
The most severe punishments in schools. Moral education in Japan Japanese School of Punishment


Maintaining discipline is a difficult task, and not everyone will be able to cope with this task. A bunch of restless kids can drive anyone crazy and destroy a school in a matter of minutes. That is why punishments were invented, and we will talk about the most terrible today.

In China, negligent students were punished by beating their hands with a bamboo twig. It just doesn't seem scary if you don't know how many times schoolchildren got it. The most interesting thing is that parents only supported this method of raising children. It was canceled just 50 years ago.

In Russia, rods were used to drive the truth into children. In theological seminaries, they could be beaten with rods for excessive zeal in eating or for not knowing the names of all 12 apostles.

This is how they looked like. Rods are twigs soaked in water for elasticity. They hit hard and left marks.

Great Britain
In the UK, schoolchildren were put on peas. Yes, this tradition originated from there, and quickly reached us, we also practiced such a punishment. They put bare knees on scattered peas. Believe me, it does not hurt only the first 30 seconds, and Russian schoolchildren sometimes stood on peas for 4 hours. Corporal punishment was abolished only in 1986.

Brazilian children are banned from playing football. No matter how simple it may seem for us, for any Brazilian child it is comparable to death, because everyone plays football even at recess!

In Liberia, children are still punished with a whip. Recently, Liberian President Charles Taylor personally lashed his 13-year-old daughter 10 times for indiscipline.

That's who is experienced in torture, so it's the Japanese. They had many punishments, but these two were the most brutal: to stand with a porcelain cup on your head, straightening one leg at a right angle to the body and lying on two stools, holding on to them only with your palms and toes, that is, in fact, it turns out between stools.
Also, there are no cleaners in Japanese schools, punished students are cleaned there.

In Pakistan, for two minutes late, you have to read the Koran for 8 hours.

Despite the prohibitions, in Namibia, delinquent students have to stand under a hornet's nest.

The standard Scottish school belt is made of thick hard leather by special order of the educational authorities. They usually use it folded in half, and, they say, it’s better not to try it on yourself.

Nepal. The worst punishment there is when the boy is dressed in women's dress and, depending on the degree of fault, they are forced to walk in it from one to 5 days. In fact, girls in Nepal are not sent to schools, they are considered only a burden and they are fed very poorly. Boys can not stand such a diet and begin to ask for forgiveness on about the second day.

The subject of school punishments is very old. Many artists wrote their paintings about this, which allows us to conclude that it worried people at all times.

Should children be punished? Definitely yes. All teachers of all peoples of the world are united in this. But each country has its own ideas about the age at which this is permissible, and also what the punishment for a child can be. Let's talk today about the punishment system adopted in Japan.

Japan is a country of advanced technologies, in which incredibly efficient, polite and obedient people live in incredibly cramped conditions by Slavic standards. How do Japanese mothers manage to raise such children? And is their parenting experience acceptable to us? Let's think together.

Life without punishment is beautiful and bright

Traditions are highly valued in Japan. Including traditions in pedagogy. In the writings of medieval Japanese philosophers, the idea that in childhood (up to 5 years) children cannot be punished dominates. Therefore, small children in Japan are not only not punished, they are not even reprimanded. Mom can even apologize to the child for the fact that she did not keep track of him and he broke an expensive vase. Agree, it is impossible to find such a mother in the Slavic expanses. Do not hit the child, do not yell - yes, it is possible. But apologize to him...

How children are punished in a Japanese school

In Japan, the principle of collectivism is elevated to an absolute height. It is hard to imagine another country in which there would be so many volunteers for the role of kamikaze ... And all because the main thing in Japan is the team, the society in which you live. This feeling is actively cultivated in the Japanese school. They never give the name of a delinquent student - it would be too cruel to him - Japanese teachers believe. Therefore, the whole class is punished. Interestingly, in Japan, the modesty of a person is very strongly cultivated. To be like everyone else, not to consider yourself better in anything, not to “stick out” is the main motive for the behavior of Japanese children. If the teacher in the class asks "Who has not learned the lesson" and one of the students makes an attempt to raise his hand, his movement will immediately be picked up by the whole class. They didn't learn everything! It's touching and sad at the same time, don't you think?

But to the question “Who will go to answer?”, even if, contrary to the Japanese tradition, and sounded, no one will respond. It means "get out"...

Japanese children are punished by excommunication

A system of punishments naturally follows from such a system of education: the child is excommunicated from the collective. In Japanese villages, for example, they can put a child out the door of the house and leave him alone in complete darkness and loneliness. Perhaps the most cruel punishment that grown-up children talk about is ... tying a child. To a tree, to a chair in a dark room and complete silence. The purpose of punishment is the same: to make them fully feel how terrible it is - to be alone, to fall out of the team.

What a contrast to the American upbringing, where “You are the best!” is at the forefront! You're the first! Leave the crowd behind you!”, right?

From ancient times the most in an efficient way Punishment of schoolchildren was considered beating. Today, corporal punishment of children is prohibited in most countries of the world. However, before this action physical way the impact on the delinquent student was extremely common. In private closed schools, children were punished cruelly and mercilessly. Unless they allowed the death of pupils, which could cause wide publicity and hype.

The instrument of punishment in many public and private schools in England and Wales was a flexible rattan cane for hitting the arms or buttocks. Slipper hitting was also widely used. In some English cities, a belt was used instead of a cane. In Scotland, a tosi-handled leather band used to hit the hands was a universal tool in public schools, but some private schools preferred a cane.

Cane punishment. (

Corporal punishment is now banned in all European countries. Poland was the first to abandon them (1783), and later this measure was outlawed by the Netherlands (1920), Germany (1993), Greece (in primary schools since 1998, in secondary schools since 2005), Great Britain (1987), Italy (1928), Spain (1985), Austria (1976).

Now in Europe they punish for offenses rather parents than children. So, in the UK judicial practice a precedent was set when a married couple was brought to trial for additional vacations for children. The parents took their sons to Greece for a week-long holiday during school hours. Now they face a fine of two thousand pounds and 3 months in prison. Local authorities sued, alleging that the couple deprived the children of the right to education. And in France, fines threaten parents who pick up their children from school too late. The authorities decided to resort to such measures after complaints from teachers who, together with students, have to wait for hours for parents who are late.

Severe customs still reign in Africa. In Namibia, despite the prohibition of the Minister of Education, delinquent children must stand still under a tree with a hornet's nest. In Liberia and Kenya they are whipped.

Punishment. (

In Asia, corporal punishment has already been abolished in some countries (Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines), and in some countries it is still practiced. In China, all corporal punishment was banned after the 1949 revolution. In practice, in some schools students are beaten with sticks.

In Myanmar, beating is practiced despite a government ban. Students are hit with a cane on the buttocks, calves, or hands in front of the class. Other forms of corporal punishment in schools include cross-arm squatting with ear-pulling, kneeling or bench standing. Common causes are talking in class, not completing homework, mistakes, fights and absenteeism.

In Malaysia, caning is a common form of discipline. By law, it can only be applied to boys, but the idea of ​​introducing the same punishments for girls was discussed in Lately. Girls are offered to be beaten on the hands, while boys are usually beaten on the buttocks through their trousers.

In Singapore, corporal punishment is legal (only for boys) and is fully approved by the government to maintain strict discipline. Only light rattan cane can be used. Punishment should take place as a formal ceremony following a decision by the school authorities, not by the teacher in the classroom. The Ministry of Education has set a maximum of six strokes for a single misdemeanor.

Guilty. (

V South Korea corporal punishment is legal and widely used. Boys and girls are equally often punished by teachers for any misconduct at school. Government recommendations are that the stick should not be thicker than 1.5 cm in diameter, and the number of strokes should not exceed 10. Such punishments are usually carried out in a classroom or hallway in the presence of other students. Simultaneous punishments for several students are common, and sometimes the whole class is beaten for one student. Common causes of corporal punishment include making mistakes in homework, talking in class, and getting a bad grade in an exam.

In Japan, in addition to the classic beating with bamboo, there were also more terrible punishments: to stand with a porcelain cup on your head, straightening one leg at a right angle to the body, and to lie between two stools, holding on to them only with your palms and toes.

In India, there is no school corporal punishment in the Western sense. It is believed that school corporal punishment should not be confused with ordinary beatings, when a teacher lashes out at a student in a sudden outburst of rage, which is not corporal punishment, but cruelty. India's Supreme Court has banned this type of violence in schools since 2000, and most states have said they are enforcing the ban, although implementation has been slow so far.

In Pakistan, being two minutes late to class is forced to read the Quran for 8 hours. In Nepal, the most terrible punishment is when a boy is dressed in a woman's dress and, depending on the degree of fault, is forced to walk in it from one to five days.

Punishment. (

In the United States, corporal punishment is not prohibited in all states. Supporters of physical influence on children remain mainly the south of the country. Corporal punishment in American schools is carried out by hitting the buttocks of pupils or female students with a specially made wooden paddle. Most public schools have detailed rules for how punishment ceremonies are conducted, and in some cases these rules are printed in school manuals for students and their parents.

In South America, the treatment of children today is generally humane. Basically, corporal punishment is prohibited, and the maximum that awaits a naughty schoolboy in Brazil, for example, is a ban on games at recess. And in Argentina, where physical punishment was practiced until the 1980s, the instruments of pain were slaps in the face.

Being late for class is punishable

This is typical for Japanese schools. You have to be at school at 8:30! Those who are late five times will have to clean the school and come to school much earlier every day for a week.

School cleaning is the work of the schoolchildren themselves

There are no technical workers in Japanese schools. Students themselves clean school premises: classrooms where they study, corridors, swimming pools.

Meals in classrooms

Students eat in the same rooms where they study. They serve themselves. Throwing away food is not allowed, everything must be eaten!

Swimming lessons are very important

Swimming lessons are included in the curriculum. Many schools have their own swimming pools. If a student has not learned to swim in time school year, then he is obliged to attend swimming lessons in the summer, during the holidays.

Usage mobile phones strictly prohibited in schools

Students can start using their mobile phones only after the end of the lessons.

Pupils can even during the summer holidays, if they wish, go to school to take part in any activities.

All students under 18 years of age are allowed to be out of the house only until 22.00

Different cities treat this rule differently. But for the most part, it is followed. So, in such large cities as Tokyo and Yokohama, students are prohibited from visiting cinemas or visiting after 22.00.

Strict appearance requirements

Students are not allowed to wear makeup, wear colored lenses, dye their hair and nails, or tweeze their eyebrows. This is typical for many Japanese schools.

Respect for elders

Students are expected to bow to teachers at the beginning of the lesson and at the end of the lesson.

Requirements for hairstyles for boys and girls

It is forbidden to dye your hair, wear bandages different kind on the head. Young men are forbidden to have mustaches and beards, they must always be well-shaven.

You cannot make changes to school uniform

Students must wear the school uniform as prescribed by the school. No modifications or decorations are allowed.

Replacement of teachers is absent or very rare

In Japanese schools, there is no such thing as replacement teachers. If the teacher falls ill or is absent for some other good reason, then none of his colleagues replaces him. Students must sit in the classroom and independently complete the tasks that will be given to them. Sometimes another teacher may come into the classroom to check on the situation.

Diversity in outerwear not allowed

Jackets and sweaters should be dark: navy blue, black or gray color. Jewelry are also prohibited.

Maintaining discipline is a difficult task, and not everyone will be able to cope with this task. A bunch of restless kids can drive anyone crazy and destroy a school in a matter of minutes. That is why punishments were invented, and we will talk about the most terrible today.

In China, negligent students were punished by beating their hands with a bamboo twig. It just doesn't seem scary if you don't know how many times schoolchildren got it. The most interesting thing is that parents only supported this method of raising children. It was canceled just 50 years ago.

In Russia, rods were used to drive the truth into children. In theological seminaries, they could be beaten with rods for excessive zeal in eating or for not knowing the names of all 12 apostles.

This is how they looked like. Rods are twigs soaked in water for elasticity. They hit hard and left marks.

Great Britain
In the UK, schoolchildren were put on peas. Yes, this tradition originated from there, and quickly reached us, we also practiced such a punishment. They put bare knees on scattered peas. Believe me, it does not hurt only the first 30 seconds, and Russian schoolchildren sometimes stood on peas for 4 hours. Corporal punishment was abolished only in 1986.

Brazilian children are banned from playing football. No matter how simple it may seem for us, for any Brazilian child it is comparable to death, because everyone plays football even at recess!

In Liberia, children are still punished with a whip. Recently, Liberian President Charles Taylor personally lashed his 13-year-old daughter 10 times for indiscipline.

That's who is experienced in torture, so it's the Japanese. They had many punishments, but these two were the most brutal: to stand with a porcelain cup on your head, straightening one leg at a right angle to the body and lying on two stools, holding on to them only with your palms and toes, that is, in fact, it turns out - between the stools.
Also, there are no cleaners in Japanese schools, punished students are cleaned there.

In Pakistan, for two minutes late, you have to read the Koran for 8 hours.

Despite the prohibitions, in Namibia, delinquent students have to stand under a hornet's nest.

The standard Scottish school belt is made of thick hard leather by special order of the educational authorities. They usually use it folded in half, and, they say, it’s better not to try it on yourself.

Nepal. The most terrible punishment there is when a boy is dressed in a woman's dress and, depending on the degree of fault, is forced to walk in it from one to 5 days. In fact, girls in Nepal are not sent to schools, they are considered only a burden and they are fed very poorly. Boys can not stand such a diet and begin to ask for forgiveness on about the second day.

The subject of school punishments is very old. Many artists wrote their paintings about this, which allows us to conclude that it worried people at all times.

But despite the progress, even now teachers allow themselves to raise a hand against students and punish them in sophisticated ways.

This teacher made me hold a chair over my head for being late until "it hits an empty head"

And this teacher completely lost his temper, and could hardly restrain himself. A high school student brought him to the point that she spoke about his wife.