant woman is observed throughout the entire period of bearing the baby. By the way, you can read about all the nuances of the pregnancy process at.

Attention! Be extremely careful, because many drugs that have indications for use in the second, third trimester of pregnancy are among the contraindications in the first.


As quickly as possible, these suppositories help fight itching and its causes. Their use is allowed at the beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy. The course of application is 3-5 days using 1 candle per day, at bedtime. The drug normalizes the microflora, kills fungi, eliminates thrush.


The drug provided is an antifungal agent. Available in the form of ointments, solutions, tablets. For pregnant women, an ointment for external use is better suited. It is used no more than three times a day for one month.

Attention! The first trimester in the period of bearing a baby is a contraindication to the use of the drug in any form.


The drug "Hexicon" is available in the form of candles. It has great effectiveness in the fight against sexually transmitted, fungal diseases, which very often cause itching of intimate places. It is often prescribed as a prophylactic before childbirth, in order to fully prepare, clean the birth canal.

By the way! In this article, you can learn how to effectively deal with unpleasant itching in women -

Candles are used for one week 2 times a day. Early terms are undesirable for the use of the drug, sometimes, as an exception, these suppositories are prescribed by a gynecologist.

Kleon D from itching during pregnancy

Itching caused internal problems, a violation of the microflora of the intimate zone, starting from the second trimester, can be treated with the drug "Cleon D". It is used in the form of tablets - regular, vaginal. For prevention purposes, it is actively used in the third trimester.

For treatment, the drug is used as directed by a doctor for ten days. More suitable shape taking the drug is determined by the doctor for each individually.

If you follow the rules of personal hygiene, prevent venereal, fungal diseases, replace synthetic underwear with natural ones, you can forget what unpleasant, burning in an intimate place is, not only during pregnancy, but also in the course of ordinary life.

>>Itchy skin in pregnancy

Severe itching of the skin during pregnancy. The body itches in pregnant women, what is the reason and how to treat it?

Severe itching all over the body during pregnancy worries many women at different times. This is an unpleasant condition where the whole body itches a lot and may be accompanied by other skin problems, such as a rash. We have already talked about some skin manifestations in expectant mothers in the article: "" and in the article: "". And now let's try to figure out why the body of pregnant women itches and what should be done about it?

Causes of itching in pregnant women

The action of female hormones. An increased level of female hormones causes many manifestations and. Including the appearance of a rash on the skin and itching in the body.

Sequelae of skin diseases. The appearance of severe itching and a rash on the skin can be consequences various diseases such as eczema, scabies and psoriasis. Of course, these diseases can cause itching not only in pregnant women, but they cannot be excluded from the possible list of causes.

Diseases of the internal organs. Diseases of organs such as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas can cause a rash and itching throughout the skin of the body. This is especially common in pregnant women over 35 years of age, as well as with. For example, with problems with the liver, when bile cannot flow normally, a disease called cholestasis of pregnancy occurs. In this case, the bile that could not pass through the liver ducts accumulates on the skin in the form of various rashes. It manifests itself in 1-2% of women in late pregnancy and requires treatment.

Allergy. An allergic reaction to something that can worsen during pregnancy cannot be excluded from the causes. And, as you know, one of the manifestations of allergies is the appearance of itching, the skin in some places begins to itch strongly. Allergies can be caused not only by products, but also.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women. This is a fairly rare phenomenon that occurs in about one out of every 200 women. It manifests itself in the last months of pregnancy and is characterized by red swelling and fairly large plaques on the skin, which most often appear on the abdomen.

Very often, polymorphic dermatosis appears in pregnant women inside stretch marks on the skin, and most of them are formed on the stomach. After a few days, the rash may spread to the skin of the thighs, buttocks, and, in some cases, the arms. For a child, this dermatosis does not pose a danger, but severe itching on the skin and the desire to constantly scratch the affected areas can become a serious inconvenience for the most patient expectant mother. If you are suddenly among the few women who have polymorphic dermatosis, then you should not worry and worry. It is easily treated with antihistamines, and after childbirth disappears after only a few days.

Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the microflora in the intestines can lead to rashes and itching on the skin, not only during pregnancy, but also in the normal state.

Genital infections. If a pregnant woman feels severe itching in the vaginal area, then various infections or diseases, such as thrush, may be the cause of this.

Prurigo (prurigo) pregnant. This is also a fairly rare disease and it manifests itself in the appearance of a small number of small swellings that outwardly resemble the bites of domestic bugs. They can appear on any part of the body, but most often it occurs on the arms and legs. Although these swellings cause severe itching in pregnant women, thereby creating inconvenience for the woman, they do not pose a threat to the child. Pruritus can appear in any trimester, but most often it occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Treatment of itching in pregnant women

Many women simply try to endure if their body itches during pregnancy. Of course, itching in pregnant women is not pain, but it can often cause no less trouble. Therefore, in order to get rid of it completely, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. For example, if you have any disease, you need to cure it and the itching will stop. If there are no diseases, you can try to eliminate the symptoms (itching, rash, etc.).

Itching in the body and rash on the skin in pregnant women. How to eliminate these symptoms?

  1. Try to avoid hot showers or baths. hot water dries out the skin and only makes it more itchy.
  2. When taking a shower, use a mild soap, and after a shower, it is better not to wipe the skin with a towel, but to blot it.
  3. If you use moisturizers, look for products that are fragrance-free, which can aggravate skin irritation.
  4. Itchy areas of the skin after the bath, you can try to wipe with a weak solution of vinegar.
  5. Try oat bran and cereal baths. You can buy them in pharmacies.
  6. During pregnancy, get yourself loose cotton clothes that do not stick to the body.
  7. Try not to overheat and do not leave the house in the heat unnecessarily, because. in extreme heat, the itching intensifies, the body of pregnant women itches even more due to the fact that she sweats more and sweat gets into the already combed wounds.
  8. If you have allergies, try antihistamines. If you know exactly what you have allergic reactions to (food, cosmetics, any clothes, etc.), then exclude the effect of the allergen on your body.
  9. Assign yourself a diet and exclude from your diet fried, spicy, smoked, salty and overly spicy foods with a lot of spices and seasonings.
  10. In some cases, absorbents help, the most accessible and well-known of which is activated carbon.
  11. Try to stay hydrated and drink at least 2 liters of plain water daily.
  12. Well, be sure to follow the hygiene of the skin, keep it clean, take a shower after you sweat, wash off makeup from your face in the evenings, etc.

But remember that not all. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor before taking any remedy.

When should you tell your doctor about itchy skin?

If during pregnancy your body began to itch and any kind of satiety appeared on your skin, be sure to inform your doctor. The doctor will examine you and make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. If necessary, he can refer you to a dermatologist.

If you feel itching literally all over your body, then this is also a serious reason to tell your doctor about it. This can signal problems with the liver, in particular, about cholestasis, we talked about it above in the text. This sore needs to be treated, because. it may not be safe for your child.

Even if you do not have cholestasis, in any case, with serious manifestations of a rash on the skin and itching throughout the body, they will take a blood test from you to confirm or deny the presence of a particular disease. After that, you may be sent for an ultrasound to assess the baby's condition.

Video: Scabies in pregnancy. My story

Our dear readers, we invite you to watch a short video in which a young mother and just beautiful girl talks about his experience with scabies:

During pregnancy, a woman may experience various sensations. Some expectant mothers notice the appearance of skin itching. Many tend to consider it a harmless phenomenon that will go away on its own. But sometimes itching can be a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Skin itching

Itching during pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes he worries a woman only in the morning or evening, but is able not to disappear throughout the day.

The symptoms are erased, but more often the expectant mother clearly feels how the body itches during pregnancy. This gives her some discomfort and inconvenience. If the itching is very severe, the patient's skin may be scratched, sometimes to the point of blood.

In addition to this symptom, others may appear:

  • Stretch marks on the abdomen and chest.
  • Severe dryness of the skin.
  • The appearance of rashes on the chest, abdomen, arms or legs.
  • Change in color of the skin and sclera, their yellowing.
  • Darkening of the urine.

All these changes must be reported to the doctor, since the correct diagnosis depends on the completeness of the clinical picture.

Why does itching appear during pregnancy?


Itching during pregnancy can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it is a sign of physiological processes, natural changes in the body of the expectant mother. In such situations, after childbirth, all discomfort disappears on its own.

But if itching is a symptom of the disease, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment as soon as possible. This is not just a feeling of discomfort, it is a threat to the health of a woman and her child.

The most common causes of itchy skin during pregnancy include:

  • Enlargement of the abdomen and mammary glands.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Allergy.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Kidney damage.

Enlargement of the abdomen and mammary glands

During pregnancy, the belly and breasts increase significantly in size in a fairly short period of time. The skin is stretched and often begins to itch. The faster these changes occur, the more pronounced itching will be.

In the early stages, in the first trimester, discomfort occurs in the chest area, because it is the mammary glands that are the first to react to the birth of a new life. Due to the increased production of prolactin, the breast increases by 1-3 sizes.

Itching in the abdomen usually appears late in pregnancy - in the third trimester, closer to the expected date of birth. In addition to it, stretch marks may appear on the body of the expectant mother. As a rule, they are clearly visible on the mammary glands, abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

If a woman is carrying twins or triplets, she has itching in the abdomen much more often, as well as skin changes.

Help to get rid of discomfort throughout pregnancy cosmetics from stretch marks.

Excessive dry skin

Some women are born with dry skin. During pregnancy, this feature of the body can intensify and manifest as painful itching.

Often dry skin itches after a hot bath, as well as in unventilated rooms where the temperature reaches 24-25 °.

In winter, this symptom is more pronounced due to sudden changes in temperature in the street and in the apartment. In addition, not many resort to humidifying the air in the apartment, although this method is an excellent prevention not only of itching, but also of acute respiratory diseases.

In case of overheating, a pregnant woman may develop common prickly heat, due to which her back, chest or stomach will itch. Often it is accompanied by reddening of the skin and characteristic rashes.

Prevention of itching in case of excessive dryness of the skin is the use of special creams and humidification of the air.

vitamin deficiency

When carrying a child, the need for vitamins increases, and their consumption increases. If the future mother had hypovitaminosis before, during pregnancy, the clinical manifestations of this pathology will become noticeable.

Vitamins A and E are responsible for skin health. Their deficiency leads to dryness of the mucous membranes and skin, painful itching, and the appearance of small cracks.

The hands and feet are often the first to be affected. Expectant mothers may notice how itchy legs during pregnancy. The skin in these areas begins to peel off, especially between the fingers. Then cracks form there.

Untreated hypovitaminosis can cause a lot of suffering to a woman, so it is important to take the appropriate drugs even before conception and in the first trimester. They are prescribed only by a doctor.


Allergy is very common cause pruritus during pregnancy. It can be a reaction to the food you eat - for example, exotic fruits. But there is also an allergy to washing powder, detergents, body cosmetics. In such a situation, the body and hands are usually affected.

This pathology is easy to suspect. Allergic reactions are accompanied not only by itching, but also by reddening of the skin and the appearance of a variety of rashes on it - from ordinary urticaria to huge blisters. In addition, with a detailed survey, it is almost always possible to find out the relationship between unpleasant symptoms and a causative factor.

Treatment for allergic reactions is selected only by a specialist.

Skin diseases

During pregnancy, do not forget about skin diseases. They occur both early and late. Most often, the following pathologies lead to the appearance of pruritus:

  • Various dermatitis.
  • Dermatoses.
  • Eczema.
  • Fungal infection of the skin.
  • Scabies.

Each of these diseases is manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, if any rashes on the skin, erosions or cracks, weeping, blisters appear, it is necessary to urgently contact a dermatologist.

Some skin diseases have characteristic signs, which makes it possible to suspect the diagnosis even before going to the doctor.

So, the fungus of the feet most often settles between the fingers. If redness, an unpleasant odor and severe itching appear in this area, it is most likely that a fungal infection is taking place.

Itching with scabies is difficult to confuse with any other. It is very strong, patients with this disease can comb the body to the blood. However, his appearance in the evening, before going to bed, when the expectant mother is in bed, suggests scabies.

In fact, the scabies mite reacts to temperature changes. environment. In warmth (when a person is under a blanket), its activity increases significantly, and the itching intensifies. In addition, at the same time, characteristic - paired - rashes appear on the skin.

Self-medication for skin diseases is unacceptable, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

During pregnancy, a phenomenon called intrahepatic cholestasis is often observed. At the same time, stagnation of bile in the hepatic ducts is noted. Pathology can be diagnosed according to three criteria:

  • Skin itching.
  • An increase in the level of bile acids.
  • The disappearance of all symptoms after the appearance of the child.

Intrahepatic cholestasis is observed in 0.5–1.5% of cases. Sometimes it is manifested by jaundice, but, as a rule, its intensity is not expressed.

Usually, with this pathology, itching has characteristic features. It begins after 25-26 weeks of gestation and is primarily noted in the area of ​​​​the feet and hands. Then the discomfort moves to the stomach, back and shoulders. At night, the discomfort intensifies.

In more rare cases, these symptoms are evidence of inflammatory processes in the digestive system - hepatitis and cholecystitis.

Mild forms of intrahepatic cholestasis do not require treatment, in severe cases, antihistamines, antioxidants, and vitamin C are prescribed.

Kidney damage

With severe kidney damage with the development of their insufficiency, the expectant mother may also note that the whole body itches. This is due to the accumulation of toxic metabolic products and their deposition in the skin. The sensations are unpleasant and often painful.

However, this pathology is rare, it may be the result of chronic pyelonephritis, polycystic or amyloidosis of the kidneys. These diseases are treated by nephrologists.

Itching of pregnant women does not apply to independent diseases. It is only a consequence of the underlying pathology, the diagnosis of which can only be established by a doctor.