
How to sew a handbag organizer. Organizer bag for a needlewoman. Organizer - "sticks" in the closet


You can sew it in a matter of minutes, and then put it into your purse, making it the most functional storage for everyday little things. The daily routine will also become more organized.

Necessary materials

  • A rug or piece of thick fabric 30 cm long and 45 cm wide
  • Thick sewing machine needle
  • Threads in the color of the fabric
  • Safety pins
  • All the little things you usually need to carry in your purse


  1. Take the most long item, which will lie in the organizer, and attach it to the bottom edge of the fabric to determine the depth of the pocket. This could be, for example, a smartphone. The edge of the fabric will need to be folded up to a comfortable height.
  2. Sew the edges of the resulting pocket as close to the outside of the fabric as possible.
  3. Place items in the organizer to mark the sides of the storage pockets. If the design of the fabric allows, it is sufficient to mark these lines with pins. Otherwise, you can first mark them with chalk or special soap, but then the organizer will need to be washed. If all the necessary little things are this moment no, you can take existing ones. Many items are interchangeable.
  4. Take out all the items and sew the pockets along the marked lines.
  5. Place necessary items into your organizer and put it in your purse.
  6. If the bag is small, the organizer can be rolled up. If the fabric of the organizer is dense, it can be taken out of the bag and placed on a table or bedside table.

9 items to carry in your purse

Before stitching an organizer, you should think about all the things that will lie in it. The contents of each handbag are individual, but there are necessary little things that are equally important for everyone.

  • Phone charger. A discharged phone can cause a lot of problems.
  • Lip balm.
  • Moisturizing hand cream. It comes in handy in cold weather, when the skin of the hands is especially vulnerable and quickly becomes dry. A cream with a pleasant scent can be an alternative to perfume.
  • Medical plaster.
  • Wet wipes: a handy item for different cases life. Helps to deal with dirt on hands, face or various surfaces.
  • Pens. Sometimes it is necessary to sign a document or receipt. A small notepad for notes is also useful.
  • Hand sanitizer. It is especially necessary when there are children nearby who do not always wash their hands thoroughly.
  • A bottle of water. Thirst, sometimes, catches at the most inopportune moment.
  • A cereal bar or candy. Snacking is important in times of hunger and bad mood.

Like many mothers and women, in principle, I faced such a problem that it is absolutely impossible to find anything in my own bag (especially in a nursery, since manufacturers of strollers, in addition to which there are bags, do not bother too much) ... Completely annoyed by the eternal mess in my children's bag, I decided to sew an organizer, where all the children's personal belongings that you constantly carry with you would fit without any problems. And this is how I did it.

To begin with, I measured my children's bag so that the organizer could fit into it without any problems. As a result, I got the following details: 2 front walls, 1 rib, which serves as both side walls and a bottom, 3 internal partitions, 2 external pockets (one for each front wall) and two pockets per edge. In all cases, the fabric is folded in half.

When I was thinking about the organizer, the question arose - how can I strengthen the walls so that they keep their shape (otherwise my organizer will simply turn into a bag just adding a mess in the bag). I'm not really such a seamstress and all sorts of double-non-woven fabrics and something else happens - for me it's darkness, especially since I have absolutely no opportunity to look for them in the shops. Therefore, in a well-known store, where everything is at the same price, I purchased such a shopping bag of material unknown to me. It keeps its shape well and is not thick at all. from it I also carved out 2 more front walls and an edge.

I prepared internal partitions and pockets - I stitched it from the inside out, turned it out and stitched it again from above (while sewing up the place where I turned it out)

I unfolded the front wall (it turned out the fabric in one layer) and sewed on the side pocket, dividing it with a line into three separate pockets. I did the same with the second front wall.

On the other half of the front wall, I sew the inner partitions. It is not very visible in the photo, but when sewing on the partition, I made only one straight line (on the right).

Then she turned off the partition and similarly sewed the second one.

And the third.

Then you need to sew the partitions to the second front wall. We lay out the unfolded halves side by side and alternately, starting with the extreme left, we sew all three partitions. Then we fold our front walls so that the fabric folds in half again.

The result is this detail.

We insert our duplicating material between the halves of the front walls and stitch it so that it does not move. It turns out such a detail.

In the same way, we sew the understudy and the rib. Don't forget about the side pockets.

French psychologists argue that a mess in a woman's bag testifies not only to the dreaminess of its owner, but also to passivity, disorganization and inability to gather the right moment... How do you clean up your bag? Try making a DIY bag organizer.

You will need:

  • two rectangular scraps of fabric (top and lining) - 70 x 25 cm;
  • sewing machine;
  • suitable threads;
  • a piece of Velcro 5 cm and 30 minutes of free time.

How to sew a DIY bag organizer

For the top, it is advisable to choose a denser fabric (tapestry, artificial leather, etc.). Can be duplicated for strength with non-woven or padding polyester.

We make a pattern, for example, this: a rectangle 70 cm long, 25 cm wide.

  1. We cut out two rectangles from the fabric according to the pattern with 1 cm seam allowances on each side.
  2. Sew the edges along the perimeter of the two rectangles, leaving a 5 cm hole unsewn for turning.
  3. We turn the organizer out onto the face, iron it, lay a finishing line along the edge, at the same time covering the hole for turning.
  4. Mark 10 cm from the edge of the product and draw a line with chalk - this is the fold line of the organizer. We bend the fabric and iron it.
  5. Sew on the Velcro for the fastener (one part of the Velcro from the outside, the other from the inside).
  6. Stitching the short edges of the organizer.
  7. We decide what we will carry in the organizer: mobile phone, hair brush, notebook, pen, business card holder, etc.
  8. We outline future pockets. We sew them with a double line.

Everything! DIY bag organizer is ready! Now it will take you exactly one minute to transfer the necessary things from bag to bag!

Jokes have long been composed about the lack of order in which, even if you wish, you cannot argue with. After all, almost all the fair sex in the bag is not just a mess, but downright chaos, which at the crucial moment sucks into its black hole such necessary items as a phone, wallet, business card holder or a tube of hand cream.

But any chaos can be dealt with. The chaos that lives in women's handbags will help subdue the bag organizer, in which you can fold important little things, and then simply transfer it from bag to bag. There are two options for organizers - a bag organizer with a pattern, which itself looks like a small handbag, but there is an easier way to make a bag organizer with your own hands, which does not require patterns or professional sewing skills.

Let's take a closer look at how to sew a bag organizer that can help you organize things in your purse while taming the clutter.

Master class - organizer for a bag

Step 1: To simplify the sewing process, you can take not just a piece of fabric, but a linen towel or napkin so as not to process the edges. Fold the fabric in half and iron the fold well with an iron.

Step 3: Using a pencil or soap, depending on whether your fabric is light or dark, mark by drawing lines on both sides of the fabric 1.5 cm to the edge.

Step 4: Next, you need to make the markings for the pockets. In principle, everything here is individual, depending on what size of pockets you need, but on average, draw lines at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Step 5: The next step is to make a buttonhole from an elastic band. The buttonhole size depends on the size of the button you are going to use.

Step 6: Sew the edge of the garment to secure the buttonhole. For reliability, you can make a double seam. Also sew on any lines you marked earlier.

Step 7: So, at this stage of manufacturing, the organizer looks like this.

Step 9: Sew a button to the edge to hold your organizer in place.

Step 10: And now, as they say, you can enjoy the creation of your own hands.

The process of making such an organizer for handbag is very simple and any girl can handle it, even one who has almost no sewing skills, and the small size of such an organizer will allow you to carry it even in a small purse.