
How the maternity hospital works. What you need to know about maternity hospitals in Russia When the first maternity hospital appeared


The first maternity hospitals appeared in Ancient egypt and Rome under the slave system. They organized them for pregnant slaves.
A slave who gave birth to a child was from 5 to 9 days with the baby, then she returned to work, coming to the child for feeding and at night.
This lasted up to 6 or 12 months. In different places it was different, depending on how the slave owners treated their slaves. After the mother was weaned from her child, first specially trained slave-nannies were engaged in it, later, when the child grew up, he passed on to be raised by other slaves, depending on the destiny determined by the master for the child.
For example, boys were given to specialists who trained them as warriors. These warriors, who did not know their parents, underwent special physical training and psychological treatment, were the most loyal to their slave owner. They were taught from childhood that he is both a mother and a father for them, in general, God. They even have a religion specially designed for such a suggestion.

And how similar the seemingly ancient situation is to today's reality. Maternity hospital - nursery - kindergarten - school - institute - the slave is prepared. And since the master is invisible, the slave considers himself free and, therefore, will not rebel.
Noble people of Ancient Rome, Egypt, and middle class, even in a nightmare could not imagine the birth of their own child outside the home.
Home they invited first women midwives, later doctors, fortune-tellers.

In Russia, the first huts for women in childbirth were intended for walking women-prostitutes. Sometimes this category of women went to give birth to a gypsy camp, where they left their unwanted children for upbringing. The gypsies accepted them.
Generally MATERNITY HOSPITAL - NONSENS. It is a vivid illustration of the loss of ability in women of the generic instinct and the loss of a modern person of knowledge not only of the primary sources, but also of the elementary culture of feelings. Loss of a feeling of true love for a woman and your child, as a part of yourself and your continuation.

A child born in a maternity hospital cannot only be yours. He's still someone's. The birth process includes conceiving, carrying and giving birth to a baby. And the latter is no less significant than everything else. If you give it into the wrong hands, generally indifferent towards you and your child, then you have an incomplete relation to the birth of your child. As a result, you will not have paternal feelings for him in full, but he will feel it, and later will repay you with the absence of strong filial or filial feelings.
And love will not be complete; such children will not be able to love not only their parents, but also life.

Perinatal Medical Center is a specialized medical institution aimed at the needs of expectant mothers. The main tasks are diagnostics and treatment of infertility, assistance in maintaining pregnancy and in labor. Moreover, the perinatal medical center provides comprehensive assistance in the postnatal care of a mother and her child. Thus, it is assumed that it is mandatory to cover the full cycle of family planning, from the moment of conception to postpartum activities.

Perinatal center and maternity hospital: differences

What are the main differences between these two medical centers?

The perinatal center may have a maternity ward, and there is no perinatal center in the maternity hospital. Thus, the perinatal medical center is a wide-profile clinic aimed at managing pregnant women and young parents. In addition, it is in the center that they can contribute to the successful solution of the problems of conception.

Among other differences, the technical equipment should be noted, which is perfect. In most cases, medical centers offer only modern equipment that allows medical staff provide personal services to expectant and young mothers at a decent level.

Almost every perinatal center can boast of its own team, which includes representatives of medical higher educational institutions and people engaged in research work. The team is capable of developing modern standards for monitoring pregnancy and, in some cases, for treatment.

Who should go to the perinatal center?

Some categories of citizens can be sent to the perinatal center:

  1. Families who are forced to face problems in conceiving a baby.
  2. Women who face a difficult pregnancy.
  3. Women with a history of miscarriages.
  4. Pregnant women who are in danger to the life of the fetus or expectant mother.
  5. Pregnant women suffering from serious pathological processes.

It should be noted that childbirth should be carried out in a perinatal center if special medical assistance is required. At the same time, assistance can be successfully provided at a level that is inaccessible to most maternity hospitals.

In addition, the staff of perinatal centers can perform childbirth if women are at high risk.

How can you get to the perinatal center?

Considering the serious shortage of multi-disciplinary centers and big number people who still prefer the perinatal center rather than the maternity hospital, not every citizen can count on free services. In most cases, a range of services is provided only on a paid basis. However, the cost can go off scale. What to do if you need to get registered at the clinic for free? How can you use this opportunity?

  1. First, you should go through a telephone consultation.
  2. In most cases, you will need to provide a referral from the antenatal clinic. The main task is to fully explain the reasons, to confirm a certain diagnosis.
  3. The advantage remains with women who live in a village or a village, because in such settlements initially there is no opportunity for full-fledged medical care.
  4. In fact, every woman can independently choose the desired perinatal center. However, the problem is related to the lack of free places, since the institution cannot be overcrowded based on the norms. Otherwise, an epidemiological spread of nosocomial infection may occur.

Without a doubt, if you manage to successfully contact the perinatal center and agree on interaction, you can play it safe and use every chance to find a full-fledged family, which will certainly be happy.

What is required to apply for a perinatal center?

It is imperative to go through registration at the perinatal center by contacting the admission department. The following package of documents is supposed to be provided:

  1. Passport (first page and registration as original and copy).
  2. Medical policy.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Test results, all consultations, exchange medical records.
  5. Generic certificate, which must be carried out on the basis of an established template.

When registering for the antenatal department, you must take along toiletries, washable slippers, and changeable things. It should be noted that this is similar to maternity hospitals, where a complete set of personal belongings is also assumed.

If you are interested in the maternity ward, you need to take drinking water in a small bottle and special postpartum pads.

Having fulfilled the relevant requirements, you can successfully give birth to a baby who can be healthy.

Perinatal center or maternity hospital?

In most cases, perinatal centers are being developed in large cities based on the latest trends. Moreover, only highly qualified personnel should work in such institutions. Taking into account such standards, one can only count on positive responses.

A maternity hospital is a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide polyclinic and inpatient care to a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, as well as medical care for newborns from the moment of birth to discharge from the maternity hospital. The maternity hospital includes a women's consultation (see Consultation) and inpatient departments, laboratories, treatment and diagnostic rooms and administrative and utility rooms.

The stationary part of the maternity hospital consists of the following mandatory departments and premises.
1. The admission and examination department, which receives pregnant women and women in labor, consists of a reception, a filter, an examination room and a shower. In the admission and examination department, the midwife conducts a survey and examination of pregnant women and women in labor (measuring the pelvis, weighing, measuring growth, determining the position of the fetus, listening to it, etc.), as well as them. From this department, healthy women in labor are sent to the physiological maternity department, and pregnant women and women in labor with an infectious disease and infection- to the obstetric department. From the admission and examination department to the department of pregnancy pathology, pregnant women who need inpatient treatment or hospital stay for preventive purposes, or to clarify the diagnosis, are sent.

2. The Department of Pathology of Pregnancy is intended for hospitalization of pregnant women with a burdened obstetric history, abnormal fetal position, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, patients, cardiovascular and other non-infectious diseases. In large cities, some maternity hospitals specialize in providing medical care for any particular type of obstetric and extragenital pathology (for example, miscarriage, cardiovascular diseases, etc.). In the research institutes of obstetrics, specialized assistance is provided to pregnant women and women in labor for many types of pathology.

In addition to the wards, the department has manipulation rooms, treatment rooms, bathrooms, rooms for staff, etc.

3. Physiological maternity ward consists of prenatal wards, birth wards (for 1-2 beds), a room for the first toilet, a small and large operating room with a preoperative and sterilization room; rooms with light and sound insulation for patients or preeclampsia; bathrooms and other premises. The presence of two delivery chambers allows for their cyclical functioning: while one delivery room is full, the second one is cleaned and disinfected. The number of beds in the prenatal wards is approximately 12% of the total number of beds in the physiological postpartum department, and in the birth wards - 8%.

4. Physiological postpartum department consists of chambers for 1-4 beds, manipulation; pumping and storage rooms breast milk; bathrooms, staff rooms, etc. Total number beds in the wards of this department account for 50-55% of all beds in obstetric departments of the maternity hospital. In addition, 10% of beds (in excess of the standard) are provided for observing the cyclicity of filling and emptying the wards and for fulfilling the sanitary and hygienic regime. This requirement also applies to the observational unit and the neonatal unit. Such a system allows, upon discharge of puerperas, to completely empty certain wards and perform thorough cleaning (washing, irradiation, ventilation, etc.) of both maternal and children's wards. The postpartum woman is in the maternity hospital during the normal course of childbirth and the postpartum period of 7-8 days; her discharge from the maternity hospital with the child is carried out through the discharge room. At discharge, the postpartum woman is given a certificate of the birth of the child, on the basis of which the antenatal clinic gives the woman a certificate of temporary disability for the whole. The maternity hospital informs about each discharged child to the nursery at the mother's place of residence.

5. The obstetric obstetric department is intended for admitting pregnant women, women in childbirth, childbirth and treatment of women in childbirth and newborns who are or may be a source of infection (women in labor with fever, dead fetus, postpartum women with, dead fetus, with skin pustular diseases, etc. .); here, puerperas are transferred from the physiological postpartum department in the event of their illness or the illness of the child. Women are also admitted to the department after giving birth at home or on the road. The department is strictly isolated from other departments and premises of the maternity hospital. It includes: a maternity ward, postpartum wards for 1-2 beds, a maternity ward with a separate external entrance for especially strict isolation of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor or a postpartum woman with a newborn. The total number of beds in the department is approximately 20-25% of all obstetric beds in the maternity hospital.

6. The department for newborns consists of two parts. One is intended for children whose mothers are in the physiological postnatal ward, and the second is for children whose mothers are in the observational ward. Each part is strictly isolated from each other and from the mother's wards and other premises. Separate wards are provided for and children with. It is recommended to have locks in front of the chambers (as a rule, for a group of chambers).

7. The gynecological department consists of a surgical department and a department in which conservative methods of treatment are applied. The gynecological department is completely isolated from the obstetric department, has its own admission and examination section, discharge room and other premises.

The medical staff of the physiological department, the department of pathology of pregnancy, the department of newborn children does not come into contact with the staff of the observational department. All employees of the maternity hospital take a shower, put on a light (not woolen) dress, a clean robe, a hat, and slippers upon entering the shift. In addition to medical work, the staff of the maternity hospital conducts extensive sanitary and educational work among women - they conduct lectures and talks on issues of nutrition for a nursing mother, breast care, sexual hygiene, etc.

The birth of a child is grand event and the choices you make today can have a lasting impact on your child's life. One of the many important decisions you will have to make during pregnancy is where you will be delivering your baby. If you have decided that you would like to bring your baby into this world in a maternity ward rather than a hospital, you are halfway there, and finding the right maternity ward is the next step for you and your baby.

There are several important steps to take to ensure the right choice maternity hospital. Choose not only according to what works for you, but based on other significant things, as not all birth centers are the same. By making an informed decision about where to give birth to your baby, you can have peace of mind during the birthing process.


    Make sure you definitely want to have your baby in a maternity ward, not a hospital. These facilities are not for every pregnancy, and there are some amenities that are lacking in comparison to a hospital ward. Consider the following questions before moving on to maternity hospital:

  1. Walk around your area to find a maternity hospital nearby. You don't have to choose a hospital that is too far from your home. Contractions can start abruptly, sometimes without warning. If your hospital is too far away, you may not have enough time to get to the site.

    • In some places, such as Australia, there are maternity hospitals on the hospital grounds, known as “branch hospitals”. If complications arise in this situation, you are in the same area and have an elevator or corridors close to medical assistance. A maternity hospital that is attached to a hospital facility can be a great way to relieve any anxiety you have from using the hospital. However, be very careful - in maternity hospitals attached to a hospital, there may be a hospital relationship that you try to avoid, such as rupture of the membrane, stimulation and vaginal examinations during childbirth. If the hospital is overcrowded when you are admitted, you may be "shoved" into the hospital room.
    • If you don't have a maternity hospital attached to a hospital, check if there is an autonomous maternity hospital nearby? In case of complications, there must be a hospital nearby to properly deal with any emergency or an emerging risk.
  2. Contact the maternity hospital in your area and schedule a time to travel to the center. Examine the object carefully. Ask questions and write down how well the institution is run and how prepared the staff are for complications.

    • Are they licensed by the state, province, or appropriate government agency? To obtain a government license in the United States, for example, a maternity hospital must have licensed obstetricians and nurses. Requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so check your local licensing laws.
    • If you live in the United States, find out if the center is FCC accredited for maternity hospitals. This accreditation is one of the main signs that the facility is properly equipped. To obtain CARD accreditation, labor outcome charts, proper sanitation, proper Jacuzzi pH, etc. are required.
    • Is the object kept clean? Is information literature neatly posted? Are the staff kind and caring?
  3. Choose a hospital in which you are comfortable. Assuming you pick the one that passed your screening, ask yourself a few additional questions that connect to your own responses to birthing centers, such as:

    • Do I like the atmosphere of the hospital? In most cases, women choose a maternity hospital because it has a home environment. Often there is a jacuzzi where you can relax, a shower or bath, a kitchen where the family can gather, soft lighting, a double bed that looks like a home bed, exercise balls to swing on, lots of places to walk, etc.
    • Do I like the staff? It is always important to feel comfortable with the people who will help with the birth of your baby. This is an extremely important experience for both of you, and staffing issues should not get in the way of you and your peace of mind.
    • If labor started when you visit the center (often very likely), what is the atmosphere like? Do you feel like this is the right place for you?
  4. Ask how long you will be allowed to stay after the baby is born. The length of time for postpartum care varies depending on the rules and needs of the hospital. You don't want to know that you have to leave the hospital 24 hours after the baby is born if you expected to stay for 48 hours. Some maternity hospitals leave patients within a few hours after birth, provided that you are completely healthy. In this case, consider moving to a private hospital or other type of care if you want more rest, or the willingness to help from friends and family (or even employees) at home during the first few days after giving birth.

    • Don't see early withdrawal as a problem. In accordance with the philosophy of maternity hospitals, you need to keep everything as natural and seamless as possible. And leaving early home is seen as a primary way to get you into the rhythm of caring for a newborn, rather than feeling like you're being forced into a hospital routine. Some women like this. Others are afraid of the mere thought that the rest will soon end! Plan for what works for you, but it's wise to have helpers on hand to lend you a hand at least in the first week after giving birth at home.
  5. Find out what the visiting policy is. In some maternity hospitals there are no restrictions and an unlimited number of visitors are allowed to come and go as often as you like. Others have rules on the number of visitors who can be present at the same time, and at what hours visitors are welcome. In some, there is a restriction for visiting only the next of kin. It's better to know your policy ahead of time, rather than find out that your guests, who drove for several hours to see you and your child, were shown the door.

    • It is possible that the visitors who stare at you when you are incapacitated are not what interests you anyway now. People run back and forth to see you in a hospital bed - this is definitely not for a maternity hospital, which is why women who like peace come here.
    • Make sure it's okay for your partner, spouse, or birth partner to stay with you throughout labor. This is an important aspect of the philosophy of the maternity hospital. Of course, if you don't want to see anyone other than midwives, that's your prerogative.
  6. Find out if you are suitable for the hospital. It's not just your choice - your pregnancy should be low risk and a reputable maternity hospital will check your tests and your doctor will monitor your progress throughout your pregnancy to ensure that your risk is low. A reputable center will advise you if you have a risk of complications during pregnancy, and will refuse to accept you or ask you to change plans in the future, if you have already been accepted, but the risks change during pregnancy. Also, stay in touch with your doctor to be properly monitored throughout your pregnancy by an independent source.

    • Mechanisms for allowing you to bring your doctor or obstetrician with you to the hospital during labor depend on the policy of the maternity hospital and local regulations, so ask ahead of time if this is possible or not. Also ask about hiring an independent midwife if you would like to do this. The answers to these questions can shape your decision.
  7. Order in advance. If you want to take advantage of the maternity hospital, keep in mind that most of them are in high demand and can be ordered within your time frame if you leave it all for later. Moreover, in a reputable maternity hospital, you are regularly monitored by the staff and you will be asked to undergo pre-birth training, especially if this is your first child or it has been a long time since the last child was born. If you drag it on too long, you may miss out on a seat and have to go to a hospital facility.

    • Be honest about your medical history. Maternity hospitals scan potential patients for previous complications of pregnancy or the birth of twins. If the hospital determines that your condition may be too risky, remember that this is for you and your baby.
    • Take orientation classes at your chosen hospital. During these classes, you will be guided through what you need to know to prepare for your procedure. Attending classes will allow you to ask any questions you have. In many cases, you will even be given classes and demonstrations on postpartum adjustment, newborn care, and breastfeeding... One of the biggest benefits of this is the fact that you can get to know the staff and learn important things about the upcoming birth and childcare. It is important to note that local or general anesthesia is not used in these facilities. It uses natural and alternative pain treatments, as well as soft drugs. They have something that most hospitals lack - comfortable and relaxing amenities.
    • In Australia, maternity hospitals attached to a hospital are covered by Medicare (Old Age Health Insurance). The Hull Units should be paid for by you, but check if this is covered by private insurance or old-age health insurance.


    • Do not overlook when searching, the presence of accreditation from the maternity hospital. If the maternity hospital is not accredited, then the institution has not passed the most basic safety requirements, which puts you or your newborn baby at risk. Use only accredited maternity hospitals. Make sure there are registered midwives and nurses working there.
    • You will hear all sorts of stories. Some come from people numb from childbirth or poorly informed. Don't let rumors delay choosing a hospital for yourself, do everything firsthand, ask direct questions and learn about potential complications and how they are dealt with. A reputable maternity hospital will tell you if you are not a suitable candidate to use their funds.
    • Allow family members to worry about who may not want you to give birth in the hospital. They have your best interests at heart, but most likely they are poorly informed or have read too many sensational stories. Explain to them that you have checked everything and are pleased with this center, and that the staff is highly qualified and easily accessible. Ultimately, remember that it is your decision and your comfort, so avoid straining from other people's preferences.