
How to properly clean your aquarium with your own hands. How do I remove limescale from my aquarium? How to clean the glass inside an aquarium


In any aquarium, a certain number of different microorganisms are necessarily present. Sometimes they are able to settle on the walls of the container, spoiling it appearance... Sooner or later, the glass must be cleaned from the inside, and sometimes fouling is very problematic to remove. In addition, in order not to disturb the biological balance, it is recommended not to put your hands in the aquarium again. In this case, scrapers come to the rescue, which are abundant on the shelves of pet stores.

In aquariums, there are two types of fouling - bacterial and algal. If the former can be dealt with with a foam sponge and various, the situation with the second type is somewhat more complicated. removing from glass is quite difficult, and various blades and rough scrapers can help here.

Aquarium scraper: varieties

The scraper is a special tool that makes aiming effortlessly possible. As a rule, in its simplest form, it is a dense sponge attached with a metal frame to a straight handle.

In a specialized pet store, you can choose such a scraper with a handle different lengths depending on the size of the aquarium. There are scrapers with a rubber work surface and metal blades to remove thick layers of dirt.

There are also combined tools - scrapers with a sponge on one side and a blade on the other.

Widespread in last years received magnetic scrapers, the device of which will be discussed below. There are also state-of-the-art battery-operated scrapers on sale.

For example, the German company Eheim offers a cleaning device that automatically very effectively removes not only plaque, but even limescale. Not a bad gift for professional aquarists!

Aquarium scraper with blade

Such a tool helps well to clean the walls of the aquarium if they are very overgrown with tough algae. The working surface of the scraper resembles a safety razor.

The design of the device, where the blade is movable, allows you to clean plaque even in the most inaccessible corners of the aquarium.

A plastic strip protects the glass from scratches, and the replaceable blade itself is made of stainless steel. Manufacturers offer a wide range of scrapers, as well as extensions for them.

Plexiglass aquariums must be cleaned with great care as it scratches easily.

Scraper with blade.

How to make a DIY aquarium scraper?

You can try to clean the vertical surfaces of the aquarium with improvised means, but experts do not recommend using, for example, a simple household sponge for this. If the aquarium is small, an ordinary safety razor, attached with wire or fishing line to the handle of the required length, will do.

If you don't want to get your hands wet, then such a card can be easily attached to the shaft. This homemade cleaning tool is quite effective and will not scratch the container walls.

Magnetic aquarium scraper: pros and cons

Such a cleaning tool is very easy to use and quite effective. The design and the principle of application are laid down in the very name of the tool.

It is a combination of two flat magnets with a strong magnetic field. The attraction between the two parts of such a device provides a fairly effective cleaning of vertical surfaces both inside and outside the aquarium.

The tools are available for glass of various thicknesses. The thicker the aquarium glass, the stronger the magnetic field.

The indisputable advantage of magnetic scrapers is

  • the ability to clean without putting your hands or any objects in the water,
  • the process does not irritate or frighten the inhabitants of the aquarium.

As a disadvantage, one can mention its low efficiency when cleaning a thick layer of microorganisms or when removing limescale.

For ease of use and storage, many manufacturers of aquarium accessories make the inside of the instrument float. In the idle state, the scraper is free to sit on the surface of the water.

Magnetic scraper.

Fancy items for glamorous aquarists

The range of cleaning scrapers is quite extensive. Leading manufacturers of aquarium accessories such as Karlie, Penn Plax, Hobby, JBL, Hagen and a few others offer all types of scrapers in a wide price range.

The world of glamor has also touched the field of aquarium accessories. For example, for wealthy lovers of decorative domestic fish and connoisseurs of expensive things, the NANO Gold scraper has been created, the blade of which is gold plated. Such a tool is a chic gift for a goldfish lover, and can also become a source of pride for a collector.

The owner of the aquarium can decide for himself which cleaning tool is best for him. It is important to remember one rule: you do not need to wait until the glass walls are covered with a thick layer of plaque. Cleaning the glass at least once a week will help maintain ideal condition aquarium.

Video on how to clean an aquarium using a homemade scraper:

Experienced amateurs aquarium fish they know very well how to clean the aquarium from limescale without unnecessary expense and loss of time. But for novice aquarists, this can be a serious problem that cannot be solved without additional sources of information.

Plaque causes

First, it is worth getting to know the causes of limescale. As a rule, it is excessively hard water, which contains a lot of magnesium and calcium salts. Factors contributing to the accumulation of water stone are:

  • lack of aquarium flora or its absence;
  • too frequent addition of feed;
  • use of water without preliminary settling;
  • irregular care;
  • lack of a filter or its poor quality.

If you take into account all the above nuances in time, you can avoid the appearance a large number deposits.

Important! It is impossible to use water completely devoid of minerals, it disrupts the ecological balance of the aquarium, leading to the death of fish and vegetation.

How to clean the walls of the aquarium and what products to use

However, even the most prudent aquarists cannot avoid the need for regular plaque removal. For this purpose, there are three main methods, which include the use of special or folk remedies and mechanical cleaning.

Special means

This category includes specially formulated cleaning compounds. These can be impregnated wipes, sprays or solutions. They allow cleaning without harming flora and fauna. Softeners should be added to this list, which allow you to remove traces of calcium without replanting the inhabitants and draining the water. An example of such tools is:

  • Tetratec is a set of napkins impregnated with components that dissolve lime and green deposits;
  • Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Safe and Easy, spray for cleaning glass and acrylic surfaces from traces of calcification;
  • Aquayer, one of the softeners, neutralizes calcium salts when placed in the filter, reduces the hardness level, not recommended for long-term use, after 45 minutes it must be removed from the filter.

The first two options require a complete emptying of the container. After draining and transplanting the fish with plants, the walls of the container are treated with the selected agent, left for several minutes, then the chemistry, along with the remnants of contamination, are washed off with running water.

Folk remedies

If special chemistry is not available, it is always possible to use home-made cleaners from improvised means. The most popular decalcification products remain acid-rich lemon and vinegar, to which ammonia is often added:

  • instead of fresh lemon, they are more often used citric acid, it is also effective against calcium deposits, to prepare a solution in a glass of water, dilute with 20 grams of the substance and stir until completely dissolved;
  • vinegar, a composition similar to 200 grams of water a tablespoon of the product with a 9% concentration, you can use a spray bottle for application or a clean cloth;
  • ammonia, alcohol is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and mixed thoroughly, the application procedure is the same;
  • another effective option from among the folk, the use of peroxide, the substance is diluted in a ratio of 30 ml per 100 water.

The application procedure differs little from that described above. Since all formulations are prepared in the form of liquid solutions, it is most convenient to use spray guns for application.

Important! Some types of household cleaners can be scalding, for example, when working with vinegar-based solutions, it is recommended that you protect your hands with gloves.

Mechanical cleaning

This type of care is performed using a special plastic scraper that can be purchased at any pet store. An alternative tool is the hard side of a kitchen sponge. Hard-to-reach areas are brushed with a stiff bristled toothbrush. Despite the absence of chemicals, at the final stage, the container should be rinsed from cleaning residues. A steam cleaner can be a substitute for a mechanical tool, the steam softens the plaque, makes it easier to remove, but it will be useless against the stone.

Important! The use of metal tools is undesirable, small metal particles begin to rust, form a reddish coating and scratches on the walls, harm the fish, getting into the esophagus.

Personal experience

An example of the successful use of improvised substances is the use of 70% acetic acid. In addition to her, cotton pads and a half of a razor blade were prepared. To clean the glass walls

  • the discs were periodically wetted with acid;
  • areas of contamination were wiped;
  • places with strong deposits after wiping were additionally smoothed with a blade.

The surface is quickly cleaned, in most cases, the blade turned out to be superfluous. After the procedure, the internal cavity must be thoroughly washed. The acid is concentrated, even a minimal amount can damage flora and fauna.

Important! Acetic acid of this concentration gives off a strong odor, so it is advisable to clean it in a well-ventilated area.

Cleaning the aquarium without draining the water

It is possible to remove not too old limescale from the glass without resettling the aquarium inhabitants. This method is close to mechanical cleaning:

  • filters, indoor lighting and aeration systems are removed and washed;
  • with a special scraper, places with dirt are cleaned;
  • pumped out and replaced from 10 to 70% of water, depending on the frequency of maintenance.

After completion of service, all equipment is returned to its place. This method is well suited for removing fresh deposits that have not yet turned into water scale. In the latter case, you will need to choose more serious and effective methods.

Important! The need to clean the aeration system can be easily checked by the float. Any floating little thing can be the last one. Submerge the float in water, if its position does not change within 10 minutes, the system needs urgent care.

For beginners in the cultivation of indoor flora and fauna, a few tips and tricks for the prevention of scale will be useful:

  • Not all filters are capable of preventing calcification; when choosing, you need to pay attention to the features of the reagent, the recommendations of the sellers and the advice of experienced colleagues;
  • Most of the additives to water are GH modifiers, which increase the content of minerals and calcium; the hardness can be reduced by adding ordinary distilled water;
  • the most effective way the fight against lime deposits must be recognized as regular maintenance, its frequency depends on the volume of the aquarium, the number of its inhabitants, the capabilities of the equipment, including filters, aeration and lighting systems.

In summary, the most effective methods to prevent the occurrence of plaque are timely care, a balanced ratio of flora and fauna, a verified amount of feed, high-quality and efficient equipment.

Learn how to remove plaque from the walls of the aquarium (video):

The aquarium can be a decoration for any interior. In addition, according to psychologists, watching fish is calming and uplifting. In order for the glass tank to continue to delight with its bright colors and cutest inhabitants, it must be periodically cleaned. After all, gradually the walls and bottom are covered with plaque, which is caused by biochemical processes. In this review, we will look at the main causes of contamination and how to properly clean and wash your aquarium.


The basics of cleaning and washing an aquarium

Cleaning your aquarium at home should be done regularly. The large tank for 100 liters or more can be cleaned once every two to three weeks. It is advisable to clean a small container at least once every 7 days. If a white, green, brown, black or brown bloom has appeared on its walls, and the water has acquired a fetid odor, then it's time to start hygiene procedures.

Clouded glass can be caused by overgrowth of algae. In order to cope with this problem, the aquarist's arsenal should have special equipment, represented by scrapers. They come in a variety of sizes. To choose the best option follows, starting from the parameters of the aquarium itself. You can also purchase a magnetic scraper, which makes it much easier to clean the aquarium of plaque.

  1. For a small container, even a regular dishwashing sponge is suitable. It is easier to wash the product from plaque with the hard side of the washcloth. And it is desirable that it be new. It is better to wash a plexiglass product with a nylon washcloth. Otherwise, there is a risk of leaving scratches on its surface.
  2. When cleaning the aquarium, you should first turn off all electrical appliances.
  3. Before cleaning the bottom, you will need to prepare a hose with a funnel. Its end must be located on the ground, and at the other end, draw in water, and then direct its stream into a bowl or bucket prepared in advance. In this way, all the dirt is removed. During this procedure, you need to control the volume of water. Do not drain more than 1/5 of the total volume of the tank. For convenience, you can make a mark on the side surface.
  4. Once you've cleaned your aquarium, you can start adding fresh water. It is best to use a settled one. In the process of filling the container with water, it is convenient to direct the stream of water to any object, for example, a large stone, snag, filter.

Washing a new aquarium

Before as sea ​​fish will be launched in their new house, you need to wash the aquarium. After all, it is not known in what conditions it was stored in the store, and who touched it. Therefore, preliminary processing will definitely not be superfluous.

Algorithm of actions on how to properly wash the aquarium.

  1. If it is small, it can be washed directly in the bathroom by placing it on a cloth backing. This will minimize the appearance of scratches and damage to the product.
  2. The product should be cleaned with baking soda and a washcloth.
  3. First, the walls are rinsed with hot water, after which baking soda is applied to them and thoroughly wiped with a sponge.
  4. At the end, it remains to thoroughly rinse the container with hot water to remove the remnants of the product. All actions in this case should be as accurate as possible.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of a large aquarium is carried out at the installation site. In this case, it is highly undesirable to use a chemical detergent composition or an abrasive cleaning powder, since it is quite problematic to wash off its residues. After processing the product, the flush is pumped out by means of a hose.

Getting rid of plaque

The walls of the aquarium can become covered with deposits as a result of imbalances in the internal environment. You can only deal with this problem with regular care. Various factors and pests cause clouding of glass. In this regard, a black, rusty or green coating is formed on the walls. Next, we will tell you how to wash and how to clean the product in order to restore its attractive appearance.


Green bloom in the aquarium appears due to excessive "water bloom". This is caused by the large amount of algae and their uncontrolled growth. The reservoir can become covered with a green layer due to excess organic matter, represented by ammonia decomposition substances.

Before cleaning the aquarium at home, you should go to the pet store and purchase special tool from "bloom". Tablets or solutions, when dosed correctly, will not harm fish or plants.

The following manipulations will also help to eliminate the problem of green plaque:

  • cleaning the aquarium;
  • change of fresh water;
  • turn off the backlight;
  • increased filtration;
  • improved aeration.


Brown plaque occurs in an aquarium for many reasons. The problem may lie in improper feeding or lighting. In addition, this phenomenon may be associated with the presence of brown algae in the reservoir. If a coating like rust has started to appear on the sides of the tank, a scraper can be used to clean it. The fight against this problem can be carried out with the help of "cleaner fish", which include otocyclus, girinoheilus and ancistrus. Tiger snails also perform similar functions.

Black bloom

If a black bloom appears in the aquarium in the form of growths, black algae (black beard) may be to blame. They can linger on stones, snags and decorative elements. This is a lot of hassle for aquarists as blackbeard is bad for some of the plants that the ecosystem needs.

To cope with this scourge, you should take care of lighting and cleanliness of the bottom or use special fertilizers. If these methods do not bring results, you will have to take more radical measures. In this case, you cannot do without furacilin, thanks to which pathogens are destroyed. But before you wash the aquarium using this drug, you need to transplant the fish and snails into another tank.


White bloom on the walls of the aquarium can appear due to too much organic matter in the water. It consists of multiple colonies of saprophytic microorganisms that feed on excess organic matter. Despite the fact that they are completely safe for habitats of an artificial reservoir, they pretty much spoil the appearance.

To wash an aquarium with fish, where there is a white bloom, you must first remove the mucus mechanically. Some experts in this field advise getting sanitary fish, for example, ancistrus. Enhanced filtration and a reduction in the amount of feed will allow you to quickly restore the biological balance in the reservoir. Of the drugs, Tetra Safestart can be used, which is able to reduce the concentration of toxic substances.

Magnetic assistant for the aquarist: magnetic brush

The magnetic aquarium brush consists of two elements, one of which is located on the inner wall of the tank, and the other is attached to the outside. Both parts of this device are tightly pressed by the magnetic field. Its presence in the aquarist's arsenal will greatly facilitate the work associated with cleaning aquariums. For more information about him, see the video below.

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Video "How to clean glass with a magnet?"

In the video from the Aquastil TV channel, the specialist demonstrates how to clean the glass of an artificial reservoir for fish with a magnetic scraper.

Who benefits from the aquarium?

Every aquarist, sooner or later, but such a question arises.
First, we purchase unpretentious, easy-to-maintain fish. We are gradually interested in more complex fish, more interesting and rare. Often, we choose fish for the beauty of color, shape, behavior.
But, the moment comes when we are looking for useful fish, albeit not so bright and interesting in behavior, but which make it easier for us to take care of our aquarium world, who clean the aquarium, are its orderlies and bring unconditional benefit!

I also have such a moment. And I'm not only interested in healthy fish, but also healthy shrimps and shellfish. I have a wonderful life in three aquariums of different parameters and population. different types algae. Namely, the fight against algae, without the use of aquarium chemistry, prompted me to this search.

I propose not to assess the degree of usefulness of certain inhabitants, but simply to create a list of aquatic organisms that bring clear benefits in a freshwater aquarium.
I think this list can be replenished with your help.

A lot has been written about these fish, almost every aquarist has representatives of these species. Their benefits have long been tested and proven!

Seaweed shrimp

These wonderful creatures in Lately are becoming more and more popular with aquarists. Our members of the forum also appreciated the contribution of shrimp to the fight for the cleanliness of the aquarium. In support of this, a number of articles about shrimp have appeared on our website.

Cleaners of our aquariums, which are all, without exception, shrimps, eating up food particles, microscopic organisms, rotten leaves of aquarium plants.

Seaweed snails and orderlies

Immediately from the main thing! Watch an interesting video story about theodoxus - just awesome cleaners, 100% working!

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Some aquarists call it the tiger snail. They say that you cannot find two snails with the same shell ornament. The homeland of these snails is hot Africa.
The temperature of the content is 25-27 degrees Celsius, the pH is from 7.
The lid of the aquarium must be tightly closed as snail shoots from the aquarium happen. For a short time, this snail can also live on land. Frequent attempts to leave the territory of the aquarium may indicate that the parameters of the water do not like the zebras. Zebras live in the aquarium for about 4-5 years, the size of the shell grows to 2-2.5 cm. This snail does not breed in the aquarium.

Snail Neretina "Hedgehog" "Neritina juttingae"

The shell of this snail is decorated with spiral ribs and spikes. The size of the snail is 2-2.5 cm. The life span in the aquarium is about 4 years. The optimum water temperature is 25-28 degrees, the pH is above 6.5.

Snail Neretina "Black Ear"

Conditions of detention, dimensions are similar to the previous specimen, the lower temperature threshold may be 22 degrees.
All neretins are excellent aquarium cleaners, tirelessly cleaning stele, large-leaved plants, stones, driftwood and decor from algal fouling. Moreover, they absolutely do not damage aquarium plants. The only drawback of these snails is the laying of eggs on the glass of the aquarium.

I would also like to dwell on a tiny snail -
Horned snail Neritina Clithon

These snails have a fairly wide habitat in Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, China, Indonesia.
The photo shows that there are many color options for horned snails. A common feature is the presence of small horns on the shell of snails.
Life expectancy in an aquarium is up to 5 years. The size of a snail is only 1-1.5 cm. But its capabilities have earned the love of aquarists: snails can crawl into even the most inaccessible places, cleaning them to a shine.
According to aquarists: a horned snail perfectly cleans diamond algae from anubias leaves, glass, stones, decorations.
The water temperature must be at least 24 ° C, pH 7-8. Recommended for 100 liters of 10-15 pieces.
Like all neretins, the horned snail does not breed in fresh water.
This video, in fast-forward replay, shows how a tiny horned snail successfully tackles algae.

Septaria porcelain (Septaria porcellana)

This extremely slow snail is also called the turtle snail. It belongs to the Neritidae family.
Other names for Septaria porcellana are Green Turtle Snail, Cellana toreuma, Neritia Crepidularia, Bourbon Nerite.
The dimensions of the septaria are from 1.5 to 3 cm. Conditions of detention: temperature 22-26, pH from 6 to 7.5. Filtration, aeration, water changes are required. The lifespan in the aquarium in the presence of food (algal fouling) is about 2 years.
This wonderful snail was first discovered in 1758. The homeland of the snail is Indonesia and the Philippines.
This snail, in addition to its slowness, is distinguished by unusual shape the shell is flat. Snails are heterosexual, but reproduce only in brackish water, therefore, reproduction of Septaria porcelain is not possible in a fresh aquarium.
The snail is firmly attached by its foot to surfaces. In no case should you try to tear it off, thereby you can pull out the snail's leg, which will lead to its death. With rotational movements, extremely carefully, you can try to peel the snail from the glass.
Like the previous types of neretina, Septaria porcelain is also an aquarium orderly and feeds on algal fouling. Perfectly cleans the aquarium from algae, including flip flops. Does not damage plants. He gets along with all the peaceful fish and shrimps. Should be kept with caution with tetradonts, crayfish and other predators. I saw these snails in the cichlid. They felt great, and the glass was already shining with cleanliness.
- without algae, the snail can die of hunger!
- the snail is not able to move on sandy ground!
Here are the rave reviews from the lucky owners of these snails:
“This baby has already picked up two bundles of flip-flops in an hour, and is clearly not going to stop,” “Not able to move on the sand. Perfectly crawls on the ground 1-2mm! He is trying to climb some plants with low and wide leaves. Easily climbs from the glass onto leaning driftwood. Also - along the glass it is buried in the sand, where algae sit between the sand and the glass, and happily eats them out. I need another septarium "," in a week, in quarantine, we cleaned a 30-liter jar of greens, the glasses are already shining.

Septaria also hangs its caviar on the scenery

And these mollusks really interested me !!
And it all started with this photo:

In two aquariums, water was poured from the same reservoir, but freshwater mussels were placed in the second aquarium, which are living filters!
They perform the same function in aquariums.

Corbicula javanicus snail
or ballerina yellow Javanese or golden bivalve

R One of these molluscs: China, Indonesia, Vietnam and other Asian countries.
Optimal parameters for keeping: temperature 15-30 ° C, pH 6.4-8.5, gH 10-24.
They are not demanding on the quality of the water in the aquarium, but there must be a good saturation of the water with oxygen, which means that aeration in the aquarium is a must. Water changes and filtration in the aquarium are also needed. Corbiculas grow up to 3 cm in size.Life expectancy: 4 - 7 years
The recommended soil is sand with a fraction of 1-3 mm, into which the corbiculas are buried almost entirely. The soil layer should be at least 2-3 cm.
Corbiculas are excellent helpers in the aquarium against water turbidity, as they are filter feeders.
Passing water through themselves, they feed on the microorganisms contained in it.
According to various sources: someone recommends keeping one corbicula per 100 liter aquarium. There is information about the content of two or even three individuals in 20 liters.
Such molluscs are recommended to be kept in spawning grounds, where the need for clean water is especially important. Corbicula pumps through 5 liters of aquarium water per hour!
In the aquariums where these mollusks live, the water is always crystal clear, does not bloom and does not have suspension and turbidity!

An interesting fact is that in aquariums where corbiculas are kept, ichthyophorosis diseases do not occur, according to aquarists, corbiculas detain ichthyophthirius cysts that float in free flight.
You can keep korbicul with all peaceful fish and shrimps.
Corbicula are hermaphrodites, there are no problems with reproduction in the aquarium. Corbicula are viviparous, reproduce tiny, barely visible snails with the naked eye. In the aquarium, newborn corbiculas look like a cloudy cloud, then sink to the bottom, where they continue to grow and develop.
If plants with a weak root system grow in your aquarium, then the corbicula, plowing the soil, can easily dig them out.