
Physical activity and the elderly. Identification of problems in the elderly from the endocrine system, in connection with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of this age, and ways to meet them Physical activity among the population in the elderly


For adults in this age group, physical activity includes recreational or leisure activities, moving activities (such as cycling or walking), professional activity(if the person continues to work), household chores, games, competitions, sports or scheduled activities as part of daily activities, family and community. The following physical activity practices are recommended to promote cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, and functional health and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases, depression, and cognitive impairment:

  • Adults 65 years of age and older should engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, or at least 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity aerobics or similar moderate-to-high-intensity physical activity.
  • Each aerobics session should last at least 10 minutes.
  • For additional health benefits, adults in this age group should increase their moderate-intensity aerobic activity to 300 minutes per week, or 150 minutes per week for high-intensity aerobics or a similar combination of moderate-to-high intensity aerobics. .
  • Adults in this age group with joint problems should do balance exercises to prevent the risk of falls 3 or more days per week.
  • Strength exercises that involve major muscle groups should be done 2 or more days a week.
  • If older people cannot perform the recommended amount of physical activity for health reasons, then they should engage in physical exercise, taking into account their physical abilities and health status.
Physical activity for all

These guidelines apply to all healthy people aged 65 and over. They also refer to people in this age range who have chronic diseases. People with specific health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, may need additional precautions and medical advice before attempting to reach the recommended levels of physical activity for older adults.

There are numerous ways in which older people can be physically active for a total of 150 minutes a week.

To achieve a total of 150 minutes of physical activity per week, these activities can be spaced out in shorter blocks of at least 10 minutes each throughout the week: for example, 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity 5 times per week.

The recommendations also apply to older people with disabilities, but they can be adjusted on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the potential of such people for exercise, special health risks or restrictions.

Older people who are inactive or have some kind of disability due to illness will benefit from health benefits if they move from being "inactive" to being "at some level" active. Older adults who are currently not following the recommendations for physical activity should aim to increase their duration, frequency, and eventually intensity in order to follow these recommendations.

Scientists have proven that physical activity is an absolute indication for maintaining and strengthening human health at any age.

But if in childhood it is easy and natural to be in constant motion, then with age there is a decrease in vital activity.

Elderly people (according to WHO, this is the age of 60 to 75 years) become inactive, acquire a lot of chronic diseases, their attentiveness decreases, their memory deteriorates.

Meanwhile, the only way live long and interesting life- is to continue to train your body, doing daily morning exercises, stretching muscles and ligaments, walking on fresh air.

physical training- a powerful weapon against aging. Improves metabolism, fat burning, which contributes to weight loss, reducing the risk of obesity. The supply of tissues and organs with oxygen improves, the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases, and the tendency to thrombosis decreases. As a result, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, the risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes decreases. Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the breast and rectum.

What kind of exercise is the best? Physical activity involving large muscle groups is recommended: walking, swimming, light exercise, cycling, skiing, etc. Consider common types of physical activity.

Daily morning exercises- a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become for everyone the same habit as washing in the morning. Start classes with a slow five-minute stretch before morning exercises, while the movements should be smooth, not bringing discomfort. A set of exercises for morning exercises can be any, but without power loads. 15 minutes is enough.

Walking. For the elderly, this is the simplest and most affordable means of recovery (you can do it at home, combined with everyday activities, at work, while traveling; it does not require special material costs). Walking at a slow pace (3-4 km / h) for 30 minutes a day 4-5 times a week significantly increases the functionality of the body.

Nordic walking with sticks- a type of physical activity, which is hiking, during which, when walking, they rely on special sticks, the appearance of which vaguely resembles ski sticks (a certain walking technique is used). This type of physical activity: maintains muscle tone at the same time upper and lower parts body; trains about 90% of all muscles of the body (with normal walking only 70%); burns almost 1.5 times more calories than regular walking; reliance on sticks reduces the load on the knee, hip joints and spine when walking; improves the work of the heart and lungs, increases the pulse by 10-15 beats per minute more than normal walking; trains the sense of balance and coordination of movements.

Safe Walking Rules

speaking test allows you to assess the intensity of walking: if you can talk freely enough while walking - this is the optimal pace of walking, if you can sing - you need to speed up your step, if you cannot talk - slow down.

Heart rate control A: Whether you're walking, playing tennis or swimming, remember to check your heart rate. Permissible increase in heart rate - no more than 55-70%. For example, if before the lesson your pulse was 70 per minute, then during the lesson it should not exceed 120 per minute.

Remember that within two hours after eating, you should refrain from physical exercise; if you feel unwell (flu, cold, fever), classes should be stopped; after illness, the intensity and duration of training should be somewhat reduced; you should not be afraid of muscle soreness when you have just started walking, because. after 1-2 days, adaptation to stress will occur and these pains should disappear.

Movement, in addition to benefits, brings great pleasure, which is associated with the production of endorphins, called "hormones of joy." Physically active people have good health, mood, they are more resistant to stress and depression.

If you practice regularly with their health, it is possible to push back the approach of old age. Therefore, those people who fall into the category of “old age” according to the WHO classification may not always feel like such. Therefore, it would be useful to once again recall what folk wisdom says: "A person is as old as he feels."

GKUZ NSO "Regional Center for Medical Prevention"

Photo by Alexandra Afanasyeva, Kolyvan settlement

Taking care of our own health largely depends on us. At any age, active physical activity is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

With age, regular functional changes in organs and systems occur even in the absence of any diseases.
From the side of cardio-vascular system- this is a deterioration in the contractile function of the heart muscle, a change in the intensity of the work of the heart muscle, an increase blood pressure, compaction and decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Due to changes in the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the recovery period after physical activity becomes longer.

With age, the functional capabilities of the respiratory system are limited, atrophic changes in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract develop.

For older people age groups changes in the musculoskeletal system are characteristic: a decrease in the volume of muscle mass, a decrease in the content of minerals in the bones, bone mass decreases, the bones become less strong and more brittle, and there is a risk of fractures. Clinically, aging of the musculoskeletal system is more often manifested by fatigue when walking, periodic aching pains in the spine and joints, impaired posture and gait, limited mobility and pain in the spine and joints. With an active motor mode, the aging process of bone tissue slows down.

With age, pronounced structural and functional changes develop in adipose tissue, and, above all, in humans, the size of fat cells increases. The development of this effect is prevented by constant physical activity.

Exchange processes slow down. There is a mismatch between the energy intensity of the diet and the actual energy expenditure, therefore, fewer calories are required to maintain a constant weight. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight becomes a problem, and exercise helps to control body weight.
Thus, the aging of the body is accompanied by various changes in all organs and systems of the body.
Therefore, it is important at any age, including the elderly, to lead an active lifestyle. Before starting classes, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a doctor and receive recommendations on the selection motor activity taking into account age, gender, already existing chronic diseases.

It is better to start classes under the guidance of a specialist who will teach you how to perform certain exercises correctly, help you choose an individual level of load, and monitor your well-being. You also need to pay attention to the rest between exercises, because the body in old age does not recover as quickly as in a young one.

When choosing a sport, first of all choose what you like. This can be walking, walking, including Scandinavian walking, moderate cycling, subject to good tolerance for physical activity - jogging, swimming, aqua aerobics, training on simulators, group classes in fitness clubs, dancing, yoga. Due to the high risk of injury and excessive stress on the body, sports such as skating, intense power loads, and fast running should be excluded.

In old age, it is necessary to observe the principle of moderation in the impact of physical activity, performing exercises with rest breaks;
Performing physical exercises should not be accompanied by concentrated loads, excessive stress, fast movements;
observance of the principle of gradualness in strengthening and reducing physical activity;
It is advisable to use fractional loads throughout the day;
self-control during classes (subjective reaction, control of heart rate);
Alternate physical exercises with breathing exercises;
Perform exercises aimed at maintaining general physical activity, and special exercises for balance and coordination of movements.

Lead an active lifestyle, be healthy!

Keywords: elderly people, functionality, hypertension, therapeutic physical culture.

Annotation. The article deals with the problems of maintaining and strengthening health, a rational lifestyle, increasing the functional capabilities of elderly and senile people with hypertension.

Physical activity in the elderly and senile age: Myth or Reality?

Anopchenko A. S., Assistant of the Department of polyclinic therapy; Dr. Agranovich N. V., MD, Professor, Head of polyclinic therapy; Knyshova S. A., PhD, Assistant Professor of polyclinic therapy. Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol. Agranovich V. O., Chief doctor,

Stavropol regional center of physiotherapy and sports medicine. Pilipovich L. A., therapists, Clinical Polyclinic number 1, Stavropol.

keywords: elderly people, functional capabilities, hypertension, therapeutic physical culture.

abstract. The article deals with the problem of preserving and enhancing the health, lifestyle management, enhancing the functionality of the elderly and senile age with hypertension.


Morphological, functional and biochemical features of the body during the aging period affect its most important property - the ability to respond to environmental influences, physical activity, etc. Reactivity is determined by the state of receptors, the nervous system, visceral organs, etc. .

The disease suppresses and disorganizes motor activity - an indispensable condition for the normal formation and functioning of any living organism. Regular physical activity allows people not only to prevent the development of many chronic diseases, reduce the frequency of exacerbations of existing chronic diseases, but also to maintain physical fitness at the proper level, i.e. flexibility and mobility of joints, muscle elasticity, and hence the ability to maintain balance and move . One of effective ways non-drug maintenance of health, preservation of activity, as well as an important element in the treatment of diseases is physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). Exercise therapy is an independent scientific discipline that uses means for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. physical culture. Exercise therapy in elderly patients should be carried out taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics. Exercise therapy is prescribed only by a doctor and is carried out strictly according to his appointment, usually in healthcare facilities - hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.

Therapeutic exercise is effective tool prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, as well as maintaining the level of performance of people with diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, musculoskeletal system, the normal functioning of all body systems and the prevention of hypodynamia.

Mobility is a fundamental concept in the concept of active aging, as it directly determines the status of health and quality of life. Thanks to the preservation of mobility, older people retain the ability to be largely independent, reducing the degree of dependence on other people to a minimum. However, in reality, this category people forget about the need to maintain their physical activity. Only 15% of older people regularly maintain their health by doing exercise therapy in health groups or doing physical exercises at home. But this percentage is even lower in the elderly who have any chronic somatic diseases. At the same time, the long and widespread use of exercise therapy in the health care system has proven and once again emphasizes important role physical culture in the process of improving the health of the population.

Purpose of the study

To identify the reasons that contribute to or hinder the desire to engage in therapeutic physical culture in the elderly and senile age; to conduct a comparative analysis of self-assessment of their health status by older people involved and not engaged in physical culture; to study the state of sanitary and hygienic literacy of older people on issues healthy lifestyle life and its needs.

Materials and methods

The study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy of the Stavropol State Medical University and the Regional Center for Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (KTsLF and SM) of Stavropol. The object of the study was elderly patients of the city polyclinics No. 1 and No. 2, the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic of Stavropol and the KCLF and SM, who underwent examination and / or treatment in the listed institutions.

To analyze the self-assessment of the health status of older people, the "Test of differential self-assessment of the functional state (SAN)" was used.

220 people were surveyed. Among them, the elderly (6074 years old) - 59.6% (131 people), senile (75-89 years old) - 38.6% (85 people) and centenarians (over 90 years old) - 1.8% ( 4 people). Among all examined patients various types only 28.2% (62 people) were engaged in physical activity.

The most common physical activities performed by elderly and senile people were: "long (2-3 hours) walks in the fresh air" - 56.2%, "light exercise" - 42.5%, "physical work around the house" - 21 .8%, “classes in health groups, sports sections, etc.” - 18.3%.

Statistical data processing was carried out on the basis of a complex of modern methods for automated storage and processing of information on personal computers using the application package "Automated processing of experimental medical information" (PPP "SOMI") and others.

A comparative analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the SPSS Statistics 21.0 software package. To assess the dynamics of indicators within the groups, Student's t-test was used. The criterion of statistical significance of the obtained conclusions was considered the value of p< 0,05.

Research results and discussion

At the beginning of the study, an analysis of outpatient patient records was made. It was found that the leading causes of morbidity in the examined elderly and senile people are: diseases of the cardiovascular system (62.1%), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (49.3%), diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system (28.3% ), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (28.3%) and urinary system (23.7%), diseases of the endocrine system (22.3%). (Fig. 1).

During the survey, a group of elderly and senile people was identified, which is engaged in the health group "Vasily Skakun's Healthy Lifestyle Academy" - 71 people. Of these, 9.1% regularly attend classes, attend often, but not constantly - 75.3%, sometimes attend - 15.6%. 36 people in this group had a history of a disease of the cardiovascular system - hypertension.

All patients were asked to indicate the reasons that contribute to or hinder physical activity. A group of elderly and senile people involved in the health group of the Vasily Skakun Healthy Lifestyle Academy indicated that the reasons that contributed to their physical education were as follows: “the desire to maintain physical activity” (23.9%), “a referral from a doctor Exercise therapy" (5.6%), "availability of a place (groups, sections) for older people" (10%), "availability of partners or friends for joint activities" (5.6%), "availability of energy (strength)" (15.5%), "free time" (2.8%), "the desire to improve health and reduce the manifestations of the disease" (36.6%) (Fig. 2).

The rest of the patients indicated the reasons preventing them from exercising: “the presence of diseases that affect general well-being” (23.7%), “fear of injuries and falls” (19%), “lack of energy (strength)” (15.3%), “lack of motivation” (11%), “lack of time” (6.8%), “lack of partners or friends for joint activities” (10.5%), “lack of space (groups, sections) for older people to do” ( 13.7%) (Fig. 3).

According to the data obtained using the SAM differential self-assessment test, it was shown that patients attending the Vasily Skakun Healthy Lifestyle Academy have higher indicators of activity and well-being than other patients. The mood level in both groups was comparable and assessed as normal. (Table 1.).

It should be noted that in elderly people suffering from hypertension and working in the health group, the indicators of self-assessment of their health did not differ significantly from the indicators of the group as a whole. In patients regularly engaged in physical activity, they were significantly higher than in those who did not exercise regularly (Table 2.). In addition, these patients noted a decrease in the frequency of hypertensive crises and a stable decrease in blood pressure by an average of 20-25 mm Hg. Art.

Rice. 1. Leading causes of morbidity among respondents.

1 - the desire to maintain physical activity;

3-availability of a place (groups, sections) for older people;

4-the presence of partners or friends for joint activities;

5 - the presence of energy (forces);

6 – free time;

7 - the desire to improve health and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Rice. 2. Reasons for doing exercise therapy.

1 - the presence of diseases that affect general well-being;

2-fear of injuries and falls;

3 - lack of energy (forces);

4–lack of motivation;

5–lack of time;

6-lack of partners or friends for joint activities;

7-lack of space (groups, sections) for older people.

Rice. 3. Reasons that prevent exercise therapy.

This fact once again convincingly proves that regular physical activity, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of the body, under strict medical supervision, provides the greatest efficiency in maintaining health, improving the quality of life and prolonging the active longevity of the elderly.

Table 1

Self-assessment of the state of one's health according to the test "Differential self-assessment of the functional state" (SAN) (in points)

table 2

Self-assessment of the state of their health in patients suffering from hypertension regularly and not regularly engaged in health groups according to the test "Differential self-assessment of the functional state" (SAN) (in points)

All respondents involved in the Vasily Skakun Healthy Lifestyle Academy

Patients suffering from hypertension regularly attending Vasily Skakun Healthy Lifestyle Academy

Patients suffering from hypertension who do not regularly attend the Academy of Healthy Lifestyles of Vasily Skakun

Well-being (C)

Activity (A)

Mood (H)


Our study shows the need to break the wrong stereotypes in older people that have developed over many years, who do not consider it important to maintain physical activity through exercise therapy and actively form healthy lifestyle skills at any age, which, of course, helps prolong their active longevity. Exercise therapy in the elderly and senile age is not only possible, but also necessary to maintain and strengthen one's health, increase the adaptive capabilities of the whole organism, as well as improve psycho-emotional state person.

To implement this program, it is necessary to carry out propaganda among the elderly population in order to consciously form healthy lifestyle skills, develop a network of health groups, sections of physiotherapy exercises in cities and rural settlements, carry out an individual approach to each patient when compiling sets of exercise therapy exercises, taking into account age and the existing somatic pathology. Conducting classes should be carried out under the supervision of specialists, which requires an increase in the number of physical therapy doctors who will exercise medical supervision of this group of patients.


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Lesson 5.

Topic: Physical activity and exercise therapy for the elderly

Motor activity and exercise therapy

for elderly and senile people.

The level of vital activity of the organism during age development, life expectancy depend on two opposite tendencies: on the one hand, extinction, metabolic and functional disorders; on the other hand, the inclusion of adaptation mechanisms. Motor activity is considered one of the stimulators of life extension, and a comprehensive functional load of the organs and systems of an aging organism by maintaining motor activity is a kind of “protection” against premature aging, a means of structural improvement of tissues and organs.

Physical activity is the most important prerequisite for maintaining the functional ability of an aging organism.
^ The goals and objectives of therapeutic physical culture are:
training of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus.

Improving the function of the central nervous system.




Intensive training.

By age, elderly and senile people are divided into 4 groups;

Pre-retirement: women - 50 - 55 years old,

Men - 55 - 60 years.

Elderly - 60-74 years old

Senile - 76-89 years old

Long-livers > 90 years.

For persons of these age groups, I, II and III motor modes are used.

Age group

Motor mode

50-55 years old(women)

55-60 years (men)



75-89 years old

Characteristics of physical exercises in various motor modes

Initial position


Tempo (number of repetitions)

Gentle mode (I)

Alternate straight leg raises

Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt

Tilt to the right with the left hand raised. The same to the left with the right hand raised.

Standing, legs apart, hands down

Circular movements of the arms 8 times in each direction.

Lying on your back, arms to the side

With the toe of the right foot, touch the floor on the left, turning the pelvis, return to the starting position. The same on the other side.

Gentle training mode (II)

Standing, feet together, hands on the belt

Circular movements of the body alternately in each direction

Standing, hands on the belt

Lean forward (back straight) up to 90 and straighten up

Go to a sitting position, return to the starting position.

Basic stance (legs together, arms along the body)

Hands up - inhale, lower your hands, leaning forward and half-crouching - exhale

Training mode (III)

Main rack

Sipping with tension of the arms and torso, rising on toes

Sitting on the floor, legs straight, arms behind

Raise the pelvis, straightening the torso, return to the starting position.

Lying on your back, arms along the body

Hands in an arc back behind the head and with intense pulling of the socks away from you (traction), return to the starting position - relax.

Main rack

Raise the leg, touching the toe with your hands, return to the starting position. Raise the bent leg, joining the hands under the legs, return to the starting position.

The exercise therapy session consists of three parts:




The introductory part is walking in different versions with and without additional hand movements, breathing exercises. The movements included in the introductory part should contribute to a moderate revival of the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and create a cheerful mood. All exercises of the introductory part, especially for the elderly and senile, should be simple, easy to perform and performed at a slow or medium pace. The duration of the introductory part is 5-10 minutes.

The main part includes exercises of the most diverse nature, which have a general and special effect on the body. The tasks of the general influence on the body are resolved by exercises that strengthen and train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase metabolism, tone up nervous system, contribute to the emergence of positive emotions.

The task of a special impact is solved by exercises for setting up correct breathing (expiratory phase), exercises that develop the mobility of the spine, correcting posture defects, exercises for the abdominal press, preventing lethargy of the gastrointestinal apparatus. Exercises are used in stretching and relaxing muscles, in balance, including game elements to improve coordination. Duration - 25-30 minutes.

Final part. The exercises included in this part provide a gradual decrease in the excitability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, creating favorable conditions for the recovery period and rest. For the same purpose, slow walking, exercises, breathing and relaxation are used.

The duration of this part is 5-10 minutes.

Mode #1

(age 50-55 years)

Lesson section

Initial position


Duration (min.)


Walking at a normal pace with gradual acceleration and deceleration. Elementary physical exercises for the arms and torso alternate with dynamic breathing exercises in a ratio of 1:3

Rhythmic, at a calm pace. Perform exercises freely, with medium and large range of motion in the joints.


Elementary exercises for arms, legs, torso on various axes.

Alternate exercises correctly with breathing dynamic exercises.

Exercises in throwing and passing balls and medicine balls, relaxation of the muscle groups of the arms and legs. Sedentary ball games and short runs.

Alternate with breathing and exercises to lower extremities. Diversify the ways of throwing and transferring gymnastic objects. Regulate the emotional reactivity of patients, include pauses for rest and breathing exercises.


Walking with a normal step and complicated, exercises to relax the muscles of the trunk of the arms, legs, breathing static exercises.

Walking rhythmically, at a calm pace.

Total 40-45

Mode #2

(age 60-74 years old)

Lesson section

Initial position


Duration (min.)


Sitting on a chair

Elementary gymnastic exercises for arms and legs

Perform exercises freely, alternating them with breathing, dynamic exercises.


Exercises for arms, legs with a large amplitude. Lightweight exercises for the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles.

Avoid straining and disturbing the rhythm of breathing. After relatively difficult physical exercises - deep breathing.

Walking is simple, in different directions at a calm pace. Breathing exercises.

Follow the rhythm of breathing


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for the arms, legs and torso. Breathing, dynamic, then static exercises.

Total 30-35

(age 75-89 years)

Lesson section

Initial position


Duration (min.)


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for the arms and legs combined with exercises for the trunk and breathing.

Perform exercises rhythmically. Smoothly, at a calm pace. Don't hold your breath. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1: 3


Exercises for medium and large muscle groups of the arms, legs and torso, combined with dynamic breathing and relaxation exercises for muscle groups

Perform exercises freely, with a large range of motion in the joints. The pace is slow. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1:3.

sitting and standing

Exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements, combined with exercises for relaxing muscle groups.

To achieve the most complete relaxation of the muscles, the exercises for training the vestibular apparatus should be correctly combined with the phases of breathing.

Exercises for arms, legs, torso with the inclusion of swing movements, exercises for coordination.

Perform exercises freely, at an average pace. Don't hold your breath.


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for arms and legs combined with physical exercises to relax muscle groups and breathing.

Breathing is free, deep, rhythmic. The pace of the exercises is slow.

Mode #4

(centenarians over 90 years old)

Lesson section

Initial position


Duration (min.)


Walking at a normal pace with gradual acceleration and deceleration. Combine walking with elementary hand exercises.

The pace is average, do not hold your breath


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for small, medium and large muscle groups, arms, legs and torso in combination with breathing exercises

Perform exercises freely with a large range of motion in the joints. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1: 4

Exercises with moderate static and dynamic effort, including exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements.

Perform exercises rhythmically, at an average pace, correctly combined with the phases of breathing. Follow your posture.


Walking at a normal pace, calm, with elementary exercises for arms and legs, combined with relaxation and breathing exercises

Breathing is free and deep. The pace of the exercises is slow.


To limit the negative effects of aging and targeted impact on the body, sets of physical exercises are used that improve the mechanisms of regulation and activity of the heart and expand the range of motion in the joints and spine of the elderly.

To strengthen the heart and expand the range of its work from a minimum at rest to a maximum in a load, exercises that develop endurance are used: dosed walking, health-improving running, cycling, swimming, etc. To “rejuvenate” the joints and intervertebral cartilage, loads are used that expand the range of motion in them. When performing these exercises, it is recommended to follow a number of rules: before performing a set of exercises for the joints, a 3-5 minute general warm-up (it may consist of walking and breathing exercises); repetition in the first lessons of each exercise 3-4 times with a small "amplitude, gradually increasing the number of repetitions up to 10-15 times or more; expanding the range of motion after mastering the technique of performing the exercise; performing exercises daily, with a total duration of 7-15 minutes (it is necessary to constantly monitor breathing ); when pain appears, the load stops, rest for 5-7 minutes and continue exercising again. Exercise complexes can be developed independently, but it is better, especially for beginners to practice for the first time, to take the advice of specialists.

The proposed complex uses simple, easy-to-perform exercises that are accessible to everyone.

* Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on your knees, raise your shoulders - inhale, lower - exhale; relax, breathing is calm, shallow (repeat Zraza).

* Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on the knees, squeeze the hands, while raising the toes of the legs towards you (average pace, repeat 8-10 times).

* Exercise Z. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on knees, alternately take the straightening arm to the side and return to its original position (slow pace, repeat 3 times with each hand).

* Exercise 4. Sitting on a chair, bending your legs, holding your hands on the back of the chair from behind, alternately unbend your right and left legs, sliding your feet along the floor (medium pace, repeat 4 times with each leg).

* Exercise 5. Sitting on a chair, raise your right hand up - inhale, lower - exhale (slow pace, repeat 3 times with each hand).

* Exercise 6. Sitting on a chair, turn the torso with the spread of the arms to the sides (the pace is slow, repeat 3-4 times in each direction).

* Exercise 7. Standing sideways to the chair, with one hand holding the back of the chair from above, perform swing movements with the opposite arm and leg back and forth; the same, standing on the other side (swings are performed freely, without tension, repeat 6-8 times).

* Exercise 8. Stand at arm's length from the chair and, leaning on the back, slowly sit down - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale (repeat 6-8 times).

* Exercise 9. Sitting on a chair, hands on knees, perform circular movements with the foot, touching the toe of the floor (repeat 4-8 times with each foot).

* Exercise 10. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees, alternately raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale (repeat 3-4 times with each hand).

* Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees, alternately reduce and spread your heels and toes for 4 counts (voluntary breathing, repeat 8-12 times).

* Exercise 12. Sitting on a chair, straighten your legs, lower your arms, lean back in the chair, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds.

This complex is performed daily for 10-12 days. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of movement when performing exercises 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. They are difficult for people with stiffness in the joints, but they should not be excluded from the complex, but on the contrary, they should be achieved by repeating each separately several times. once a day.

^ After 10-12 days, the complex is complicated by the introduction of special exercises for the necks, which are performed while sitting on a chair:

1 slowly turn their head to the right and left;

2 slowly tilt the head to the left and right;

3 slowly tilt the head forward and backward;

4 head movements forward and backward;

5 head rotations with lowered and raised shoulders;

Straighten your legs, lower your arms, lower your arms, lean back in your chair, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds. Neck exercises are especially useful for people with spinal osteochondrosis, they reduce or reduce headaches, pain in the region of the heart. When performing them, they observe a slow pace, achieving a full range of motion, repeating each position 3 times.

As you master the described exercises, personal experience motor activity, which is used to develop new sets of exercises. Initially, it includes exercises without weights: squats, bends, jumps, arm rotations, leg swings, etc.; exercises with a stick are very good, they help to develop coordination of movements and mobility in the joints. Then exercises with dumbbells, balls, rubber shock absorbers are added, which develop muscle strength and endurance. When developing sets of exercises, it is necessary to take into account your motor capabilities, you do not need to rush to force the load (only a gradual increase, the consistent inclusion of more and more complex exercises will provide a healing effect); do not wait for the onset of a healing effect immediately, only after a month of systematic daily exercises you will feel vivacity, freedom of movement, a desire to exercise; be sure to include in the complex an exercise that is especially difficult for you. Performing complexes of physical exercises, do not forget that this is absolutely not enough for an active motor regime. Along with the complexes, use walking, health-improving running, elements of sports games, outdoor games and other loads. Combining them with hardening, remembering self-control, you can be sure of the healing, “rejuvenating” effect of the chosen motor regimen.

Annex 5.1.

We will pass a test that will help you understand the state of your body, discover its strengths and weaknesses and thereby draw a conclusion about your physical abilities, choose the sport that suits you best.
^I. Breathing
1. Do you smoke?
No - 5 points
Up to 5 cigarettes per day - 4
Up to 10 cigarettes per day - 3
More than 20 cigarettes daily - 0

2. Do you get short of breath when you walk fast? After a few meters - 1 point
After a few hundred meters - 3
After a few kilometers - 4

3. How do you breathe after walking up to the third floor?
Fairly even - 2 points
Out of breath - 1

4. When you play sports, what makes you stop to take a break?
Difficulty breathing - 2 points
Tired muscles - 4

5. How long can you stay underwater without breathing?
A few seconds - 1 point
30 seconds - 3
45 seconds - 4
More than a minute - 5

6. Do you know how to restore breathing after intense physical exercises, loads?
No - 0 points
Only sometimes - 2
Quite often - 3


From 23 to 16 points. You have no difficulty breathing. It perfectly adapts to your work and sports activities. You can play any sport with complete peace of mind: basketball, volleyball, tennis, cycling, swimming, surfing, water skiing, scuba diving... The choice is yours!

From 15 to b points. You need to develop, train your breathing. We offer you a great exercise: jumping rope every day for 10 minutes. It is very important to learn how to breathe correctly, to take a full breath and exhale. We recommend you moderate physical activity, but at the same time make more efforts, do all the exercises carefully, regularly. We advise you to take up cycling, cross-country running, swimming.

5 points or less. You don't know how to breathe properly. And before you do any kind of sport, you have to learn how to "storage" the air, prepare your lungs. Walk more. Every morning and evening, do the following exercise: while lying down, inhale deeply and exhale completely; straining the press, you train, develop it. Do this exercise 20 times. When your lung capacity increases, you will be able to take up tourism. Long walks and hikes over rough terrain and in the fresh air calm the nervous system, make it possible to breathe freely.
^ P. Aerobic capacity
1. Do you walk?
Never - 0 points
Sometimes - 1
Regularly 1 km per day - 2
From 1 to 3 km per day - 3
Over 3 km daily - 4

2. Do you do any of the following sports during your weekends: cycling, swimming or running?
Never - 0 points
Sometimes - 2
Regularly - 4

3. How long have you been doing any of the above sports?
Half an hour - 2 points
From half an hour to 1 hour - 3
Over an hour - 4

4. Can you talk when you are walking, running or cycling fast?
Yes - 2 points
No - 0

5. What is the approximate distance you can cover in 12 minutes of walking, jogging?
Over 2.6 km - 5 points
From 2 to 2.6 km - 4
From 1.7 to 2 km - 3
From 1.5 to 1.7 km - 2
Less than 1.5 km - 1


19 to 12 points. You have an energetic, active nature, you know how to give your muscles and heart the best "fuel" - oxygen. Not only can you play any sport, you have reason to consider taking up sport seriously. Run at your normal pace for several kilometers, then jerk up the pace for a distance of 100 - 200 meters. So you will develop even more stamina and be able to run faster. It would be useful for you to ride a bicycle to work and shops. In summer, on the river, on the sea, run on the sand, swim as much as possible. If you're in the mountains, try cycling through difficult sections and up steep slopes.

11 to 6 points. You can do some sports, but first you need to develop your aerobic abilities more in the main types: cycling, swimming, running. Be patient and persistent. When you run or ride a bike, get into the habit of talking to your comrades. Breathe deeply and evenly, try not to suffocate. Do not forget that real physical activity begins only after 20 minutes of vigorous activity.

5 points or less. Develop your program, which includes daily walking from 2 to 5 km, alternating it with cross-country running. Schedule a half-hour of cycling or swimming each day, and then gradually increase the duration and distance. But if such intense loads exceed your capabilities, then first limit yourself to jump rope exercises or give up the elevator and climb the stairs on foot. After a while, try cycling, swimming, and running again. The effect will not be slow to affect.
^iii. body flexibility
1. Put your feet together and slowly lean towards the floor.
You touch the floor with your palms - 4 points
Fingertips - 3
You don't reach the floor - 0

2. Legs straight, shoulder width apart. Lean left and right without moving your pelvis.
You touch the calves - 4 points
Get to the knee - 3
Do not reach the knee - 0

3. Lying on your back, put your legs behind your head.
Touch the floor with straight legs - 4 points
Touch with slightly bent legs - 3
Bent legs - 2
Can't reach the floor - 0


12 to 8 points. You have enviable flexibility. To keep fit, we recommend that you do gymnastics, sports dancing, swimming.

7 to 4 points. You probably had flexibility as a child. Then let me give you one piece of advice: alternate power sports (basketball, volleyball, handball...) with softer ones, such as tennis, gymnastics, sports dancing, swimming. Thus, you will return to its former shape.

3 or less points. Alas, you do not have sufficient flexibility. And you feel it yourself Everyday life. Choose sports activities that develop flexibility and muscles - gymnastics, sports dancing, yoga, swimming. These sports will also help you develop a sense of balance. But do not overexert yourself, proceed from your capabilities. Only patience and long training will restore your flexibility.
^IV. jumping ability
1. Collect your legs, swing your arms and jump forward from a place. How far did you jump?
120 cm - 2 points
160 cm - 3
180 cm - 4
200 cm and more - 5

2. Feet together, stand against the wall, raised above your head with your right hand, measure the height with chalk. Then jump up and make a second mark. How far above the first mark did you jump?
25 cm - 1 point
For 25 - 30 cm - 2
At 30 - 40 cm - 3
For 40 - 50 cm - 4
More than 50 cm - 5


10 to 6 points. You are jumpy, energetic. We recommend you any kind of outdoor sports: volleyball, basketball, swimming, athletics. This is a good workout for the respiratory apparatus and the heart. But don't overwork!

5 points or less. Unfortunately, your success here is modest. Work out first with the rope, jump more, but with collected legs, at least 5 minutes a day. When you walk or run, then jump over the obstacles that you meet on your way: fallen trees, ditches, garden benches, low fences. Jump trying to grab the leaves of the trees (without picking them off, of course). Play volleyball or basketball. And the results will not be slow to tell.
^v. Your muscles
1. Do your muscles hurt after exercise?
Always - 2 points
Sometimes - 3 Never - 4

2. Do you experience pain in your legs when you ski or ride a bike?
Always - 2 points
Sometimes - 3
Never - 4

3. Do your feet hurt when you walk several floors?
Sometimes - 2 points
Never - 3

4. Do you have muscle spasms?
Often - 1 point
Rarely or never - 2

5. Do you feel pain in your arms and shoulders when you swim or ride a bike?
Often - 2 points
Sometimes - 3
Never - 4

6. Can you do things with your hands up high without difficulty?
Yes - 3 points
No - 0

7. Try to squat on one leg, keeping the other straight, without helping with your hands.
You have successfully completed this exercise - 4 points
Completed it, but lost balance - 3
Done, helping yourself with your hand - 2
Failed to complete - 0

8. Do you feel back pain 2-3 hours after exercise?
Always - 1 point
Sometimes - 2
Never - 3


From 27 to 20 points. Your muscles are in good condition. Do the sport that interests you the most. But do not forget to make hiking cross-country, hiking in the mountains. This will increase muscle strength.

19 to 10 points. You still need to develop your muscles. Actively exercise with kettlebells and dumbbells that strengthen muscles. Play more volleyball or basketball, do more gymnastic exercises.
^ 9 points or less. You must admit that your muscular system is underdeveloped. Take advantage of your summer vacation and do 30 to 45 minutes of gymnastic exercises at least twice a week. But the load must be increased gradually to avoid the appearance of exhaustion and muscle spasm. After the holidays, continue your studies even more intensively, but without forgetting a minute of rest. And swim more - the water wonderfully massages tired muscles and soothes you.