
The main methods of protection against infection with infectious diseases. The main ways to protect the population. Way. Healthy sleep


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), is found in blood, saliva, lacrimal fluid, breast milk, urine and even sweat. The virus quickly dies outside the body, so infection through a handshake is unlikely (but still shaking hands is a bad habit, since besides HIV, there are many other types of infection). Ways of transmission of AIDS:

  • Sexual intercourse;
  • Non-sterile medical instruments;
  • Blood and some blood medicinal products;
  • Pregnancy, childbirth (transmission of the virus to the child);
  • Organ and tissue transplant;
  • Contact with someone else's blood on the skin or mucous membrane;
  • Restoring the victim to breathing using the mouth-to-mouth method;
  • Contact with the patient's secretions.

A person who is not a homosexual, drug addict, or prostitute is likely to contract AIDS in medical institution- during injection, surgery, dental treatment, analysis or blood transfusion. No matter how strict medical rules are, they are still sometimes violated.

Under the action of fat solvents (alcohol, soap, detergents) the virus dies within 10 minutes. At +37 ° C, 90% of viruses die in 5 days, at 60 ° C - in 24 seconds. When boiled, the virus dies instantly (but for some reason it is still recommended to sterilize a medical instrument for at least 30 minutes). Method of disinfecting linen containing sputum and blood: soak for an hour in a 3% solution of chloramine or boil for 20 minutes. Oral intercourse (exposure to the mouth on the partner's genitals) does not prevent AIDS. The best defense from infection during intercourse - a condom.

Experts say that HIV is not transmitted by the following routes:

  • Through the bites of blood-sucking insects;
  • Airborne droplets (for example, when sneezing);
  • On contact with a tear;
  • Through food and;
  • Through things.

The incubation (latent) period of AIDS infection is from several months to several years. Optional signs of AIDS:

  • Swollen lymph nodes;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Weakness;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Weight loss;
  • Malignant formations on the skin;
  • Fever and fever;
  • Damage to tissues in the oral cavity;

A short-term, acute flu-like illness may appear several days after infection. Then comes a long latent period. 9/10 of people living with HIV do not know about it. Within 10 years after the onset of AIDS, 50% of patients die.

Infectious diseases are diseases that are somehow caused by bacteria, viruses and other organisms. Since these diseases are often transmitted from person to person, it is very common to observe their outbreaks in a certain segment of the population. To protect yourself from an infectious disease, it is important to adhere to certain preventive measures... With a few healthy habits and tips in this article, you can protect yourself from germs and disease.


Prevention of infectious diseases

    Wash your hands. Hand hygiene is extremely important when it comes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Pathogens (such as viruses, bacteria and fungi) are easily transmitted through various surfaces and remain on the skin from where they can easily enter the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. This is why hand washing is the first choice to prevent the transmission of infections.

    Try not to touch your face, eyes and nose. People touch their face repeatedly throughout the day. It is at these moments that infectious agents are on the hands and can enter the body. While the skin prevents pathogens from entering the body, the eyes and mucous membranes in the nose and mouth do not protect the body from it.

    • In addition to maintaining hand hygiene, try not to touch your face, even with clean hands.
    • Try to avoid touching your palms or hands with your face, even when you are coughing or when you need to blow your nose. Use a handkerchief for this.
    • If you don't have a handkerchief, cover your mouth or nose with your elbow. Use tissue paper whenever possible. Throw them away immediately after use and wash your hands with soap and water.
  1. Get all vaccinations on time. Vaccines are the prevention of disease. They help prevent or reduce illness caused by an infectious agent. Vaccines stimulate the immune system's response to specific pathogens, and if you are exposed to this pathogen, your immune system will fight it more effectively.

    Stay home. If you get sick, it is imperative that you minimize contact with other people to limit the spread of the infection. Some infectious diseases are not easily spread from person to person by contact, but other infections can spread very quickly, so staying at home is advised anyway if you have any symptoms of an infectious disease.

    • Being in in public places cover your mouth and nose with your elbow if you cough. Do not use your hands for this to avoid spreading pathogens through the air and various surfaces that you touch.
    • If you get sick, wash your hands and common surfaces often to minimize germ transmission.
  2. Prepare and store food properly. Some pathogens can enter the body through food - diseases caused by these pathogens are called foodborne or intestinal infections. After an infected product enters the body, the pathogen begins to multiply and causes illness. This is why it is extremely important to prepare and store all foods in a safe manner.

    • Prepare food responsibly to avoid cross-contamination. Raw food should never be cooked on the same surface as ready-to-eat food.
    • Wash your work surfaces regularly and keep them clean and dry. Pathogens thrive and multiply in humid environments.
    • Wash your hands before handling food and immediately after you finish preparing food. Also, wash your hands whenever you finish working with one product and are going to work with another (for example, you have finished working with raw meat and starting working with vegetables).
    • Food must be stored at safe temperatures (refrigerated if needed). If you doubt the quality of the product, then it is better to throw it away. If the product has changed color or texture, or has a strange smell, then it is likely to have deteriorated.
    • Hot food should be eaten after cooking, and if you need to store it, leave it on the table until it has cooled down, and then put it in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of pathogens.
  3. Practice safe sex and don't share personal hygiene items. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are transmitted from person to person through contact of physiological fluids with the genitals, mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. Have safer sex to limit your risk of STDs.

    • Always use a condom or rubber dam for any sex, especially if you are not in a monogamous relationship.
    • Do not have sex if you or your partner has herpes or genital warts, as this can spread the incurable herpes virus.
    • Check yourself for STDs before and after having sex with each new partner.
  4. Travel wisely. Be aware of the risks of various infections when planning your trip. Certain infections can be common in some places that are not found in the places where you live.

    • Ask your doctor what vaccinations you need to get before you travel. This will prepare your immunity for the pathogens in the area where you are going to travel.
    • Wash your hands as often as possible while traveling to avoid getting germs through your hands into your body.
    • Protect yourself from mosquito-borne infections. Use mosquito nets for windows and when sleeping, use special insecticides and wear long sleeves.

    Treatment of infectious diseases

    1. Different kinds infectious diseases. Remember that different diseases can be caused by different agents. This will help you know and avoid risk factors.

      Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics. Antibiotics are medicines that help fight bacterial infections. They deactivate or kill bacterial cells and thus help the immune system fight bacteria.

      • Apply antibiotic cream or ointment to small wounds that have been infected. Signs of wound infection may include redness, swelling, warmth, or pain. Do not use antibiotic products on bleeding wounds, especially if they are deep. If the bleeding from the wound persists, see your doctor.
      • For systemic bacterial infections, see your doctor and see if you should take oral antibiotics or not.
      • It is important to remember that antibiotics are powerless against viral infections such as influenza or SARS. A doctor can determine if an infectious disease is viral or bacterial and can prescribe appropriate treatment.
      • Take antibiotics exactly as directed. Taking antibiotics when they are not needed (such as with a viral infection) only increases the bacteria's resistance to antibiotics.
    2. Treatment of viral infections. Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics; there are special antiviral drugs against them that are used only against certain viruses. Some viral infections are treated with home remedies such as rest, sleep, and drinking plenty of fluids.

      • Some drugs, known as antivirals or antiretrovirals, effectively fight certain types of viruses by preventing them from replicating their DNA in the cells of the body.
      • Some viral infections, such as ARVI, require only symptomatic treatment in order to alleviate the patient's condition. The virus will be fought by the body's immune system, unless, of course, you have an immune deficiency and you are getting enough rest and enough nutrients.
      • Many viral diseases can be prevented by vaccination. This is why it is important to do everything necessary vaccinations in time.
    3. Treating fungal infections. Some fungal infections can be treated with antifungal medications. However, there are many pathogenic fungi that can cause infections, and only a doctor can correctly diagnose such a disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

      • Some fungal infections can be treated with antifungal ointments if they affect a specific area on the skin (such as a foot fungus).
      • More serious and dangerous fungal infections are treated with oral medications and injections.
      • Examples of pathogenic fungi are histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis and paracoccidomycosis - in some cases, they can be deadly.
    4. Treatment of parasitic infections. Parasites are organisms that enter the body and live in it, using the resources of this organism for their own growth and reproduction. Parasites can be a wide variety of pathogenic agents, from worms to microscopic cells.

The effectiveness of measures to protect against BS will be largely determined by the timeliness of detecting a biological attack by the enemy. The boundaries of the focus of biological contamination are established by the formations of the medical service and the services for the protection of animals and plants of GO based on the generalization of data obtained from observation posts, reconnaissance units and groups, as well as from meteorological and sanitary-epidemiological stations. The actual border is determined based on bacteriological intelligence data, laboratory research samples from objects of the external environment, as well as identifying patients and ways of spreading emerging infectious diseases.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases from the focus of biological infection, for its localization and subsequent elimination, restrictions are introduced: quarantine and observation.

Quarantine- a system of state measures carried out to prevent the spread of infectious diseases from the focus of infection and aimed at complete isolation of the focus and the elimination of infectious diseases in it. Quarantine is introduced upon the indisputable establishment of the fact of the use of BS by the enemy and mainly in those cases when the pathogens used are especially dangerous (quarantine) infections. Quarantine includes administrative and economic (prohibition of entry and exit of people, export of animals, feed, plants, fruits, seeds, receiving parcels), antiepidemic, antiepizootic, sanitary and hygienic, veterinary and sanitary and treatment and prophylactic measures (medical examination, isolation of patients, destruction and disposal of animal corpses, affected plants, seeds, immunization of people and animals, disinfection, etc.). Armed guards are established on the outer borders of the quarantine zone, commandant service and patrolling are organized, and traffic is regulated. An internal commandant service is organized at quarantined facilities. It is forbidden to leave people, take out animals and take out property. Entry (entry) can only be allowed for special civil defense units and medical personnel (with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment) to provide assistance in eliminating the consequences of the use of BS. The supply is carried out through special points under the control of the medical service of the civil defense.

In the territory where quarantine has been introduced, the work of all enterprises and institutions (educational institutions, markets and bazaars, entertainment institutions) is stopped, except for those that are especially important for industry or for the defense of the country.

Objects that find themselves in the quarantine zone and continue their production activities are switching to a special mode of operation with strict compliance with anti-epidemic requirements. The territory, premises, equipment, raw materials and finished products are disinfected. Workers and employees of enterprises and institutions operating in the focus of biological contamination, as well as the personnel of civil defense units involved in the elimination of the focus, are transferred to the barracks position and periodically undergo preventive and sanitary treatment.

In the event that the established type of pathogen does not belong to the group of especially dangerous infectious diseases and there is no threat of mass diseases, the introduced quarantine is replaced by observation.

Observation- a system of measures to monitor isolated people or animals from outbreaks that have been quarantined or in a threatened area. The threatened zone is the territory immediately adjacent to the outbreak, to which there is a threat of the spread of this infection. Observation is designed to prevent the spread of infection to neighboring areas. Regular measures of observation, in contrast to quarantine, include: maximum restriction of entry and exit, as well as the removal of property from the outbreak without preliminary disinfection and permission of epidemiologists; strengthening medical control over food and water supply; restriction of movement on the contaminated area, medical supervision the observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, especially in catering facilities and public places, etc.

The terms of quarantine and observation are set based on the duration of the maximum incubation period of the disease. It is calculated from the moment of hospitalization of the last patient and the end of disinfection in the focus of infection.

The main means of protecting the population from biological weapons include: serum vaccines, antibiotics, sulfonamide and other medicinal substances used for special and emergency prevention of infectious diseases, individual and collective protective equipment, chemicals used for disinfection.

Control questions

1. What do the terms "pandemic" and "epiphytotia" mean?

2. List the main ways of penetration of pathogens of infectious diseases into the body. What is the main route of penetration of Vibrio cholerae?

3. What is the difference between contagious and non-contagious diseases? What group are diseases such as plague and anthrax?

4. To what depth is BS aerosol able to penetrate into pressed hay and straw?

5. The causative agent of which of the diseases is capable of forming spores: smallpox, typhus, tetanus, malaria, African swine fever?

6. In what way does a person become infected with the causative agent of typhus? What microorganism is the causative agent of this disease?

7. Which of the diseases are dangerous to humans: glanders, yellow fever, bluetongue, foot and mouth disease?

8. Why are insects - pests of agricultural crops - the greatest danger in terms of radioactive contamination of the area? List the reasons.

9. For which plants is the Hessian fly dangerous?

10. How are the boundaries of the focus of biological contamination determined?

Billions of different viruses and bacteria live with people, which affect our body in different ways. Some help people and create a positive microflora in the body, while others, on the contrary, negatively affect the work of important organs and systems. Moreover, each person can protect himself from dangerous microorganisms, observing simple rules... Next, we will take a closer look at the main ways to protect against infection. infectious diseases.

Way navigator

1. Method. Hand washing

Simple hand washing can protect a person from dangerous microorganisms and even fatal diseases. Be sure to wash your hands after each trip to the toilet, before sitting down at the table or after the street. It is enough to wash with plain water to wash off dangerous microorganisms from the skin.

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2. Method. Nail care

Regular hand washing is not enough. It is imperative to monitor the nails, it is under them that pathogenic bacteria accumulate and multiply. That is why you cannot bite your nails, which is very much loved by children and nervous people. Hence, worms and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract arise. Therefore, nails should be trimmed and cleaned regularly.

Every modern person should know popular ways to protect themselves from infection with infectious diseases.

3. Method. Oral hygiene

Millions of pathogenic bacteria live and multiply in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is important not only to regularly brush your teeth, but to use other care products. We use dental floss to clean teeth of food debris. Also, do not forget to brush your tongue. It is also recommended to use mouth rinses that destroy pathogenic bacteria.

4. Method. Proper nutrition

To strengthen the immune system, you need to eat right. If the body receives the optimal amount of trace elements and vitamins, then it is more likely to fight against pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The body's resistance to negative environmental factors increases. Therefore, we choose only products that are healthy for the body.

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5. Method. Morning work-out

You shouldn't be lazy to take care of your health. It is enough to devote a few minutes to morning exercises to strengthen the body and start its protective reaction. So you can walk with your pet in the morning, which also allows you to cheer up and recharge with positive energy for the whole day.

6. Method. Healthy sleep

Healthy sleep plays a key role in human life. If a person gets a good night's sleep, gets energized, he will be able to more easily resist viruses and bacteria. A person who chronically lacks sleep is exhausted and automatically gets sick more often, because the body's resistance decreases. This is why it is important to take time to sleep well.

7. Method. Vaccination

Vaccination is available today, which allows you to protect a person from dangerous diseases. So you can get the flu vaccine every year. V childhood children are vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and other diseases. Therefore, you should not neglect routine vaccinations to protect yourself from infections.

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8. Method. Oxolinic ointment

Ointment should be lubricated around the nose to protect the body from viruses and bacteria that are transmitted by airborne droplets. It is recommended to do this during an exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

Regularly applying the main methods of preventing infection will help a person protect himself from dangerous diseases.

9. Method. Drink plenty of water

You need to drink a lot especially on hot days and winter period... It is important in the body to maintain water balance, which is the main factor for normal work important organs and systems. That is why people are advised to drink a lot during illness to help them cope with viruses and bacteria more easily. In addition to water, you can drink herbal teas with lemon and honey.

Known methods of protection against infection with infectious diseases should be known by every modern person who cares about their health.

10. Method. Products - defenders of immunity

So there are products that have bactericidal properties. This includes onions and garlic, which have unique properties, kill viruses and bacteria, fill the body with vitamins and increase its resistance to disease. Citrus fruits and kiwi also increase immunity. Fresh greens and berries, such as blueberries, are useful for the body.

Each infectious disease has its own methods of treatment and prevention measures that must be taken in order to be healthy and happy.

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V Everyday life a person, as a rule, is quite capable of ensuring his own safety on his own. To do this, you just need to know and follow the well-known rules that are explained to us, starting with kindergarten... But sometimes a person is unable to resist the danger and then he is sure that the state will come to the rescue. However, not everyone knows what the state should do to protect its citizens, and what are the responsibilities of the citizens themselves in this matter. In our country, the responsibility for ensuring the protection of the population in emergency situations and during military conflicts is entrusted to the Ministry Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters.

If necessary, other ministries, departments, government bodies of different levels are involved in solving this complex problem. In our article, we will talk about the main ways to protect the population, about the work of the state aimed at increasing efficiency, as well as what every citizen should know in order to act correctly in dangerous situation and protect yourself and your loved ones.

The main ways to protect the population

  1. The use of personal protective equipment. These are well-known gas masks and respirators.
  2. Shelter of the population in the protective structures of civil defense.
  3. Evacuation of the population from hazardous areas.

Use of personal protective equipment

It is no coincidence that they are in the first place. In the event of an accident at a chemical or radiation plant, it is they who will help prevent the entry of harmful substances through the respiratory system into the human body. Gas masks of various types protect the respiratory system from chemically hazardous substances, primarily from and, and respirators from radioactive substances. Personal protective equipment is issued at special points, information about which can be obtained from the local administration. The administration can issue gas masks and respirators in advance to people so that they can store them at home. In this case, the storage conditions must be observed. Then when the alert signals about the threat emergency, personal protective equipment is used by the population independently. In addition, people living near chemically or radiation hazardous enterprises are provided with sets of individual medical civil protection. The kit includes medicines for adults and children, helping to reduce the harmful effects of chemical, radiation and biological threats in the lesions when they occur.

It must be remembered that these medications can only be used as directed by medical professionals.

An example of protective structures is the bomb shelters of the Great Patriotic War, which saved millions of people during enemy air raids. And in our time, the shelter of people in protective structures is one of the effective ways protection.

Protective structures of civil defense are subdivided into:

  • shelters;
  • anti-radiation shelters;
  • shelter.

Refuge used at enterprises and organizations, including radiation and chemical hazardous to protect employees who continue to work in wartime. Specially equipped metro stations and other underground premises are also used as shelters. Anti-radiation shelters are being built in areas of possible radioactive contamination caused by an accident at a radiation hazardous facility. The new kind protective structures - shelters. Their main difference from other protective structures of civil defense is that they will not protect against nuclear weapons, but against fragments of bombs and shells, debris of building structures of buildings and structures. This will increase the protection of the population from conventional weapons. Shelters are intended for people who are at home at the time of danger, including bedridden patients and those who serve them medical staff... It should be noted that the non-working population, and these are mainly children and the elderly, in case of danger, can take refuge in any civil defense protective structure close to home.

You can find out where the nearest civil defense protective structures are located in the administration of the municipality..

How to find out about a possible or already onset emergency situation, who will inform you what needs to be done, where to go?

It serves to warn of danger. It is delivered using urban and rural warning systems, the loudspeakers of which are located on the streets, and the horns of enterprises. In crowded places: at train stations, at airports, information is posted on the screens of the All-Russian Integrated Public Information and Alerting System (OKSION). To warn residents of remote villages and townships, special vehicles are used, on which information screens and loudspeakers are located. If you hear the signal "Attention to all" immediately turn on the radio or TV and listen to information on further actions. The message may indicate specific streets and areas whose residents should take refuge in protective structures. Then one of the signals comes: "The threat of catastrophic flooding." After receiving information about the evacuation, you need to take the "alarm suitcase" and, without wasting time, take refuge in the nearest protective structure.

Standard set of "emergency suitcase":

  • first aid kit;
  • a hand-held or headlamp flashlight and a supply of batteries for them;
  • hunting matches, dry alcohol, gas lighters (2-3 pcs.);
  • cell phone, radio and battery supply;
  • utility knife;
  • repair kit (threads, needles, etc.);
  • supply of food and water (at least 3 days);
  • disposable tableware;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • change of underwear and socks.

It is necessary to take personal protective equipment with you - a gas mask or a respirator, if they are stored at home. Before leaving, it is imperative to turn off the gas, turn off the electricity and water supply, and tightly close the windows and vents.


For partial - the population that is not able to work and is not employed in production is brought to safe areas: children, students, the elderly, people with disabilities and the sick. Moreover, students educational institutions taken out together with relatives and teachers. Pupils of orphanages, retirees living in homes for the disabled and veterans, leave the danger zone, accompanied by workers of social institutions.

With complete evacuation the entire population leaves the danger zones, with the exception of non-transportable patients and their attendants, who take refuge in protective structures.

Information about the beginning of the evacuation is broadcast by radio and televised. To broadcast emergency messages, television and radio programs are interrupted, urban and rural warning systems, electronic media are used, and SMS messages are sent.

Having received a message about the beginning of the evacuation, you should take with you everything you need and proceed to the collection evacuation point. The addresses of the prefabricated evacuation points are indicated in the information message.

When evacuating from areas of chemical contamination and radioactive contamination, the following is carried out:

  • dosimetric and chemical control;
  • partial or complete sanitization;
  • exchange of clothes and shoes;
  • citizens are provided with medical and psychological assistance.

The ultimate goal of evacuation is to get people to a safe area and provide them with everything they need to live a normal life before returning home.

Improving ways to protect the population

Specialists of the EMERCOM of Russia and other departments are constantly working to improve the effectiveness of protecting the population:

  • underground spaces of cities are being developed to shelter citizens;
  • civil defense protective structures are kept in constant readiness for use;
  • new generation personal protective equipment is being created;
  • evacuation plans are developed in advance;
  • work is underway to prepare safe areas for the placement of the population.

Particular attention is paid to improving the forms and methods of forming a culture of life safety among the younger generation, youth and the adult population, expanding the mass and accessibility of events.

Trouble can come suddenly! Every person should be ready to act and provide help to people in need. Without this indispensable condition, we will not be able to feel safe even in the most modern protective structures.

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